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Match the figures with the definitions. Write answers in your exercise book.

Figures Definitions
metaphor Referring to one thing by another thing because of their close association.
Eg: “Respected chair” instead of “respected chair parson”
simile Repetition of consonant sounds in nearby words. Eg: The furrow followed free
personification A part meaning the whole. Eg: MVR 500 per head-(means per person).
rhetorical One thing identified as another thing. Eg: There was a lotus on her cheeks (meaning
questions she blushed)
Metonymy Repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. Eg:
synecdoche An abstract quality or inanimate thing presented as a person.
alliteration A question that is used to assert something forcefully. Eg: If the winter comes, can
the spring be far behind (Meaning spring will follow it for sure)
assonance One thing compared to another, especially using the words like ‘as’ or ‘like’.

Match the figures with the definitions. Write answers in your exercise book.

Figures Definitions
metaphor Referring to one thing by another thing because of their close association.
Eg: “Respected chair” instead of “respected chair parson”
simile Repetition of consonant sounds in nearby words. Eg: The furrow followed free
personification A part meaning the whole. Eg: MVR 500 per head-(means per person).
rhetorical One thing identified as another thing. Eg: There was a lotus on her cheeks (meaning
questions she blushed)
Metonymy Repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. Eg:
synecdoche An abstract quality or inanimate thing presented as a person.
alliteration A question that is used to assert something forcefully. Eg: If the winter comes, can
the spring be far behind (Meaning spring will follow it for sure)
assonance One thing compared to another, especially using the words like ‘as’ or ‘like’.

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