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3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course

1. Introduction
 Faculty shall prepare lecture materials for each lecture topic taking inputs from all co-teachers
where same course is taught by multiple faculty members. PC shall coordinate with all faculty
members teaching the same course. However, the materials of the courses taught by a single
faculty member are to be made by a single faculty member.

 Faculty must prepare the material innovative so that they students take interest in materials.

 The course materials may be prepared in the form of hand written lecture notes, supplementary
reading or exercises, links to other sites or programming, own video lecture, ppt files etc.

2. Regular Uploading of Course Materials in LMS/ERP

 Each faculty member shall prepare the complete lesson plan for the semester. This lesson
plan and schedule shall be given to all students in the first class of the semester. The lesson
plan usually a part of course hand out as specified in mandate # 4.
 In the lesson plan, each lecture must have topic of lecture. On each topic, a faculty member
shall prepare the course materials.
 The course materials shall be uploaded at least two days before the schedule of lecture
 An auto trigger message shall be sent by ERP one day before the class at 10:00 AM to faculty,
Dean, PVCs and VC if the lecture materials are not uploaded before two days of a scheduled
 A faculty member cannot upload attendance of a class if the lecture is not uploaded for that
 Every day at 2PM, the system shall generate the list of defaulters who do not upload course
 After three cases of being defaulters for uploading course materials the faculty member shall
be given warning with a copy of the letter in personal file.
 After serving three warning letter, a faculty is likely to get further strict disciplinary action.
3. Internal and External Quality-Check of Course Material
3.1 Internal Quality Check
 School Dean must form an internal quality check committee comprising of Professors, PC, DC
and Dean as chair of the committee to check the quality of course materials using format
given in Appendix IIA.
 At least one quality check committee shall be formed for each division and Dean will be chair
of each committee with the list of committee members and their details as shown in
Appendix IA.
 The internal committee shall carry out quality check at least five times in a semester; twice
before CAT-I, twice after CAT-I but before CAT-II and once after CAT-II.
 For each course, 3-4 course materials (selected randomly) shall be reviewed and evaluated.
 Each team shall evaluate and summarize the review comments in the prescribed review
form (Appendix III).
3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course

 Each filled in form shall be documented in a file by respective programme chair (PC).
 PCs shall ensure the preparation of consolidated review report for all courses of the
programme which will be submitted to IQAC after signature of Dean.

3.2 External Quality Check

 Dean shall prepare the list of external experts for quality check of course materials as shown
in Appendix IB. The respective schools with the help of Director HR shall find the experts for
reviewing the course materials. The list of experts will be approved by IQAC.
 School Dean shall prepare budget for remuneration towards experts and get the prior
 Dean will send the invitation to experts and subsequently, send the course materials for
 2-3 courses shall be assigned to one expert for quality check using format given in Appendix
 Quality check of course material will be checked twice in semester by an external expert.
 The external expert shall send the review report in a prescribed format which shall be sent
to the expert by GU as shown in Appendix IIB.
 The review report shall be collected by respective schools and compiled report shall be
submitted to IQAC.
 Dean must take initiatives to arrange appropriate remuneration to each reviewing expert.
 Dean must make the schedule of internal and external quality checks shall be published in
academic calendar and each school shall complete these tasks as per the schedule.
 Dean will give instructions/take action based on the review report to improve the course

Appendix IA

Divisional Internal Quality Check Committee Members


Program Name: Semester: Academic Year: Division:

Serial Name of Faculty Designation Subjects Years of Special Signature

No. Taught Experience Achievement
in Teaching



3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course

Signature of PC : Signature of DC : Signature of Dean

Signature of IQAC:

Appendix IB

Divisional External Quality Check Committee Members


Program Name: Semester: Academic Year: Division:

Serial Name of Affiliation Designation Subjects Years of Special Signature

No. External Expert and Taught Experience Achievement
Address in Teaching



Signature of PC : Signature of DC : Signature of Dean

Signature of IQAC:

Appendix IIA


3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course

Faculty Name Division/ Department

Faculty Code Course Name & Code

Date for which course

material was evaluated


(Please encircle single choice for each) Good

Relevance, depth & usefulness of the course material uploaded

1 1 2 3 4 5
on RF Campus
2 Logical structuring & sequencing of course material uploaded 1 2 3 4 5

3 Ease of understanding the course material for different learners 1 2 3 4 5

4 Quality of formatting & readability of the course material 1 2 3 4 5

Portability & utility of the file format used to upload the course
5 1 2 3 4 5

Overall learning value in terms of knowledge, concepts,

examples, sample problems etc. included in uploaded material
6 1 2 3 4 5
and effective evaluation of learning value through the
assessment questions of quizzes, tests and assignments.

