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::TeconMoon's WiiVC Injector Script::


Please check out the thread on gbatemp for support:

Put the following files in the SOURCE_FILES folder based on what you want to build
and run the script:


1. Game file:
A. Wii Retail Game: game.iso OR game.wbfs
B. GC Retail Game: game.gcm
C. GC Multi Disc: game.gcm & disc2.gcm
D. Wii Homebrew: boot.dol

2. Game Icon: iconTex.png OR iconTex.tga at 128x128

3. TV Banner: bootTvTex.png OR bootTvTex.tga at 1280x720

4. GamePad Banner: bootDrcTex.png OR bootDrcTex.tga at 854x480
5. Company Logo: bootLogoTex.png OR bootLogoTex.tga at 170x42
6. Boot Sound: bootSound.wav OR bootSound.btsnd, 6 seconds maximum (will be trimmed
if longer)

If you run into errors during the conversion process, please post the logs on the
GBATemp thread where you downloaded this and I will take a look.

HomeBrew ISO Base: FIX94 & Ploggy
JNUSTool 0.3b: Maschell
Nintendont Autoboot Forwarder 1.1: FIX94
nfs2iso2nfs 0.5.3: piratesephiroth, FIX94, and SO many more people
NUSPacker: timogus & ihaveamac
pngcheck: Alexander Lehmann, Andreas Dilger, Greg Roelofs
PNG to TGA 2.6: Easy2Convert Software
SoX 14.4.2: cbagwell, robs, & uklauer
TGA to PNG 2.6: Easy2Convert Software
wav2btsnd 0.2: timogus & Zarklord
wbfs_file 2.6: oggzee & kwiirk
Wiimms ISO Tools 3.00a: Wiimms

This script is just using all of the above tools, without which this wouldn't be

# Changelog

## [2.1.3] = 2017-09-22
- For GameCube game injection, a custom main.dol can now optionally be placed in
the SOURCE_FILES folder to replace the Nintendont forwarder. Useful if you've
compiled a forwarder with different options, or are testing a forwarder for FIX94

## [2.1.2] = 2017-09-21
- Multi-Disk GameCube games now supported, put your disc2 image in the SOURCE_FILES
folder as disc2.gcm
- Replaced PNG Verification method, made error messages more clear
- Optional bootLogoTex now supported as either PNG or TGA
- Cleaned up scripting for Title Key and Common Key verification

## [2.1.1] = 2017-09-21
- Script can now be used offline, provided you've run through the script once
online successfully (Checks if JNUSTool has already downloaded the needed files)
- PNG Check has been added, so that it will warn you if your PNG isn't valid

## [2.1.0] = 2017-09-20
- Replaced homebrew ISO base with one that doesn't cause issues (HUGE THANKS FIX94
- Replaced Nintendont forwarders with 1.1 versions from FIX94 and added Autoboot
and 4:3 options

## [2.0.0] = 2017-09-19
- Added GCM Injection Support (Requires Nintendont on SD Card)
- Added Homebrew DOL Injection Support
- Added support for more GamePad emulation modes
- Re-worked how WBFS files are handles for more stability

## [1.0.6] = 2017-09-16
- Updated NFS2ISO2NFS to 0.5.1
- Added logging support, now if the script fails it will be easier to pinpoint why
- Special characters no longer break folder creation
- Meta.xml Japanese publisher now uses correct variable
- Robocopy now called by its full path (since random machines are failing to call
its environmental variable)
- Added failcheck for if WIT fails to rebuild the game file

## [1.0.5b] = 2017-09-11
- Changed base to Rhythm Heaven Fever, uses a newer revision of fw.img
- Integrated Title ID for RHF, as it's worthless without the Title Key
- Support for WBFS conversion if preferred over ISO
- Support for pre-built bootSound BNSTD if preferred over WAV
- If the wrong Title Key or Common key is specified, it will prompt you to re-enter
- If a space is accidentally included when you paste the Wii U Common Key, it will
no longer break the script
-Lots of failchecks. Script will warn you if:
1. Java isn't detected
2. Script reliant folders aren't accessible by the script (permission issues)
3. ROBOCOPY isn't supported on your OS
4. The necessary code/meta files weren't downloaded or generated properly
(This occurs before converting the game wbfs/iso files, so should show up very
early in the process)
5. Special characters that break folder creation are present
6. NUSPacker fails to generate the installable package

## [1.0.4] = 2017-09-10
- Changed the output folder naming convention so that the resulting folder name
includes the full Title ID for your package
- Fixed some flags breaking the script

## [1.0.3] = 2017-09-09
- Set maximum length for custom sound files to 6 seconds
- Added an option for sound looping

## [1.0.2] = 2017-09-09
- bootSound.wav will be converted from the SOURCE_FILES folder and used if it
exists, otherwise the default bootSound will be used
- You can now choose to manually specify a Title/Group ID if desired instead of
using a random one
- Allow usage of TGAs over PNGs if provided
- Changed Title ID layout from 0005000010XXXX00 to 0005000010XXXXFF to prevent
1/10000 chance a Title ID is generated that overwrites CBHC
- Updated the readme to be less redundant

## [1.0.1] - 2017-09-09
- Added a check for if the right Title ID was provided

## [1.0.0] - 2017-09-08
- Initial Release

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