SAC Revision: Models of Learning

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SAC Revision: Models of Learning

1. Neural basis of learning:

- What are the two main types of plasticity?
- Explain the role of synaptogenesis?
- Compare and contrast LTP and LTD
- What role does Glutamate play in learning?
- What effect does Adrenalin have on memory storage?
- How does a neurohormones compare to a neurotransmitter?

2. Classical conditioning:
- What are the 3 phases of CC?
- Is the response: Voluntary or involuntary?
- Is the learner active or passive?
- What are the key elements: NS, UCS, UCR, CS, CR
- Describe the 3 phases of Pavlov’s dog experiment using a bell and food
- What needs to happen to the UCS and CS for classical conditioning to take place?
- What is a learned response known as?
- What are the key processes, provide an example of each: Acquisition, Stimulus
discrimination, Stimulus generalisation, Extinction, Spontaneous recovery

3. Operant conditioning:
- What are the 3 phases?
- Provide an example to explain the three phases of the model.
- Is the learner active or passive?
- Is the response: Voluntary or involuntary?
- Behaviour that has positive consequences is likely to be……..?
- Positive reinforcement and Negative reinforcement both strengthen behaviour
but how are they different?
- Punishment vs Response cost –both weaken behaviour but how are they
- Reinforcement or punishment (consequence) should come before or after
- Removal of something bad or aversive is called?
- What are the key processes, provide an example of each: Stimulus
discrimination, Stimulus generalisation, Extinction, Spontaneous recovery

4. Observational learning:
- Why is it called social learning and why is it also called modelling?
- Is it more or less active than CC and OC?
- Describe the 5 stages (ARRMR)
Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation, Reinforcement
- Types of reinforcement: self, external, vicarious

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