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Introducing myself


Tutor: VIOLETA OLIVA CORENLIO Fecha: 22-Sept.2017

Nombre: María del Rosario Magaña García

Mis Datos Datos de mi amigo

Name: María Magaña Name: Charles Parker

Nationality: Mexican Nationality: Canadian

Age: 62 Age: 65

Occupation: Housewife Occupation: Teacher

Marital status: Married Marital status: Married

Telephone number: 52525252 Telephone number: 58585858

Introducing us to the party

María: Hello, nice to meet you. This is a great party. My name is María

Magaña, I am from Mexico, I am 62 years old, I am homemaker, I am married, and

my telephone number is: 52525200

New friend: Nice to meet you María.

Maria: And this is my friend, he is Charles, he is from Canada, he is 65

years old, and work in the school as a teacher, he is married, and

his telephone number is: 58584321

New friend: Nice to meet you Charles, now to the dance.

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