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Volume 25, Number 5

August – September 2018 NEXUS

Digital/Online Edition

We report on US opposition to breastfeeding, a
mystery supernova explosion, America's space force,
China's global electricity takeover, skin absorption of
smoke carcinogens, AI from DNA, ancient surgeons
of Peru, Donald Trump's position, and more.
By Justin Smith. Physical and psychological factors
affecting the heart's energy systems are not taken
into consideration in conventional theory of heart
disease. Complex interplay of many elements has not

been studied, and the use of statins is problematic.
By Viera Scheibner, PhD. Low-level scurvy continues
to be a risk factor for infection to the present day. BEYOND EINSTEIN: ECE THEORY 55
High-dose vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate By the Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies. A
has infection-preventing properties and great spacetime unified field theory developed by Myron
potential in the treatment of burns. Wyn Evans, known as the Einstein Cartan Evans
Theory, builds on Cartan geometry to explain
SPIRITUAL HEALING IMPROVES HEALTH 33 mysteries left unexplained by general relativity and
By Sandy Edwards. Led by the prestigious University quantum mechanics.
of Birmingham in the UK, a new study proving there
are positive health benefits from spiritual healing is ANCIENT WAR: THE AUSTRALIA–INDIA LINK 63
now being suppressed by medical journals and By Stella Wheildon. Patriarchal systems have come to
ignored by the mainstream media due to spiritual be the ruling culture in Australia in relatively recent
healing being classified as a complementary therapy. history. Matristic starlore tells the story of an
India–Australia connection, which is now also being
THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL GODS 40 recognised in current academia.
By Rafael Videla Eissmann. Mainstream, or "official"
historiography recognises no ancient links between STRANGE TIMES: END OF DAYS PROPHECIES 71
many countries worldwide, but myths and legends of Bundjalung man Trent Lynwood shares recently-
sky gods, and conical headdresses represented in received and profound End of Days messages in an
iconography suggest a remote connection. interview with Duncan and Lynelle Roads—and Sylvia
L. Martin's vision has some striking similarities.
By Pavel Sladkov. The Solitonic Model of the Electron, REVIEWS: BOOKS, FILM, MUSIC 77
Proton and Neutron presents a challenge to the
Standard Model of particle physics. INTERNET & MAIL ORDER 89

Cover graphics: Africa Studio, Shutterstock; Lee Brogan.

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problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2018


Published by
Nexus Magazine Pty Ltd

Visions of the future

ABN 80 003 611 434


Duncan M. Roads
Email: he Secret History of Australia Conference, held recently in Brisbane by
NEXUS Magazine, certainly pulled some interesting people and
MANAGING EDITOR information out of the woodwork. In particular, I noted that a number of
Jenny Hawke
Aboriginal (as well as some non-Indigenous) people have felt, heard or
ASSISTANT EDITOR experienced some sort of vision or message, regarding dramatic events to occur
SUBEDITOR over the next couple of years. Some of these people were able to travel to the
Ruth Parnell (on leave) conference to share this information, while others remained on Country and
DESIGNER have communicated to me via phone or email. But the general picture remains
PRODUCTION MANAGER the same—there is to be a massive shift of frequencies, energy and
Lee Brogan consciousness, along with a lot of physical changes.
In this issue of NEXUS, we have provided two recent examples of people who
Steven Bartlett
have had this experience in recent times; whereby they are shown or told of
events to come. Both anticipate the coming changes to happen within a couple
NEWSfEED EDITOR of years. A growing number of Elders within the Aboriginal community are also
Lynelle Roads speaking of these coming changes, or the "End of Days" prophecy, and people
have already started preparing themselves, on all levels, for what is to come.
Still on the subject of ancient Aboriginal knowledge, in the last issue of NEXUS
Justin Smith
Viera Scheibner, PhD
we looked at how ancient myths often
turn out to be based on historical fact,
with the example of the sunken city of And in the end, I've
Sandy Edwards
Rafael Videla Eissmann
Pavel Sladkov
The Alpha Institute for Advanced
Dwarka, off the coast of India. In this issue
we combine ancient Indian legends with
realised that the real
Studies ancient Australian Aboriginal history and answers to those
Stella Wheildon
Trent Lynwood
recent academic findings to discuss the
sunken landmass referred to by some as
questions actually
Kumari Kandam, a landmass that joined reside with the
Spotpress, NSW, Australia
parts of Western Australia to Madagascar
and to southern India.
culture that has been
As with Dwarka, the land has gone on this planet the
HEAD OffICE – All Correspondence
PO Box 307, Maleny, Qld 4552
beneath the waves, but the oral history
from the interactions with the ancient
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280 Indians was preserved by Indigenous
Website: Australians, and continues as it has for many tens of thousands of years.
I remarked during my opening of the conference that I have spent decades
NZ OffICE – 88C Hansen Rd searching for the answers to the mysteries of humankind's origin, purpose and
RD 1, Kerikeri 0294 destiny. I have gone through archives, records, testimony and research, drawn
NEW ZEALAND on a few thousands of years of recorded history; all of which was held by so-
Tel: +64 (0)9 4051963 called civilisations of the past, and all based in the northern hemisphere.
And in the end, I've realised that the real answers to those questions actually
NEXUS recognises that humanity is
reside with the culture that has been on this planet the longest, and has the
undergoing a massive transformation. most continuity. The Australian Aboriginal culture contains many tens of
With this in mind, NEXUS seeks to provide thousands of years of information on geographical and historical changes, plant
'hard-to-get' information so as to assist medicine, health and healing, and environmental knowledge, which is only just
people through these changes. NEXUS is
not linked to any religious, philosophical or
now being understood and appreciated, thanks to the validation of modern-
political ideology or organisation. day science.
Not surprisingly, Australia's Indigenous culture also has millennia of
While reproduction and dissemination of knowledge and experience of all things non-physical, including what Western
the information in NEXUS is actively cultures would refer to as psychic ability—something we intend to discuss in
encouraged, anyone caught making a buck future issues of NEXUS.
out of it, without our express permission,
– Duncan
will be in trouble when we catch them!


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"War is Good NEWS
for Busine

ital Neura
l Interfaces



the future hnology:

is here
June – July

Vol. 25, No.

NZ $8.95

will not beevidence

The link be
fluoride andtween

Smart Meter Propaganda currency to replace cash. Stone circ


Dear Duncan: Smart Energy GB, However, no government can fool Lost sunken
of Dwark

Failure of
the UK government's smart meter all of the people all of the time. especially peer review:
in medicine

promotion organisation, has Some of the public are beginning to


recently sponsored a series of full- wake up, or at least have serious Un

current mo iverse theory challen
del assum
ptions ges

page newspaper advertisements doubts about the whole smart

which distort the truth about this meter project. mentioned
intrusive and dangerous technology Also, the advertisements this type of change in the sky etc.
and attempt to ridicule those who themselves may prove Thanks again
oppose it. The format of the counterproductive since they draw Tim farrell, Victoria, Australia
advertisements, which ranges from attention to issues which many
the semi-humorous to the pseudo- people may not have previously Super Wave and Prophecy
scientific, varies from newspaper to considered. In the meantime, it is Hi Duncan: At your symposiums
newspaper. However, the underlying incumbent on those of us who please alert the Aboriginal Elders to
message is that smart meters are understand the real agenda to the superwave theory and refer
safe, secure and efficient, and spread the word and persuade them to my book Earth Under Fire
anyone criticising them or refusing ordinary people to just say no to a and my websites
one is either a paranoid conspiracy smart meter. People do not need to and
theorist and/or some kind of be "conspiracy theorists" to refuse Also you may be interested that
technophobe. one, and every refusal is a little based on the Garabandal vision, I
The timing of these victory. have suggested that the coming
advertisements precedes the rollout Yours sincerely event could arrive in April of 2020,
of the second generation smart Michael H., UK which is discussed here:
meters (SMETS2) scheduled for later
this year. The first generation Secret History of Australia
(SMETS1) smart meters proved to Hi Duncan: Thank you for bringing Also on the Internet it was said
have technical faults, some of which the recent conference together. recently that two stars orbiting the
were revealed in the mainstream I am involved with some of the galactic core may make a close
media. SMETS2 meters, it is Gunaikernai people in the approach sometime in the next two
claimed, will solve these problems. years. When one starts to get close I
southeastern area of Victoria
The final aim is to have all smart am sure we will hear about it in the
currently working on piecing
meters connected to a central news.
together historical observations
network run by the DCC (Data about their experience with rapid Best regards,
Communications Company, a (48-hour) sea level rises about Paul LaViolette
subsidiary of Capita). This network is 12,000 years ago.
currently in the testing stage with The Gunaikernai lost an area Rh Negative Blood Issues
only a few hundred smart meters about one-third the size of Victoria Duncan: I realise the purpose of
connected. The remaining ten to the east and south of what we your magazine is to promote and
million-or-so smart meters are still call Gippsland. This story hasn't support alternative news and
connected to the individual energy really been well documented and science; however, for that promotion
companies' networks. when I have it written down I'll send and support to be successful, if your
The haste with which the you a copy. goal is to get more mainstream
government is trying to promote The interesting thing I noted was scientists (like myself) at least to read
the project strongly suggests an that they observed the sky go dark these ideas, let alone believe and
ulterior motive. A centralised (in the middle of a hot summer day) perhaps research them, at least some
network and customer database and glow red before there was a of your authors must do a better job
with a spy in every home (i.e. a huge amount of lightning and researching and writing.
smart meter) is a major step nearer earthquakes. They had to run for 48 My example will be the recent
the total surveillance state. When hours north to escape the flood article by Will Hart on blood groups
this occurs globally it will prepare etc.— probably over 50 kilometres. and Rh factor (Nexus 25/03).
the ground for the one world I think some of the other 1. It starts with the basics. By the
technocracy and a carbon credit Australian flood stories also way the article is written, the author


did not make clear that the ABO The Origin and Primacy of Rh some MPs that MHRA is too reliant
system and genetic locus are Negative". on industry, and so not fully
separate and independent of the Please note that neither Basque independent.
RhD system and locus. genetics nor language are, as the MHRA has been criticised by the
2. He ignores evolution and the author of this article suggests, House of Commons Health
primate basis of human evolution. radical outliers. Autosomal genetic Committee for, among other things,
Since Rh is present in these species, studies show Basques clustering lacking transparency, and for
that would make Rh+ the near other Iberians. inadequately checking drug
original/wild type and the Rh- the To highlight a particularly relevant licensing data.
mutations, not Rh- as the original, or study: in a 2010 study, H. Laayouni MHRA (and US fDA) have been
baseline as he calls it. The Rh- and colleagues showed that Basque criticised in the book Bad Pharma,
would result from a null mutation. genetic distinctiveness is equivalent and by Professor David Healy in
In fact, based in current thought of to that of other Iberian localities. evidence to the House of Commons
human evolution occurring in Africa, This is the conclusion that emerges Health Committee, for having
this latter case, a small pre-Basque when a dense, genome-wide SNP undergone regulatory capture;
population was Rh+ (like all the analysis is carried out. Studies that advancing the interests of the drug
populations in Africa) and a have shown greater distinctiveness companies rather than the interests
mutation occurred to make the pre- were likely focusing on specific of the public.
Basques Rh-. This is consistent with genes involved in host-pathogen Donald Light at the Netherlands
his hypothesis of the Basques being interactions, targets for natural Institute for Advanced Study
the original O Rh- but for a different selection even at the level of small summarised as such:
reason. geographic communities. "...the industry has shaped the
3. The experiment he cites in As for Euskara (the Basque rules of the regulators, funded their
Nature Biotechnology for the language), the late Jürgen operations, and lobbied them
stripping of A and B is for the Untermann and Luis Silgo Gauche constantly in a classic pattern of
proteins already expressed on the have, between them, conducted the regulatory capture."
blood cell surface. It has nothing to most exhaustive analysis of non- In the summer of 2015 the MHRA
do with genetics. And does not Celtic pre-Roman Iberian writings to ran its biggest operation yet against
necessarily prove O is baseline or date. They both conclude that "fake drugs available over the
original gene. O could be a result of Basque belongs to this same internet".
the A or B allele mutating with a language family. Yes, rather than focusing on the
stop codon, causing the truncation. Hope that's of interest! (There's
Hart did hypothesise the Basques dangers of opiates and Prozac etc.,
enough genuine mystery out there, they decided to go after cheap
as the original O Rh- population.
we should lay to rest what we generics available via the web.
His use of the frequency map there
reasonably can...) Interestingly, Operation Pangea IV
was very good and convincing, with
Best regards, began on 6/6/15 (666) and ended
the highest concentration in that
CP Calvete on 15/06/15 (666). When this was
region and the migration out.
Other data also suggest his pointed out they actually changed
hypothesis could be correct that the Big Pharma and the Beast the dates on their web site, to
Basques originate the O Rh- Dear Editor: The following may be 9/6/15 – 17/06/15.
phenotype. But the weaknesses in of interest. Given that Big Pharma claim it is
the molecular genetic analysis take On the face of it, the MHRA irresponsible for Christian
away from his position. (Medicines and Healthcare products fundamentalists and others to make
This is something to be aware of Regulatory Agency) operate in the claims about various associations
overall; incorrect or poorly best interest of the British public. between Big Pharma and the
interpreted science taking away They are based on Buckingham number of the beast, 666, is it not
from what could have been a strong Palace Road, London SW1. A irresponsible for them to do the
case for the alternative viewpoint. prestigious address indeed. same? Maybe it's just an in-joke in
Sincerely Daniel B. Williams, PhD They have their critics, however. the industry?
Coventry, RI, USA MHRA is funded by the Department It is possible to verify the original
of Health and Social Care for the start date of the operation by
Basques not Outliers regulation of medical devices, whilst checking the websites that were first
Dear Editor: I am writing the costs of medicines regulation is blocked on this date, at 00:01 hours
concerning an article in the recent met through fees from the GMT 06/06/15 to be precise.
April–May 2018 edition of your pharmaceutical industry. Regards, Ruth S.,
publication, titled "Blood Groups: This has led to suggestions by London, UK


Global News from
NEXUS Newsfeed
MASSIVE EXPLOSION 200 brightness, that's quite unusual." inner solar system last year.
MILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY The explosion was so bright it Oumuamua was too small to
BAFFLES SCIENTISTS initially appeared to originate from appear as anything more than a
A massive and growing explosion our own galaxy, but observations by point of light, even in the largest
spotted 200 million light years from a group of Chinese scientists telescopes. It is assumed to be a
Earth has baffled astronomers. showed the spot was almost 200 highly elongated object because it
The explosion was captured by million light years away—meaning it varied dramatically in brightness
the asteroid-tracking ATLAS likely appeared in another nebula. over every seven-to-eight-hour
telescopes at the Keck Observatory, (Source:, 23 June period.
which sits atop Mauna Kea, a 2018; "Our high-precision
dormant volcano in Hawaii. measurements of Oumuamua's
Astronomers noted the flash was MYSTERY INTERSTELLAR position revealed that there was
unusually luminous—between 10 VISITOR CHANGES COURSE something affecting its motion other
and 100 times brighter than the AND SPEED than the gravitational forces of the
average supernova—but it was the The solar system's first known Sun and planets," said Marco
speed of its appearance that really interstellar visitor, dubbed Micheli of ESA's (European Space
caught the eye of space experts. "Oumuamua" has unexpectedly Agency) Space Situational
Most supernovas take weeks to changed both speed and direction, Awareness Near-Earth Object
reach peak brightness, but the adding fuel to speculation amongst Coordination Centre in frascati,
distant flash had grown to a conspiracy groups that it was not Italy, and lead author of a paper
dramatic size in just two days. just a visiting rock. describing the team's findings.
Dr Kate Maguire, an astronomer Using observations from NASA's Comets normally eject large
from Queens University Belfast, Hubble Space Telescope and amounts of dust and gas when
noted that the explosion just ground-based observatories, an warmed by the Sun. But according
appeared out of the blue. international team of scientists have to team scientist Olivier Hainaut of
"It really just appeared out of confirmed Oumuamua (oh-MOO- the European Southern
nowhere. There are other objects ah-MOO-ah), got an unexpected Observatory, "there were no visible
that have been discovered that are boost in speed and shift in signs of outgassing from
as fast, but the fastness and the trajectory as it passed through the Oumuamua, so these forces were
not expected."
The team estimates that
Oumuamua's outgassing may have
produced a very small amount of
dust particles—enough to give the
object a little kick in speed, but not
enough to be detected.
(Source: NASA RELEASE 18-056,
28 June 2018;
FREE 24-hour live news feed
This illustration shows "Oumuamua" racing toward the outskirts of our FREE apps for Apple & Android
solar system. (Image: NASA/ESA/STScI)


US STUNS WORLD HEALTH researchers from the University of
COMMUNITY BY OPPOSING Melbourne in Australia and the
BREASTFEEDING University of Copenhagen in
A resolution to encourage Denmark, accessed the health
breastfeeding was expected to be records of 1.2 million children from
approved quickly and easily by the the years 1979 to 1999.
hundreds of government delegates Children who had undergone
who gathered this (northern) spring tonsillectomies were found to have
in Geneva for the United Nations- a nearly three-fold increase in the
affiliated World Health Assembly. risk of developing certain diseases
Based on decades of research, the of the upper respiratory tract,
resolution says that mother's milk is including asthma, influenza,
healthiest for children and countries pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and
should strive to limit the inaccurate emphysema. .
or misleading marketing of breast Removal of adenoids in addition
milk substitutes. to tonsils more than quadrupled
Then the US delegation, chances of developing allergies,
embracing the interests of infant inner-ear inflammation, and sinusitis.
formula manufacturers, sought to from Uruguay, Mexico and the US. While researchers admit that a
water down the resolution by In the end, the Americans' efforts tonsillectomy may aid in the short-
removing language that called on were mostly unsuccessful. It was the term reduction of ENT (ear, nose,
governments to "protect, promote Russians who ultimately stepped in and throat) infections and their
and support breastfeeding" and to introduce the measure—and the associated discomforts, observation
another passage that called on Americans did not threaten them. of health trends over the long-term
policymakers to restrict the The intensity of the strongly suggest that these gains
promotion of food products that administration's opposition to the are short-lived, producing no long-
many experts say can have breastfeeding resolution stunned term reductions in abnormal
deleterious effects on young public health officials and foreign breathing, nor chronic sinusitis, two
children. diplomats. of the most common reasons for
When that failed, they turned to A 2016 Lancet study found that performing tonsillectomies.
threats, according to diplomats and universal breastfeeding would Instead, risks for these problems
government officials who took part prevent 800,000 child deaths a year were either significantly increased,
in the discussions. Ecuador, which across the globe and yield $US300 or not significantly different than for
had planned to introduce the billion in savings from reduced children on whom no tonsillectomy
measure, was the first to find itself health care costs and improved or adenoidectomy were performed.
in the cross hairs. economic outcomes for those Shockingly, unrelated health
The Americans were blunt: If reared on breast milk. problems such as certain skin
Ecuador refused to drop the (Source:, diseases, eye and parasitic
resolution, Washington would 9 July 2018; infections, were 78 per cent more
unleash punishing trade measures prevalent in adults who had
and withdraw crucial military aid. undergone one of these surgeries,
The Ecuadorian government quickly TONSIL, ADENOID REMOVAL as compared to adults who still had
acquiesced. IN CHILDREN: INCREASED their tonsils.
The showdown over the issue was RISK FOR 28 DISEASES Published in the Journal of the
recounted by more than a dozen While instances have gone down American Medical Association
participants from several countries, in recent decades, tonsillectomies Otolaryngology Head and Neck
many of whom requested and adenoidectomies are still two of Surgery, results have compelled
anonymity because they feared the most common surgeries scientists to call for renewed
retaliation from the United States. performed on children worldwide. evaluation of alternatives to this
Health advocates scrambled to A June 2018 study of over a too-common procedure. The impact
find another sponsor for the million Danish children has added a of tonsil and/or adenoid removal
resolution, but at least a dozen compelling argument against surgery on future health outcomes
countries, most of them poor tonsillectomies being performed so was deemed "considerable".
nations in Africa and Latin America, casually. (Source:,
backed off, citing fears of In a first-ever study on the long- 7 July 2018;
retaliation, according to officials term effects of tonsillectomy,


At a meeting of the newly-revived SPYING ON YOU
National Space Council, President for years, theories about smart
Trump announced the Space Policy phones listening to users without
Directive: National Space Traffic their permission to show them
Management (STM) Policy and advertisements have abounded.
ordered the Department of Defense While some researchers have
to establish a Space force as a sixth shown this could happen, a first of
branch of the US military. its kind study just found something
"It is not enough to have far more insidious. Academics at
American presence in space. We Northeastern University have just
US STEPS UP PLAN TO must have American dominance in proven that your phone is recording
DEFEND EARTH FROM space," Trump declared, calling it a your screen—as in taking video—
ASTEROIDS matter of national security. To that and uploading it to third parties.
The US government is stepping end, he has directed General for the last year, Elleen Pan,
up efforts to protect the planet from Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Jingjing Ren, Martina Lindorfer,
incoming asteroids that could wipe Joint Chiefs of Staff, to begin Christo Wilson, and David Choffnes
out entire regions or even preparations for making the Space ran an experiment involving more
continents. force a "separate but equal" than 17,000 of the most popular
The National Science and branch of the US military, alongside Android apps using ten different
Technology Council released a 20- the Army, Air force, Navy, Marines, phones. Their findings were
page report calling for improved and Coast Guard. alarming, to say the least.
asteroid detection, tracking and Despite Pentagon opposition, an The researchers found that
deflection. administration witness told a recent screenshots and video recordings of
The initiative backed by NASA, House Armed Services what people were doing in apps
federal emergency officials, and the subcommittee that "the President were being sent to third-party
White House aims to coordinate has prioritized space. He recognized
efforts over the next 10 years to the threats that have evolved and
The fact that these apps can
detect and respond to possible the pace at which they evolve."
record your screen without you
threats in Earth's vicinity, should In March, the president endorsed
knowing and use this data is
they arise. a Space force during a White
chilling. It illustrates how easy it
Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) House ceremony with "we're
would be for a malicious actor to be
include all asteroids and comets getting very big in space, both
able to look at your private
that orbit within 30 million miles of militarily and for other reasons",
suggesting that the true purpose of messages, personal information,
Earth, NASA explains.
a Space force may be more than passwords, photos, and videos.
While the probability of an
the equivalent of a celestial traffic None of this is stopped by your
asteroid impact may be low, the
cop. phone's security either as it is a
effects could be cataclysmic.
function built into the apps and you
for now, scientists know of no According to the Union of
Concerned Scientists, there are don't have an option to disallow it.
asteroids or comets heading our
way. But one could sneak up on 1,738 operational satellites with 803 As for the theory that your phone
us—and that's why the government US satellites, Russia has 142 and is listening through your mic, the
wants a better plan. China has 204. It is difficult to researchers could not debunk it.
NASA's Planetary Defense Officer, conjure up the effects of a "growing Due to the nature of the study—
Lindley Johnson, says scientists threat" from "human-made" orbital using automated programs to
have found 95 per cent of all Near- clutter and debris floating the interact with apps—the spying apps
Earth Objects measuring one infinite vastness of outer space as may have not been triggered the
kilometre (two-thirds of a mile) or cosmically significant enough to same way they would if a human
bigger. qualify as a national security risk. was using them.
But the hunt is still on for the Perhaps, however, the President is Although they didn't find
remaining five per cent and smaller referring to something other than evidence your phone was listening
rocks that could still inflict big debris and clutter. to you, this does not mean it
damage. (Source:, doesn't happen.
(Source:, 21 June 25 June 2018; (Source:, 5 July
2018; 2018;


SURFACE AREA OF RIVERS estimate river and stream coverage deaths in the country—owing to the
AND STREAMS 45 PER CENT across the globe. As part of the increasingly aging population—hit a
HIGHER THAN THOUGHT study, the researchers built the post-war high of 1.3 million. That
Researchers from the University of Global River Widths from Landsat means Japan's population fell by a
North Carolina at Chapel Hill and database, which contains almost 60 whopping 394,373 people in 2017.
Texas A&M University used satellite million measurements of river width In a demographic time bomb,
images, on-the-ground worldwide. fertility rates fall at the same time
measurements and a statistical NASA will use data from this that longevity increases.
model to determine how much of research to identify river segments An aging population like Japan's
the Earth is covered by rivers and during its NASA Surface Water and poses numerous problems. The
streams. They found that global Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite government will have to spend
river and stream surface area is mission, which will launch in 2021. more on healthcare, and that,
about 45 per cent greater than what The mission will be NASA's first coupled with a shrinking workforce
was indicated by previous studies. satellite mission specifically focused and tax base, is a recipe for
The paper, authored by on measuring rivers and lakes. economic stagnation. It also means,
hydrologists Tamlin Pavelsky of (Source:, 28 June among other things, that there will
UNC-Chapel Hill and George Allen 2018; not be enough young people to
of Texas A&M University, was care for the elderly.
published in Science on June 28. JAPAN'S DEMOGRAPHIC TIME "An aging population will mean
This research differed from past BOMB IS GETTING DIRE higher costs for the government, a
studies of global river and stream Japan's population is shrinking shortage of pension and social-
surface areas that were based on fast. In 2017 its population shrank security-type funds, a shortage of
theoretical extrapolations of small by nearly 400,000 people. The people to care for the very aged,
amounts of actual data. In this number of babies born in the slow economic growth, and a
study, the research team was able to country last year dropped to shortage of young workers," Mary
directly measure both the smallest 946,060—the second year new Brinton, a Harvard sociologist, told
streams and world's largest rivers births remained below one million. Business Insider last year.
through on-the-ground It's the lowest level since the The country's population grew
measurements and satellite images, country began counting in 1899. rapidly throughout the 20th century,
and then use a statistical model to At the same time, the number of from 44 million in 1900 to 128
million in 2000. But since then,
fertility rates have fallen
In the 1970s, Japanese women on
average had 2.1 kids. Today that
number is only 1.4—far below the
replacement rate, or the rate at
which Japan would maintain its
The US is suffering from similar
problems, but not quite to the same
extent as Japan. The fertility rate in
the US is estimated to be 1.76, an
all-time low.
Of 127 million people, there are
67,824 people over the age of 100,
the highest rate of centenarians of
any country. Senior citizens over the
age of 65 make up more than a
quarter of the population.
In perhaps the biggest sign of the
The Global River Widths from Landsat (GRWL) Database contains over 58M
measurements of planform river geometry. Line plot at right shows observed problem, adult diapers now outsell
river coverage as a percentage of land area by latitude, and insets show baby diapers in Japanese
GRWL at increasing spatial scale. Rightmost inset shows GRWL orthogonals supermarkets.
over which river width is calculated with only every 8th orthogonal shown for (Source:, 5 June
clarity. (Image: UNC-Chapel Hill) 2018;


