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Nicholas Reimann

Math 1040
Professor Elizabeth Jones

Skittles Project Part 2

1. This project we are doing for Math 1040 is each individual in the class purchased a
regular sized package of original skittles and counted the candies of each color in the
package. Before I continue, I will show my guesses and the actual amounts of each color
in the entire class sample. I expect to see the following: (Refer to table) My reasoning as
to why I made these guesses is there are 5 colors and all the colors should be equally
represented in the bag. It seems logical to put the same amount of each color so that it
doesn’t seem like one is made more than the other.

Red Orange Yellow Green Purple

My Guess 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Actual 534/2584 527/254 537/2584 478/2584 508/2584
Proportions = 20.67% =20.39% =20.78% =18.5% =19.66%

2. The following pie chart below shows the total number of candies of each color from the
class sample and from my bag. The number after the colors is the total number of that
color of candy. The percent is the proportion of each of the candies.
The following is a Bar Chart or also called a Pareto Chart.
3. The class does represent a random sampling experiment. Out of all the students that
attend SLCC, every student had an equal chance to be picked for this experiment. That is
assuming every student had a bag of skittles. We could have collected data from
another class in the school and gotten similar results.

Proportion Proportion Proportion Proportion Proportion Total
Red Orange Green Yellow Purple Count
My Bag 7 13 14 10 13 57
(12.28%) (22.81%) (24.56%) (17.54%) (22.81%) (100%)
Class 534 527 478 537 508 2584
Count (20.66) (20.39%) (18.5%) (20.78%) (19.65%) (100%)

5. Looking at the graphs, I see what I would expect. Relatively, all the candies from the
class sample are close to what I thought they would be. Some are a little higher than I
expected, and some were a little lower than expected. Overall the data shows what I
would expect.

It appears that there are not any outliers. All the data appears within the Min and the
Max. However, if there were outliers, it would make the shape of the graph skew left or
right depending on where the outlier(s) is(are).

Looking at my data, this does not show what I would expect. The reason why it does not
reflect what I would expect is due to the little data I have. The more data you have, it
seems like the Skittle Candies are more likely to be evenly dispersed. The less data you
have, can show that some of the data can be much bigger than what should be expected.

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