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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data analysis and interpretation of results. It

includes the description, structure, capabilities and limitations and the results of

the evaluation.


The system is intended to help the existing technical support desk solves

problems with expansion and usability over large geographic areas. It also allows

field techs or even clients themselves to retrieve up to the minute information

regarding their query. The study also provides a tracking system, to actively

monitor a certain problem area

The online technical support desk was developed to provide users with the

answers they need for their technical issue. By bringing new support desk

processes to the digital medium and onto computers, finding what you client

looking for has never been easier.

The development of Online Technical Support Desk System utilized the

following open source web technologies: PHP for web programming; CSS with

Bootstrap; XAMPP.


This portion present the composition of the Online Technical Support Desk

System. The developed online technical support desk system has three level of

users as discussed, namely: Head Technician, Technician, and Customer. The

publicly-shared content of the system can be viewed on any device – smartphone,

laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. The other modules that require user

authentication needs to be accessed through a desktop computer or laptop that

has an Internet connection. Moreover, the web portal works immediately fine on

any web browser of choice.

Figure 11. Online Technical Support Desk Test Screen Transition


Figure 6 shows the webpage transition diagram of the developed Online

Technical Support Desk System. The system required each user to login—first.

Head technician has features for Report Generation Manager, Payroll Module, and

Scheduling and Monitoring Module. To manage the above module, the system

should provide level of access. The technician has features for Service Catalog

Manager, Service Level Agreement, and Report Generation Manager. Finally, the

customer has features for Job Order Module.

Screen Shots

The illustrations presented are example of graphic user interface of the developed

Online Technical Support Desk System. Furthermore, the following screen shots

represent the actual webpages of the developed information in system.

Figure 12. Online Technical Support Desk – Home page

The figure shows the homepage of the system. It basically display two

buttons- the “Get Started” button, will direct a user to the main content; the

“Request Quote” button, will direct a user to the request page.


Figure 13. Online Technical Support Desk – Log-in Interface

Figure 13 shows the log-in modal of the developed online technical support

desk. The user interface where the users should enter their username or email and

password. Unregistered users can only apply for request and view the main


Figure 14. Online Technical Support Desk – Job Request Interface

Figure 14 shows the request page of the developed online technical support

desk. The customer should fill the required fields to complete a request.

Figure 15. Online Technical Support Desk – Head Technician Dashboard

Figure 15 shows the home or menu page of head technician account. The

user interface features dashboard, scheduling and monitoring selection, payroll

selection, and job order or tickets module.

Figure 16. Online Technical Support Desk – Job Order Page

Figure 16 shows the job order or ticket page of the developed online

technical support desk. The head technician should see the list of tickets –

assigned or unassigned and update the ticket based on the availability of



The capabilities of the system are presented hereunder:

1. The system is capable of storing and updating customer records.

2. The system is capable of ticket reservation 24 hours a day.

3. The system allows and organizes ticket reservation through online or on-


4. The system shows the availability of the technicians based on the


5. The system can be browsed through the internet using any kind of browser.

6. The system requires registration and logging-in to personalize browsing or

viewing; and

7. The system is capable of handling service report delivery as a medium for

service deliverables.

The following, however, are the limitations of the system:

1. Access is dependent on the speed of the network provider;

2. The system does not work if there is no internet connection; and

3. The system does not work on processor lower than Pentium 4.



A system demonstration was conducted and questionnaires were floated to

evaluate the system. The researcher randomly selected thirty respondents. These

respondents were divided into two (2) different groups. Fifty percent (50%) of the

respondents belong to the Information Technology group, the other half were

categorized as Non-Information Technology group. They evaluated the system in

terms of functionality, content, reliability, availability, and maintainability.

The Information Technology group was composed of IT professionals such

as Web developers, IT and Computer Science Instructors, Computer Operator,

system and network administrators and IT and Computer Science students.

The non-information technology group was made up of Company owners,

managers, employees, and non-IT Computer Science students.


