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LO : Show when writers should begin new paragraphs and


Introduction Unit : Paragraphing Name :
Class :
improve previous essay in terms of paragraphing Date :

EDIT THIS Insert paragraph breaks into the text using the symbol “/” to make sure it is clear and has the
desired effects. Think of how the readers can enjoy the writing more if there is proper paragraphing.

The phone call had told her to be there at 8. But by the time
she left the house it had gone 8.30 as she had missed her bus.
When she arrived at the old fairground, it was getting dark and
the wind was gusting quite strongly. She could feel the first
spots of rain on the back of her neck and she was beginning to
regret coming. She pushed open the disused turnstiles and
entered the fairground. No sign of life anywhere, and no sign of
the person who had phoned her. She waited for half-an-hour,
and was just about to go when she heard a sound. What was it?
It seemed hard to believe but it was the rusty merry-go-round
that had creaked noisily into life. At the same time, the rain
began to fall and the Ghost Train’s tunnels howled in the

IMPROVE YOUR OWN WORK Review your previous writing on “a time you were particularly scared”. Using
Usually, writers start new paragraphs when there is a change of
TIME, PERSON, TOPIC or PLACE. This helps writers achieve

your new knowledge about how paragraphs work, think of how that essay can be further improved with better
clarity and effect (e.g. add suspense, surprise the reader, etc)

paragraphing. Choose a section from your writing that can be divided into at least 3 paragraphs. Rewrite it below.
Remember : Paragraphs are not necessarily long. They can be short and contain just one simple sentence.












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