Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 331 in Caso

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Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 331

Makeup water \%;IS obtained from ;I municipal supply. I n this system the CaSO, solution was maintained i n :I
When desired, CLICI?or NaHCO, was added to the tap saturated state by recirculating through a bed of g\psuni
woter. The water U;IS pre-heated to 40°C in the feed tanks spheres and then through a fine filter prior to entering the
prior to entering the exchanger. exchanger. The system was designed t o be used for once-
I n this system the CaSO, solution was maintained in a through or recirculation testing. Additional details on the
saturated state by recirculating through a bed of gypsum const.ruction and operation of these apparati can be I'ound in
spheres and then through a fine filter prior to entering the the references cited.
exchanger. The s!.stem was designed to be used for once-
through o r recirculation testing. Additional details on the Electrodialysis Laboratory Deposit Test Unit
construction and operation of these apparati can be found in
the references cited. Berger and Lauriejh described a laboratory electrodialysis
Hasson et 31. later modified the feed water system of this unit used to study deposit problems and additive effec-
special test apparatus t o study the deposition mechanisms of tiveness in the waste streams from such units. Their system
calcium sulfate scale. A schematic of this modified system is involved the 9 inch x 10 inch electrodialysis unit shown in
shown i n Figure 8.28. Figure 8.29. I n this unit alternating membranes, permeable




I 1 I


Figure 8.28. Modified double

LINE t pipe heat exchanger scale
test apparatus. (After Hasson
MAKE-UP PUMP et al., 197035)






t f 1
Figure 8.29. Electrodialysis C CATION M E M B R A N E @ ANY CATION (POSITIVE ION I L I K E SODIUM
deposit test unit. (After Berg- A ANION MEMBRANE
er and Laurie, 1962.36)
332 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

only to cations or anions, a r e alternately stacked with _.

spacers between them. The spacers are arranged in a --1

manner that directs the stream flow and prevents back-
mixing. Turbulence promoters are used in the flow paths in
order to reduce or prevent concentration gradients. The
spacer arrangement also allows the concentrated waste
stream to be separated from the dilute product water
Figure 8.30 shows the “feed and bleed system” used with
the laboratory unit. It is arranged to allow the concentrated
waste stream to recycle continuously. It can also be used as WATER 8
a once-through system or to recycle the concentrate con- FOR COUC
tinuously but remove some concentrate (bleed) and add “FEED” “BLEED”
some feed water (feed) at such a rate that steady-state con-
ditions are achieved. Figure 8.30. Feed-bleed flowsheet for electrodialysis super-
Tests were made by placing additives (deposit inhibitors) saturation study. (After Berger and Laurie, 1962.36)
in the water that enters the concentrating stream. After tests
are completed the stack (membranes) is disassembled and
the location and amount of precipitate are noted.

Waterflood Core-Flow Studies

8 ig
There are numerous references in the literature concern-
ing the use of incompatible waters in waterflooding. Several
studies have been made to determine the effect of incom-
patible waters reacting in the formation, causing deposits
and subsequent plugging.

Bernard” made a laboratory study to determine the max-
imum amount of CaCO, supersaturation that can be carried
in an oilfield water without causing precipitation and
permeability reduction in a water injection well. The ap-
paratus for these “core flow” studies is shown in Figure
8.31. The core sections were 4 cm x 5 cin x 28-88 cm Berea LYAO*LIIC fT1RRER

sandstone cores, a uniform source of the sandstone cores

commonly used to study fluid flow in porous media in oil
Figure 8.31. Apparatus for determining effect of CaC03 -
supersaturation on formation permeability. (After Bernard,
and gas studies. The apparatus is designed to commingle 1957.37)
two incompatible fluids continuously and to control the flow
rates of the unstable solution through the test cores.
Permeability reduction was the measuring criterion.
Bernardj8 made another study of incompatible waters in-
volving the precipitation of barium sulfate in subsurface for-
mations. I n this case he used an apparatus similar to that
shown in Figure 8.32. A Berea sandstone core was saturated
with either a sodium sulfate o r barium chloride solution,
and the opposite solution was pumped through the core to
determine the permeability reduction due to precipitate for-
mation. Some of these data are discussed in Chapter 4. The
problem with such tests is that they only reflect what
happens in a uniform formation; they do not reflect the
severe scale problem that usually occurs in fractures and in
waterfloods when water breakthrough occurs in a producing
well and the fluids begin to commingle in the borehole.
( 0 \ 1 I I) ( O K 1
Complete scale cementation of downhole equipment has oc-
curred i n a s short as 21 days after water breakthrough oc-
curs. KIC 1 l \ l \ l r (1K\1)1 \I1 --
Scale inhibitor squeeze solutions can be tested in a similar
manner. Details of such procedures can be found in dis- Figure 8 32 Apparatus to determine formation plugging from
cussions hy Kerver and H e i l h e ~ k e r ’and
~ Vetter.40s41 scale precipitates. (After Bernard, 1957.38)
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 333

Miscellaneous sometimes adequate indicants of solid or scale deposits; but

sometimes these occur too late to prevent a problem or shut
Tidball et al.42 described a method for detecting incipient down.
scaling i n seawater evaporators by measuring decreases in
heat transfer. Also included in their studies is a computer
Scale Coupons
program designed to plot heat transfer coefficients versus
hours on stream. K e r ~ treviewed
~~ several published
methods of evaluating coolicg tower water treatments and Scale coupons are commonly used to provide more im-
proposed a tentative recommended practice based on this mediate evidence of problems or to evaluate treatments in
review. DonohueJ4 provided a limited description of a por- certain types of operations such as those encountered i n the
table monotube deposition tester used to test fouling rates in petroleum industry. These coupons can vary from relatively
cooling waters. A window in the apparatus allows visual simple installations t o ones that can be inserted and pulled
observation of fouling on a heated tube while temperature hydraulically without closing the system down even though
differences are recorded automatically to quantitatively it may be under high pressure and temperature.
define fouling rates. A n example of one of the scale coupons used in petroleum
Freedman et described a portable testing unit for operations is shown in Figure 8.33. These coupons are made
evaluating fouling and corrosion in cooling water systems. out of 1020 carbon steel and are approximately %-inch
This unit uses preweighed heated tubes along with corrosion wide x 3 inches long x %-inch thick. Unlike corrosion test
coupons enclosed in plastic blocks. Visual observations can coupons, they are perforated, and when placed in a fluid
be made during operations and quantitative data can be ob- stream, they are usually oriented in such a manner that the
t ained. the fluid flow actually impinges on the coupon, creating tur-
bulence. Scaling tendencies, if present, then accelerate. The
Field Monitoring Methods coupons are mounted on the special insulated chuck shown
in Figure 8.33. They are cleaned, weighed, inserted in the
The selection and use of scale inhibitors in actual plant system, exposed for the specified test time, dried, and
and field operations usually requires some type of monitor- reweighed. The amount of scale deposited is recorded.
ing. Heat transfer coefficients, fluid flow measurements, Changes in the system and the effectiveness of a treatment
pressure drops, and plugging (increases in pressures) are can be measured in this manner.

