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The GreenPro approach to raising | SMART CAPITAL Written By GreenPro Team (From Left: Gilbert Loke, C.K. Lee and K.C. See ‘© 2016 GreenPro Capital Corp. All Rights Reserved Foreword The world has become borderless now! The flattening of the world sped up the business globalization trend, it’s either you go global or d--. Business have to seek for Blue Ocean strategy (part of the globalisation strategy) in order to survive fro not only local but world competitions because the borderless world has changed the business landscape that we used ‘to know. The joining of China into WTO in 2000 has shown a good example of the world landscape flattening, leading to its open door policy. Such globalisation phenomenon has transformed and re-define business landscape and market that we are familiar with. Means? Everything we know about business needs to be reformed, Emerging Growth Market (EGM) evolved from traditional market in recent years has created many successful companies that are categorized as “Emerging Growth Company”. The nature of these companies are generally something we can’t see when they started, something we thinks it’s too small to be alerted, when they develop into something we can’t understand why they succeed and eventually, something we can’t match up with their development pace and size. In view of the above, the market is seen redefined as emerging growth market which leads to the “Capital” also need to be redefined. Capital in traditional Market is limited to cash or ‘tangible value as form of evidence, but not intellectual properties, skills sets, expertise know- how and experience. However, for the emerging growth market, intellectual property such as ideas, concept and even “TRUST, BELIEVE & CONFIDENCE” from public is also considered as capital due to its emerging nature. *We notice that the only thing doesn’t change is the changing environment, same goes to definition of everything that we know in the time context. Market has been redefined, so does the capital context evolves from time to time. From witnessing the change of capital context from early 1990's to 2010's and eventually GreenPro Capital successfully listed in 2014, further support that capital context is needed to be redefine as time changes, BUT, the fundamentals of capital concept remain unchanged. In this book, you will learn how to monetize, capitalize and securities your intangible values into “SMART CAPITAL” for growing your business globally in the era of NEW ASIA. C.K.Lee Chief Executive Officer | GreenPro Capital Corp. (OTCB: GRNQ) © 2016 GreenPro Capital Corp. All Rights Reserved

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