CHINA'S GLOBAL ELECTRICITY account for slightly less than 10 per The business press with its
TAKEOVER POWERED BY cent of end-use electricity costs, a penchant for the bright shiny object
STATE-FUNDED CAPITAL relatively small piece of cost of the is focused at present on Chinese
There has been no shortage of final product. A typical high voltage technology. We suggest financial
stories recently about looming trade transmission line experiences losses considerations matter more. And
wars and foreign investments with of about four per cent on average. that goes beyond mere trade
questionable implications for An ultra-high voltage line brings subsidies.
national security. But the business losses down to about one per cent. China runs a huge trade surplus. It
press recently took notice of one But reducing losses in this fashion has to make use of the foreign
particularly large investment requires more capital. Obtaining currencies it receives. That is
number: US$452 billion. This is the meaningful savings elsewhere in the another way of saying that China
amount China's state-controlled power production process should has a glut of investable savings.
power companies have invested count for far more. Given the law of supply and
abroad over the past five years. In the semi-deregulated power demand, having big supply and
The list of actual and potential markets common nowadays, little demand lowers the price (all
Chinese utility investment locations transmission operators run the else equal). But a low return on that
includes Pakistan, Russia, Nigeria, power grid—somewhat like police capital is still better than no return.
Brazil, Chile, Portugal, Philippines, at a busy intersection directing And China's state entities put
Germany, and the UK. traffic. Although only minor government policy before profits.
Now let's consider the financial
implications. Electricity is expensive
to produce, move, and distribute.
The pre-tax cost of capital for
electricity systems accounts for
roughly one fifth of the average
electric bill. But for low-variable cost
businesses, such as nuclear power
and transmission, cost of capital
might account for as much as half of
final costs.
This takes us back to China's
power technology exports. Their
state-sponsored power companies
appear to be content with low
single-digit returns on equity—
levels way below those considered
acceptable by private sector firms.
And their cost of debt is also very low.
Western firms in these
The Three Gorges Dam in Hubei province, China is the world's circumstances pay at least five per
largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). cent for their debt and a single-digit
(Photo: Christoph Filnkößl) return on equity is, to put it mildly,
unacceptable. Our contention? Cost
Roughly one third of this almost- government functionaries, those of capital here is key. It counts for
half-a-trillion dollars of investment directing traffic have a considerable far more in this so-called
relates to power transmission amount of power. They decide who competition for new power projects
projects. The Chinese are exporting proceeds and who shall have extra around the world than mere high-
their ultra-high voltage transmission time to respond to text messages. tension technological prowess.
technology. This, supposedly, is the In the context of the power Their low cost of capital
secret of China's technology-export transmission grid, grid operators as advantage will keep the Chinese
success. Generally speaking, traffic cops have a considerable ahead in this technology export
moving bulk electricity at higher amount of power and responsibility. race—unless or until there is
voltages reduces line losses, which for this reason, some local political or national security
in turn reduces the cost of authorities have been reticent about pushback.
transmission. ceding this vital function to Chinese (Source:, 13 June
Transmission expenses, however, investment and control. 2018;


The Australian government is to
spend more than US$5 billion on
long-range surveillance drones to
beef up its maritime security in the
South China Sea—and it's costing
Canberra more than double the
original estimated price.
The multibillion dollar military
investment was announced with the
government vowing to buy six MQ-
4C Triton remotely piloted aircraft
from the US Navy. The Northrop
Grumman MQ-4C Triton has a
wingspan equivalent to that of a
Boeing 737, and can remain Eating grilled foods is the most SCIENTISTS HAVE CREATED
airborne for more than 30 hours at a common source of PAHs arising ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
time, surveying almost three million from barbecuing. However, USING STRANDS OF DNA
square miles of sea in one flight. according to a previous study by An artificial neural network that's
Minister for Defence Industry Eddy Y. Zeng and colleagues, made entirely from DNA and mimics
Christopher Pyne stood by the bystanders near barbecues were the way the brain works has been
investment, even as it is now likely exposed to considerable created by researchers at Caltech.
costing the Australian taxpayer amounts of PAHs through skin The test tube artificial intelligence
more than double the estimated exposure and inhalation, even if (AI) can solve a classic machine
AU$3–4 billion in 2016.    they didn't eat the grilled foods. learning problem: correctly
Pyne told Sky News that the Building on that study, the team identifying handwritten numbers.
operational area of the drones will sought to more precisely quantify The work is a significant step in
cover the South China Sea. skin uptake of PAHs from barbecue demonstrating the ability to
(Source:, 26 June 2018; fumes and particles. program AI into synthetic The researchers divided biomolecular circuits.
volunteers into groups at an This could one day lead to
SKIN MORE RESPONSIBLE outdoor barbecue to provide them human-like robots made from
FOR EXPOSURE TO SMOKE with varying degrees of exposure to entirely organic materials, rather
CARCINOGENS THAN LUNGS the food and the smoke. After than the shiny metal cybermen seen
In a study appearing in analysing urine samples from the in popular culture.
Environmental Science & volunteers, the researchers The research team's ultimate goal
Technology, scientists report that concluded that, as expected, diet is to program intelligent
skin is a more important pathway for accounted for the largest amount of behaviours—such as the ability to
uptake of cancer-causing PAH exposure. However, the skin compute, make choices, and
compounds produced during was the second-highest exposure more—with artificial neural networks
barbecuing than inhalation. They route, followed by inhalation. They made from DNA.
also found that clothing cannot fully say oils in barbecue fumes likely Lead researcher Lulu Qian,
protect individuals from this enhance skin uptake of PAHs. The Assistant Professor of
exposure. team also found that while clothes Bioengineering, said: "Though
In the USA, 70 per cent of adults may reduce skin exposure to PAHs scientists have only just begun to
own a grill or a smoker, and more over the short term, once clothing is explore creating artificial
than half of them grill at least four saturated with barbecue smoke, the intelligence in molecular machines,
times a month, according to skin can take in considerable its potential is already undeniable." 
industry figures. Barbecuing amounts of PAHs from them. They The team now plans to develop
produces large amounts of suggest washing clothes soon after artificial neural networks that can
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, leaving a grilling area to reduce learn, forming "memories" from
or PAHs, which can cause exposure. examples added to the test tube.
respiratory diseases and DNA (Source:, 23 May (Source: Caltech, 5 July 2018;
mutations. 2018;


CANADA LEGALISES it's still in accordance with the The move, championed by Senate
MARIJUANA treaties because federal law still Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Canada is the second country in technically prohibits cannabis, even (R-KY), would also make hemp
the world to legalise marijuana, though some states have legalised it.) plants eligible for crop insurance.
following Uruguay. Canada's bill also lets provinces "Consumers across America buy
The measure legalises marijuana entirely handle the distribution and hundreds of millions in retail
possession, home growing, and sales of marijuana—up to letting products every year that contain
sales for adults. The federal provincial governments directly hemp," McConnell said in a floor
government will oversee remaining manage and staff all marijuana speech on Thursday. "But due to
criminal sanctions (i.e., selling to stores by themselves. outdated federal regulations that do
minors) and the licensing of The promise of government-run not sufficiently distinguish this
industrial crop from its illicit cousin,
American farmers have been mostly
unable to meet that demand
themselves. It's left consumers with
little choice but to buy imported
hemp products from foreign-
produced hemp."
"for the first time in 80 years, this
bill legalizes hemp. We forget, but
hemp was widely grown in the
Image: United States throughout the mid-
producers, while provincial marijuana shops is that they could 1800s," Sen. Michael Bennet
governments will manage sales, be better for public health. In short, (D-CO) said in a floor speech on
distribution, and related government agencies that run Wednesday. "Americans used hemp
regulations—as such, provinces will shops are generally going to be in fabrics, wine, and paper. Our
be able to impose tougher rules, more mindful of public health and government treated industrial hemp
such as raising the minimum age. safety, while private companies are like any other farm commodity
The statute largely follows only going to be interested in until the early 20th century, when a
recommendations made by a maximising sales, even if that means 1937 law defined it as a narcotic
federal task force on marijuana making prices very low or selling to drug, dramatically limiting its
legalisation. minors and people with drug use growth. This became even worse in
The law will go into effect on disorders. 1970 when hemp became a
October 17, with at least some sales (Source:, 21 June 2018; schedule I controlled substance. In
beginning on that date, Prime Colorado, as is true across the
Minister Justin Trudeau said. country—I have talked to a lot of
None of this may seem too US SENATE VOTES TO colleagues about this—we see
shocking in the US, where already LEGALISE HEMP AFTER hemp as a great opportunity to
nine states have legalised marijuana DECADES-LONG BAN diversify our farms and manufacture
for recreational use and 29 states Commonly referred to as high-margin products for the
have allowed it for medicinal industrial hemp, the non- American people."
purposes. What sets Canada apart, psychoactive cannabis cousin of (Source:,
though, is that it's doing this as a marijuana would finally become 28 June 2018;
country. Previously, the South legal to grow in the USA under a bill
American nation of Uruguay was the overwhelmingly approved
only one that legally allowed by the Senate.
marijuana for recreational purposes. The wide-ranging
Canada, like the US, is part of agriculture and food
international drug treaties that policy legislation known
explicitly ban legalising marijuana. as the farm Bill, passed
Although activists have been by a vote of 86 – 11 on
pushing to change these treaties for Thursday, contains
years, they have failed so far—and provisions to legalise the
that means Canada will be, in effect, cultivation, processing
in violation of international law in and sale of industrial
moving to legalise. (The US argues hemp.


Ancient tools and bones
discovered in China suggest early
humans were in Asia even earlier
than previously thought.
They were found by a Chinese
team led by Professor Zhaoyu Zhu
of the Chinese Academy of
The tools were discovered at a
locality called Shangchen in the
southern Chinese Loess Plateau.
The oldest are c. 2.12 million
REMARKABLE SKILL OF question is how did the ancient years old, and are c. 270,000 years
ANCIENT PERU'S CRANIAL Peruvian surgeons have outcomes older than the 1.85-million-year-old
SURGEONS that far surpassed those of surgeons skeletal remains and stone tools
for thousands of years, during the Civil War?" from Dmanisi, Georgia, which were
trepanation—the act of scraping, In their study published in the previously the earliest evidence of
cutting, or drilling an opening into June issue of World Neurosurgery, humanity outside Africa.
the skull—was practiced around the "Trepanation Procedures/ The artefacts include a notch,
world, primarily to treat head Outcomes: Comparison of scrapers, cobble, hammer stones
trauma, but possibly to quell Prehistoric Peru with Other Ancient, and pointed pieces. All show signs
headaches, seizures and mental Medieval, and American Civil War of use—the stone had been
illnesses, or even to expel perceived Cranial Surgery", Kushner and his intentionally flaked. Most were
demons. co-authors show that ancient made of quartzite and quartz.
But, according to a new study led Peruvians significantly refined their fragments of animal bones 2.12
by the University of Miami Miller trepanation techniques over the million years old were also found.
School of Medicine's David S. centuries. They learned, for The Chinese Loess Plateau covers
Kushner, MD, clinical professor of example, not to perforate the about 270,000 square kilometres,
physical medicine and protective membrane surrounding and during the past 2.6m years
rehabilitation, trepanation was so the brain—a guideline Hippocrates between 100 and 300m of wind-
expertly practiced in ancient Peru codified in ancient Greece at about blown dust—known as loess—has
that the survival rate for the the same time, 5th century, BC, that been deposited in the area.
procedure during the Incan Empire trepanning is thought to have The 80 stone artefacts were found
was about twice that of the begun in ancient Peru. predominantly in 11 different layers
American Civil War—when, more "Over time, from the earliest to of fossil soils which developed in a
than three centuries later, soldiers the latest, they learned which warm and wet climate. A further 16
were trepanned presumably by techniques were better, and less items were found in six layers of
better trained, educated and likely to perforate the dura," said loess that developed under colder
equipped surgeons. Kushner, who has written and drier conditions.
"There are still many unknowns extensively about modern-day These 17 different layers of loess
about the procedure and the neurosurgical outcomes. "They and fossil soils were formed during
individuals on whom trepanation seemed to understand head a period spanning almost a million
was performed, but the outcomes anatomy and purposefully avoided years. This shows that early types of
during the Civil War were dismal the areas where there would be humans occupied the Chinese Loess
compared to Incan times," said more bleeding. They also realized Plateau under different climatic
Kushner, a neurologist who has that larger-sized trepanations were conditions between 1.2 and 2.12
helped scores of patients recover less likely to be as successful as million years ago.
from modern-day traumatic brain smaller ones. Physical evidence The layers containing these stone
injuries and cranial surgeries. "In definitely shows that these ancient tools were dated by linking the
Incan times, the mortality rate was surgeons refined the procedure magnetic properties of the layers to
between 17 and 25 per cent, and over time. Their success is truly known and dated changes in Earth's
during the American Civil War, it remarkable." magnetic field.
was between 46 and 56 per cent. (Source:, 8 June (Source:, 11 July
That's a big difference. The 2018; 2018;


by Thierry Meyssan
Elected for his promises to
change the paradigm, President
Trump continues to astonish all
those who take him for an idiot. Yet
all he is doing is implementing the
ideas that he developed during his
electoral campaign, thus taking his
place in a political tradition which,
although long neglected, is solidly
anchored in US history. Leaving pauperisation of the "poor white" classified as partisans of Donald
aside the President's public elements of US society. Trump. This is an incorrect
relations communications, Thierry On the contrary, Donald Trump interpretation of our work. We are
Meyssan analyses his acts as continually denounced the not United States voters, and as a
compared with his engagements. American Empire, and announced result, we do not support any
During the US Presidential the return to Republican principles. candidate to the White House. We
electoral campaign, we He espoused the ideas of Andrew are political analysts, and we
demonstrated that the rivalry Jackson (1829-37)4, and was attempt only to understand the
between Hillary Clinton and Donald adopted by the ex-collaborators of facts and to anticipate their
Trump did not concern their style so Richard Nixon (1969-74)5. consequences.
much as their culture1. The outsider He synthesised his ideas in interior
challenged the Puritan domination politics with the slogan "Make Where are We Today?
over the USA, and demanded a America Great Again!", in other We must concentrate on the facts
return to the original compromise of words, no longer the pursuit of the and eliminate all President Trump's
1789—the Bill of Rights—between imperial mirage, but a return to the public relations statements from our
the revolutionaries who were "American dream" of personal analysis.
fighting King George, and the major enrichment. As for his exterior We must distinguish the effects
landowners of the 13 colonies. politics, he used the slogan for which Donald Trump is directly
Not as amateur in politics as "America first!", which we responsible from those which are
people thought, he had already interpreted not in the sense it was the continuity of his predecessors
displayed his opposition to the given during the Second World War, and the effects due to ambient
system on the very day of the but the meaning it had originally. world evolution.
attacks of 9/112, then, later, with the Therefore we did not see him as a
controversy he maintained neo-Nazi, but as a politician who The Interior
concerning President Obama's refused to engage his country in the Donald Trump gave his support to
birthplace. service of transnational elites. a demonstration of white
We did not interpret Donald More surprisingly, we thought it supremacists in Charlottesville, and
Trump's fortune as a clear signal would be impossible for him to also to the movement for the right
that he would be taking action in reach a cultural agreement with the to carry arms, including after the
service of the rich, but as proof that Mexican minority, and we forecast slaughter at Parkland. These
he would defend productive that he would finally facilitate a positions were interpreted as
capitalism against speculative friendly separation for the support for far-right ideas and
capitalism. independence of California violence. On the contrary, however,
We pointed out that on foreign (CalExit)6. it was for him a promotion of
policy, Presidents George W. Bush Our analysis of the objectives and "Human Rights", US version, as they
and Barack Obama had chosen the methods of Donald Trump were defined in the first two
option of war in Afghanistan, Iraq, nonetheless left open the question amendments to the Bill of Rights.
Libya and Syria, implementing the of the capacity of a US President to We may, of course, criticise the US
strategy of Admiral Cebrowski to modify the military strategy of his definition of "Human Rights" as
destroy the state structures of all the country7. strongly as we like—and in the
States in the "Greater Middle Writing for two years, and tradition of Thomas Paine8, we do
East"3; while on the interior, they expressing ideas which were not hesitate to criticise it—but that
suspended the Bill of Rights—all of completely opposite to all other is another question.
which led to the depreciation and commentators, we were wrongly Lacking means, the completion of


the Wall at the Mexican border, the building of infrastructures, for administrations.
which had been built by his which he has so far found only 15 Then he convinced the Arab
predecessors, is a long way from per cent of the necessary finance. nations, including Saudi Arabia, to
being finished. It is still too soon to And he has not yet launched his cease their support for the
draw conclusions. The confrontation program soliciting foreign jihadists 13. The consequences of
with those Hispanic immigrants who specialists to help improve US this decision quickly became
refuse to speak English and to industry, although this was apparent with the fall of Daesh in
integrate the compromise of 1789 announced in his National Security Iraq and in Syria. Simultaneously,
still has not happened. Donald Strategy11. Donald Trump postponed the
Trump went no further than taking But finally, the little he has already dissolution of NATO, to which he
the Spanish service off the White achieved has been enough to kick- simply added an anti-terrorist
House communication system. start production and employment in function 14. Meanwhile, in the
Concerning the question of his country. context of the British campaign
climate change, Donald Trump against Moscow, the Alliance is
rejected the Paris agreement, not The Exterior actively developing its anti-Russian
because he is indifferent to ecology, In order to liquidate the American plan of action 15.
but because it imposes financial Empire, Donald Trump had Donald Trump only kept NATO in
regulations which will only benefit announced his intention to cease order to control the vassals of the
those who control carbon trading9. support for the jihadists, to dissolve United States. He deliberately
As far the economy is concerned, NATO, to abandon the Cebrowski discredited the G7, forcing his
Donald Trump has not yet managed strategy, and to repatriate the baffled allies to assume their own
to impose his revolution— occupation troops. It is obviously responsibilities.
exonerating exports and taxing much more difficult to reform the To interrupt the Cebrowski
imports. However, he withdrew his primary federal administration, the strategy in the "Greater Middle
country from the free-exchange armed forces, than to change the East", Donald Trump is preparing a
treaties which had not yet been economic and financial regulations reorganisation of that zone around
ratified, like the Trans-Pacific by decree. his withdrawal from the agreements
Partnership (TPP). While his Border In priority, President Trump placed with Iran (JCPoA and secret bilateral
Adjustment Tax was rejected by trustworthy people at the head of agreement) and from his plan for
Congress, he is trying today to the Department of Defense and the the solution of the Palestinian
dodge the parliamentarians and to CIA in order to avoid all attempts at question. While this project, which
create prohibitive taxes on the rebellion. He reformed the National both france and the United
import of certain products, a move Security Council by diminishing the Kingdom are attempting to
which flabbergasted his country's role of the Pentagon and the CIA12. sabotage, has little chance of
allies and provoked the anger of He immediately put an end to the managing to install regional peace,
China10. "colour revolutions" and other it enables him to paralyse the
Similarly, Donald Trump is slow to coups d'etat which had initiatives by the Pentagon.
launch his Rooseveltian program for characterised the previous However, the superior officers are
preparing to apply the Cebrowski
strategy in the "Caribbean basin".
The initiative for the solution of
the Korean conflict, the last vestige
of the Cold War, ought to enable
him to call into question the validity
of NATO. The allies only engaged in
this organisation to prevent a
European version of a situation like
that of the Korean war.
In the end, the US armed forces
should no longer be used to crush
small countries, but exclusively to
isolate Russia, even to prevent
China from developing its "Silk
White crosses with the names of those who have died crossing the US Roads".
border adorn the Mexican side of the wall in Heroica Nogales, Mexico. (Source: Voltaire Network, 19 June
(Photo: Jonathan McIntosh, 2018;


What is a Biomat®?
Unlike an electric blanket which uses electric coils to create heat, the Biomat
uses a combination of fabrics and amethyst stones to generate far infrared rays,
transferred to the body as heat. The heat comes from friction generated within
the body through the effects of far infrared rays. Far infrared rays warm the
inside of your body and the part of your body making contact with the Biomat.

Should the temperature of any part of the Biomat exceed the set temperature,
the thermal sensors distributed throughout the Biomat will cut off the electric
current. When the Biomat reaches the selected temperature, the negative ion
lights will come on and will stay on until the Biomat needs to raise the
temperature. The Biomat comes with an external control box which allows
you to adjust the desired temperature and usage time (between 2, 4, 8,or 12
hours). As an added safety feature, when the controller is set to 122°F or
higher, it will automatically step down to 113°F after 4 hours.
I use the BioMat on a daily basis — and I absolutely rave about it to people.
I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Duncan Roads, Editor, NEXUS Magazine



The Real
Causes of
and statins don't help...

by Justin Smith © 2018

Photo: Ian Espinosa

Conventional theory has not taken into account psychological and

physical stresses that cause changes in the heart's energy systems.

eart disease is the leading cause of death arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart
worldwide. for decades our health authorities and muscle. The thickening of the arterial wall is accompanied
the majority of the medical profession have told us by the formation of blood clots. Eventually blood clots
that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol are primary can cause a complete blockage of the artery (occlusion),
causes of heart disease. This has been the main starving the heart muscle of blood and oxygen, leading
justification for an estimated thirty-five to forty million to muscle cell death and a heart attack. There is no doubt
people in the United States, seven to eight million people that heart disease is characterised by a thickening of the
in England, and millions more people worldwide being artery walls and the formation of blood clots. However,
prescribed cholesterol-lowering statins. However, in this these are only some of the important observed features.
article I will argue that the way we have been looking at Giorgio Baroldi (1925-2007) was an Italian
the causes of heart disease is fundamentally flawed and cardiovascular pathologist who, for half a century,
taking statins offers very little to no protection. challenged the conventional theory regarding the
Most heart disease is coronary heart disease (CHD), processes associated with heart disease. Baroldi made a
which involves a thickening of the walls of the main number of observations that led him to conclude that a


