Documentary: 20 %: The Task Is Assessed in Order To Address The Following Learning Objective

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BIU2042 English Proficiency 4

Documentary: 20 %
The task is assessed in order to address the following Learning Objective:

i. Produce materials for presentation using technology based on the themes given.
(KOM3) (ILO4)

● Group task – Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5.

● Marks will be given based on criteria in the rubric.
● Due: Week 12


● Students are required to record a documentary video of selected themes and present
their findings.
● Students need to include short interview clips of four or more people to give relevant
information and support their points.
● Each member must make an appearance in the documentary video.
● The duration of the documentary video has to be within 5-8 minutes.
● The documentary video has to be played after the presentation.
● Submission: The students have to submit the link of the documentary video to the
instructor (MyGuru)


● Students will have to include the followings in their slide presentations:

▪ Introduction - give general idea of the topic/theme
▪ Background - give detailed descriptions and explanations of the topic/theme
▪ Purpose - indicate significance of the topic/theme
▪ Method - describe how the video was produced and show the production timeline
▪ Pre-while-post reflection of the topic (in groups)

Describe your opinion and thoughts about the topic before producing the
documentary video.
Describe your opinion and thoughts about the topic while completing the
documentary video.
Describe your opinion and thoughts when you have completed the documentary

● Duration of the slide presentation - 15 to 20 minutes

● The mode of slide presentation - PowerPoint or Prezi
● A hardcopy of the presentation slides has to be submitted during the presentation.
● Each student is assessed individually based on the presentation rubric.

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