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Program of two-dimensional seismic data processing and

interpretation (surface, borehole and marine variations)

Module: correlation method of refracted waves - layered medium,

MASW, amplitude inversion, anisotropy


User Manual

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016

Program functionality .........................................................................................................................4

Elastic waves velocity ..........................................................................................................................7
Program installation and deinstallation ...........................................................................................10
Program registration .................................................................................................................................. 11
System requirements .................................................................................................................................. 11
Measurement units ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Seismograms picking module ...........................................................................................................12
Getting started with the module ................................................................................................................ 12
Seismograms picking toolbar..................................................................................................................... 13
Seismograms picking functions menu ....................................................................................................... 15
General settings dialog of file reading and processing ............................................................................ 20
Survey type dialog....................................................................................................................................... 22
Survey layout input..................................................................................................................................... 22
Seismogram visualization and scaling settings ......................................................................................... 24
Seismogram scales setup dialog ................................................................................................................. 24
Traces graphic settings dialog ................................................................................................................... 27
Seismograms viewing modes ...................................................................................................................... 28
Seismogram picking mode main options .................................................................................................. 29
Multitab section options ............................................................................................................................. 31
Operations with seismograms .................................................................................................................... 35
First arrivals picking .................................................................................................................................. 36
Data filtering dialog .................................................................................................................................... 37
Module of field data inversion ..........................................................................................................39
Data file creation and opening for inversion ............................................................................................ 39
Main window toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 39
Main window menu .................................................................................................................................... 40
“Hot” keys ................................................................................................................................................... 47
Status bar..................................................................................................................................................... 47
Starting model setup dialog ....................................................................................................................... 49
Main data file format.................................................................................................................................. 50
I part of data file: Observed data ............................................................................................................................... 51
II part of data file: Topography data ......................................................................................................................... 52
III part of data file: Model data ................................................................................................................................. 54
Data visualization........................................................................................................................................ 55
Graphics plan ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Additional features of measurements visualization ................................................................................................... 56

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
Measurements editor .................................................................................................................................. 58
Data inversion ............................................................................................................................................. 61
Inversion parameters setup dialog ............................................................................................................................. 61
Cell summarization dialog ......................................................................................................................... 69
Model visualization modes and their parameters .................................................................................... 71
Model validity estimation functions .......................................................................................................... 74
Saving interpretation results ..................................................................................................................... 76
Data import and export .............................................................................................................................. 76
Data import ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
Exporting image setup dialog .................................................................................................................................... 80
Module of section polygonal modelling ..................................................................................................... 81
Layered inversion module .......................................................................................................................... 86
A priori information data input ................................................................................................................ 92
Lithology file creation and addition .......................................................................................................................... 92
Set boundaries dialog ................................................................................................................................................ 95
Anisotropy module...................................................................................................................................... 97
Attenuation tomography module .............................................................................................................. 98
Modelling .........................................................................................................................................101
Solution of seismic tomography forward problem ................................................................................ 101
Synthetic survey layout creation ............................................................................................................. 102
Model editor .............................................................................................................................................. 104
Working with model ................................................................................................................................. 106
Cell parameters setup dialog ................................................................................................................... 107
MASW module .................................................................................................................................110
Dispersion curves selection ...................................................................................................................... 111
Data interpretation mode ......................................................................................................................... 117
Main menu functions ................................................................................................................................ 118
Interpretation parameters setup dialog .................................................................................................. 120
Program additional features ...........................................................................................................122
Option «Buffer» of the main menu ......................................................................................................... 122
Geological editor of sections .................................................................................................................... 123
Working with areal data and 3D visualization ...................................................................................... 128
Adjusting program interface ...........................................................................................................132
Palette settings........................................................................................................................................... 132
Graphics set editor.................................................................................................................................... 132
Graphics editor ......................................................................................................................................... 134
Graphic’s legend editor ............................................................................................................................ 136
Axes editor ................................................................................................................................................. 137
Model parameters setup dialog ............................................................................................................... 141

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
Contour section parameters setup dialog ............................................................................................... 143
Print preview dialog ................................................................................................................................. 144
Logging and stratigraphy data file format .....................................................................................145

