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Technical Report Writing

& Communication Skills

Favorable/Unfavorable Replies, Special Messages

PICS - Punjab Insititue of Contemporary

Engr. M. Farhan Sabir Sciences 1
Course Outline

Technical Report Writing: Essay writing . Preparation of laboratory and other technical reports. Logical
presentation of facts and opinion in technical reports, Transformation of sentences. Synthesis. Idioms. Use of
punctuation in English composition. Substitution of words. Common mistakes and difficulties faced by the
students. Use of English language laboratory.

Communication Skills: Importance of effective communication, the process and principles of communication.
Planning, Organizing, editing before communication. Letter and memos, like direct requests, Persuasive
favorable/unfavorable replies etc. Special message etc., monthly/annual reports, conference report, progress
proposals reports, formal reports, project reports. Oral communication, business meeting, interpersonal and non-
written communication. Modern office technology for communication. Social and intercultural communication.

 Recommended Books:

1. Bough L. Sue, (1999), '' How to write first class letters'' , Nte publishing group USA.
2. Pauly steven. E. (1979), ''Technical report writing today '' 2nd ED. USA: Boston.
3. Day, Robert A.. , (2006), How to write and publish scientific paper. 6th ED. UK: Cambridge university press.

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Engr. M. Farhan Sabir Sciences 2

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Favorable Replies


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-is a type of letter written to communicate a OFFER)
positive response towards job offer, invitation, gift,
1. Use a standard business format when writing the letter.
offer, contract, scholarship and other matters 2. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial for
which require the intended your letter.
3. Address the letter to the person who offered you the
- It is a professional etiquette. position.
-It removes any misunderstanding on part of the 4. Keep the letter short and direct to the point.
either party. 5. In the first paragraph, say thank you and mention the exact
title of the position that you are accepting.
- Accepting letters are written for both informal
6. In the next paragraph you should restate the terms of your
and formal purposes employment as you understand them.
7. In the third paragraph, write something that will show that
you are looking forward to coming to work for the company
8. Proofread your letter carefully.
OTHER GUIDELINES: 9. Print your letter on high quality paper.
10. Mail the letter, making sure to address it to the person it is
1. In the first paragraph, state your written to.
acceptance in the proposal. Also, the
statement that the proposal is subject in the
following terms and conditions.
2. List your terms and conditions
3. List also the duties of the person who made
the proposal after accepting it. FAVORABLE REPLY TO A REQUEST
REQUEST LETTER-is a letter which is written when you
need certain information, permission, favor, service or
any other matter which requires a polite and humble
RESPONSE LETTER-is used to give the response of request (e.g. payment request, business proposal
any job letter, personal that a person sends you request, document request, friend request, and request
for different reason. for a favor)

(Body of the letter) (Body of the letter)
1. In the first paragraph, state what is 1. In the first paragraph, state that the grantee has
requested and a brief description of it. been chosen to a specific grant with a detailed
2. In the second paragraph, if it is a information about it.
requested document, state that it is 2. In the second paragraph, if necessary, state the
attached in the letter. schedule of the release of grant.
3. Next, state the duties and responsibilities or terms
and conditions of the grant.


-Also referred to as notice, NOGA, NGA, sponsor

notice, or award letter-is a notification from a sponsor
indicating that a proposal has been funded
- It is a legal document which states that a grant has
been awarded to the grantee. It is a notification to
the grantee.

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Bad News / Unfavorable Replies
Follow the CBO approach and bad news strategy to
prepare the following types of refusal messages:

 Requests
 Recommendations
 Adjustments
 Credits
 Orders
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Sciences 6
Compose a Draft
Begin with a neutral or pleasant statement.
Begin with
Explain the a buffer. for the referral.
Choose words carefully.
State or imply thecannot
Explain why you what the receiver
Avoid misleading the receiver.
Offer thealternative
refusal concisely.
solution or action.
Use the passive voice to avoid sounding
State what
Offer a can be done
constructive rather thansubstitute,
suggestion, what
End with a positive, friendly statement.
cannot be done.
counterproposal, or alternate course of action.
Conclude with a positive statement.
Avoid negative
Explain words.
how the receiver may benefit.
Avoid trite expressions.
Close with action required by the receiver.

