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Lino Daniel I.



What is a Question?
A linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such
an expression. The information requested is provided in the form of an answer.

Uses of Question inside the Classroom

To actively involve students in the lesson
To increase motivation or interest
To evaluate students’ preparation
To check on completion of work
To develop critical thinking skills
To review previous lessons
To nurture insights
To assess achievement or mastery of goals and objectives
To stimulate independent learning
To show relationship such as cause and effect
Types of Question
Low-level type of question- emphasize memory and recall of information
High level type- beyond memory and factual information and deal with complex and
abstract thinking

Difference of convergence and divergent questions

Convergent Question- low level type of question usually it is answerable by yes or no
Divergent Question- higher level type of question usually begins on a “how and why”
Characteristics of a good question

1. A good question is simple and clear

2. A good question is definite

3. A good question is challenging and thought provoking

4. A good question is adapted to age, abilities, and interest of the students

5. A good question requires an extended response

James Gallager categories of question

 Cognitive-memory question- require students to reproduce facts or remember content
through processes such as rote memory or selective recall
 Convergent question- require students to recall information that leads to a correct or
conventional answer
 Divergent question- require students to generate their own data or a new perspective
on a given topic
 Evaluative question- require value judgement about the quality, correctness, or
adequacy of information

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