Program functionality
Program ZONDST2D is aimed at two-dimensional processing and interpretation of seismic
prospecting data based on refracted waves and correlation method of refracted waves (RWCM) in
surface, borehole, cross-borehole and marine variations. In addition, the program contains the
following modules: 1. MASW - surface wave data processing and interpretation 2. RWCM - an
arbitrary layered medium 3. Amplitude inversion, 4 - anisotropy of seismic velocities, 5 - seismic
tomography on the arrival time of the reflected waves.
ZondST2d is a comprehensive solution for seismic tomography that solves wide range of
problems from mathematical modeling and sensitivity analysis, to the field data processing and
interpretation. User-friendly interface and wide functional allow to define a geological problem
with high efficiency.
Program is divided into two main components. First is intended for first motion picking on
seismograms. Second - for forward and inverse seismotomography problems solving.
Special interface (created for maximum simplicity and autonomous first arrivals picking)
was designed for seismograms processing. The emphasis is on visualizations variety and often used
functions availability. User can simultaneously pick several types of waves: Vs, Vp, refracted, and
up to three reflected. Materials processing is optimized for sharing refracted P- and S-waves.
When ray trace forward problem is solved a special algorithm (Shortest path’s method) is
used. This method allows calculating the shortest path of the refracted wave. The ray path
combination of minimum path from the source and the receiver to the reflector allows to construct
the path of the reflected wave for each border. A boundary portion with the minimum total run time
from source and receiver is selected as the reflection point.
The given algorithm is characterized by high speed of calculations and controllable
The direct problem or ray tracing algorithm is implemented in three ways:
1. The ray approximation. Constant velocity inside a cell.
2. The ray approximation. The linear velocity measurement inside a cell. The rates are set in

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
3. Modelling of the ray channel with variable radius. The linear velocity measurement inside
a cell. The rates are set in nodes.
Seismotomography module allows to obtain velocity sections, both P- and S-waves, which
is necessary for seismic imaging. The sources and receivers can be located on the surface in
boreholes or on the water reservoir bottom or surface. You can use the module for the interpretation
of vertical seismic profiling (VSP). There is also algorithm of velocities anisotropy distribution
recovery. The program uses the simplest version of the factor anisotropy of seismic velocities - the
ratio between Vx and Vz. Accounting for anisotropy is very important, especially in the
interpretation of cross-well measurements.
Module "layered medium" is intended to receive random-layered sections according to the
method of refracted or reflected waves. Velocity section is set by layers with arbitrary geometry
boundaries and arbitrary velocity distribution along profile in each layer. The geometry boundary
complexity is controlled by nodes number. Any boundary can be reflecting and refracting, or only
refracting. The P- and S-waves joint interpretation with the same boundary geometry is a preference
of this model. Also, it is convenient to use it with the sparse survey layout (RWCM). The program
can solve for an arbitrary layered medium. It means that in contrast to the method t0, where the
wave always "runs" along the refractor, the beam is propagated by using Fermat’s principle, which
correctly describes physics of the process. The module allows modelling the arrival times of
refracted and reflected waves, and also solving the inverse problem of the observed travel times,
together and separately.
MASW method is popular in the engineering seismic prospecting and is based on the
analysis of surface waves distribution. MASW is implemented in the same module. The vertical
profiles of S-waves velocities can be obtained as a result of field data processing. Methods of
MASW field observations practically does not differ from the standard, that is, does not require
additional measurements. Therefore, Vs velocity sections can be obtained directly from the
refracted wave and reflected wave methods data. The program has a full data processing cycle from
dispersion curves receipting to velocity sections creating, the multi-modal mode is also supported.
Module "Amplitudes inversion" implements the algorithm "Attenuation tomography" and
allows getting a section of the damping parameter Q in the amplitude values medium of the first
arrivals. The problem is solved on the basis of pre-made velocity section. The amplitude values of
the first arrivals pick in parallel with the times.
An important step before field measurements is the mathematical modelling for the survey
area velocity structure. Modelling allows you to evaluate the resolution and select optimal

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parameters for the geological problem being solved. There are two variants of seismic tomography
data modelling - using the grid or polygon mode.
ZondST2d has several options for solving the inverse problem, the most important of which
are: smoothing inversion – to recover smooth, blocking for block and focusing – to recover
piecewise smooth distribution of velocity parameters with depth.

