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Anatomy and Histology of the Lung

Chapter · June 2009

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-68792-6_2


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Carol F Farver
Cleveland Clinic


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Anatomy and Histology of the Lung
Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., and Carol F. Farver

The lung is uniquely designed to accomplish its major quantitative expression of lung anatomy and its mor-
functions of movement of air and the delivery of oxygen phometric evaluation are discussed by Weibel and
to and removal of carbon dioxide from the circul- Taylor. 5
ation. Pulmonary anatomic compartments are tightly
integrated for this purpose, while redundancy of struc-
tures and provisions for collateral ventilation and blood External Features
flow enable the lung to rapidly adjust to physiologic
demands and meet the challenges imposed by disease. The right and left lungs, invested in the visceral pleura,
The intricate net-like connective tissue skeleton of the reside in their respective hemithoracic cavities, separated
lung, with its intrinsic elasticity, enables the lung to func- by the heart and mediastinal structures and bordered
tion as a cohesive unit. Protected by the rigid thoracic inferiorly by the diaphragm. Because the size of the lung
cage and sealed in a bellows-like chamber, the lung is dependent on its volume, lung weight is the usual mea-
responds to cyclical volume and pressure fluctuations surement provided in anatomic descriptions. The normal
coordinated with contractions of the diaphragm and tho- weight range of each lung in an adult is roughly 300
racic muscles of respiration on the order of 16 breaths to 450 g.6 Increased lung weight is an indication of conges-
per minute. tion, edema, or inflammatory exudates. Lung volume,
Espousing the precept that an understanding of normal measured in the inflated state by water displacement,
anatomy is essential for the recognition and appreciation ranges from 3.5 to 8.5 L for both lungs. 6,7 The right lung is
of abnormal structure, this chapter on practical lung slightly larger than the left by a volume ratio of 53% to
anatomy and histology provides the reader with a base- 47%.6 Due to their elastic nature, the lungs shrink to
line for the evaluation of macroscopic, histologic, and approximately one-third their size when the thoracic cavity
ultrastructural changes imparted by disease. A working is opened. s
conception of regional lung anatomy at the gross and The lung is covered by a smooth glistening visceral
microscopic level is also essential for the accurate local- pleura. The pleural membrane is translucent, but as it rests
ization of lesions. For this purpose, fixation of the lung in on the lung, the visceral pleural surface appears pink. With
the inflated state is optimal (see Chapter 1). Knowledge increasing age, the pleura invariably accumulates black
of normal lung structure is also crucial for understanding pigment, the amount of which is a reflection of the degree
radiologic appearances and in making radiographic cor- of exposure to environmental particulates. Pigment tends
relations, which have become an important adjunct in the to deposit in a reticular fashion along the pleurallymphat-
assessment of lung biopsy samples. 1,2 ics and is usually accentuated in the upper lobe. Interest-
Perhaps more than any other organ, the lung lends ing patterns of pigmentation include linear deposition at
itself to anatomic and physiologic correlations. With the the angles of the lobes, or accentuation along the rib
normal anatomy as a starting point, the pulmonary indentations (Fig. 2.1). Nodular accumulation of pigment
pathologist is in an ideal position to develop an apprecia- is associated with subpleural lymphoid aggregates. Gray
tion of the way in which abnormal structure is reflected thickening indicates pleural fibrosis that is frequently seen
in deviant function. Excellent texts that correlate anatomy at the lung apex as the "apical fibrous cap" (see Fig. 30.10
with respiratory physiology and pulmonary function tests in Chapter 30).9 The visceral pleura wraps around the lung
are those by Bates and colleagues 3 and Fishman and and is reflected from the mediastinal pleura at the hilum
colleagues. 4 Special morphologic techniques used in and pulmonary ligament. Prominent pleural indentations
the study of the lung are presented in Chapter 1. The include, on the right, grooves for the esophagus and supe-

2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 21

FIGURE 2.1. A. Lateral external view

of right lung. The horizontal fissure is
incomplete anteriorly. Black pigment
is accentuated in the upper lobe,
following the indentations of the
ribs. B. Pigment outlines the pleural
lymphatics, which demarcate the
boundaries of secondary lobules. A
pigmented nodule is seen in the lower
lobe (arrowhead). Note also the linear
deposit of pigment (arrow) along the
inferior angle of the middle lobe.

rior vena cava, and a cardiac impression. On the left side anomaly occurring in up to 50% of specimens. 1.I 3 Common
the cardiac impression is more pronounced and there is accessory fissures include the inferior accessory fissure
an indentation (the cardiac notch) in the area of the of the right lower lobe, which isolates the medial
lingula. A prominent crook-shaped aortic groove is located basal segment as the retrocardiac lobe (Fig. 2.2), and an
superiorly and posteriorly to the left hilum. lO accessory fissure separating the superior segment ("dorsal
lobe") from the lower lobe basal segments, also said to
be more common on the right. 1,13 From a practical stand-
point, deviations in fissure formation are of greatest
Lobes and Fissures
The right lung is divided into three lobes-upper, middle,
and lower-that are demarcated from one another by a
diagonal (major) fissure that separates the lower from the
upper and middle lobes, and a horizontal (minor) fissure
that separates the middle from the upper lobe (Fig. 2.1).11
The left lung is composed of an upper and lower lobe sepa-
rated by a single diagonal fissure. The lingula (L. tongue),
which represents the anterior-inferior division of the left
upper lobe, overrides the left cardiac ventricle, and is the
counterpart of the right middle lobe. Although readily
accessible by a mini-thoracotomy, routine biopsy of the
lingula for diffuse pulmonary disease has been discouraged
because the lingula, like the right middle lobe, frequently
has old pathologic or nonspecific changes not necessarily
related to the current disease process (see Chapter l)Y
Deviations in fissure anatomy and distribution, includ-
ing accessory and partial fissures, are common. l3 Usually
the anterior aspect of the horizontal fissure is incomplete,
potentially allowing for collateral ventilation between the
right upper and middle lobes (Fig. 2.1). Occasionally a
horizontal fissure separates the lingula from the rest of
the left upper lobe forming a trilobed left lung (pseudo-
right lung). Conversely, absence of the horizontal fissure
produces a bilobate right lung. Any segment of the lung FIGURE 2.2. Accessory fissure (AF) separating medial basal
may be partially or completely segregated by an acces- (MB) segment from the other basal segments of the right lung.
sory (supernumerary) fissure, a relatively frequent LB, lateral basal segment.
22 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

FIGURE 2.3. Azygos lobe. A. Azygos fissure (arrow) in the segregated azygos lobe (arrow) superior to the main bronchus.
medial aspect of the right upper lobe visualized in a posteroan- The posterior aspect of the specimen is to the right.
terior (PA) chest x-ray. B. Medial view of right lung showing

importance to the radiologist, and to the surgeon when listed in Table 2.1, and the usual segmental distribution
planning a lung resection. of each lung is shown schematically in Figure 2.4. The
A particularly interesting anomalous fissure, the azygos terminology of the bronchopulmonary segments is that
fissure, is a vertically oriented cleft dividing the apical originally proposed by Jackson and Huber. 17 Compared
segment of the right upper lobe, seen in approximately to the right lung, the apical and posterior segments of the
1% of anatomic specimens and 0.4% of chest radio- left upper lobe and the anterior and medial basal seg-
graphs. 14 .15 It is thought to be produced by the downward ments of the left lower lobe are often each supplied by a
invagination of the azygos vein with its pleural invest- single bronchus, and are referred to as the apicoposterior
ment, thus forming a mesoazygous. 16 The segregated and anteromedial basal segments, respectively. The lingula
portion of lung is termed the azygos lobe (Fig. 2.3). The is composed of a superior and inferior segment as com-
azygos fissure presents radiographically as an oblique line
across the apical portion of the right upper lobe, termi-
nating in a teardrop shadow that represents the azygos TABLE 2.1. Lobes and segments of the lung
vein seen on end (Fig. 2.3A).1.15 The bronchial and arterial Right lung Left lung
supply of the azygos lobe arise from the apical or poste- Lobe Segment Lobe Segment
rior segments of the right upper lobe. 16
Upper Apical (1)* Upper Apical' (1)
Posterior (2) Posterior' (2)
Anterior (3) Anterior (3)
Bronchopulmonary Segments Middle Lateral (4) Lingular Superior (4)
Medial (5) Inferior (5)
Lower Superior (6) Lower Superior (6)
For localization of lesions it is important to understand
Medial basal (7) Medial basal' (7)
the anatomy of the bronchopulmonary segments. A Anterior basal (8) Anterior basal' (8)
segment refers to that portion of lung supplied by a seg- Lateral basal (9) Lateral basal (9)
mental bronchus (see below). 17 Except in situations of Posterior basal (10) Posterior basal (10)
aberrant fissures, bronchopulmonary segments do not
'The two segments are frequently fused and considered as a single
have defined anatomic boundaries, and a pathologist segment.
must estimate the localization of a segment based on the *Numbers in parentheses refer to the numbering of segments in
supplying airway. The bronchopulmonary segments are Fig. 2.4.
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 23

level of the middle lobe bronchial origin. The lower lobe

bronchus then proceeds toward the more distal bifurca-
tions of the four basal segmental bronchi (Fig. 2.4). The
left main bronchus divides into upper and lower lobar
branches. The left upper lobe bronchus branches into a
superior division, which gives rise to apicoposterior and
anterior segmental branches, and the inferior (lingular)
division. 17 The lower lobe bronchus divides into the supe-
rior segmental bronchus (as on the right) and continues
to the four basal segmental divisions. 6.'7
The bronchi accompany the pulmonary arteries as
bronchovascular bundles surrounded by a connective
tissue sheath. With each division the caliber of the airways
narrows. The number of airway divisions varies among
lobes. The axial pathway (from the main bronchus to the
terminal bronchiole) may contain as many as 25 divisions
or as few as five airway generations (along shorter path-
ways).6 Normally bronchi are not macroscopically visible
within 2cm of the visceral pleura.