3. It is possible to have an infarct
(an area of dead heart muscle
tissue) without a corresponding
In 2004, Baroldi, along with co-
author Professor Malcolm Silver
from the University of Toronto,
published a book that contains a
detailed summary of an alternative
view of how heart disease
develops.1 One of the key issues
discussed by Baroldi is that in the
presence of a blocked artery the
heart adapts by increasing blood
flow through the collateral
circulation. Most people are
familiar with illustrations of the
gross anatomy of the heart showing
Anatomy of the human heart (Image: Ties van Brussel) the coronary arteries and other
anatomical features. However,
blocked artery might not be the most important factor in what is hardly ever shown is the collateral circulation. The
a heart attack, or at least that the occlusion may not be collateral circulation consists of an intricate network of
the only important factor. Baroldi observed that: smaller blood vessels that also supply the heart muscle
1. Some people have a significant amount of narrowing with blood and oxygen.
of the artery without any signs of damage to the heart If blocked arteries can be circumvented by the
muscle itself. And the narrowing could have existed for collateral circulation, and there is not a connection
years without any clinical symptoms of heart disease. between the extent of artery disease and the size of the
2. There is no relationship between the extent of area of dead heart muscle tissue, then heart attacks could
coronary artery disease and the degree of damage to the start from within the heart itself rather than as a result of
heart muscle itself. Logically, we would expect that if arterial damage. This hypothesis is sometimes referred to
there were a greater extent of arterial plaque or as the myogenic theory of myocardial infarction. A
occlusion, then the area of dead heart muscle tissue pioneer in this field was Dr Quintiliano H. de Mesquita, a
would also be greater. However, Baroldi concluded that Brazilian physician and scientist, whose work has been
the extent of arterial disease did not correlate with the continued by fellow Brazilian Carlos Monteiro, an
degree of actual damage to the heart. independent researcher and scientist.
The myogenic theory raises questions about
common surgical procedures that are currently
being performed, such as coronary bypass
surgery and the insertion of stents. These
interventions are based on the idea that a
blocked artery will always lead to a heart
attack. If that is not the case, then some
people might be having costly unnecessary
surgical procedures.
The myogenic theory of heart attacks asserts
that heart disease is caused by physical and
psychological stress that causes a change in
the energy systems used by the heart. Despite
the fact that we have been told for decades
that dietary fat is bad for the heart, fat is in fact
the heart's preferred source of energy.
However, when the body's stress response is
activated, the energy producing system that
uses glucose is activated, since energy can be
derived more quickly from glucose. However,
Diagram showing the location of vascular smooth muscle cells "burning" glucose leaves an acidic by-product


that in turn results in a biochemically more acidic heart
The acidic environment affects the contractility of the
heart muscle. This dysfunction can lead to a localised
area of cell death (necrosis).
Once necrosis has occurred and the contractility of an
area of the heart muscle is compromised, the fluid
dynamics of the arteries changes. This can cause the
inside walls of the arteries to become damaged. The
body responds to this damage to the arteries by forming
blood clots, and the arteries are then subject to various
processes associated with the build-up of arterial plaque.
If arterial plaque does build up, the resultant narrowing
of an artery can make the situation worse by further
impeding the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart
muscle. The condition will eventually present as arterial
plaque, possibly a full occlusion, disruption to the
electrical control system of the heart, and an area of dead
heart muscle tissue. But what was the main culprit, and
which one came first?
There are still a considerable number of unknowns
regarding the precise mechanisms involved in the
development of heart attacks, and in what order they
appear for each individual person. However, even a The mevalonate pathway and action of statins
general wider appreciation of the mechanisms that could
be involved can enable better informed choices less than complete.
regarding prevention strategies. In 2011, a study was published in the Journal of the
The current model of heart disease basically considers American Medical Association2 that should have led to a
the condition as a simple plumbing problem and focusses complete reappraisal of the current risk-factor-based
on certain risk factors. We have considerable evidence approach, but instead it was largely ignored. The study
suggesting that the risk-factor-based approach is much included more than 500,000 people who were admitted
to hospital with a first heart attack but without any prior
cardiovascular disease. The researchers looked at five of
the traditional risk factors in relation to survival after this
first heart attack: high blood pressure, smoking, high
cholesterol, diabetes, and family history of heart disease.
This list of risk factors is similar to those used by the
American Heart Association in their cardiovascular risk
If such risk factors were reliable as predictors of
mortality, then we would expect that people with more
of them would have worse rates of survival. However, the
reverse was true in this study. The more risk factors a
person had, the more likely they were to survive their first
heart attack. In fact, the greatest risk of death was
associated with having no risk factors; people with none
of the five risk factors were 1.5 times more likely to die
after a heart attack than people who had all five risk
There are many other contradictions to the current
model. for example, the fact that people tend to live
longer with higher cholesterol levels. This is particularly
true in the elderly, where higher cholesterol appears to
be protective against heart failure.3-10
Hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal (HPA) axis – A study published in the Journal of the American
anterior view (Image: Anatomography) Medical Association analysed data from 122,458 patients


enrolled in fourteen international clinical trials.11 The We have already seen above that physical and
researchers compared the frequency of various risk psychological stress can adversely affect the heart by
factors in people who had heart disease. They found that creating an acidic environment within the heart itself. In
only 39 per cent of all men and 34 per cent of all women addition, excessive stress directly affects the condition of
who had heart disease had high cholesterol or high the arteries, the likelihood that blood clots will form, and
triglycerides. the electrical system that controls the heartbeat. Stress
Cholesterol-lowering statins then, are not the answer. also "burns up" essential nutrients that would otherwise
In fact, statins make things worse. Statins are associated protect us from heart disease. And stress weakens the
with an increase in the amount of arterial plaque.12-15 immune system such that we can become more
vulnerable to infections, which could also play an
important role in the development of heart disease.
Stress is of course an individual phenomenon and what
one person finds stimulating another person finds
stressful. In addition, some people seem to be able to
cope with more negative stress than others through a
greater capacity to deal with a particular stressor, and
excess negative stress manifests as different symptom for
different people.
The activation of the stress response causes the release
of adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline makes the blood
more readily able to clot in the case of a physical injury.
As we already know, blood clots are an important feature
of heart disease.
Adrenaline also affects the heart rate and blood vessels
so that cardiac output increases (increasing circulation to
When we exercise, the heart gets stronger. the working muscles) in turn increasing blood pressure.
Increased blood pressure could increase the risk of
Statins have another detrimental effect on the heart. damage to the inside wall of the arteries.
When we exercise, the heart gets stronger. This The hormone cortisol has the effect of raising blood
adaptation to exercise is important for everyone, and in glucose levels. Cortisol also contributes to obesity, in
particular, it is an important part of the recovery process particular, central obesity (visceral fat), which has been
for cardiac patients. Exercise stimulates the body to make identified as the more dangerous type of obesity. Overall,
more mitochondria, the energy-producing factories changes in blood glucose, increased central obesity,
within muscle cells. However, statins have been found to increased blood pressure, and other metabolic changes
block this adaptation.16

The Real Causes of Heart Disease Cortisol has a weakening effect on

Heart disease is much more complicated than our
health authorities would have us believe. We are told that
the immune system, which is one
it can be controlled by managing a short list of suggested reason why people who are
risk factors—it just so happens that these are the risk
factors that medications exist for. In reality, heart disease
chronically stressed often become
involves the complex interplay of the stress response, more susceptible to infections.
immunity, exercise and other lifestyle factors, the
environment, gut health and a wide range of nutritional
factors. can increase the risk for type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and
Not only do our health authorities mislead us by people who have T2DM have up to five times the risk of
focusing on suggested risk factors that can be managed developing heart disease compared to people who don't
by medications. These authorities may outright incorrect have T2DM.
statements. for example, the British Heart foundation17 Cortisol has a weakening effect on the immune system,
states that: which is one reason why people who are chronically
"Stress is not a direct risk factor for cardiovascular stressed often become more susceptible to infections.
disease, but it's possible that it may contribute to your Infections could also play a role in heart disease. Cortisol
risk level." also prevents the body's cells from losing sodium and
In the rest of this article I would like to introduce some encourages the cellular loss of potassium. This imbalance
of the reasons why the British Heart foundation is wrong. could lead to fluid retention and dysfunction of the cell


same year found that HRV drops even further
immediately before a heart attack,23 noting a
gradual decline in HRV starting one hour before
a heart attack occurred. The decrease in HRV
was even more obvious two minutes before a
heart attack, and during the heart attack event
itself there was an almost complete withdrawal
of vagal activity. The decrease in HRV and the
corresponding heart attack were also more
closely related to activities associated with
mental stress.
In case there is any remaining doubt about
stress as a primary cause of heart attacks and
death, a study published in the journal
Circulation in 201224 investigated the use of
transcendental meditation for people with heart
Poor lifestyle choices also impact the balance of the autonomic disease. Participants were split into two groups;
nervous system, making things worse. one group completed twenty minutes of
to the extent that it contributes to heart muscle cell meditation twice every day, while the other, dubbed the
death. "health education group", was instructed to spend the
Major stressors can cause a heart attack directly without same amount of time doing other health-promoting
any existing damage to the arteries or any other risk activities such as preparing healthy meals, exercising, or
factors, due to the effects of noradrenaline, which is also nonspecific relaxation.
released during the stress response. Noradrenaline is After five years of follow-up, 31 per cent of the people
released to enable stronger muscle contractions. It is in the health education group had either had a heart
released at nerve endings and can cause bands of cell attack or stroke, or died, compared with 20 per cent of
death (contraction band necrosis). those in the meditation group, representing an absolute
Stress encourages us to eat poor quality foods and miss risk reduction of 11 per cent associated with meditation,
out on important heart protective nutrients, as well as to above the benefits associated with more common health-
consume more sugar, drink more alcohol, and smoke promoting activities.
cigarettes. All of these poor lifestyle choices also impact This study was a secondary prevention trial, which
the balance of the autonomic nervous system, making means its participants already had a diagnosis of heart
things worse. In particular, smoking cigarettes further disease at the start of the study. Secondary prevention
activates the sympathetic nervous system. trials done on statins have shown that statins typically
In addition, stress causes Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, reduce the risk of heart attack and death from all causes
also known as broken-heart syndrome, which is a by about one or two per cent.25 The data suggests that
weakening of the heart's main pumping chamber as a meditation for twenty minutes twice each day is between
result of severe emotional or physical stress.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg where stress
and its effects on the heart are concerned. Even more
profound are the changes in heart rate variability (HRV).
HRV refers to the difference in the time interval
between beats of the heart. If the time interval between
beats varies a lot, there is a high HRV. One might assume
that a predictable, uniform heartbeat (low HRV) is healthy,
but in fact the reverse is true. A healthy heart displays a
high degree of variability in the beat-to-beat time
intervals, as the heart adjusts to whatever demands are
placed upon it. A reduced HRV has been shown to
predict heart disease death, as well as deaths from all
One study published in the Journal of the American
College of Cardiology in 2001 followed participants for
ten years and found that reduced HRV was associated
with more than four times the risk of sudden cardiac An absolute risk reduction in heart disease patients
death.20 Another study published in the same journal the of 11 per cent is associated with meditation.


five and eleven times more beneficial than taking a statin
(depending on which statin clinical trial we use for
comparison). Still, leading health authorities maintain that
stress is not a cause of heart disease, and instead spend
millions on promoting the erroneous cholesterol idea and
the widespread use of statins.

About the author:

Justin Smith is the producer/director of the Statin
Nation documentary films and the book by the same
title. He has been researching and challenging the
conventional view of the causes of heart disease for
Lancet 350(9085):1119–1123, 1997.
nine years. He is also the producer/director of Body
5. Krum H, McMurray JJ, "Statins and chronic heart
Electric: Electroceuticals and the Future of Medicine.
failure: do we need a large-scale outcome trial?" J Am
For four years, Justin was based at the BBC in West
Coll Cardiol: 39(10):1567–1573, 2002.
London as a personal trainer, sports massage therapist
6. Böhm M, Hjalmarson A, Kjekshus J, et al., "Heart
and nutrition coach, and for six years he was a
failure and statins— why do we need a clinical trial?",
competitive cyclist. This article was originally published
ZS Kardiologie, 94(4):2223–2230, 2005.
at (see
7. Kjekshus J, Dunselman P, Blideskog M, et al., "A
Justin Smith may be contacted via
statin in the treatment of heart failure? Controlled
rosuvastatin multinational study in heart failure
(CORONA): study design and baseline characteristics",
References Eur J Heart Fail, 7(6):1059–1069, 2005.
1. Baroldi G, Silver MD, The Etiopathogenesis of 8. Cleland JG, Loh H, Windram J, Goode K, Clark AL,
Coronary Heart Disease: A Heretical Theory Based on "Threats, opportunities, and statins in the modern
Morphology, Boca Raton, fL: CRC Press; 2004. management of heart failure", Eur Heart J, 27(6):641–
2. Canto JG, Kiefe CI, Rogers WJ, et al., "Number of 643, 2006.
coronary heart disease risk factors and mortality in 9. Horwich TB, Hamilton MA, Maclellan WR, fonarow
patients with first myocardial infarction", JAMA, GC, "Low serum total cholesterol is associated with
306(19):2120–2127, 2011. marked increase in mortality in advanced heart failure",
3. Krumholz H, Seeman TE, Merrill SS, et al., "Lack of J Card Fail. 8(4):216–224, 2002.
association between cholesterol and coronary heart 10. Rauchhaus M, Clark AL, Doehner W, et al., "The
disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause mortality relationship between cholesterol and survival in patients
in persons older than 70 years", JAMA: 272(17):1335– with chronic heart failure", J Am Coll Cardiol.,
1340, 1994. 42(11):1933–1940 2003.
4. Weverling-Rijnsburger AW, Blauw GJ, Lagaay AM, 11. Khot UN, Khot MB, Bajzer CT, et al., "Prevalence of
Knook DL, Meinders AE, Westendorp RG, "Total conventional risk factors in patients with coronary heart
cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old", disease", JAMA, 290(7):898–904, 2003.
12. Nakazato R, Gransar H, Berman DS, et al.,
"Statins use and coronary artery plaque
composition: Results from the International
Multi-center CONfIRM Registry",
Atherosclerosis, 225(1):148–153, 2012.
13. Raggi P, Davidson M, Callister TQ, et al.,
"Aggressive versus moderate lipid-lowering
therapy in hypercholesterolemic
postmenopausal women: beyond endorsed
lipid lowering with EBT scanning (BELLES)"
Circulation,112(4):563–571. doi:10.1161
/CIRCULATIONAHA.104.512681, 2005.
14. Schmermund A, Achenbach S, Budde T, et
al., "Effect of intensive versus standard lipid-
lowering treatment with atorvastatin on the
progression of calcified coronary
atherosclerosis over 12 months: a multicenter,
Image: Continued on page 88


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Modern-Day Scurvy,
Vitamin C and Burns
High-dose sodium ascorbate has great potential in the prevention
of subclinical scurvy and infection, and in the treatment of burns.

by Viera Scheibner, PhD © 2018

itamin C is probably the most important but also protects the body against oxidative stress1, and is a
the least understood and appreciated vitamin. cofactor in at least eight enzymatic reactions, including
The lack of vitamin C or "vitamin C avitaminosis", several collagen synthesis reactions that cause the most
"scorbut" or "scurvy", is in my opinion the single worst severe symptoms of scurvy when they are dysfunctional2.
scourge of humanity, particularly well-documented since Having researched orthodox medical literature showing
the Middle Ages. major benefits of treatment with large doses of vitamin C
The word scurvy provokes the image of sailors of a number of medical problems from common cold to
undertaking long sea voyages dropping dead of scurvy cancer, I would like to suggest to the burns specialists to
due to a very poor diet of worm-riddled biscuits and rum consider seriously and imminently the administration of
deficient in vitamin C. Most people would indignantly very large doses of sodium ascorbate (the non-acidic
claim that in modern times scurvy does not occur. Is this form of vitamin C) to help them addressing a number of
true? the difficult issues in burns treatment.
The pharmacophore of vitamin C is the ascorbate ion. When large groups of people started congregating in
In living organisms, ascorbate is an antioxidant, since it large cities (or "civilised"—not living on and off the land


and depending on importation of food from the country enough of their own vitamin C, while humans, guinea
areas), scurvy well and truly took a stronghold. The staple pigs, fruit bats as the most instructive examples, do not,
diet of people in the cities in particular, was bread ("our and have to extract it from food. That's where the scurvy
daily bread" became a synonym of food) and a little problem with human species starts. Unless our food
meat. Long sea voyages to distant parts of the earth contains sufficient amounts of vitamin C, we become
became textbook examples of the lethal dangers of deficient and our health and wellbeing suffers
scurvy. Australia may not have been colonised by the accordingly. The few milligrams per day quoted by the
British had it not been for Captain Cook, who made sure WHO is insufficient to guarantee that we function at
that he replenished his ship's larder with fresh fruit and optimum. Most people do not get so much and suffer
vegetables and clean water in the ports along his voyage subclinical scurvy.
searching for the Great South Land.
It wasn't until the first and second horticultural Scurvy in History
revolutions in the Old World, when most of the arable In 1920 Alfred Hess published a 288-page book on
land became concentrated in the hands of a few rich scurvy, which still stands up to modern scrutiny. He
people and poor people could not make a living out of addressed the symptomatology of scurvy, from its
growing grain on small plots of land, that people started haemorrhagic effect on the skin, bones, teeth, eyes, ears
growing vegetables, such as cabbage, for the markets. and internal organs. He documented scurvy-affected
bones with x-rays. Reading his book is a must
for anybody interested in scurvy, and
particularly its unusual manifestations which are
often misunderstood by contemporary medical
doctors and misdiagnosed as inflicted injuries
in so-called shaken baby syndrome.
Bessey et al.5 restudied some of the scorbutic
lesions on internal organs. They wrote that the
most conspicuous gross lesions occur in the
joints, bones and teeth, and pathogenic
appearances of these have been reported in
detail by others, while changes in organs have
received less attention. They fed guinea pigs
on the basal vitamin-C-free diet and then
concentrated their attention on adrenals, heart,
testes and liver in which the scorbutic effects
were most marked. Among the observed
pathological changes were fatty infiltration of
the liver, death of germinal epithelium and
spermatozoa in the testis, and alterations in the
The humble cabbage and especially its fermented colloidal state of the collagen. One of the other
product, sauerkraut, very rich in vitamin C, became the interesting pathological changes was the depletion of fat
saviour of humanity. Importation of potatoes from the and cholesterol from the cortex of the adrenals, fatty
New World further contributed to the general degeneration of the myocardium, and marked
improvement of vitamin C status of European degeneration and swelling of connective tissues.
inhabitants.3 In 1932 Gilman and Tanzer dealt with subdural and
retinal haemorrhages in infant scurvy. They wrote "The
Ascorbic Acid Versus Sodium Ascorbate hemorrhagic diathesis of scurvy has been recognized
There is plenty of information about Vitamin C in since the time of Hippocrates. Hemorrhage occurs most
innumerable medical dictionaries and encyclopaedias; commonly beneath the periosteum of the long bones
one of the problems as I see it is that it is generally and into joint spaces but frequently involves the skin,
assumed that we, of course, eradicated scurvy and that mucosal membranes, orbits and serous cavities. The
it is generally equated with ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid, occurrence of subdural hemorrhages in a case of infant
particularly in large doses, causes digestive problems. scurvy, in which an operation was performed in this
Sodium ascorbate is a non-acidic form of vitamin C and hospital, has led us to review the literature for similar
it is much better tolerated in large doses. Indeed, it helps cases."6 This further stresses the relevance, necessity and
to balance acidity in favour of alkalinity and cures importance of reading older publications as discussed in
Most animals and other living creatures produce follis described three scurvy cases of infants in 1942


aged eleven days, eleven months and seven-and-
a-half months. The pathological findings included
enlarged heart (due to hypertrophy of the right
ventricle), pale myocardium, petechial
haemorrhages into organs, the lungs containing
fluid, beading of the ribs, haemorrhaging into
periosteum and lungs, yellowish fatty liver,
swollen knee and other joints, peculiar breathing
and breath-holding spells, vomiting, beading at
costochondral ribs junctions and other
characteristic changes of extreme scurvy without
rickets. Scurvy developed despite administration
of some orange juice to two of the infants.8

Protective Properties of Vitamin C Evidence suggests that women taking oral oestrogen
Lancet published four consecutive articles in contraceptives suffer a reduction of ascorbic acid levels in
1973 dealing with vitamin C and deep vein leucocytes and platelets compared with other women.
thrombosis (CR Spittle9), serum-cholesterol and
whole-blood ascorbic acid in children (Bradley et al.10), Harris et al. wrote that "There is increasing evidence
urinary oxalate and vitamin-C supplements (Briggs et that ascorbic acid in sufficient but as yet undefined
al. ) and reduced ascorbic acid excretion and oral
11 amounts may reduce the incidence and perhaps the
contraceptives (Harris et al. ). The first author wrote that
12 severity of the common cold. If ascorbic acid indeed is
he had been able to demonstrate that vitamin C has a prophylactic against the common cold, the amounts are
powerful protective action against thrombosis being certainly in excess of the levels required to prevent scurvy,
responsible for the health of capillaries. A double-blind and are considerably in excess of the recommended
trial using vitamin C and a placebo was done on patients intake for adults suggested by most Western medical
who were vulnerable to deep-vein thrombosis. authorities, but in this context subclinical hypovitaminosis
may be a factor to consider, since ascorbic acid is readily
lost in the urine, and unless dietary intake is adequate,
"Frank clinical scurvy is a rare depletion of the levels in tissues follows." And "There is
disease, but subclinical deficiency some evidence to suggest that women taking oral
oestrogen contraceptives suffer a reduction of ascorbic
of ascorbic acid, as defined by low acid levels in leucocytes and platelets compared with
dietary intake of ascorbic acid and other women." They concluded that their results
demonstrated that "Since the excretion of ascorbic acid
low blood levels, is common." has been shown in this present study to be halved in
women using oral contraceptives, and since in previous
Importantly, Harris et al. wrote that "In the Regional reports a reduction of about 30% of ascorbic acid levels
Burns Unit at this hospital vitamin C (one gram daily) has in blood occurs in women using oestrogen
been given routinely to all patients, in the interest of contraceptives, we suggest that there is evidence that
promotion of healing, since the unit was opened more ascorbic acid is metabolised more quickly in women
than seven years ago. Only one death from pulmonary using oestrogen contraceptives than in women who are
embolism has been recorded, and no cases of clinical not taking these contraceptives."
deep-vein thrombosis have occurred for at least five-and-
a-half years (159 patients over the age of 40 years). This Subclinical Deficiency of Vitamin C and Infection
suggests that Dr Andrews and Dr Wilson were not giving Cohen and Duncan in 1967 wrote that "frank clinical
sufficiently large doses of vitamin C to protect their scurvy is a rare disease, but subclinical deficiency of
geriatric patients from thrombotic episodes." ascorbic acid, as defined by low dietary intake of ascorbic
Bradley et al. wrote inter alia that "ascorbic acid acid and low blood levels, is common. Thus the
(vitamin C) has been shown to reduce raised cholesterol significance of 'subvitaminosis C' has been the subject of
concentrations in subjects who have a seasonal deficit of controversy since it was first described by Hess. However,
vitamin C". it is possibly now accepted that, while under normal
Briggs et al. found surprising individual results in the circumstances a low intake of ascorbic acid is harmless…
urinary oxalate excretion, with one individual excreting at times of stress, when there is increased utilization of
much more oxalate than the rest of the studied persons, ascorbic acid by the tissues generally…and especially by
while all were given the same (four grams) daily doses. wounded tissues…dietary deficiency may render the


vaccine at three months of age and a diphtheria-
tetanus-booster shot was given on admission. The
burns were treated with silver-sulfadiazine by
occlusive dressings, and fluids and 25,000 unit of
aqueous penicillin per kilogram every six hours,
administered intravenously.
"A week after the admission his appetite was
decreased, and rigidity of the limbs with clenching
of the fists was noted. He was irritable and
apprehensive but mentally alert. Oral feedings were
tolerated intermittently. Electroencephalograms and
computerized [sic] tomography on the brain
revealed no abnormality.
"Over the next two weeks the clinical picture
remained unchanged with intermittent trismus
Scorbutic rosary in a young child ( limiting the child's oral intake. A rapid onset of caries
of the upper incisor teeth then occurred, followed
patient vulnerable to infection and the low blood by osteomyelitis of the maxillary ridge, anaemia and
ascorbic acid level may make the surgical patient more hypoproteinemic edema. The baby was transferred to the
liable to wound dehiscence."13 Pediatric Unit at this point, when the clinical signs of
tetanus recognized. A review of colour photographs
Burns and Infection made routinely since admission showed trismus, risus
Importantly for the treatment of burns with antibiotics, sardonicus and muscle rigidity with onset Post Burn Day
Taylor in 1972 wrote "Dr Burton's description of scurvy in 7. No treatment was instituted for tetanus because the
the Antarctic (Nov. 25, p. 1146) in 1914-1816 shows that subsequent course was complicated by respiratory arrest
simple lifesaving knowledge is easily forgotten. James requiring mechanical ventilation, enterocolitis,
Lind in 1747 and Captain James Cook in 1772 first overwhelming sepsis and disseminated intravascular
showed that scurvy can be easily prevented. Shackleton coagulation from which the child died 38 days after
and Scott ignored this knowledge. As did the British admission." 15

Army in the Crimean war, where florence Nightingale

found the main cause of death was scurvy. And again, in In third-degree burns, the charred
1916, Kut-el-Mara was surrendered because of scurvy
and beriberi in British and Indian troops..." skin (eschar) has to be surgically
"Treatment with tetracycline,3,4 and possibly other removed to prevent infections and
antibiotics, causes a fall in vitamin-C levels often below
15 micrograms per 10 to the power of 8 cells. necrosis which are potentially very
Perifollicular skin haemorrhages are commonly found in serious complications.
elderly people in hospital."14
Burn wounds are among the most unpleasant, painful The author failed to recognise that the baby developed
and not easily manageable injuries. In third-degree burns, tetanus due to the administration of the tetanus toxoid-
the charred skin (eschar) has to be surgically removed to containing vaccine and not due to the burn injury. Many
prevent infections and necrosis which are potentially very others documented cases of the patients contracting
serious complications. Applying artificial skin is one of the symptoms of tetanus after being administered and/or
modern interventions which, alas has its own limitations despite being administered the tetanus toxoid vaccine
due to painful and disfiguring scarring which invariably vaccines. Pollard and Selby16 described a 42-year-old
ensues, due to the inability of artificial skin to produce male who developed peripheral neuropathy three times
collagen. Antibiotics used to prevent such infections have after being injected with tetanus toxoid. Reinstein et al.17
their own limitations and problems. described peripheral neuropathy as a complication after
multiple tetanus toxoid injections.
Vaccination and Predisposition to Infection Passion et al.18 described "Clinical tetanus despite a
An interesting case history was published by E.C. 'protective' level of toxin-neutralizing antibody". They
Baptist in 1984. He described an 11-month-old white boy wrote "Tetanus has occurred in patients with prior
who was admitted to an acute care unit with the history immunization".
of a fall into a tub of hot water. He had first- and second- Crone and Reder in 1992 wrote "Severe (grade III)
degree burns covering about 30 per cent of his body tetanus occurred in three immunized patients who had
surface. He had one diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis high serum levels of antitetanus antibody. The disease


was fatal in one patient. One patient had been as a necessary dietary intake are persisting. In 2001,
hyperimmunized to produce commercial tetanus immune Riepe wrote about infantile scurvy that "healing occurs
globulin. Two patients received immunizations".19 rapidly with the oral administration of 100 to 200 mg/d
The explanation for this phenomenon was of vitamin C. As healing occurs, the intake of vitamin C
independently provided by Eibl et al.20 who noted may be reduced to 50 mg/d until complete clinical and
abnormal T-lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy radiologic resolution has taken place."23 Riepe et al.
subjects after tetanus booster immunisations. Their 11 published a "Picture of the Month" in which they showed
healthy volunteers developed the same derangement of a 15-month-old boy with typical scurvy, including a typical
T4/T8 cells as seen in AIDS patients, thus further scorbutic rosary at the costochondral junctions with a
documenting the much observed and researched "corner" sign noted in the proximal metaphysis of the
immunosuppressive effect of vaccines since the humerus24 (only too often misdiagnosed as inflicted injury
beginning of the twentieth century. Administering tetanus in shaken baby syndrome).
vaccine to burns patients further depresses their immune Others demonstrated inverse relationship between
system and predisposes them to infections of all kinds, serum vitamin C concentration and the subsequent
including tetanus. incidence of stroke. "This relationship was significant for
both cerebral infarction and hemorrhagic stroke."25
Among the well-known physiological functions of
sodium ascorbate is the production of collagen, carnitine,
tyrosine synthesis, and microsomal metabolism. Its anti-
oxidant (and less-known pro-oxidant) properties are very
important in medicine and treatment of many diseases,
from infections and infectious diseases to cancer.

