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Eleusine indica or goose grass, yard grass goosegrass, wire grass or crowfoot grass, is a

species of grass in the family of Poaceae. It is an invasive species in some areas. Eleusine

coracana and diploid E. indica is likely an ancestor of the allotetraploid E. corocana. This grass

went viral in the past because of its properties that can cure numerous diseases. Paragis is declared

to have protein and its leaves have silicon monoxide, calcium oxide and chlorine compounds

(Medicinal Plant, n.d.). It is also known to have numerous properties such as anti-inflammatory,

antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihistamine, natural diuretic and cytotoxic properties. Its stem, roots

and leaves are used as herbal medicine through boiling. The Paragis is a native plant in the tropics

and subtropical regions and it is also called as an invasive species, the local people in the area of

Tambunan believes that Paragis can cure diseases such as Sohinatad. The decoctions of the boiled

plant are consumed as anti-helminthic and febrifuge treatment of liver complaints. Many herbal

products have traditional uses that are now being investigated to create an evidence base that will

facilitate their inclusion in general medical practice. Studies have also found that C-glycosyl

flavones from E. indica have anti-inflammatory effects on lipopolysaccharide-induced lung airway

inflammation in mice. The infusion of aerial parts of E. indica is used in Brazil against airway

inflammatory processes, such as influenza and pneumonia (De Melo et al., 2005).

E. indica is primarily listed as an agricultural and environmental weed (Randall, 2012) and

is considered a “serious weed” in at least 42 countries (Holm et al., 1979). This species is described

as a “dominant weed” especially in farming systems and annual row-crops where it grows
vigorously and produces abundant seedlings (Holm et al., 1979). Currently it is listed as invasive

species in several countries in Europe, Asia, Central and South America, the Caribbean and on

many islands in the Pacific Ocean. This plant can be seen anywhere, as this will grow in any kind

of environment. Because of its founding location, helpful benefits, and rapid population and

growth and development, people intend to try this plant as a cure for their diseases. Not only that,

E. indica created its own name by having its herbal medicinal tea called: DRTea Paragis Herbal

Tea, that is helpful for those people who have cysts dysme UTI. This one of a kind plant has been

an answer to those people who have diseases, and this plant also became a second medicine that

will surely help them to fight and destroy those diseases.

Goosegrass contains coumarin, which is a blood thinner.which it doesn’t contain any

harmful side effects. Although, they do not recommend doing so while undergoing chemotherapy.

Eleusine Indica does not contain or poor in sulphur containing amino acids which is a good dietary

sources. Even though this plant lack some amino acid, it does not mean it is not useful anymore.

The purpose of this study is to determine and compare the antioxidant properties of the

roots and leaves of Paragis (Eleusine Indica), its negative side effects and the benefits that people

can get from it. The researchers also want to compare the sample by using statistical analysis.

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