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Construc on Materials

Crushed Aggregates: (Bajri)

These are made up of rocks, which are crushed in the small sizes to use as a filling material in
concrete to increase the strength of it.

(A) (B)

Chips: (Chips)
This is used in floors for aesthe c purposes to get a shiny smooth surface of different
ny colors.
Concrete Mixer:
The machine is used to mix the aggregates, cement and
water. It is generally used at the sight for be er mixing of
concrete, also increases the plas city of the concrete.

Steel Bars: (Sarria)

These bars of different grades are used in different
structural memebers to provide reinforcement. Since
Steel is good in tension that’s why these steel bars are
used in structural memebers along with concrete to
strenghten the member. Here, typical steel bars of
GRADE-60 are used. In common language, dia of bars is
measured in ‘SOOTER’. Here 8-SOOTER dia bars were
used in columns and beams.

Hand Made concrete Mix: (Massala)

This is hand-made concrete mixture. It is used to
make lintels and other small concrete members. It
is not as much good quality as that of mixer but
can be used for the small scale concrete
construc on where loaded members are not

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