During development the possibility to account for a priori information was very important.
Because of the equivalence of inverse geophysical problems, the results quality depends on the
number of a priori settings. In ZondST2d there is a possibility to set measurement weights, to fix
and set limits of individual cells properties range and to use a priori model as a reference in the
inversion. In addition, it is possible to use robust schemes of the noise component assessment in the
program. Also there is a possibility to import and display the measurement results of other methods
and borehole data, which facilitates more integrated approach to the data interpretation. Additional
module of gravimetric and magnetic data allows effective integration of these methods with
velocity section within a single frame. The framework is built on the basis of the section obtained
using seismic tomography, and then filled by density and magnetic properties in automatic or
manual mode.
For inverse problem (inversion) solution Newton's method with regularization is used.
Regularization improves solution stability and allows recovering more smooth velocity distribution
in the medium.
A W WA  C

RC m  AT W T f  C T RCm , (1)
where A – a partial derivative matrix of measured values with respect to section parameters
(Jacobian), C – the smoothing operator, W – a matrix of measurements relative errors, m – section
parameters vector, μ – regularization parameter, Δf – the discrepancy vector between observed and
calculated values, R – the focusing operator.
When inverse problem solving the special attention is given to the a priori information
(separate measurements weight, change of parameters ranges).
ZONDST2D has very good system of profile data visualization, the measurement editor
and method sensitivity and resolution analysis system.
In the measurement editor user can see measurements array parameters, set weights
(importance) of separate measurements and correct values of the measured characteristics. There is

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
a possibility to set weight according to a distance or to fix those model cells which parameters
changing practically doesn't influence results of measurements.
During resolution analysis user studies model sensitivity function – that is influence
degree of each model cell on measurements.
S  diag( AT A) . (2)
Sensitivity analysis allows making the best choice of survey layout to solve the exploration
ZONDST2D uses simple and clear data file format which allows combining various survey
layout on a single profile. The program allows to import and display measurement results obtained
by other methods. It promotes to more complex approach to data interpretation.
The ZondST2D is a convenient program for automatic and interactive seismotomographic
data interpretation and it can be used on IBM PC compatible personal computers running Windows
operating system.

Elastic waves velocity

According to elasticity theory, seismic waves velocities and depend on medium
density and its elastic modules E and .

√ ( )( )

√ ( )

In rocks this parameters is defined by a large number of different factors – lithologic and
granulometric content, cavitation (porosity, cavernosity, fracturing), fluid saturation, intrastratal
pressure, metamorphism and tectonic action, occurrence depth, age, temperature etc.
Density influence on velocity variation is smallish at all, because mainly rocks density
variation range limited from 1.4 to 3.2g/cm3. Minimal relative changes are typical for igneous
rock, maximal – for sedimental, but it’s not more than 20-30%. Inverse dependence velocity from
density follows from structure of aforesaid formulas: if density relatively increase (decrease) on
and elastic modules values stay permanent than velocity relatively decrease (increase) on .
Based on experimental data, for the majority of rocks positive correlation between their
densities and seismic velocities and is typical, that is more dense rocks are usually also imply
higher velocity. Such situation as though contradicts considered formulas, however this
disagreement is delusional. With increasing rock density ρ, as a rule, its Young's module E

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increases quickly. As a result the velocities and increase. The Young's module E changes to
some degree in various rocks - from level nearby 102 MPa in thin sedimentary rocks to 105 MPa
(106 kg/sm2) in strong igneous rocks. Thus, seismic velocities values can differ in tens times.
Poisson's ratio σ changes theoretically in a range 0-0.5. Elastic properties of hard crystal
rocks come nearer to the left limit, to right - soft plastic rocks. In liquid incompressible mediums
where there are no shift deformations, σ = 0.5. In the majority of rocks Poisson's ratio has values
from 0.15 till 0.35, i.e. varies relatively average value 0.25 within everything ±0.1. However in the
formulas defining and small σ values has big influence on velocities.
Impact on rocks elastic properties by factors set leads to there is no unequivocal
communication between geological rock determination and its velocity characteristic: absolutely
different rocks can have identical velocity values, and one name rocks can differ by their velocities.
Therefore for various rocks or their complexes it is possible to specify only limits of velocity
probable values.
P-waves velocity isn’t usually exceed 1 km/s in rocks of upper disintegrated section part. In
a fundamental terrigenous rocks it’s exceed 4 km/s rarely and in carbonate and hydrochemical rocks
it could increase to 6 km/s. In igneous and metamorphic rocks amount to 6.5-7km/s, at all
increase with it basicity growth and metamorphism rate. Near Earth crust bottom (Mohorovičič
discontinuity) value judging by refracted wave velocity rating amount 8km/s. Material
constitution of rocks on this depth reliably unknown.
S-wave velocities depend on velocities of P-waves. Theoretical ratio is ⁄ and can

