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Propane dehydrogenation (PDH) is used to produce polymer-grade propylene from propane in

order to meet the growing market demand for propylene, independent of a steam cracker or fluid catalytic
cracking unit. It provides a dedicated, reliable source of propylene to give more control over propylene
feedstock costs.

Propane dehydrogenation is known as an endothermic equilibrium limited reaction. The elevated

temperatures and low pressures favor the forward reaction and hence increasing the yield of propylene. It
is usually carried in the presence of metal catalyst such as platinum based catalyst. The reaction for
propane dehydrogenation are shown in Eq. (1)

𝐶3 𝐻8 ↔ 𝐶3 𝐻6 + 𝐻2 (1)

Hydrocarbon feed is mixed with hydrogen-rich recycle gas and is fed into a heater to be heated to
over 540°C (1000°F) and then enters the reactors to be converted at high mono-olefin selectivity. Several
interstage heaters are used to maintain the reaction through supplying heat continuously, since the reaction
is endothermic. Catalyst activity is maintained by the continuous catalyst regenerator (CCR) or by shutting
down reactors one by one and regenerating the reactor by using regeneration air. In the continuous catalyst
regenerator, catalyst is continuously withdrawn from the reactor, regenerated, and then fed back into the
reactor bed. The reactor effluent is compressed, dried and sent to a cryogenic separator where hydrogen is
recovered. The olefin product is sent to a selective hydrogenation process (SHP) where dienes and
acetylenes are saturated to mono-olefins. The propylene stream goes to a deethanizer where light-ends
are removed prior to the propanepropylene (P-P) splitter. Unconverted feedstock is recycled back to the
depropanizer where it combines with fresh feed before being sent back to the reactor section.
Figure 1. Manufacture of Propylene by dehydrogenation of propane via Oleflex process


Currently, the demand for propylene in Asia is growing very fast, mainly due to the rapid increasing
demand of its downstream product polypropylene. China’s propylene consumption accounts for more than
15% of worldwide demand and is growing at around 5% to 6% per year. PDH technology has been
constantly improved, lowering the investment and operation cost with the result that the use of PDH
technology is constantly growing in China.

Numerous propane dehydrogenation plants are currently under construction around the world to
relieve propylene shortfalls. And these new coming plants tend to be on a large scale, such as one plant
producing 600,000 tons or even more annually.

Because the feedstock represents such a large portion of the total production cost, the economics
for the dehydrogenation process are largely dependent on the price differential between propane and
propylene. Assuming the values of $180/MT for propane and $420/MT for propylene, or a differential price
of $240/MT, the pretax return on investment is approximately 24 percent for a plant producing 350,000
MTA of propylene.


The selectivity of propane to propylene is greater than 86 mol%. On-stream efficiencies of 98+%,
excluding turnarounds of two to three weeks every three years for catalyst change, are routinely achieved.
Since most refineries are limited in propylene capacity, the fact that the PDH process to produce propylene
is currently economically viable has attracted increased investment in PDH. PDH is a catalytic process that
converts propane into propylene and hydrogen (by-product). The yield of propylene from propane is around


Natural gas accounts for 67% of the total world production of propane, with refineries accounting
for the remaining 33%. Historically, propane from natural gas has grown the fastest and is forecast to
continue that way during 2015–20, since refineries are limited on production capacity while more natural
gas/propane/butane is being sourced from shale oil/gas and oil sands, and horizontal drilling. The United
States and the Middle East continue to be the major producers of propane in the world. In 2015, the United
States accounted for about 30% and the Middle East about 21% of total world production.

Increasingly, the shale-based propane supply is growing faster than demand. The leading growth
market for domestic propane consumption is production of on-purpose propylene in PDH units, but limited
demand for propylene derivatives will cap US PDH propane demand. As a result of growing domestic
propane surplus availability, US propane exports grew rapidly from 2005 to the first quarter of 2015. In
2014, the United States became the world’s largest waterborne propane exporting country, having been a
net importer as recently as 2009.

In the United States and some European countries a Threshold Limit Value of 500 parts per million
(ppm) was established for occupational (8-hour time-weighted average) exposure. Propylene is considered
a volatile organic compound (VOC) and emissions are regulated by many governments, but it is not listed
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a hazardous air pollutant under the Clean Air Act.
With a relatively short half-life, it is not expected to bioaccumulate.

When released into the air, propane does not release carbon dioxide or act as a Greenhouse Gas.
Propane is removed from the atmosphere faster than it takes for it to have an impact on the climate.
Propane is a clean-burning, non-toxic fuel that can safely be used indoors


Propylene has low acute toxicity from inhalation. Inhalation of the gas can cause anesthetic effects
and at very high concentrations, unconsciousness. However, the asphyxiation limit for humans is about 10
times higher (23%) than the lower flammability level.

Propane can be ignited by many sources including pilot lights, open flames, smoking materials,
electric sparks, and static electricity. Ignition of propane gas within an enclosed space can result in an

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