FIGURE 2.4. Schematic of the segmental anatomy of the lungs

(see Table 2.1 for orientation and a key to the numbering). Connective Tissue, Cartilage, and
The right lower lobe superior segment (6) and the left upper Smooth Muscle
lobe posterior segment (2) are not visualized from this anterior
view. Connective tissue and smooth muscle provide the basic
structure of the conducting airways. There are 16 to 20
tracheal cartilage rings, each of which is a C-ring that
pared to the medial and lateral segments of the right encircles approximately two thirds of the circumference
middle lobe. of the trachea, leaving an opening on the posterior surface
that allows for expansion of food boluses traveling within
the adjacent esophagus. The rings are composed of hyaline
Bronchi cartilage that may calcify and ossify with age. The most
proximal and distal cartilage rings of the trachea differ
Branching Pattern from the others. The first ring is bifurcated and attached

Just below the level of the aortic arch, the tracheal carina
marks the bifurcation of the right and left main bronchi.
The left main bronchus angles 40 to 60 degrees off the
original course of the trachea and extends longer than the
right main bronchus as it circumvents the left side of the
heart. The right main bronchus deviates only 20 to 30
degrees off the course of the trachea, following a nearly
straight path into the right lower lobe bronchus. The
straighter course of the right main bronchus predisposes
to aspiration in the upright position (see Chapter 5)Y
The rigidity of the extrapulmonary bronchi is maintained
by cartilaginous C-rings.
In the right hilum the main bronchus (Figs. 2.4 and 2.5)
divides into the right upper lobe bronchus and a short
segment, the bronchus intermedius, which then divides
into the middle and lower lobe bronchi. The upper lobar
bronchus divides into the three segmental bronchi. The
middle lobe bronchus divides into the medial and lateral FIGURE 2.5. Hilar structures. Hilum of right lung showing rela-
segmental bronchi. The right lower lobe bronchus is quite tionship of main bronchus (B), pulmonary artery (PA) and vein
short due to the abrupt takeoff of the posteriorly directed (PV), hilar lymph node (N), and inferior pulmonary ligament
lower lobe superior segmental bronchus at about the (L). The anterior aspect of the specimen is to the left.
24 J.F. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

FIGURE 2.6. A. Longitudinally oriented elastic fibers create striations in the intrapulmonary bronchial mucosa. Note adjacent
pulmonary arterial branches (bronchovascular bundles). B. Microscopic detail of submucosal elastic bundle in large bronchus.

to the cricoid cartilage of the larynx. The last tracheal Bronchial Glands
cartilage is wider than the others with a triangular-shaped
lower border with two semi-ring-shaped areas that give Mucoserous glands are present in the submucosa of
rise to the cartilages of the two major bronchi. 18 In the trachea and bronchi. These submucosal glands con-
between each cartilaginous ring and on the posterior tain both mucous cells and serous cells, both of which
surface of the trachea and main bronchi, is a fibrous mem- contribute to the secretions of the mucous bilayer cover-
brane composed of collagen and elastic fibers, the latter ing the bronchial epithelium (Figs. 2.7 and 2.8). These
of which provide for some recoil from stretching during mucinous secretions contain bacteriostatic lysozymes
breathing. and lactoferrins, antibodies (immunoglobulin A, IgA)
Beginning in the main bronchi just proximal to the from the surrounding plasma cells, and some antiprote-
lobar bronchi, the bronchial cartilage is organized cir- ases. In older individuals glandular cells may be largely
cumferentially into haphazard irregular plates that replaced by oxyphil cells (oxyphil metaplasia) (Fig. 2.8B).
decrease in size and areal density as the bronchi extend Approximately one opening of the duct of the bronchial
into the lung (Fig. 2.4; also see Fig. 1.12 in Chapter 1). gland can be found in a I-mm-square area in large
With the rapid decrease in the cartilage mass, the circular human bronchi. Ciliated cells usually extend into the
smooth muscle bundles become the most prominent duct for a short distance (Fig. 2.8e). The bronchial duct
mural components in medium-sized bronchi, and it is divides into one or more generations, depending on
here that bronchoconstriction is most efficient. A few the size of the gland, before reaching the glandular acinus.
fibers of longitudinal smooth muscle may be present, Myoepithelial cells line the secretory parts of the glands
external to the circular smooth muscle. More peripher- and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system
ally, smooth muscle decreases in amount and becomes (Fig.2.8D).
scarce in the terminal bronchiole. In chronic obstructive The volume of the bronchial glands is estimated by
lung disease, smooth muscle proliferates centrifugally the gland-to-wall ratio (Reid index) or point-counting
and can be found prominently even around the orifice of methods on random light microscopic sections of a major
the alveolar duct. Elastic fibers run longitudinally in the bronchus. The Reid index is calculated by measuring the
larger bronchi (Fig. 2.6) and become helical toward the thickness of the bronchial gland divided by the distance
peripheral airways, like coiled metal springs, and then between the basal lamina of the bronchial mucosa and
continue into the alveolar wall forming integrated fine the nearest perichondrium (Fig. 2.7B). For this determi-
networks. The outer limits of the extrapulmonary con- nation, a well-oriented bronchial cross section of a main-
ducting airways are poorly defined. Alveolar walls form stem bronchus is necessary, and an average of several
the outer limit of the intrapulmonary bronchi, bronchi- measurements is optimal. For a practical estimation of
oles, and pulmonary arteries. the mucous gland mass, an "eyeball" estimate may suffice.
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 25

FIGURE 2.7. Bronchial wall. A. Low magnification of the bronchial wall for orientation. 8. The Reid index is calculated as the
percentage of line A divided by line B (see text). (Elastic van Gieson [EVG].)

FIGURE 2.8. Seromucinous glands. A. Seromucinous gland. duct. D. Actin filaments ensheath the mucous gland. (Immuno-
8. Oxyphil metaplasia involving a portion of the glandular histochemical stain for muscle-specific actin.)
lobule (arrow). C. High magnification of a ciliated intercalated
26 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

In patients without chronic bronchitis the Reid index is surface (Fig. 2.10). The ciliated cell in the large bronc~us
usually ~0.4.!9.20 is up to 20/-lm in length and 10 /-lm in width, and cont~ms
about 200 cilia of 3 to 6/-lm in length on the lummal
surface. The nucleus is basal, and the cytoplasm is rich in
Mucosa mitochondria, which accumulate apically to supply energy
for cilia (Fig. 2.11). The size of the cell and the length of
The tracheal and bronchial mucosa is continuous with the
the cilia decrease as the diameter of the bronchus
larynx and consists of a pseudostratified ciliated ~olum­
nar epithelium interspersed with goblet cells that SIt on a
A cilium has an intracytoplasmic basal body that is
basement membrane. The bronchial basement membrane
enmeshed and stabilized in place by a fibrillary network
is a thin layer of extracellular matrix that provides supp~rt
immediately beneath the cell membrane. From the basal
for the epithelium. By light microscopy the bronchial
body a long striated root extends and anchors deep in~o
basement membrane measures approximately 7 in
the cytoplasm, and a basal foot aligns itself sideward m
thickness?! The major molecular constituents are colla-
the direction of the effective stroke of the cilium. At the
gen IV, fibronectin, laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes,
neck, or the portion where the cilium emerges from the
and proteoglycans.z 1- 23 What appears as a homogeneo~s
cell, the cell membrane forms a rosary-like modification
basement membrane by light microscopy, however, IS
called the necklace. The cilium tends to break off but also
actually a bilaminar structure consisting of the b~sal
regenerates itself from this neck portion. The main body
lamina (true basement membrane) and the dee~er la~ma
of the cilium is formed by an axoneme surrounded by the
reticularis. Thickening and fibrosis of the lamma retIcu-
extension of cell membrane. The axoneme consists of a
laris is characteristic of bronchial asthma.
central pair and nine peripheral doublets of microtubules
The four major types of cells that make up the epithe-
(see Fig. 5.41 in Chapter 5). Each doublet has a com~lete
lium are (1) ciliated cells, (2) goblet cells, (3) basal cells,
tubule (A subfiber) and an attached three-quarter CIrcle
and (4). ne~roend~crine cells (Fi.g. ~.92!' Layer~d atop .t~e of B subfiber. From the A subfiber, two rows of side arms
epithelIum IS the aIrway surface lIqUid that, wIth t~e cIlIa,
(the inner and outer dynein arms) protrude to~ard the
comprise the mucociliary escalator that traps foreIgn par-
B subfiber of the adjacent doublet, and one radIal spoke
ticles and organisms that enter the airways and propels
extends toward the central pair. The dynein arms are
them up and out of the conducting airways via the
formed by protein with high adenosine triphosphatase
larynx. 24
(ATPase) activity. At the distal e~d of .the c.ilium are
hooking devices or bristles. (A detailed dIscussiOn of the
Ciliated Cells ultrastructure and pathology of the cilia is provided in
Chapter 5.) . .
The main function of the ciliated cells of the mucosa is
The cilia extend into the overlying air surface lIqUid
to propel foreign particles/organisms via the mucociliary
(ASL), which measures 5 to in thickness. The ASL
clearance mechanism. The number and importance of
is a bilayer of a low-viscosity or watery (sol) lower layer
ciliated cells in the air passage are best illustrated by a
(a product of the serous and mucous glands in the submu-
scanning electron microscopic view of the surface of t.he
cosa), and a high-viscosity or gel ~ppe2~ layer .s~creted
large bronchus, where cilia appear to cover the entIre
from the goblet cells in the epithelIum. The CIlIa bend
and beat back and forth by sliding opposing groups of
doublets in opposite directions, which is accomplished by
repeated attachments and detachments of dyne~n ~rm~ to
adjacent doublets, similar to the motions used m jackmg
up a car. The recovery stroke of the ciliary beat is believed
to be curved and to occur completely within the watery
(sol) layer of the mucus. The effective stroke is done with
cilia straight up, which allows the bristles to catch and
propel forward the gel or viscous mucus on top of the sol
layer to the larynx where it can be expectorated. The rate
of the ciliary beat is usually 12 to 16 beats/second and
metachronous25 and is coordinated by intercellular gap
junctions that allow for spread of this beat among the
ciliated cells.
FIGURE 2.9. Light microscopic image of the bronchial mucosa Cilia and ciliated cells are constantly exposed and
showing the ciliated cells, rare goblet cells, and bronchial basal vulnerable to many noxious agents including cigarette
cells resting on a thin basement membrane. smoke. Therefore, ultrastructural ciliary changes are
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 27