Vitamin C, Collagen and Burns

This leads me back to the burns. Since vitamin C has
infection-preventing properties, it should be considered
an ideal means of preventing and/or treating infections
which usually set in for a variety of reasons, one of which
is immunosuppression due to the effect of overall shock
in burns. The skin damage and a removal of the charred
Tetanus vaccination (Image: Blake Patterson, skin exposing often large areas of the body to bacteria
and viruses, dead burnt tissues, prone to necrosis, toxic
Therapeutic Levels of Vitamin C shock, general biological stress shock are likely to be
As far as dosing levels of vitamin C are concerned, helped by good vitamin C status, with vitamin C
Anderson et al. wrote "Between December 1972 and additionally acting as an effective painkiller without the
february 1973, 1,249 volunteers participated in a double- well-known hepatotoxicity of paracetamol.
blind trial to assess the effect of large doses of vitamin C The biggest problem with artificial skin applied on large
on the incidence and severity of winter illness... the three areas in burns patients is disfiguring and debilitating
prophylactic-only regimens showed no evidence of a
dose-related effect, but the eight-gram therapeutic dose
was associated with less illness than the four-gram
therapeutic dose."21
Rath et al. (1990) observed that lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)]
"has been found in the plasma of several species unable
to synthesize ascorbate and not in other species...we
identified Lp(a) as accumulating in the atherosclerotic
plaque. Most importantly, adequate amounts of ascorbic
acid (40 mg per kg of body weight per day) prevent the
development of atherosclerotic lesions in this animal
[guinea pigs] model and the accumulation of Lp(a) in the
arterial wall. We suggest an analogous mechanism in
humans because of the similarity between guinea pigs
and humans with respect to both the lack of endogenous
ascorbate production and the role of Lp(a) in human
The problems with accepting large doses of vitamin C Sodium ascorbate (Image:


scarring mainly due to a lack of collagen. It is worth a try December 2008),
to administer large doses (in tens of thousands of 8. follis RH, "Sudden death in infancy with scurvy". J
milligrams, not 1000 mg) per day of sodium ascorbate Pediatr; 20(3): 347-351, 1942,
with or without the artificial skin application.
9. Spittle CR, "Vitamin C and deep-vein thrombosis".
Conclusion The Lancet; July 28, 1973: 199-201.
Based on the existing, much-published, and generally 10. Bradley DW, JE Maynard, GE Emery, "Serum-
accessible information, the case for the overall healing cholesterol and whole-blood ascorbic acid in children,
properties of vitamin C is indeed strong. I would like to The Lancet, Vol. 302, No. 7822, p20, July 28, 1973
urge burn specialists to consider administering very large 11. Briggs MH, Garcia-Webb P, and Davies P, "Urinary
doses of sodium ascorbate to prevent the very oxalate and vitamin C supplements". The Lancet, July
unwelcome infections and support the production of the 28, 1973: 201.
vital collagen. 12. Harris AB, Hartley J, and Moor A, "Reduced
ascorbic-acid excretion and oral contraceptives", The
Lancet; July 28 1973: 301-302.
About the Author: 13. Cohen MM, and Duncan AM, "Ascorbic acid
Viera Scheibner, PhD, is a retired principal research
nutrition in gastroduodenal disorders", BMJ; 2
scientist who lives in Australia. She is the author of
December 1967: 516-518.
Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows
14. Taylor G, "Vitamin-C deficiency", Lancet; December
that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the 23, 1972: 1363.
System (1993; reviewed in NEXUS 2/16), and 15. Baptist EC, "Tetanus in a partially immunized infant
Behavioural Problems in Childhood: The Link to with burns", Ped Infect Dis J; 3 (5): 481-485, 1984
Vaccination (2000; see 7/05). Her most recent NEXUS 16. Pollard JD, and Selby G, "Relapsing neuropathy
articles "Mandatory Vaccinations and Microcephaly due to tetanus toxoid", J Neurol Sciences; 37: 113-125,
Outbreaks", "Bursting the Bubble of Antibiotics" and 1978
"Little-Known facts about Poliomyelitis Vaccinations" 17. Reinstein L, Pargament JM, and Goldman JS,
were published in 23/05, 18/05 and 16/06 respectively. "Peripheral neuropathy after multiple tetanus toxoid
Dr Scheibner has had over 250 shorter items published injections", Arch Phys Med Rehabil; 63: 332-334, 1982
in medical and other journals. She can be contacted by 18. Passion EL, and Andersen BR, "Clinical tetanus
email at despite a 'protective' level of toxin-neutralizing
antibody", JAMA; 255 (9): 1171-1173, 1986
References 19. Crone NE, and Reder AT, "Severe tetanus in
1. Padayatty, Sebastian J, and Mark Levine. "Vitamin C immunized patients with high anti-tetanus titers",
Physiology: The Known and the Unknown and Neurology; 42: 761-764, 1992
Goldilocks". Oral Diseases 22.6: 463–493. PMC, 2016, 20. Eibl MM, Mannhalter JW, and Zlabinger G, "Abnormal T-lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy
2. Vitamin C, Wikipedia, subjects after tetanus booster immunization" NEJM;
3. Hunger and History: The Impact of Changing Food 310 (3): 198-199, 1984
Production and Consumption Patterns on Society 21. Anderson TW, Suranyi G, and Beaton GH, "The
(edited by Rotberg and Rabb), Cambridge University effect on winter illness of large doses of vitamin C",
Press, 1985 CMAJ; 111: 31-36, 1974
4. Hess Af, Scurvy, Past and Present. Lippincott, 22. Rath M, and Pauling L, "Immunological evidence for
Philadelphia, 1920 the accumulation of lipoprotein(a) in the atherosclerotic
5. Bessey OA, Menten ML, and King CG, "Pathologic lesions of the hypoascorbemic guinea pig", Proc Natl
changes in the organs in scorbutic guinea pigs". Proc Acad Sci USA; 87: 9388-9390, 1990
Soc Exper Biol & Med; 31: 455-460, 1934 23. Riepe fG, "Denouement and Discussion. Infantile
6. Gilman BB, Tanzer RC. "Subdural Hematoma in scurvy", Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med; 155: 608, 2001
Infantile Scurvy: Report of Case with Review of 24. Riepe fG, Eichmann D, Oppermann HC, Schmitt HJ
Literature", JAMA, 99(12):989–991, 1932, and Tunnessen WW, Picture of the month, Arch Pediatr
doi:10.1001/jama.1932.02740640031009 Adolesc Med; 155: 607, 2001
7. Rapid Responses to Ganapati Mudur "India considers 25. Yokoyama T, Date C, Kokubo Y, Yoshiike N,
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2008; 337: a2809, Rapid Responses published: concentration was inversely associated with subsequent
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medicine in practice should not ignore the past community: The Shibata study" Stroke; 31: 2287-2294,
published research" Viera Dr Scheibner PhD (5 2002


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Spiritual Healing Improves Health

Image: Zac Durant,

A study evidencing health improvements from spiritual healing is

being disregarded by medical journals and the mainstream media.

by Sandy Edwards ©2018

Healing in a Hospital pleased with the results. How amazing that a consultant

espite no sign of a natural healing ability, I trained physician was so open-minded and supportive about
to be a spiritual healer with a non-religious UK healing!
charity. Ten years later, I instigated probably the I immediately wrote to Dr Sukhdev Singh, offering to
largest medical research trial of healing in the world. give healing to his patients at the hospital, free of charge.
How? To assure him of professionalism, I detailed our two-year
from the start of training, the people I practised on training period and all the other national standards that I
reported beneficial effects. It was astonishing. Everyone presumed must be mandatory for anyone treating
must be able to do this. If I can do it, anyone can. patients within the National Health Service. I added that
Upon qualifying, I applied for a lottery grant and we do not diagnose, prescribe or manipulate, use
opened a voluntary healing group. five years on, a needles, oils or lotions. To add credibility, I referenced
patient arrived saying that her hospital consultant had two Healing Trust members working as salaried healers
sent her. He had sent others, she said, and he was in different NHS hospitals, and also a highly distinguished


medical doctor whose surgery had employed healers for
decades. Dr Singh welcomed my offer and I began Although I gave each patient a leaflet advertising our
working with him in 2007. voluntary healing group, hardly anyone went there. Dr
Hospital patients are a different kettle of fish to those Singh later discovered that patients only wanted to have
who make their way to healing centres. The outpatients I healing in the safety of the hospital, where they felt
saw at the hospital had no prior intention of having assured that the healer was recommended and that the
healing, and they were highly sceptical that it could help therapy had been approved.
them. Nevertheless, most took up Dr Singh's invitation
to have a healing session with me after their consultation Healing Study Led by Prestigious University
with him. They probably did so only because he Two months after starting at the hospital, I received
presented the idea in positive terms and it couldn't be notification that the National Lottery had announced a
easier—it was just next door, available immediately and one-time-only, never-to-be-repeated offer of research
it cost them nothing. funding. They sought projects that would help people,
Dr Singh interviewed each person directly after their and that people actually wanted. Luckily, my audit ticked
20-minute healing session, and was intrigued by the both these boxes. I took this news to Dr Singh and he
brought the necessary parties together to
make a strong application. He had enlisted the
University of Birmingham to lead the study. As
a member of The Russell Group it is a top UK
university known for world-class research. Their
methodology was approved by a team of
scientists appointed to the task by the National
Lottery. Against huge competition, we were
awarded £205,000.
The trial aimed to discover whether adding
healing to conventional care helped long-term
sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Both
conditions have highly embarrassing and
painful symptoms with fluctuating severity.
Every aspect of a sufferer's life is affected—
Improved sleep quality was one of the documented physical health, psychological state, mobility,
benefits of the treatment. social life, sex life, work life and employment
status. There is no medical cure for either of
range of benefits they reported. Some were dramatic. these conditions and, as with any long-term illness with
One in particular was so surprising that Dr Singh visited little hope of recovery, depression is often an additional
the patient's home and recorded an interview with him. I burden.
was invited to the first occasion that this recording was There are no underlying physical causes for IBS
played to a medical audience. It was delightful to hear symptoms to occur and it is therefore thought to be
such a frank and eloquent description of this patient's affected by psychological factors. Conversely, IBD
experience. He explained feeling highly sceptical of sufferers do have internal abnormalities that cause the
healing when he was offered the session, but how this suffering. The trial aimed to establish whether healing
attitude dissolved and entirely transformed when he helped either or both of these differing conditions.
realised that he was free of pain within minutes. The With 200 patients involved, each receiving five 20-
distressing symptoms that had plagued him for such a minute healing sessions, this is more than likely to be the
long time never returned. largest controlled clinical research trial of healing in the
To avoid the feedback from these patients world. The researchers did not find another approaching
disappearing into the ether, I asked if I could create a this magnitude.
hospital audit and document their responses. Approval The two-year study recruited National Health Service
was forthcoming so I set to work. The results soon hospital outpatients who had been suffering with these
revealed significant improvements regarding pain, illnesses for a very long time; they had been diagnosed
anxiety, vitality, relationships and sleep quality. Benefits between 1.5 and 10 years before being recruited to the
remained for at least a week and may have lasted longer programme. Half of the group had irritable bowel
but this was the extent of my study. syndrome, which affects 10 per cent of the population,
Results are available from The Healing trust website via and the other half had inflammatory bowel disease,
the following links: and affecting 0.5 per cent of the population.


There is no medical cure for IBS or IBD, and
these patients therefore put an ongoing
strain on NHS resources.
Each patient received five weekly healing
sessions in addition to their conventional
The healing sessions were provided by
members of The Healing Trust to ensure
uniformity of method and professional
The IBS and IBD groups were each split
50/50. One half began healing sessions
immediately and was labelled the
Intervention Group. The other half—called
the Waiting List Group—had to wait for 12
weeks before starting their sessions so that
comparisons could be made between those
who had received healing and those who had
shown to be significantly improved and the positive
not during this three-month period.
To identify and measure any changes, each patient effects long-lasting.
completed three different questionnaires. These were Disease-specific quality of life questionnaires were also
completed at Weeks 0, 6, 12 and 24. Week 0 gave the used, one for IBS and another for IBD. The results were
baseline information. in keeping with the MYMOP findings.
The Intervention Group began their healing sessions at The above quality-of-life questionnaires therefore
Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Their Week 6 questionnaire would confirmed that lives had been significantly improved
identify any changes immediately after the sessions. Their through adding spiritual healing to conventional care.
Week 12 and 24 questionnaires would reveal whether any The secondary goal of the study was to establish
improvements were long-lasting. whether symptoms had improved. for this, disease-
specific symptoms questionnaires were used.
In general, gains were retained for Results revealed that IBS symptom improvements were
clinically determinable, meaning that the changes were
19 weeks after the final healing noticeable to the patient.
session. Benefits may have lasted The IBD group comprised ulcerative colitis and Crohn's
longer but this was the extent of The ulcerative colitis group gained improvements but
our study. not as significantly as our criteria required to be
considered as significant.
Both of the Crohn's groups outstripped the score
The Waiting List Group completed their Week 12
questionnaires before receiving healing sessions. This associated with remission but the size of the cohort was
was to see if there were any changes since Week 0. It was too small (24 participants) to draw conclusions.
seen that there was little or no change in score during These questionnaires confirmed that symptoms
this period, despite patients continuing with their usual associated with IBS and IBD had improved to a degree
conventional care. They then received their series of through adding spiritual healing to conventional care.
healing sessions at Weeks 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. In general, gains were retained for 19 weeks after the
The primary goal of the study was to ascertain whether final healing session. Benefits may have lasted longer but
adding healing to conventional healthcare improved the this was the extent of our study.
lives of IBS and IBD sufferers. The main tool for The results of the different questionnaires generally
establishing this was the MYMOP quality-of-life tallied with each other, thereby further confirming the
questionnaire. This questionnaire focuses on the issues validity of them all.
that trouble a patient the most. A patient's worst After receiving healing sessions, the Waiting List
problems might not be related to IBS or IBD symptoms. Groups followed a similar pattern to the Intervention
Whether using score improvements, "effect size" or Groups, thereby further confirming the positive results.
statistics, the MYMOP results were clinically significant for People who received all five sessions benefited more
both IBS and IBD groups equally, at Weeks 6, 12 and 24. than those who had fewer, meaning that each session
Improvements continued to be gained after the healing conferred further benefit.
sessions had been concluded. Lives were therefore The researchers confirmed that the benefits gained


exceeded that which could be associated with placebo. The main, quantitative paper can be found at:
There were no side effects.
for the qualitative study, 22 of the participants were 38201630422X
interviewed. All were interviewed by the same researcher. The secondary, qualitative paper is online here:
It was found that patients were generally highly
sceptical that healing could help them. Despite this, their /articles/10.1186/s12906-015-0611-x
comments supported the findings of the quantitative But not many people read research papers, so I have
paper regarding improvements in quality of life and felt driven to write an easy-read book about it. The
symptoms. It was clear that the patients enjoyed the compelling research results are described in more
experience. They commonly reported feeling less meaningful ways than expressed in the research papers.
anxious, more confident and more able to cope with their Additional data demonstrate that healing has the
condition. potential to benefit anyone whether
they are in pain, sick, stressed or
Research Papers Rejected depressed. A range of case studies add
This qualitative study provided to the evidence.
further confirmation of the positive One section is devoted to the
findings of the primary, quantitative fascinating and hugely important
research paper. subject of the placebo effect. Many of
Now that we had the results, it was the research trials referenced dispel the
time to begin the process of myth that healing is only placebo.
applying for publication in medical With 200 citations, enquirers are
journals. The first stage was for an signposted to a wealth of further
internal peer review. This is where information sources. Medical
other academics at the University of professionals, healers and patients will
Birmingham who were not involved all find something of interest and value
in the trial were to examine the that will intrigue and inspire.
research papers. Considering the These findings suggest that
controversial subject matter of the substantial cost savings could be made
trial, there can be no doubt that the by the NHS, the Government and by
University management would have businesses through adding healing to
ensured that the internal peer mainstream healthcare. But the primary
review would be particularly goal is the human story—improving
rigorous. "Spectacular research lives. And that's what this research has
Once this had been successfully results and a very identified and demonstrated. And it is
relevant to everyone. Although the
completed, the papers were
submitted to medical journals, impressive book. Patients study focused on IBS and IBD, healing
starting with the most prestigious. and clinicians should take is holistic and therefore treats the
Considering the University of this seriously." whole person. By simply asking for the
Birmingham's pedigree and the Dr Michael Dixon LVO, OBE, FRCGP, highest good of all concerned, which is
Lottery scientists having endorsed FRCC; Chair of Council, College of in keeping with The Healing Trust
the protocol, one would imagine it Medicine; Chair of NHS Alliance training, healers do not ask for a
being a straightforward matter to particular outcome. Patients often
gain official publication. Not so. Leading medical journals comment on improvements that have nothing to do with
rejected it simply on the basis of the subject matter being the problem they came with.
spiritual healing. One of them blatantly stated in writing
that its members did not subscribe to complementary Media Bias Against Complementary Therapies
therapies. for a scientific journal, this seemed a Gaining media coverage seems to be as difficult as
particularly unscientific reason for rejection. getting the research papers published in medical
Ultimately, both of the research papers were published journals. One well-known national newspaper carried a
in online medical journals that give unlimited, easy, blistering attack on the research trial when patients were
worldwide access to the full text. There is no cost or first being recruited. The article quoted the opinions of
qualification required to access the papers and anyone three people who were vociferously against
can reproduce and broadcast the contents, so long as complementary therapies and who would never consider
proper attribution is given. Together, this gives the best trying healing. But now, years later, this same newspaper
possible opportunity for the information to be has refused to put the record straight and publish the
disseminated. excellent results. How can the opinions of three people


be considered newsworthy, but not the actual experience
of 200 patients? Information about NFSH The Healing Trust
Government Interest in the UK • NFSH The Healing Trust is the largest Spiritual
However, on a very positive note, I was invited to give Healer membership organisation in the UK. It is
a presentation of our research at the Houses of a registered charity (number 1094702)
Parliament in february 2018. The invitation list included established to promote public health by the
all of the peers and MPs, key people in healthcare promotion of spiritual healing for the benefit of
organisations and other interested parties. fifty people the public.
attended, which was highly encouraging, as mine was the • The Healing Trust has over 2,000 members
only talk on the agenda to entice them out of their homes who are either qualified Healer Members or
on a bitterly cold evening. The audience showed great Student Members (healers in training). Some of
interest and the MP who chaired the meeting was these are Associate Members – Medical
impressed enough to declare that he will take it to the Practitioners who are not practising Spiritual
next stage within Parliament. So let's see what happens Healers but support our work.
now.... • Originally known as NFSH, The Healing Trust
was established during 1954/5. Harry Edwards,
probably the most well-known and significant
healer of his generation became the first NFSH
member and later President of NFSH.
• The charity provides opportunities for
members of the public to receive spiritual
healing through its UK Referral Service (01604
60324), at Healing Trust Centres, at Exhibitions,
and through NHS support services.
• The Healing Trust develops and sets standards
for healers which our members must meet and
in conjunction with other organisations has set
standards to be met by healers in a large
number of different healing organisations. In
recent years the training courses have been
revised in line with the The Healing Trust's
commitment to raise standards for the
protection of the public.
• The Healing Trust is funded from subscriptions
by its members but also welcomes donations
from members of the public who benefit from
spiritual healing and appreciates the support of
Sandy Edwards (Image:
the public as "Friends of NFSH".
About the Author
Sandy Edwards, despite no sign of a natural healing
ability, trained to be a spiritual healer with a non- Healing and the NHS
religious UK charity. She therefore maintains that • Doctors are permitted to refer patients for
anyone can learn to give healing. Ten years later, she spiritual healing if they wish to do so. NFSH
instigated probably the largest medical research trial of
healers may also attend hospital in-patients who
healing in the world. The excellent results are relevant
request their services.
to everyone.
• There are several Healing Trust members
Sandy has been a volunteer healer for over 20 years. As
working as Healers in NHS hospitals, paid by
soon as she qualified in 2000, she gained a lottery grant
the NHS. Others work with GPs and in hospices
to set up a voluntary healing group in the midlands.
This centre continues to serve the public every week. and cancer centres; some are paid, most work
Now based in Dorset, she travels extensively with her on a voluntary basis.
husband. Her book Healing in a Hospital is available as • Several Healing Trust members are also part
both a paperback and for Kindle, via of the Doctor-Healer Network in the UK.
She may be contacted via


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The Extraterrestrial Gods

Traces of Forbidden History

Image: Dimitris Vetsikas,

Indigenous people from diverse cultures imitated the appearance

of their sky gods and represented them with conical headdresses.
by Rafael Videla Eissmann © December 2017

Remote Worldwide Connections? Columbus in 1492, and "everlasting evolution". But are

hat relationship existed in antiquity between the these dogmas really unquestionable?
Selk'nam culture of Tierra del Fuego, the Mexica Once basic research is conducted on these topics, the
of Mesoamerica, the Norse and Germanic tribes conclusion that arises is that all of these three notions are
nothing but hypothetical ideas that somehow have been
of Scandinavia and Central Europe, and the civilisations
raised to the level of undeniable facts based on so-called
of Egypt and the Indus Valley?
"scientific evidence". Nonetheless, is this so?
The answer will be negative if it is sought in the books First, to attribute the cradle of humanity to Africa is still
and teachings of mainstream, "official" historiography. In a theory, and the "missing link" between a hominid or
the history that is written and taught, certain dogmas are pre-human ape-like species and Homo sapiens is still
presented as indisputable facts: for instance, the origin missing. So why is it so widely taught that humanity
of humanity in Africa, the "discovery" of the Americas by originated in Africa? Is it just because of the Zeitgeist or


a b c d e

Is it a coincidence that the gods were commonly represented in Palaeolithic times with elongated heads?
a. Detail of a petroglyph group in Tierra del Fuego, depicting the Hówen of the Selk’nam tradition.
b. An anthropomorphic petroglyph from Lava Beds, California, USA. c. Petroglyph image from Wādi el Qash,
Egypt, showing an elongated head. d. The Venus of Savignano figurine, unearthed in 1925. (Pigorini National
Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography, Rome). e. Terracotta goddess figurine from the Amlash culture, Iran.

