Office of The Chief Executive New Zealand

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Office of Public Affairs

March 15, 2019

Rt Hon. Jacinda Ardern - Prime Minister

Office of the Chief Executive
Level 8 Executive Wing
Parliament Buildings

Open Letter To The Prime Minister Of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister,

I prayerfully write to express My heartfelt condolences to the

families and loved ones of the 49 people killed and dozens
injured in the New Zealand Linwood Mosques massacre, at
Christchurch in an unprecedented attack that has shocked
the nation and the world. I too stand with you and the people
of New Zealand. My thoughts are with you. America mourns
with them, unfortunately, I can’t say that for President Trump.

White supremacist are an organized domestic and international

terrorist threat facing New Zealand and the World. “It is past time
for change”. Enough is enough.

The State of New Zealand future require it not only to change gun
laws, but make it a priority to implement and enforce a Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), against this
alarming emergence and convergence of these organized corrupt
domestic and international White supremacist terrorist hate crime
groups across the world, whose leaders, members and associates
continue to engage in various inhumane acts of violence, and
bigotry, i.e., "murder, rage, racism, intimidation, torture, assaults,
hate, and persecution on political, racial, religious or ethnic grounds,
discrimination, segregation, crimes against property, the peace and
dignity of New Zealand and the International Community.
These White Corrupt Organized Domestic and International
Terrorist Hate Crime Groups and their leaders operate through
dozens of groups of individuals and organizations known to the
law enforcement agencies as white nationalist, white supremacist,
white separatist, alt-Reich Nation, Loyal White Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan or Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist
skinhead, New Zealand National Front and Christian Identity,
which represent a direct threat to international security.

The New Zealand people must never again tolerate any hateful
corrupt organized domestic terrorist hate crime groups hiding
behind the Constitution or its laws to intimidate, kill or injure
New Zealand citizens, in this society, based on hate, bigotry,
anti- immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti Semitic hate.

Prime Minister, in your hands rest the future of New Zealand.

Now the time to speak has come again, not only to condemn
these radical White extremist hate groups.

But there is a better way to take down these White Supremacist,

Domestic and International Corrupt Organized Terrorist Hate
Crime Groups.

The government should without delay implement an effective tool,

the New Zealand RICO Act, and enforce it against these corrupt
White Nationalist, alt-Reich Nation, Loyal White Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan, and neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, Extremist
right wing, violent terrorist, racist skinhead, Ultranationalism, New
Zealand’s National Front, and Christian Identity groups, their
leaders, members and associates.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Roy L. Perry-Bey

Director of Human & Civil Rights
Post Office Box 1772
Hampton, Virginia 23669 USA

cc: Pastor Dr. William J. Barber II, President North Carolina


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