INDICATORS Weighted Weighted
Mean Mean
A. Functionality
1. Ease of Operation 4.47 4.33 Very Good
2. Provision for comfort and
3.6 4.4 Very Good
3. User-friendliness 3.6 4.46 Very Good
B. Content
1. Accuracy of content 3.73 4.2 Good
2. Up datedness of content 3.73 4.33 Very Good
3. Presentation of content 3.6 4.46 Very Good
C. Reliability
1. Conformance to desired
3.6 4.06 Good
2. Absence of failure 3.6 3.86 Good
3. Accuracy of performance 3.6 4 Good
D. Availability
1. Performs according to
3.87 4.2 Very Good
2. Completeness of the
3.4 4.26 Good
E. Maintainability
1. Ease of maintenance 3.8 4.33 Very Good
2. Provision for
enhancements and 3.5 4 Good
F. Portability
1. Transferring installed
program files to another
4.47 4.46 Very Good
device of basically the
same architecture
2. Building executable
programs for different
platforms from source 3.8 4.47 Very Good

Total 3.56 4.2

Table 2. IT and Non-IT Respondents’ Evaluation on the Developed

Online Technical Support Desk System


Table 2 shows the IT and Non-IT Respondents’ Evaluation on the

Developed Online Technical Support Desk.

The Information Technology respondents believed that the system’s

functionality has an ease of operation as manifested by the composite mean rating

of 4.47. They also agreed that the system is convenient and user-friendly with the

composite mean rating of 3.6.

In terms of the system’s content, the respondents believed that it is accurate

with a composite mean rating of 3.73. The content is also updated garnering a

composite mean of 3.73 and the presentation earned 3.6 mean.

As regard to the reliability of the system, it is evaluated that it conforms to

desired result as manifested by its earned composite mean of 3.6. Absence of

failures and accuracy in performance received 3.6 and 3.6 composite means,


The system’s availability as it performs according to specifications 3.87 and

provisions to security requirements garnered the composite mean of 3.4. It is also

believed that the system is complete gaining a composite mean of 3.4.

Meanwhile, maintainability of the system is also evaluated. IT respondents

believed in its ease of maintenance by giving 3.8 composite mean. Respondents

also considered provision for enhancement and modifications with 2.5 composite


The IT respondents evaluated the system’s functionality, content, reliability,

availability, portability, and maintainability as very good with composite mean of


Shown on the same table is also the Non-It Respondents’ Evaluation on the

Online Technical Support Desk System. They assessed the systems’ functionality

has an ease of operation as it receives a mean rating of composite 4.33. They also

agreed that the system provides comfort and convenience as it gains 4.4

composite mean. It is also user-friendly with the composite mean rating of 4.46.

In terms on the system’s content, the respondents believed in its accuracy

with the composite mean rating of 4.2. The content is considered updated with the

composite mean of 4.33 and the presentation earned a composite mean of 4.46.

With respect to the reliability of the system, it is assessed that it conforms

to desired result as manifested by its earned composite mean of 4.06. Absence of

failures and accuracy in performance received 3.86 and 4 composite means,


The system’s availability, according to the respondents, performs well with

regard to its specifications garnering a composite mean of 4.2. They also believed

that it provides security requirements as it gained a composite mean of 4.26 and

the completeness of the system with a composite mean of 4.

Moreover, maintainability based on their understanding of system

presentation conducted, they attested the maintenance with composite mean 4.33

and the provision for enhancement receive less attention with composite mean of


The Non-IT respondents evaluated the functionality, content, reliability,

availability, maintainability, and portability as very good with average composite

mean of 4.2.

The developed Online Technical Support Desk System was evaluated

using two different methods. First, its functionality was tested after its development

based from a list of testing procedures in different modules of the information

portal. Next, its acceptability was evaluated by non-IT and IT experts through a

random survey using an evaluation instrument adapted from ISO 9126 software

quality standard.

The system’s performance was evaluated as functional and returned

minimal errors which were resolved prior to the final evaluation of the system. To

prove this claim, Table 3 is shown discussing the behavior returned by Online

Technical Support Desk System after the tests conducted to it.


Product Service Desirability and Demand

The current system gives inconvenience to technical staffs that affects

productivity and income. On the other hand, with the use of Online Technical

Support Desk will give convenience to technical staffs that improves the

productivity and income. Then, speeds up the process of providing services to

clients. Based on the product desirability analysis, out of 10 respondents, 70%

of them are very likely to try the Online Technical Support Desk and remaining

30% are likely to try.