"spirit of the time" of 19th-century rationalism, based on of the Americas was the precise cunning for accusing the
some multi-interpretable bones? And why Africa? What Native American people of "living in sin and worshipping
about the other continents, and especially sunken lands? false gods" instead of kneeling and praying to the One
Can the scientists of modern archaeology, anthropology God. This social, moral, ethical and religious purge was
and historiography be so self-centred that they define the the justification that the Spanish invaders needed for their
origin of humanity while ignoring the multiple geological political putsches, wars and atrocious trickeries against
changes of Earth and particularly the mythical traditions the local rulers. In simple terms, the conquistadors and
that provide other alternatives? the Christian priests destroyed the kingdoms of the
It is interesting to note that as soon as the word "myth" descendants of the gods, the Hijos de los Dioses, the
is mentioned, the automatic reaction of Children of the Gods.
modern-day thinking is to consider it as It should be remarked that this kind of
fable, imaginary narration or the fantasy devastating, ruthless conquest with such
of ancient, superstitious people. Indeed, irreversible consequences never took
this kind of thinking has been the goal of place in other continents or against any
modern science in its quest to defeat the other cultures. Proof of this destruction
science of the old world. However, here can be seen in the auto-de-fé, or "act of
and there, numerous examples can be faith", conducted under the Inquisition by
found that prove and reinforce myth as Archbishop Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero
simply a traditional record of a past event with Spanish Viceroy Juan de Mendoza y
that has been coloured by our ancestors' Luna in Lima, Perú, on 23 April 1613,
social, ethical, moral and magical-religious when large numbers of magical-religious
world view, their Weltanschauung. But it objects were obliterated.2 It is especially
does not change the fact that mythical exemplified in the auto-de-fé carried out
lore has a basis in reality. even earlier by Friar Diego de Landa in
Second, the claim of the "discovery" of Juan de Mendoza y Luna, Maní in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, on
the Americas as a prologue to the modern Viceroy of Peru, 1607–15 12 July 1562, when Christians burned
age should be regarded as one of the more than 2,000 Mesoamerican codices,
biggest hoaxes of history.1 In fact, it became the perfect religious figurines and relics.
pretext for the Spanish conquistadors and priests not only Of course, the systematic annihilation of the pagan
to implement genocide against the indigenous people traditions of the Americas could be understood in terms
but also to plunder or destroy the ancestral relics of the of the Zeitgeist of the conquistadors and missionaries—
remote civilisation of the White Gods. but yet, why they did not act in the same way in Africa,
In this sense, in South, Central and North America there the Middle East or Asia? There is something more here,
are common patterns: the imposition of the monotheistic something that mainstream historians have ignored: the
creed of a vengeful god and total war against all other wilful destruction of the archaeological vestiges of the
magical-religious beliefs and religions. The destruction civilising substratum of the White Gods of the Americas,
of the pagan idolatries—la extirpación de las idolatrías— their traditions and their legacy.


a b c d e
The conical headdress, known in Mesoamerica as the ocelocopilli, is a symbol related to Venus.
a. K'terrnen, the Man of Light of the Háin esoteric tradition of the Selk'nam of Tierra del Fuego in the
extreme south of Chile. (Photo: Martin Gusinde, 1923) b. A Huasteca-Aztec representation of Quetzalcóatl
as the Lord of Venus, wearing the ocelocopilli. (National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City)
c. An effigy of the god Brahma, from Tamil Nadu, South India. (British Museum)
d. A statue of the pharaoh Akhenaten from his temple at Karnak in Egypt. (Egyptian Museum of Cairo)
e. A sculpture of the god Odin/Wōtan wearing a conical headdress. (Swedish History Museum, Stockholm)

And last, but not least, we have the idea of "everlasting Quite probably the most important and undeniable
evolution". This concept of progressive "improvement" connection is the origin and the representation of the
or "development" is the theory which naturalist Charles gods themselves. In all these regions, there are traditions
Darwin applied to certain living organisms.3 It should be of gods who descended from the stars.
remarked, though, that a similar idea was promulgated The Selk'nam of Tierra del Fuego, Chile, speak of the
by biologist and zoologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck about Hówen, an astral race who came down from the stars and
50 years earlier4 and also by priest and naturalist Giovanni "created" humanity.
Ignazio Molina, who established that primitive forms tend Mesoamerican cultures provide numerous examples of
to develop into more complex organisms.5 the gods who came down from the sky: the Kukulkánes
Even so, focusing on the human realm, does this theory or the Powerful of Heavens and especially the God of
of everlasting evolution have any relationship with the Venus, Quetzalcóatl or the Plumed Serpent, as well as the
archaeological evidence? Maybe there are some decisive four B'aah kab' who sustain the pillars of the sky.
instances in specific tribes in certain time periods, but not Scandinavian–Germanic folklore also has references to
in the case of any civilisation of antiquity, especially in the heavenly beings such as Odin (Wōtan), Týr (Tiwaz) and
history of the Americas, as the archaeological evidence Thor (Þunraz).
goes in the opposite direction. Egyptian myths refer to Horus, Nut and Hathor as sky
Throughout the continent there are archaeological sites deities, and the Indus Valley civilisation gives accounts of
that show the advance of civilisation in isolated regions. Dyaus Pita, Indra and Aditi.
For example, in South America there are the enigmatic Unquestionably, the list of the sky gods throughout the
megalithic structures of Puma Punku in the highlands of world is extensive. It's remarkable that in all the cultures
Bolivia, the huge stone platforms on the plateau of El mentioned above, their representations of the gods or
Enladrillado in the Andes of Chile, and the Nazca lines rulers are similar. They are all anthropomorphic figures
and geoglyphs that are marked across the high deserts with the particular characteristic of a conically shaped
and mountains of Peru. The questions as to how these headdress or attire. Why? What was its meaning?
works were created and what their original purpose was In this regard, one source that eluded the fires of the
remain unanswered. Moreover, the indigenous people powerful Spanish Inquisition in Mesoamerica provides the
of the areas surrounding these sites relate that in early fundamental key to understanding the meaning of this
times these places were inhabited by the gods. symbolic head attire: the Códice Ramírez: Relación del
origen de los indios que habitan en la Nueva España,
Iconography as a Source of History según sus historias ("Codex Ramírez: Account of the
So, was there any connection in remote times between origin of the Indians who live in New Spain, according to
the Selk'nam, the Mexica, the Scandinavian–Germanic their own stories", c. 1585). It was written by the Jesuit
tribes and the civilisations of Egypt and the Indus Valley? Juan de Tovar, a son of the conquistador Captain Juan
The answer is yes. The links are proved by the abundant de Tovar and a mestiza woman, granddaughter of the
iconography—art—of all the cultures of these regions. conquistador Diego de Colio. As a result, de Tovar knew


the Náhuatl, Otomí and Mazahua languages and Left: Ehécatl, the Wind
was knowledgeable not only in general indigenous God, an evocation of
cultural fields but also in the magical-religious and Quetzalcóatl, wearing
esoteric traditions of these peoples. In the Codice an ocelocopilli and a
Ramírez, Juan de Tovar portrays one of the most bird-beak mask. (From
Historia de las Indias de
important of the Mesoamerican deities, Kukulkán-
la Nueva España e islas
Quetzalcóatl, whose main temple was the Great de Tierra Firme
Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico, as holding a shield ["History of the Indies
and a curved weapon and wearing a cape and the of New Spain and Terra
ocelocopilli.6 The ocelocopilli is a conical-shaped Firma Islands"], by Fray
headdress that is typically made of jaguar skin and Diego Durán, 1581)
decorated with jewels, and it corresponds to the
symbol for Venus.7, 8 Below: Mocoví people
According to the Pre-Columbian cosmogonies of Gran Chaco; at left,
of the Americas, the Venus Star is regarded as the a cacique (chief) wears
highest mansion or dwelling place of the gods. It a conical headdress.
(Illustration by the
is associated with civilising figures like Tauapácac-
Jesuit missionary
Kontiki-Viracocha of the Andes region; the Nanga Florian Paucke,
Sohu Kachina of the Hopi of North America, who c. mid-18th century)
referred to Venus as Cotukinungwa, the Sky God;
Kukulkán of the Maya; and Quetzalcóatl of the
Aztecs, a precise configuration of the mystery of
the Venus Star.
Despite the destruction carried out by Christians
during the Conquest and colonial times, a few Pre-
Columbian records were saved. These invaluable
sources preserve fundamental information about
the Pre-Hispanic cosmogonies.
In this regard, one paragraph in particular from
the sacred book of the Quiché (K'iche') people of
Mesoamerica, the Popol Vuh ("The Book of the
People" or "The Book of Counsel"), illustrates the
importance of the Venus Star: "There they were
come together to await the dawn and to watch for
the coming of the star, which comes just before
the sun, when it is about to rise. 'We came from
there, but we have separated,' they said to each

a b c d
a. Statue of the Hindu god Vishnu, wearing a conical headdress. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City)
b. The god Osiris, pictured on his celestial journey through Orion, at the Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt.
c. Yolcuat-Quitzalcuat (Quetzalcóatl), shown as the Aztec god Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Lord of the Dawn (Venus).
d. A Hopi Kachina celestial deity, depicted with a conically shaped head, New Mexico, USA, c. 1920.


Left: A sculpture of a
group of beings with
elongated heads, from
the Colima–Nayarit
culture of Mexico.
Centre: Figures with
elongated heads, from
the Colima culture of
Right: A Maya Jaina
priest with elongated
head, from Mexico.
(Chilean Museum of
Pre-Columbian Art)
(Photos: RVE)

Common Narratives in Global Traditions the accounts of the ancient historians—the machis of the
Mapuche, the amautas of the Inca, the siddhas of India,
So, how can we explain all of these similarities between
worldwide cultures that supposedly had no contact with and so on—in order to sustain the logic of their vision.
each other? Is it just a coincidence that these gods/rulers There is agreement among the traditional accounts on
of ancient cultures and civilisations were represented by several points…
symbols in common? Could this be just a meaningless • The gods, the creators of humanity, came from the
correlation? How do we account for this global trend in stars or heaven; that is, their origin was extraterrestrial.
remote ages? Certainly, this last consideration would be • The origin/creation of humanity was in the Earth's
refuted by mainstream scholars because it does not make polar regions, south and north respectively, according to
sense according to their reconstruction of the past, whichthe isolated cultures of both hemispheres, such as the
is based on humanity's origin in Africa, the "discovery" Selk'nam, the Tiahuanacan and the Hopi of the Americas
of the Americas in 1492 and the beginning of the Age of and the vast substratum of Scandinavian–Germanic and
Exploration—which assumes that only since that time was Indian peoples of Europe and Asia. As such, this rules
it possible to make transoceanic voyages and contacts— out any pretence of the cradle of humanity in Africa.10
• Highly developed manifestations of culture sprang up
and finally, as a layer to all this, the theory of "evolution".
However, it does make sense according to mythical in remote antiquity as a result of the civilising role played
by the gods, divine rulers and cultural heroes. This fact
history; that is, the traditional accounts of the cultures and
civilisations of antiquity. As a consequence, a dichotomy crushes the notion of "evolution".
emerges between the modern and the primitive vision: • Several catastrophic and diluvial cycles have occurred
Condemnant quod non intellegunt ("They condemn what that the ancient cultures and civilisations throughout the
they do not understand"). world recorded as Ages or Suns in their accounts, known
So, what is the result? Modern mainstream scholars— today as mythic chronicles. These cycles correspond to
archaeologists, anthropologists and historians—refute natural, periodic, cosmic-planetary processes, and they
are reflected around the world
in the myths of the Golden
Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze
Age, the Iron Age and so on.
There are some traditions that
have more or fewer ages and
religious-philosophical causes
and effects, but in their essence
they all refer to the involution
from a primal state, as opposed
to a pattern of linear, constant
Of course, ancient historians
are no longer present to refute
the current official version of
mainstream historians, so there
Anthropomorphic clay figures with elongated heads, from the Colima culture of is rarely discussion or debate
Pre-Columbian Mexico. (Private collection) about the truth of these tales


from antiquity. Still, contemporary avant-garde scientific perhaps fragments of the preceding Moon—or a comet
research is beginning to undermine the dogmatic "official impact. What eventuated was a large-scale fire, recorded
history". In this regard, two fields of research based on in different cultures such as the Greek, the Germanic, the
scientific evidence are opening up the vast horizon of Maya and the Chungará of northern Chile; floods and the
humanity's antiquity and the fundamental premise that sinking of particular regions such as the now mythical
mythical accounts are in fact records of real events… continent of Atlantis; the extinction of at least 35 species
of megafauna including mammoths, mastodons and the
1. The Clovis Comet Impact. All over the world there American horse; and the disappearance of the Palaeo-
are myths and legends about a catastrophic event known Americans, the primitive dolicoid-skull people of the
as the Deluge or Great Flood: the Götterdämmerung or continent.13 So, the ancient myths of the Great Flood are
Twilight of the Gods of the Edda literature of Iceland; the a reminiscence of a real event.
Deluge that was announced to King Svayambhuva Manu
Satyavrata by the Hindu god Vishnu's avatar, the giant 2. The "Elongated" Skulls. The most common factor
fish Matsya, in India; the Llocllavuno Pachacuti of the among the gods and rulers of antiquity throughout the
Andean people; the Mba'e-megua Guasu of the Guaraní; world is the presence of conical headdresses, helmets
the Tripalafken of the Araucanos; and the Apachiohualiztli and attires that can be considered and recognised as
of the Mesoamericans. symbols of their authority.
This is the most recent great world catastrophe. It was Now, in addition to the fundamental meaning given by
preceded by at least four or five Ages or Suns, according the Códice Ramírez and the Popol Vuh in relation to the
to Indo-Germanic as well as Pre-Columbian accounts. celestial/astral association between Venus and the Sun,
This is the reason that was adduced by Austrian rocket- there is some basis in fact beyond the symbolism. The
science pioneer Max Valier in relation to the Great Flood conically shaped headdresses correspond to the shape
traditions as well as the contradictions of the Bible and of the "elongated"14 skulls that are found in all the places
the records of the Inca: the Great Flood was the result of where these cultures developed. And in this respect,
the fragmentation of our previous Moon, and the same although the elongated skulls found in archaeological
phenomenon will recur with our current Moon. Indeed, sites such as Tiahuanaco, Nazca and Mesoamerica are
he said, the Earth suffered from at least five or six Moon numerous, those that are found in Europe and Asia are
dissolutions in the ancient past. Hanns Hörbiger, a fellow of a smaller proportion and some are unquestionably the
Austrian engineer and astronomer, went even further: he result of artificial cranial deformation.
stated that the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary geological But then, how and why would ancient people come to
periods relate to the different time periods associated develop this most unusual practice? What was its original
with various Moon dissolution events.11 purpose? Just as with the cargo cult, the answer can be
Thus, the mythical records of successive destructions found in the imitation of the physical appearance of the
and creations of the world are actually echoes of these gods. The fact is that these ancient people recreated
cosmic catastrophes. In this sense, the last planetary their gods' peculiarities physiologically in their practice
cataclysm that took place ±13,000 years ago12 could have of cranial lengthening or "deformation" and symbolically
been due to the Earth's capture of a heavenly body— in the headdresses that they adopted as their emblems.

Left: A mummified seven-month-old Inca foetus with elongated skull. (Illustration from Antigüedades peruanas
["Peruvian Antiquities"] by Mariano Eduardo de Rivero and Johann Jakob von Tschudi, 1851, plate VIa)
Centre: Ceramic depicting the Maya Maize God with an elongated skull; the central cross is a Venus symbol.
Right: Maya Maize God sculpture showing an elongated headdress, from Copán, Honduras. (British Museum)


Timeless Time: The Age of the Gods 3. Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species by Means
So, how can this frequent feature among the ancient of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured
gods of the world be understood? Overcoming the well- Races in the Struggle for Life, 1859
rooted dogmas of mainstream history, the iconography 4. Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, Philosophie zoologique
of ancient cultures provides an answer in the mimicking ("Zoological Philosophy"), 1809
of the physical appearance of their gods. Here and there, 5. Molina, Giovanni Ignazio, Sulla propagazione
the gods or rulers have similar depictions with the conical successiva del genere umano ("On subsequent
headdress, but of course with numerous variations in their propagation of the human race"), 1818–20
names, functions and attributes. 6. See Juan de Tovar's illustration of Quetzalcóatl at
It is quite possible that all these disparate cultures had
a common root—in accordance with the geological and Also see the Códice Ríos (Vaticano A – 3738), Folio 7-v,
anthropological patterns established in the book Glacial, where Quetzalcóatl
Cosmogony by astronomers Hanns Hörbiger and Philipp appears standing on a pyramid. He is painted in a dark
Fauth15—which presents an unthinkable chronology for colour as a priest, wears the ocelocopilli and a cape
modern historiography. But it is perfectly plausible in with crosses, and carries a curved sceptre.
terms of the accounts recorded in traditions that go back 7. Fernández, A., Dioses prehispánicos de México
aeons into the past and reach the Golden Age, be it that ("Prehispanic Gods of Mexico"), Panorama Editorial,
of the Hindu Satya-Yuga, the Norse–Germanic Gullaldr México, 1991, 1998, pp. 82, 153
or the Patagonian Age of the Hówen. This common root 8. An approximate translation of the word ocelocopilli
in both hemispheres is in the Earth's polar regions, which is "jaguar-skin conical cap", ocelotl meaning "jaguar",
mythical history regards as the cradles of humanity. ∞ and copilli meaning "conical headpiece".
9. Popol Vuh, Part III, Chapter 7. This is from the
About the Author: English translation by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus
Rafael Videla Eissmann is an historian from Chile Griswold Morley from Adrián Recino's translation from
who has written many books and articles about the Quiché into Spanish, Plantin Press, Los Angeles, 1954,
Antarctic origins of humanity, the vestiges and sym- Different
bols of the primal civilisation of the Americas, and passages of the Popol Vuh reinforce the importance of
other aspects of Pre-Columbian cultures. His books Venus, or Icoquih, which announces the Sun's arrival:
(in Spanish) include The Great Flood: Myths of the "There, too, were all the people of Rabinal, the
Americas about the Last World Catastrophe (2016) Cakchiquel, the Tziquinahá, all the small tribes, and the
and Runic Symbols in the Americas: The Return to large tribes. Together they stayed, awaiting the coming
the Ancestral Land (2011). His interview with Erich of the dawn and the rising of the large star called
von Däniken, "We, the Offspring of the Gods", and Icoquih, which rises just before the sun, when it dawns,
his two articles "Forgotten Inhabitants of the Ameri- according to the legend." (Part III, Chapter 8)
cas" and "Echoes of the Great Flood in the Ameri- "There in Tulán-Zuivá, whence they had come, they
cas" were published in NEXUS 24/04, 24/02 and were accustomed to fast; they observed a perpetual
23/05 respectively. fast while they waited the coming of dawn and watched
for the rising sun.
Rafael Videla Eissmann can be contacted by email at
"They took turns at watching the Great Star called For additional information, visit his blog
Icoquih, which rises first before the sun; when the sun
rises, the brilliant Icoquih, which was always before
them in the East, when they were there in the place
Endnotes called Tulán-Zuivá, whence came their god…
1. Boland, Charles Michael, They All Discovered "Each of the tribes kept getting up to see the star
America, Doubleday, New York, 1961 which was the herald of the sun. This sign of the dawn
Carnac, Pierre, Les Juifs en Amérique ancienne ("The they carried in their hearts when they came from the
Jews in Ancient America"), Editions du Rocher, East, and with the same hope they left there, from that
Monaco, 1983 great distance, according to what their songs now
De Mahieu, Jacques, La Geografía Secreta de América say…" (Part III, Chapter 6)
antes de Colón ("The Secret Geography of America "Here, then, is the dawn, and the coming of the sun,
before Columbus"), Editorial Hachette, Buenos Aires, the moon, and the stars. Balam-Quitzé, Balam-Acab,
1978; Colón llegó después: Los Templarios en América Mahucutah, and Iqui-Balam were very happy when they
("Columbus arrived later: The Templars in America"), saw the Morning Star. It rose first, with shining face,
Martínez Roca, Barcelona, 1988 when it came ahead of the sun." (Part III, Chapter 9)
2. Guerrero, Bartolomé Lobo, La extirpación de la 10. Professor Roberto Rengifo of the University of Chile
idolatría en el Pirú ("The Destruction of the Idolatries in
Peru"), Lima, Peru, 1621 Continued on page 88


“I expect we will see a crash in human reproduction
almost to zero… which I estimate to occur within about 5 years
without any increases in our exposures. Obviously 4G and 5G
will make the situation much worse.
Similarly, I expect that the deterioration in brain function that we
are already seeing will seal our fate if we fail to act rapidly and
vigorously. Our collective brain function may become completely
incapable of dealing with such a mega-crisis situation.”

 Attack our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread
neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects. This nervous
system attack is of great concern.
 Attack our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems. In this context, the main things that
make us functionally different from single-celled creatures are our nervous system
and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these.
Thus, the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is
immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.
 Produce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in
essentially all chronic diseases.
 Attack the DNA of our cells, producing single-strand and double-strand breaks in
cellular DNA and oxidised bases in our cellular DNA. These in turn produce cancer
and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.
 Produce elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death) events especially
important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.
 Lower male and female fertility, lower sex hormones, lower libido and increased
levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.
 Produce excessive intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and excessive calcium signalling.
 Attack the cells of our bodies to cause cancer. Such attacks are thought to act via 15
different mechanisms during cancer causation.

Pall, Martin L, PhD Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University 5G: Great risk for EU, US and
International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism
that Causes Them, May 17, 2018 – Pages 1-2.


EMF is taking us out prematurely …
If you have any of these conditions, EMF exposure is a major contributing factor. Take immediate
and aggressive steps to remediate your exposure: anxiety; aepression; autism; alzheimer’s; cardiac
arrhythmias (associated with sudden cardiac death); atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter; premature atrial
contractions (PACs) and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), also known as heart
palpitations; tachycardia (fast heartbeat) and bradycardia (slow heartbeat).
Professor Emeritus Martin Pall PhD

EMF and rising cancer rates … "The inescapable

Radiation from our telecommunication and powerline technology is conclusion of these
damaging the DNA in our cells. It is clear to many biologists that this findings is that the
can account for the rising cancer rates. EMF damages and causes twentieth century
mutations in DNA. A variety of forces, both internal and external, affects epidemic of the
the rate at which DNA damage occurs. EMF is one of these forces. so-called diseases of
Associate Professor Martin Blank PhD on behalf of the International Scientist Appeal - civilization, including
and Overpowered: What Science Tells Us About the Dangers of Cell Phones and Other WiFi-Age Devices,
cardiovascular disease,
cancer, diabetes and

EMF and Diabetes 3 … also suicide, was caused

by electrification and the
EMF has been shown to raise blood glucose levels and changes insulin unique biological
requirement in diabetics. In 2008, associate professor Dr Magda Havas responses we have to it.
determined ‘type 3’ diabetes - influenced by environmental exposure A large proportion of
to electromagnetic pollutants.
these diseases may
therefore be
Havas, M, Stetzer D, Dirty electricity and electrical hypersensitivity: Five case studies. World Health
Organization Workshop on Electricity Hypersensitivity, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004.
EMF and mitochondrial dysfunction and Professor of Medicine, Samuel Milham,

accelerated ageing …
MD MPH Dirty Electricity and the
Diseases of Civilization.

In a nutshell, it dramatically accelerates the ageing process. EMF

activates the VGCCs in the outer membrane which triggers a chain reaction of devastating events that
ultimately decimates mitochondrial function and causes severe cellular damage and DNA breaks.
Activating the VGCCs produces excessive amounts of … hydroxyl free radicals which decimate
mitochondrial and nuclear DNA … The end result is mitochondrial dysfunction, which we now know is
at the heart of most chronic disease.
Mercola J Dr, The Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Explained 3-9-2017 and The Real Dangers of Electronic Devices and EMFs 24-9-2017.

Eliminate EMF as much as possible from your life

to gain a clearer picture of your health


Science News
THE STANDARD MODEL IS of different frequencies in a standard model depends on 19
NOT QUITE CORRECT dispersive medium. numerical parameters. Their values
By Pavel Sladkov, At that time this hypothesis had are known from experiment, but the
Moscow, Russian Federation not been adequately improved and origin of the values is unknown.
developed. Theorists were limited Some theorists have tried to find