Figure 8.33. Typical perforated scale Coupons Inserted S o That Fluid Impingement
coupons used in petroleum industry. And Turbulence Occurs On Area O f Coupon
334 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

Figure 8.34. Scale coupon

(0.75” x 3”) coated with
CaC03 in water disposal line
for 30 days, south Louisiana.
(Original perforations 0.25”
in diameter.)

4+ C o u p o n





r i
1 9 a c k i n g Gland
c: LJ

Figure 8.35. Extractable

scale coupon holder.
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 335

Figure 8.34 shows a scale coupon coated with calcium Test Nipples or Spools
carbonate. This coupon was exposed in a saltwater disposal
line for 30 days in south Louisiana. Figure 8.35 is a I n pipeline operations it is sometimes convenient to use
schematic of a relatively inexpensive extractable coupon test nipples or spools to determine scale deposition. These
holder. The coupons are attached to the holder and pulled devices a r e small segments of pipe, either screwed o r
back into the barrel. T h e barrel is then screwed into a closed flanged, fitted into the line t o be tested. In some instances
valve (full-opening type). T h e valve is opened and the the). a r e inserted in bypass loops like the one s h o u n in
coupon is inserted through it. An attachment between the Figure 8.36. In this type of installation the nipple or spool
holder handle and the barrel holds the coupon in against the can be removed by closing the bypass loop without shutting
system pressure. This device is often used in monitoring the system in. Scale deposition can be measured visuall!, by
scale deposition in once-through hot water heaters operating weight (usually by scrapings. since the test section weighs
at 450 psi and 320°F. Manual insertion of the coupons un- far more than the scale deposit) or by deposit thickness (in-
der these conditions is difficult but possible. Higher crease or decrease).
pressures require more elaborate hydraulic insertion
met hods. Differential Thermocouples

Differential thermocouple measurements are used to

Caliper Surweys in Oilwells measure both location and rate of scale deposition in once-
through high-pressure industrial water heaters. In these in-
Caliper surveys a r e sometimes run in oilwells t o deter- stances one set of thermocouples is installed at varying
mine the presence and/or rate of growth of scale deposits. points on the outside of the tubes in the firebox and a second
These surveys are conducted by running a special tool set is placed in the water in the tubes. I t % a s f o u n d that
downhole on a wire liner. T h e tool has a series of spreading e-
s c a I f r ee t u be s m a i n t a i n ed a constant d i f fe r e ri t i :i 1 .s.
, ;i I e
fingers which measure the hole diameter continuously. T h e is deposited the bulk water temperature decreases slightly,
results are transmitted electrically t o the surface, and and the firebox thermocouples show a significant rise i n
recordings are made of the hole diameter. If scale growth temperature with scale thickness and location. Alarm
occurs, a corresponding decrease in well diameter will oc- systems and a n automatic shutdown mechanism are built-in
cur. Scale deposition rates can be measured if logs are made and will go off if the outside metal temperature in the
at different time intervals. firebox reaches a preset limit.

i B y - pass Loop

Figure 8.36. Test spool being removed from line to check CaC03 scale deposition in waterflood in south Texas.
336 Water-Formed Scale Deposits


and Inhibitor
$ 8.0

No Inhibitor

7.5 Incremental NaOH Addition 4

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 8.38. Effect on pH of cooling water of incremental ad-

Incremental NaOH Addition
ditions of NaOH. (After Feitler, 1972.4s,47)

Figure 8.37. Critical pH as determined by addition of NaOH

and plotting resultant pH in cooling water. (After Feitler,

Material Balances Container

Water analyses can sometimes be used to determine

material balance calculations where scale deposition is ex-
pected. Calcium analyses, for example, taken in and out of a
steam generator or a heater treater can sometimes be used
to determine whether or not scale is depositing to any major
extent. It is usually necessary, however, to run a full water
analysis on both inlet and outlet waters. Another ion, such
as chloride, known not to deposit should be used as a base Outlet
line so that errors, evaporation or sampling, etc. can be Drain
taken into account.

The Use of Scale Meters

in Cooling Water Control

Feitler46.47describes a method for determining, monitor-

ing, and measuring the “critical pH” (pHc), or the “true pH
of scaling of cooling waters.” He indicates that the critical
pH is 1.7 to 2.0 units higher than the pH of saturation in-
dicated by the conventional Saturation Index. The basis in
theory for this critical pH measurement is the unusual
decrease in pH (at a certain point) of a calcium carbonate-
containing water (untreated) with increasing additions of a
caustic. The critical pH is determined by titrating a water
with increments of NaOH and then plotting the pH shown
in Figure 8.37 (untreated water). The point on the extension Water Out
of the curve just after the maximum pH is the critical pH. Figure 8.39. Flow diagram of scale meter. (After Feitler,
If precipitation (potential scaling) does not occur the pH 1972.46947)
continues to increase with increase in NaOH. Figure 8.38
shows examples of a water which has been treated to prevent
precipitation (Curve l), the same water with no treatment
(Curve 2), and the same water with a normal amount of
scale inhibitor added. measurements. Figure 8.39 shows a flow diagram of the
The scale meter is designed for use in cooling waters and scale meter. A water sample is passed through a constant
takes into account the factors dealing with critical pH flow module (100 ml/min or 2 gph). The water is then sent
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 337

to a mixing tee where it is treated with N a O H . Precipitates Figure 8.40 shows a method of using the scale meter on a
of C a C 0 3 form and are allowed time to grow (90 sec) to cooling tower installation. The water sample is taken from
detectable size with a time-delay tube. A special photometer the return line to the cooling tower. The total dissolved
affords particle measurement. The signal from the photocell solids are measured and a control valve is actuated to blow-
is amplified and is used to actuate the control and alarm cir- down the system automatically and to introduce fresh
cuits. The water sample flows to waste over a special weir. make-up water to control the solids. Concentration cycles
A total dissolved solids monitor is an integral part of the are thus controlled automatically to predetermined limits.
scale meter. This unit is based on electrical conductivity and The scale meter control signal is tied into a scale inhibitor
is used to control the cycles of concentration. pump which adds inhibitor as needed, based on critical p H ,
to keep the system from scaling. Alarms are sounded if
either the photolamp in the scale meter or the inhibitor feed
system fails.

Monitoring and Controlling Cooling Waters. Numer-

ous instruments are available for controlling and monitor-
Water Sample I I ing cooling waters. Some equipment is elaborate and some
Return relatively simple. Poole and Bacon4* reviewed the present
Scale methods of monitoring and controlling cooling water
Valve Scale
treatments. Table 8.6 summarizes their findings.

