Wall Seepage Repair Costs Concern, 1106-T5: 5 Messages

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2/18/2019 Gmail - Wall Seepage Repair Costs Concern, 1106-T5

Sohan Saini <saini.sohan@gmail.com>

Wall Seepage Repair Costs Concern, 1106-T5

5 messages

Sohan Saini <saini.sohan@gmail.com> Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 11:06 AM

To: claireheights estateservices <claireheightsestateservices@gmail.com>
Cc: RPS Palms <info@rpsgroupindia.com>


I bought this house in Aug 2015, T5-1106, RPS Savana as part of resale from a person who had directly
bought from RPS.

The house was unoccupied till Aug 2015.

After occupying the house, we noticed leakage on one of the walls.

JLL inspected the seepage and has asked to get grating redone in bathroom, and PoP on the wall.

My concern is why I have to borne the cost of same?

The house was afresh and so either JLL/RPS is liable to repair this.

Kindly let me know what help I can receive from JLL/RPS.


Sohan Saini <saini.sohan@gmail.com> Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 3:24 PM

To: claireheights estateservices <claireheightsestateservices@gmail.com>, Rpssavanaresidents
Cc: singhcapri@gmail.com

Dear RPS/Claireheights/JLL,

1. This is with reference to complaint no. 1226 dated 13-Feb-2019, of 1006, T5, RPS Savana. The
complaint is about dripping of water from false-ceiling of bathroom. The issue identified is with the
commode line connection of immediate above floor bathroom i.e. of 1106.

2. This complaint relates to same complaint (seepage on wall behind the commode) lodged by me during
Mar-2016 (as seen in below chain email). The root cause of commode leakage was not identified then but
grouting/tiles issue was cited (in freshly occupied flat). I was asked to fix this on my own then. I did
arrange my own finance to fix grouting/tiles (as per your suggestion) and have rarely used bathroom
The same issue of seepage in surrounding walls of commode is recurring in 1106 now, and at the same
time water has started dripping in bathroom below of 1006.

3. You are kindly requested to take action at the earliest, in this regard.

4. As this issue pertains to workmanship\quality of service & had been raised earlier as well in Mar-2016,
you are requested & notified to take action under the provisions of 'Defect Liability' as per Haryana Real
Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017.

Looking forward to your co-operation in fixing this at the earliest.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=c55f96901c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1528754384594563554&simpl=msg-f%3A15287543845… 1/2
2/18/2019 Gmail - Wall Seepage Repair Costs Concern, 1106-T5

1106, T5
M: 9910333436
CC: 1. Naveen Singh (1006, T5 - Owner)
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Sohan Saini <saini.sohan@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 2:13 PM

To: claireheights estateservices <claireheightsestateservices@gmail.com>, Rpssavanaresidents
Cc: NAvin SIngh <singhcapri@gmail.com>

Dear Sir,

This is gentle reminder 01, about complaint no. 1266, as in below email.

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Sohan Saini <saini.sohan@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 2:15 PM

To: claireheights estateservices <claireheightsestateservices@gmail.com>

Dear claireheights,

I understand this is old complaint but request you to share complaint no. of same. This was raised somewhere between
Oct 2015 & Mar 2016.

1106, T5
[Quoted text hidden]

NAvin SIngh <singhcapri@gmail.com> Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 12:15 PM

To: Sohan Saini <saini.sohan@gmail.com>
Cc: claireheights estateservices <claireheightsestateservices@gmail.com>, Rpssavanaresidents

Dear Sir,

This is continuation to the below mail. I would request to take concrete action on this asap and I am sorry to say that I
don't care what or whose problem is this. Just wanted to remind you that between all this tussle, my house is getting
ruined without any fault of mine. This can have a serious damage to my house and cause grave issues to me financially if
my tenant leaves or my bathroom becomes irreparable. Its the responsibility of RPS / ClaireHeights if this problem
persists further and cause me problems. Hope to get a quick response.

T5-1006, RPS Savana
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https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=c55f96901c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1528754384594563554&simpl=msg-f%3A15287543845… 2/2

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