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Newsletter of the Cotton Physiology Education Program -- NATIONAL COTTON COUNCIL

July 1993, Volume 4, No.6

CHARTING A COURSE TO CUTOUT growth describes vegetation gone wild. In this case,
Dave Guthrie, Fred Bourland, Phil Tugwell and Kater Hake boll loading is insufficient to rein in the plant's vigor.
Cutout is an event of great significance to a cotton To maintain a scheduled yield development (boll
farmer. In practical terms, it designates the end of the loading) that avoids these opposing risks, the inter-
boll loading period. To effectively manage crop develop- and intraplant competition must be balanced.
ment, it is useful to pinpoint the arrival of cutout. The balance between plants is established by
Nodes Above White Flower (NAWF) can be used as a such early season practices as variety selection, row
road map to help locate this crop development land- spacing, tillage, seeding rate, fertilization, insect and
mark. This newsletter will discuss how to use NAWF disease management and weed control. Once deci-
to chart a course to cutout. sions are made on these production variables, they
Off to the Races become fixed and part of the foundation of the crop
Followers of horse racing or golf are familiar with season.
handicaps. It is a variable value that helps equalize The balance within plants is not fixed, but ever
the competition. In a horse race, a handicap is the changing. Each management decision and develop-
different weights the horses carry. In golf, it is the mental event modifies the landscape and shifts the
number of strokes subtracted from a player's total. balance.
In cotton, it is the head start given to vegetative Sources and Sinks
To better understand this dynamic intraplant bal-
Vegetative growth needs a head start to build up a ance, a brief discussion of source/ sink relationships
lead prior to the arrival of active reproductive growth. is warranted. The terms "sources" and "sinks" are
Without that head start, there are insufficient plant re- used by plant physiologists to designate the depar-
sources (leaves and growing points) to sustain boll ture and arrival point of needed nutrients and carbo-
loading. hydrates. Nutrients and carbohydrates depart from
Competition between Vegetative and Reproduc- roots, shoots and leaves (the sources) and arrive at
tive Growth root tips, shoot tips and developing fruit (the sinks).
There is competition between and within cotton Previously developed plant parts contribute to
plants. Between plant or interplant, competition oc- the continuing development of immature growth
curs for the range of environmental resources re- points. Growth points are sinks with high metabolic
quired to support growth, including light, water, needs that must be met by the sources to sustain con-
nutrients and space. Within plant or intraplant, com- tinued growth. The plant's continued growth and
petition occurs for the plant's internal resources survival are dependent on these sinks and the sinks
such as water, nutrients and carbohydrates. are dependent on the sources. And so on.
A cotton plant's carrying capacity and productiv- Vegetative Head Start
ity is determined by the outcome of this inter- and Early season vegetative growth lays the corner-
intraplant competition. Minimal competition be- stone for sustained boll loading. Producers who an-
tween plants (whether cotton or weeds) allows each ticipate the crop's carrying capacity can take steps
individual to achieve its full biological potential, or prior to bloom to establish a desired framework to
carrying capacity. A well-developed leaf area can set the crop. Maintaining vigorous prebloom growth
support many growth points. is fundamental to supporting future yield produc-
The intraplant competition determines which of tion. Last month's newsletter
these growth points is supported, shoots and roots (Monitoring Plant Vigor, June
or bolls. Without balanced growth and develop- 1993) discussed the impor-

ment, two unacceptable outcomes are possible - tance of monitoring and man- Iational
premature cutout or rank growth. Premature cutout aging early season vegetative ottOn.lrw
occurs when the leaf area and/or root mass are in- growth. ounci ...
sufficient to support sustained boll loading. Rank
The lead resulting from this head start reaches its ured by counting the nodes above a first position
maximum soon after first bloom. Prior to this point, white flower. The terminal node will have an un-
all of the plant's horsepower has been devoted to furled mainstem leaf larger than a quarter (greater
building the yield factory - the leaves, shoots and than 1 inch diameter). The NAWF is the current
roots. After this point, vegetative growth in well- measure of the remaining potential boll loading
managed cotton begins to slow as the bolls siphon sites. If there is sufficient energy to support contin-
progressively more of the plant's reserves. Addi- ued terminal growth, the progression of flowering
tional vegetative growth must rely on the plant's left- toward the terminal and cutout is delayed. If on the
over reserves not committed to boll development. other hand most energy is committed to boll devel-
When all the reserves are used by the bolls, vegeta- opment, terminal growth slows allowing a more
tive growth ceases. rapid progression toward the plant's carrying capac-
Nodes Above White Flow er (NAWF) ity and cutout.
A remarkably straight-forward measure, Nodes NAWF at Early Bloom
Above White Flower (NAWF) expresses the status of The NAWF at early bloom will vary depending
this intraplant competition between vegetative and re- on the management decisions made by the producer
productive growth. The measure grew out of the ob- and the level of stress encountered by the plants.
servation that the vegetative growth lead enjoyed at Full-season varieties normally initiate the first fruit-
early bloom begins to erode as boll loading com- ing branch at 1 or 2 nodes higher than shorter-sea-
mences. By following NAWF, a grower can track this son varieties. This increases their horsepower going
shifting balance to modify management inputs. into bloom, increasing the vegetative growth lead
In practice, NAWF measures the growth of the prior to the onset of competition from bolls. Full sea-
mainstem terminal relative to the progression of son varieties will normally have higher NAWF go-
flowering toward the terminal. (Figure 1.) It is meas- ing into bloom than shorter season varieties.