Ultrasonic Scale Detection

' land Storage- I II 1 Instrument
1 Basin
Cooling Tower Bleed
7 9
TDS Lonrrt
i- -r
Methods of detecting the rate of scale deposition while a
process stream or piece of equipment is in operation are
often useful. Midwest Research Institute49developed such a
Valve Scale Alarm 9 ? r;?
$ ~ Power method based on ultrasonic reflectivity changes at liq-
uid/metal interfaces. Small high-temperature transducers
are soldered directly to the outside of heat transfer tubes.
The geometry is such that the echo trains produced by the
Figure 8.40. Typical installation for a scale inhibitor chemical device are stable at water temperatures up to 280°F and
treatment program control system. (After Feitler, 1972.46-47) flow velocities of 3 ft/sec. The sensitivity increases with in-

Treatment Program Monitoring Measurements Treatment Program Monitoring Measurements

Scale Prevention Control of Biological Fouling

Control concentration b y bleed A Specific conductivity or Chlorination-liquid chlorine A Colorimetric (orthotolidine)
from system chloride ratios or hypochlorite Amperometric
Lower Saturation Index b y A Calcium hardness, alkalinity, Potentiometric ( O R P I
feeding acid total solids and pH Chlorine donors (phenates, etc. No test
"Threshold" polyphosphate Total and inverted PO4 non-oxidizing)
Organic phosphorous compounds No test' Quaternary ammonium compounds Colorimetric oi ti tr imetr ic
Crystal-distorting polymers No test Copper salts Test not used'
Thiocyanates Test not used'
Corrosion Inhibition Acrolei n Colorimetric
Adjust Saturation Index t o produce Calci u m hardness, a Ika Ii ni t y ,
a controlled calcium carbonate total solids and pH
scale (feed lime or caustic)
Chromates (200-1000 ppm) A Colorimetric C r 0 4 Control of Nonbiological Fouling
Chromate-phosphate (60 ?r ppm) A Total and inverted PO4 Side-stream filtration Turbidity
A Notest.' Dispersant or flocculating Heat transfer measurement
Organic chromates
~ I .
A Colorimetric Zn I antifoulants
Modified tannins and carbo- A Colorimetric Zn
*Small pilot heat exchangers are used to follow scale deposition when water
hydrates + zinc quality control by chemical testing is not used.
Synthetic polymers with film- A No t e s t * * * * T h e depolarization current corresponding to a fixed voltage drop across
forming functional groups electrodes i s used t o meter corrosion rate and pitting in the lnterloc and
Phosphonium compounds A No test** Magna instruments.

After Poole and Bacon, 1972.48

338 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

creased frequency, but attenuation by the water establishes Fouling tests, both process side and waterside, are
an upper practical limit. reported in several ways: fouling factor calculations,
The decay rate produced by the device is highly dependent changes in heat transfer coefficient, pressure differentials,
on the nature of the scale, but the unit is capable of detecting temperature differentials, and also on a simple weight basis
film deposits above 1 mil. or percent protection as compared to an untreated system.

Boiler Water Sampling Device Process Side Antifoulant Test Equipment

The use of antifoulants in process side operations is a

In determining the conditions occurring inside a boiler, it relatively new area and little literature is available on the
is sometimes necessary to sample water for analysis on the subject. The fouling deposits, however, do create the same
downstream or high-temperature side of the boiler. Special loss in heat transfer efficiency as waterside deposits, so the
sampling devices are needed to prevent flashing. Figure 8.41 subject of process side fouling is relevant to any discussion
shows an example of two devices, one for high-temperature on scale deposits.
and high-pressure sampling and one for low pressure. Both Various equipment is used to evaluate process side fouling
devices provide a means of cooling and collecting hot water and antifoulants, particularly in refinery and petrochemical
samples. operations. Some tests provide only qualitative screening
data. An example of such a test is the “hot-wire fouling
test.” In this test a low-voltage current is applied to high-
Test Results
resistance wires placed in a hydrocarbon process stream.
When the temperature is increased sufficiently, foulants will
Laboratory test results on scale deposits are commonly accumulate on the hot wire. Tests are normally run for
reported on a simple weight basis when treated or inhibited periods of 6 to 24 hours. Visual observations of foulant ac-
samples are compared with untreated samples. I n other cumulation are used as test criteria. Antifoulants can be
cases a “percent protection” is noted. This is determined as screened for their effectiveness by the same procedures.
follows: Figure 8.42 is a schematic of this unit.
The Erdco Coker in Figure 8.43 is frequently used to
evaluate the coking tendencies of jet fuels as well as the
‘h Scaling l’iotection =
effectiveness of antifoulants in other nonaqueous process
I .OO W t o I Scale x 100 streams. This antifoulant device was first described in
W t . o f Scdle o f Avg. Blank 1965.50 Fouling tests using this device are similar to the Erd-
(w1 t Iiou t inhi t) it o r ) co Aviation Fuel Testing Procedure, ASTM D- 1660. In this

Copper Coils

( a ) High Pressure

Figure 8.41. Special boiler water sampling devices. (From Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
American Public Health Assoc., Inc., N.Y., 1967, p. 49.)
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 339

test, samples of fuel (sometimes deliberately aerated) are Pressure drop, in. Hg (logarithmic scale)
preheated to 204°C (400°F) and then passed across a stan-
dardized porous metal filter held a t 260°C (500°F) and into
a weighed sample receiver. The pressure drop across the
filter is recorded as a function of time.
Pressures drop exponentially with time as shown in
Figure 8.44a. The upper curve is typical of a high-fouling
feed stock where the pressure drops rapidly in a short period
of time. The lower curve indicates relatively slight pressure
drops over a period of time. This is typical of low-fouling
One expression of fouling tendencies is the ratio of the
test slope to the slope of a low-fouling-tendency stock. This
ratio is referred to as thefouling index. Figure 8.44b shows
how to calculate this index.
" "
' "
' "

. '
' . "
,': ,
Length of test, minutes

Figure 8.44a. Pressure drop across porous metal filter as a

measure of fouling. (After Frazier et al., 196!f1.~O)

Fouling slope
Fouling index = --------
Fouling slope = As defined in Fig. 8.44b
0.0035 = fouling slope of reference heavy virgin naphtha

Figure 8.42. Hot wire fouling test. (From "Simple Device Tests Figure 8.44b. Calculating the fouling index. (After Frazier et
for Antifoulants," Oil and Gas J., Feb. 3, 1969.) al., 1 9 6 5 ~ ~ ~ )


Figure 8.43. Schematic

diagram of Erdco* Coker
used t o evaluate fouling
tendencies and antifoulants.
( * T r a d e n a m e of E r d c o
Engineering Corp., Addison,
Receiver and scale Ill. A f t e r Frazier et al.,
340 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