FIGURE 2.10. By scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cilia completely carpet the luminal surface of large airways. The presence
of nonciliated cells is not appreciated from the surface. A. Swine, x2500. B. Swine, xll,OOO. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.)

common and varied; these include compound or fused but is absent in the bronchioles. The ratio of ciliated to
cilia, deranged axonemes with supernumerary or missing goblet cells is estimated to be between 7:1 and 25:1 in the
micro tubules, internalized (cytoplasmic) or shed cilia, and large bronchi (Figs. 2.9 and 2.12).
other defects. (For a further discussion of cilia defects, see The goblet cell has a basal nucleus, a well-developed
Chapter 5.) rough endoplasmic reticulum, a Golgi apparatus, and
abundant apical collections of mucous granules forming
Goblet Cells a "goblet" appearance (Fig. 2.13). The mucous granules
are released into the bronchial lumen by the fusion and
The goblet cell is the most common nonciliated cell, and
then the fenestration of the membranes of the granule
it extends from the larger bronchi to the smaller bronchi
and the cell, representing merocrine-type secretion. In
excessive production and release, such as is seen in status
asthmatic us, the apical portion of a goblet cell may appear
to be completely replaced by an amorphous mass of
mucus that extends in continuity from the cell into the
mucous layer. Mucus in the lung, presumably like that in
the intestine, is secreted for protection. It consists of
acidic glycosaminoglycans, though the composition may
vary during pathologic conditions. Goblet cells can divide
mitotically and may increase in number drastically in any
acute bronchial irritation, replacing almost all ciliated
cells within 2 to 3 days. The recovery of ciliated cells is
equally fast, and in chronic irritations certain balances
develop between the two processes. Excessive goblet cell
hyperplasia may disrupt the continuity of ciliary flow, and
an excessive amount of mucus may obliterate the air
passage, especially in small scarred airways. Although
goblet cells contribute to the gel layer of bronchial mucus,
the major source of mucus is the submucosal gland.

FIGURE 2.11. Mitochondria accumulate adjacent to cilia in cili- Basal Cells

ated cell. Long striated root (arrow) extends deeply from basal
body of cilia. Human. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) All ciliated and nonciliated cells in the bronchial mucosa
xll,OOO. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.) are derived from the basal cell. The basal cell of the
28 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

Other Bronchial Lining Cells

Brush cells, also termed tuft, caveolated, multivesicular,
and fibrillovesicular cells, are a special type of cell char-
acterized by blunt microvilli and having disk- or rod-like
inclusions of unknown functions. These cells have been
identified from the nose to the alveoli in many species,
but have not been found in humans except under certain
disease states. 26 The function of the pulmonary brush cell
is obscure.

A bronchus becomes a membranous bronchiole when
cartilage completely disappears from its wall (Fig. 2.15).
This occurs when the diameter of the airway decreases to
about 1 mm. The terminal membranous bronchiole leads
into the acinus, the functional unit of the lung, which con-
sists of the respiratory bronchiole, alveolar ducts, alveolar
sac, and alveoli (see below). The lung has approximately
30,000 terminal bronchioles, and each drains and concen-
trates the contents of approximately 10,000 alveoli.
FIGURE 2.12. Ciliated cell is the most common cell type in bron-
Membranous bronchioles (including the terminal bron-
chial mucosa. Large goblet cell (G) appears pale. Darkly stained
chiole) are lined completely by epithelial cells. This epi-
basal cell at bottom of mucosa is smaller than other tall colum-
nar cells. Human. TEM, x2500. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.) thelium consists of ciliated columnar cells and nonciliated
Clara cells. These bronchioles derive their mechanical
support from the tethering effect exerted by the attached
elastic fibers of the surrounding alveoli. Alveolar elastic
fibers connect to the adventitia of the small airways and
bronchus is a pluripotential reserve cell that has a light
and electron microscopic appearance similar to that of
the epidermis. This cell is triangular with one of the broader
sides firmly anchored on the basement membrane
by hemidesmosomes (Fig. 2.12). The nucleus is large,
and the organelles are scanty in the cytoplasm, which con-
tains mainly loosely scattered ribosome complexes and
tonofilaments. Desmosome complexes are prominent
between cells.
Unlike the rest of the bronchial epithelium, the basal
cell usually survives mucosal injuries to ensure a com-
plete reconstruction of the bronchial mucosa. Prolonged
irritation stimulates the proliferation of the basal cells
(basal cell or reserve cell hyperplasia) or induces their
differentiation into one or more differentiated forms.
Deranged or mixed forms, which contain organelles of
different types of cells, are also common, especially in the
dysplastic and neoplastic epithelium that arise out of
these cells (Fig. 2.14).

The Dense Core (Neuroendocrine) Cell and

Neuroepithelial Bodies
FIGURE 2.13. Multiple mucous granules accumulate near apex
See Chapter 36, Neuroendocrine Carcinomas, for a de- of goblet cell with amorphous and reticular appearance. Human.
tailed discussion of neuroendocrine cells. TEM, xll,OOO. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.)
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 29

FIGURE 2.14. Mucous granules (0) and tonofilaments (T) are

present within a dysplastic cell in bronchial mucosa. Human.
TEM, x38,OOO. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.)

help prevent the collapse of the small airways during the

final phase of expiration (Fig. 2.15A). Their destruction
in lungs with emphysema causes a premature collapse of
these small airways and obstruction of the airflow (see
Chapter 24).
The terminal bronchiole gives rise to the respiratory
bronchiole, in which alveoli are present in the bronchiolar
wall (Fig. 2.16). Usually there are three generations of
respiratory bronchioles, although some variation between
one and five generations is possible. Ciliated cells extend
to the bronchioloalveolar junction. In these more periph-
eral locations, they are short and decreased in number
but maintain the continuity of the ciliary flow by a network
arrangement around the nonciliated Clara cells (see
below). This transitional zone is generally believed to be
a normal lung structure, and formation of new alveoli in
the small bronchioles is a normal process during the post-
natal growth period, extending from birth until about 10
years of age. Direct epithelial-lined channels between
membranous bronchioles and adjacent alveoli have been FIGURE 2.15. A. Membranous bronchiole with alveolar attach-
termed canals of Lambert (Fig. 2.15C). Depressions and ments. B. Wall of membranous bronchiole. Note single cell layer
eventual fistulous perforations of the wall of small mem- of ciliated epithelium and narrow fascicles of smooth muscle.
branous bronchioles also commonly occur in lung damage, C. Canal of Lambert. Narrow epithelial-lined channel (arrow)
especially in small-airway injury associated with tobacco extends directly into adjacent lung parenchyma from a small
use, leading to peribronchiolar proliferation and exten- membranous bronchiole.
30 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

dria, and contains a prominent Golgi apparatus with

apically located secretory granules that stain positively
with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-diastase (Fig. 2.17). The
Clara cells have been shown to secrete surfactant apopro-
tein that serves to decrease the surface tension in this
area of the lung and keep these small channels open.27
The Clara cell also serves as the reserve and reparatory
cell in the small airways, a role similar to the basal
cell more proximally and the alveolar type II cell more
dis tally. 28

FIGURE 2.16. Respiratory bronchiole and alveolar ducts. TB, Anatomic Subunits
terminal bronchiole; RBI, 2, and 3, three orders of respiratory
bronchiole; AD, representative alveolar ducts. Lobules
The secondary lobule of Miller is the smallest unit
sion of bronchiolar lining cells into the alveolar region delineated by fibrous septa in the lung, and the smallest
("Lambertosis"). macroscopically observed unit of lung parenchyma. 29
Each lobule measures from 1 to 2.5 cm in maximal dimen-
Clara Cells sion and contains three to five acini (see below) (Fig.
2.18).6,30 In adult lungs the lobule is best observed in
The Clara cell is a nonciliated cuboidal cell found in the peripheral subpleural areas where interlobular septa
both the membranous and respiratory bronchioles that extend from the visceral pleura, incompletely demarcat-
replaces the disappearing goblet cell in small bronchioles. ing polyhedral units of lung parenchyma (Fig. 2.18A).
The Clara cell has an apical surface that bulges into the Lobular architecture is much better defined in fetal
lumen, is rich in endoplasmic reticulum and mitochon- or young children's lungs, especially in the upper lobe
(Fig. 2.18B). The boundaries of the lobules are also
readily recognized on the surface of the visceral pleura
as the hexagonal pattern of lymphatic distribution (Fig.
2.1). Well-defined lobules are obscure in the central
regions of normal adult lungs because the continued
postnatal proliferation of alveoli stretches and disrupts
the continuity of the interlobular septa. 12 Airways
and pulmonary arteries enter the central portion of the
lobule while pulmonary veins transport blood in the
interlobular septa (Fig. 2.18e). The lobule is an important
unit in chest radiology and histopathology, and some
diseases such as emphysema are classified by their intra-
lobular distribution of lesions (see Chapter 24). Inter-
lobular septa are widened and accentuated in pulmonary
edema and are visualized radiographically as Kerley B
lines (see Fig. 28.42 in Chapter 28). With the advent of
high-resolution chest computed tomography (CT) scans,
the secondary lobule has assumed even greater impor-
tance in the recognition of radiographic patterns of lung
FIGURE 2.17. Electron micrograph of a Clara cell. Clara cells are disease. 2,31,32
taller than ciliated cells in small bronchioles. Note flame-shaped
The primary lobule of Miller, which refers to the distal
cytoplasmic processes rich in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticu-
portion of the acinus, originates from the last-order
lum, and secretory granules. Mouse. TEM, x4500. (From Wang
NS, Huang SN, Sheldon H, Thurlbeck WM. Ultrastructural respiratory bronchiole and includes the divisions of the
changes of Clara and type II alveolar cells in adrenalin-induced alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and attached alveoli (Fig.
pulmonary edema in mice. Am J Pathol 1971;62:237-252, with 2.19A). The primary lobule has been superseded by the
permission from the American Society for Investigative acinus as the practical basic unit of lung anatomy (see
Pathology. ) below).6,3o,32
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 31