T he fundamental flaws of the

Standard Model of particle
physics are considered below.
to the recognition of the wave-
corpuscle duality of particles, which
of course exists, but it does not
relations between different
parameters, for example, between
the masses of particles in different
Unstable short-lived particles cancel the wave nature of generations."2
discovered at colliders are not the elementary particles, and is its 2) New, not observed particles
fundamental elementary particles, consequence. and fields are very easily
i.e. particles of which matter is So in the 20 years of the last introduced. To justify
consisted. If the energy of the century this error was born. The unobservability of quarks and
colliding particles is increased, then, result was the emergence in the gluons, another new physical
perhaps, new, more massive, 1960s of the so-called "Standard concept was introduced—colour
unstable, short-lived particles may Model". confinement.
be found. Briefly: The Standard Model describes
More than 350 elementary 1) Free (external) parameters of other particles (and fields)
particles are discovered together the Standard Model. unobservable in nature as virtual,
with antiparticles. Of these, a "Number of parameters—the and transmits them to the so-called
photon, electron and muon
neutrinos, electron, proton and their
antiparticles are stable. The
remaining elementary particles
spontaneously decay exponentially
with a time constant of
approximately 1,000 seconds (for a
free neutron) to negligible small
fractions of a second (from 10-24 to
10-22 s for resonances).1
There are quite enough
candidates for a variety of theories
of the structure of matter, if a strict
approach is not followed. How did
we come to this?
I will briefly expound the history of
the issue. In the 1920s, Schrödinger
proposed the hypothesis of the
structure of elementary particles of
the wave packets (groups of waves
of different frequencies). Einstein
and De Broglie supported this idea.
But it was rejected, as these
packages fade away due to the Standard Model of Elementary Particles + Gravity
different phase velocities of waves (Image: Cush)


quantum vacuum. It is an extremely are separated, at some point it electrodynamics (or QED) was the
handy thing for the theorists of the becomes energetically favourable first vacuum of quantum field theory
Standard Model. When they need for a new quark–antiquark pair to to be developed. QED originated in
to, these virtual particles (quanta of appear, rather than extending the the 1930s, and in the late 1940s and
action) suddenly become real. tube further. As a result of this, early 1950s it was reformulated by
When it is not necessary they again when quarks are produced in Feynman, Tomonaga and
disappear; dissolve in the quantum particle accelerators, instead of Schwinger, who jointly received the
vacuum. seeing the individual quarks in Nobel prize for this work in 1965.
detectors, scientists see "jets" of Today the electromagnetic
many colour-neutral particles interactions and the weak
(mesons and baryons), clustered interactions are unified in the theory
together. This process is called of the electroweak interaction.
hadronization, fragmentation, or "The Standard Model is a
string breaking. generalization of the QED work to
"The confining phase is usually include all the known elementary
defined by the behaviour of the particles and their interactions
action of the Wilson loop, which is (except gravity). Quantum
simply the path in spacetime traced chromodynamics is the portion of
out by a quark–antiquark pair the Standard Model that deals with
created at one point and strong interactions, and QCD
annihilated at another point. In a vacuum is the vacuum of quantum
non-confining theory, the action of chromodynamics. It is the object of
such a loop is proportional to its study in the Large Hadron Collider
perimeter. However, in a confining and the Relativistic Heavy Ion
theory, the action of the loop is Collider, and is related to the so-
instead proportional to its area. called vacuum structure of strong
Since the area is proportional to the interactions."4
separation of the quark–antiquark
pair, free quarks are suppressed. 3) A stable proton consists of a
Mesons are allowed in such a mixture of quarks and gluons. The
picture, since a loop containing number and parameters of gluons
another loop with the opposite (the number of particles inside the
orientation has only a small area proton, and not the number of
between the two loops."3 types) are not known.
Fluxtube of a meson from lattice
QCD (Image: RolteVolte)
Vacuum State Quarks and the Mass of a
"There is not yet an analytic proof "In quantum field theory, the Proton
of colour confinement in any non- quantum vacuum state (also called "In quantum chromodynamics,
abelian gauge theory. The the quantum vacuum or vacuum the modern theory of the nuclear
phenomenon can be understood state) is the quantum state with the force, most of the mass of protons
qualitatively by noting that the lowest possible energy. Generally, it and neutrons is explained by special
force-carrying gluons of QCD have contains no physical particles. Zero- relativity. The mass of a proton is
colour charge, unlike the photons of point field is sometimes used as a about 80–100 times greater than
quantum electrodynamics (QED). synonym for the vacuum state of an the sum of the rest masses of the
Whereas the electric field between individual quantized field. quarks that make it up, while the
electrically charged particles "According to present-day gluons have zero rest mass. The
decreases rapidly as those particles understanding of what is called the extra energy of the quarks and
are separated, the gluon field vacuum state or the quantum gluons in a region within a proton,
between a pair of colour charges vacuum, it is 'by no means a simple as compared to the rest energy of
forms a narrow flux tube (or string) empty space'. According to the quarks alone in the QCD
between them. Because of this quantum mechanics, the vacuum vacuum, accounts for almost 99 per
behaviour of the gluon field, the state is not truly empty but instead cent of the mass. The rest mass of a
strong force between the particles is contains fleeting electromagnetic proton is, thus, the invariant mass of
constant regardless of their waves and particles that pop into the system of moving quarks and
separation. and out of existence. gluons that make up the particle,
"Therefore, as two colour charges "The QED vacuum of quantum and, in such systems, even the


energy of massless particles is Neutron."
still measured as part of the Schrödinger's hypothesis
rest mass of the system. that the elementary particles
"Two terms are used in are wave packets has been
referring to the mass of the modified as follows: the
quarks that make up protons: electron, proton and neutron
current quark mass refers to are monochromatic (single
the mass of a quark by itself, frequency) rotating
while constituent quark mass electromagnetic waves, for
refers to the current quark each of them (of these
mass plus the mass of the particles) frequency—its own.
gluon particle field It was confirmed by obtaining
surrounding the quark. These the strict solution of
masses typically have very Maxwell's equations in the
different values. As noted, form of a rotating
most of a proton's mass comes monochromatic
from the gluons that bind the electromagnetic wave (for a
current quarks together, rather spherical region with spatial
than from the quarks dispersion and anisotropy
themselves. While gluons are strictly defined type). From
inherently massless, they possess The quark structure of the proton the expressions for which (of this
energy—to be more specific, (Image: Jacek Rybak) wave) is directly obtained all the
quantum chromodynamics binding hadrons, which are known in basic parameters and properties of
energy (QCBE)—and it is this that advance. electron, proton and neutron.
contributes so greatly to the overall "These recent calculations are According to this model, matter is
mass of protons (see mass in special performed by massive composed of five elementary
relativity). A proton has a mass of supercomputers, and, as noted by particles: electron, proton, neutron,
approximately 938 MeV/c2, of which Boffi and Pasquini: 'a detailed photon, and electron neutrino. At
the rest mass of its three valence description of the nucleon structure the same time, instead of four
quarks contributes only about 9.4 is still missing because...long- fundamental interactions of the
MeV/c2; much of the remainder can distance behaviour requires a Standard Model remain three:
be attributed to the gluons' QCBE. nonperturbative and/or numerical electromagnetic, gravitational and
"The internal dynamics of protons treatment...' More conceptual weak and instead of 12 quantum
are complicated, because they are approaches to the structure of (virtual) fields remain three real:
determined by the quarks' protons are: the topological soliton electromagnetic, gravitational and
exchanging gluons, and interacting approach originally due to Tony weak. Also in the introduction is
with various vacuum condensates. Skyrme and the more accurate given the analysis of the experiment
Lattice QCD provides a way of AdS/QCD approach that extends it on the finding of quarks. This
calculating the mass of a proton to include a string theory of gluons, analysis refutes the fact that they
directly from the theory to any various QCD-inspired models like (quarks) were detected. This model
accuracy, in principle. the bag model and the constituent has been published in the peer-
"The most recent calculations quark model, which were popular in reviewed Journal of Physical
claim that the mass is determined to the 1980s, and the SVZ sum rules, Mathematics.6
better than four per cent accuracy, which allow for rough approximate This work opens the way to a
even to one per cent accuracy. mass calculations. These methods breakthrough in such fields as clean
These claims are still controversial, do not have the same accuracy as energy, nanotechnology, high-
because the calculations cannot yet the more brute-force lattice QCD powered lasers, nuclear power
be done with quarks as light as they methods, at least not yet."5 engineering and others.
are in the real world. This means
that the predictions are found by a 4) Why is it so complicated? References
process of extrapolation, which can Remember the Occam's razor. Many 1.
introduce systematic errors. It is claim that the Standard Model is the 2.
hard to tell whether these errors are least complex of all known. 3.
controlled properly, because the But this is not so—there is a more 4.
quantities that are compared to simple, consistent model "Solitonic 5.
experiment are the masses of the Model of the Electron, Proton and 6.


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Einstein Image:
Image: NASA

ECE Theory unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics

using geometry, and rejects the Copenhagen interpretation.
Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies ©2018

hen Einstein developed general relativity in it is impossible for general relativity to explain the natural
1915 he chose the only known mathematical world.
model for spacetime, Riemann geometry. Now In contrast to the standard model of physics, ECE
we know that his choice was not correct. Since he started Theory is based only on geometry, with no arbitrary
with the wrong geometric model of spacetime, it is "fudge" factors added, like general relativity requires.
impossible for general relativity to solve many of the ECE Theory replaces general relativity, since ECE Theory
mysteries in modern physics. produces the right answers, as verified by numerical
Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Theory is based on the calculations, and experimental data.
correct geometric model of spacetime, Cartan geometry. I use the well-known quote from Albert Einstein: "No
Cartan geometry adds "spacetime torsion" to the amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a
standard model of physics. Spacetime torsion represents single experiment can prove me wrong. In eighty-three
electro-magnetism, which does not exist in the 1915 refutation papers and books, Albert Einstein is proven
version of general relativity. Without spacetime torsion, wrong in more ways than he could have imagined, having


no computer algebra or data outside the solar system. energy sources to be developed, in the same way that
He was proven wrong experimentally about fifty years present-day technology was engineered from Maxwell's
ago with the discovery of the velocity curve of the four equations, when combustion was the only known
whirlpool galaxy. He is proven wrong again by S2 star energy source. Now, using ECE Theory, energy can be
systems. Elie Cartan wrote to him about the newly pulled directly from spacetime, similar to a hydro-electric
discovered spacetime torsion (early twenties), but it took turbine, but without the need for falling water.
until ECE theory in 2003 for the importance of torsion to The rapid development of new spin connection
be fully realised. resonance carbon-free energy sources is a matter of great
The simplest form of ECE Theory is an engineering importance for the entire planet. ECE Theory was
model consisting of eight equations, which replace the discovered by chemist, physicist, and mathematician,
set of four Maxwell's Equations from 150 years ago. Myron Wyn Evans (Doctor of Science, Royal Civil List
Scientist), as a way to explain the Inverse Faraday Effect.
His discovery of the "B3" field in the early 1990s showed
a new model of spacetime was needed to explain many
mysterious physics phenomena.

ECE Theory and Physics Mysteries

For more than twenty years Dr Evans has devoted
nearly all of his time and energy to deriving and proving
the validity of the correct version of physics. ECE Theory
can now explain, with exact precision, many physics
mysteries which general relativity, and quantum
mechanics, cannot explain.
Physics mysteries, which can only be explained by ECE
• The spiral shape of galaxies, without needing dark
matter (the biggest embarrassment for NASA, and
general relativity physicists)
• The total lack of dark matter in the universe
• The spiral arms of galaxies, where stars accumulate
on hyperbolic paths
• The Hubble red shift of light from distant galaxies
• The newest stars at the centre of galaxies, which is
contrary to black hole theory
• The error of a Big Bang cosmic beginning
Seen edge-on, observations of NGC 4945 suggest that
this hive of stars is a spiral galaxy much like our own
• The error of Black Hole singularities
Milky Way, with swirling, luminous arms and a bar-shaped • The error of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
centre. Sites of active star formation, known as HII • The source of energy of "over-unity" devices (spin
regions, are seen prominently in the image, appearing connection resonance, and the conservation of angular
bright pink. (Image: ESO) momentum of spacetime torsion)
• The source of energy for LENR (Low Energy Nuclear
Those equations explained the physics of electricity and Reactions: spin connection resonance at the atomic
magnetism. ECE Theory adds four new equations, which scale)
are identical to Maxwell's, with the exception that the • Time modulation based on spinning
added equations control gravity and time. The four new electromagnetic fields, and spinning flywheels
ECE equations show a "spin connection resonance" with • Gravity modulation based on spinning
the four older electro-magnetism equations. The four electromagnetic fields, and spinning flywheels
new equations are a good example of the simplicity and • The Faraday disk generator, and over unity from
beauty of a true natural theory. These equations are a modulating the unipolar field
mirror image of Maxwell's Equations, but apply to gravity • Anomalous energy from spin connection resonance
and time. This simple and beautiful solution is what between gravity/time, and EM fields
Einstein spent the last 40 years of his life searching for, • The reason all subatomic particles have spin, and
but was not able to discover. gyro-magnetic moment
By creating the conditions for spin connection • The fact that three quarks are just space-time
resonance, new physics effects can be engineered. The vibrations in three directions
full set of eight ECE equations will allow new carbon-free • The error of a "God" particle


• The fact that the photon has mass, which invalidates
all of general relativity
• Orbital precession, which is not explained by
general relativity
• The Pioneer 10 gravitational anomaly, showing
small, unknown gravitational forces
• Frame dragging of rotating masses, affecting
satellite orbits, and rate of time flow
• Why the Michelson–Morley experiment did not
detect an "ether"
• Why ring laser gyros must use "ether" to function
• How to create strong magnetic fields, using the
inverse Faraday effect
• How the Aharonov–Bohm effect is caused by a
totally isolated current flow
• The fact that spin connection resonance explains all
matter in the universe, except for a small number of
original particles
• The fact that the universe is much older than
present estimates, and may have a steady-state 6) Refutation of the dogma of negative energy in
existence quantum field theory.
• The possibility of LENR, at the core of the Earth, 7) Demonstration that energy from spacetime does
keeping the core molten for billions of years not violate conservation laws of physics.
8) Discovery of the quantum Hamilton equations.
9) Refutation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
ECE Theory and the AIAS 10) Discovery of the quantum force equation and
ECE (Einstein Cartan Evans) has replaced the obsolete pure quantum force.
"standard model" of physics with papers on its website 11) Discovery of spin connection resonance in the
showing new understandings of basic principles. ECE is laws of nature.
a unified field theory, based on a type of geometry 12) Discovery of the Evans identity of differential
developed by Elie Cartan, who inferred it in 1922 and geometry.
who collaborated with Einstein. The Alpha Institute for The website is an open-source site
Advanced Studies (AIAS) is intellectually independent with over two thousand documents—Myron Evans' blog
with distinguished international colleagues who have contains over ten thousand postings, and the Omnia
made historic contributions to field theory. Opera about eight hundred original papers. It is
The website... is an open-source recommended to read the papers that build up the ECE
theory. The Universal Field Theory (UFT) overview
site with over two thousand contains a guide to this part of the site. Recently, UFT 158
documents... It is recommended forward have refuted the basics of particle theory, and
have suggested a new explanation called "R Theory".
to read the papers that build up There are important papers on the metrical approach to
to the ECE theory. general relativity. UFT 172 forward develop an entirely
new quantum field theory, one in which a single-particle
fermion equation is given for the first time, refuting the
Recently the AIAS group has made some internationally
Dirac sea concept based on negative energy. UFT 175
acknowledged discoveries and critical refutations which
refutes the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, UFT 176
are being studied around the world of science. These
and 177 develop the quantum Hamilton equations and
the new force equation of quantum mechanics.
1) The development of the first unified field theory.
2) Refutation of the Einstein field equation, big bang
and black hole theory. Critical Quotes:
3) Discovery of the antisymmetry laws of "All the wave equations of physics, and first order
electrodynamics and gravitation. differential equations of physics, come from the tetrad
4) Refutation of the Einstein de Broglie equations and postulate, and the field equations from the Bianchi
their replacement by "R Theory". identity."
5) Development of the first single-particle fermion – Dr Myron W. Evans, AIAS Director (member of the
equation. Aberystwyth group)


"Congratulations, fantastic result.
To get agreement to this precision
is some achievement. This again
shows that Einstein and his
followers are totally redundant.
What is even more important, "No amount of
however, is the new knowledge that
remains to be found using ECE2
experimentation can
right across the field of physics. ever prove me right;
Spacetime energy devices, LENR,
new optical effects etc. are just the
a single experiment
start. Let us hope that some can prove me
physicists and engineers who follow
are touched by the same spark of
genius as yourself so that this great -Albert Einstein
progress is maintained. Already a
lot of the old physics and
engineering—that is so wasteful of
finite resources and pollutes so
unnecessarily—looks archaic.
This is a new scientific and
industrial revolution that may just
save the planet (if population growth can be controlled). even, with a lag, in Utah. The strongest correlate of
Hopefully, a fairer and more equal world can also evolve increased per capita income is increased per-capita
if energy production is cheaper and cleaner and does not energy consumption. Hence the enormous importance
have to be controlled by greedy multi nationals. of the ECE2 energy source implications: Make everyone
Spacetime energy and LENR units can be small, serving wealthy, reduce the resource pressure on the planet. Very
single households (including in poorer countries) and will cheap, clean energy is the most important advance I can
not need to be connected to local and national grids run think of."
by big companies serving the interests of the few." – Steve Bannister, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department
– Dr Gareth J. Evans, AIAS fellow, former doctoral of Economics, University of Utah
student of Myron W. Evans and member of the
Aberystwyth group "Finally, over half a century after Einstein made his
contributions of general and special relativity, Myron
"The impact on the computer,
Evans, following in the tradition of Einstein, accomplished
the impossible. Instead of trying to quantify gravity in
transportation, medical, power, terms of discrete packets of energy (quanta) to make it
and manufacturing industries will comply with the standard model, Evans took the
opposite approach. He succeeded in describing the
ultimately be as profound as the standard model in terms of geometry. In the Evans Grand
discovery of fire." Unified Field Theory [now called Einstein Cartan Evans
(ECE) Theory –MWE], particle exchange is not the
fundamental unifying factor. Instead, for each force there
"Beyond the continued, to me, astonishing results from is a specific curvature of spacetime or spacetime
ECE2, Gareth has important insights. I do know geometry. The resulting equations can be applied to any
something about the long run as one of my research foci area of science and engineering. The impact on the
is population, economic activity, and energy consumption computer, transportation, medical, power, and
in the long run. From my models, I know population is on manufacturing industries will ultimately be as profound
the negative second derivative sector of its millennia-long as the discovery of fire."
time-path. Absolute peak global population should be – A.D. DeBruhl, The Ultimate Truth (2006), page 120
reached this century, by mid-century in one of my
models. This is a major event. "It is already clear that the electron mass M, and
"One very strong correlate of reduced population photon mass m, are not constants. They are actually of
growth is per capita income growth. The wealthier we the same order of magnitude. The de Broglie Einstein
become, the fewer children we have. This result holds theory fails dramatically as a consequence, and the
across time and space, including Sub-Saharan Africa. And concept of electron mass fails dramatically. This is also


true for neutron scattering, and in general for any particle the award of a Civil List Pension to Myron in 2005)
scattering. The concept of elementary particle mass is
replaced by the scalar curvature R of ECE theory. There
About the Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies
are no elementary particles in nature (mass is frequency
dependent). There are no Higgs bosons—the CERN The Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies is an institute
search etc. is entirely futile. of theoretical physics, and is intellectually independent
"The problem we are finding now is that the basis of and not affiliated with any political view. The AIAS was
the relativistic quantum theory has collapsed. These are founded in 1998 and is among the leading theoretical
the conservation of energy and momentum equations physics institutes worldwide. It is an organisation
called the de Broglie Einstein equations (1922–1924). intended to develop the outstandingly successful
Schrödinger derived his equation from these papers". Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) unified field theory, now
– Dr Gareth J. Evans referring to UFT paper 159 the leading field theory by several measures. It
consists of about one thousand five hundred papers,
"As a result of the theory by Evans, an axial magnetic educational articles, books and source documents,
field component B(3) will exist in the direction of together with computer code.
propagation of an individual photon. Regarding such a The AIAS founder and President is Myron Wyn Evans
photon as an axisymmetric wave packet of limited BSc, PhD, DSc, who has recently received two high
transverse section, it is inevitable that the packet should honours of the British Government, a Civil List Pension
possess a three-dimensional magnetic field pattern, in 2005, and armorial bearings in 2008. Scientific
having an axial field component B(3) and an associated predecessors on the Civil List or similar include
angular momentum (spin). This fundamental contribution Newton, Herschel, Brown, Airy, Dalton, Faraday, Joule,
by Evans leads to a better understanding of the enigma Adams, Fairfax-Somerville and Heaviside.
of the photon than can be offered by conventional theory.
Accordingly the results by Evans have inspired a number References and Further Reading:
of scientists and research groups to perform further • Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS)
investigations along this line of approach. The research
by Evans is thus of great importance to the scientific • "Eighty-Three Refutations of EGR", available at
community and to the further development of modern
physics and chemistry." TATIONS_OF_EGR.PDF
– Professor Bo Lehnert, Member of the Royal Swedish • Dr Myron Evans' blog includes his thoughts on
Academy, King of Sweden Gold Medallist. (Prof. Lehnert science, history, poetry and politics, and can be
notified the UK government about this work, resulting in accessed via

"It is to Dr Myron Evans' credit that he has accomplished this monumental research effort without
funding, and only received significant help after 2010, in the form of numerical solutions, from Dr Horst
Eckhart and others. A new fundamental discovery like ECE Theory had to come from a private source,
since research grants are controlled by vested, corporate interests. Also, this new version of physics
could not have become public if Dr Evans had
sought patents, trade secrets, or profit. It is to
his credit that he and his colleagues have freely
published every new set of equations and
simulations since the beginning of his website in
the early 2000s. By foregoing profit, bypassing
controlled research grants, and avoiding
prejudiced publishers, he has made a
monumental contribution towards the
advancement of physics, and towards the
creation of novel, carbon-free, energy sources.
Finally, Einstein's unrealised dream of a unified
field theory has been given to the world by Dr
Myron Evans—Einstein Cartan Evans Theory."

– Michael Jackson, BSEE


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Ancient War in the Centre of the Earth:

The Australia–India Connection
by Stella Wheildon © 2018

any think that Origine Lore [Australian Aboriginal Feathered Serpent traditions battling patriarchal new-
lore], being an oral tradition, must be fallible . world invaders who came from an area surrounding the
After all, how can oral truth be held unbroken Caspian Sea. These new-world invaders travelled down
since the beginning when most people today can't even to cripple the ancient tribes of northern India, pushing
keep Chinese whispers straight for more than three them to the south towards ancient Australia.
passes? This war took place over 10,000 years ago, marking the
But what most don't realise is that the stars, if you know beginning of the arrival of the "new world culture" onto
how to read them (across the vault of heaven) actually the southern continent of Australia after yet another
hold all the creation lore—or Bootheram, as the Origine global cataclysm had forced migration and evolutionary
moieties call it—and this knowledge of specific stars and changes upon the planet.
constellations form vast celestial calendars which remind This invading patriarchal culture would wage war over
us to remember important global events. the matristic tribes of the northern hemisphere for
One such global event is held in the oral traditions of thousands of years, with the only thing stopping them
the Bandjalang tribe of Evans Head on the east coast of from completely invading "old-world" Australia being a
New South Wales, Australia. It records a great war that post-cataclysmic sea level rise cutting Australia off from
took place between the matristic old-world tribes of the the northern land masses, thus preserving the old world


the lives of the Origine people, using
apartheid processes, whereby one
culture is relocated and used to take
over and administrate the ancestral
area of another. These are referred to
as "forced closures" of Aboriginal
communities. This dispossesses the
communities of their ancestral lands
and renders them refugees in
centralised areas.
These nation systems are linked to
changing ancestral culture and
language, which in turn changes
geospatial place names on maps, which
in turn changes who can prove (in a
court) who originally owns the land,
Land rights are still being disputed in Australia. which cause lots of fights, and this then
(Image: causes more administration to "step in"
matristic starlore culture. and take control. It's all a vicious circle.
The southern continent has held its ancestral matristic The Commonwealth was about to lose control of all the
lore since the Alcheringa (the beginning of the land after native title was proven, so by 1993 they
Dreamtime) which was several million years and several commenced their solution, an old tried-and-true method
ice ages ago. During this time many invaders have of the pen being mightier than the sword—a post-
arrived, but this particular migration/invasion over 10,000 invasion methodology used all over the planet:
years ago served to successfully split the ancient Origine • Conquer a country
culture, creating a second wave of culture—patriarchal, • Make up a nation system to administrate them
with its own rites and ceremonies, and many matristic • Force them to change the language
lands were appropriated by the new arrivals. This wave • Change the maps to match
of cultural anomalies can be identified in anthropological • Then use the new records to control administrative
works of early academics. Thus, the wars of 10,000 years title of the land and water.
ago began forming the next phase of Australia's Origine
history. ...this British system is an
History is always repeating itself, so first of all I should
explain a little bit about the present split of culture in this
exclusively patriarchal colonial
country. As stated, we have a pre-invasion cultural system system which only recognises and
that includes both ancient old world and ancient new-
world cultures. But now, as a result of British invasion we
endorses the... patriarchal Origine
also have a post-colonial invasion system overlayed onto lore... omitting the matristic.
that, and this British system is an exclusively patriarchal
colonial system which only recognises and endorses the Check it out and you'll find it has occurred everywhere.
relatively recent, new-world patriarchal Origine lore, Remember, the Aboriginal Nation system was only
completely omitting the matristic. created in the last 20 years. Basically it's a rework of the
colonial administration legislation to combat the post-
"Aboriginal Nations" and Origine Lore civil rights success of Aboriginal recognition—following
orders from their own patriarchal governance systems in
This exclusive patronage is less than 20 years old. It
England. Ironically this is the same process enacted on
began 50 years ago with the need to administrate the
Britannia when their ancient tribes had been invaded by
survivors of the initial British invasion but it has evolved,
Rome, but they forgot to remember, and have
and throughout the last 20 years the government has
subsequently—and often—repeated the same mistake
created administrative systems which it calls "Aboriginal
against the tribes of the colonies.
These "Aboriginal Nations" first showed up after
Native Title was won in the courts (i.e. Origine [original] The Bootheram
peoples versus the Commonwealth Government) back in But let's get back to India and the war in the centre of
the early 1990s. Prior to this there were no nations in the Earth, and the central island which sank and the pre-
Origine lore. colonial matristic lineages, or Feathered Serpent
Today these "Nations" systems control all aspects of Traditions of Australia.


Several recordings of Bootheram lore outlining the war
in the centre of the Earth were made, initially by first
colonial researchers in the late 1800s. Many of those
records have been systematically eradicated in sanitised
historical rewrites, funded during the Ministry of the Arts
political portfolios of the mid 2000s when the Aboriginal
Nations system was being developed and widely
promoted. Any librarian who opposed the alterations was
sacked; any individual ostracised, leaving only one
independently published work from the early 1950s
which recorded and preserved the Bootheram, hiding it,
not in historical records, but in poetry.
This Bootheram was collected in 1957 by an Australian
poet named Roland Edward Robinson during the lead up
to the Civil Rights campaigns of the 1960s. The Origine
people at that time were denied having legal status of
being human. To amend this they chose to tell their Ancient aliens depicted on 10,000 year-old rock paintings
sacred Bootheram to trusted supporters, to people like in India. (Image:
Roland Robinson, who was helping them prove they had
their own traditional lore and culture and deserved civil matristic lore. Matristic lineages follow stars and migrate
rights recognition and protection. Civil rights only seasonally. The vault of the stars can be read and they
happened in Australia in 1967. can't be changed, unlike man-made books. The Origine
During an interview in 1973 Robertson stated: "I think peoples call their ancient matristic lore "Bootheram" and
that I have received more comfort, more enlightenment, the beautiful thing is, it matches the Indian Vedas, the
more religion, and poetry from the Aborigines, than from Tamil and the Sanskrit Matsya Purana, also epic poetic
any of the wise books of the white man". And I certainly works.
have to agree with him. During a meeting I had with an Indian astrophysicist in
2007, we were both astounded to find the correlations
Matristic Starlore between the ancestral Australian Origine knowledge and
Bootheram and the matristic starlore explains creation the ancient Indian culture, with shared knowledge of a
and connection of all biological life through combining central land mass that had sunk beneath the oceans, and
science and doctrine to achieve sustainability—true Indian cave art with no decipherable meaning, which also
caring for country, as opposed to the present biblical law matched Origine. 
which forms the basis of land tenure legislation for the We spoke at length about the marriage systems and
planet, causing entropic chaos globally. the caste systems, both based on the stars, and we also
But, before there was patriarchal law, there was realised that both cultures knew about a war in the centre
of the Earth that had pushed old world "hairy
man" survivors to the south and isolated them
in Australia during an ancient invasion of the
lands we now know as India. We shared
knowledge of how this had occurred when a
numerous and aggressive northern army (from
up near what is now the Caspian Sea) waged
war against the old-world cultures. My
astrophysicist friend was astounded to learn
that a culture outside of India still retained the
same knowledge—and it went back not just
10,000 years, or 15,000 years, but millions of
years, all the way back to the Alcheringa.
Of course current academics have been
studying the genetic linkages between the
Australian Origine peoples and the Indian, but
these studies centre on the patriarchal lineages,
whilst it is the matristic that records the ancient
Fresco of a Cloud Girl in Sigiriya, Sri Lanka hairy genome and how (and why) it is linked to
(Image: Schnobby) the marriage lore star-cycles.