The fouling index is a reasonably reliable indicator of Table 8.7. Determination of Optimum Concentration of
fouling tendencies as well as a method of selecting and Antifoulant by Use of Fouling Index
applying antifoulants. Table 8.7 illustrates how fouling in-
dex data can be used to select the optimum antifoulant. Additive concentration, ppm Fouling index
Preheater tube deposits are also examined. The entire
40.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
system operates at 150 psig. The principle limitation of this 20, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
test is that it requires large samples and as much as a week 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2
to complete a single test. 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9
Another version of this test is shown in Figure 8.45. This
After Frazier et al., 1965.5O
test operates on an essentially closed system where the sam-
ple is pressurized across an annular heater, cooled, and
collected as waste. The fouling in the heater is noted.
Still another method of testing antifoulants in the vapor
phase is shown in Figure 8.46. The fouling tendencies or
selection of antifoulants are based on the decrease in sample
outlet temperature and the condition of the heater tube after Reservoir Outlet
a specified period of time. Inlet
S o m e investigators consider additive performance
screened on the standard coker used to evaluate the thermal
stability of jet fuels unsatisfactory for refinery process side
fouling studies. This is because refinery conditions are not
adequately duplicated. Fluid velocity, residence time,
temperature, pressure and metallurgy are generally quite
different from refinery operations.
Canaparys’ used the apparatus shown in Figure 8.47 to Temperature
E f f l u e n t Can
study process side fouling. The hydrocarbon stream is
pumped through an electrically-heated tube. Heat transfer Pressure Range __ 100.700 psig
coefficients are measured by taking temperature readings of Temperature Range -200-700 F
the wall surface and the oil. The average operating con- Charge Rate @ 4iilhr
ditions for this unit are noted (see Figure 8.47). Velocity @ 112 f t l s e c
GillespieS2described an improved antifoulant test based Figure 8.45. Laboratory fouling apparatus used to select an-
on the use of the Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester tifoulants, based on measurements of the decreased
(JFTOT). This device operates on the same general prin- temperature due to build-up foulants. (After NACE, 1970.153)
ciples as the Erdco Coker. Figure 8.48 is a schematic of it.
The reservoir is smaller than the Erdco Coker, using only 1
quart instead of 5 gallons of sample. The preheater tube is
63/8 inches long and has a test section %-inch OD x 23/x-
inches. It can be made of aluminum or stainless if test
temperatures are to exceed 343°C (650°F). Temperatures

are measured by a movable thermocouple inside the tube.
The J F T O T test is run for 300 minutes (when possible) and J-. L
the change in pressure is plotted as a function of time. P
Figure 8.49 shows some typical antifoulant evaluation data.
These data are plotted to indicate the least fouling with
minimum line slope.
Other test devices for foulant measurement and an-
tifoulant evaluations include hot probes where deposits are
removed and weighed;s3 high-surface area stainless steel Waste
packed columns measured for deposit formation;54devices
for measuring changes in heat transfer coefficients with Feed
time;” and zeta potential and electrical conductivity
techniques.’h*!’ Cooler
recently discussed a new antifoulant test
suitable for use in the laboratory or as a side stream test unit
in a refinery. The test is based on a modification of the hot
wire technique and can be used to determine heat transfer
coefficients under a wide range of temperature conditions.
The hot wire technique involves placing an electrically
Y 1
heated wire inside a beaker of hydrocarbon. Hausler’s
Figure 8.46. Liquid-vapor phase fouling apparatus. (After
i Te.ut rcintinurd on page 3421 NACE, 1970.’53)
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 341


Refinery Stream Fouling Apparatus, Typical Operating

Conditions Oil Flow -Wall
............................ Naptha, gas, oil, crude. residue
(gal/hr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Velocity (ft/sec) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Average resistance time (min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Pressure (psig) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , 150-750
Heated area (sq I"). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ..0.16
Heat input ( B t u / h r ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,3000-5200
Tube-uall temp. ( O F ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 500- 1000
Heat transfer (Btu/hr/ft:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,000-33,000
Oil temp. ( O F ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300-600
Heat trans. coefficient iple
( Bt u / h r/ f't / F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-300
Tube cross-section shows construction details and how the
thermocouple connects to the tube.

Figure 8.47. Nalco refinery stream fouling apparatus. (After Canapary, 1961 . 5 1 )


t i)


w/PISTON & V E E - S E
-- % 0.

FRESH FUEL FILTER 0 100 200 300

Figure 8.48. Fuel system schematic of JFTOT Coker' used in
antifoulant testing. (*Tradename of Alcor, Inc., San Antonio, Figure 8.49. Comparative laboratory JFTOT Coker tests on
Texas. After Gillespie, 1971 .52) heavy stock. (Modified after Gillespie, 1971 .52)
342 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

(continuedfrom page 340)

modification of this test involves placing the hot wire in a
0.25-inch diameter tube so that the hydrocarbon stream can
flow over it. Two cross connectors are tied together by 2 in-
ches of stainless steel tubing. The electrical probe wire is
then placed inside the tubing. Electrical connectors extend
outside the unit to a power source. One opening in each
cross connector contains a thermocouple to measure inlet
and outlet temperatures of the hydrocarbon stream. The
other opening in each connector is the inlet and outlet for
hydrocarbon flow (see Figure 8.50).
Tests are run by pumping hydrocarbon from a 1-gallon
reservoir, through a preheater, into the probe where it con-
tacts the hot-wire surface, out of the probe, into a cooler
(immediately returned to room temperature) and returned
to the reservoir. The temperature of the wire and the feed
stream and the flow rate of the hydrocarbon stream are the
three controlling parameters. Since fouling rates are a func-
tion of temperature, a nonuniform deposit is noted on the
wire. This is caused by the increase in hydrocarbon and wire
temperature in the direction of flow as the fluid moves the
probe. Film transfer coefficients (heat transfer coefficients
from wire to liquid) are used as terms to report the results of
fouling tendencies. Plotting heat transfer coefficients as a
function of time gives an indication of the fouling rates.
Figure 8.51 illustrates the fouling effects determined by
the U O P Fouling Probe on six different skin-fluid
temperature variations on a reference diesel fuel containing
no additives. A rapid drop in heat transfer efficiency is
shown to occur at mild conditions in a relatively short
period of time.
There are numerous difficulties in testing and evaluating
fouling tendencies of hydrocarbon and antifoulants. The
nature of the deposit can significantly influence the heat
transfer coefficient. Simple weighing of deposits is not
necessarily related to the heat transfer coefficient or rate of
Antifoulants found to be effective at one temperature
may not necessarily be effective at other temperatures.
Thus, antifoulants tested a t one temperature under
laboratory conditions mayt not be effective over the wide
range of temperatures encountered in field operations.
Another difficulty in most fouling studies made by tubular
heat exchangers is that fouling rates represent the average
for the entire heat exchanger. Such data d o not always
reflect the rate at which a deposit can build up in a certain
Although weight measurements and visual observations
are useful for determining the morphology of the deposits,
they contribute little to measuring the kinetics of the fouling
process. Therefore, the heat transfer coefficient or film
transfer coefficient should be used as the measuring
parameter in fouling studies. Visual inspection of equip-
ment, although not often possible until problems occur, is
the only sure method of deposit monitoring. All other
methods usually provide indirect evidence only. In some
pilot operations, tubes are removed from tube bundles for
I n actual plant operations process side antifoulants are Figure 8.50. UOP process side fouling probe test unit. (After
evaluated on factors such as throughput rates, run lengths, Hausler, 1973.58)
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 343

*Hot-wire probe, Temp., "(.

