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Poem News Break (Form 1) : Meaning

Stanza One
Lin Line Interpretation
1 Now why so loving, The persona, who is the
parent(father/mother), is asking
darling, his/her child the reason for being in
a loving mood
2 And why the sudden kiss? The child does not usually kiss
his/her parent, so the sudden kiss
is a surprise
3 You’d help me with some The persona/parent asks if the
child wants to help him/her
little jobs?
4 For goodness sake, what’s The persona/parent finds the
child’s behaviour quite strange / not
this? normal

Stanza Two
Lin Line Interpretation
1 Your face is clean for The child’s face is normally dirty
but not today
once, dear.
2 Your clothes without a His/her clothes are neat and not
3 You saved your luncheon The persona/parent is shocked that
the child does not spend all the
money? money given to him/her to buy
4 Will wonders never The persona/parent finds it
amazing and still cannot believe
cease? what he/she sees

Stanza Three
Lin Line Interpretation
1 No dropping of your school Usually, the child would just drop
his/her schoolbooks when he/she
books, gets home
2 No shrieking, childish and would be making a lot of
3 Today, you are a lamb, but today, he/she is very well
behaved – just like a lamb
4 Where yesterday a rebel. It was just yesterday when the
child was behaving badly

Stanza Four
Lin Line Interpretation
1 But surely you’re some The persona/parent still cannot
believe that the child is very good
stranger, today – almost like a stranger
2 No rage or hullabaloo. The child is not angry or making a
3 Come closer, let me look, The persona/parent asks the child
to come nearer to him/her
4 Can this be REALLY you? Still, the persona/parent cannot
believe the changes in the child
today (sudden & drastic changes)

Stanza Five
Lin Line Interpretation
1 Now were you struck by The persona/parent asks jokingly if
the child was struck by lightning
lightning (something very tragic or dramatic)
2 Or were you stunned at Or maybe the child was shocked or
surprised by bad sports news
3 Ah…now I see the reason. Now, the persona/parent realises
the reason for the child’s strange
but good behaviour today
4 You’ve brought your school The child has brought home his/her
school report, and from his/her
report! good behaviour, it seems that
he/she does not want to be scolded
by his/her parent

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