Product Description

The proposed system which is the Online Technical Support Desk System

for Jared’s Ink and Toner Refilling Station has the following requirements:

Functional Requirements

1. Service Level Agreement Manager

1.1 Creates an agreement form between the company and client.

1.2 The form composed of description and availability of the service.

2. Service Catalog Manager

2.1 Composed of listed services offered by the company.

2.2 Creates or add new services of the company.

2.3 Updates of services can be made.

3. Report Generation Manager


3.1 Report generation creates reports of closed tickets or closed job


3.2 Generates reports regarding technician’s schedule of repair and


3.3 Generates email reports of clients and technician.

4. Job Request and Job Order Module

4.1. Job Request form composed of client’s details such as name,

address and contact number.

4.2. Job order form composed of technician’s name, and description

of customer’s problem.

5. Scheduling, Monitoring and Tracking Module

5.1. Monitor technician’s availability including the time –in and time-


5.2. Schedules of technician’s deployment for repair.

5.3. Tracks

6. Payroll Module

6.1. Generates technical staff salary.

6.2. Generates technician’s working days present.

Non-Functional Requirements

A. Performance

The system was tested by identifying the response time of every task

that has been done in the system. Some task will depend on the internet

connection of the user. The website can also run on different browser

like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and internet developer.

Task Response Time

Login 552 milliseconds

Recieving Email Verification 491 milliseconds

Adding Clients 5.43 seconds

Adding Employees 5.31 seconds

Make Service Request 2.32 seconds

Viewing Record Table 349 milliseconds

Notification 20 milliseconds

Viewing Dashboard 1.04 seconds

Viewing History 1.56 seconds

Changing status 444 milliseconds

Table 3. Response Time of Task of the Proposed System

The table from the above table shows the expected response time of the

system. The performance of the system will be tested as part of the non-functional

requirement. The response time shown above was based in the developer tools in

brower called Google Chrome. This can accessed by pressing ctrl+shift+i or by

simply looking in the setting of the browser.


B. Security

The system has a verification for every user through email. The system

will provide every user a user account email and password through email

that will be used for logging in the system. Every user is alos evaluated

to change the password once they have logged into the account for

better security.

Technical Analysis

Hardware and Software Requirements

Listed below hardware and software requirements needed for the development

of Online Technical Support Desk.

Hardware Requirements

The following hardware requirements are identified below:

 Laptop

 Intel Core i3 processor 2.4 GHz


 Intel HD graphics 620

 Printer (Epson L120 Ink tank printer)

Software Requirements

The following software requirements are identified below:


 Browser (Google chrome)

 Windows 10

 Sublime Text

 MS Office 2016

Market Analysis

Industry attractiveness and target market are the components of market

analysis. This aims to evaluate the current market by looking for the characteristics

of the competitors and to determine how suitable the industry for the market.

Industry Attractiveness

Industry attractiveness is a way to determine the strength of firm’s

competitive position in the industry. This is to identify the weaknesses, threats and

opportunities of the competitors. Based on the industry attractiveness analysis, out

of 5 respondents 80% of the industry have strong growth and 20% have moderate

growth. The bigger percentage of industry’s growth the longer they have been in

the industry.

Target Market

Target market conducts a competitive analysis and determines about the

target customer of the product. The target market of Online Technical Support

Desk are the companies or organizations that offers technical support for printer

service repair and maintenance. Based on gathered data from the survey, target

customers are technical staffs, technicians, technical managers and individuals

that requires service assistance.


Listed below are the competitor’s strength, weaknesses, threats and

opportunities. Identified competitors are categorized:

 Commercial- on- the- Shelves

 Fresh Desk

 Zoho Desk

 Solarwinds

 Custom Software

 Functional Inc.

 Any Network

 Microphase

Custom Software COTS

Micro Proposed
Criteria Functional Any Zoho Fresh Solar System
Inc. Network Desk Desk winds
Provide security
for items and
Offers affordable
prices of products
or services
Employee training
and management
practices in place
Lack of marketing
Lack of
investment in the
development of
new employees
Improve career
path opportunities
Potential for
growth and
Potential to
improve customer
Many companies
uses and offers
same product and
Rising of
materials needed
for development

Does not meet criteria Partially meets criteria Fully meets criteria

Table 4. SWOT Analysis of the Competitors of the Proposed Project


The table show from the previous page shows the Strengths, Weaknesses,

Threats, and Opportunities of the competitors of the proposed system which is the

Online Technical Support Desk System. The competitors including the proposed

system were assesse based on the criteria categorized to as to strength,

weakness, opportunity, and attractiveness of the proposed system in its market

industry and how it will behave upon implementation.


