Comp - Os.linux: Re: Wireless Mouse Pointer Erratic

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linux: Re: Wireless mouse − pointer erratic

Re: Wireless mouse − pointer erratic


From: Thomas D. Shepard (ImaSpammer_at_spam.sux)

Date: 04/27/04

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 21:15:50 −0700

(Note: I think my newsgroup browser is going to top−post this. Can't

figure out why. Sorry. I'll look into it later.)

Check to see which kernel driver is trying to operate your mouse. If you
had a different mouse plugged in and it wasn't a USB mouse, and then you
unplugged it (hot) and inserted the USB mouse, that might cause this

I am using a Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse model M−RM67A with a

USB interface and it is working perfectly. In /etc/X11/XF86Config I have

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"

and I think the kernel module that is operating the mouse is called
"mousedev." Here is some output from "lsmod"

Module Size Used by Tainted: P

mousedev 5428 1
hid 24356 0 (unused)
input 5824 0 [keybdev mousedev hid]
ehci−hcd 19976 0 (unused)
usb−ohci 21160 0 (unused)
usbcore 78368 1 [hid ehci−hcd usb−ohci]

Some of the preceding is probably irrelevant. I don't have time to

research it all now. But I hope this helps you.

By the way, did you try just re−booting to see if Kudzu would
automatically configure all this? A less brain−dead way to do this is to
check the man pages on lsmod, modprobe, rmmod, and related utilities and

Re: Wireless mouse − pointer erratic 1

comp.os.linux: Re: Wireless mouse − pointer erratic
try to manually clean up the modules. But re−booting might be the path of
least resistance. Also, if you just wait, the kernel might autoclean the
modules after a reasonable time has passed (if the problem isn't the
wrong module claiming the mouse). The man pages discuss all this.

On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 22:42:36 +0800, Terence Parker wrote:

> I've just installed X on my Gentoo 2004.0 installation − but I appear to

> have a problem with my mouse pointer.
> My mouse is a Logitech cordless optical plugged into the PS/2 port of my
> PC. It works fine in Windows. In Linux however, it does not move at all
> − and when it does (see below) the movement is totally uncontrollable
> and random. I have tried various settings − IMPS/2 , PS/2, NetScrollPS/2
> etc... and all have the same problem.
> I'm not sure if this is affected by a writing pad (USB) I also have
> installed − it's detected by linux as an HID device. With my cordless
> mouse, it doesn't move at all upon entering X, but after a quick tap of
> the writing pad it moves − albeit eratticaly, as described above.
> I have tried unplugging the writing pad completely − when I enter X I
> simply get a pointer that won't move at all.
> Is this a problem with my cordless optical? I find even when it DOES
> work (on the odd occasion) that it performs as if it's low on batteries
> (i.e. click several times before it registers a click) − but this
> shouldn't be the case as the batteries are new and it works fine in Windows.
> I thought the wireless side of such devices is entirely transparent to
> the computer − could this be causing me problems?
> Or is this just linux being stupid?
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Terence

Thomas D. Shepard
Sorry, you can't email me.
(Email address is fake.)

Re: Wireless mouse − pointer erratic 2

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