TI, = Fluid temperature

1, = Probe temperature

Figye 8.51. Diesel fuel foul-

10 20 30 40 50 do ' 70 '
ing using UOP fouling probe.
Tim, hr (After Hausler, 1973.5*)

heat transfer coefficients, pressure drops, fuel consumption, sion industry, have been selected for detailed discussion, as
steam consumption, and conditions of special coupon ex- have the two major water usage areas, heating and cooling.
posure. Plant tests on antifoulants are usually long-term, This overview should provide some insight into current
and meaningful evaluations may take from 3 to 40 months. chemical methods for scale and deposit inhibition.
The only conclusive test for a potential antifoulant is a plant
trial which is costly and time-consuming, and this is the
reason that pertinent and meaningful laboratory tests are The Scale Problem
essential for evaluating fouling problems and process side in the Petroleum Industry
anti foulants.
Most laboratory tests on scale and deposit inhibitors can- Very frequently, the results of tests on completed oil and
not be translated directly into results in field operations, gas wells show good production potentials. Immediately
regardless of how accurate the tests are. This makes the after being put on stream or at sometime during their
evaluation and selection of such deposit control additives productive life a decline in production occurs and no ap-
extremely difficult. Reliable field monitoring procedures are parent or ready explanation exists, though there might be
equally difficult due to the complex nature of both the many reasons. More often than not, one of the problems is
system and the deposit. New laboratory and field test mineral scale in the form of calcium carbonate, barium sul-
methods are developed constantly in order to improve on fate or calcium sulfate deposits occurring at some point in
the development, evaluation, selection, and application of the producing system and restricting the flow of production.
deposit control additives. This deposition can occur at any point from the time the
One last observation concerning the research, develop- produced fluids, which always contain water with dissolved
ment, application, and ultimate evaluation of scale in- mineral matter, begin to move along minute fractures into
hibitors, antifoulants, and other deposit control agents or larger fractures and eventually into the well bore, through a
techniques-in most instances there are no standard tests. pump (where this exists), up the tubing string, through
Therefore, chemical additive suppliers or consulting valves, through surface separation equipment, into gather-
engineering services are sometimes confronted with the ing lines, and are diverted either into transmission lines on
problem of providing products or services for individual the way to a refinery or to a gathering system, either to be
company testing techniques only. Consequently, what may disposed or reinjected for waterflooding. At any point in this
be suitable for one company can be wholly inadequate for route the minerals have ample opportunity to come out of
another. This accounts, in part, for the large number of solution and deposit.
chemical additives being marketed as deposit inhibitors to- These deposits can sometimes be dissolved with acids
day. (predominantly carbonate-based scales) or disintegrated
(some sulfate-type scales). Where barium sulfate occurs,
Current Chemical Inhibition Practices and this is rather common, equipment sometimes must be
discarded or mechanical clean-out techniques have to be
The chemical inhibition of scale and other deposits varies used. No known chemical methods are effective in removing
in technique and, sometimes, in types of chemicals not just a predominantly BaS04scale deposit.
between industries but even within the same industry. The problem with treating producing wells in the oilfield
Furthermore, new developments in technology, chemicals, is that there is little opportunity to treat the water before it
and operating equipment make for rapid changes. Thus, it is begins to become unstable back in the formation. Further-
not possible to cover all practices in detail. Two key in- more, treatments must deal with a wide variety of natural
dustries, the petroleum industry and the saline water conver- brines that vary more in chemical constituents than most
344 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

surface waters do. Pressures and temperatures are con- observed by these authors and other investigators, and even-
siderably more variable than those in plant operations. tually this early CaS04 predictive technique was proven
Also, one is usually working rather blind, since the problem inadequate and was modified.
may be some 20,000 feet or deeper and in a very restricted In 1954 B u r ~ i kstudied
~~ the inhibition of gypsum
area of usually less than 6-inch diameter holes. precipitation by sodium polyphosphates and described the
Water is both a problem and a valuable resource to the reversion characteristics as related to the effectiveness of
petroleum industry. It exists as connate brines in hydrocar- various types of polyphosphates. Crawford68 wrote a series
bon reservoirs and is produced in varying but large quan- of short articles describing various aspects of the scale and
tities with almost all oil and gas. Since it is a subsurface scale inhibitor problem as related to oilfield waters (1957-
brine, water becomes highly mineralized by its contact with 1963). He also presented an overview of sequestrants and
formation rock coupled with high pressures and chelation as applied to oilfield brines.
temperatures and, in some cases, bacterial activity over long Earlougher and reported one of the earliest uses of
periods of geologic time. fracturing solid controlled-solubility phosphates back into a
These waters change constantly with time, although the formation in order to obtain slow feedback to prevent scale
changes may be so minute that the waters are considered to deposits in the formation and downhole equipment of
be in an equilibrium condition. Once the formation is producing wells (1957).
tapped with a drill, however, and the formation fluids are In 1959 Featherston et al.70described the characteristics
brought to the surface, the water undergoes rapid and to be considered when selecting di-metallic phosphates (con-
drastic changes. As stated previously, the water changes trolled solubility) for injecting into producing zones in con-
continuously during the production cycle, and can dissolve junction with oilfield fracturing operations. Field results
or deposit solids or other matter with which it comes in con- utilizing the slowly-soluble phosphates were described.
tact. The oil industry has been plagued with a severe scale Characteristics such as solution rate, particle size, reversion
problem (only one of the problems with water) since its rate, and re-precipitation problems were noted.
beginning. However, it has also required large volumes of Featherston71 also reported on the removal and prevention
water in recovery and processing operations. What then are of scale in producing oil wells (1959).
the current practices used to control or prevent scale Sloat72y73discussed in detail the proper use of controlled-
problems in petroleum operations? What are the types of solubility phosphates as scale inhibitors in oilfield produc-
chemicals used? How are they used, and what is expected of tion operations. Basic treating methods such as well pack-
them in terms of performance? These are questions to which ing, filter packing, and monitoring technique were detailed
this section is addressed. (1963 and 1964). The effect of solution rate parameters was
also described. In 1963 OstrofT4 discussed a method of
What Has Been Done to Resolve the Scale Problem?
calculating the amount of scale formed in injection wells as
a result of excess constituents that form deposits in water
systems in oilfield brines. Stone et al.75 reported on the
Many papers have been written on the subject of scale in- development of a Laboratory Scale Deposition Test Cell
hibition in oilfield operations. It would be impossible to in- used to study scale deposition mechanisms and scale in-
clude all of the publications that have mentioned the scale hibitors under simulated once-through petroleum producing
problem in relation to oilfield operations, but a brief review operations (1964). Several types of test instruments have
of some of the more pertinent papers should provide a been built around this concept since this earlier work.
reasonable base for any further research on specific details. For those interested in some typical water handling
The early treatment for scale in the petroleum industry problems in the reinjection of large volumes of produced
generally paralleled the use of scale inhibitors in municipal water in secondary operations, a review of Dixon and New-
waters, boiler waters, and cooling waters. Krynine61 and ton'sT6 study will be valuable. They studied several water in-
Yuster62 discussed the scale problem in waterflood jection projects. These included both open and closed
operations as early as 1938 and 1939. Acid salts and systems where injection volumes varied from 2,200 to
phosphates were suggested as possible chemical treatments, 12,500 barrels per day. The projects included both limestone
apparently because of the early successes of sodium hex- and sand formations varying in depth from 1,300 to 6,750
ametaphosphates as scale inhibitors in other types of in- feet with permeabilities of 17 to 275 md. (1965).
dustrial water treating. In 1943 Battle and JesserP Gates and C a r a ~ a discussed
y ~ ~ ~ ~the~ extensive problem
described one of the first uses of sodium hex- of barium sulfate scale deposits in producing wells in
ametaphosphate for brine stabilization in oilfield waterflood California (1965). Slaton et a1.79,80described scale deposi-
operations. In 1951 Kleber64 detailed the use of sodium hex- tion and removal problems as related to oilfield operations
ametaphosphate in treating scale deposition in primary (1965). Metler and Ostroffsl derived formulas for predicting
producing wells, waterfloods, and brine disposal systems. the solubility of calcium sulfate in various electrolytes en-
Theory, method of treatment, and several case histories countered in natural brines at temperatures from 28" to
were described. 70°C (1967). Tate et a1.82showed that the original Stiff and
Stiff and Davis65,66developed empirical methods for Davis procedure for predicting calcium sulfate solubility in
predicting the solubility of calcium carbonate and calcium oilfield waters was inaccurate (1964).
sulfate in natural brines (1951-1952). Some experimental Stone83 discussed the use of organophosphonate
deviations from predicted CaS04 solubility were later derivatives in removing and preventing calcium sulfate scale
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 345