vary within limits from 0(fluids) to 1/ √ =0.7 (if σ =0). For majority of consolidated rocks γ value
is between 0.4-0.6, that is match to σ values range 0.4-0.2. But in very loose argillo-arenaceous
rocks value γ can be 0.2-0.3 and even less. In general, distribution is not well studied.
Rocks with the same lithologic composition may visibly differ in seismic waves because of
internal structure determined by forming conditions. It’s well notable on terrigenous rocks, formed
in a different hydrodynamic conditions: sediments, formed in low-energy environment of shelf and
granulometric more similar, have lower velocities than rocks accumulated in high-energy littoral
environment and granulometric less assorted. Relatively low-velocity rocks are organogenic
carbonates as compared with chemogenic.
Rock cavity degree is a significant factor for seismic waves values, first of all porosity. All
other conditions being equal, increased rocks porosity decreases seismic velocity. This dependence
is most apparent in terrigenous deposits where the porosity can reach 30-40 %. Among these rocks
are sand and sandstones considered as the heterogeneous media consisting of a hard skeleton
Zond geophysical software
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(grains) and pore space filled by fluid (liquid, gas and their mix). For similar model velocity is
estimated by the approximate empirical ratio known as the equation of average time:


where - porosity factor, – P-waves velocities in a hard skeleton and a fluid

Dependence ( ) has exponential character. Gas presence in waterlogged rocks leads to
decrease in rocks general elasticity and decreased velocity in it, as a result of high compressibility.
When full pore saturated with water then there is a sharp decrease in the rocks compressibility and
abrupt increase of velocity. Degree of water saturation has almost no effect at S-waves
velocity . This effect is used to determine the seismic groundwater level (GWL) in unconsolidated
Pore water freezing located in pores, caverns, cracks, causes quick increase of seismic
velocities in rock, because velocity in ice almost in 2.5 times over than in water. Depending on
porosity, relative content of frozen and not frozen water, its mineralization and temperature, P-
waves velocity can increase on 1-2 km/s. It essentially changes velocity characteristics of the top
section part in zones of frozen rocks: velocities inversion is observed here, when from the surface
on some depths interval velocities decrease in transition from frozen to thawed deposits.
For sedimentary rocks is typical more or less essential increase in velocity with depth
because mountain pressure increases. It is caused on the one hand porosity decreasing, what
according to (5) increases , as far as > . From the other hand, velocity depends on touch
area of neighbour rock grains that increases with increasing pressure. As result Young's module and
velocities and increase. Velocities increasing with depth attributable to terrigenous rocks
which differs by high initial porosity. In less porous carbonate deposits this property is shown much
more poorly, and at chemogenic rocks it practically isn't appreciable.
With identical material constitution and an equal depth more ancient rocks differ in higher
velocities. Such effect account for action time of diagenesis, metamorphism and tectonic stress
processes. Rocks are more hard and elastic because of these processes. This dependence is quite
weak: velocity increases approximately as a sextic radical from absolute age of deposits.
In porous deposits on considerable depths velocity depends on a ratio of external geostatic
pressure from overlying rocks and intrastratal pressure of the fluid which filling pores. The first
reducing porosity increases velocity. The second creating thrust in rock grains prevents porosity
reduction and decreases velocity. The effective pressure defining velocity value is almost equal to a

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
difference of external and internal pressure. In certain cases fluid outflow from sandy deposits
under the influence of geostatic pressure is complicated by screening effect of containing clay rock.
For this reason intrastratal pressure is bigger than normal hydrostatic pressure on this depth, and
velocity in the layer – below than normal level.
Zones of tectonic disruptions are characterized by considerable reduction of seismic
velocities and can reach 30-40 % and more, depending on rocks disintegration degree. Usually this
effect is more strongly expressed for S-waves therefore the relation ⁄ in zones of tectonic

violation, seal failure and fracturing of rocks has a lower value.