Listed options below are explained and categorized according to

advantages and disadvantages. In option 1, states the condition of having the

traditional or existing system when it remains unchanged. In option 2, states the

pros and cons of using commercial-off-the-shelves, software that can be purchase

online. In option 3, discussion of choosing the custom software, the company can

get a customized system aligned to its business requirements. In option 4,

proposed project explained based on advantages and disadvantages.

Option 1: Do Nothing

Using an existing system will limit the support of service request and

creation of service request through phone call will continuously give inconvenience

between the technical staff and customers. Doing nothing will result to low

competitive advantage of the company from other companies or organization that

offers same services. Time consuming of providing services to customers that may

lead to low productivity and growth. The facilities made is already downgrade, not

updated and it will not last for a couple of years.



The advantages of doing nothing are as follows:

 The company don’t need to train employees.

 They don’t need to spend money for the new system

 They don’t need to hire IT personnel


The disadvantages of doing nothing are listed below:

 Slow response time of service

 It will lower the productivity of the company

 Prone to error

Option 2: Commercial-Off-the-Shelves

Using off-the-shelves software are typically affordable because their

development costs are distributed across the broader audience. As a result the

features and functions have to be more generic or more complex, includes a lot of

things the company does not need. There are strong benefits when considering an

off-the-shelves. Primarily, low up-front cost, the initial purchase cost is only one of

the possible price considerations because upgrades, software support, monthly or

annual licensing fees and installation licenses can all inflate budget needs

considerably higher levels. Most of the off-the-shelves solutions will not be perfect

fit for the company. The fact that the company will have to adjust processes and

staff behavior to fit the software. Functionality and flows will likely not match

company’s needs. Retraining personnel, slower work rate and critical missing

functionality can actually increases costs and workload.


Listed below are the advantages of using commercial-off-the-shelves-software:

 Maintenance expenses may be reduced.

 Quick to deploy.

 All design, development and testing is handled by vendor.


Listed below are the disadvantages of using commercial-off-the-shelves-software:

 Security is the serious issue for having vulnerabilities.

 May come with upgrade costs and licensing fees.

 Will likely not meet all business needs or requirement

Option 3: Custom Software

Custom software is developed to match company’s requirements. The

company have allotted time before the system is ready for use. The benefits is

strong however, as long as the awareness of the risks is present and able to

navigate the solution. The company itself owns the system with 100% in control

where features of the system for company’s needs will fit as required for operation.

The deployment just take a while or longer but the functionality is aligned based

on the needs. Technical staffs will not need heavy retraining just the adjustment of

their normal work processes. As a result, it can give competitive advantage over

other companies. This gives a quicker and accurate decision making on enhancing

customer experience and satisfaction. Directly get in touch with other developer as

effectively become part of the team to have a direct vendor support which leads to

quicker enhancements.


Listed below are the advantages of custom software:

 Solution tailored to match company needs, processes and security


 Company own the system

 Easier to orient or train technical staff to the system because it follows

company’s practices


Listed below are the disadvantages:

 Requires developer communication during the system deployment cycle:

requirements, design, developments, testing and training will require

company’s involvement.

 High up-front cost

 Changes and features requests may be billed.


Option 4: Proposed System

Proposed system meets company’s goals and objectives. Using the system

gives benefit to technical staffs and customers. Cost- effective and provides

convenience to the company. Features are aligned for business needs. The

proposed system focuses and adjusts based on the requirements of the company.


Listed below are the advantages of the proposed system:

 Saves time and money.

 Give convenience to technical staffs.

 Can be accessed anywhere.


Listed below are the disadvantages of proposed system:

 New adjustment of technical staffs.

 Takes time to make the system available or ready to use.

 Additional maintenance cost.

Comparison of Options

The three options given are all have its own disadvantages and advantages.

The difference between the three are the impacts of the software or its benefit to

both of the company and customers. Using customized software fits overall

business requirements and less risk of security. Unlike using the Commercial-off-

the-Shelves have factors to consider, whether to buy the whole features of the

software where some are not needed for business requirements. While doing

nothing about the development of the new system will lose the competitive

advantage of the company and will slows down the productivity and profitability.


Any Network

Fresh Desk

Zoho Desk

Objectives Tech.