Unfortunately, the exclusive endorsement of the recognise the Hairypeople (or 'Hairies') as citizens and
patriarchal cultures has brought much undue prejudice limiting their movements to a heavily policed 'Zone'."
against the matristic lineages, causing patriarchal cultures
to get all precious and superior about matristic bloodlines The India–Australia Connection
and hairy men. So it's important to remember that
So how did the "new world" arrive in the "old world"?
northern hemisphere Neanderthals were hairy too, but
Research is outlined in a paper from a German study
died out (or were destroyed) approximately 40,000 years
titled "Genome-wide data substantiate Holocene gene
ago in Europe. And just like the Australian hairy lineages,
flow from India to Australia".
they'd evolved to survive ice ages.
One academic, Professor Alan Cooper, from the
My own research on matristic starlore found the
University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for Ancient
India–Australia link to be supported by Bootheram
DNA, says the Indian influence may well have played a
traditions of migrations arriving in Australia occurring
role in the development of the Aboriginal culture.
over several epochs—not just one—with the common
Professor Cooper says it is impossible to ignore the link
global link being the celestial deities spiralling from the
with the discovery of the dingo. "The timing of all those
south celestial stars, cyclically. Most all the global
things in the archaeological record, about 4,000 to 5,000
remnants of this old-world lore has been usurped by the
years ago, happens to match the timing estimated for this
patriarchal, save the matristic lineages in Australia.
genetic influx from India," he said.
I, myself, have found the matristic lore of dogs
'This other language seems to following the tribes as well as the starlore of the two
have taken over Australia heavenly dogs (or dingoes) who "guard" the marriage
cycle in the stars, can be found in many global cultures,
relatively recently—perhaps including the Anubis of Egypt, or Kemet, and that the
5,000 years ago... And how it did Kemet were regularly trading with east Australian tribes
several thousand years ago—and with India.
it... we don't know.' Professor Cooper also points to another development
that happened around the time of the Australia–India
Unlike the patriarchal cultures, the matristic moieties connection—"a big expansion of one of the Aboriginal
(which is mitochondrial or mtDNA breeding, based on language groups. 'This other language seems to have
star cycles) can trace its bloodlines back millions of years taken over Australia relatively recently—perhaps 5,000
and retains knowledge of events during those ancient years ago', he said. 'And how it did it, how it replaced
times because of the constancy of the stars, including the other ancient languages, we don't know. So suddenly,
knowledge of ice ages and hairy people. 4,000 to 5,000 years ago is starting to become a fairly
Currently the hairy man is being featured on Australian tumultuous time in Australian history', he said."
television in a new series called Cleverman, and though Yes, they have used this assimilation formula again and
promoted as mythological, it is in fact drawing heavily again. Change the language, and change the maps to
from reality. Art imitates life: match the imported language (or attribute the name on
"Cleverman is set in a near-future Australia in which the map to the newly created nation in the geographical
ancient creatures, the 'Hairypeople', have re-emerged to records), and thereby retain control and title of the land
take their place alongside humans. However, coexistence and water.
is not so easy, with government agencies unwilling to There are 3,300-year-old maps in the Museum of Cairo


with Australia clearly identified on them, and hieroglyphs Punjab to Assam, which also coincides with the area
which use Origine southern hemisphere starlore deities referred to in matristic Bootheram Lore as "the centre of
on the pyramids and tombs. There are even Egyptian the Earth", Kailash, with portions of Bootheram
tombs in Australia (the Gosford Glyphs), all sanitised out describing a central island area linking Australia to India,
of "His-story" or, like the hairy man lineages, excluded. and a sacred spring.
Perhaps if the Bootheram Lore of the carpet snake clan This in turn coincides with the Kumari Kandam legends
matristic lineages wasn't so stealthily buried, we would of the central landmass depicted in the ancient Tamal and
understand more about our past, our present, and most Sanskrit Matsya Purana texts linking to a great southern
importantly, how to survive the future. island, and, in these texts they describe the movement
"We know so little about Australian human legacy, and of the Earth mass, called "Navalam Theevu" in Tamil,
yet it's perhaps one of the longest continuous which caused the formation of the present continent of
occupations of any human cultural group in the world," India, and severed Australia from the north.
Professor Cooper said. "It's one of the most rich and The present formations of India, Arabia, Africa,
challenging stories in human history, and we know almost Antarctica, South America and Australia started breaking
nothing about it..." up due to natural upheavals and moving to different parts
of the Earth at the rate of 15,000 years per mile on an
Origine History and Western Findings average, and found their places in the Asian Continent,
which makes these ancient lores very old.
Some academics did and still do try to negotiate the
Also aligned with Origine matristic starlore, the Rig
labyrinth of sanctioned historical records. In the past, so
Vedic Myths are symbolic expressions of astronomical
few of them thought to just ask the Origine Elders.
phenomena, both of lunar asterisms and solar
Currently, in Australia, all academics are required to
movements, and they are linking them to geological
adhere to memorandum of understanding contracts
movements; again, the same as Origine Bootheram—as
which exist between government education facilities and
above, so below.
government-created nations. No concurrence, no
degree; resulting in no matristic lore being allowed to be Kumari Kandam, the land that lay to the south of India
identified, let alone included. and, which later submerged in the Indian Ocean, has
Anthropology is a contentious
field of study and Thomas Henry
Huxley was by far the most
influential early European thinker
about human origins. Champion of
Darwin's theory of evolution, as a
young man Huxley visited Australia
on the HMS Rattlesnake in 1847,
11 years after Darwin came here
on the HMS  Beagle. While he
showed little interest in
anthropology at the time, he
would subsequently go on to
found human evolution science
and strongly shape Darwin's ideas
about our origins.
In 1870, in  "On the
Geographical Distribution of the
Chief Modifications of Mankind",
Huxley proposed that Indigenous An artist's depiction of Kumari Kandam
Australians were closely related to
the people of South Asia, confidently asserting: been a matter of conjecture for many scholars, but few
"The only people out of Australia who present the chief of them realise (yet) that Australian Origine starlore is
characteristics of the Australians in a well-marked form recording the other side of the ancient Indian story.
are the so-called hill-tribes who inhabit the interior of the "Because of a calamity, which took place in 9,000 BC,
Dekhan, in Hindostan." a terrific destruction occurred and destroyed Chera,
Hindostan [or Hindustan] is a historical region of India Chola and Pandiya Kingdoms and they all then came and
considered at various times to include only the upper settled in South India. The great scholar Sri Avvai
Ganges River Plateau, or all of northern India from the Duraisamy Pillai has established that the 'Pancha
Himalaya mountains to the Deccan Plateau and from the Dravidam' is the region consisting Gujarath, Maharashtra,


are doomed to blindly repeat the problems.
Below is one of the Bootherams describing the sunken
island and the ancient war in the centre of the Earth. It
was collected and published by a roustabout (cowboy)
from Coonamble, named Roland Robinson, who would
collect and publish many Bootherams from tribes all over
Australia under the protective guise of poetry, which
before the common man learnt to read and write, was the
way oral history was retained and faithfully passed on.
This particular Bootheram is called "The Sacred
Spring". It is celestial matristic starlore that is using
metaphoric symbolism to describe geological and
climate events and it is loaded with time-marker clues
that match many described in the Indian texts which
record their lands being invaded from the north and the
old world being pushed to the south, towards Australia.
Excavated ruins of Mohenjo-daro Robinson collected this Bootheram in 1953, from a Mr
(Image: Saqib Qayyum) Ken Gordon, who was an elder of the Bandjalang tribe,
from the time before patriarchal "Aboriginal Nations"
Andhra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. were ever created. It's called "The Sacred Spring" and is
"This is the time to write the correct history of Tamil describing an epoch when the Earth had a different
Nadu. In 'Irayanar Agapporul' (Nakkeerar Urai) it is equator to the one it has now.
mentioned that 72 Pandiya Kings had ruled Tamil Nadu
(which was inclusive of the destroyed Kumari Kandam) The Sacred Spring
from 30,000 BC to 16,000 BC. (i.e. for 14,000 years)." This story is a Budgeram [sic]. When the old people
These are just some of the quotes of eminent Indian said Budgeram they meant away back from the
scholars confirming the migration from the "centre of the beginning. In the beginning of the world there were
world" in northern India and the vast timeframes of these three people.
world histories. There was Ngudjungulli [sic], Buloogan and Guangun
Mohenjo-daro (Mound of the Dead Men) is an Ngudjungulli is the boss of the whole world, he never
archaeological site in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. dies.
Built around 2,500 BCE, it was one of the largest Buloogan and Gaungan, they both died.
settlements of the ancient Indus Valley and one of the Buloogan was the most handsome man in the whole
world's earliest major urban settlements world.
contemporaneous with the civilisations of ancient Gaungan was the most beautiful woman in the whole
Mesopotamia, Minoa, Chorte Chico and Egypt—with world.
Egypt trading with east coast Origine moieties during Buloogan died, but he is supposed to come back
these times. some day.
He's above all these wee-uns, the cleverfellers.
Suppression of Matristic Bootheram From the beginning this land was one whole land
All this global academic speculation includes every from here to India.
continent, except one—Australia—the most ancient land The Aborigines used to go over and fight the Indians
on Earth. and come back again. The old people said that the
The suppression of the lore by Australian authority people they fought had a kind of turban thing slip off
systems denies the matristic Bootheram to be brought to and you'd see their long hair fall down backwards.
the attention of the masses and unified with the work of There was a sacred spring in Queensland. No one
international academics. One has to ask why this would was allowed to go near it.
be? Is it in order to retain control by suppressing matristic Once, when the Aborigines wanted to go over to
language and changing maps to retain tenure that allows India to fight, there was one man who had two wives.
the earth to be raped? He didn't want his wives to follow him to India, so he
Australia is the missing link in this old-world history and took his nulla nulla and half-killed them both. Then he
vital to decoding its meaning, because our ancestral went over an' left those women behind.
Bootheram has a very important function. It reminds us When the man were gone, those two women put
to remember, and teaches us how to be sustainable over their heads together. "Now, we'll go to the sacred
long timeframes, but if we are denied access to learn spring," they said.
from the true records of our past, then we, as a planet, Well, they took their yam sticks to that sacred spring.


From the spring, one went digging this way and one profound layers of meaning, Stella became an intrinsic
went digging that way. "We'll keep going till we meet part of the tribe. She assisted in halting the genocide
one another," they said. As they dug, the water from of the land, lore and language of its ancestral people
the spring followed them. Where they met, one water and the ancient culture they embody. Her life's work
goes this way and the other water goes the other way. has become synonymous to the empowerment of the
It is the roughest water in the world. ancient traditions of the Ngarakbal and the truth of its
Well, these Aborigines finished their war over on the connection to all tribal nations of the earth.
other side. They started on their way back. When they Between 2001 and 2008, Stella authored numerous
got along a bit they saw just one mass of water. books, DVDs, audio and interviews, as well as
This Buloogan was with them. He made the consulted and lectured on the vast archive of work she
mountains and islands rise out of the water. Then, with had created. She is now dedicated to bringing this
their "borror", the string that they pull out of their information to a more visible online platform.
mouths, the clever-fellers took this cord and threw it
from island to island. They crossed over this cord until
they landed back in Australia.
As soon as they came back they knew what had
They blamed that man for beating up his two wives.
These warriors came across those two women talking
at the Australian Bight. One of the wee-un's, the clever-
fellers, turned those women into stone. After that the
Aborigines lost touch with the outside world. They
never went back fighting any more.
This was the beginning of the world.
– Ken Gordon, Banjalang Tribe, from "The Feathered
Serpent" by Roland Robinson

About the Author:

Stella Wheildon was born, raised and still resides in the
Tweed Valley on the most eastern point of the
Australian Continent. Stella grew up in the foothills of Wollumbin (Mt Warning) at sunset
one of the most significant sacred mountains of the
ancient Aboriginal culture, Wollumbin (Mt Warning), Endnotes:
located on the pathway of the sun. • Source:, September 23, 2016
From a very young age, Stella listened and learned
the Aboriginal stories from her Komillaroi • "Cleverman: An Indigenous superhero series with a
grandmother, who instilled a strong and vital political streak", by Liam Burke, posted 26 May 2016,
connection to Nature and interest in the historical,
mystical and physical lores of the ancient oral • "Holocene gene flow from India to Australia"
Indigenous wisdom traditions. She was also a witness Irina Pugach, Frederick Delfin, Ellen Gunnarsdóttir,
to the suppression and denial of the ancient wisdom Manfred Kayser, Mark Stoneking, Proceedings of the
by contemporary post-colonial systems. National Academy of Sciences Jan 2013, 110 (5) 1803-
In 1998 Stella commenced an environmental 1808; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1211927110,
campaign to defend the sacred mountain Wollumbin
from industrial mining and deforestation by the crown • "Research shows ancient Indian migration to
government. This led her to Mrs Marlene Boyd, the Australia", by Anna MacDonald, updated 15 Jan 2013,
Ngarakbal traditional lore holder of the mountain and
a direct bloodline to country descendant of the Seven • "On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief
Sisters Starlore—the ancient matrilineal culture of Modifications of Mankind", Journal of the Ethnological
traditions, lore and customs of the Bird Tribes of Society of London (1870), Scientific Memoirs III,
Over the course of a decade Stella worked closely quoted in "An ancient Australian connection to
with the Ngarakbal and its marriage clan, the Githabal India?",11 Mar 2016, Darren Curnoe,
peoples, learning the lore and using it to protect the
land. Amassing a vast collection of previously • "Lemuria and Kumari Kandam", Dr N. Mahalingam,
unrecorded ancestral knowledge and studying its June 23, 2010,


A gathering celebrating the dawning of a new
Earth and the awakening of humanity



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Strange Times…

THE END OF TIMES INTERVIEW you are doing, you need to get There was no label put on it. I
WITH TRENT LYNWOOD ready, something is coming—big, don't know what it was, it just said
there's a change coming, big for that there was change coming for
by Duncan Roads (with humanity, you need to be ready for humanity.
Lynelle Roads) it, and you need to start preparing". So I went back, told my wife what
© July, 2018 Those were the words that came to happened. I was very distraught—I
me. They were very clear and very didn't know what was going on and
Trent Lynwood (TR): Hello, my strong. what was happening.
name is Trent Lynwood. I have both I stayed there for about five to ten So the information that I had
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal minutes... I don't know how long it received is that there's going to be
family heritage. My non-Aboriginal was. I was just in utter shock, and a separation of humanity. There's
side has English heritage, and my there was a feeling... it's difficult to going to be a split of humanity.
father is Aboriginal—he is a explain, it's not as though I get or A lot of people are worried about
Bundjalung and Dunghutti man. channel messages or voices or what that means—what can I do to
My story: I've worked as a anything like that... it is a very make sure I'm on one side or the
manager in Aboriginal affairs for the strong knowing. The moment that I other? The first thing I would say is
last 16 years, and I've got a real received these messages... I just that this is not punishment, it is not
passion to work with my mob. knew them to be true... 100 per a choice that you are going to be
Before any of this experience cent true. making consciously, it's going to be
happened, I wasn't really a I could not go to back in to work a choice that your soul, (or spirit, or
"spiritual" person, to be honest. I that day, and I quit my job about a whatever you want to call it) will be
mean I believe in a higher power, month after that day. I just could not making for you. It is not to punish
but I didn't actually have any beliefs go back in to work. It was that you, it is for your growth as a spirit
about that sort of stuff. I was thrown strong of a feeling, that I knew I had being.
into the church scene when I was a to do something, I knew I had to So if you need to remain in this
child, but I didn't really, you know... prepare, and get ready for this... 3D construct or whatever you call
take to that whole story. um... for what's to come. what we're in, that is what will
It was July last year when I
stumbled across some Graham
Hancock clips and began
researching the ancient mysteries of
our planet. It was not long before I
found myself realising that Australia
itself was the source of many
ancient mysteries.
On September 27th, I was driving
into work, and there was... like,
something that took over my body
and pulled me over to the side of
the road. It's very difficult to explain.
I had no control over my body. So I
was pulled over on the side of the
road, and then these messages or
knowings or whatever came in, and
it was very clear.
It said, "You need to stop what


anymore, I don't eat meat anymore.
I've been doing everything I can to
raise my frequency so that I actually
go with this Mother Earth as she
does all her work. And as her
frequency rises, she's going to take
people with her.
So the message I have for people
is do things to raise your vibration.
It's not so much that you don't go
out and enjoy yourself, just don't let
it have a hold of you, because it will
hold you back.
Any attachment you have to the
old way of doing things... let go of
happen, and that is what you need you sit on.
that. Otherwise you are going to be
for your growth as a spirit being. For the ones whose spirit does
pulled in that other direction.
On the other side, there's going evolve, you will see a light wave.
So all my addictions I've given
to be a change to how we are as That is what has been described to
up—coffee, I'm learning to let go of
humans, and how we work together. me, a wave of light energy, or
more of my attachments to this
Some of the visions I have on this plasma or whatever you want to call
earth plane, or the matrix as some
show we are living in communal- it, just sweeping over the plain. This
people call it. I'm setting my path
type villages. I see a lot of dome photon-light energy wave will
for that higher vibration, because I
structures, and an overall more interact with our electrons and
know that is the path I need to be on.
tribal social structure. A lot of photons, and they will vibrate
Just around when this wave hits,
sharing. There's no sort of currency "higher". I don't fully understand
people are going to have a change
or anything like that, and people are the whole quantum side of all this,
of consciousness, and they will wake
just sharing and living off the land a but what was described to me is
up. When that happens there is
lot more like we practically used to. once this wave comes across, we'll
going to be a lot... a lot... of mass
That's the images I get. be vibrating at a physically higher
confusion. People won't know what
state of being.
is happening, or where they are.
How is it all going to happen? They will realise they have been
People have been speaking about The Earth's frequency living in a mass deception or mass
this wave. I've had the wave dream.
I've had two daytime visions of this
is rising at the illusion. A number of people are
going to have to help those people,
wave. I've seen it twice. It was only moment, and you and I am being guided to be one of
for an instant, it popped up into my
vision and then disappeared. What I
need to raise your those helpers. And I know of others
who are being guided to do the
have seen is, it just encompasses vibration with it. same thing too.
the whole horizon (this wave). The What comes after all that, I don't
best way I can describe it is, when I suppose the message for me is know.
you blow a bubble up, you'll see it that if you are prepared to do this
has an oily surface, with a rainbow growth, and you want to go on this
shimmery effect, that's what it is, spiritual path that some will choose
and it just comes across the horizon. to go on, then you need to be in
Now I'm still trying to understand, resonance with mother earth.
because I'm getting the other
visions of this as well—where it is What does that mean?
the water that is coming through, The Earth's frequency is rising at
and that is going to change the the moment, and you need to raise
whole landscape—and what I've your vibration with it.
come to understand is, there's For me, I used to be a drinker, I
probably going to be two or more used to be a gambler, I used to eat
scenarios on how this is all going to a lot of meat—I gave it all up in an
unfold. And it is going to be instant. That day I had my waking, I
basically on which side of the fence stopped drinking, I don't gamble


The only thing I do know, is that
this "wave" is coming. How long
before it happens, I just don't know.
The words that keep coming
through are that it's not too far
away, it's soon. The date that came
to me, and please don't rely on this,
was December 2019.
I want to say for people out there
who are in fear, don't be. This has
been coming for a long, long, long
time, and death is not the end.
If you can lose the fear, as much
as you can, just trust the process,
trust that you will be at the right
place at the right time. The other
thing is to trust your instinct. If you
get a feeling of needing to move,
The Earth changes that are going time comes. I can see them even
listen to that feeling.
to happen are a natural process. helping move people from danger,
People have been talking about
Mother Earth is raising her vibration, and the word I get is that there are
this 26,000-year cycle, the so things are going to shake and millions of their ships up there, and
processional cycle, the ages, and move and pop to the surface, and that we can't see them because of
they are talking about the golden that is just a natural process. So the vibrational differences.
age; the message I have got is that volcanic activity and all that sort of Lynelle Roads (LR): Do you see
this is not another cycle, this is not stuff will continue to happen, until
another 26,000-year cycle, this is the geographical Earth after the
we reach the end of this. event?
not another golden age. But again, just know that
This is the end. We are being TR: I don't really see that, I don't
wherever you go, whatever is going see how it looks or anything like
birthed into a new way of being. to happen, you are in the right
This game... this game of life, that. The only thing I get is a
place. That is where you need to massive crack down America. A
matrix, or the dreamtime—the be. This has all been planned with
dream that we are living—it is going massive split. That is the only thing I
precision. The message I have get. In terms of the Earth, it just
to end. And we are going back to received loud and clear is that this
where we come from, our home. looks and feels different. If you've
has already happened, we are ever seen that movie, Avatar, where
This is not our home, this is just an already on the other side, we are
experience. everything is bright and colourful,
just playing out time now.
Enjoy your experiences, but don't that's how I see it. It's just full of life.
attach to them. Try to connect with We don't harm animals, we don't
your higher self. Some people like This is not our home, eat animals... we've just got a
to meditate. Do whatever you need this is just an different way of being.
DMR: Do you see contact
to do to get in touch with those
higher energies. experience. between Pleiadians and people at
I ground every day in the Mother that time? Is it emerging that they
Earth. So I get out barefoot on the Duncan Roads (DMR): Is there will be down here living amongst
Earth. I can pick up her feelings any information about star people us?
now. There's a sense of anxiety at in connection with these changes? TR: I think so. It's just free-flowing.
the moment in the Earth, with which TR: Yeah, I actually forgot to There's all kinds of entities living
way things are going to go. mention that. One thing I sense and here amongst us at the same time.
Something I do want to mention is know is that there are many, many, They're here now, we just can't see
some people are worried about many, many, many ships, or entities, them because of the frequencies.
World War III. I haven't had that above us, ready for when this time Once we get this wave of energy,
image at all. I get the message that comes—to help out. I don't know and we vibrate at that higher level,
this won't be a scenario. That came which entities. I do know the this will all open up and unfold. It
through for me, and I think that Pleiadians are definitely one of will just be harmony.
there are beings up there that won't them. I think they are one of the Again, it has been explained to
let this happen. lead entities for helping when this me, that once this happens, the


need for incarnation stops. In the They said to me, "Look". As I the heart of the South Island
End of Days, the incarnation cycle watched, massive volcanoes curving. I said in astonishment,
ends. We don't go through that erupted out of the ice near Iceland "That's Australia!". They said to me
process again. and all that area, with massive "Australia's not immune you know;
DMR: Will our lifetimes get flames and lava shooting up into the do not be in fear."
longer? sky. These continued cutting a huge Then it was like someone cutting
TR: I don't see death. You "die" path through Alaska with massive a huge wedge out of a piece of
and move on whenever you choose cracks opening up like earthquakes. cake. It took in all the top part of
to move on. It's very much you This continued down into Canada the Northern Territory, including
choose your age, what you look and America into the part of Mexico some of the top part of the
like, you become your own creator. I could see, taking with it huge Kimberley, slicing down land on
You can move matter, all that stuff. chunks of Earth falling into the both sides, parts of the inside of
And if people get sick of that, and Pacific Ocean causing massive Cape York, Western Queensland
harmonious living, they can choose tsunamis all along the western into South Australia, down as far as
to go incarnate, it's up to them. But coastlines, down until the curve of around.
I see an end to that process, that the Earth took over. There were tsunami waves along
cycle of incarnating ends. our whole east coast of Australia. I
DMR: There is that school of could still see the top part of
thought, regarding spaceships Tasmania, but not New Zealand. I
coming down... do you hop aboard said in shock, "Look what's
or not? happening to Australia!" They said
TR: The only one who can make again, "Do not be in fear."
that decision is yourself, and it There must have been exceptions
should be a gut feeling. Your spirit as well on the European side to
will give you a gut feeling, and the cause the tsunami waves on the
test for you is to trust that, or not. east coast of America and the other
countries, but I was not shown any
Recorded at Coffs Harbour, NSW, of that.
Australia, 4 July 2018 The next thing, I'm back in my
hospital bed with their parting
words ringing in my ears.
EARTH CHANGES "You will be, like everyone else on
by Sylvia Martin Earth, at the time of these
For those interested in my happenings, where you are meant
account of Earth changes in my As this started into America, huge to be. Do not be in fear."
book, One Woman's Miracle, explosions happened and they said I can honestly say I'm not; I live
Everyone's Journey, I will explain in to me, "Yellowstone". Everything five minutes from the ocean.
detail what I witnessed when I was around was devastated. Then Always remember your body is
taken out in space by two beautiful California just ripped in two, with not you, it is the vehicle for your
beings and shown the Earth. the west coast falling in great eternal conscious, or soul. The
I viewed the Earth from some chunks into the ocean (San Andreas vehicle can die but not the real you;
distance away and could see it Fault). The East Coast of these you are eternal.
slowly revolving around on its axis countries had massive tsunami Even if these predictions do not
at a slight angle. It is truly a waves all along their shores. eventuate, this is the time to really
beautiful blue planet. I was in awe This all happened so fast I was left assess your life. Get rid of any
of what I was seeing. I said to the astounded and dismayed at it all anger, resentments and other
beings, "That's Mother Earth", and and I said, "Look what's happening negative feelings that are causing
they replied, "Yes, we wish to show to America!", as it seemed the you emotional pain, choose to let
you something". worst hit. And they said, "Do not be them go instead of hanging on to
The next thing we were closer, in fear". them as they will only end up in the
looking down on the Earth from the Next thing we were above physical, causing illness within.
North Pole. I could see all the Australia, only closer, looking down Always remember thoughts create
countries: Alaska, Canada, North from the Gulf of Carpentaria, the positive outcome, not the
America and down to parts of looking at it curving around the negative, and bring to yourself inner
Mexico, then the curve of the Earth globe. I could see most of Peace and Love, the most powerful
took over. Tasmania, also New Zealand with force in the world.