Lateral velocity changes connected with plicate structural forms can be observed in
sedimentary rocks with permanent lithologic layer structure. Velocity reduction is more often noted
in arc wedges where the rocks fracturing is more strongly developed. But effect caused by increased
dynamometamorphism in crest of folds can also occur.
Experimental data shows that seismic velocities variations can exhibit changes of a rock
tension. In particular, velocities reduction and their anisotropy appearance can be attributed to zones
of seal failure and fracturing of rocks with tectonic origin.
Other important property which is quite often found in rocks is the anisotropy of their elastic
properties, resulting in dependence of seismic velocities values on the direction they propagate.
Such effect arises both at the micro- and macroscale. According to experimental data, among
lithologic homogeneous formations clay deposits, which are characterised by ordered scale
structure, have the greatest anisotropy. In them for P-waves reaches values as high as 1.2-1.5
and higher. In sandstones rarely exceeds 1.1-1.2 values. Carbonate deposits have weak velocity
anisotropy. For S-waves anisotropy is usually higher than for P-waves in the same sections.
Other reason to seismic velocities anisotropy is intensive rocks fracturing breaking
continuity of their mineral skeleton. If there are crack systems with fixed direction waves velocity
along it is maximum, and perpendicular to it – minimum. The defined anisotropy factor depends on
shape and the relative cracks sizes in comparison with the prevailing wave length, and also from
elastic properties of cracks filler [Boganik G. N., Gurvich I.I. Seismic exploration. 2006].

Program installation and deinstallation

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
The program ZONDST2D is delivered on a compact disc or on the Internet. The set of
delivery includes this Instruction. You can load the last program updates on the site: www.zond-
To install the program, copy the program from the compact disc in the chosen directory. To
update installation, simply write the new program version over the old one.
Before the first program start it is necessary to establish the driver of protective key
SenseLock. To do this, open the SenseLock folder (the driver can be loaded from a compact disc, or
on a site) and run the file InstWiz3.exe. After driver installation insert the key. If everything is right,
a message that the key is found appears in the bottom system panel.
To remove program, delete the program working catalogue.

Program registration
To register the program press in the main menu the “Registration file” item (if you have no
the USB key). In the appeared dialog full all fields, choose the registration file name and save it.
The created file is sent to the address specified in the contract, then the user receives the unique
password connected with serial number of a hard disk which is necessary to input in "Registration"
item. The second registration option is binding with the delivered key SenseLock. Thus it is
necessary, that in operating time key was inserted into the USB socket.

System requirements

The program ZONDST2D can be installed on the computer with Windows 98 operating
system and above. Recommended system parameters: P IV-2 GHz processor, 512 Mb memory, a
display resolution 1024 X 768, color mode - True color. (It is should not change a display resolution
during working with data).
As the program at present actively uses system register resources, in systems above
Windows XP, it should be started as administrator (the right button of a mouse on a program badge
–start as Administrator).

Measurement units

Geometrical units (coordinates of sources and receivers, topography) – meters.

Units of the first arrivals times – milliseconds.
Units of seismic waves velocity– kilometres per second.
Zond geophysical software
Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
Seismograms picking module
The field data processing aim is receiving of target wave first-arrival times hodograph. To start
field data processing it is necessary to have the file or files of field supervision with SEG-Y format.
Process of seismogram picking is made in the special module (fig. 1) which is called by the Trace

editor item of the program main menu the or by the button on the toolbar. After calling this
module it is necessary to load into it field seismograms and start picking process.

Fig. 1. Active window of seismogram picking module Trace editor.

The window is divided into two parts: a graph of mapping seismograms (at the left), Multitabs
section for adjusting and displaying survey layout parameters (on the right).

