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Recorded under exaustive detail it provides the real deal.
After trying and testing every possible setup,mic placement,and tuning
the results are phenomenal.
Real organic,full cracking and "just in your face" sound.
Every Drum piece is recorded both left and right hand and with up to
60 velocity layers the quality is unparalleled.
Using the industry standard of the Highest Sampling technology the
powerfull KONTAKT 5 engine and it's build in quality effects you have
access to a whole Studio.
Advanced Scripting gives you the right tools to control everything in a
top notch designed interface.
Selecting some of the hundrends of "focused" grooves,drag'n'drop in
your DAW, using all these tools,effects,our top sophisticated
SPLIT technology,the 16 track flexible MIXER and the
MATRIX ROUTER, the ultimate weapon in terms of full control on every
internall buss of STIGMATIZED DRUMMER,creating the perfect
Drumtrack has never been so easy.
Although it's "mix ready",meaning that you simply Load it and you are
ready to go,it has a lot of headroom for adjustments and creating your
own tones.
Finally it can act perfect in a lot of other genres (Hard rock,Pop,etc)
because it comes in 2 versions...
STIGMATIZED XTREME : Processed METAL oriended "mix ready"
STIGMATIZED RAW : A really raw version,a producers
choice,100% as recorded giving the possibility to start from scratch.
Using all these features the possibilities are endless...



Hundrends of HI-END EXTREME

and not only
Simply Drag'n'Drop and you are


With a variety of OPTIONS

you can control VELOCITY,

Easy control of VOLUME,

every Kit Piece.


16 Channel mixer for full control of the Drumkit.

The OVERHEADS BUS is split to separate and
independent channels (RIDE,CRASH,
WOODEN CELLS)without altering the sound
so the control is much more precise.
With SOLO, MUTE and PAN controls on every
channel it's easy to achive a well balanced mix
but if you want to go further just route your
to your DAW from the coresponding build in
outputs,so you can use your favourite plugins.
Use the internal HI-END effects
TAPE-SATURATOR) to sculpt your sound.

the ultimate weapon
in terms of control.
you can have access to any
internal bus of every kit piece,
so you have full control over
the Drumkit.


KONTAKT or higher(full version of KONTAKT

required,does not work in the FREE KONTAKT PLAYER).
Watch corresponding video in our Site about ENCODED
and non ENCODED Libraries.

2 GB of RAM minimum. We recommend at least 4 GB.

4.5 GB of free Hard Disc space.

The interface has five main sections.You can have access in each
of them by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the instrument.
These five sections are:

Grooves Section: On this section there are hundreds of grooves

on a variety of different music genres that you can drag’n’drop to
your host for instant Drumtrack creation.

Options Section : On this Section you can control the velocity of

the Drumkit and change Drum mappings.

Kit Section : You can select every different kit piece and control
it’s volume,tune, and ADSR value.

Mixer Section : This page works like a real world mixer. 16 tracks
with volume faders, pans, solos and mutes are giving you the
control over the
Drumkit. From here you can control all the effect settings and route
your tracks to your DAW.

Matrix Section : Here you can control every internal bus of every
different kit element. Matrix router in cooperation with Mixer give
you total control
on your Drumkit.
You can change the Volume,Tune and ADSR envelope using the
respective knobs

You can play the loaded groove using the groove player, which is
present in all tabs.

Navigate using the prev and next

buttons. Drag 'n' drop to your
DAW and you are ready to go.

Use the save Mixer preset area to save any changes you made in
any control of the mixer.
Mixer preset area is present in all
tabs and you can navigate between
presets using the prev and next
buttons, save and give your custom name in your user presets and
delete user presets pressing the delete button.

Use the save Matrix preset area to save any changes you made in
any control of the matrix.
You can navigate between
presets using theprev and next
buttons, save and give your
custom name and delete user presets pressing the delete button.

Use the save Effects preset area to save any changes you made
in the effects.You can navigate between presets using the prev
and next buttons, save and give
your custom name and delete user
presets pressing the delete button.

The GROOVES page is a browser with hundrends of MIDI grooves

and variations of different genres that can be loaded by double
clicking,played by the groove player on the right top of the
instrument (in all pages),select the previous and next groove by
the respective buttons and drag n drop in your DAW making the
creation of your Drumtrack an easy task.

TIGHTNESS knob at the left bottom tends to "lock" the groove and
its variations to the value represented in the GRID subdivision.
Higher values lead to a "perfect-machine"feel while lower values
lead to more "sloppy" feel.
SWING makes exactly what it's name says.Higher values lead to
more swing feel while lower values achieve the opposite.

VELOCITY controls the overall behaviour of the Drumkit. At center

position the kit plays as recorded, higher values are leading to
hard hitting results while lower values leading to softer feel.

Finally the TEMPO buttons at the right side allow to change the
speed to half or double while NORMAL plays the groove as it is.
The Options page is where we can adjust parameters of our kit,
such as the Drum mapping and velocity ranges.

The VELOCITY area is giving you the choice of 4 different velocity

behaviours accessed by the 4 buttons at the VELOCITY panel.

LINEAR shape is default STIGMATIZED DRUMMER behaviour.

