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EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form

*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
Preschool Week Planning Form
Week of:_April 16th – 19th
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Arrival activities (list Writing Table will be open for Writing table will be Writing table will Writing table Writing table wil
areas open; activities children with: open for children be open for will be open be open for
out) -Paper, colored pencils with: children with: for children children with:
-sorting by the vehicle/color -Paper, colored -Paper, colored with: -Paper, colored
into the colorful bowls pencils, markers pencils, stencils -Paper, pencils, Scissors
- Tiny block building -sorting by the -sorting by the colored -sorting by the
Areas open: vehicle/color into vehicle/color pencils, vehicle/color in
-dramtic play the colorful bowls into the colorful Scissors the colorful bow
-sensory table - Tiny block building bowls -sorting by the - Tiny block
-light table Areas open: - Tiny block vehicle/color building
-blocks -dramtic play building into the Areas open:
-listening center -sensory table Areas open: colorful bowls -dramtic play
-light table -dramtic play - Tiny block -sensory table
-blocks -sensory table building -light table
-Listening center -light table Areas open: -blocks
-blocks -dramtic play -Listening cente
-Listening center -sensory table
-light table
NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Cognitive Development – Approaches to learning; Strand: Play; Construct: Imitation, risk taking, experimentation,
Indicator of Progress spontaneous learning, and play with others; Indicator of Progress: co-create elaborate pretend play with other children, includin
scenarios with multiple roles, ideas, and co-negotiated rules
Facilitated by: Writing table + Dramatic play: Writing table + Writing table + Writing table + Writing table +
Student Teacher M. Light Dramatic play: Dramatic play: Dramatic play: Dramatic play:
table/Listening center: Student Teacher M. Student Teacher Student Student Teache

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
Practicum 1 student T. Blocks: Light table/Listening M. Light Teacher M. M. Light
Teacher S. Sorting: Practicum center: Practicum 1 table/Listening Light table/Listening
1 student S student T. Blocks: center: table/Listening center: Practicu
Teacher S. Sorting: Practicum 1 center: 1 student T.
Practicum 1 student student T. Blocks: Practicum 1 Blocks: Teacher
S Teacher S. student T. Sorting: Practicu
Sorting: Blocks: 1 student S
Practicum 1 Teacher S.
student S Sorting:
Practicum 1
student S
Circle/Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting Start off with the “The more Start off with the Start off with the Start off with Start off with the
(book, song, topic, we get together” greeting “The more we get “The more we the “The more “The more we g
etc…) song. together” greeting get together” we get together”
song. greeting song. together” greeting song.
greeting song.
NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Cognitive Development – Science and Social Studies; Strand: Exploring the Social World; Construct: Social conventions
Indicator of Progress (Rules and expectations, authority and governance); Indicator of Progress: Participate in developing classroom rules.

Facilitated by: Teacher S Techer S Student Teacher M Student Teacher Teacher S

(add as needed below)

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
Art (*Likely LEP 5* I am starting my LEP #5 activity on Monday, and will start by introducing a few of the main loose part
describe activity, note materials to the children at circle time that they will be using to build their own structures with. During that
when might introduce time the children will each get an opportunity to sort one piece of either plastic, cardboard, or ribbon
material into a bag until all the materials are sorted. Tuesday I will then move onto having 4 children at a
time come over to the long table and begin building their structure. Because I can’t specifically put a time
limit on how long the children work on their structure it will move onto Wednesday and Thursday of structur
building too. The following week, the children will be able to add paint, ribbon, buttons, wall paper, etc. to
their structures to decorate. And lastly the children will come up with their own ‘title’ or ‘name’ for their
structure based on what they built.

NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Creative Expression and Aesthetic Appreciation; Strand: Exploration and Creation of Artistic works: Construct: Curiosity
Indicator of Progress and Interest: Indicator of progress: Participate in experiences in art, music, creative movement, drama and dance

Facilitated by: Tyrah Urie Tyrah Urie Tyrah Urie Tyrah Urie Tyrah Urie

Math/Science/Early Set up in the block area with Set up in the block Set up in the Early Sprouts: Block patterns
Sprouts open space, the loose parts area with open block area with Washing off and child made
will be mixed up in bags and space, the loose open space, the carrots, cutting design
the children will sort the parts will be mixed loose parts will them up and
materials by the size/type of up in bags and the be mixed up in mixing up the
the materials whether it be children will sort the bags and the maple syrup
plastic, cardboard, metal, etc. materials by the children will sort sauce for the
size/type of the the materials by carrot muffins
materials whether it the size/type of
be plastic, the materials
cardboard, metal, whether it be
etc. plastic,
metal, etc.

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Cognitive Development – Early Numeracy; Strand: Patterns and Relationships; Construct: Recognizing or creating
Indicator of Progress planned or random repetitions, and comparisons; Indicator of Progress: order or sequence several objects based on one

Facilitated by: Teacher J Teacher J Teacher J Early Sprouts Student teacher M

Dramatic Play For the dramatic play, there are all types of different play materials like play dogs, babies, cribs, a kitchen stove, sink, cabinets
filled with cups, plates, food, etc. On Monday, the children will just engage in the house like play with the babies and kitchen toy
that are already available. On Tuesday I will add some of the house pets like the cats and dogs and let them engage with that
a lot of the children have pets at home.
NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Social and Emotional Development; Strand: Self-Concept and Social Identity; Construct: Self-Confidence: Indicator of
Indicator of Progress Progress: Are confident, self-directed, purposeful and inventive in play.

Facilitated by: Teacher S Teacher S Teacher S Teacher S Teacher S

Sensory Table To start the week, the sensory table will be full of sand with shovels and cups for the children to fill, weigh and then dump. Later o
in the week I will add the tractors and cars so they can dig and drive the around in the sand.

NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Cognitive Development – Early Numeracy; Strand: Measurements; Construct: Size, volume, <<<
Indicator of Progress quantity, and other measurable qualities, and the tools to measure them; Indicator of Progress: Recognize
that objects can be measured by height, length, weight, and volume.
Facilitated by: Practicum 1 student S <<<

Book circle/second circle

Book Circle Children will start Children will start with having Children will start Children will Children will star
(book titles & authors) with having free free range to look in the book with having free start with with having free
range to look in the baskets for books that interest range to look in having free range to look in
book baskets for them that they want to read. the book range to look the book baske
books that interest Book to read: Anywhere artist baskets for in the book for books that
them that they want by Nikki Slade-Roinson books that baskets for interest them th
to read. interest them books that they want to
that they want interest them read. Book: To
to read. Book: that they want
on tape: Martha to read. Book:

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
speaks Susan to read: Ducki
Meddaugh Rabbit by Amy

NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Language Development and Emergent Literacy; Strand: Emergent Reading; Construct: Participation in language and
Indicator of Progress literacy activities; Indicator or Progress: Ask for a story to be read and respond to stories told or read aloud.

Facilitated by: Teacher H Teacher H Teacher H Teacher H Teacher H

Snack (list food Sun butter Tasteo cereal + strawberries Kashi cereal + Early sprouts: Any of the cere
options & allergies) sandwhiches + with water or milk apples with Carrot cake fruits, or
bananas with water water or milk muffins with vegetables left
or milk water or milk from over the
NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Social and Emotional Development; Strand: Social Competence; Construct: Relationships and social skills with peers;
Indicator of Progress Indicator of Progress: Build skills needed to participate successfully as a member of a group, such as taking turns

Facilitated by: Practicum 1 student T/Student Practicum 1 student Practicum 1 student Practicum 1 Practicum 1 studen
worker T/Student worker T/Student worker student T/Student T/Student worker
Bathrooming/toilet learning
NH ELS/CC Standard-> Domain: Physical Development and Health; Strand: Self-care; Construct: Self-care; Indicator of Progress: Demonstrate increasing
Indicator of Progress independence with basic health care skills, if culturally appropriate.
Facilitated by: Teacher J Teacher J Teacher J Teacher J Teacher J

