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Crohn's disease

Author: Professor Antoine CORTOT1

Creation Date: September 2001
Update: June 2003

Scientific Editor: Professor Jean-Alain CHAYVIALLE

Service des maladies de l'appareil digestif, CHRU Hôpital Claude Huriez, Place de Verdun, 59037 Lille
Cedex, France.

Disease name and synonyms
Excluded diseases
Diagnosis criteria/Definition
Differential diagnosis
Management including treatment
Genetic counseling
Antenatal diagnosis
Unresolved questions

Crohn's disease is one of the two main inflammatory bowel diseases, the other being ulcerative colitis. It
is defined as a transmural inflammation of the bowel involving the terminal ileum and right colon
preferentially, but also the small bowel, colon, rectum and the perineal area. The main symptoms are
diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss often accompanied by extra digestive manifestations such as fever,
aphtosis, arthralgia, erythema nodosa. Etiology is still unknown. However, Crohn's disease is thought to
be the consequence of an hyperactivated intestinal immune system resulting from the action of unknown
environemental factors on genetically-determined susceptibility. Its incidence is lower in Southern
countries than in Northern countries (1 to 5 /100,000 ) as well as its prevalence (25 to 150 /100,000). The
main drugs are salicylates, steroids, immunomodulators. Surgery is often required for treatment of bowel
stenosis, abscess, internal fistula, as well as ano-perineal manifestations of the disease. Patients may
require either enteral or parenteral nutrition.

Crohn's disease; inflammatory bowel disease; diarrhea, abdominal pain; weight loss

functional intestinal disorders;

Disease name and synonyms irritable bowel syndrome.
Crohn's disease (CD);
granulomatous colo-ileitis; Diagnosis criteria/Definition
regional enteritis. The diagnosis relies on the accumulation of
various criteria including clinical, endoscopical,
Excluded diseases histological and biological findings.
Ulcerative colitis; The clinical manifestations depend on the
indeterminate chronic colitis; distribution and severity of the disease, together
microscopic colitis; collagenous colitis; with the presence of complications. The most
lymphocytic colitis; celiac disease;

Cortot A. Crohn's disease. Orphanet Encyclopedia, June 2003. 1
common symptoms are: diarrhea, abdominal appearance is normal, and infection. CD
pain, rectal bleeding, anorexia, weight loss. histology is characterized by preserved mucosal
They depend on the site of the disease (see architecture, a deep inflammatory infiltrate
table 1). toward the lamina propria, fissura, and pseudo-
tuberculoid granuloma (found in only 20-30 % of
Table1 : Frequency of affected site in Crohn patients with CD).
Site Frequency Radiology
Extensive small bowel disease 5% In acute severe colitis, a plain abdominal
Ileum only 25% radiograph is sufficient to diagnose the extent
Ileocecal 40% and severity of the attack. The colon may dilate
Colon only 25% (« toxic megacolon ») to a diameter superior to 8
Miscellaneous (i.e confined to anorectum, oral, cm. The presence of musocal islands indicates
severe inflammation due to detached mucosa.
In long-standing CD, the colon may become
The main features in patients with small bowel tubular and shortened due to the loss of
disease are pain and weight loss. If it mainly haustrations.
occurs after meals, it may indicate partial Small bowel enema is now the technique of
intestinal obstruction. The prominent features in choice for the barium examination of the small
patients with colonic disease are diarrhea and intestine; by his method, the extent of small
bleeding. bowel CD could be determined. The main
CD may be revealed by surgical complications: features are: thickening and distortion of the
complete or partial intestinal occlusion; intra- valvulae conniventes, edema of the wall, ulcers
abdominal, pelvic, or perineal abscess, free and fissuring, luminal narrowing and strictures,
peritoneal perforation. prestenotic dilatation indicating severe stricture,
Extra digestive manifestations may occur in fistulae to other abdominal organs or to the skin.
parallel with the digestive symptoms during
attacks such as fever, arthralgia, arthritis, buccal Blood tests
aphtosis, erythema nodosa, pyoderma Anemia may be present due to blood loss (iron
gangrenosum, iritis, episcleritis. deficiency), chronic inflammation, or B12
malabsorption (macrocytic) in CD.
Physical examination Hypoalbuminemia suggests severe disease with
The main features to look for are: oral aphtosis, denutrition.
abdominal tenderness and masses, anal tags, The best markers of inflammation severity in CD
fissure and fistulae, nutritional deficiency. An are elevation of the C-reactive protein and
important feature in children is growth platelet count.
retardation. Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies
(ASCA) are positive in 50-60% of CD patients
Endoscopy while anti-neutrophil polynuclear antibodies
Rigid or flexible procto-sigmoidoscopy will (ANCA) are positive in 50-60% of UC patients.
establish the diagnosis of Crohn's proctitis. Mild The combination ASCA+/ANCA- has a positive
inflammation may consist of erythema, aphtous predictive value for the diagnosis of CD superior
ulcers, granularity with increased contact to 90%.
bleeding but with intervals of preserved normal
mucosa. Differential diagnosis
Colonoscopy helps to determine the pattern and Other conditions to consider if there is terminal
severity of colonic and terminal ileum ileal or colonic inflammation include:
inflammation, and allows biopsies to be Tuberculosis,
obtained. Endoscopic features are aphtous Bacterial infection Yersinia (if only the terminal
ulcers, deeper ulceration (sometimes spread like ileum is inflamed),
"geographical maps"), postinflammatory polyps Parasitic infection including amoebiasis or
(which indicate previous severe inflammation), schistosomiasis if the patient has been to or
but always accompanied by intervening normal comes from an endemic area,
mucosa, which is an important differential Behçet's disase if there are deep punched-out
feature between CD and ulcerative colitis . ulcers.
Infection can also occur in patients with
Biopsies established IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease),
Rectal and colonic biopsies should be examined and should be excluded by routine stool culture
to find the nature of the inflammation (ulcerative during new acute episodes of diarrheal illness.
colitis versus CD), collagenous colitis or
microscopic inflammation if macroscopic

