A Two-Line Time-Domain Gating Method For Characterization of Test Fixture With Via Hole Discontinuity

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10, OCTOBER 2017

A Two-Line Time-Domain Gating Method for

Characterization of Test Fixture
With via Hole Discontinuity
Jaeyong Cho, Byung-Sung Kim, Member, IEEE, Jonghyuk Jeong, Junseong Kim, Kibeom Kim,
Karam Hwang, Hwiseob Lee, Seungil Jeung, and Seungyoung Ahn, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— The time-domain gating method (TGM) is an accu-

rate and useful method to characterize the test fixtures used in
the measurement of high-speed connectors. However, its accuracy
can be degraded by the gating error when the test fixture contains
the impedance discontinuity near the fixture end facing the device
under test. To overcome this limitation, this letter proposes a two-
line TGM (2LTGM) for characterizing the test fixtures having the
discontinuities such as via holes. The proposed method does not
require any modification of the test fixtures with the help of the
proposed test structures and T-parameter extraction procedure.
The experimental results show that the proposed 2LTGM has an
8 dB lower mean square error than the conventional TGM for the Fig. 1. (a) Test fixture for measuring the high-speed connector, such as
test fixtures having via hole discontinuities at the end. We expect USB 3.1 type-C, having many I/O pins in a small form factor. (b) TDR
that the 2LTGM can improve the accuracy for characterizing the waveform of the test structure for characterizing the test fixture with the via
test fixtures with any discontinuities not limited to the via holes. hole discontinuity at the end.
Index Terms— Characterization, de-embedding, gating error,
test fixture, time-domain gating method (TGM), via holes.
I. I NTRODUCTION One of the most convenient ways to characterize the test
fixtures is the time-domain gating method (TGM) [1], [2].

T HE measurement for characterization of high-speed con-

nectors, such as the USB 3.1 type-C’s plug and recepta-
cle, has become more difficult due to its small and complex
It requires only a THRU structure with the help of the gating
process in the time-domain. Furthermore, two asymmetric test
fixtures can also be characterized simultaneously by the one
structures. To connect I/O pins of the connectors to SubMinia-
THRU structure [3]. However, if the impedance discontinuities
ture version A connectors, or microprobes of the instrument
exist near the end of the test fixture facing the device under
conveniently, an indirect measurement method using test fix-
test, an additional transmission line should be inserted in
tures has been broadly employed. However, the electrical char-
the test fixture to minimize the gating error caused by the
acteristics of the test fixtures affect the accuracy of measured
prolonged time-domain response of the impedance discon-
results of the connectors, especially in the high-frequency
tinuity [4]. In practical cases, the via hole, most common
range. Therefore, the characteristics of the test fixture should
and influential discontinuities in the fixture design, should be
be precisely de-embedded to identify the performance of the
placed at the end of the test fixture to properly interface the
high-speed connectors.
instrument and the connector having many I/O pins in a small
Manuscript received May 1, 2017; accepted August 9, 2017. Date of form factor, as shown in Fig. 1. Therefore, in order to accu-
publication September 12, 2017; date of current version October 5, 2017. rately characterize, these test fixtures containing the via holes
This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and at the end without the gating error, the conventional TGM
Energy, and in part by the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology
through the Industrial Strategic Technology Development Program 10052973. is needed to be modified without any additional transmission
(Corresponding author: Jaeyong Cho.) lines in the test fixtures.
J. Cho, K. Kim, K. Hwang, and S. Ahn are with the Korea Advanced This letter proposes a two-line TGM (2LTGM) to charac-
Institute of Science and Technology, Deajeon 305-701, South Korea
(e-mail: fable@kaist.ac.kr; smiledawn@kaist.ac.kr; hwang8@kaist.ac.kr; terize the test fixtures having the via holes as discontinuities.
sahn@kaist.ac.kr). In this method, the test fixture does not need to embed any
B.-S. Kim, J. Kim, and H. Lee are with the School of Information and additional transmission line section for preventing the gating
Communication, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, South Korea
(e-mail: bskimice@skku.edu; rfmdjskim@skku.edu; hwisbi@gmail.com). error, unlike the conventional TGM [4]. First, required lengths
J. Jeong and S. Jeung are with HUWIN, Seongnam 13558, South Korea of the additional transmission lines are defined to minimize
(e-mail: jjh@huwin.co.kr; sijeung@huwin.co.kr). the gating error and the T-Parameters extraction procedure of
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. the test fixtures from the test structures is presented. Second,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2017.2746686 to verify the accuracy of the proposed method, asymmetric
1531-1309 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 2. Proposed test structures for characterizing the test fixture with the
via hole discontinuities at the end.

test fixtures having via hole discontinuities and its test struc-
tures are implemented. Finally, characterized results using the
proposed 2LTGM and the conventional TGM are compared
with directly measured S-Parameters of the test fixtures.
Fig. 3. (a) Design of an asymmetric test fixture. (b) Implemented test struc-
II. T WO -L INE T IME -D OMAIN G ATING M ETHOD tures composed of the designed asymmetric test fixtures and two additional
transmission lines.
To characterize the fixture without the gating error of the
TGM, we propose two test structures as shown in Fig. 2.
The test structures are composed of two test fixtures with T-Parameters of the two test structures shown in Fig. 2 can
the via hole discontinuities and additional transmission lines be expressed as
(TL1 and TL2) of different lengths. The purpose of TL1 and [T1 ] = [TL ][TTL1 ][TR_m ] (6)
TL2 is to stabilize the time-domain response of the impedance
[T2 ] = [TL ][TTL2 ][TR_m ]. (7)
discontinuities, caused by the via holes at the end of the test
fixtures. The T-Parameters of two-inserted transmission line sections
The required lengths of lm1 and lm2 can be determined by [TTL1 ] and [TTL2 ] can be written as
analyzing the time-domain reflectometer (TDR) waveform of
[TTL1 ] = [TTLh ][TTLh ] (8)
the via hole. The TDR waveform of the via-hole is calculated
as shown [TTL2 ] = [TTL1 ][TTL1 ] = [TTLh ][TTLh ][TTLh ][TTLh ] (9)

