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Without a word

you part me from my shirt,

fingers sliding between my skin and
Talk first? I ask, nervous, unsure,
emphatically aroused.
A demure grin kissed reply,
smoldering eyes afire.
Tell me what you like, I prompt,
pulling your hand against my lips.
You just blush, looking down,
chocolate waves of soft hair,
your coy smile turning nervous.
Come here, I’ll show you…
In my lap now,
face to face — 
barely inches away,
the curve of your mouth
confounding me with an inviting
the press of your tongue behind your
I relent and surrender
my lips to yours,
slow smokey kisses,
my words forgotten for the moment
in the warmth of your tongue.
I’ll go first.
I breathe the words over delicate curves,
my mouth at your ear.
Around my neck
encircling me,
your arms tighten as my lips find your
secret spots.
Your hips press against me in sympatic
caressing with slow rhythmic pulses
in time with your breathing.
I want to go down on you, I whisper
after a moment of shy hesitation,
my lips brushing your ear with each
I was too unsure of your response
to say that while looking in your eyes.
For a small moment,
in silent hesitation
your hips give pause for two breaths,
resuming their cadence,
more insistent now,
trembling against me
as my mouth covers your neck in a
tapestry of kisses,
your skin filling my senses
with the scent of vanilla.
You’re sure? you ask in whispered sigh,
enkindling me — a glowing ember
in the heat of the words
between your quickening breaths,
guided by passions,
streaked and shot through with flames.
God, yes, I answer,
my lips still touching your neck,
heart pounding,
blood racing.
In languid moments
I am breathless before your tabernacle,
orchid soft against my kisses,
a beauty without equal.
In no rush I lose myself in your uneven
the tightening of your belly in a gasp and
my hands beneath your hips,
sheets gripped in your white-knuckled
I want to feel you come,
warm against my tongue.
Closer and closer;
some deep part of you,
primal, wild, and beautiful,
fears a faltering rhythm
as you twine your fingers in my hair
urging me against you
on waves of rising momentum
escalating past fears unfounded.
I know this river well,
taking you gently, firmly,
past rapids and shallows
to a grand cascading waterfall,
holding at the crest
as the raging current entreats us,
in buffeting waves,
to join the melt water drop,
drenched in release.
Oh… my…
Your words press through clenched teeth
and gasping breaths
while your leg tremors like a prayer to
Saint Vitus.
The crest is broken
and I am embraced
by the grip of your blushing thighs
my senses wrapped in you
taste, smell, touch, sight,
my hearing filled with your ecstatic sighs
unleashed — 
then growing slowly more quiet
in diminishing waves,
spent and seeking the shore.
In tangled sheets we sprawl,
immediate appetites appeased;
you, naked and glistening,
trembling from aftershocks,
me, in reverie, still tasting you,
like honeysuckle on my lips.
A few moments later
and you’re eyeing me with that coy
laying there on your belly
face half hidden by your pillow.
I caress your freckle specked skin
with the tips of my fingers
from your shoulder down the arch of
your back
to linger among your graceful curves.
At this sweeping brush
across your clandestine beauty,
your eyes close,
while your lips part with a captive
your hips rhythmically pressing
small sultry waves against the bed.
Come here, you demand with a crook of
your finger.
Your smoldering eyes brook no

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