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How To Verify Checksum In Linux

[Beginner Guide]
Last updated April ��, ���� By Munif Tanjim — �� Comments

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1 of 12 4/26/19, 9:56 AM
How to Verify Checksum in Linux [MD5, SHA256...

Brief: This beginner’s guide tells you what is checksum, what are md�,
sha��� or sha-� checksum, why is checksum used and how to verify
checksum in Linux.

What is Checksum?
Checksum is like a digital �ngerprint of a �le. In technical terms,

A checksum is a small-sized datum from a block of

digital data for the purpose of detecting errors which
may have been introduced during its transmission or

Well, checksum is a long string of data containing various letters and

numbers. You’ll generally �nd them while downloading �les from
the web, e.g. Linux distribution image, software packages etc.

Most common use of checksum is in checking if the downloaded �le is


For instance, Ubuntu MATE download page includes SHA��� checksum

for every image available there. So, after you downloaded an image, you
can generate SHA��� checksum for it and verify if the checksum value

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How to Verify Checksum in Linux [MD5, SHA256...

If it doesn’t, that will mean your downloaded image’s integrity is

compromised (maybe it was corrupted during the download process). We
will use Ubuntu Mate “ubuntu-mate-��.��-desktop-amd��.iso” image
�le for this guide.

How is Checksum generated?

Checksum is generated by checksum algorithm. Without going into
technical details let’s say that it takes a �le as input and outputs the
checksum value of that �le. There are various algorithms for generating
checksum. Most popular checksum algorithms are:

Secure Hash Algorithms and variants (SHA-�, SHA-� etc.)

MD� Algorithm

Let’s see how to verify checksum in Linux.

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How to Verify Checksum in Linux [GUI and Command Line]


How to use checksum to verify �le

integrity [GUI way]
If you are looking for graphical solution, you can use GtkHash.

GtkHash is a nifty tool for generating and verifying various checksums. It

supports a wide range of checksum algorithms – including SHA, MD�

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GtkHash supported Checksum Algorithms

Installing GtkHash on Ubuntu

For installing GtkHash on your Ubuntu system, simply run the following

sudo apt install gtkhash

That’s it.

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Suggested read Peppermint OS � Is released

For selecting the checksum algorithms to use:

Go to Edit > Preferences menu option.

Select the ones you would like to use.
Hit Close button.

By default – MD�, SHA-� and SHA��� is selected.

Using GtkHash
Using it is quite straight-forward.

Select the �le you want to check

Get the Checksum value from the website and put it in Check box.
Click the Hash button.
This will generate the checksum values with the algorithms you
If any one of them matches with the Check box, it will show a small
tick sign beside it.

Here’s an example showing GtkHash generating checksum for

UbuntuMATE iso image (ubuntu-mate-��.��-desktop-amd��.iso):

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How to Verify Checksum in Linux [MD5, SHA256...

GtkHash with UbuntuMATE iso

Verify checksum in Linux

command line
Every Linux distribution comes with tools for various checksum
algorithms. You can generate and verify checksum with them. The
command-line checksum tools are the followings:

MD� checksum tool is called: md�sum

SHA-� checksum tool is called: sha�sum
SHA-��� checksum tool is called: sha���sum

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How to Verify Checksum in Linux [MD5, SHA256...

them uses similar command formats. Let’s see an example of using

sha���sum. We will use the same “ubuntu-mate-��.��-desktop-
amd��.iso” image �le as we used before.

Generating and Verifying SHA256 Checksum

with sha256sum
First go to the directory where the .iso image is stored:

cd ~/itsfoss

Now, for generating SHA��� checksum, enter the following command:

sha256sum ubuntu-mate-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso

You will get the SHA��� checksum in your terminal window! Easy, isn’t

Generating SHA��� Checksum for UbuntuMATE iso

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How to Verify Checksum in Linux [MD5, SHA256...

If the generated checksum matches with the one provided on the

UbuntuMATE download page, that will mean – no data was
changed while you downloaded the �le or putting otherwise, your
downloaded �le is not corrupted.

The other mentioned tools work similarly.

How accurately does this work?

If you are wondering, how accurately does these checksum detects
corrupted �les – if you delete or change even one character from any one
of the text �les inside the iso image, the checksum algorithm will
generate a totally di�erent checksum value for that changed iso image.
And that will de�nitely not match with the checksum provided on the
download page.

Suggested read Play Multiplayer Tron Arcade Game In Linux Terminal

Do you checksum?

One of the suggested steps while installing Linux is to verify the

checksum of Linux ISO. Do you always follow this step or do it only when
something goes wrong with the installation?

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to help.

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Filed Under: How To

Tagged With: Beginner Guide, checksum, gtkhash, Guide, hash, How To, Linux,
md�, sha-�, sha-���, Ubuntu, verify

About Munif Tanjim

Munif is studying Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
He loves Open Source and uses Ubuntu as his primary OS.
Technology aside, Munif is a TV Series freak and sometimes tries to do some
creative writing.

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