The pulmonary acinus is the unit of lung distal to the last
conducting airway, the terminal bronchiole (Fig. 2.19).29,30
In lung casts, the acinus measures approximately 7.S x
8.S mm and consists of about three divisions of respira-
tory bronchioles and several divisions of alveolar ducts,
terminating in alveolar sacs with their grape-like clusters
of alveoli. 1,29 In adults the number of alveoli within the
acinus ranges from lS00 to 4000 alveoli. 32 Acini have no
septal boundaries, thus allowing for collateral ventilation,
and they are not visible as defined units either grossly or
microscopically (Fig. 2.19B). However, they have been
delineated by means of corrosion casts. 29 ,32 Historically
the acinus has been important histopathologically in
defining the intraparenchymal spread of tuberculous
lesions, and in the classification of emphysema into cen-
triacinar and panacinar variants. 32 By virtue of the local-
ization of bronchioles in the central portion of the lobule,
the terms panacinar and centriacinar are synonymous
with panlobular and centrilobular, respectively (see
Chapter 24).32

Where alveoli completely replace the bronchiolar epi-
thelial cells, the air passage, known as the alveolar
duct, terminates in a semicircular blind end called the
alveolar sac, which is surrounded by four or more
The distal portion of the lung is formed by multifaceted
and cup-shaped compartments called alveoli that have
diameters of ISO to SOOf,lm (average, 2S0f,lm) (Fig. 2.20).
In a 70-kg man, there are about 300 million alveoli with
a gas-exchanging alveolar surface of approximately
143 m2 contained within an average lung volume of 4.3 L.
After the age of 30 or 40 years the lungs undergo a pro-
gressive dilatation of air spaces. Alveolar ducts enlarge
while adjacent alveoli appear flattened (alveolar duct
ectasia), although it is uncertain whether or not there is
actual destruction of alveolar septa. It has been recom-
mended that the term aging lung be used rather than the
traditional term senile emphysema for aging-associated
changes. 33
The orifices of alveoli along the alveolar ducts and
alveolar sacs are formed by thick elastic and collagen
FIGURE 2.18. A. Macroscopic view of lung parenchyma showing bundles that are the continuum of bronchial and bron-
interlobular septa (arrows) demarcating secondary lobules. The chiolar elastic bundles (Fig. 2.20B). From the orifice
visceral pleura is in the left upper corner (barium sulfate bundle, finer elastic fibers spread out further, resembling
impregnation). B. Secondary lobules are prominently visualized a basket, and are interwoven with capillaries. This network
in the lung of a 21-week gestational age fetus. C. Microscopic of elastic fibers and capillaries is plated (like wallpaper)
view of secondary lobules in an adult lung following pulmonary on both sides by thin layers of type I alveolar lining
arterial injection of barium-gelatin contrast media. Interlobular cells. All elastic fibers, including the fine meshwork of the
septa are demarcated with arrows. Note filling of arteries in the
alveolus, are interconnected in all directions to form an
centrilobular zone while veins are empty. Visceral pleura is at
top. (EVG.) integrated elastic network that is fundamental to the
32 J.F. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver









FIGURE 2.19. A. Schematic view of the acinus beginning with membranous bronchiole (A) to branching orders of respiratory
the first respiratory bronchiole branching from a terminal bron- bronchioles and alveolar ducts (B). (A: From Miller,30 with
chiole. Within the acinus can be seen three primary lobules (I, permission. )
II, III). B. Schematic depiction of an acinus from the terminal

FIGURE 2.20. Alveoli. A. Histologic section of several alveoli. like fibers traversing the membrane. Neutrophils are seen in the
B. Alveolus seen en face, stained for elastic tissue. Note thick ill-defined yellow capillary bed in the alveolar membrane.
elastic fibers rimming the alveolar orifice, and delicate thread- (Orcein elastic stain.)
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 33

FIGURE 2.21. A. Ultrastructure of alveolocapillary membrane. Thickened portion of alveolar wall contains an interstitial cell
(PI , type I pneumocyte; P2, type II pneumocyte; L, capillary (IC) but air-blood barrier is very thin. Red blood cells and
lumen; E , capillary endothelial cell; Col, collagen bundles; IC, platelet in capillary. Mouse. TEM, xIS,DOO. (B: From Fraser and
interstitial cell. B. Type I alveolar lining cell has a relatively Pare,! with permission from Elsevier.)
large nucleus and thin, widely stretched cytoplasm (arrows) .

uniform expansion and elastic retraction of the lung in The type I cells are joined by tight junctions and are
respiration. underlined by a well-developed basal lamina, but have
sparse surface microvilli and cytoplasmic organelles
(Fig. 2.21).
Alveolar Lining Cells
In contrast, the type II alveolar lining cell, a cuboidal
There are two types of alveolar lining cells. The type cell with a diameter up to 15 f..lm, possesses a large basal
I cell, which lies on the alveolar wall, can be likened to nucleus with a prominent nucleolus, and abundant osmio-
a fried egg, having a central flattened nucleus and a philic lamellar inclusion bodies, the precursors of surfac-
broad expanse of surrounding cytoplasm that reaches tant (Fig. 2.22). It constitutes 60% of the surface cells but
50 f..lm in diameter and is as thin as 0.1 f..lm (Fig. 2.21). covers only approximately 5% of the alveolar surface.
These cells numerically constitute only 40% of the alveo- Ultrastructurally, it has many stubby microvilli that
lar lining cells but cover 90% of the alveolar surface. project from its apical surface into the alveolar space


FIGURE 2.22. A. Type II alveolar lining cell is cuboidal with large lamellar inclusion bodies. Human. TEM, xSOOO. B. Precursor of
nucleus and nucleolus, many stubby microvilli, and abundant surfactant is being released from type II alveolar cell. Human.
cytoplasmic organelles, including mitochondria, endoplasmic TEM, xIS ,OOO. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.)
reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and characteristic osmiophilic
34 J.F. Tomashefski, Jr. , and c.F. Farver

toward the bronchiole is also helpful in alveolar clear-

ance. Surfactant, therefore, plays several important roles
in the stability and function of the alveolus. 34
Insufficient production of surfactant in prematurity
results in hyaline membrane disease with alveolar col-
lapse and pulmonary edema (see Chapter 7). In diffuse
alveolar damage syndrome at any age, excessive leakage
of fibrin and other capillary contents into the alveolar
space interferes with the action of surfactant despite a
normal or even increased amount of surfactant in the
alveolus (see Chapter 4).

Air-Blood Barrier
For the most efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide between air spaces and red blood cells, the
alveolar arrangement is ideal. The alveolar interstitial
cells and interstitial fibers are minimal (Fig. 2.21) , and a
rich interanastomosing network of capillaries bulges into
adjacent air spaces. It is estimated that 85% to 95% of
the approximately 140m2 of alveolar surface is covered
FIGURE 2.23. Surface of type II cell (B) shows abundant stubby with the pulmonary capillary network, giving an air-blood
microvilli. Microvilli sparse on type I cell (A) around alveolar interface of about 126m2, a surface area about 70 times
pore. Human. SEM, x1200. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.) that of the skin.
The endothelial and epithelial alveolar type I cell cyto-
plasm is spread as thinly as possible and the basal laminae
(Figs. 2.22 and 2.23), well-formed tight junctions with are fused, leading to an air-blood barrier with a mean
the adjacent type I cell, an underlying basement mem- thickness of 0.6Ilm. Plasma and other red cells may
brane, and abundant cytoplasm with well-developed increase this distance in reality. Considering that a red
endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Besides blood cell has an average diameter of 71lm, one can
secreting surfactant, the type II alveolar lining cell also appreciate the delicacy of these interfaces as well as how
serves as the reserve cell, maturing into the type I cell easily they might be damaged.
normally. The type II alveolar lining cell is more resistant About 200 mL of blood are within the capillary network
to injury than the type I pneumocyte and becomes hyper- at any given time. Spread over 126m\ this is equivalent
plastic in response to alveolar damage; it may also become to about 1.6mL of blood (approximately 1 teaspoon)
dysplastic (see the discussion of acute lung injury in spread over 1 m2 ! Only about a third of the capillary
Chapter 4) . network is functioning in the resting state, but it opens
up extensively with exercise. The blood passes through
Surfactant this capillary bed in 0.75 seconds, and the flow must con-
tinue to move to handle the entire cardiac output. The
The type II alveolar cell secretes its osmiophilic lamellar
combined weight of the two lungs in vivo is approxi-
inclusion bodies into the alveolar space (Fig. 2.22) to form
mately 900 g, of which half consists of blood in the arter-
a partially crystallized hypophase of tubular myelin,
ies, capillaries, and veins.
which then spreads out into a thin layer of surfactant
(Fig. 2.24). Surfactant is formed mainly by phospholipids,
Capillary Endothelium
especially dipalmitoyl lecithin, with the addition of gly-
coprotein components. When the alveolus deflates, the The pulmonary endothelium of the alveolus, which occu-
phospholipids are compressed and aligned into a layer pies a surface area of more than 140m2, is the largest and
with hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends on each side at most dense vascular bed in the human body (Fig. 2.21).
the air-liquid interface. This arrangement reduces the The fine structure and permeability of the alveolar capil-
surface tension and prevents the collapse of the alveolus. lary endothelium is similar to that of the capillary endo-
At alveolar inflation, the orderly arrangement of the thelium elsewhere in the body. Endothelial cells are
phospholipid molecules is disrupted, and the resulting connected to each other by loose junctions, compared to
increase in the surface tension assists the elastic recoil of the tight junctions of alveolar epithelial cells, and there-
the alveolus in expiration. The replenishment of surfac- fore more readily allow the passage of fluids and macro-
tant about the alveolus and its presumed ascending flow molecules into the interstitial compartment. 35 .36
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 35

FIGURE 2.24. Surfactant on alveolar surface has thin surface layer (top) and crystallized hypophase material with tubular myelin
figure. Mouse. TEM, x45,OOO. (Prepared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.)