Provocations/Invitations/Changes to the Environment/Choice Areas for Free Play

Dramatic Play Writing Center Blocks
For the dramatic play area I will be For the writing center I will add For the block area I will have all of
adding baby bottles, baby chairs, more materials to like colored the blocks out and will be adding
beds (baskets), blankets, and the tractor/dump trucks, the farm

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
chairs for the baby to sit in while pencils, markers, scissors, and animals, and the cars for the
eating, and eating utensils for the colored paper children.
Language/Literacy Light table Sensory
For language and literacy I will For the light table I will have the To start the week, the sensory table
have book circle happening with colored magnetic tiles out for the will be full of sand with shovels and
a variety of different books on the children to play with but also add cups for the children to fill, weigh
weather. the colored bears for the children and then dump. Later on in the
to add to their structure of the week I will add the tractors and
magnetic tiles. cars so they can dig and drive the
around in the sand.
Outdoor / Gross Motor Area Other Other
For the Outdoor/ Gross motor area
I will have the children playing
soccer, working on their gross
motor movements with small kicks,
jogging, and stretching

Transitions and Large Group Management

 List transition times throughout the morning (e.g., arrival -> morning meeting)
o TRANSITION FROM ARRIVAL TO MORNING MEETING: Teacher J will walk around to the groups of
children engaged in activity around the room giving a 5 minute warning message signaling the
children to wrap up what they are doing and start to clean up
o Once the 5 minutes are up Teacher S will start signing “Everybody come have a seat on the
floor”, directing the children to make their way to the circle on their carpet squares for morning
Teacher S will sing “I am looking around to see who’s ready to make a choice”. Signaling to the

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
children that she is waiting for the kids to show that they are quiet and ready to pick the next
o After the children engage in choice time Teacher J will go around to the small groups again
giving the 5 minute message before book circle
o Teacher H will come in and set out the carper squares and the book baskets for the children
typically signaling to them that it is time to come over and find a spot
o Teacher H will sing “I am looking around to see who’s ready to go outside”. Signaling to the
children that she is waiting for the kids to show that they are quiet and ready to get ready to go
play outdoors
o Teacher H will then send quiet children over to the cubby area to put on the outdoor things and
sit down in a square when done
o Teacher H or J will sing “Little ducky duttle” to signal to the children that everyone is ready and it
is time to line up at the door when called
o Teacher H or J will then call students to line up down the ramp at the door
o Once all children are in line Teacher H or J will sing “Boys and Girls in this great group..” to signal
to the children that it is time to start walking outside once everyone is quiet with their eyes on the

Changes to Routines & Schedules

 Changes to morning staff scheduling (who is out, who is covering)
o On Tuesday’s Teacher J will be out for a section of the morning so Student Teacher M is covering
o Teacher S + J may be out for a meeting so Student teacher M and Practicum 1 students cover
 Changes to routine; practice drills
o Instead of playing outside due to the weather, children will go to the gross motor room
o Go to the library on Thursdays, making book circle time shorter

Family Engagement/Special Events

 Indicate reminders or notes needed to send to families

EDUC314 Curriculum Portfolio~ Part 3~ Week Planning Form
*Adapt as needed to meet the needs of your classroom; type directly into the form and expand as needed; use your setting as a
guide, but come up with your own ideas here.*
o Make a note telling the teachers to make sure their children have, ski pants, boots, hats and
gloves for the cold days ahead
o Write on the ‘good morning’ greeting board for the children and families giving them a sneak
peak of the main activities going on for that day
 Indicate any special events happening this week
o Going to the Spaulding gym on Fridays during outdoor recess time
o Having the children’s families come in to teach a special activity

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