Cortot A. Crohn's disease. Orphanet Encyclopedia, June 2003. 2
Prevalence Its side effects (headache and nausea) occurring
It varies a lot depending on the geographic area, in 15 % of patients, are often dose-related.
but it is constantly inferior to the prevalence of
ulcerative colitis (except in France). It varies Mesalazine or mesalamine
from 140/100,000 in Scandinavia, Great Britain, More recent 5-ASA ( called mesalazine or
the USA, Canada to 50/100,000 in Southern mesalamine ) compounds was used
Europe. In France, the prevalence is estimated They do not contain a sulphur component. They
to be 110 /100,000 in the year 2000. are just as effective as sulphasalazine and are
better tolerated. Differences between
Management including treatment compounds relate to the different mechanisms of
mesalamine delivery:
Drugs used in CD Asacol® and Rowasa® contain mesalamine
coated with a pH-sensitive acrylic polymer called
Corticosteroids Eudragit®-S which dissolves at the pH (pH 6-7)
Steroids are proved to be effective in acute found in the terminal ileum and colon.
attacks of CD. The optimum initial dose of oral Pentasa® is another mesalamine compound that
prednisolone for acute episodes of inflammatory is slowly released and composed of
bowel disease (IBD) is 1 mg /kg /day in a single microparticles coated with ethylcellulose. They
morning dose resulting in a control of symptoms are released throughout the small bowel and
in 60-80 % of patients in 2 to 4 weeks of colon. A dose of 3-4 g/day is mildly effective in
treatment. Most patients tolerate well short acute episodes when given orally. Rectal
courses of oral steroids, even at high doses, preparations are as effective as steroids in acute
without major side effects including: weight gain, episodes of procto-sigmoiditis and in some
mood swings (insomnia), acne, easy bruising, patients they are more effective.
hypertension, adrenal suppression. These The great value of 5-ASA drugs is their ability to
effects can be reduced by weaning off the dose maintain remission in CD at a dose of 2-3 g/day,
quickly as an acute episode is controlled. Long- specially after surgical resection.
term steroid use is associated with increased The 5-ASA drugs are rarely associated with
risk of bone necrosis (e.g. femoral head), nephrotoxicity due to interstitial nephritis.
osteopenia (with increased risk of vertebral
collapse and other fractures). Every attempt Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine
should be made to conserve bone density in Azathioprine is metabolized to 6-mercaptopurine
patients with CD, including preventive treatment in vivo. This drug is very useful for:
with oral intake of calcium, vitamin D and - patients who have frequent relapses despite
diphosphonates. taking a 5-ASA compound,
Around 30 % of treated patients become - patients with chronic active disease,
corticodependent, i.e. they are controlled while - patients who are steroid-dependent.
under a 15-20 mg dose of prednisolone and It is proved to be effective in 50-60% of patients
relapse quickly when it is stopped. Steroids are with CD.
not effective in maintaining remission and should The optimum dose of azathioprine is 2
not be used for prolonged periods. mg/kg/day and 1.5 mg/kg/day for 6-
mercaptopurine, and at least 2-4 months of
New steroids therapy are required for the drug to have its
A recent therapeutic approach involves the use maximum effect (up to 6 months in some
of steroids rapidly metabolized on first pass patients).
through the mucosa or liver. The systemic About 6 % of patients cannot tolerate the drug
bioavailability after oral administration of because of nausea or vomiting, flu-like
budesonide (the only new steroid currently used) syndrome, drug fever, or pancreatitis. To avoid
is about 10 %, which results in reduced steroids leukopenia, a blood count should be done every
side effects. Budesonide (9 mg/day) has the 10 days in the first 3 months and every month
same action than prednisolone 40 mg/day in the thereafter. Falls in white cell count are reversible
treatment of acute CD, with however, longer by stopping the drug.
relapses and less side effects.
5-amino salicylic acid (5-ASA) compounds Methotrexate in an anti-metabolite folic-acid
inhibitor with both immunosuppressant and anti-
Sulphasalazine inflammatory activity and has the same
Sulphasalazine is the longest established 5-ASA indications as azathioproprine - 6-
compound (dose of 2 g/day). It contains 5-ASA mercaptopurine. Its side effects include nausea,
linked to sulphapyridine by an azo bond, which is diarrhea, stomatitis, leukopenia, elevation of liver
split by bacteria in the terminal ileum and colon.