Besides serving as a barrier and actively regulating gas, tenance and metabolism of the elastic and collagen fibers
water, and solute transport, the pulmonary endothelium and proteoglycans in the alveolar walls. Collagen fibers,
also selectively processes and modifies a wide range of the rigid structural components of the lung (as opposed to
substances. A classic example is the conversion of angio- its elastic fibers), are present mainly in the bronchovascu-
tensin I to angiotensin II and the inactivation of brady- lar bundles, intralobar and interlobular septa, and pleura.
kinin by angiotensin-converting enzyme; this reaction As the delicate collagen fibers in the normal alveolar wall
occurs in caveolae (pinocytic vesicles) and the microvilli can only be seen by electron microscopy, collagen fibers
of the luminal cytoplasmic membrane. The endothelium in alveolar walls that are apparent by light microscopy are
also clears serotonin, norepinephrine, prostaglandin E abnormal. Contractile cells participate in the regulation of
and F, adenine nucleotides, and some hormones and blood flow (see next section).
drugs, and releases angiotensin II, adenosine, some pros- Neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells,
taglandins, and previously accumulated drugs and metab- basophils or mast cells, and fixed or migratory macro-
olites. It is of note that angiotensin II, epinephrine, and phages are present in small numbers in the alveolar wall
prostaglandins A and 12 are not altered by the pulmonary and bronchial interstitial space. Neutrophils are most fre-
endothelium. 35 quently found within the alveolar capillaries. Heavy
The endothelia of pulmonary arteries and veins differ sequestration and degranulation of neutrophils in the
from the capillary endothelium in that the pulmonary alveolar capillary may be responsible for insidious tissue
arteries and veins are subjected to much greater changes lysis, such as elastolysis in pulmonary emphysema. An
in the vascular inner surface area than is the capillary. In increase in the number of mast cells and eosinophils
resting or low-pressure conditions, the endothelium of occurs in bronchial asthma or other hypersensitivity
pulmonary arteries appears elliptical with the long axis diseases.
of the cell arranged parallel to the direction of the blood
flow; the endothelium of pulmonary veins appears polyg-
onal. Both of them have more surface microvilli and Alveolar Regulation of Capillary Flow
cytoplasmic organelles than the capillary endothelium,
The pulmonary blood flow is regulated mainly by small
especially rod-shaped, membrane-bound structures
pulmonary arteries that constrict during hypoxia. Local
(Weibel-Palade bodies), which probably are the storage
regulation of the blood flow in the alveolar wall occurs via
site of the coagulation factor VIII.37
several possible mechanisms. The contractile interstitial
cells are attached between adjacent endothelial and epi-
Other Cells and Structures in the Alveolar Wall
thelial cells. When stimulated, they contract to distort and
Mesenchymal cells, including fibroblasts, pericytes of cap- disrupt the capillary flow. The detailed control mechanisms,
illaries, and myofibroblasts (contractile interstitial cells), the mediators that induce their contraction, and the physi-
are present in the alveolar septum adjacent to the capillary ologic importance of this mechanism are not clear.
and constitute the "thick," non-gas-exchanging portion of Another regulatory mechanism of the alveolar capillary
the septum (Fig. 2.21). They are responsible for the main- flow is related to the interweaving of the elastocollagen
36 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

fibers and the capillaries. The capillary flow is disrupted at Alveolar Macrophages
the extremes of inflation or deflation because of pinching
of the capillaries in many places by the interlocking fiber Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are terminally differenti-
network. While prolonged diffuse collapse or hyperinfla- ated cells of the myeloid lineage. They are derived from
bone marrow stem cells as monoblastic myeloid progeni-
tion of the lung is incompatible with life, interruption of
tors.39 In the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony-
blood flow to focally collapsed or overinflated alveoli is
efficient and beneficia1. 38 stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and other cytokines the
monoblasts are differentiated into monocytes in the
blood. 40 In the presence of continued stimulation with
Alveolar Pores (of Kohn), Fenestrae, and
GM-CSF, these monocytes leave the circulation and enter
Collateral Ventilation
the specific tissue where, based on the localized environ-
Communications between adjacent alveoli are not present ment, they become either activated as nonspecific imma-
in the fetal lung. Pores (2 to 10).lm or more in size) start ture macrophages or differentiate into specific mature
to appear in the alveolar wall soon after birth and appear macrophages such as the alveolar macrophages in the
to increase in number with age (Fig. 2.23). Normal alveo- lungs. 4o
lar pores are filled \\lith surfactant, thus blocking the Alveolar macrophages are long-lived cells with
airflow between adjacent alveoli. No normal function of life spans of many months up to several years. In-
the alveolar pores is known, but macrophages may wander creases in the AM population during times of chronic
through them. In classic lobar pneumonia, edema fluid, irritation or inflammation occurs by two mechanisms:
fibrin, and bacteria spread rapidly between alveoli (1) increased number of blood monocytes moving
through the alveolar pores, and at times tumor extends into the lungs from the peripheral blood, and (2) prolif-
through them. eration of the local resident population of interstitial
Alveolar pores larger than 15 ).lm, which are considered macrophages that divide and move into the alveolar
abnormal, are called fenestrae. Alveoli distal to an space where they terminally differentiate into AMs fol-
obstructed airway can receive collateral ventilation lowed by proliferation of the AMs in the alveolar
through fenestrae from alveoli ventilated by a nearby space. 41
unobstructed bronchiole. Other collateral ventilation Macrophages have elongated cellular processes called
channels include communications between alveolar ducts pseudopods, a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum
or small bronchioles, and between bronchioles and alveoli and Golgi apparatus, membrane-bound structures that
(canals of Lambert). These structures are found most contain inflammatory mediators, and primary and sec-
often in aged adult lungs, especially in diseased lungs. ondary lysosomes (Fig. 2.25). The macrophages move

FIGURE 2.25. A. Smokers' macrophages having a fine golden- microvilli, nucleus (N) and abundant cytoplasmic dense bodies
brown cytoplasmic pigment. B. Faint iron staining in smokers' containing lysosomes and phagolysosomes. Some of these het-
macrophages, not to be confused with hemosiderosis (Perls erogeneous cytoplasmic inclusions contain lipid from metabo-
stain). C. Ultrastructure. Alveolar macrophage with surface lized surfactant (arrow). TEM, x9000.
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 37

