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- - Bxerpryy 7 € C PAGE: | a IHD. Gelbcstes THE VIRGINIA CODE OF 1942 ALL THE GENERAL ACTS TO AND INCLUDING THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION OF 1942 COMPLETE ANNOTATIONS UNDER THE EDITORIAL SUPERVISION OF A, HEWSON MICHIE CHAS. W. SUBLETT , AND BBIRNE STEDMAN ‘THE MICHIE COMPANY, LAW PUBLISHERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA" 1042 pxenern 7 PAGE: 2. vane" Title 2S G BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS hap, 100 tons £173(24) to 2778(10), both Inclusive, of the Code of Virginia, may Invest sincng funds of suck, ‘county, In-bonds of the United States, the State of Virginia, or of any couniy, city or town in the Sisto of Vieginis or In any distret of any such sounty. (3040, p. § s74ib, Paymnent of bonds in Instellments, — ‘All onds issued by any county or magisterial dis- ftiet in thls State, on and after January frst nine~ een hundred and thlety-seven, shall be Issued to ture in annual or semi-anntal installments, the {ast Installment of which shall be payable not more than thirty years feom the date of such bonds, IA least four per centum of the principal amount af each Ine shall, boginning not Inter than five ‘years ater date of issue, be payable annually to- ether with all due interest, ‘The provisions of ‘apply 10 rovewals and extensions of fof alter January frst, nineteen hun red and thirty-seven ond to all Gonds fsaued to reland any unreticed portion of such bonds, but ‘hall not apply to renewals. or extensions of any Such Bonds fesued prior to January fret, nineteen fundred and thirty-soven ot to, any such bonds faaued for the purpose of refunding any bonds i sued prior to said date. r “Ae(a authorising countles and dstricts to issue ‘bonds shall be construed to authorize the issuance bpiauch bonds in accordance with the provisions of this eet. (1080; p. 804) § 2142, Cireult court and board of eupervieore cof hay oonty may euthoriza ond pernaty and ald fh the erection of Confederate or World War Monument at the county seat thercot—The cl- Sit court. of any” county. may, with the concur Rance of the, Donrd of eipervisors of suck county htered of sezgrd, authorize ad permit the eree fan of Gonodtrate or World Wer monument ‘pon®the public eave of such counly 2 1 CBimy sea thereots And if the came all be so Seected Ht shall ot be lawl Uhceater for the ate Gferlies of said county, or any other-person oF prone, watever, fo cata or fatertere with say Reonument oo erected, or {© provent the cllzns Panid county fem taking ll proper measures Shaexerclaing all proper means for protection, preserraton and care of "Gnd the boned of sopervicore may appropiate ‘a taller aura or. sums of thoney out of the Tunis of any such county to complete or ald in Arete Sion of «monument to the Confederate or Mee Wor veterans of such county upon the Weiis aquere hereol,or elsewhere at the county pute ad thay ace lso authorized (o make a soe fa ony to raise the. money necsesary for_the Serleton of any seh mosoment, or the eres fin’ of'a monument (0 such, Confederate or Weed War yeterans, orto suoplement the funds Meaty valued or that maybe heratter raed by fehrate persona of ty” Conederale veeant, or By'tre American Leglon, or other rgazations BARS purpose of bulding auch monuments; and eid ako authorized and empowered a0 fhe Ste rom vine fo tine, out of any funds of ary a sufcent sum or sums of HONEY fo permancily eare for, protest and preserve the Golteterate or. World’ War monument erected aon the public square, or elsewhere at the toon Mea of any auch county, and 10 expend tho same thereafter as other county fitids are ex? pended. (1004, p, 62; 1910, p. 21; 1920, p. 87.) ‘See HF SI, ait ts, Eien of "Arenal of foaMonumente to, Weal War Vatermus were tutbosed ty he" Hid amendaest 1 ataa Reed by Aes of 9, ph 8 aaah Sigha on scr and hays Ine oh Saath tare eae se te Sinn wa abn’ wih popu tion of twenticlve thousand, or yore, inhabitant, 'diteminel ty hevUnicd Sat eu tine hunted to hry bean Sty ae iprveted ithe poner tbe erred In ike on, Yo taal ond ai sulle hte othe tein Bigiwaye te lagen nd built-up portions of such counties, respectively, thlrpy the tof en inne a, {Sane ovo She esuny fan Cm, 41) {270 Powers of lose native coieted_ on vou of nuprase= “in adage vows Contre Oy alert, the bond ot Ser Siete oes nay all er oa ‘To adopt quarantine regulations affecting both peneas nd fits farhrice othe See Gat Me tei‘ enya ma aco: ‘tet separ ates, “slot ‘he nese regions to rer ine of coer dares so from io rvs atl nad oxeent th palaon of water in thei reapesive counes whereby 1 ie ned dangers tte hth oes 3 per Sone rota the ena. oro eupg y pros anny a toad eet anal om aig Sainig a lare"pom the publ highway hot Heyy be eee by ce ho nop ach mms a tay ay dm er pede torte tn proms the We ee tnt feral yale ote nin fhe trae coun ol Incounen i he gene Taws of this State — "Po pole a th gchar, oman, mana sone of ale ent ang vero aaon the prope fe coun an Inhablant, and 0 prerebe the forms and cdo tense sae et ng youn piety ome one the beard of emperors of any county slo? ing of ate any Sy hing atl mating re (Ghatng sts hl ave eat 18 ce tc hy such Sy, aon auc tra the Scary dean prop fr ting fon eh Cotman ree th me tn conan Son’ hic omy.‘ foe ob pea Shee pa i ony ah oa ves niyo finds with wih to pa oh Torey lenge ening ol at secs sch nd iy deli 8 ‘pei ex onthe propery och coun itany masfoteril date threo, subest to focal tata pene Glog nes lege enon ipsa Nowa th fer af alos er ey be ected or ring no ees then an ther oer powers the fords of supra ay sae Beare and Bava and Presb fae and Tee] CODE OF VIRGINIA , : 1S Av 1950 With Provision for Subsequent Pocket Parts — ANNOTATED Prepared by the Virginia Code Commission Under ‘Authority of Chapter 262 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1948 IN TEN VOLUMES VOLUME 3 ‘Dae Micmie Conmany, Law Postsns Cmangereauugs, Virenea APR IGT ee signs c : exzert |: c PAGEE F Ay

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