Provide a
better, more
reliable, and
processing of
job request
Tracks and
resolved and
errors in

Does not meet criteria Partially meets criteria Fully meets criteria

Table 5. Comparison of Options based on Project Objectives

This table above shows the comparison of the options which are Do Nothing,

Commercia-on-the-Shelves, and Custom Software or the proposed system. These

options were compare based on the criteria of choosing the best solution that will

be introduced and implemented. This is to know the differences of choosing the

options mentioned and which is the best option to choose.




ase Inc.

al Inc.



Service Level
Job Request
and Job Order
and tracking

Does not meet criteria Partially meets criteria Fully meets criteria

Table 6. Comparison of Options based on System Features

The table above shows the top six support desk system commercially available in

the market. The system features of these systems are also enumerated to easily

distinguish the difference of the systems.


Recommended Option

Based on the comparison in the previous section, proposed system is the

best and good option that will address company’s business requirements. Using

the proposed system, overall features needed by the company will be provided.

This will lead to a competitive advantage in today’s industry as well the

improvement of its growth and development. This will lessen errors and give

convenience for both company and customers.

Future Goals

In 3 to 5 years from now, additional features may be added and improved.

There will be upgrading of technologies to enhance the performance of the system.

Changes of features will adapt based on the changes of business process.


Financial Projections

This section shows the financial requirements for Online Technical Support

Desk. Tabulated below are the cost and specification of technical requirements for

the project.

Software Cost

Software Quantity Price Cost

XAMPP 1 Free Free

Browser 1 Free Free

Windows 10 1 Free Free

Sublime Text 1 Free Free

MS Office 2016 1 ₱1,200.00 ₱1,200.00

Total Costs ₱1,200.00

Table 7. Financial Projection of Software Cost

Table 7.0 shows the total cost of software as requirements in developing of

Online Technical Support Desk. Listed free software are built-in software and

others are open-source software downloaded for free via internet. The cost of MS

Office listed above is the exact price available in the market.


Hardware Cost

Hardware Quantity Price Cost

Laptop Specification 1 ₱25,995.00 ₱25,995.00

 Intel Core i3 processor


 4GB Memory

 500GB HDD

 DVD Super Multi Drive

Printer 1 ₱4,800.00 ₱4,800.00

 Epson L120

Total Costs ₱30,795.00

Table 8. Financial Projection of Hardware Cost

Table 8.0 shows hardware costs for the development of the project. Listed

above price of each hardware requirements are the exact price available in the


One Time Cost

Expenses Quantity Price Cost

Software 1 ₱1,200.00 ₱1,200.00

Hardware 1 ₱30,795.00 ₱30,795.00

System Package

 Email support 1 ₱2,700.00 ₱2,700.00

 System 1 ₱9,000.00 ₱9,000.00


 Account module 1 ₱3,000.00 ₱3,000.00

Total Cost

Table 9. Financial Projection of One Time Cost

The table above shows the one time cost for the implementation of the

system for the company. It shows the cost that the company need to invest during

the implementation of the proposed project.


Recurring Costs of Existing System

Expenses Quantity Price(monthly) Cost (yearly)


 Paper 18 reams ₱412.50 ₱4,950.00

 Pencil 15pcs ₱105.75 ₱1,269.00

 Ballpen 20pcs ₱200.00 ₱2,400.00

 Ink 2 sets ₱980.00 ₱3920.00

Personnel 1 ₱20,000.00 ₱240,000.00

Internet & phone (PLDT) ₱2,098.98 ₱25,187.76

Electricity 151kwh ₱1,612.19 ₱19,346.28

Total Costs ₱295,112.64

Table 10. Financial Projection of Recurring Cost of Existing System

The table above shows the recurring cost of the existing system. It shows

the usual cost of the company pays to maintain the business.


Recurring Cost of the Proposed System

Expenses Quantity Price (monthly) Cost (yearly)

Hosting (Hostgator) ₱148.19 ₱1,778.28

Internet (Globe) 5Mbps ₱1,699.00 ₱20,388.00

Electricity 151 kwh ₱1,612.19 ₱19,346.28

Personnel 1 ₱20,000.00 ₱240,000.00


 Ink 1 set ₱980.00 ₱1,960.00

 Paper 3 reams ₱68.75 ₱825.00

Total Costs ₱283,562.52

Table 11. Financial Projection of Recurring Cost of the Proposed System

This table above show the recurring cost of the proposed system. It shows

the continuous use of the operation in the company.