around on the alveolar and bronchiolar surfaces, may The Vasculature of the Lung
transgress the alveolar pore, and usually engulf exoge-
nous and endogenous tissues and debris. Once in the air The lung has a dual blood supply: the pulmonary circula-
space, and especially after engulfing all the debris, mac- tion and the bronchial (nutritional) circulation. The
rophages probably do not migrate through the intact former is a low-pressure/high-capacity system that
alveolar or bronchial epithelial layer back into the inter- accommodates total systemic venous return and is struc-
stitium. Intravascular macrophages are rare in human turally organized to absorb a large change of the flow
lungs, and probably represent intravascular and submu- volume with a minimal change in pressure. The bronchial
cosal clearance of noxious agents following the break- arterial system, as part of the systemic circulation, deliv-
down of the normal epithelial and endothelial barriers by ers blood at high pressure and of high arterial oxygen
massive exposures. 42 Alveolar macrophages either move content.
by amoeboid motion or drift with the alveolar surfactant
or fluid to reach the terminal bronchiole. They then are
swept up with the surface fluid by cilia in the airway,
Pulmonary Arteries and Veins
to be finally swallowed or expectorated. Histologically, The pulmonary trunk arises from the right ventricle and
in cigarette smokers, abundant alveolar macrophages quickly divides into left and right main pulmonary arter-
contain fine light brown pigment that may stain weakly ies, which further divide into lobar arteries before enter-
for iron with histochemical stains such as Perls or Prus- ing the lung. As it enters the pulmonary hilum, the
sian blue (Fig. 2.25). Small intracytoplasmic, birefringent, pulmonary artery is situated superiorly and slightly ante-
silicate inclusions may also be seen (see Fig. 16.37 in riorly in relation to the pulmonary vein (Fig. 2.5).10 At
Chapter 16).43 this level the arteries and veins are of approximately the
same caliber, the arteries appear light yellow, while the
veins are gray. 6The wall of the pulmonary artery is thinner
Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid than that of the aorta.
Tissue The main path of the pulmonary artery from the hilum
to the peripheral lung is termed the axial pathway.47.48
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) refers to Along this pathway the arteries follow and branch with
submucosal lymphoid aggregates associated with airways, the airways and at each level the arterial diameter is
and likely represents a component of the integrated sys- similar to that of the corresponding bronchus. Arteries
temic mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) (e.g., can also be landmarked histologically by the adjacent
Peyer's patches, appendiceal lymphoid tissue ).44 The lym- airway. Pre acinar arteries are those accompanying airways
phoid aggregates involve airways at all levels but tend to to the level of the terminal bronchiole. More distal arter-
be concentrated at the bifurcations of the bronchioles ies are termed intraacinar. 47 ,48 Conventional arteries are
(see Fig. 32.3 in Chapter 32). Lymphoid aggregates occupy those that branch and taper with the bronchi as they
the lamina propria of the airway and are intimately asso- penetrate into the lung. However, an even greater number
ciated with a specialized thinned overlying epithelial cell of supernumerary arteries branch into the lung at both
layer that readily facilitates antigen entry from the airway, the preacinar and intraacinar level unaccompanied by
and is readily infiltrated by lymphocytes. B cells, which airways.47
stain immunohistochemically for IgM, IgG, or IgA, are Histologically, the structure of the pulmonary arteries
the preponderant lymphocyte of BALT. The main secre- varies with the vascular diameter and location in the lung.
tory product is IgA. 44 T cells, mainly CD4+ cells, comprise Based on their structure, the arteries are of three major
about 20% of the population. Plasma cells are rare and types: elastic, muscular, and nonmuscular. In adults the
germinal centers are infrequently seen. Bronchus-associ- main pulmonary artery and distal branches down to a
ated lymphoid tissue probably represents the site of local diameter of about 1000/lm have an elastic structure con-
antibody production in response to antigen challenge sisting predominantly of interrupted elastic fibers
from the airway. arranged circumferentially (Fig. 2.26A). This contrasts
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue has been identi- with the continuous circumferential pattern of elastic
fied in about 50% of healthy infants and in nearly fibers seen in the aorta and in the pulmonary artery of
all fetuses and neonates with amniotic infection.45 It the fetus and neonate. In situations of persistent pulmo-
is better developed in certain animal species like the nary hypertension commencing at birth, the elastic pattern
rodent, guinea pig or rabbit, than it is in humans. It is also in the adult pulmonary artery may retain a continuous
increased and more readily apparent in the lungs of (aortic) configuration (see Chapter 28).49 As arteries
smokers than nonsmokers (see also Chapter 32 for a extend into the lung, the elastic structure gives way to a
further discussion of BALT-associated lymphoprolifera- muscular wall. Transitional arteries, roughly between 500
tive disease. )46 and 1000/lm in diameter, have a mixture of elastic and
38 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

FIGURE 2.26. Pulmonary vasculature (EVGs). A. Elastic pulmo- external elastic laminae. C. Pulmonary vein. Mural elastic fibers
nary artery. Note interrupted pattern of elastic fibers. B. Mus- merge with adventitial fibers. D. Bronchial artery. Note thick
cular pulmonary artery. Note well-delineated internal and muscular wall and poorly defined external elastic lamina.

muscle fibers in their walls. Arteries between 70 and use of injection techniques (Fig. 2.18C) (see Chapter 1).
500/.lm in external diameter are of the muscular type in The larger pulmonary veins, including those that enter
which circumferential smooth muscle fibers are bounded and course in the interlobular septa, can be identified
by a well-defined internal and external elastic lamina with elastic stains as having a well-defined internal elastic
(Fig. 2.26B).49 In normal individuals muscular arteries are lamina and a thin, predominantly elastic wall structure
thin-walled; the ratio of the wall thickness to external without an external elastic lamina. The mural elastic
diameter is on the order of 3% to 7%.49 From a diameter fibers merge directly with those in the adventitia (Fig.
of about 30 to 150/.lm the continuous muscle coat gives 2.26C). In the veins, muscle fibers are sparse and irregu-
rise to a spiral of muscle (Fig. 2.27). Arteries in this region larly arranged. In elderly individuals both arteries and
are termed partially muscular and, on cross section, have veins may exhibit nonspecific intimal hyalinized fibrosis. 43
a crescent of muscle forming a portion of the vascular In situations of chronic pulmonary venous hypertension
wall. 48 Arteries with an external diameter less than 70/.lm veins may acquire a thick medial muscle coat and a well-
are mainly nonmuscular (i.e., arterioles) and feed directly defined external elastic lamina (arterialization) (see
into the alveolar capillaries. Chapter 28). The small venules and lobular veins con-
Small intra acinar pulmonary venules have a nonmus- verge toward the hilum, forming larger pulmonary veins
cular wall structure resembling pulmonary arterioles and that congregate with the bronchi and pulmonary arteries
usually cannot be discerned from arterioles without the at the segmental level, and proceed in their company to
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 39

Muscular Partially Nonmuscular rior pulmonary ligament (see Chapter 6) and arteries
muscular from a superior mediastinal plexus supplying the larger
pulmonary veins.6.52.53

Vascular Shunts
Capillary Communications exist between arteries and veins of the
pulmonary and bronchial systems. The best-documented
communication is a postcapillary shunt between bron-


o o o

FIGURE 2.27. Schema of distribution of muscle in intraparen-

chymal pulmonary arteries (see text). (From Reid. 48 )
chial and pulmonary capillaries and small veins. Preca-
pillary bronchopulmonary anastomoses have been docu-
mented mainly in fetuses and neonates.49.54.55 Their
documentation and importance in adult lungs has been
difficult to establish. The extent of shunting in the normal
lung has been estimated to be less than 3% or up to 10%
of the total cardiac output (see Fig. 6.6, Chapter 6).
In the course of evaluating precapillary bronchopul-
monary anastomoses in fetal and neonatal lungs, Wagen-
voort and Wagenvoort49 also encountered bronchopul-
the hilum. The portion of the extrapulmonary vein near
monary arteries (branches of bronchial artery that drain
the left atrium is surrounded by cardiac muscle.
directly into alveolar capillaries) and pulmobronchial
arteries (branches of the pulmonary artery that directly
supply bronchi or perivascular connective tissue). Bron-
Bronchial Arteries and Veins
chopulmonary arteries were mainly identified in fetuses,
The bronchial arteries deliver the systemic nutrient blood whereas pulmobronchial arteries were identified in fetal
supply to the lung, nourishing mainly the bronchi, pulmo- lungs and well as in those of neonates and older children.
nary vasculature, and visceral pleura. The origin of the The normal role of pulmobronchial and bronchopulmo-
bronchial arteries varies considerably among individuals. nary arteries has not been well established.
They are usually located near the descending portion of In adult lungs, P ump55 documented numerous precapil-
the aortic arch at the origin of one of its major branches. lary anastomoses between bronchial and pulmonary
The typical pattern consists of one bronchial artery on arteries using vascular injection and cast techniques. In
the right originating from the third intercostal artery and earlier studies by von Hayek and Lapp, precapillary anas-
two on the left arising directly from the aorta. Within the tomotic vessels called sperrarterien were thought to act
lung the bronchial artery courses within the bronchial as muscular sphincters that regulated flow between the
sheath and extends as far as the terminal bronchiole.!.5O bronchial and pulmonary circuits. 56 Occasional thick-
In the normal lung the bronchial artery is very difficult walled, hypermuscular vessels, probably representing
to identify grossly since its diameter is only about 1.5 mm sperrarterien, may be seen histologically (Fig. 2.28). Such
at the hilum. 5! In chronic disease states, notably bronchi- an artery would be closed normally but would open, for
ectasis and pulmonary hypertension, the bronchial arter- example, during pulmonary embolism, to perfuse the
ies hypertrophy and may be grossly visible (see Chapter ischemic lung tissue.
5). Histologically the bronchial artery characteristically is Following lung injury, repair, or neoplastic prolifera-
a muscular artery with a well-defined internal elastica, tion, the altered tissue is vascularized by the bronchial
but an absent or poorly defined external elastica, in con- artery and more shunts are created. The left-to-right
trast to the well-defined internal and external elastica of shunt in the lung, therefore, increases with age and can
muscular pulmonary arteries (Fig. 2.26D).6 be substantial in patients with neoplasms or destructive
The bronchial venous plexus is located along the airway lung diseases such as tuberculosis and bronchiectasis (see
sheath from the terminal bronchioles to the central Chapter 5). Systemic blood supply to the lung also
bronchi. Intrapulmonary bronchial veins drain into the assumes increasing importance in situations of pulmo-
pulmonary veins representing a minor source of right to nary hypertension or proximal pulmonary artery obstruc-
left shunt. The venous drainage of the central bronchi and tion (see Chapter 28).50.57
tracheal bifurcation is via the systemic azygous and hemi-
azygous veins into the right atrium.! Histologically, bron-
chial veins resemble pulmonary veins. 6
Two other sources of systemic blood supply to the The lung has extensive networks of lymphatics, which are
lungs are small feeder arteries from the aorta in the infe- divided into the pleural, or superficial, plexus that drains
40 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