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UFOs DOWN UNDER later merged with it again. Hatcher Childress takes us on a
by Barry Watts The book delves into the strange journey from the very first bigfoot
Pegasus Education Group, 2017, disappearance of pilot Frederick reports in the 1800s from the
Box 223, McCrae, Vic, 3938, Aust Valentich over Bass Strait in 1978, wildmen of the frontiers of the USA
ISBN: 978-0994535566 (228pp) New Zealand's Kaikoura Lights, the and Canada, through the war years, Melton Police UFO fiasco, Kelly and right up to 2018.

U FO cases in Australia have

received considerable media
attention in the past, but not all
Cahill's abduction, the Westall UFOs
and much more.
UFOs Down Under is a welcome
Accounts of missing hunters and
berry pickers are included and
sixteen pages are dedicated to
information published was correct at re-examination of witness testimony, colour photos documenting the
the time, so I was pleased to note newspaper reports, and appraisal by phenomenon over the years,
the diligence of author Barry Watts experts. including the oldest bigfoot photo.
in maintaining such a high degree There are literally hundreds of
of accuracy in his research. BIGFOOT NATION: The History of cases covered in this book,
UFOs Down Under: Australasian Sasquatch in North America providing a better insight into the
Encounters covers more than thirty by David Hatcher Childress many fascinating aspects of this
reported UFO cases, mainly from Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, mystery.
Australia, but also Papua New ISBN: 978-1939149961 (346 pp)
Guinea and New Zealand.
Watts includes cases from as far
back as 1947 in which flying eggs
the size of locomotives were seen in
W hether real or imagined, that
bigfoot has made his way into
the American psyche cannot be
a South Australian "UFO flap" area. denied. He even appears in
In 1954 a group of people saw a television commercials, movies, and
"giant flying football" over on roadside billboards.
Melbourne and informed media In fact, bigfoot is everywhere, with
that "It was oval in shape, half the actors portraying him in variously
size of a railway carriage". believable performances—and it
Watts describes the Zanthus has become a popular notion in the
aircraft encounter of 1968 in which USA that bigfoot is both dangerous
two commercial pilots saw a large and horny.
white UFO emitting objects which In Bigfoot Nation, author David

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ANCIENT GIANTS: History, Myth stories of giant bones unearthed by According to the author,
and Scientific Evidence from Allied soldiers during World War II. approximately four billion years ago
Around the World He investigates historical reports Elders from ancient civilisations
by Xaviant Haze of ancient giants found in Ireland came to Earth to blend their DNA
Bear & Company, USA, and the British Isles—the remains of with primitive life forms to enhance
ISBN: 978-1591432937 (192 pp) which mysteriously disappeared and assist our evolution. shortly after their discovery. He This book is Volume 3 in the Zeta

F rom the Nephilim and Goliath in

the Bible to the Titans in Greek
mythology and the Fomorians and
explores the legends of giants in
Russia and goes deep into the Far
East, revealing the multitude of
series. In her previous books,
Human By Day, Zeta by Night, and
The Zeta Message, Judy introduced
Frost Giants in Celtic and Nordic fascinating giant legends in China. her connections to the Zeta Greys.
lore, almost every culture around Haze includes how the early Here she explains that she is a
the world has spoken of an ancient settlers of Australia discovered the "blended soul, whose conscious
race of giants. Giant footprints left remains of giants but these findings awareness spans two planetary
in the geological bedrock, tens of were suppressed by the Royal connections—Earth human and Zeta
thousands of years old, have been Academies. He also explores the Grey". Her mission—along with
discovered in India, China, and the mythic origins of the giants: Were other blended souls now incarnated
war-torn lands of Syria. Giant bones they the hybrid results from genetic as Earth humans—is to be an inter-
and full skeletons have been found experiments of ancient aliens or planetary ambassador, introducing
in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, from the interbreeding of the fallen deeper understandings of the past,
Australia, and Asia. Yet despite angels with the daughters of man? as well as providing guidance on
mounting evidence, mainstream how to heal our future.
science continues to consign these EXTRATERRESTRIAL PRESENCE
findings to the fringe. ON EARTH: Lessons in History
Examining global myths, historical by Judy Carroll
records, megalithic ruins, and Wild Flower Press, USA, 2018
archaeological findings, Xaviant ISBN: 978-1893183650 (262 pp)
Haze provides compelling evidence
for a lost race of giants in Earth's
prehistory. He explores myths that
go back thousands of years,
J udy Carroll's Extraterrestrial
Presence on Earth offers a unique
perspective on the hidden history of
including those found in the world's Earth, with claims Earth was
holiest scriptures, as well as hijacked during the time of Atlantis
medieval and modern myths, such by an older reptoid/human faction
as Geoffrey of Monmouth's account that she refers to as the "Repterran
of the first kings of Britain and the Controllers".


THE ORIGIN OF EVERYTHING: Science can tell us what happens
Uniting Science and Philosophy in our physical world. Philosophy
by David Rowland can tell us why. Unfortunately, these
Self Published, 2018 two disciplines which began
ISBN: 978-1980889533 (165 pp) together have grown apart. To re- unite them may be challenging to
old belief patterns."


THAT SING: Transform Your Life
with the Spirit of Plants
by Fay Johnstone
Findhorn Press, UK, 2018
ISBN: 978-1844097517 (164 pp)

T his is a book that shows how to

confidently meet, explore, and
build relationships with key plant
allies to enjoy a more balanced
connection with ourselves and our

H ow was the universe created?

How were inert chemicals
transformed into living things? How
Sharing her passion for the plant
world, author Fay Johnstone
did some of these living beings provides a practical guide to
acquire consciousness? How does rekindling our connection with
"nothing" somehow "explode" and nature, opening up to plant
create "something"? consciousness as a way to enrich
Science's answers to these our path and weave the
questions are incomplete and enchantment of nature back into
misleading to say the least. our own life.
Physics cannot answer the Fay includes more than 40
question as to why there is physics. practical exercises and meditations
Chemistry cannot create biology. to guide us on a heart-centred
Biology cannot create journey of transformation and
consciousness. commune with the environment,
Science has mistaken the seasons, the cycles of the
consciousness for an effect, when in moon, and the Earth Heart.
truth it is a cause. Consciousness is Addressing plants as conscious
the fundamental principle of beings we meet their spirit, while at
existence. We live in a the same time aligning with our
consciousness-based reality. own true nature and sense of
Consciousness is at the root of purpose as a creature of this Earth.
existence, gravity, light, quantum The book also introduces the
mechanics, life, DNA, and evolution. shamanic practice of plant spirit
Author David Rowland is a healing, emphasising that ceremony
member of the Royal Astronomical begins at home with our local
Society of Canada, and is obviously plants, rather than with the famous
a philosopher in the original sense plant healers of the Amazon.
of the word (a lover of wisdom). Guided meditations and shamanic
In his own words: "Everything journeys enable a deeper exploration
which exists is real, but not and interaction with the spirit of
everything that is real is physical. plants for healing and support.
Science is limited to studying the The author offers practical advice
structure and behaviour of physical on how to initiate a conversation
reality. Whatever is real that science with plants and meet a plant ally
cannot explain, therefore, must be with wisdom teachings specific to
nonphysical. the individual and one's path.


ALTERNATIVE AND ranging I've ever seen.
INTEGRATIVE ONCOLOGY: This is a book I'll be using on a
The Reference Guide to regular basis, and hoping to see its
Evidence-Based Cancer contents online in future, so it can

The disc is based on the ideas of Nikola Tesla.

Therapies be updated as new research comes
by Greg Fredericks to hand.
Nu-Look Biologics, Australia, 2017
ISBN: 978-0648152002 (300 pp) LUMINOUS LIFE: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living
by Jacob Israel Liberman, PhD
New World Library, USA, 2018
ISBN: 978-1608685172 (232 pp)

For companies
T he most important things in life
are our health and happiness.
Yet most of us are neither healthy
and businesses we nor happy. We have been led to
offer wholesale believe that if we think ahead and
prices for bulk
orders - please make the right choices, we can
contact manifest our dreams. Yet despite our best efforts, we still have more
It is an accessory for natural pain relief, self-healing disease and discontent than ever
and rejuvenation. It also serves for the opening and
cleaning of our chakras. Once in a lifetime purchase
for the entire family, including your pets.
T his is a very comprehensive
reference guide, and is the
outcome of a five-year research
before. Is it possible that our
essential ideas about life are flawed?
We are all aware of the impact of
Detailed instructions attached
project from Greg Fredericks, an sunlight on a plant's growth and independent naturopath not funded development. But few of us realise
or influenced by corporate or that a plant actually "sees" where
special-interest groups. light is emanating from and
Alternative and Integrative positions itself to be in optimal
Oncology does not rate or alignment with it. This
recommend any particular phenomenon, however, is not just
treatment over another for any form occurring in the plant kingdom—
of cancer. Its purpose is to briefly humans are also fundamentally
describe various treatments and the directed by light.
research that accompanies them, in An internationally-respected
order to improve outcomes. author and public speaker, Dr
The treatment section has more Liberman originally trained as an
than 300 descriptions listed
optometrist and vision scientist. His
alphabetically. Additional sections
life changed in 1976 after the
include a glossary; cancer types;
miraculous healing of his eyesight,
cancer cell line reference index;
human cancer cell types and pro- leading him to a deeper
apoptotic agents; botanical plant understanding of light and the
sources and cytotoxic constituents; science of life. He is the author of
complementary homoeopathic Light: Medicine of the Future, Take
remedies; notable people in cancer Off Your Glasses and See, and
research; and quotes of interest. Wisdom From an Empty Mind.
It was very heartening to see a In Luminous Life, Dr Jacob Israel
section on the "cancer personality" Liberman integrates scientific
and the mind–body connection, research, clinical practice, and
and a section on which food direct experience to demonstrate
sources contain carcinogenic how the luminous intelligence we
properties or substances. call light effortlessly guides us
Everything is referenced, and the toward health, contentment, and a
treatment section is the most wide- life filled with purpose.



UNDERSTANDING SACRED patterns of space and time to reveal

GEOMETRY AND THE FLOWER the secrets of the material and
OF LIFE spiritual worlds". The artwork is very
by Narada Dan Vantari impressive, providing the necessary
Self Published, Australia, 2018
ISBN: 978-0995428119 (85pp)
visual material in this study.
Geopolitics THE DARK MESSIAH: Magick,
Gnosis and Religion
by Brian J. Allan
White Crow Books, UK, 2018
Health & Healing
ISBN: 978-1786770578 (222 pp)
O n magick, gnosis and religion,
Allan quotes Sir James Fraser's
book The Golden Bough: "magick
is the bastard sister of science". The
magick he explores in The Dark
Climate & Ecology
Messiah is that of ancient practices

T he idea of sacred geometry has

always intrigued me, but I have
relating more to shamanism and not
the parlour tricks of someone who
pulls rabbits out of hats.
Science Futures
never explored the subject until Not one to mince words, Allan
now. Vantari's intention is to go
beyond the colourful patterns and
shows how much the monotheistic
religions rely on the kind of
Food & Cooking
geometric formations to look at ceremony directly drawn from
scientific, logical and mystical
shamans and other pagan practices
and rituals. He poses the question, Human Rights
The most recognised design is did religion legitimise magick, or
the Flower of Life, a simple pattern was it the other way round? Allan
of overlapping circles, used for
many years by diverse cultures in
delves deeply into revelations
about sorcerer priests, starting with
Europe, Asia and North Africa. The early Christian days when priests
many variations of the Flower of Life and sorcerers were regarded as
can be traced back to Mycenae in being one and the same. Despite Ancient Mysteries
2000 BCE, inspiring Vantari to the Church doctrines many priests
investigate the insights hidden in have been drawn to the dark side
these beautiful shapes. over the years. Home/Family/Pets
The study of quantum physics Allan's investigations cover a
maintains that there are at least ten broad field as he looks at links

different dimensions, and the between Magick and areas such as
author looks to sacred geometry to healing, the Bible, the Inquisition,
explain the "what" and "where" of Church ritual, numbers, the Big
these dimensions. Bang and even quantum physics.
With the development of artificial
intelligence coming more and more
Such practices as exorcism, still
used by priests today, are really Consciousness
into focus, an informative section nothing more than a form of magic.
looks at the link between sacred He states that the origins of modern
geometry and AI. However it seems pharmacology, metallurgy and
that the author becomes distracted chemistry have their roots in
by the evolution of AI rather than its witchcraft, shamanism and alchemy.
potential link to the subject at hand. His research takes him in many
Vantari defines sacred geometry directions in a book that is very
as "the study of the primary compelling.


METAMORPHOSIS Phoenix, Arizona, swimming pools remote island so we glean a keen
Written and Directed by Nova are re-purposed into self-sustaining understanding of how our material
Ami and Velcrow Ripper lush gardens. lives impact with the natural world.
A Clique Pictures, Transparent Film, Humanity is being transformed in The film began in 2008, as a
National Film Board of Canada new ways by the environmental collaboration with activist/
2018, (85 mins) crises we have created. Artists, photographer Manuel Maqueda. scientists, thinkers, and young The newly-emerging issue of

N ova Ami and Velcrow Ripper's

new film Metamorphosis: A
Poem for the Planet, deals with the
children who are creative bring forth
systemic solutions for our
communities and for the Earth.
ocean plastic pollution took them to
Midway Island, a tiny atoll in the
North Pacific Ocean. On the first
loss of this world, and the birth of a trip to Midway in September 2009,
new one. Metamorphosis captures the team photographed and filmed
the huge scale of our planet's thousands of dead young
environmental crises. Wild fires albatrosses, their stomachs filled
engulf communities, species with plastic. This devastating
disappear, and entire ecosystems experience reflected back to all the
fail. Economic growth is tied to the destructive power of our mass
increased pace of resource consumption culture, and our
extraction, creating a machine with damaged relationship with the living
the capacity to destroy all life. world.
An interesting technique On the second trip, the project's
employed in this film is a narrative focus began to evolve, seeing the
system of voice-overs relating live albatrosses singing and dancing
personal stories whilst the visual by the thousands all over the island.
images illustrate the problems. They returned to Midway eight
This film carves a path from ALBATROSS times over four years to capture the
present to the future with bold new Directed by Chris Jordan birds' grace.
visions. In Milan, architects design Produced by Victoria Sloan Jordan Albatross is offered as a free
vertical forests, urban towers The Midway Project 2018 (97 mins) public artwork and is available for
covered with trees and bushes that individuals everywhere to host a
reduce CO2, produce oxygen, and
give new life to the city. And in A lbatross is not a normal nature
documentary, but takes us to a
free screening for families, friends,
communities and organisations.


NORDIC RAGA Mad Professor has created 12 steel-
by Jyotsna Srikanth, Mats Edén, drum-inspired reggae tracks. There
Dan Svensson & Pär Moberg is a wonderful cover of Bob
Riverboat Music, UK, 2018 Marley's "Sun Is Shining" and a
(40 mins) joyful cover dedication reads: "This album is livicated to the Gambia— land of the smiling coast!".
By Mary Ann Kennedy
ARC Music International, UK, 2017
(48 mins)

M ary Ann Kennedy is a presenter

on BBC Radio3's World on the
3. Music is her life and this is Mary
Ann's first-ever solo album,
subtitled Gaelic Songs for a Modern
World. An Dàn translates to "the
poem" and Kennedy has composed
T his unusual album combines the
rhythms of Nordic folk with
traditional South Indian Carnatic
the album with contributions from
some of Scotland's great Gaelic
poets and lyricists. An enchanting
music. Musicians from both rich
album of songs of love and loss;
traditions sympathetically bring a
nature and spiritual nurture; and war HUMAN RIGHTS
creative congregation of their two
styles. The quartet has Swedish and peace refracted through the
members Svensson on percussion prism of her Gaelic language. The
and vocals, Moberg on saxophones, closing song is titled Grioglachan
flute and didge, with Mats Edén (Constellation) and truly stands out
playing viola from the Swedish as a classic piece.
Värmland tradition. Jyotsna
Srikanth, master of Indian Carnatic THE KEY OF CALM
violin adds improvisational qualities by Ian Cameron Smith
of South Indian classical music. The Ian Cameron Smith Music Aust,
track "Folk Dreams" combines the 2018 (40 mins)
Indian rhythmic percussive
language Konnakol with Nordic One of the 12 Categories,
music. A groundbreaking album.
A ustralian composer, Ian
Cameron Smith has released his
72 Sub-Categories and
hundreds of Topics
AFRICAN PANORAMA DUB ninth album and it is another
available to read with
by Panafricanist masterpiece of his soothing
Ariwa Sounds Studios, UK, 2017 grooves. The featured video for the
(46 mins) album Summit to Sea follows the at journey of Australia's mountain via app or web browser. waterways to the coast. Ian is a fine

L isten to the quintessential sounds

of the Panafrican steel band with
the regular rhythmic jolty dancing
composer of beautifully crafted
instrumental music and The Key Of
Calm is yet another of his elegant
tunes of reggae-style dub music. classical and acoustic guitar
Patrick Augustus is the offerings. A totally calming journey
Panafricanist, and with producer with Ian's superb guitar skills.


DVDs • Boxed Set • Stream • Download

Secret History of
Australia Conference
Bill Gammage
Falsified History I — Landscape Management
Author of The Biggest Estate on Earth, Bill Gammage reveals a stunning fact: for over
40,000 years the Aboriginal people of this country had been carefully shaping the land
to create a productive and beautiful landscape which the early white settlers most often
described as resembling an “English parkland”.

Steven and Evan Strong

Skulls that Rewrite History
A growing number of ancient mystery hominin skulls have been found in Victoria. In one
case the skulls were reburied, thus denying any further research. Two years ago, several
similar skulls were found in another location in Victoria, and are being examined by a
team of researchers, who believe the skulls have the potential to rewrite human history.

Stella Wheildon (with Allan Euston Williams)

Starlore, ETs and Origins
Starlore of the Origine (original) people is part of the creation lore (Bootheram). Before
patriarchal culture, the southern continent held its ancestral matristic lore since the
Alcheringa (the beginning of the Dreamtime) which was several million years and
several ice ages ago.

Lionel Lauch and Duncan Roads

Mysterious Creatures and more
For two hundred years, white people have reported encounters with yowies, giant lizards
and snakes, “little people”, mountain lions and panthers; and places where people
disappear. Now hear the original version.

Order via (& links to stream)

DVDs $29 in Aus $26.36 + postage outside Aust.
Boxed set $220 Aust. or $200 + postage outside Australia


DVDs • Boxed Set • Stream • Download

Secret History of
Australia Conference
Steven and Evan Strong
Slater and the Standing Stones
Often referred to as the “Aboriginal Stonehenge”, this standing stone formation in
northeastern NSW was examined extensively by archaeologists in the early 20th century,
only to be covered up and partly demolished in attempts to deflect growing attention.
Fresh attempts to have the stone formation recognised, or at least examined properly, are
being hindered by government intervention.

Bruce Pascoe
Falsified History II — Agricultural practices
Using early explorers' journals and other evidence, Bruce Pascoe — author of Dark Emu
— shows precolonial Aboriginal people were not hunter-gatherers, but had a democracy
that ensured peace across a continent which was complete with housing, extensively
farmed, skilfully managed and deeply loved.

Duncan Roads and Trent Lynwood Interview

Aboriginal Prophecy and the End of Days
The End of Days is a prophecy that has been long awaited by the Origine people. It is the
end of the darkness and a "return" of the spirit of the Dreaming. This epoch-long prophecy
is being spoken of now, because it is expected to happen soon...

Duncan Roads
Challenging Out of Africa
Why we need a rewrite of history: LIDAR reveals vast ancient cities under the jungles of
Cambodia and Guatemala; artefacts, bones and art challenge "Out of Africa" pushing
occupation back from 65,000–100,000 years ago; Kumari Kandam, a semi-mythical
sunken landmass that joined Madagascar, India and parts of northwestern Australia.

Phone orders 07 5442 9280

In Australia, cheques/money orders payable to NEXUS
Magazine, PO Box 307, Maleny QLD 4552


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The Real Causes of Heart Disease Continued from page 22
randomized, double-blind trial", Circulation,113(3):427– of heart rate variability in elderly subjects", J Am Coll
437. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.568147, Cardiol., 37(5):1395–1402, 2001.
2006. 21. Mäkikallio TH, Høiber S, Køber L, et al., "Fractal
15. Saremi A, Bahn G, Reaven PD, et al., "Progression analysis of heart rate dynamics as a predictor of
of vascular calcification is increased with statin use in mortality in patients with depressed left ventricular
the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT)", Diabetes function after acute myocardial infarction", Am J
Care, 35(11):2390–2392. doi:10.2337/dc12-0464, 2012. Cardiol, 83(6):836–839, 1999.
16. Mikus CR, Boyle LJ, Borengasser SJ, et al., 22. Huikuri HV, Mäkikallio TH, Chung-Kang P, et al.,
"Simvastatin impairs exercise training adaptations", J "Fractal correlation properties of R-R interval dynamics
Am Coll Cardiol., 62(8):709–714, 2013. and mortality in patients with depressed left ventricular
17. Stress. Information from BHF website. Accessed 5
function after an acute myocardial infarction",
June 2018.
Circulation, 101(1):47–53, 2000.
23. Kop WJ, Verdino RJ, Gottdiener JS, O'Leary ST,
18. Dekker JM, Schouten EG, Klootwijk P, Pool J,
Swenne CA, Kromhout D, "Heart rate variability from Bairey Merz CN, Krantz DS, "Changes in heart rate and
short electrocardiographic recordings predicts mortality heart rate variability before ambulatory ischemic
from all causes in middle-aged and elderly men: the events", J Am Coll Cardiol, 38(3):742–749, 2001.
Zutphen study" Am J Epidemiol, 145(10):899–908, 24. Schneider RH, Grim CE, Rainforth MV, et al, "Stress
1997. reduction in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular
19. Huikuri HV, Mäkikallio TH, Airaksinen KE, et al., disease: randomized, controlled trial of transcendental
"Power-law relationship of heart rate variability as a meditation and health education in blacks", Circ
predictor of mortality in the elderly", Circulation, Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 2012;5(6):750–758.
1998;97(20):2031–2036, 1998. doi:10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.112.967406.
20. Mäkikallio TH, Huikuri HV, Mäkikallio A, et al., 25. Smith J, Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol
"Prediction of sudden cardiac death by fractal analysis Cover-Up (DVD), 2012.

The Extraterrestrial Gods Continued from page 46

stated the Antarctic origin of mankind in his books: Spanish from Einführung in die Welteislehre: Die Rätsel
El Secreto de la América Aborigen ("The Secret of des Sonnenreiches, nach Ingenieur Hörbiger
Aboriginal America") (I. Noticias y comentarios ("Introduction to the Global Ice Doctrine: The Enigmas
arqueológicos ["News and archaeological comments"], of the Solar Kingdom according to engineer Hörbiger"),
1919; II. Extractos de Actas de la Sociedad Científica Hachmeister & Thal, Leipzig, 1924
["Abstracts of Acts of the Scientific Society"], 1920; III. 12. In relation to the last world catastrophe see:
Los Chiles ["The Chiles"], 1920; IV. Extractos de Actas Firestone, R.B. et al., "Evidence for an extraterrestrial
de la Sociedad Científica, 1921); Arte gráfico y poético impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the
de los primitivos y los chiles ("Graphic and poetic art of megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas
the primitives and the Chiles"), 1920; and El papel del cooling", PNAS 2007 Oct 9; 104(41);
territorio de Chile en la evolución de la humanidad Israde-Alcántara, I. et al., "Evidence from central
prehistórica ("The role of the territory of Chile in the Mexico supporting the Younger Dryas extraterrestrial
evolution of prehistoric humanity"); all published by impact hypothesis", PNAS 2012 Mar 27; 109(13);
Imprenta Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 1935. Bunch, T.E. et al., "Very high-temperature impact melt
Regarding the North Pole as the cradle of mankind, see products as evidence for cosmic airbursts and impacts
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, The Arctic Home in the 12,900 years ago", PNAS 2012 Jul 10; 109(28)
Vedas: Being Also a New Key to the Interpretation of 13. Binette, Peggy, "Discovery of widespread platinum
Many Vedic Texts and Legends, Tilak, Poona City, 1903. may help solve Clovis people mystery", ScienceDaily,
11. Valier, Max, Los Enigmas del Reino Solar: 9 March 2017,
Solucionados según la teoría de la Cosmogonía Glacial 14. "Elongated" is in quotation marks as it is assumed
sostenida por el ingeniero Hanns Hörbiger ("The that these skulls were artificially modified, not natural.
Enigmas of the Solar Kingdom: Solved according to 15. Hörbiger, Hanns and Philipp Fauth, Glazial-
the theory of Glacial Cosmogony held by engineer Kosmogonie ("Glacial Cosmogony"), R. Voigtländer,
Hanns Hörbiger"), Druck, Denter & Nicolai, Madrid, Kayserlauten, 1913
Berlin, Buenos Aires, 1924, p. 42, translated into


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