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ResGeo 202 Reservoir Geomechanics, Spring 2019, Stanford Lagunita

Homework 3 – Estimating Rock Strength from Geophysical Logs

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Part 1: Estimating rock strength from geophysical logs

a. Examine the log data.

b. Estimate UCS for the given depths using known empirical relations.
c. Plot UCS vs. depth.
Part 2: Answer the questions on the page below

Question 1: Estimating UCS

a. What is the difference (absolute value) between the value of UCS estimated from
sonic logs and density logs for the Marble Falls Formation at 5095 ft depth in psi?
= 2776 ± 1200

b. What is the difference (absolute value) between the value of UCS estimated from
sonic logs and density logs for the Duffer Formation at 5480 ft depth in psi?
= 6188 ± 1200

c. What is the difference (absolute value) between the value of UCS estimated from
sonic logs and density logs for the Barnett Formation at 5770 ft depth in psi?
= 11063 ± 1200

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