Getting started with the module

Work begins with opening file or several SEG-Y files or the project file. After file loading
there is Show parameters for every file dialog appears. If press Yes, window appears in which the

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user is offered to choose the necessary seismic traces and to set coordinates of sources and receivers
if it is necessary (it is possible to set later coordinates of receivers and sources) (fig.2).

Fig. 2 Seismic traces choosing and coordinates setting window

Before loading SEG-Y files it is necessary to be convinced in correctness of reading file

settings Settings/File settings (more details in the section General settings dialog).

Seismograms picking toolbar

The toolbar serves for quick calling of the most often using functions in the module. It
contains the following buttons (at the left - to the right):

Open field data file or files in SEG-Y format or working project.

Call dialogue of file reading and processing general settings (more)

Switch on zoom mode/selection seismogram part. To select use the mouse and a
rubber rectangle. After activating this mode the following two buttons appear.

Set working data window. Window size set in the mode. Working window
is used for filtering and autoscaling seismic traces.
Go to the previous area of seismogram selection.

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Switch on first-arrivals picking mode. The choice of the first arrivals is carried out
by the left mouse button. Right-clicking switches off the chosen value on a
hodograph. The program interpolates values of the first arrivals between positions
of the first and second mouse pressing. After activating this mode the following
two buttons appear.
Option Multipicking. The first arrival times are set automatically from the first
to the last selected point on the seismograms.
Autopicking mode. Switch on first arrival times precise positioning mode. New
value is selected depending on the method set in the correction settings (snap to
zero, to the extreme, and so on). To change the settings, click the right mouse

button to (more)
Switch on the mode of velocity determination between two points. To
determinate velocity on the chosen seismogram area it is necessary to choose
the first point position. Further, during pressing the mouse button, move cursor
to the necessary position. Velocity value will be displayed in the bottom of the
status panel (the second section). Before determinate velocity be convinced that
coordinates of receivers are set correctly.
Run data filtration dialog (more).
Cancel filtration results.
Choose active seismogram from the list. There are all project seismograms in
the list.
Assessment of seismogram quality.
Run surface waves multicomponent analysis (more)

Apply changes and go to modelling and data inversion window.

Refresh data and go to modelling and data inversion window.

Reading file general settings dialog contains the following function buttons:

Adjust parameters of file reading (more)

Run dialog of seismic traces graphical settings (more).

Run the image scale setup dialog (more)

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Run dialog of background parameters settings (more)

Switch on the mode of active trace selection by the mouse. The active trace is
highlighted by green color (default) and is drawn last. This mode should not be
used during picking, because it strongly slows down program work.

Show the crossing lines following to the cursor.

Display background showing a seismogram in the interpolation.

Turn seismic traces on ninety degrees. Depending on data type it is convenient

to use vertical or horizontal seismogram orientation.

Seismograms picking functions menu

The following table lists items found in the Menu with their corresponding functions:
Open file, files set of field data with SEG-Y format
File Open SEG-Y/Project
or working project.
Add data in the working project. This option is for
File Add to project
jointing data in a single project.
Save correlation data and results to the working
File Save project
File Close project Close all seismogramms.
File Print preview Run the image printing dialog.
Import to the project file with topography
File Import topography
information in ZondST2D format (more).
File Smooth topography Smooth topography
File Run MASW module Run MASW module (more)
Run MASW module for data set. Use for summing
Run MASW for
File signals from multiple sources to a single position of
the spit. It allows improving the data quality.
Settings Survey type Survey layout parameters settings dialog (more)
Set data working window. Window sizes are set in

Settings Set working area the mode . Working window is used for
autoscaling and seismic traces. If in the multitab
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section of Table tab the option Apply for next shots
is switched on, the working window is assigned for
all subsequent project seismograms.
Turn seismic traces for ninety degrees. Depending
Settings Change orientation on the data type is convenient to use a vertical or
horizontal seismogram orientation.
Run interpolating background graphic settings
Settings Background settings
dialog (more)
Display background showing a seismogram in the
Settings Show background
Settings Background color Run seismogram background fill settings dialog.
Run file reading and processing general settings
Settings File settings
dialog. (more)
Settings Graphic settings Run graphic settings dialog (more)
Settings Scale settings Run image scale settings dialog (more)
Specifies how to display data: on channels, by
Settings Units distance, by offsets, in meters, milliseconds, or
Settings Set sample time Set sample time, miliseconds
Set data working window. Window sizes are set in

