Younger Breakdown Version 2

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‘Younger’ by Ruel

Music Video Analysis

The music video opens up with a range of short

clips of two boys having fun together. It is
0.02 clear that they are best friends. However,
this part of the montage foreshadows the crack
that is to come in their relationship.

The beginning essentially sets the scene and

gives a little backstory for the boys’
0.06 friendship. The exact same locations the
younger boys are in are then shown when the
boys are older but through different camera
angles to perhaps emphasise how much things
have changed.

The montage with the younger boys also spends
more time on these two locations so that the
audience becomes more aware of where they are.
This is because they become important later on
0.10 and are an essential part of the storyline.

This is one of the last shots that seem to be

bright in the video which shows that from here
0.47 on everything only goes downhill. This is the
first time we see the characters argue which
hints that their differences are beginning to

In this shot, it’s the first time you see the

second boys face emphasising how important he
1.26 really is to Ruel. It’s ironic that after they
have fallen out we see a close up of the
second boy, showing that Ruel has only just
now noticed how important he is to him.

This shows the separation between them and how
far apart they are growing.
hree The second confrontation between the two best
friends is shown mid-way through the video.
1.59 Standing face to face you can see just how
similar they are but at the same time how much
they contrast the other.

Here, you see the best friend regretting his

2.11 decisions, getting angry and wandering on his
vs own. This is very similar to Ruel earlier on
in the video and emphasis their similar regret
1.19 and similar personalities.

When Ruel is looking in the mirror he sees his

old best friend looking back at him which
further tells the audience just how alike they
2.28 once were. It may also be showing how Ruel is
seeing himself turn into someone like his best
friend, which he may not necessarily be who he
wants to become.

The repeat of this location symbolises how

fragile their relationship is just because of
3.14 this one store.

When Ruel calls his best friend, it could

symbolise he is the only light in the dark for
3.25 him.

Finally, it seems like there is a

reconciliation, and yet again a location used
from when they were younger is repeated. It
3.48 seems to be a really important location for
them as it is a place they once enjoyed each
other’s company so seems almost fitting that
this is where they end up.

The lit up van behind emphasises the location
as we could see this at the beginning of the
video when they were younger.
The last frame completely contradicts to the
similar one shown at the beginning of the
video. It’s in the dark, signifying the
corruption of their relationship and how it
4.10 can possibly not be saved, where as the first
vs scene is in the day light, symbolising the
0.11 children’s innocence and lack of knowledge for
future events. As well, Ruel is alone in the
last frame which emphasises the end of their
friendship. The darkness could also relate
back to a previous point where Ruel’s best
friend was his only light, just like how Ruel
is the best friend’s only light.

Throughout the whole music video, the two boys are presented to the
audience as separate. However, when the credits start rolling, it is made
clear that Ruel plays both himself and the best friend. Upon finding this
out, the whole music video can be interpreted in a completely different
way. Instead of treating the boys as separate, they can be looked at as
the same person, with rivalling personalities. This could explain why Ruel
see’s his ‘best friend’ when he looks into the mirror. Instead, this could
be Ruel seeing someone he’s becoming that he doesn’t want to be as that
side of his personality is starting to show. This also makes the ending
seem a lot clearer as the best friend seems to just disappear and the
audience are left to figure it out. Maybe this could represent Ruel finally
choosing to become his better self, not his worst. As well, earlier on in
the video when they are seen arguing in front of the store, it could be
showing Ruel’s internal battle instead of a real one.

This music video was a very good example to evaluate as it has both a
simple and complex storyline. It can be interpreted in various ways which
is what makes it very successful as it can relate to the audience in
different ways. Because of its colour scheme, as well, it is very appealing
to watch as there is always that main red colour which fans can associate
with Ruel thanks to his YouTube channel picture. Overall if I were to
create a music video with a storyline, I’d want to create one like this
as everything works well together and has no plot holes that leaves the
audience questioning if they interpret it simply.

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