although juxtaalveolar lymphatics in the small or distal

bronchovascular bundle are partly facing and in contact
with the basal surface of the adjacent alveolar epithelium
and subepithelial connective tissue. 58
Lymphatic capillaries are lined by large flattened endo-
• thelial cells with few organelles. 59 Although all types of
intercellular junctions are present, focally open or
.. movable junctions devoid of basal lamina are unique to
lymphatic capillaries. The collecting lymphatic channels
resemble thin-walled veins with funnel-shaped, rather
than bicuspid, valves. These valves, however, may appear
bicuspid in histologic section (Fig. 2.29). In the normal
lung, lymphatics are often collapsed and difficult to visu-
alize histologically. In conditions of pulmonary edema or
• lymphangitis carcinomatosa, however, lymphatic chan-
nels are dilated and readily observed (see Fig. 44.13 in
Chapter 44).
FIGURE 2.28. Hypermuscular artery in interlobular septum,
Classically, it is said that the lymphatics of the right
probably representing a bronchopulmonary anastomosis (Sper-
rarterien) (EVG). lung and left-lower lobe drain into the right lymphatic
duct and those of the left upper lobe drain into the
thoracic duct. 1 The thoracic duct drains most commonly
the outer parts of the lung via the visceral pleural lym- into the left internal jugular vein. The right lympha-
phatics, and the deep, or parenchymal, plexus that drains tic duct is an inconstant channel that may consist of mul-
in the bronchovascular bundles toward the hilar lymph tiple fine branches that empty separately into the right
nodes. 6.58 Lymphatics are also richly present along the jugular, subclavian, or innominate veins. 1 Because of
branches of the pulmonary veins in interlobular septa. the intermixture of lymph flow in the interconnect-
The two lymphatic systems communicate with each other ing mediastinal lymphatic pathways, cross-drainage is
frequent. 12
at the boundaries of their distribution and between lobes
or lobules and the pleura near the hilum, but each system
primarily drains separately toward hilar nodes in large
lymphatic channels equipped with valves (Fig. 2.29).12 Lymph Nodes
Lymphatic channels follow the bronchovascular bundle
beginning at the level of the proximal respiratory bron- Lymph nodes that drain the lung are by convention
chiole. Alveolar walls do not have lymphatic spaces, divided into four groups: (1) tracheobronchial lymph
nodes adjacent to the trachea and main bronchi; (2) sub-
carinallymph nodes located posterior to the main bron-
chial bifurcation; (3) bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
adjacent to lobar, segmental, and subsegmental bronchi;
and (4) intrapulmonary lymph nodes, which are small
lymph nodes located in the peripheral subpleural paren-
chyma. 6 Lymph node sampling is important in the staging
of lung cancer, and the major lymph node anatomic sta-
tions are illustrated in Chapter 35 (Fig. 35.18). Intrapul-
monary lymph nodes are usually less than 1 cm in diameter
and inconspicuous. With increasing dust accumulation
or upon antigenic stimulation (especially in cigarette
smokers), they may enlarge and present as a solitary
nodule on the chest radiograph. 6D Intrapulmonary lymph
nodes are further discussed in Chapter 32. There is exten-
sive collateral lymphatic circulation among lymph node
groups in the pulmonary and mediastinal regions such
that it is difficult to predict where metastatic tumor cells
may deposit. 6 The former concept that lymphangitis car-
FIGURE 2.29. Dilated juxtavascular lymphatic channel showing cinomatosa was the result of retrograde lymphatic flow
lymphatic valve (arrow). of tumor cells into the lung from hilar and mediastinal
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 41

FIGURE 2.30. A. Sinus histiocytosis resembling poorly formed granulomas. B. Hemosiderin bodies in lymph node. (Perls' stain.)

lymph nodes has been supplanted by the view that vas- Nerves
cular spread of tumor to the lung followed by invasion of
juxtavascular lymphatics, and antegrade spread to the The lung is innervated via the autonomic nervous system.
bronchial lymph nodes is the major pathway of lymphatic Nerve trunks enter the lung at the hilum and are ar-
permeation (see Chapter 44).61 ranged in two plexuses: periarterial and peribronchial.
Typically, bronchopulmonary lymph nodes in adults The peribronchial plexus is further divided into an extra-
contain a variable degree of fine black pigment and chondral and subchondral plexus according to its location
grossly appear black or mottled black-gray. In situations relative to the bronchial cartilages. 6s .66 The peribronchial
of occupational dust exposure, increased pigment, along plexus contains both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers,
with silica and other dusts, may induce nodal fibrosis or while the periarterial plexus contains only unmyelinated
silicotic nodules prior to the development of pulmonary fibers. 6s Ganglia are located mainly in the extrachondral
pneumoconiosis (see Chapter 26),62 Ferruginous bodies plexus to the level of the distal bronchi (Fig. 2.31). Nerve
may also be identified in lymph nodes following heavy
inhalational exposure to asbestos (see Chapter 27).63.64
Lymph node follicular hyperplasia and sinus histiocy-
tosis may be a cause of lymphadenopathy in bronchopul-
monary lymph nodes as in other sites. Sinus histiocytosis
at times has a nodular appearance simulating nonne-
crotizing granulomas (Fig. 2.30A). In cases of chronic
bronchopulmonary infection, such as cystic fibrosis, eryth-
rophagocytosis may accompany sinus histiocytosis. Small
yellow-brown oval structures, Hamazaki-Wesenberg
bodies are also associated with sinus histiocytosis. These
::. ,.
structures stain strongly with Gomori methenamine silver .....
(GMS) stain and can be readily misidentified as histo- ... ,
plasma yeast forms (see Fig. 18.24 in Chapter 18). Small
ovoid hemosiderin bodies are also common in lymph
nodes of lungs removed for cancer (Fig. 2.30B). These (
structures are of the size and shape of Hamazaki-Wesen- I,
berg bodies, but are deep brown and stain intensely for
iron. A variety of infectious and noninfectious granulo-
matous diseases target the pulmonary and mediastinal
lymph nodes, which may harbor fibrotic nodules and/or FIGURE 2.31. Neural ganglion is seen in the extra chondral
fibrocaseous granulomas as the residua of the prior infec- plexus adjacent to bronchial artery and fibroelastic tissue of the
tion (see Chapters 9 and 10). outer perichondrium (left upper). (EVG.)
42 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

fibers also penetrate into the acinus and to the visceral Afferent (sensory) nerve endings are present in the
pleura. Periarterial nerves continue to the level of the bronchial and alveolar walls, pleura, and the bronchial
alveolar capillaries. 66 Nerve fibers in the region of the mucosa (Fig. 2.32).12,65 Sensory neurons may be located
alveolar septa are small and scarce (Fig. 2.32).5 in the vagal ganglia or in the bronchial wall. Afferent
The parasympathetic efferent (motor) fibers are nerve fibers travel to the central nervous system (CNS)
derived from the vagus nerve and the sympathetic effer- via the vagus nerve. Within the airways, sensory nerves
ent (motor) fibers from the upper thoracic and cervical form specialized receptors such as slowly adapting stretch
ganglia (Fig. 2.33).5,65 A third system, a nonadrenergic, receptors (SAR), irritant receptors (rapidly adapting
non cholinergic (NANC) nervous system, is a neurally stretch receptors), and C fibers 67 ; SARs are responsible
mediated bronchodilator pathway. for the Hering-Breuer reflex that inhibits further inspira-
From the vagus, preganglionic parasympathetic fibers tion of air when the lungs are inflated and also modifies
extend to ganglia located in and around the airway walls the normal pattern of breathing. Irritant receptors
and around blood vessels. 65 Postganglionic cholinergic are concentrated in large central airways and are acti-
parasympathetic fibers innervate the airway smooth vated by chemical and mechanical irritants. Their stimula-
muscle, glandular epithelium, and blood vessels, generally tion elicits defensive reflexes including cough. C fibers
causing contraction of airway smooth muscle and are unmyelinated and classified as either bronchial or
increased secretion from the bronchial glands. 66 Acetyl- pulmonary. Stimulation of either pulmonary or bronchial
choline mediates ganglionic transmission in the airways.67 C fibers initiates a chemoreflex that includes bradycardia,
Postganglionic adrenergic fibers from the cervical and hypotension, and apnea followed by rapid shallow
thoracic sympathetic ganglia innervate the bronchial breathing. Bronchial C fibers additionally induce bron-
blood vessels and submucosal glands, but only sparsely choconstriction, mucous hypersecretion, and cough. C
innervate airway smooth muscle. 67 Norepinephrine is the fibers are especially sensitive to capsaicin, a pungent com-
main adrenergic neurotransmitter. 6 The most likely neu- ponent of the hot capsicum pepper. 67 A schematic
rotransmitters in the NANC pathway are vasoactive summary of the innervation of the bronchial tree is seen
intestinal peptide (VIP) and nitric oxide (NO).67 in Figure 2.33.

The Pleural Cavity and

Mesothelial Cells
The primitive body cavity or coelom, lined by mesothelial
cells, appears early in the embryo (see Chapter 6). All
constantly motile organs such as the lung, heart, and
intestines bulge into this cavity during their development
and are enveloped by the mesothelial cell layer as they
do so. This arrangement renders all these organs not only
readily movable but also pliable in size and shape during
maturation. 12
The pleural and peritoneal cavities are normally com-
pletely separated. They communicate with each other
only indirectly through lymphatics. The pleural cavity is
a potential space between the visceral pleura, which
covers the entire surface of the lung including the inter-
lobar fissures, and the parietal pleura, which covers the
inner surface of the thoracic cage, mediastinum, and dia-
phragm. The visceral pleura reflects at the hilum and
pulmonary ligament to continue as the parietal pleura.
The apposing two layers of mesothelial cells are sepa-
rated only by a layer of hyaluronic acid-rich fluid less
than 20l1m thick. The pleural recesses or sinuses are
acutely angled portions of parietal pleura at the costo-
FIGURE 2.32. Terminal portion of nerve with small empty vesi- phrenic or costomediastinal junctions. At the end of
cles and mitochondria representing afferent cholinergic nerve normal expiration functional residual capacity (FRC),
ending (in alveolar wall [arrow». Human. TEM, x45,OOO. (Pre- the costophrenic sinus is a potential space that may
pared by Dr. N.-S. Wang.) extend up to the sixth or seventh intercostal space at the
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 43


Mucous gland

Smooth muscle

Blood vessel


Bronchial ganglion

Dorsal root ganglion

V3gUS nerve

Thoracic segment Thoracic and cervical

I of spinal cord
Inferior g3ngl ion •

Afferent (sensory)

Superior ganglion
Sympatheti c efferent


Medu lla oblongata

FIGURE 2.33. Schematic illustration of bronchial innervation and neural pathways (see text).