Additional material provided in form of YouTube video links,

relevant NPTEL lectures, web-links to other open course-ware
7 1 2 3 4 5
available on internetsuch as web-links to MOOCs (Massive Open
Online Courses)
Type and quality of course material uploaded (such as lecture notes, Power-point presentations, Excel Spreadsheets etc.):

Innovative approach adopted by faculty:

Areas of improvement:

Additional comments, if any:

Name & signature of Internal Evaluators

Date of Evaluation

Appendix IIB
3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course


Faculty Name Division/ Department

Faculty Code Course Name & Code

Date for which course

material was evaluated


(Please encircle single choice for each) Good

Relevance, depth & usefulness of the course material uploaded

1 1 2 3 4 5
on RF Campus
2 Logical structuring & sequencing of course material uploaded 1 2 3 4 5

3 Ease of understanding the course material for different learners 1 2 3 4 5

4 Quality of formatting & readability of the course material 1 2 3 4 5

Portability & utility of the file format used to upload the course
5 1 2 3 4 5

Overall learning value in terms of knowledge, concepts,

examples, sample problems etc. included in uploaded material
6 1 2 3 4 5
and effective evaluation of learning value through the
assessment questions of quizzes, tests and assignments.

Additional material provided in form of YouTube video links,

relevant NPTEL lectures, web-links to other open course-ware
7 1 2 3 4 5
available on internetsuch as web-links to MOOCs (Massive Open
Online Courses)
Type and quality of course material uploaded (such as lecture notes, Power-point presentations, Excel Spreadsheets etc.):

Innovative approach adopted by faculty:

Areas of improvement:

Additional comments, if any:

Name & signature of External Evaluators

Date of Evaluation
3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course
Evaluation Records of Quality of Course Materials
Appendix III School of XXXX

Odd term 2015-16

B.Tech ECE 5th Sem (totoal students:47)

Type and

Parameter 'b'

Parameter 'd'
Parameter 'a'

Parameter 'g'
Parameter 'e'

Parameter 'f'
quality of Innovative

course approach Areas of Action Signature

Course Course
S.No Course Title comments,
code coordinator material adopted improvement by Dean of Dean
if any:
uploaded by faculty:

Partial Differential Dr. Manish

1 MAT211 Equation and Complex
Analysis Kumar Singh
Namita Singh
2 LLL211 Communication
Namita Singh
Data Structures Using Mr. Chetan
3 ECE211 'C' Agarwal
Electromagnetic Field Dr.RajivaDwi
5 ECE213 Theory vedi
Analog Electronics Mr. Amit
6 ECE214 Circuit Kumar
Mr. Dipankar
8 ECE215 Signals and Systems
Network Analysis and Mr. Vipin
9 EEE211 Synthesis Sharma

Evaluation Parameters
a. Relevance, depth & usefulness of the course material uploaded on WEBSIM
b. Logical structuring & sequencing of course material uploaded
c. Ease of understanding the course material for different learners
d. Quality of formatting & readability of the course material
e. Portability & utility of the file format used to upload the course material
f. Overall learning value in terms of knowledge, concepts, examples, problems etc. included in uploaded material and effective evaluation of learning value through the assessment questions of quizzes, tests
and assignments.
g. Additional material provided in form of YouTube video links, relevant NPTEL lectures, web-links to other open course-ware available on internet such as web-links to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses
3- mandate-Course material uploading and quality check of course

Appendix IV
Faculty Compliance Report

S. No. Name of Faculty Course Date of Faculty sign Verified by Dean Remarks
Numbers compliance
Date Sign

Approval by IQAC:

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