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Types of Bad News Messages


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Engr. M. Farhan Sabir Sciences 8
Request Refusals
A request refusal is written when a business must
refuse a request for contributions, use of facilities,
preferential treatment, or special discounts.

Begin with a pleasant or neutral statement that

relates to the receiver.
Give at least one reason for the refusal.
Imply or state the refusal.
Offer a helpful solution or suggestion.
End positively without reference to the refusal.
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Recommendation Letters
Consider the following three options for providing poor
recommendation messages:

Inform the person who made the request why you

cannot provide a positive response.
Provide only employment dates and omit references
to poor performance or unsatisfactory evaluations.
Prepare and transmit an unfavorable written
recommendation using the bad news strategy.

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Adjustment/Refund Refusals
When you cannot make the requested adjustment,
follow the bad news strategy to write an adjustment

Begin with a pleasant, relevant statement.

Give a factual basis for the refusal.
Imply or state an impersonal refusal.
Include a resale statement and/or an offer to help.
End pleasantly.
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Credit Refusals
A credit refusal for a loan, credit card, extended line
of credit, or credit purchase should apply the bad
news strategy.

Begin with a pleasant, timely buffer.

Give reasons for the refusal.
Imply or state the refusal.
Make a counterproposal.
End with attention on the receiver’s benefits.
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Order Refusals
Write an order refusal message when you are unable
to fulfill or ship an order in a timely manner.

Begin with a buffer.

Ask for needed information for incomplete orders;
give a reason for delayed and unfilled orders.
State or imply the delay plan or the refusal.
Offer a resale or an alternative solution.
End with a positive statement.
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Engr. M. Farhan Sabir Sciences 13

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Good News Strategy
Open with the good or neutral news.

Follow with adequate details or descriptions.

End pleasantly.

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Thank-You Messages
Thank-you messages lay a strong foundation for
maintaining friendships and goodwill. Make the
receiver feel important.

Begin with the good news about something specific.

Offer extra details about why you appreciate what
the receiver did or said.
End with the emphasis on the receiver.

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Congratulatory Messages
Congratulatory messages usually are unexpected, and
therefore, make a major impression and build goodwill

Offer congratulations for a specific accomplishment.

Provide details that clearly show your sincerity.
End with emphasis on the receiver and the

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Recommendation Messages

Write positive recommendation messages using the

good news strategy.

Identify the candidate and the job or benefit.

Provide facts relevant to the position or benefit.

Close with an offer of further information.

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Inquiries and Replies
Inquiry messages ask the receiver for information
about products or services.

Begin by clearly describing your request.

Include adequate details so the receiver can answer
your inquiry.
End with clear directions so the receiver can

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Inquiries and Replies (continued)

Reply messages answer inquiry messages preferably

within five days.

Begin by answering the main question.

Include pertinent information.
End pleasantly and demonstrate the you attitude.

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Orders and Acknowledgments
Order messages ask for goods or services.

Use direct language to assure the seller you

want to buy.
Give complete details to assist the seller in
filling your order promptly and correctly.
Include payment information and shipping
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Engr. M. Farhan Sabir Sciences 21
Orders and Acknowledgments

Acknowledgement messages confirm receipt of an

order, provide information on delivery status, and
encourage future orders.

Indicate that the product was sent or the service

was approved.
Describe quality features of the product or
End by encouraging future orders.
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Routine Claims and
Claims messages ask for adjustments.

Begin with a specific request for an adjustment.

Give a complete and concise description of the
End courteously with a suggestion for prompt action.

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Routine Claims and
Adjustments (continued)
Adjustment messages accept the validity of the

Grant the request in the first sentence or subject

Provide necessary details about the adjustment.
End with a cordial, open invitation for future
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Requests and Responses
Request messages ask for information, approval,
permission, cooperation, or assistance.

State the major request in the first sentence.

Make the request clear with additional details.
End courteously and indicate the action you expect.

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Requests and Responses(continued)
Response messages provide opportunities to
establish goodwill and promote business.

Answer the request in the first sentence.

Include additional pertinent information.

End with a goodwill statement.

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