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Recipe: Lengua Estofado Recipe


 2 lbs. beef lengua, boiled until tender and sliced

 ½ cup all-purpose flour
 1 (14 oz.) can diced tomato
 1 Knorr Beef Cube
 ¾ cup white wine
 1 medium yellow onion, minced
 3 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
 2 tablespoons brown sugar
 2 tablespoons soy sauce
 1 tablespoon vinegar
 5 pieces bay leaves
 ½ cup sliced button mushrooms
 1 cup pitted olives
 ¼ cup sliced black olives
 1 cup water
 Salt and ground black pepper to taste
 ¼ cup cooking oil

1. Heat oil in a wide cooking pot

2. Dredge the slice lengua in flour (shake away the excess flour) and then
pan-fry in medium heat for 1 minute per side. Set aside.
3. Add onion and garlic on the pot. Continue to cook until the onion gets
4. Pour the can of diced tomato and white wine. Stir.
5. Add the pan fried beef lengua.
6. Stir-in soy sauce and water. Add the Knorr Beef Cube. Let boil.
7. Add the bay leaves. Cover and cook in low heat until the sauce reduces
to half.
8. Add the vinegar. Allow the sauce to re-boil.
9. Add sugar, green olives, black olives, and mushrooms. Stir. Cook for 5
to 8 minutes.
10. Sprinkle some salt and ground black pepper to taste.
11. Transfer to a serving plate. Serve.
12.Share and enjoy!


Lengua is a unfamiliar dish to me the taste the texture and other

information’s about lengua. But I usually heard the dish lengua to my
grandparents and they said it’s delicious but in my entire life I didn’t eat
lengua .And base on my research lengua looks delicious and popular in
different country.

Who usually eats lengua?

Beef tongue is used in North America as a major ingredient of tongue

toast, an open face sandwich prepared for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and
sometimes offered as an hors-d'oeuvre. It is widely used in Mexican cuisine,
and often seen in tacos and burritos (lengua).[3] In Puerto Rican
cuisine, lengua al caldero, pot roast tongue, and lengua rellena, braised
stuffed tongue, are both served with Pique.
In Belgium and France, boiled beef tongue is often prepared with
mushrooms in a Madeira sauce but can also be served with a vinaigrette.
In Ashkenazi Jewish, Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, boiled tongue is often
served with chrain. Beef tongue or veal tongue is also found in classic
recipes for Russian salad. In Austria, Germany and Poland,[4] it is
commonly served either with chrain or with horseradish cream sauce. The
traditional Berlin / North-German variant adds capers and vinegar to the
sauce based on the broth with white roux.
In Japanese cuisine, the dish gyūtan, originating in the city of Sendai, is
made of grilled tongue.
Also, tongue is a part of Argentine, Brazilian, Bulgarian (tongue with
butter), British, French, Indonesian (semur lidah or beef tongue
stew), Italian (typical dish
in Piemonte and Genoa), Japanese, Korean (hyeomit
gui), Mongolian, Nicaraguan, Persian, Portuguese, Philippine, Romanian, S
panish, Turkish (as forms of fried, roasted, boiled and eaten cold in a
sandwich), and Uruguayan cuisine.
What does lengua taste like? What does it look like?

It's very tender and moist. The flavor is very distinct but it can also
absorb the flavor of whatever it is cooked with, so it can vary depending on
preparation. Since you are just trying a taco it shouldn't be too bad ifyou
end up not liking it.

Lengua is, of course, tongue. Specifically beef tongue, and it's something
that's fairly common in Latin American cuisine. Unless you grew up with it,
cooking and eating lengua can sound about as appealing as mud pie. But
done right, lengua is a fantastic and tasty thing. It's that "done right" part
that gets tricky.

Is it a common dish in the Philppines? What makes you say that?

Lengua is also known in Philippines not that kind of popular but maybe
it usually eaten when had a celebrations or special occasions.

Have you ever eaten lengua? Would you like it to try it or eat it
again? Why or Why not?

I haven’t eat lengua but I would like to try it because its look delicious
and flavorful.

Recipe: Lengua Estofado Recipe


 2 lbs. beef lengua, boiled until tender and sliced

 ½ cup all-purpose flour
 1 (14 oz.) can diced tomato
 1 Knorr Beef Cube
 ¾ cup white wine
 1 medium yellow onion, minced
 3 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
 2 tablespoons brown sugar
 2 tablespoons soy sauce
 1 tablespoon vinegar
 5 pieces bay leaves
 ½ cup sliced button mushrooms
 1 cup pitted olives
 ¼ cup sliced black olives
 1 cup water
 Salt and ground black pepper to taste
 ¼ cup cooking oil

1. Heat oil in a wide cooking pot

2. Dredge the slice lengua in flour (shake away the excess flour) and then
pan-fry in medium heat for 1 minute per side. Set aside.

3. Add onion and garlic on the pot. Continue to cook until the onion gets

4.Pour the can of diced tomato and white wine. Stir.

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