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Third Quarterly Assessment


Name: ________________________________ Section: ____________________ Score:___________


A. Direction: What
Identify the use of each senses found inside the box to connect the statements below. Write the letter of the
correct answer.
What sense do we use to appreciate the nature of God?
1. We use it to appreciate the tweets of the birds, and the gentle whisper of the breeze.
2. We use it to appreciate the fresh colors of leaves, the clear clouds, and the beauty of all creations.
3. We use it to appreciate the fragrance of flowers and the sweet aroma of the fruits.
a. Sight b. Smell c. taste d. Hearing e. Touch

B. Direction: Study the pictures below and correlate them with the following statements. Write letters only.
4. I feel that the world is deteriorating because of the works of the mankind.
5. I believe that God created the world with all wonderful creations.
6. I think that the new technologies and development caused the destructions of the earth.
7. In my opinion, everyone has an environmental obligation to minimize global warming.
8. I conclude that God created the world for us, so we are all responsible to take care of it

a. b. c.

d. e.

9-10 Direction: Analyze the following statements and select the two (2) that best address
the global warming issues.
a. We can pledge to do our part to conserve energy and pollute less.
b. We can make more projects and development using new technology to earn more.
c. We cannot do anything on this issue anymore, nothing to change.
d. Governments can also increase investments in public transportation and encourage development
patterns that minimize collapse.

11. Direction: Choose and write the letter of the phrase that best completes the text below.
“Nature’s amazing splendors fascinate us and rekindle a special bond that has been established. But
why there are some people don’t recognize how beautiful our nature is, instead, they practice................”
a. Energy saving
b. Loss of Biodiversity
c. Population Control
d. Sustainable Agriculture


A. Direction: Complete the following lyrics based on the song “What A Wonderful World”. Write the letter of
the correct phrase that best completes each line.
a. Dark sacred nights b. Red roses too c. Of people going by d. For me and for you
12. I see trees of roses too, I see them bloom........ _____________________
13. I see skies of blue..........clouds of white, Bright blessed days...... ___________________
14. The colors of a pretty in the sky, Are also on the faces....... ____________
B. Direction: Give the meaning of the following phrases based on the song “What a Wonderful World”. Write
the letter of the correct answer.
15. Shaking of the hands
a. Showing due respect b. Saying “How Do You Do?” c. Greeting you “Hello”
16. Friends shaking hands means saying_________
a. “I love you” b. “How are you” c. “Please take care”

C. 17-22-Determine the creations of God stated in a song “What a Wonderful World” not including people.
Choose and write the exact words or phrases in any order.

I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
D. Direction: Using the lyrics above, analyze and write the correct meaning of the following:
23. “The bright blessed day” means that during the day............
a. No problems encountered b. Foods are enough c. The problem is there but God answers
24. “The dark sacred night” means that the night is...................
a. Blessed by God b. Dark and Peaceful c. Full of happiness
E. Direction: Choose and write the letter of the statement that best answers to the question below:
25. Why God created the world?
a. To make the people enjoy
b. To learn something from it
c. To have his people praise and worship Him.
d. To establish strong families.


A. Direction: Match the story characters in column A with the descriptions in column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer.
26. Fyokla a. The singing bird
27. Terenty b. The author
28. Silanty Silitch c. The bad, spiteful bird
29. Danilka d. Brother of Fyokla
30. Nightingale e. The little beggar girl of six
31. Sparrow f. The sacristan
32. Anton Chekhov g. The cobbler

B. Direction: Write the letter of the phrases inside the box that best describe the statements below based on
the selection “A Day in the Country”.

a.The real storm begins b. The strong wind c. The dark and heavy clouds
d. The light of the lightning e. The roar of the thunder

33. “A dark leaden-coloured mass is creeping over the sky”

34. A warm wind frolics over the grass, bends the tress, and stirs up the dust.
35. Red zigzags of lightning gleam
36. A sound of far-away rumbling
37. Spurt of May rain

38-41-Direction: Choose and write the letters that best explain the characters of the sparrows in any
a. They are like pickpocket in their ways
b. They don’t like men to be happy
c. They don’t like singing
d. They brought nails to the Jews when Christ was crucified
e. They are idiots
D. 42-43-Direction: Write the letters of the correct answers to the question “Why God created nightingales?”
in any order.
a. To praise God
b. To help people by singing.
c. To make the world full of joyful songs.
d. To be of servants of God and men
e. To gladden the heart of men.


Direction: Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Choose and write the letter of the correct
answer found inside the box.
Keesh lived long ago on the rim of polar sea, was head man of his village through many and prosperous
years, and died full of honors with his name on the lips of men.
So long ago did he live that only the old men remember his name, his name and the tale, which they
got from the old men before them, and which the old men to come will tell to their children and their
children’s children down to the end of time.
He was a bright boy, so the tale runs, healthy and strong, and he had seen thirteen suns in their way of
reckoning time. For each winter the sun leaves the land in darkness, and the next year a new sun returns
so that they may be warm again and look upon another’s faces.

a. his name and the tale b. honors c. bright d. old men e. land in darkness f. another’s faces
g. thirteen h. polar sea i. winter j. Keesh k. end of time l. warm again
44. How Keesh described by the men?
45. In what season the sun leaves the land in darkness?
46. Who remembered his name?
47. How many suns did he had seen?
48. What the sun leaves each winter?
49. What the old men remember about Keesh?
50. He died with full of what?
51. The sun returns to look for what?
52. Who is described in the text?
53. Until to what his name will be remembered?
54. The sun returns so that they may be what?
55. Where did Kees live before?



The earth is heating up at an unprecedented rate. Tropical diseases are appearing. Every summer is more unbearable than the last.
Massive fires devastate our forests. Someone just sailed a pleasure boat through the once frozen “Northwest Passage” connecting the
North Atlantic to the North Pacific via the North Pole.
What is being done? Solutions that actually cool the earth’s atmosphere.
Scientists tell us that the main culprit in global warming is carbon in the form of CO2. This is why trees are so important and why global
deforestation is a key part of global warming.
Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. They release the oxygen (O2) back into the atmosphere for us to
breathe and use the carbon (C) to build cell walls. As long as the tree is alive, it soaks up C; together trees in a forest become a “carbon
sink” holding carbon that cannot contribute to global warming.

Direction: Direction: Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in complete
56-58. What are the effects when the earth is heating up at an unprecedented rate? Give three effects in any
59.Why global deforestation is a key part to global warming? Write your answer in paragraph form based on the
content of the text. (2points)

Prepared by:

English 10 Teacher

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