Reporting Ammendments

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Reporting Amendments

1. The soft copy must be submitted prior to the end of the period.
2. The hard copy of the report must be submitted prior to reporting. It
should contain the full report together with necessary supporting
data (printed in a formatted paper with cover page). Submitted
hard copy will affect total group score. Include references.
3. Subtopics will be given together with the given topic for better
reporting content.
Reporting Penalties (5-point deduction
1.Late soft copy
2.No cover page
3.Late hard copy
Hard Copy’s
Cover Page
(Edit respective
info, it is to be
uploaded in SLU
Group 5 (March 11 – Monday)
1. What is Irrigation?
2. Water Resource Application: Irrigation (involvement of a CE in Irrigation)
3. NIA (brief discussion)
4. Benefits of Irrigation
5. Classification of Irrigation Schemes as per NIA
6. Management of Water for Irrigation
7. Components essential for Proper Management of Water in an Irrigation
8. Types of Irrigation Scheme Development
9. Types of Irrigation System (applicable in the Philippnes)
10. Status of Irrigation in the Philippines
Group 4 (March 13 – Wednesday)
1. Duty of Water
2. Irrigation Water Quality
3. Irrigation Water Needs
4. Crop Water Requirement
5. Factors affecting Crop Water Requirement
6. Variation of Crop Water Requirements
7. Importance of water in plant growth
8. Cropping Patterns
9. Crop Factor (as used in irrigation)
10. Crop Growing Season of Rice in the Philippines (IRRI)
Group 3 (March 15 – Friday)
1. Field Capacity
2. Soil Water Relationship
3. Soil Classification in Agriculture
4. Water Requirement Computation for Irrigation
5. Direct Irrigation Scheme
6. Storage Irrigation Scheme
7. Canal Systems for Irrigation Schemes
a. Canal Components
b. Irrigation Canal Lay-out
c. Lining of Irrigation Canals
Group 2 (March 18 – Monday)
1. Components of An Irrigation System (discuss each components with
types, applicability, and sample photos)
a. Diversion Structure
b. Intake Structure or Pumping Station
c. Conveyance System
d. Distribution System
e. Field Application System
f. Drainage System
f.1. Surface Drainage
f.2. Subsurface Drainage
2. Irrigation System Design Procedure
Group 1 (March 20 – Wednesday)
1. Methods of Field Water Application
a. Surface Irrigation
a.1. Furrow Irrigation
a.2. Border Irrigation
a.3. Basin Irrigation
a.4. Check Basin Irrigation
a.5 Ring Basin Irrigation
b. Sub Surface irrigation
b.1. Natural Sub Surface Irrigation Method
b.2. Artificial Sub Surface Irrigation Method
c. Sprinkler Irrigation
d. Drip Irrigation

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