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Grammar So and such, too and enough 106 Use | Both so ... that and such .. that are used to show the results ofa situation or action. They take the folowing | f structures: Form with an adjective: so + adjective + that with @ nouns 50+ mary/much + noun + that such + a/an + adjective + noun + that such + adjective + plural noun + that such + alot of + noun + that with an adverb: so adverb + that Example Ais 80 good that ho was made manager. Ai sels so many cars that he was made manager. Alis such a good worker that ie was made manager. Al gets such good results that he was made manager. ‘Al makes such a lot of money for the company that he was made manager. Alworks s0 woll that ie was made manager. gh Use | Both too and enough are used to talk about how much or how litle of something there is. We use t00 to describe the negalve effect cf having more than necessary. We use enough to describe the effects of having/oot having the right amount of something, Form Example with an adjective: too + adjective (+ ful infinitive) 1s too cald to work in the garden. adjective + enough (+ ful infinitive) Carol isn't patient enough io work as 2 teacher. wit 2 nouns foo + many/'much + noun {+ ful infinitive) enough + noun (+ ful infinitive) LJonly works too many hours to have any hobbies. We don't have enough money to pay our bis. with an adverb: too + adver® (+ ful infinitive) adverb + enough (+ fll itinitve) | got there tao late to see the manager. Jack did the work quickly enough to faish hsit an nour early. Too does nat mean the same as very. We only use too when we are describing something negative. ¥ ve got too much work. can’? come out tonight. x + Enough abvays comes after the adjective. ¥ You're not old enough to work here, 2Cfortre not enough ott te work tere: + Both foo and enough can e followed by fr. Y it's to0 hot for me this ofc. ¥ You're not of enough forthe army. a Complete using s0 or such, 1. The pan Wa8 ..s-esn hot that | nearly dropped it! 2 Mr Jones was ‘a kind man that | was sad when he moved to another town. 3 We NAVE sooernenn-- Many pets that sometimes i's really noisy: 4 Alciais ‘good at basketball that | think she could be a professional 5 There Wa... a of smoke that | couldn't see, 6 Tyrone ran fast that no one had a chance in the race. 7 Cherie is popular that everyone wants to be friends with her. 8 Would you lke to have long hair that you can sit on it? I the phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (7). If iis wror correct phrase. 5. write t 1 Paris Hilton is such famous that she gets recognised wherever she goes, 2 There were so many customers in the shop that | coulds!t movel 3 The man spoke sueh quickly that cou undertane 2 word he sad 4 thadso 00d marks that my cad bought me anew compute! 5 Vitoa sso old that she can remember seeing aca or the frst tie, 6 There was so a long queve that we ceide to go ame 7 te got soa lot of frlends that| dort have tne to see them al, 8 Big Brother was such sucessful that thee making another series Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, Write between two and five words. 1 | have a lot of money and | don't know what to do with it. such Ihave... that | don't know what to do with it 2 Adrian fell asleep during the fm because he was very ted. 50 AAEM soe - he fel asleep curing the film, 3 Today was so fot that | dint want to do anything. such TOUEY WAS onnee vom that | dict want to do anything 4 aatthave time 2 open al my Chrstras presents because | got so many! such I got .- Christmas presents that I crit have time te open ther all 5 They closed te una because was very dangerous. that The funtair oo they closed it, 6 The food was so soicy that| couldn't eat it. such Weed that | couicn't eat it 107

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