Cortot A. Crohn's disease. Orphanet Encyclopedia, June 2003. 3
function tests, pneumonitis, liver fibrosis (related Etiology
to cumulative doses).
The dose which has been used in IBD is 25 mg Environmental factors
intramuscularly once a week for short courses
(12 weeks), followed by 7.5-15 mg orally per Smoking
week. Up to 20 % of patients will have side Smoking increases the risk of developing CD
effects which prevent its use. The beneficial and doubles the risk of postoperative recurrence,
effect of methotrexate is usually apparent within particularly in women.
2 to 4 weeks .
Blood counts and liver function tests should Oral contraceptives
initially be performed every 10 days the first 3 There may be a slight association between oral
months and then every month. The drug should contraceptive use and the development of CD.
be avoided when the risk of liver damage is This is insufficient to deny the oral contraceptive
increased. It is contraindicated to start a to a patient, unless she/he has had previous
pregnancy during the treatment for the future venothrombotic disease.
father and mother, since it is a highly teratogenic
Infective agents
Despite much effort, incontrovertible evidence of
Cytokine modulators an infective cause for CD has not emerged. The
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) most studied agents have been measles virus,
antibody (5 mg/kg) treatment has been shown to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, and E Coli
induce remission in two thirds of patients with (endogenous flora).
CD resistant to standard therapies after a single
Genetic factors
infusion. It also induced 60 % improvement of
The genetic contribution to the etiology of CD is
severe anoperineal lesions after 3 infusions of 5
polygenic in pattern rather than simply
mg/kg each. The long-term side effects and
Mendelian, it is stronger in CD than ulcerative
benefits remain to be determined.
colitis. Susceptibility loci on chromosomes 16,
Nutritional therapies has been confirmed in different surveys of
They may be the main treatment or may be used familial cases of CD leading to the discovery of
in combination with drugs or surgery. Inadequate three main mutations on gene NOD 2 in a
nutrition is a major cause of weight loss in adults subset of patients with CD.
and impaired growth in children and
Genetic counseling
adolescents. Nutritional supplementation may be
There are no established guidelines for (IBD)
given orally or via nocturnal nasogastric feeding
risk to offspring of affected parents. The relative
in children with growth problems or patients
risk for a first-degree relative of a patient with CD
resistant to standard therapy.
to develop CD is 10-15 times higher than the
Complete bowel rest by intravenous feeding is
one in general population. The lifetime risk to
used in severe resistant or complicated diseases
children of a parent with IBD ranges between 5
(internal fistula, bowel stenosis).
and 10%, half of the risk being reached during
So far, there has been no specific daily oral diet
the third decade of life.
effective in preventing flare up of Crohn's
disease after remission. Food intake must be Antenatal diagnosis
varied, abundant, the only limits being the not relevant
tolerance and the tastes of the patient.
Unresolved questions
Surgical treatment The main questions are:
Surgery in CD is reserved for the complications - the functional implication of the mutations on
of the disease or for active disease resistant to gene NOD2 which is recently discovered;
treatment. The main indications include: abscess - identification of environmental factors and
that cannot be percutaneously drained, intestinal specially infectious agents, either exogenous
obstruction, enterocutaneous fistula, a limited or endogenous, playing a role in the
segment causing severe symptoms despite pathophysiology of the disease;
treatment, perianal infection requiring drainage. - role of stress in CD;
Ileostomy or colostomy, most often transitory - assessment of new "biological therapies"
but sometimes definitive, may be required. (specially new anti-cytokines ), prebiotics,
probiotics, antibiotics, combined treatments;
search for new immunomodulators effective
in preventing relapses on the long term.

Cortot A. Crohn's disease. Orphanet Encyclopedia, June 2003. 4
References Rambaud JC. Les maladies Inflammatoires
Bayless TM, Hanauer SB. Advanced Therapy of Chroniques de l'intestin. Collection Pathologie
Inflammatoty Bowel Disease. B.C. Decker Inc., Science. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 1998; 1-
Hamilton.London, 2001;1- 670. 178.
Lémann M, Modigliani R. Maladies Targan SR, Shanahan F. Inflammatory Bowel
Inflammatoires de l'intestin. Progrès en Disease. From bench to bedside. Williams and
Hépatogastroenterologie. Doin Initiatives Santé Wilkins Eds. Philadelphia,1994;1-795.
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Cortot A. Crohn's disease. Orphanet Encyclopedia, June 2003. 5

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