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4/30/2019 Trust the Power Within - Proctor Gallagher Institute

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Trust the Power Within

Bob Proctor | Power Within Music Video

I remember when my rst mentor, Ray Stanford, asked me, “What do you really want?”

I said, “I want some money.”

Money really was all I wanted then because I was earning only $4,000 a year, but I owed $6,000. If I took eve
for eighteen months to pay o my debt, with nothing left to live on, I would have just broken even. 1/4
4/30/2019 Trust the Power Within - Proctor Gallagher Institute

Ray pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and said, “This stu can’t talk but it can hear and if you call it, it wil
much do you want?”
Tips & Tools Workshops Products Pro

I had no idea how that ridiculous, impossible amount of money came into my head and out of my mouth. I h
to believe it wasn’t possible to earn that much money. No one in our family had ever done it, and I didn’t kno
had that kind of money. So to me, making $25,000 was like swimming to Hawaii. It wasn’t possible.

But Ray didn’t bat an eyelash when I said it. He simply said, “If you do exactly as I tell you, I’ll show you exactly
you want.”

Well, I still didn’t believe it. But I believed he believed it—and that set o something inside of me.

Then, Ray handed me a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and he said, “I want you to study t

That was a di cult thing for me to do because I had never read a book before. But I decided to do what he t
found out that he was lying or that he didn’t know what he was talking about.

When I started reading the book, things started to shift inside me, and my whole world began to change.

As I think back on it, there were three reasons I got what I wanted. First, I couldn’t stand the way I was living
more money. Second, as my awareness grew, instead of simply hoping I’d make more money, I started to “ca
had the discipline to follow my mentor’s instructions.

If you’re not making the kind of money you want, get quiet for a minute and then answer the following quest

1. When you set a nancial goal, do you come up an amount you believe you can make or do you set a num
big it scares and also excites you?
2. If you set a high number, are you just hoping that you’ll reach it or do you really believe it?

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill said, “There is a di erence between wishing for a thing and being ready t
one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wis

Hill’s words are true whether you want to manifest money, a loving relationship, or a new career.

Sammy Berg (the man I talked about in today’s video) didn’t wish he would become a rap recording artist. He
would happen and, after meeting with me in August, he followed instructions precisely to make sure that it d

The truth is… you, Sammy and I are all working with the EXACT same potential and we operate with the same
Sammy and I—or anyone else—can achieve our dreams, you can do it too. That’s not a theory. It’s a fact.

Stop going for what you know or what you think you can get, and start seeing what you really want in your m

someone who has done what you want to do and is willing to show you how to do it too. If you do exactly w
your success will be an absolute certainty. 2/4
4/30/2019 Trust the Power Within - Proctor Gallagher Institute

To your success,

Bob Proctor Tips & Tools Workshops Products Pro

P.S. If you want to call a lot more money to you, you don’t even have to leave your house to nd someone to
to do it. For the rst time ever, I’ll come directly to you via our Think and Grow Rich Live Stream Event Octobe
the end of the weekend, you’ll have EVERY step you need to amass the amount of money you want.

P.P. S. – Know someone interested in earning a lot more money or achieving another big dream? Spread the
knowledge by forwarding this email to your friends, clients and colleagues. They’ll thank you for it.

Bob Proctor as never seen before! #bobproctor

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