10% Quota - (A Co-WPS Office

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10% Quota-(A Conspiracy or a Bliss for nation)

Recently,the central government came up with the decesion of extending its reservation to General
quota.There are several noteworthy points about this 10% quota bill that has just been passed in the Lok
sabha.Now the biggest argument coming to the surface regarding this bill is whether who all will come
under the umbrella of its recepients.Now as per the bill this quota will cover the economically weaker
sections of general quota excluding SC,ST and OBC (non-creamy).So by that means people of all other
castes and communities including muslims shall be coming under this.

Who all are economically weaker sections??

Now what is the definition of economically weaker section in the eyes of our governmsnt.For cutting out
the taxes the annual income of a person should be above 5 lakh,while as per the consideration of this bill
the criteria to put general quota below poverty line is totally different.Here it considers people having an
annual income lesser than 8 lakh to be economically weaker.So one thing is clear from this that there is
no fixed criteria that demarcrates the rich and poor in this country.

Say of SC in this matter?

Another and a very important aspect of this bill is that it depicts the autonomy of our government and
puts a shadow upon the supremacy of highest authority ie SC in our country.Some judges says infact that
10% bill will not pass muster in SC because it has disallowed any government from extending the
reservation beyond 50%.

My personal opinion

It is a well known fact that US is developed and India still falls under the category of developing nations
because US gives jobs to deserved and India gives jobs to reserved.Reservation got its roots in our
country in Gandhinian era with the initial aim of blurring the lines between lower and upper caste of the
society.But as we see with time it had taken up a political shape.The question here is whether the
governments in past or present actually working for the betterment of the country or just taking yhe
fruits in their own basket.Well we do not know nor we can predict what happens behind these closed
doors.On one hand the opposition parties are accusing Modi's government of taking such decesions for
political advantage and creating a hail in public while on the other hand we see that not a single person
from opposition has come to oppose this decesion.So it is clear that these political diplomacies are in the
favour of self and not in the favour of people.

A reality check to 10% quota:- The falling job vacacies in public sector is the reality check to this 10%
reservation quota.Private sectors on the other hand pushes the policy based upon skills and
education.So the question here is whether its going to be really effective or sees the similar fate as

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