deposition in wells in the west Texas area. He discussed the Kerver and HeilheckerioOmade extensive laboratory and
scale inhibitor squeeze technique and the field results ob- field tests on various scale inhibitors used in squeeze
tained (1966). treatments of oil wells. Calcium sulfate scale was of prime
Collins and Zelinskis4determined the solubility of barium interest in this study. Adsorption-desorption characteristics
sulfate and strontium sulfate in oilfield brines (1966). were measured on field cores, and the results of extensive
Tinsley et al.85 discussed the design of chemical fracture field tests were discussed (1968).
squeeze treatments of oil wells in order to prevent scale Bilhartzlol discussed the importance of a standard data
deposition (1967). Bradleys6 investigated the use of series* .acquisition method for monitoring injection water quality.
sodium ion exchangers to soften water for steam production He placed particular emphasis on data related to suspended
in steamflood operations (1967). Weintritt and Cowap87 dis- and dissolved solids that cause scale deposits and formation
cussed the unique characteristics of barium sulfate scale plugging (1968). Fulfordlo2 discussed the effects of brine
deposited from subsurface waters, and the effect of in- concentration and pressure drops on gypsum scaling in oil
hibitors on this type of scale (1967). TempletonsS derived wells. This was one of the early investigations that noted the
methods for predicting the solubility of barium sulfate in important effect of pressure on the deposition of calcium
natural brines at temperatures from 25OC to 95OC (1960). sulfate scale (1968).
Hulls9 reported on a process that internally softens and Skillman et al.1°3 described a method for calculating the
makes high-pressure steam directly from hard saline waters solubility of calcium sulfate in oilfield brines based on ther-
or other brines. Claims are that scale is eliminated on modynamic solubility theory. Temperature ranges and salt
process heating surfaces (1967). HigginsgOdescribed a con- concentrations normal to oilfield operattiom were covered,
tinuous ion exchange method for treating water to eliminate and time-sharing computer services utilizing calculation
scale in high-pressure steam generators used in oilfield ther- routines were discussed (1969).
mal flood operations (1967). Dowling”J4 discussed the use of an organophosphonate
Jonesg1described a new laboratory scale test apparatus scale inhibitor in a waterflood operation in New Mexico
for use in oilfield brine studies. He used the test apparatus to (1969). Vetterlo5 critiqued test methods used to evaluate
study the effect of various chemical additives on inhibiting oilfield scale inhibitors. He noted that several types of tests
the formation of calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate should be run. The effectiveness of polyelectrolytes,
(1961). phosphate esters, and phosphonates were studied in relation
OstrofP2 published an excellent book entitled Zntroduc- to barium sulfate, calcium sulfate, and calcium carbonate
tion to Oilfield Water Technology in 1965. An entire scale inhibition (1970). Vetter and Phillipsioa compared
chapter is devoted to the problem of scale deposition in methods of predicting calcium sulfate scale under downhole
oilfield operations. Diebes and Jesseng3 presented well conditions. They noted the inconsistencies and
laboratory data on a new laboratory test device for studying limitations of other prediction methods, particularly in
the effect of scale deposition and scale inhibitors in oilfield regards to pressure effects. They proposed a new method of
brines. Their study involved calcium carbonate deposits prediction based on thermodynamic relations (1969).
from natural brines (1967). This paper contains an excellent Ralstonl07 discussed the effect of aminomethylenephos-
bibliography related to calcium carbonate scale. phonates on calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, and barium
Smith et a1.94 presented the results of a laboratory and sulfate scale deposits commonly found in oilfield operations
field testing program that involved the use of scale inhibitors (1969). Bezemer and BauerloSreported on methods used to
and removal agents on calcium sulfate scale found in design controlled-solubility well packs in order to prevent
waterflood projects (1968). Carlberg and Casad95 made calcium carbonate scale in wells in South Sumatran oilfields
laboratory studies to determine the effect of various scale in Indonesia (1969). Park et al.109 discussed a combination
inhibitors suitable for producing steam for thermal flood scale, corrosion, and emulsion treatment based on squeeze
operations (1967). Larseng6detailed some new methods for techniques and used to prevent barium sulfate and calcium
treating surface and subsurface waters used in oilfield carbonate scale in oil and gas wells (1969). CowaniIodis-
operations. Particular emphasis is placed on removal of cussed the secondary properties necessary in chemicals used
suspended and dissolved solids in order to prevent scale for mineral scale inhibition in the oil industry (1970).
deposits (1967). Case”l published an excellent operator’s manual entitled
Martin9’ discussed the possible causes of supersaturation Water Problems in Oil Production, 1970. This book has
and deposition of calcium sulfate from oilfield brines, and some practical solutions concerning solid deposits, scale for-
how these might be predicted (1967). Lasater et al.98 mation, and plugging and fouling deposits in oilfield waters.
described the effect of various types of inhibitors on oilfield An entire chapter is devoted to the subject of scale-control
calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate scale deposits. The “gadgets” in the oil industry. Case is recognized as an
inhibitors included polyorganic acids, organic phosphates, authority on water-related deposit problems in oil
inorganic phosphates, and other chelating agents (1968). operations. He has published numerous articles related to
Templeton and Rogersg9described methods to predict the solids deposits from oilfield waters.112~113~i14~1i5
solubility of anhydrite in hot water or steam droplets for Davis and Collins116 studied the solubility of barium and
saturated steam pressures as high as 2,000 psig (637°F). strontium sulfate in strong electrolyte solutions as an exten-
These data were developed for use in predicting scaling sion of their earlier work related to oilfield scale deposits
tendencies in natural waters used for generating wet steam (197 1). Vetterll7*11*discussed radioactive tracer techniques
in thermal oil recovery operations (1968). used to study adsorption-desorption characteristics of scale
346 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

