Paul Friction

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Name _____________________________________________ Date

Section ________________ Group Number _____________ Instructor _____________________

Activity # 4

In this activity you will examine how static and kinetic frictional forces vary as the normal
force between an object and a surface is changed. You will apply a horizontal force to a
block of wood loaded with weights in order to pull the block at constant velocity across a
horizontal plane. With your results you will estimate the coefficients of static and kinetic
friction for the surfaces involved.

We consider car accidents as a social problem and a social issue because nowadays there are drivers that are
so reckless, not reckless in driving but in the sense that they are so reckless on how to build or modify their
cars, they are modifying their car in not the right way of modifying it thats why they are prone to accidents.
In this expirement we will prove that modifying your car in the right way will help you avoid accidents in
the sense that having a car with wider tires will be the best way to modify your car.

Materials: Wooden block, wooden plank, spring scale, various masses.

Objectives: Measure the kinetic friction and static friction for wood blocks on wood
surfaces. And prove that wider tires in your car will have a better traction that will help you avoid car

Complete the following Free Body Diagram:

∆V = 0

1) According to a force diagram explain why:

a. The magnitude of the force of the pull will equal the magnitude of the force
of kinetic friction.

b. The magnitude of the weight will equal the magnitude of the normal force.
2) How do you expect both the static and kinetic forces on the block to change with
increasing block mass? If possible, write your answer mathematically, including as
much information as you can.

Part I Coefficient of static / kinetic friction

1) Weigh the block using a three beam balance scale
Measure the maximum static friction force by using the Newton scale. Note the
maximum reading just before the block starts to move. Do this for at five different
masses listed below.
2) Measure the kinetic friction force in Newtons by pulling the block over the plank at
a steady, moderate speed. Be sure to hold the spring scale horizontally.
Do this for at five different masses listed below.
3) Complete the table of the total weight (combined weight of block and mass) vs. the
Pull Force.


Weight of wooden block ________________kg

Added Total Weight (N) = Maximum Pull Force prior Pull Force during constant
Mass (kg) (added mass + block)(gravity) to motion (static) velocity (kinetic)
(N) (N)





1) On a separate sheet of paper create a graph of
A) Using two separate colors plot the static and kinetic friction force (y-axis)
as a function of normal force (x- axis) and perform a linear regression
analysis (best fit line). Make sure to make a legend.
If y = mx + b
And Ff = µf Fn
According to the two above equations how could you find µf (coefficient of friction)?

Our measured coefficient of friction µs _______________ µk _______________

2) Why is it important to hold the spring scale horizontal?

3) Try pulling the Newton scale at different speeds. What do you find?

4) Using a 500g mass on your block, measure the friction force for an additional two
surfaces, lab table and floor. Summarize your results below:

5) Turn your block sideways and repeat with the 500g mass on all three surfaces
(wooden plank, lab desk, and floor). What did you find?

6) Based on your result the previous question, are you skeptical of claims that wide
tires give better traction? Explain.
Part II Coefficient of static friction

In the experiment you just completed, the weight of the block was equal to normal force of
the table on the block, and the horizontal pull was equal to the friction force. In the next
experiment, you will incline the friction plane. In this part of the experiment, you will use a
simple (more accurate?) technique to measure the coefficient of static friction. The
method involves placing a block on an inclined ramp and raising the ramp gradually until the
block just begins to slide (the moment the x component of the force of gravity is greater
than static friction). The angle at which this occurs is called the critical angle, θc.

1) Draw a FBD of the block of wood.

2) In this situation, how will the normal force be related to the weight? Provide the
algebraic equation.

3) How is the maximum of static friction related to the weight? Provide the algebraic

1) Place the wooden block on the wooden plane.
2) Slowly lift the end of the plane creating a steeper and steeper incline until the
wooden block starts to slide. Immediately stop lifting.
3) Measure the angle of the incline plane by measuring the length of the adjacent and
opposite leg of the critical angle, θc.

Length of Adjacent Leg ______________cm
Length of Opposite Leg ______________cm


Find the critical angle:

1) tan (Θc) = opp/adj Find Θc

Θc = ____________
2) Following the usual force problem procedure (using a force diagram, net force
equations, etc.), What is the maximum of static friction (the maximum angle where
the block starts to slide) Note: since µs = Fs/Fn, θc = tan-1(µs),

3) Compare the results of θc you from part I to the above calculations. Which is more
accurate and why?

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