Night Time Activity: Blindfolded Shape Creating

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Night time activity

Night time activity will consist of a treasure hunt simulation, where they will be given clues
to find the final treasure, and some games. Skills tested during this phase of the camp are
their knot knowledge, morse code, mgr reading and orienteering skills.

1. Patrols will each be given a “kit” of items:

a) A toilet roll
b) A map of the school with MGR labels
c) A compass
d) A small hand carry bag
e) A table of morse code
*Scouts are expected to bring their own flashlights
2. Patrols will have to find their way around the school with clues provided to them, and
complete activities to receive more clues.
Activity 1 – Treasure Hunt:
1. Sudoku solving ( Sudoku will give an MGR of the next location )
2. Tying knots and explaining use ( another MGR will be given after they
complete the task )
3. Blindfolded shape creating ( 5 strips of paper with the next location will
be given to them. The only way to read the strip of paper is to coil it
around the toilet roll )
4. Obstacle Course ( Morse code to final location will be given upon
clearing )
5. First patrol to reach end point get to decide their role for next game
Location: Around the school – Concourse, Basketball court, scout den,
amphitheatre, track etc
Duration: 1.5 hour max
Manpower: 2 facilitators that will follow the patrols around
Detailed plan and activity description:

Blindfolded Shape creating:

Scouts will be blindfolded and each of the scouts will hold on to a part of a lashing
that has been tied into a circle. One scout will not be blindfolded and is in charge of
instructing the other scouts how to form the shape. The twist is, the scout giving
instructions must give it in parade commands: kiri pusing, tiga lankah keblakang
gerak …

Duration: Until each person has commanded and properly formed the shape/
30mins max.
Obstacle Course:
An obstacle course will be set up beside the hall. The scouts will have to
manoeuvre back and forth the obstacle course. Each time a scout touches a rope or
any element of the course they are not meant to touch, they restart to the starting
point. There will be checkpoints in the course.
The clues (in the form of Morse Code) will be separated and hidden inside the
obstacle course
Duration: 30minutes maximum
Activities leading to Locations:
1. Basketball court
2. Concourse
3. Classroom lockers -> Hall
4. Amphitheatre
2x Map of school with MGR labels
2x Compass
2x Sudoku puzzle
4x Toilet Rolls
10x Clue strip

Activity 3:
Classroom furnishing:
1. Scouts will be given 1 minute to look around classroom A and memorise how the
items are arranged.
2. Scouts will be directed to classroom B and are expected to re-arrange classroom B to
look like classroom A in 5 minutes
Total duration: 10minutes / patrol
Location: 2 classrooms
Blind Cartography:

1. Let participants into an empty classroom, where various large objects are placed in
random locations. Give them 1 minute to examine the room and the position of the
2. After 1 minute, turn off the lights in the room and bring the scouts outside, and tell
them to draw a map of the class as a patrol (being lenient on the scale).
3. The group can send 1 person in blindfolded to walk around the room and try to ‘feel’
the objects to deduce the positions.
Total duration: 10minutes / patrol
Location: Classroom A

Total time: 20 minutes

*Patrols will take turns to do the different activities

Activity 4: 1hr – 1hr20mins

Manpower : 1 game master, 2 facilitators, 1 first aider
Location: Classroom
Circle Tag – 10mins
Scouts will be formed into a circle, facing their right. The goal of the game is to tag
out the person before them, until everyone has been tagged out.
Musical chairs – 10mins
Scouts will be run around in a circle while music is being played and when the music
stops, they have to sit down
Charades – 10-20mins
Group Kahoot – Scout Members – 20mins – Ding Yang
Hot Potato – 5-10mins
Scouts sit in a circle and keep passing a ball around until the music stops. The person
holding the ball will be out of the game, and the game continues until only one person is
left standing.
Resistance – 10-20mins
Resistance is a card game played in groups of 6-8, so the scouts will be split into their
patrols. The game then proceeds. The game has an initial round, where the players get their
cards, which symbolise their roles. Red card would mean spy and black card would mean
resistance. The goal of the game is to win 3 out of 5 rounds for the team they have been

Each round, it starts with a person electing who will be going on the mission. The
scouts will then take a vote to decide whether the decision is passed. If the decision is
passed, it proceeds to the 2nd phase. If voting fails, the person on the right gets to elect who
will go on the mission. If every voting phase fails in the round, the spies will win.
2nd phase. The 2nd phase consists of the players on the mission to play a card of their
choice, either red or black. The cards played are completely anonymous until the reveal, so
nobody will know who played which card.
2nd phase. To win the 2nd phase, the spies will need to have at least one red, while
the resistance needs every card played to be black to win. Once the 2 nd phase is over, the
game moves on to the next round, for a total of 5 rounds.
The goal of the game is to teach the scouts how to discern someone who is telling the
truth and someone who is lying. This can prepare them for their leadership roles, as they will
be better equipped for leading.

Patrol Kit:

Item Quantity / Patrol Quantity Total Use

Toilet Roll 2 4 To decode
Small Notebook 1 2 Contains:
-A List of inventory
w/ missing
-A page of morse
code + a morse
code phrase saying
“odd one out”

-A short tutorial on
Also to take down
notes etc
Map of School w/ 1 2 To navigate around
MGR school
Compass 1 2 To navigate around
Pack of HB Pencils 1 2 Writing materials
Erasers 3 6 Writing materials
Blank A4 paper 20 40 Writing materials
Deck of Cards 1 2 For activity 4
Lashing 5 10 For activity 1
Folder 1 2 For storage of
Sudoku puzzle 1 2 For clue

Night time activity logistics

Item Quantity / patrol Quantity Total Use

Number lock 1 2 To lock locker
Blindfold 8 16 For activity 1
Lashings - - For obstacle course
Clue Strip 5 10 Only one is right
Morse Code clues - 8 Each clue will be
Scouts cannot
remove it from
obstacle course

Planned items:
MGR: 188165 – Basketball Court
Unsolved(to be given):



Clue strip number Clue Leading to

1 (O) Room 05 B2-05
2 (O) Block B Locker 12
3 (O) Level 2
4 (O) Locker 12

5 (O) It’s in the bag
1 (S) Room 13 E6-13
2 (S) Block E Locker 20
3 (S) Level 5
4 (S) Locker 20
5 (S) It’s in the bag
Locker 12(O) +3 E5-08 Locker 15
Locker 20(S) -2 B4-11 Locker 18
E5-08 Locker 15 This place has 6 front doors Hall
B3-11 Locker 18 This place has 6 front doors Hall
Morse Code 1 1. Classroom Amphitheatre
Morse Code 2 2. Campsite
Morse Code 3 3. Amphitheatre
Morse Code 4 4. Hostel
Morse Code 5 5. Field
Morse Code 6 6. Tent
Morse Code 7 7. Shelter
Morse Code 8 8. E1-05
MGR from knots Concourse
MGR for Sudoku Basketball Court

*Check if these places exist

School Map with MGR:

1. Basketball court ABC DEF
2. Hall
3. Classroom lockers
4. Amphitheatre

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