inhibitors used in oilfield squeeze treatments (1971 and Spriggs and HooverIz1presented some detailed field studies
1973). of their experience with scale inhibitor squeeze programs in
Bradley1I9made the most recent detailed study on the in- west Texas (1972). Vetter'zz recently examined the means
hibition of calcium carbonate scale in water injection wells. by which barium sulfate scale deposits from water in deep,
Of particular interest in this study is the effect of pressure on high-pressure gas wells (1972).
inhibitor efficiency. Bradley used a special high-pressure
test apparatus in this study to simulate the pressure in an in- Chemical Scale Inhibitors in the Petroleum Industry
jection well (1972).
Ralstonl2O described the use of threshold treatments with Highly mineralized waters are associated with most oil
phosphonates, amine phosphates, polyphosphates, and and gas production. The total dissolved solids in these
polyacrylates to prevent water-formed deposits (1972). waters varies, but can be higher than 350,000 mg/l, such as
Table 8.8. The Need for a Variety of Chemical
Scale Inhibitors in the Petroleum Industry
0 Types of waters vary from a distilled water such as that in
boilers or gas condensate wells to natural brines or evaporated
seawater having 300,000 ppm dissolved solids plus suspended
0 Oils and distillates vary chemically as much as waters.
0 Solubility of chemicals varies in each one of the oils or waters.
0 Ratios of oil and waters vary.
0 Production techniques vary.
0 Temperatures and pressures vary.
0 Economics: cost of chemicals
cost of handling
Freezing: geographical variations - -freezing vs. evaporation

Table 8.9. Effect of Scale Inhibitors on Calcium Carbonate

(Static Precipitation Tests)
Effect of Temperature on Inhibitor Effectiveness (CaCO3 Precipitation)
(Cm: 2 X 10-3 mol; NaCl: 0.5 mol = 2.92%)
Percent of Potential PreciDitate KeDt in Solution
I Polyelectrolyte
I Ester
I Phosphonate
(PPm) 73°F 210°F 350°F 73°F 210°F 73'F 2lO'F 350°F
0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0
2 41 0 0 40 I 100 10 I
4 100 0 0 100 10 1 0 100 20 10
8 100 20 0 100 15 ~0 100 50 35
12 100 32 10 100 25 0 100 100 38
20 100 35 20 100 55 0 100 100 42
50 100 40 40 100 65 0 100 100 42
250 100 100 50 100 65 0 100 100 45

Inhibitor Polyelectrolyte Ester Phosphonate

I 41:
Cm=2xlO-3 M
Cm=lO-I M
Cm = 10-1 M
12 100 2 100 2 100 1
20 100 10 100 10 100 2
50 100 12 100 30 100 15
100 45 100 50
After Vetter, 1970.2
Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 347

those from the Smackover in Mississippi. The dissolved methods have involved various typical water treatments
solids are predominantly sodium chloride but may contain such as:
large amounts of many other salts. In some cases the water
represents only a fractional percent of the total produced 1. Pretreating water to remove scale-forming con-
fluids; in other cases the production may contain as high as stituents
98% water. 2. Treating to prevent or delay deposition
During production these waters undergo changes that 3. Removal of previously deposited scale by chemical,
tend to unstabilize and precipitate the mineral matter. The mechanical, or a combination of these methods.
simple precipitation of mineral components can be tolerated
under some conditions. However, the adherence of hard Over the past few decades chemicals have been used ex-
masses results in mineral scale deposits that interfere with tensively in scale prevention. Some of the devices mentioned
production operations. previously have also been used, in limited cases, for the
Scale deposits normally hamper fluid flow, prevent effec- prevention and removal of scale, but the lack of success with
tive heat transfer, have an effect on corrosion processes, etc. these devices in oilfield waters has limited their use.
These deposits usually result in delays and shut downs for Chemical inhibitors, however, have been successful in the
removal, and they can be a safety hazard. Scale is an expen- petroleum industry and there are a large number of products
sive problem in almost any system handling water. used simply because of the wide variation in environments.
Precipitating or exchanging ions has seldom been of prac- Some of the factors contributing to the need for a variety of
tical benefit in hydrocarbon producing operations because scale inhibitors are listed in Table 8.8.
volumes of water are usually large, solid concentrations are Vetter made an interesting comparison of some of the
extremely high, and produced waters cannot be segregated, new commercially available phosphonate, polyelectrolyte,
stabilized, or treated by such methods downhole (before be- and phosphate ester scale inhibitors on the precipitation of
ing brought to the surface). calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, and barium sulfate at
Numerous methods of dealing with mineral scale deposi- two concentrations and three temperatures. The results of
tion in the oil and gas industry have been tried. These these static precipitation tests are shown in Tables 8.9, 8.10,

Table 8.10. Effect of Scale Inhibitors on Calcium Sulfate Precipitation

(Static Precipitation Tests)
Effect of CaS04 Supersaturation on Inhibitor Effectiveness
(Temperature: 210°F; NaCl: 0.5 M = 2.92%)
Percent of Potential Precipitate Kept in Solution
Inhibitor I Pol yelectrol yte I Ester 1 Phosphonate
Concentration I
(PPm) C m = 4 . 5 ~ 1 0 -M
~ C m = 8 ~ 1 0 -M
~ Cm=4.5x10-2 M Cm =8x 10-2 M Cm=4.5x10-2 M Cm = 8x10-2 M
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 85 0 70 0
4 50 0 90 2 80 2
8 70 0 90 4 85 4
12 80 0 95 10 90 6
20 90 0 100 10 100 8
50 100 0 100 20 100 15
250 100 0 100 30 I
100 80

Inhibitor Pol yelectrolyte Ester Phosphonate

(PPm) 73°F 210°F 350°F 73°F 210°F 350°F 73°F 210°F 350°F
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
4 15 0 0 60 2 0 4 2 0
8 70 0 0 80 4 0 20 4 2
12 80 0 0 90 10 0 40 6 8
20 80 0 0 90 10 0 40 8 10
50 80 0 0 90 20 0 70 15 20
250 90 0 0 90 30 0 90 80 20
348 Water-Formed Scale Deposits

and 8.11. These data showed that the polyelectrolyte is What Type of Scale Occurs?
effective in decreasing order BaSO,>CaCO3>CaSO4. It
was particularly effective on BaSO,. The phosphate ester The three main types of mineral scale deposits en-
had an effectiveness order of CaSO,>BaSO,>CaCO, but countered in the oil and gas industry are calcium carbonate,
was ineffective at high temperatures. The phosphonates calcium sulfate, and barium sulfate. They are rarely found
were the best inhibitors for CaC03 and also showed good in their pure form; and more often than not, they are found
effectiveness in the high-temperature inhibition of BaS0, in combination with one another. These deposits can also
and CaS04. These differences in the effectiveness of some of contain silica, strontium sulfate, iron compounds, bacterial
the best commercially available inhibitors further illustrate slimes, hydrocarbons, etc.
the need for a variety of scale inhibitors. Typical examples of these problems appear throughout
The simple fact that a chemical will prevent or delay scale this book. In order to combat the scale deposition problem
deposition is not enough to justify its consideration as a in the oil and gas industry, a concerted effort has been
scale inhibitor. Serious secondary problems are often directed toward the development of chemical inhibitors
created by the use of a scale inhibitor, particularly in specific to these types of scale.
petroleum operations. These problems can be more severe
or costly than the primary scale problem. What Types of Chemicals Are Used?
Those concerned with the study, development, use or
market of chemical scale inhibitors are not always aware of Many types of chemicals and chemical combinations
the many secondary properties that should be considered in have been tried as scale inhibitors. Numerous products have
addition to whether the product works as a scale inhibitor. been patented, but only a few have actually become widely
Some comments in regards to both primary and secondary used. Inorganic polyphosphates have been very successful in
properties of scale inhibitors used in the petroleum industry controlling scale deposition in oil and gas operations. The
should be of benefit to those concerned with such problems. inorganic polyphosphates are highly efficient and economi-

