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30. Behaviorism in the History of Psychology Tehuvioriny ic eqn with cee a she aad of tv, I i hrf, die rete ron he ize pyc nonerenecae Wao cane Ie ner of poyhaogy, 6 din pr of tein re ded ta fe Tn emering upon a discussion of the place of eavoram ia the hisroy of| payehology Tam strongly renin, an [want to rein you of igs Famous comparative desrgcion ofthe to tbls, “The frst able, you recall isthe mtn abject of everyday life, a ob iectthat not only does nat cole when yo lean pon iba ade pa ‘coherent sold sobstances,itelaing endorng coor as wells ace and eet ‘qualities The secon able the siete, x enily diferent. Te consis rosly of emptiness teming with letrc charges moving about wit erst sec. By comas with the raw materials ofthe Familie table, the acetic ‘able is ase on such raw material a ther, clone, gn, pote an ianltenian fagtons. We are wo strongly reinded of Ekingeo's ew bles because when we concer oiscves with behavior in psjholosy see ate amalogoaly alle ypon to dsiaguish two rela util diferent movenes “The fists the fata so-alled Watsonanbehaviorism, whe erga goes ‘ck to several acces pblisbed by Watson in 1913. Watsnin beacon Jas been eatvated mostly by psyehologse who have devon tesneles to the sy of learning in animals expecially white rat. Iyousaning chat teristic isthe rejection ofthe introspective et of sscvation alo with ‘mental stats which oie sucha method fo thir stay. Weasonian baie jam palo retve dissolves the psyehoegieal even ino neural, scl, snd glanle sce ofthe nga, “The second desericion of behaviovism, the ape we may egal asthe x ‘enti ene is mach mote sigan, Ts ce lass upon pei tein fr department of shal be pon the whl eteprise af invesigaion. Py chological behavioram, when sciemiically described is roe in many i ‘ete events in the history of science. Te the prot of ermpex evchion ‘hough many centuries, an eli infencd by he contingencies of diverse bot inereltd societies, As we dl ee; Wateonin behavior i onl one inciene inthe long excution of psychologic! chavocsm, "Asi is cue ak to dserbe and eve the place of tedavorsn i the history of poychology, we mus define behaviors clearly. By behaviors we \sileany af en May n-ne was de real at Wenoy Woshogen Se Ct at the Utes f Wastin ral pens toe al ‘ce hive bam alc sone te enc oy at einen iitassntnnasesssisiiaiiail suernan ne say of ne oenaio ore conyrnne NEF Proves ts ‘he tenn "behaviors sequen othe ten “cence” Te anteonom, behavior i che sly ofthe interaction of stars ne anes, alvies and celestial rani. In pis, batons is the stay of ‘aviow atts, abjecss,or peperte of abject; For example, moving bis, ‘erry, eaten, magnetic ateacion, and atoms al dhe coment eect Charges. In biology, behavior sigs thatthe invertiator oberves the lehavioe of mele ace, cell organs, ant organisms, a wll a8 Frio gan poceres such a8 pheaynihest etabelinm, growth, eeprdection, and disimegrain. In psychology, behavior ithe say oF the teractions of organisns wit ether organisms or objects; in edher words, the sobject inane of the scence of psjchology canes of defnite confrenrble events jurado the sabjees mates ofthe eter scenes. Pycholgial beavis ‘then, the vestigation of els of action which occ inthe se spatio- rperal framework atthe rojo matters tail by any othe ote scenes fare inthis espoct Mente withthe at ofthe thes sciences Now I propose the hypothesis thatthe volition of behavior nthe istry of psyhology is basically the recon of the discipline’ effets to achieve ‘centiie satu, ap soit becomes or tak to tae the various ep in tht ‘colin. We soprest that an examination of che evolution of pacha ‘nha eeveals atleast six stecelted pris, each of which hale te stark upon beth the tsiion and scence of pryetology I say tation ant sence beease iis at unfortunate facta psfhoog unlike osher sciences, Jas never completely seyurstl lf fom is non-stralie traton, Poy thology has no, like astronomy, lef behind the stole pase of 3 Winery. ‘tus arn now tothe ix eras of psychological beavis; here are the rames which we ue to characterize uhm bie ‘Archaic o Nave Blavocism| ‘Aibehaviviam . Prsbehavioim Protbehaviri Wacronian Behnorism Atiete Behavorian, Inrrbchaiorsn, Fil Behaviorism “To the qustion where aml when authentic hcivoram or scenic py= hogy originate, e fo a ready anver it began with Ariel ad oer scien inthe fourth ccnury B.C. Ofcourse, Astle fa no iination of ence called peycholy, but in bis biological work he inpired ito the activites of organisms among which he includ, besides the metabolic pro- esses and tepeaucio, such psycholoial behave a sensing, remembering, rang, hnking, and dreaming. Whats signicat heres that he epee those psa actin ae ways in which plans and animal nese withthe things anstinring thie environments, For exarpe in describing ‘ison asa sensory phenomenon he specifi the acvity of each ofthe cme oe, @) the teasing ergainn with ie sone ongu, (2) the vse obj Sethi cole, and (2) 2 tanparee mio Bese they hati ht ‘At this pine we most teste to ment hat Aristo ha no inkling of what has ler been pola ax mena psy epescattves of obec In essence Aristoc's psychology was completely narrsicc though ob. ‘ously ie was bound to be naive and extremely simple. An aositance with the details of psychological history pechles the view eat Beas we 2m invention of Wtsen or anyene inthe tertcth cour. At this pe ‘wane toad the soprestion tha whatever Flings my be atrbued to he Blyscs and eter seca sues of Astle, they’ ono coan again it sas a6 2 psychologist Before we leave this ist pri it sould be meena tht the mtraic iewpoine darsterisc fee Greck pryhology ita definite election of he Felavly safe and score economic at plies caine whch are da fo te replaced by ameter and very diferent typeof social fe an sence The lorcu ein of Athens sen grve way tothe clare of Alena of the Poles. Andt was in Aletandra that prt ant mene ha hi fist tiga i Wester Furopean ce (Or ext period, which we call anitcavoram, aad which isthe logs in rite of ime, covers more than seventeen centuries, from te secnd Cen) BC tothe fiteath century A.D. Ietay be epaal anepey eco Fran the sandpoin of achievement: However, i not merely gay bu relly negative pave since what i lacks inthe way of selene Is subsite fr by feligioas speculates which have exec great infvene upon siete hott and have peovd s general entra background that hae pete fe the second ceary B.C to this very meron, eis anibeavii which is the basis and case forthe exence of tains at proble and Aocttne in the history of psyehlogy’ and of wien, ‘Suc were the cultural conan of theses period tha scence a the free investigation of eonfrntable events pete dsnpearey while the ulation ofthe tie bocame replete sith regis aml transcendental pee ‘ccuptions, This is he era ofthevkgy al sapereesmiceogtion. Ill tual imerests were del concerned ith problems of moral al reigns type Knowle ofthe maurl weld had given way empletly toa eres inthe sopemmundanedeainy of min, The primary pursuit ofthe ate i he search for the best means of coma salvation The prob of saving cle eclipsed all eoncern fo the afi of the acon wor nd cree experince. “Ths viewpojr i excellently serio by the ements of St. Angin a his Confeobe. He writer: Ant mn go shou o wont the eh of asin te oy illus of hee, ‘hele corso rer thera onus of the oe became Stun and yes heater bor wonder hat whe I pe fal hee ge ‘ann ily lee aod wae wee aa ho a whi Treo, aw inary myer. Ya, witha sce ete 8s vey a ho ates. Weed Uy ast thn i se by sg, whe a with ig ees I tel st Ne are he hing teas now itn he ager oh el Ad Tint tsb what em ofthe ny ec a pre pose arnt only was sins cst se in fino of regions poss. “Tere was cipolen hon toward i Se wae egal atl ed sepofble nthe feof th pressing Sal for tral cai at pre ral ising the course of al this pesccpmtion with the sperma, with secon nd with terion fan co God he aco a deri Chung pveology twas spr and aay fo he erete ase of tcptans each ter ant cer rnin hinge, The spt pei inh ae nf orign of oneal tung, yrds of ice ‘liane things nd press, Man ne wa vidio uaa rape par th raf wiih tthe ta fer ops) con src of entity, cocoons, experens seston, ad ter pec irs melancholy to eerve how fe psychologists realize that the model they aloe for interes pyogenes diet dive fom the Sauer ea THs tue mel ofthe men, ss of the telat tear, wh docs, However, cai amir efeces ‘ore in he cae of sao an peel proces han he ease bits tnd King Bor bth eyes of erage ogre with esis that tebe move co the talons lero by payhsugy than to scenic set There ean ben drt thatthe deepen of sng” exper ing color as smecing outing wn tps tenia inch rin is bas ao the sprite ses engenerl nthe aeichavcine cs. We Sal deal farther wh hs ype of description Ine. eke ii lest tit pclae ar reinforce in tse we of ic ‘chins onary the et Wat pict ant pido abo we thom Thon sh scans bse pylons howe lol stot router snp les he coerene of cle: One bank of sce ‘Sfocnes anther, Bass here isthe fact hat secant since eo tect origin. A close sul of pete Jevcopnet reves tthe (armel of vio tints war bait op bY Newton ait Opt “This motel was add by doe pisos who ltr developed psychology sa spec. One of te ret vals of the hiory of cen t,he sii wrx urs et eleoceming he cgi fer concep the, to velo the sts th ht eds ack mall ions of mee), 2. See Angin, Cafe, Bask 1. private experience, sensations, ad des tothe spt rain ofthe mt Eetavioram ped. e wat tat resis pevied which hs given vse w the tifieation of the universe The anibhaviritic ero ithe ie when en Seughe for the naa of elit and coll no in ein the confrneable eves that cold be observed with varying depres of