Nodes above
white flower = 6

Monopodial (fruiting) branch
}+- Main-stem nodes

~ Cotyledonary node

cantly. This depression in growth may result from
Flower Value and Boll Retention
VB. Nodes Above White Flower (NAWF) rapid boll loading (A) or severe stress (B). If the in-
120 Boll reteBtIoa 1%1 flower value 800 . itia} NAWF at early bloom was only 6 or 7, prema-
ture cutout is inevitable unless stress is relieved.
600 If NAWF were 10 or more at early bloom, a rapid
80 -
Boll retention
Flower value
500 decline can signify excellent boll retention and high
60 400 demands for nutrients and water. High early bloom
40 NAWF values may be followed by severe drought
stress also causing rapid decline in the index. This
drought-induced decline in NAWF signals a need
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 for rapid irrigation response to avoid cutout.
CIOlIIU.AND. ltlZl A closer investigation is warranted when NAWF
The degree of early season stress will also affect does not decline after early bloom (C) or increases
NAWF. Nighttime temperatures below 60° or above suddenly (D). The boll load is not developing suffi-
80° may delay the initiation of the first fruiting ciently to prevent additional terminal growth. Imme-
branch by 1 or 2 nodes. Drought, disease and insects diate measures must be taken to increase boll set
are just a few stresses that will reduce terminal and reduce further growth. Otherwise rank growth,
growth and reduce NAWF at early bloom. Insects delayed maturity and reduced yield are probable.
that remove squares, such as plant bugs, may actu-
ally increase NAWF at early bloom by reducing A Cliffhanger
within plant competition. A recently recognized growth pattern shows a sta-
ble and low NAWF following bloom (E). This pat-
At early bloom, NAWF may range from less than
tern, once recognized, must be managed carefully to
6 for short-season varieties under stress to more
realize acceptable yields. It results from early season
than 12 for full-season varieties under vigorous con-
stress that lessens NAWF going into bloom.
ditions. This range in NAWF at early bloom can sug-
gest growth tendencies in the boll loading period. It may continue for several weeks or end
Fewer NAWF at bloom indicates a shorter head start abruptly (F). If early square retention is low (less
and greater likelihood of premature cutout. Higher than 750/0), boll loading will slow in response to the
NAWF indicates a larger head start, perhaps leading sparse potential fruiting sites. This pattern (E) can
to rank growth. still produce high yields with good late season con-
ditions, although maturity delays put the crop at
NAWF During Bloom greater risk from late season insect pressures and
As boll loading proceeds, NAWF declines. Nor- less timely and effective harvest preparation.
mally, within 1 or 2 weeks of bloom, NAWF will be-
gin to decline as the progressing bloom advances on FIGURE 3
the slowing terminal growth. The culmination of
this process is the visible bloom "out the top," when 12
the progressing bloom catches the mainstem termi- 11
nal and all squares have either reached the bloom
stage or shed.
Several studies have demonstrated that further ~~
Z 6
significant yield production stops before this observ-
5 ~~-~_-~---~~- CUTOUT?
able end of flowering. While this critical threshold 4
indicating cutout does vary, it is agreed that when 3
NAWF =5, cutout is imminent. (Figure 2.) Those 2
fruiting positions closer to the terminal are unable to
effectively compete for the limited plant reserves Early Bloom
time (days)

and shed as squares or small bolls. If early square retention has been high, the leaf
area may be insufficient to forestall premature cut-
Rate of Decline as Indicator out (B or F). Rainfall or irrigation may prolong boll
The speed of the approach towards the plant's loading if it occurs prior to significant boll set. Other-
carrying capacity is reflected in the rate of decline in wise, rapid boll loading will have been at the ex-
NAWF (Figure 3). Tracking NAWF can supply use- pense of higher yields. This rapid loading with a
ful information for management decisions. A rapid low initial NAWF may be acceptable if boll retention
decline indicates terminal growth has slowed signifi-
is high coupled with higher plant populations (creat- Phantom Bolls
ing high boll numbers per acre). Bolls produced after the end of the EBP are phan-
Pulling the Plug toms. They appear to be real but are not. They lead
Nodes Above White Flower measures plant fac- producers astray by tantalizing them with unobtain-
tors that determine the progress of boll loading. able yield. Plant monitoring can help separate real
Weather factors also must be considered. Once set, a bolls from these phantom bolls. Bright ribbons placed
boll must have sufficient time to mature prior to the on fruiting branches with a first position white flower
arrival of inclement weather (frost or prolonged at the end of the EBP can serve as landmarks to alert
rain). Each region has an effective bloom period growers to these phantoms. H a grower is uncertain
(EBP) that defines the length of time that a crop has when the EBP concludes, they can date the ribbons
to produce a flower that can ultimately be harvested and keep track of the development of the associated
as a boll. The EBP begins with the first flower and boll. Knowing the end of the EBP can enhance the
ends when the crop produces blooms that do not management value of NAWF information.
mature as harvestable bolls. For much of the Cotton WrapUp
Belt, the EBP ends in August or early September. In The patterns recognized in Figure 3 are examples
long season regions, it may last 8 weeks or more. In of widely divergent growth profiles. There can be as
northern regions or following late planting, the effec- many possible growth patterns as there are field situ-
tive bloom period may last just a few weeks. Once ations. Ongoing research is helping to develop best
the end of the EBP has arrived, further monitoring management practices for the various growth pat-
ofNAWF is unnecessary. It is time to pull the plug terns. While that work continues, it is clear that the
on the crop. Concentrate on the bolls produced dur- first step in managing a particular pattern is recog-
ing the EBP as these will determine productivity nizing which one you have. The only way to know
and profit. that is through periodic in-field monitoring.

The Cotton Physiology Education Program is supported by a grant to the Cotton Foundation from BASF Agricultural Products,
makers of Pix® plant regulator, and brought to you as a program of the National Cotton Council in cooperation with state extension

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