Table 8.11. Effect of Scale Inhibitors on Barium Sulfate Precipitation

(Static Precipitation Tests)
Effect of Temperature on Inhibitor Effectiveness (Bas04 Precipitation)
(Cm: 5 X M; NaCl: 0.5 M = 2.92%)
Percent of Potential Precipitate Kept in Solution
~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~

Inhibitor Pol yelectrolyte Ester Phosphonate

(PPm) 73°F 210°F 350°F 73°F 210°F 350°F 73°F 210°F 350°F
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 100 80 0 100 100 0 100 100 0
4 100 90 20 100 100 0 100 100 5
8 100 100 40 100 100 0 100 100 9
12 100 100 60 100 100 0 100 100 30
20 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 100 55
50 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 100 100
250 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 100 100

Inhibitor Polyelectrolyte Ester Phosphonate

~~ ~~~

(PPm) Cm =5x 10-4 M Cm=lxlO-3 M Cm=5xl0-4 M Cm=lxlO-) M Cm =5x M Cm= 1 ~ 1 0 M

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L 100 6 100 60 100 5
4 100 40 100 100 100 60
8 100 70 100 100 100 100
12 100 90 100 100 100 100
20 100 100 100 100 100 100
50 100 100 100 100 100 100
250 100 1
100 100 100 100 100
After Vetter. IS 2
Next Page

Test Methods and Chemical Inhibition Practices 349

cal. Scale inhibitors containing inorganic polyphosphates do ing on whether a well is produced by natural pressure from a
have some limitations related to hydrolytic and thermal gas or water drive, whether it is pumped with a rod pump,
stabilities as well as compatibility problems in high hardness submersible electric pump, a hydraulic power oil pump, or is
brines, and other materials must be used to overcome these produced by gas lift.
limitations. Sometimes inhibitors are added to water or alcohol and
Scale inhibitors based on partially hydrolyzed low are injected with the gas in a gas lift operation. Gas is in-
molecular weight polyacrylamides or low molecular weight jected down the annulus through special valves and this
polyacrylate derivatives have been widely used during the blows the fluid above the gas out of the tubing. It is then
past several years. Organic phosphates, organic separated from the liquids on the surface and is reinjected.
phosphonates, and derivatives of these materials such as low Scale inhibitors added to the gas will sometimes dehydrate
molecular weight esters have been used extensively for scale and plug the gas lift valves, particularly where the gas has
inhibitors because they exhibit many of the desirable sec- increased in temperature due to the compression required to
ondary properties needed in scale inhibitors. The basic scale raise its pressure for reinjection. Substantial water dilution
inhibitor chemical is usually formulated with other will usually solve this type of problem.
materials as a liquid in order to meet the many demands of Liquid scale inhibitors are often added to the power water
field handling operations. or power oil in wells pumped by submersible hydraulic
pumps. Compatibility problems with other chemicals often
How Do Scale Inhibitors Work? occur since corrosion inhibitors, biocides, paraffin in-
hibitors, and demulsifiers are commonly needed in these
Scale inhibitors used in the oil industry function by many fluids.
of the mechanisms previously discussed. Under certain con- Some scale inhibitors are applied in solid forms, such as
ditions various chemicals can be used to delay, reduce, or powders, briquettes, or balls. These are used in perforated
even eliminate scale deposition. Many mechanisms have baskets, by-pass feeders, fracturing operations, or are
been proposed for the way or ways chemical scale inhibitors dumped downhole. Most of the chemicals, however, are
function. Briefly, some of these mechanisms involve the handled as liquids, and most of the liquids are water-based
ability of the chemicals to function as formulations. Liquid products are desirable for several
reasons in producing operations. Liquid chemical feeders .
1. Dispersants are usually more accurate and more dependable than dry
2. Anti-precipitants chemical feeders, and the use of a liquid also eliminates the
3. Sequesterants step of dissolving the scale inhibitor in the produced fluids.
4. Chelating agents Liquid scale inhibitors are used most successfully and most
5. Crystal modifiers often on continuous bases, usually at concentrations of 1 to
6. Sludge conditioners, etc. 20 ppm. They are injected into the producing fluids by gas,
electric, or beam-operated chemical pumps.
With the exception of the sequesterants, such as Liquid scale inhibitors used in the oil industry must be
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and nitrilotria- formulated to deal with all of the problems mentioned under
cetic acid (NTA), most of the scale inhibitors are thought to “Formulated Products.” These include minimum freezing
alter crystal morphology. Some of the more widely used and pour points, minimum corrosion characteristics, high or
scale inhibitors, such as the inorganic and organic no flash points, minimum toxicity, no separation problems,
phosphorus derivatives, are known to function by several minimum evaporation problems, minimum bacterial
mechanisms. For example, phosphorus-containing degradation, etc.
derivatives used at high concentrations, in some instances, A more recent treating application, performed by squeez-
can sequester potential scale-forming cations. At lower con- ing a scale inhibitor back into a formation, allows the
centrations these same materials will allow precipitation but chemical to be placed with low-pressure portable pump
will prevent adherence by functioning as a dispersant and by units without fracturing the formation, which occurs when
altering the size of the crystal and/or preventing growth of solid scale inhibitors are used. The chemical is adsorbed
nuclei. and/or partially precipitated in the formation and is slowly
Alteration in crystal morphology is one of the main released with the produced fluid to provide long-term con-
mechanisms by which most scale inhibitors used in oilfield tinuous scale inhibition. Fifteen to 200 gallons of scale in-
environments are thought to function. How this alteration hibitor, depending on well conditions, can provide 3 to 24
in crystal size and shape results in less adherence is not well- months scale inhibition. The scale inhibitor squeeze treat-
understood at this time. ment is becoming one of the major methods of applying
scale inhibitors. This application requires the scale inhibitor
How Are Scale Inhibitors Used? to have certain secondary properties. Some of the details of
these various uses will be examined.
Scale inhibitor applications are much more diverse in
producing wells than they are in disposal or injection wells. Continuous Treatments
This is mainly due to the wide variations in completion
techniques and downhole equipment. For example, the The effective use of scale inhibitors almost demands their
method of applying liquid scale inhibitors will vary depend- use on a continuous basis. Unlike film-forming corrosion in-

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