MR - Dindin Rosyidin: ND TH

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The honorable Hj.

Hassan Hushin
Chairman/Pengerusi, Board of Governor/
Lembaga Pengelola Hidayah, Sekolah Rendah Islam Hidayah,
Johor Baru.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Dear the principle of Johor Elementary School,

First lets pray to our God Allah SWT who has given us the blessing and merciful, the gratitude may be
delivered tour our prophet Muhammad SAW.

I am on behalf of the Lab School Elementary School which is under the responsibility of Sciences and
Education Faculty, Jakarta Muhammadiyah University. We would like to have a sit-in program in
your school for international culture exchange.

The program will be held:

Day : 22nd – 29th July 2018

The amount of students : 15 students

The amount of teachers : 2 teachers

Hopefully, from this program we would like to create a relationship of brotherhood and

I would like to be the contact person in this project. My contact number and whatsapp application
address is 081299187100.

Sincerely yours,

Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Mr.Dindin Rosyidin

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