posterior axillary line. 12 In inspiration, the lungs expand adherent to the inner chest wall (Fig. 2.34). A variable
into this space. A needle introduced into the pleural space amount of subpleural fat arranged in lobules overlying
at these levels, especially at expiration, may easily pene- the ribs may be mistaken radiographically for pleural
trate the two apposing layers of parietal pleura simulta- thickening or pleural plaques, and is more prominent in
neously and enter the liver or other abdominal organs. obese subjects.1.68 Pigment deposits of variable size can
The blood supply to the visceral pleura is from the bron- be seen on the parietal pleura in the majority of adult
chial arterial system. 50 autopsies. 69 Typical locations of pigment deposition are in
The gross appearance of the pleura is that of a smooth, the lower zones of the costal pleura.
glistening, and semitransparent membrane. The macro- By light microscopy the visceral pleura is divided into
scopic features of the visceral pleura are fully described five layers: (1) a mesothelial layer, (2) a thin submesothe-
above in the section on external appearance of the lung. lial connective tissue layer, (3) a superficial elastica layer,
The parietal pleura is also smooth and shiny and tightly (4) a loose subpleural connective tissue layer, and (5) a
44 J.F. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

The parietal pleura is also covered by a similar layer

of mesothelial cells under which is a thicker layer of
fibroelastic tissue. Beneath this layer resides subpleural
fibroadipose tissue and skeletal muscle of the chest wall
(Fig. 2.35).6
The mesothelial cells are stretchable and range in size
from 16.4 ± 6.8 to 41.9 ± 9.5 11m. They may appear flat,
cuboidal, or columnar. Generally speaking, cuboidal or
columnar cells are associated with a substructure that is
loose or fatty, as in the pleural recesses, or indicate that
the cells are metabolically active (see Fig. 30.2 in Chapter
30). Flattened cells usually represent stretched quiescent
cells on the visceral surface or cover a very rigid substruc-
ture such as a rib (see Fig. 30.1 in Chapter 30)Y
Mesothelial cells are characterized ultrastructurally by
an abundance of elongated bushy microvilli O.lllm in
length (see Fig. 30.3 in Chapter 30). The microvilli trap
hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricant to lessen the
friction between the moving lung and the chest wall.
The cytoplasm is rich in pinocytotic vesicles, mitochon-
dria, and other organelles and prekeratin fibrils (see Fig.
30.4 in Chapter 30). Mesothelial cells are connected
by numerous desmosomes. The presence of dominant
FIGURE 2.34. Macroscopic appearance of parietal pleura overly- bushy microvilli aids in the ultrastructural identification
ing the sternum and anterior portions of ribs. Black arrows of mesotheliomas (see Chapter 43).
indicate position of diaphragmatic attachment. White arrow The secretion and absorption of pleural fluid is gov-
designates lobule of submesothelial adipose tissue.
erned by Starling's law (see Chapter 28). Large particles
and cells such as fibrin molecules or macrophages are
deep fibroelastic layer (Fig. 2.35).12.70 The presence and removed through preformed stomas directly connecting
thickness of each layer varies regionally. The loose fourth the pleural cavity with lymphatics (see Fig. 30.5 in Chapter
layer is the plane of cleavage for decortication. The fifth 30). The stomas are found only in specific areas of the
layer frequently adheres tightly or bends into the paren- parietal pleura including mediastinal and infracostal
chyma of the lung as interlobular septa. The elastic fibers regions, especially in the lower thorax. The entry of large
in this deep elastic (fifth) layer are interrupted and less particles into a dilated lymphatic lacuna through the
conspicuous than those in the superficial layer, and extend stoma is facilitated by respiratory movement. The roof of
into the alveolar septa of attached peripheral alveoli. the lacuna is formed by a network of thick collagen

. .•
FIGURE 2.35. Pleura. A. Visceral pleura. The five pleural layers pleura. A prominent elastic fiber layer resides beneath the
can be seen in this EVG-stained image (1, mesothelial cell layer; mesothelial cells and overlies submesothelial fibroadipose
2, sub mesothelial connective tissue layer; 3, outer elastic layer; tissue. Dark-staining material on the pleural surface is fibrin.
4, deep connective tissue layer; 5, inner elastic layer). B. Parietal (EVG.)
2. Anatomy and Histology of the Lung 45

bundles that is covered by mesothelial cells on the pleural from sinking in with inspiration or herniating outward
and endothelial cells on the lacuna side. These two layers with expiration. The external oblique components of the
of cells rupture readily in disease to increase the route of intercostal muscle also lift up the thoracic cage to increase
pleural clearance. the anterior posterior and transverse dimensions of the
Pleural ultrastructure is further discussed in Chapter thorax while the diaphragm contracts to lengthen the
30. thoracic space. Accessory inspiratory muscles include the
sternocleidomastoid and scalenus muscles, which elevate
the sternum and upper ribs in strenuous breathing. Expi-
The Thorax ration in quiet breathing is a passive relaxation of inspira-
tory muscles aided by the natural recoil of the stretched
Thoracic Cage elastic fiber network of the lung. Additional expiratory
The skeletal elements of the thorax consist of 12 thoracic effect during active breathing is achieved by contraction
vertebrae, 12 pairs of ribs, and the sternum. The clavicle of the internal oblique components of the intercostal
is positioned above and in front of the first rib serving to muscles, which lower the ribs, thereby decreasing thoracic
protect the thoracic inlet and its major vessels and other volume.!2
vital structures. The adjacent vertebral bodies are sepa- The blood supply to the ribs is via intercostal arteries
rated by fibroelastic cartilaginous disks bound together that arise as branches from the internal mammary arter-
by heavy ligaments and are further reinforced and made ies that themselves arise from the subclavian artery and
flexible by paravertebral musclesY The sternum consists run parallel to the sternum. The intercostal artery and
of the manubrium, the body of the sternum, and the vein run together, along with the intercostal nerve, along
xiphoid process. The manubrial-sternal joint creates the the inferior edge of each rib under the shelter of the
sternal angle and is a hinge-like symphysis, which plays costal groove. lO ,71 The intercostal arteries may serve as a
an important part in respiration, allowing the body of the source of collateral systemic circulation to the lung and
sternum to move backward and forward. 71 The body of pleura in situations of pulmonary emboli, pulmonary
the sternum is composed of four bony plates (sternebrae) hypertension, or pleural inflammation. Venous drainage
that fuse by synostosis during childhood. Posteriorly, the is via the internal mammary vein to the brachiocephalic
sternum is covered by parietal pleura, which can be the vein.!O)1
site of pleural plaques (Fig. 2.34). Common sternal anom-
alies include a lower sternal angle between the first and
Thoracic Inlet
second sternebrae (the usual anatomy in the gibbon), or
a sternal foramen, resembling a central bullet hole in the The apical portion of each hemithorax represents a
body of the sternum due to failure of ossification.lO.71 complex array of anatomic structures that, when invaded
Each rib is a semicircular, slightly angulated blade of by malignant tumors in this region (such as mesothelioma
bone, likened to a bucket handle that forms a joint with or Pancoast tumor), may give rise to a variety of confusing
the body and the transverse process of the vertebra (the symptoms (see Chapter 35). This region is also known as
costovertebral joints). The anterior ends of the first 10 the thoracic inlet. The parietal pleura (cupola of the pleura,
ribs are joined to the sternum by cartilage, the first seven dome of the pleura) dually serves as the superior bound-
directly and the next three indirectly by articulating with ary of the thoracic cavity and the inferior boundary of the
the cartilage of the rib lying immediately above. The 11th lower neck compartment. Major structures in this area
and 12th ribs usually remain unattached. 1O•71 The costo- include the subclavian artery and a few of its branches, the
vertebral joints allow the anteriorly slanted ribs to elevate brachiocephalic vein, the phrenic nerve, the sympathetic
at inspiration and fall back passively at expiration.!2 The trunk, and the lowest trunk of the brachial plexus.
costal cartilages usually undergo a variable degree of
ossification, typically referred to as "calcification" in the
radiographic literature. 1 The initial radiographic pattern The Diaphragm
of chondral calcification may appear either central (more
common in women), peripheral (more common in men), The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle plate with a
or of mixed pattern (in approximately 7% of both sexes). central tendon and peripheral radiating muscle fibers that
Supernumerary ribs may occasionally occur at either the separates thoracic and abdominal cavities. The sternal
seventh cervical (seen in 1.5% of normal individuals) or part attaches to the posterior surface of the xiphoid
first lumbar vertebrae. 14,71 Complete or partial fusion of process (Fig. 2.34). The costal part attaches to the inner
ribs may produce confusing shadows on chest x-ray.! surfaces of the costal cartilages of ribs 7 to 12 bilaterally.
The intercostal muscles seal the space between the ribs The lumbar portion fuses into left and right crura and
and costal cartilages. They contract with each respiratory attaches to the upper lumbar vertebral bodies. The central
movement to prevent the intercostal pleural membrane tendon is divided into three leaflets, which lie in front of
46 IF. Tomashefski, Jr., and c.F. Farver

and on either side of the vertebral column. The central chapter on lung and pleural anatomy in the first two edi-
tendon is a common location for asbestos-related pleural tions of this text. Many of the electron micrographs used
plaques. 69 The diaphragm is pierced by the inferior vena in the current chapter were prepared by Dr. Wang. The
cava in the area of the central tendon, and by the esopha- authors also acknowledge the secretarial assistance of Ms.
gus through the decussating fibers of the right crus. The Diane Gillihan and Ms. Mary Krosse, the photographic
aorta does not pierce the diaphragm but passes behind support of Mr. Vince Messina, and the staff of the Brit-
the median arcuate ligament at the level of the 12th ver- tingham Memorial Library at MetroHealth Medical
tebra. 1O ·71 Areas of muscle deficiency, which constitute Center.
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