Comparison of Proposed and Existing System

Recurring Cost of Current System Recurring Costs of Proposed System

Expenses Price(monthly) Cost (yearly) Expenses Price(monthly) Cost (yearly)

Supplies Supplies

Ballpen ₱200.00 ₱2,400.00

Pencil ₱105.75 ₱1,269.00

Paper ₱412.50 ₱4,950.00 Paper ₱68.75 ₱825.00

Ink ₱163.30 ₱1,959.60 Ink ₱102.08 ₱1,224.96

Personnel ₱20,000.00 ₱240,000.00 Personnel ₱20,000.00 ₱240,000.00

Internet & ₱2,098.98 ₱25,187.76 Internet ₱1,699.00 ₱20,388.00



Electricity ₱1,612.19 ₱19,346.28 Electricity ₱1,612.19 ₱19,346.28

Hosting ₱148.19 ₱1,778.28

Total Costs ₱295,112.64 Total Costs ₱283,562.52

Table 11. Comparing the Operating Cost for the Proposed Sytem and the

Existing System

The table above shows the comparison of the proposed system versus the

existing system. It shows that the total cost of the proposed and existing system.

The cost of the existing system needs to pay every month is higher than the cost

of the proposed system.


Cost and Benefit Analysis

Online Technical Support Desk for Jared’s Ink and Toner Refilling Station

0 1 2 3 4 5 TOTALS

Net economic
0 ₱ 73,500.00 ₱ 73,500.00 ₱ 73,500.00 ₱ 73,500.00 ₱ 73,500.00

Discount Rate
1 0.8929 0.7972 0.7118 0.6355 0.5674

Pv of Benefits 0 ₱ 65,625.00 ₱ 58,593.75 ₱ 52,315.85 ₱ 46,710.58 ₱ 41,705.87

Net present
value of all 0 ₱ 65,625.00 ₱124,218.75 ₱ 176,534.60 ₱ 223,245.18 ₱264,951.05 ₱264,951.05

One - Time
₱ 67,995.00

0 ₱ 31,550.00 ₱ 31,550.00 ₱ 31,550.00 ₱ 31,550.00 ₱ 31,550.00

Discount Rate 1 0.8929 0.7972 0.7118 0.6355 0.5674

PV of
Recurring 0 ₱ 28,170 ₱ 25,151 ₱ 22,457 ₱ 20,051 ₱ 17,902

NPV of all ₱181,725.69

₱ 67,995.00 ₱ 96,164.64 ₱121,316.11 ₱ 143,772.78 ₱163,823.37 ₱181,725.69

Overall NPV ₱ 83,225.36

ROI 0.457972464

Break Even

Yearly NPV
₱ 67,995.00 ₱ 37,455.36 ₱ 33,442.28 ₱ 29,859.18 ₱ 26,659.98 ₱ 23,803.56
Cash Flow
Table 11. Cost and Benefit Analysis
Overall NPV ₱ 83,225.36
₱ 67,995.00 -₱ 30,539.64 ₱ 2,902.64 ₱ 32,761.82 ₱ 59,421.81

The table above shows the Cost and Benefit Analysis. It includes that with

the use of Online Technical Support Desk the company will benefit and save a lot

of money. As years will pass, the cost of the organization will be reduced. Based

on the cost and benefit analysis, the benefit will be higher than the cost in the

second year and furthermore in the rest of the years. The return of investment is

within two years after implementing the proposed system.

Break Even Analysis

₱120,000.00 ₱83,225.36

₱100,000.00 ₱59,421.81
₱37,455.36 ₱2,902.64
₱40,000.00 ₱33,442.28 ₱29,859.18 ₱26,659.98
₱20,000.00 -₱30,539.64

1 2 3 4 5
Yearly NPV Cashflow Overall NPV Cashflow

Figure 11. Break Even Analysis

This figure above shows the graphical representation of the break-even

analysis. It illustrate the period of the year where the break-even of the proposed

project occur. Break-even occurs between year 1 and year 2 in order to compute

the break-even point, the first year must have positive cash flow to get the break-

even fraction.

= (₱33,442.28 - ₱2,902.64) / ₱33,442.28 = 0.91


Therefore the actual break-even of the project occurs at 1.91 years.

Payback Period

Payback period is a financial flow analysis that shows how long does it takes

for the cost of the porposed project to recover its initial cost. It focuses on

recovering the cost of investments of the projects. This also determines the

profitability of the proposed project.

