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Lesson Plan

Phylum Mollusca – Class Bivalvia

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 45-minute class,75% of the class should be able to:
a. Identify what is class Bivalvia and its anatomy
b. Identify the species under class Bivalvia (Phylum Mollusca)
c. Appreciate Bivalves in the environment.

II. Subject Matter:

TOPIC: Phylum Bivalvia – Class Bivalvia

Materials Used: Laptop and Projector

III. Lesson Proper

A. Motivation: (5 minutes)
The teacher will start a game which is named “word hunt puzzle” and the student must find
these words, they will try to quickly find words in the word hunt puzzle.
B. Discussion: (25 minutes)

After the motivation activity, the teacher will then proceed with the topic. The teacher will
discuss Class Bivalvia. The teacher will then show some slides showing the actual image of these
species under class Bivalvia and give their characteristics. The teacher will also show a mussel and
hand also handout specimen to students. (Green Mussels) and gave anatomy of it.

C. Generalization: (5 minutes)
The teacher will show some word from the lesson and let the student express their learnings
when they see the words.

D. Evaluation: (10 minutes)

The teacher will show some questions and let the students answer.
IV. Assignment: (2 minutes)
The teacher will have an agreement with the students to study the next upcoming lesson.

Prepared by:

John Michael L. Anselmo

BSED – Biological Science II

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