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Q.1 what is E-Filing? Whether this E-Filing process is a user friendly programme?

Ans. E-Filing is Electronic filing of matters in the Registry of Supreme Court of

India. Yes, E-Filing is a user friendly programme prepared by National Informatics

Q.2 what is the benefit of E-Filing facility?

Ans. Through E-Filing facilitates any Advocate-on-record (in the Supreme Court of
India) or Petitioner-in-person can file his/her matter through internet facility, sitting
anywhere in the world. It does not require any person to come at the filing Counter
in the Registry of the Supreme Court of India for just filing his/her matter.

Q.3. what are the procedures/ steps required to be taken for E-Filing process?

Ans.: Prequalification - you must have prepared the Petition offline.

The steps required for E-Filing process are:

1. Login: For login you need User ID and Password. (Advocate on record
are provided ID and password from the Registry. Petitioner-in-person has to
create his ID and Password by submitting his/her Identity proof.

2. After successful login, you have to upload all the files/documents of the

3. At last Court Fee is automatically calculated through system. The total

Court Fee includes Court Fee prescribed in the Supreme Court Rules +

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printing charges (@1.50 per page) for 1+5 sets(in case of Writ Petition) or
1-3 sets(in rest of the matters). The total Court Fee is payable online
through Credit Card only.

4. Finally, if Court Fee is successfully paid a reference no. is generated by

the system against the case filed by the Petitioner-in-Person/Advocate on
record. Same reference no. is to be used again at the time of refilling of

Q. 4. How Court Fee is calculated in a case filed through E-Filing?

Ans. The prescribed Court Fee and printing charges @ 1.50 per page can be paid
through any visa/master credit Card. No Additional Court Fee or processing fee is
required for E-Filing.

Q. 5. How Documents are filed through E-Filing?

Ans. Documents like Counter, Rejoinder, Fresh application etc. can be filed
through Internet either by Advocate-on-record or by Petitioner-in-person. The text
can be typed on computer and same may be submitted as an attachment. The
documents bearing signatures need to be scanned first and scanned page(s) may
be submitted as an attachment.

Q. 6. How Documents sent through E-Filing are safer and secure than by sending
it through Post/Courier?

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Ans. A unique Reference No. is allotted at the time of filing of the case through
E-Filing. Every Advocate-on-record is given a password by the Registry. Since the
pass word is known only to the concerned Advocate, it is not possible for any
other person to file any matter or document on his behalf. The password can be
changed by accessing the website.

Q.7. what are the requirement of filing a matter through this facility?

Ans. All petitions filed through this facility follow under Supreme Court Rules,
1966. A handbook of Supreme Court Rules, 1966 is available at the Website of
Supreme Court of India

Q.8. what are the steps to file additional documents/ application in an E-Filed

Ans. A Reference No. is allotted at the time of filing of fresh matter. Any Additional
document/ application or re-filing of modified pages /Annexure can only be done
by using the same Reference No. through re-filing option.

Q.9. what is the mode of payment of Court Fee in the matters filed through

Ans. Court Fee can only be paid through any 16 Digit Credit Card issued by any of
the banks. No Money orders/ Demand Drafts are accepted for payment of Court

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Q.10.How a Petitioner-in-Person/Advocate on-record can track the status of

his/her matter filed through E-Filing facility?

Ans. Once the matter is successfully e-filed, Dy.No. Is allotted to the matter and
same is e-mailed to the Petitioner. Petitioner can track the status of his/her case
through that Dy.No. Dy.No., defects, notices and letters are communicated to the
Petitioner through e-mail as well as through Registered Post by concerned dealing

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