Question: What Would Give Me A ?: Failing Grade

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Argumentative Paper (20%)1

 The topic of your argumentative paper will depend upon the question you picked up from our
kris-kringle. The paper may not directly answer the question picked but it should be as close.
 The paper should have a minimum of 1000 words and can be written in either English or Filipino.
 The grade will depend upon:
o Argumentation (50%) - this pertains to the over-all reasons used to prove the point of
the paper; this also constitutes the justifications, and how it was used.
o Clarity (25%) - the paper must be as close to the topic as it can be and it should state
ideas in a clear manner.
o Charity (25%) - the paper must account every counterargument that may be against it; it
should be created in such a way that enquires knowledge, not debate.

Possible Questions2

Question: What would give me a failing grade?

1. If you answer the question using a single perspective.

Example: What is my purpose in life?

My purpose in life is to be a good son to my parents, study hard, achieve my dreams and
have my own family. *insert ideas supporting the statement* (end of paper)

You have to take note that in philosophy, we want to take account different perspectives. Thus,
it is a must to include counterarguments in your paper.

Example/ better version: (continuation) ..but, is that the only reason for my existence? What if I
do not achieve any of those mentioned above? Would that make my life absolutely futile?*insert
statements answering these counterargument*

2. If there is no argument at all.

Example: I myself do not know what my purpose is, but Spiderman once said, “life is a box of
pastillas” *insert lengthy explanations that does not claim anything* (end of paper)

3. If you did not cite your sources. Self-explanatory, if you hate people who steal witty tweets
without tagging the owners, then don’t be like them.
4. If you plagiarized. “Come on guys, its 2017[8]!” This came from Nadine, not you.
5. If you did not submit your paper on time.

Deadliest deadline: September 21, 2018

Printed form (short bond paper, TNR standard spacing and margin)

This part has been acquired from Sir Chua
Prepared by your subject teacher
You may write your philosophical paper in Filipino or in English. Just be reminded of the formal use of
language since this is an academic paper.

Regarding the Sample Philosophical Paper:

Note that the Mr. Cabilatazan evidently showed the three critical points that would determine a
good philosophical paper: Argumentation, Clarity and Charity. It clearly reflects a phenomenological
expression of insights regarding the question.

NOTE: Although Mr. Cabilatazan exhibited an impressive content, I am reminding you to put a
comprehensive list of all the references used in your paper. I think his reference list is not attached in
this file.

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