γVia (t) = IFT{Via ( f )}(IFT: Inverse Fourier Transform) where [TTLh ] is the half of [TTL1 ]. [T1 ] and [T2 ] can
(1) be decomposed accurately into half of them using the
 t TGM [3] because the gating error can be minimized by the
VTDR_Via(t) = γVia (τ )dτ (2) [TTL1 ] and [TTL2 ]
1 + VTDR_Via(t) {[T1hL ], [T1hR ]} = TGM{[T1 ]} (10)
TDRVia (t) = Z 0 × (3)
1 − VTDR_Via(t) {[T2hL ], [T2hR ]} = TGM{[T2 ]}. (11)
where Via ( f ) is the reflection coefficients of the via hole [TTLh ] can be extracted from [T1hL ] and [T2hL ] as
and it can be calculated using characteristic impedance of the
additional transmission line Z 0 and impedance of the via hole. [T1hL ]−1 [T2hL ] = [[TL ][TTLh ]]−1 [TL ][TTLh ][TTLh ]
The required stabilizing time of the impedance fluctuation for = [TTLh ]−1 [TL ]−1 [TL ][TTLh ][TTLh ]
TDRVia (t) should be shorter than the half of the propagation = [TTLh ]. (12)
time t p of the TL1 and TL2 to prevent the gating error of the
TGM [4]. In order to calculate the minimally required lengths Conclusively, the T-Parameters of the test fixtures
of the TL1 and TL2, we define a condition of the required [TL ] and [TR ] are obtained as
reflection time td for TDRVia (t), expressed as
  [T1hL ][TTLh ]−1 = [TL ][TTLh ][TTLh ]−1 = [TL ] (13)
 TDRVia (t) − Z 0 
td = min(t) for   < Rth (4) [T1hR ][TTLh ] −1
= [TR ][TTLh ][TTLh ] −1
= [TR ]. (14)
Z  100
The S-Parameters of test fixtures can be easily calculated using
where td is the minimum time for satisfying (4), in which
the matrix conversion of the T-Parameters.
the impedance variation ratio of TDRVia (t) should be lower
than the threshold value Rth (%). Consequently, the minimally
required length of TL1 can be derived using td and the phase III. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
velocity v p , expressed as To verify the accuracy of the 2LTGM, the test structures,
  composed of the asymmetric test fixtures and two additional
lm1 = v p · t p ≥ v p · × 2. (5) transmission lines (TL1 and TL2), have been implemented
2 on printed circuit board as shown in Fig. 3. The character-
The purpose of the TL2, twice longer than lm1 , is to remove istic impedance Z 0 is 76  with the linewidth of 0.1 mm.
the characteristics of the TL1 and TL2 from the test fixtures. Fig. 4(a) shows the structure of an implemented via hole and

Fig. 4. (a) Structure of the via hole and its equivalent circuit model. (b) TGM
results of the test structure for various Rth . (c) TDR of the implemented test
structure with or without TL1.

its equivalent circuit. To estimate the TDR waveform of the

via hole, the model parameters of the equivalent circuit are
extracted using a 3-D electromagnetic field solver (ANSYS
Q3D extractor). Therefore, the reflection coefficients Via ( f )
can be calculated as

( j 2π f Cvia //Z 0 +2π f L via )//2π f Cvia − Z 0 Fig. 5. Comparison of the measured test fixtures (green line) with the
Via ( f ) = (15)
( j 2π f Cvia //Z 0 +2π f L via )//2π f Cvia + Z 0 characterized results of the TGM (red line) and the 2LTGM (blue dotted line).
(a) S21 of the left fixture. (b) S21 of the right fixture. (c) S11 of the left fixture.
(d) S11 of the right fixture. (e) S22 of the left fixture. (f) S11 of the right fixture.
where the frequency range of Via ( f ) is from 50 MHz to
20 GHz with 50-MHz step. Fig. 4(b) shows the gating error
of the TGM estimated by the mean square error (MSE) IV. C ONCLUSION
between the characterized and simulated S11 of the left test This letter presented the 2LTGM for characterizing the
fixture, having half of the TL1, up to 20 GHz for various test fixtures having the via hole discontinuities at the end.
Rth . In overall, the smaller Rth can further reduce the MSEs, In this method, any modification of the test fixtures is not
although some Rth has a slight fluctuation of the MSE due required to overcome the limitation of the TGM, the gating
to a variation of the spectral leakage of the fast Fourier error, with the help of the proposed test structures and the
transform for each half-gated response. Therefore, to guarantee T-Parameter extraction procedure. The experimental results
the minimized gating error of the TGM, we select Rth of 2%, showed the 2LTGM has an 8 dB higher accuracy in all MSEs
deriving lm1 of 8.91 mm. Accordingly, the test structures than the conventional TGM. Therefore, the 2LTGM facilitates
are designed with the additional transmission lines having the highly accurate characterization of the test fixtures even
lengths lm1 of 9 mm and lm2 of 18 mm. Fig. 4(c) shows the with the discontinuities, such as the via holes, and can be
TDR of the implemented test structure having the TL1, which applied to measure the high-speed connectors.
presents the continuous impedance response at the half.
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