EXP+ tends to compress the performance in the range of the
higher values resulting in a harder feel.

EXP- does the opposite leading to a smoother and softer feel.

FIX forces all events to a costant velocity determined by the MAX

value range meter from the right side.

RANGE represents 2 value meters,MIN and MAX where we can

set the minimum and maximum velocity for our kit.
The MIDI MAPPING area is the place where we can change Drum
Mappings or create our own custom ones.
We can do this by selecting the note in the NOTE selector,select
the instrument and articulation in the corresponding drop-down
menus and click APPLY button.
Alternatively we can click MIDI SELECT to change the NOTE
value by pressing the MIDI note on our keyboard and follow the
procedure as above.

STIGMATIZED DRUMMER comes with a variety of mapping
presets compatible with the most of major Drumming Libraries
and General MIDI mapping as well.
You can select any of them using the drop-down menu and
navigate among them using the prev and next buttons.
You can make your changes to your taste give a new name and
save your new custom map pressing the save button.
Now in the drop-down menu your new preset will appear.
You can delete your custom presets by selecting it and pressing
the delete button.
NOTE : Factory presets can’t be deleted.As you will see if you try
to delete a factory preset the delete button is inactive.

You can select each drum element by clicking on it or by pressing

"MIDI SELECT" and pressing the respective key on your midi
In this way you can hear the sound of every different Drum piece
and abjust it's volume,tune,attack,hold and decay values using the
corresponding knobs at the bottom of the instrument.
Every Drum element has independed values so clicking for
example on snare and changing it's values will affect only snare
and not the others.
In order to create a mix of your Drumkit click on the Mixer tab.You
will have access in a virtual console with the same controls as the
real mixing desks.You can control volume,pan,solo,mute and track
routings.You can edit your effects also from this page.The mixer
has 16 channels.You can navigate
to channels1-8 and 9-16 pressing
the respective buttons.

A view of the mixer on channels 1-8. Notice that CHANNEL 1-8 button is pressed on
the top.

A view of the mixer on channels 9-16. Notice that CHANNEL 9-16 button is pressed

on the top.

The SOLID G-EQ is a hi-end eq and controls four frequency

ranges,using the HZ/KHZ knobs. With the Q knobes we can adjust
the bell curve of the selected frequency.
DB knobs increase or decrease the gain of the selected frequency.
For the low and hi frequencies we can switch between bell and
shelf curves using the BELL button.
The OUTPUT knob on the right side controls the overall volume.
We can switch SOLID G-EQ on and off clicking the POWER


Using the TRANSIENT MASTER you can alter your Drum sound
in two ways.
With the ATTACK knob you can make your sound harder and
more wild as you increase and with the SUSTAIN you can make it
bigger and more open.
Decreasing we have the opposite results.
The OUTPUT knob on the right side controls the overall volume.
We can switch TRANSIENT MASTER on and off clicking the
POWER button.

With the SOLID BUS COMP you can add power to your drums in a
very musical way without making your sound dirty and squashed.
The ATTACK knob adjusts the time in ms that it takes for
compressor to react.
The RELEASE knob adjusts the time in ms that it takes for the
compressor to stop affecting the sound after the input falls below
the threshold.
The THRESHOLD knob sets the exact level that the input signal
must exeed in order to begin the compression.
The RATIO knob determines how compressed will be the result.
Higher values lead to more compressed sound.Using the MIX
knob you can add dry signal to your sound giving you the access
to parallel compression.
With the MAKE UP knob you can increase the level of the
compressed sound.
The OUTPUT knob adjusts the overall volume.
You can switch SOLID BUS COMP on and off by clicking the
POWER button.


With the TAPE SATURATOR you can give to your sound the
analog feel.
Using the WARMTH knob and rolling off hi frequencies with the HF
knob we have that analog vibe.

The MATRIX ROUTER is the page where we can control all

busses of every kit element in the internal architecture of
The MATRIX ROUTER has two main areas.

A bus mixer controlling volume and pan on every bus in the

internal architecture of STIGMATIZED DRUMMER.

A DRUM PIECE selector with all our Drum elements.

Selecting any of our elements we have access to its internal
busses and using the controls on the mixer we can change the
volume and pan in every bus.
The values on the bus mixer are independent for every Drum

We can use the value edits at the bottom of every bus for precise
control,by double clicking and entering the desired value.

We can have the default value on every control in all sections of

STIGMATIZED DRUMMER by pressing command and left click
on a mac or control and left click on windows.

Finally we can save our abjustmens in the MATRIX preset area

giving a name and pressing the save button.
We can navigate through our presets using the prev and next
buttons and we delete our custom presets using the delete button.
With the MATRIX ROUTER you can access all the internal busses
of every Drum element so you have full control over your Drumkit.
A must for creating the perfect Drumtrack,is to have full control
over your Drumkit, and MATRIX ROUTER gives you this ability.


trademarks of Native Instruments GmbH.
Mac, Mac OS, are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.Registered
in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows, are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries.

Product Concept, Product Design, Sound Design,
Graphic Design,KONTAKT Scripting,Project Management,
Sound Engineer,Drummer,Drum Sound Specialist,Photography,

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