fait. Accordingly, hey tail up the non tae realy was 4 worl Behind the appetrance, Realy was hien an uneeble except rough de malian of the spit or thes From hs deaisfctons ith the ditclie an rubles ofthe fiir worl an Trem hi hoe of beter i o cme, aniihavorve man rete the Aichotomies of subjective an objective, ofthe internal an the exterral weeks, ‘of mud and body and of the primary and secomtary qualities, in sum the whole ideas or spins philosophy. Whar is of importance tous a his pois the conimity of hiory. Ove Aero pei rene lated eis, They ae ak na in, What te CGreck an Latin church fathers seroghe for social and eis porpne— sheargumeats of Terlian the parables of Philo, ce costs of Ponds —lve fom nthe comatret fil and intcapectvecomscionens. The sbjiity jul yess ofS Again bese the stage of Deseo hs Thigh the spism ofthe anibcavornic period liv and lives 0 Aid, of eure, change in various ways, As erly 2 the thirteenth cemiy the thiners bo were exclusively professcnl or lay churchmen began to allo femme place to nom theolgiealsbjzes. ‘They aloped the moto that matte ‘oul not be despised despite ll the vals dat accrue to grce, Necle “mg the scholars ofthe day were the Franciean Fae Roger Bacon 2nd te Desninicin snc Alber ant Thomas, Al these shoe a remarkable ier imonce agin salying naturel things od events alongside thecogiel wlan, they ths hepa to fene interes i Uehaiorsm or seince. Se. Thr ‘pecially, deserves crit for reseralicing Arno’ pyle to Wester Erope,alhouh bth io language and doctrine he ransmed ie conform to the prin atone of his ne Although authentic Beavivim dees no again merge uni he ewer ey, there are itervals which ans be reandl as conenons whan ina gemine seme preparatory to authentic behaviors. We have na these perinde"Prebchavior and "Protbehasoron.”Fssntily they reeset the acon sprtise doctrine as motif by ates to reject ae refte the overwcming dominance ofthe mental, Thus these ew period eal fo ‘wand oshavierisn Ia preteavieriam we dings hte separate ut nterrltd stages, The firs stage represents an atempeto naturale the spiioe soul Here see of the east arguments tt science, the study of ature, must beenagel 0 ‘ake room for wha as presumed tobe an aspect of rely aon the ‘Gatzandng here are the postions of wh hikers as Desc, Hes, Veiniy aml Spins that the vergence between the nara and he super rural could be ovccome by verbally snorporating spt into nate ot ‘erly making ie idemtal with nau, Thos was bor the ieteratonsm of Descartes, the ieniy doctrine of Spine, and ehe prelim of Leibniz, 2¢ tell as Fle’ seed materia Te second stage of peebchaviorim consists ofa definite change fm the coum nd esl cress dena eae to harsan al eistenologel fencers, Thus inthe seventecath an eighceh centres such thiakers as Lick Hetele, ant Hue tuned psychological or wena peoblems inthe direction of human undrsending and now alge. There is mocha erie in this monement to eabldh an empirical mode of koowlalg beth Beckley tnd He went sofas to abvor acta confomtable exes i the meta reves of human knowledge. On the eter hand, he English empiri move hen departed farther than the ise pebciavorsie mage fom yrely Cesc pins by centering the knowing proces inthe activites ofan, “Thins tru despite te fac hat Bercy doe eniely ely upon buon mena to yoarance knowlege, bat resorted to he iterverion of Gea “The tind sage of the prebchaviorsie pea we ay designate a5 the age fran, This the ae ofthe sel revolts ad the Fnlghermet. AL eis ‘ne we have te comalsve soil events ofthe Amerie al rench rel ‘Now man a social ing came the foes of inert; though sci com rmnities are stil raha dominated by eles ant the well-done ‘hes and pikes are seresed The age ofan marked bythe discovery of the worth apd dignity ofthe human indval and the placing of high value ‘on his felngs and xine "The euteaning docrinal reat of the new humanistic thinking was the itinizaien of the tansendental fevures of ran 36 compared with his Innere or maurlistie axpets The teva aspects of tan were made Sibservien to those of his bay. Le ie this materiale phase of the prebe havior interel which exe a srengialuence onthe ater development sf Watonion bhava, In sommarzing che peichavirtc period in che development of sini sytogy, wenoe in the Sst stage the acco that sprit things can be Brought int jucapsition rth nnoal ings. Naar, ss thet must be fnatgd to accommodate spr. Tht was 4 sep away frm the amibchavioe ise stile that had inca ed spi he rheoogial elm. Tn theese than beings Descartes stereo tae thes con serac with he pineal land, Here to,se mast rel pina’ aecpation of the Jamesin view of {he prominence of bly stun in notional bausior, and also Hobbes 38 seron that che mental mote, Tn the nent sage, the woul was tinfornod fram mere sopermandane

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