Yearly NPV Cash Overall NPV

Payback period Payback Year
Flow Cashflow
0 ₱67,995.00 ₱67,995.00
1 ₱37,455.36 - ₱30,539.64
2 ₱33,442.28 ₱2,902.64
3 ₱29,859.18 ₱32,761.82
4 ₱26,659.98 ₱59,421.81
5 ₱23,803.56 ₱83,225.36

Table 12. Payback Period Analysis

This table above shows the Payback Period Analysis. The Yearly NPV

Cashflow and Overall NPV Cashflow are listed in the table. The amounts above

were used to compute for the payback period of the proposed project.

Beginning YearAmount
Payback Period = 1 +
Payback Period = 1 +

Payback Period = 1.82


Therefore, the payback period of the proposed project is 1.82

Net Present Value

Net Present Value determines the profitability of the proposed project in

terms of today’s cost values. This will also tell if the cost of investment in the

proposed project will result to a profit or loss after years.

In order to compute for the Overall Net Present Value, the NPV discounted

cost is subtracted from NPV discounted benefits. In Table 12 the NPV discounted

cost is ₱171,669.70 while the NPV discounted benefits is ₱336,397.72.

Overall NPV = NPV discounted benefits – NPV discounted cost

Overall NPV= ₱264,951.05 – ₱181,725.69

Overall NPV = ₱83,225.36

In Net Present Value Analysis, if the Net Present Value is positive it means

that the investment is good and bad if the result is negative. Therefore, the NPV of

the proposed project proves that it is good investment to implement the proposed


Organization and Management Staffing

Table 13. Stakeholder’s Roles and Responsibilities

Stakeholder Role Responsibilities

General Manager Responsible in making decisions
and handling overall responsibilities
Internal in the company.
Stakeholders Marketing In- charge for endorsement of
product and services as well as
handling company’s profit.
Production Gives tasks for technicians and
responsible for the production.
Technician Key player of the company on fixing
and providing services to
Rider Responsible for delivering products
to customers.
External Supplier Supplies parts and other products

Table 13.0, shows the stakeholders of Jared’s Ink and toner Refilling

Station. Roles and responsibilities are identified below. The company has only one

external stakeholder which is the supplier.


Management Prowess Assessment

This section explains the management prowess of the company. The

management prowess asses that the company has the ability to support the

implementation of the project. Based on the management prowess of the

company, they are willing to train and invest in the development of new employees.

Included are the given incentives for technical staffs such as training. The following

question will determine the management prowess of the company:

Table 14. Management Prowess Assessment Tool

1. Passion for the The person who handles or manages the
business idea proposed system has the passion for this
business. The management is still keeping
the company profile.
2. Prior technical Jared’s Ink and Toner Refilling Station has
experience an existing experience because the
company is in the technical field, giving
services to the other companies such as Big
Data Analysis, Security, and Networking
and Infrastructure.

3. Creativity among The creativity in team management is high

management team because it is one of the reason behind the
members success of the company.
4. Experience and All the technical staff in Jareds Company
expertise in technical ahve experiences and expertise in the
service technical services. The technical staff are
capable of solving technical issues because
the company is merely providing technical
assistance to its customers.
5. Bachelor’s In order to be member of the management,
Degree/College one has to have a degree in educators. The
Graduate company make sure that all the staff have

enough knowledge and can perform well in

the tasks that are given and assigned.

Resource Sufficiency Assessment

Resource sufficiency explains the resources availability of the company.

The sufficiency of resources proves that a company is capable of using Online

Technical Support for business processes in the company. Resources available in

the company are the key management employees, support personnel, equipment

needed to operate the business and the ability to form favorable business

partnerships. Mentioned resources suffice the needs of the company in order to

give convenience on both employees and customers.

Table 15. Resource Sufficiency Assessment Tool

Resource Sufficiency Report

Office space There is enough space for the implementation
of the proposed project in the company. There
is a specific department where the system is
going to be placed.
Key management employees The technical staff are the ones who will use
(now and in the future) the proposed project, Online Technical
Support Desk
Key equipment needed to The equipment needed for the implementation
operate the project (computers, of the proposed project like computers are
machinery, delivery vehicles already existing in the company
Proximity to customers The location of the company is reachable
because it is in the center of the business

The above table shows the Resource Sufficiency Assessment. It indicates

that the company has an enough space for the proposed project. The company

also has technical staff that serves as the user of the proposed project.

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