the mode . Working window is used for

Tools Set working area autoscaling and seismic traces. If in the multitab
section of Table tab the option Apply for next shots
is switched on, the working window is assigned for
all subsequent project seismograms.
Tools Select all Set all seismogram as a data working window.
Tools Filtering Run filtering data dialog (more).
Tools Undo filtering Return to primary data.
Switch on the mode of a first-arrivals picking.
Selection of the first introductions is carried out by
Tools Picking mode
the left mouse button. The pressing of the right
mouse button disconnects the chosen value on a

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hodograph. The program interpolates values of the
first arrivals between positions of the first and
second mouse pressing.
Switch on the mode of increase/selection of
seismogram area. Selection is carried out with
Tools Zoom mode
tensile rectangle by mouse. Further it is possible to
activate self-scaling mode for the chosen window.
Tools Display cross Display the crossing lines following the cursor.
Run the dialog of a fast source coordinate
Tools Edit source pos
dimensioning for the files list (more).
Options Delete current shot Remove the current seismogram from the project.
Remove from the project all seismograms for which
Options Delete empty shots
the picking isn't carried out.
Remove the "dead" traces. The traces, which are
noted in the column Table of the tab Dead of
Options Delete dead traces
multitab section, will be removed. In this column,
the user can mark the faulty route.
Sort shots by
Options Sort seismograms by filename
Options Sort shots by
Sort seismograms by source position
Sort seismograms for all traces. Traces for the
Sort all trace current shot will be sorted in accordance with the
receiver position.
Sort trace by offset Sort seismogram traces by distance from source.

Add to the current seismogram seismograms

selected in the tab Operations of multitab section
in the Shot field. Conveniently when using a short
Combine shots braids. In this case, as a rule, a braid can be moved
along profile. This option allows getting a long
record from one source to multiple position
receivers. Before use, check the correctness of the

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coordinates recording.
Options Fix (save) the current shot as original with all
Fix current shot
Apply AGC (Automatic Gain Control). Performs
recording normalizing by the average value of its

Options level at a certain time of registration interval

Apply AGC (window). The window size is set in samples and
selected experimentally. To cancel the action use

the button of canceling data filtering

Remove average value in the specified window. It

Options Remove aver in allows you to select the high-frequency signals. To

window cancel the action use the button of canceling data

Collection of the first arrivals amplitudes where the
time picking is held for a given seismogram. This
Options Collect amplitudes option allows collecting amplitudes not in the
shot picking point, because it may be zero, but in a box
around it. The window size is specified in samples
in the menu File settings/Amplitudes picking.
Options Collect amplitudes Collection of the first arrivals amplitudes where the
all time picking is held for all seismograms.
Options Undo action Undo the last picking action.
Hodographs Delete current Delete the current hodograph.
Autocorrect the current hodograph (correlation of
Hodographs Autocorrect current already picked arrivals, based on the peaks nature
near which they are located)
Automatic picking mode, based on using of the two
Hodographs Project current adjacent picked hodographs, which will be
projected on to the current seismogram.
Pick the current seismogram based on the results of
Hodographs Project empty times
adjacent seismograms picking.
Hodographs Copy current Copy the current hodograph to the buffer.

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Hodographs Paste to current Paste data from the buffer to the current hodograph.
Hodographs Load picks Load picking data from the file.
Save the current picking results to the file. There
are the following file types: Laccolite god file –
save the current hodograph as a *.god file, Laccolite
Hodographs Save picks
directory – save hodographs for all seismograms in
the specified directory as *.god file, SRT file – save
file in *.SRT format.
Hodographs Smooth all Smooth all hodographs.
Hodographs Smooth current Smooth the current hodograph.
Smooth reciprocity
Hodographs Average the reciprocal times.
Correct t0
Hodographs Correct the record start by reciprocal points.
Correct t0 Correct the moment marks (record delay time)
(calculated) based on the calculated hodographs.
Show the average data correlation error calculated
Hodographs Reciprocity error
based on reciprocity.
Entry point - the average between the position of
Hodographs Xpos=(S+R)/2
the source and receiver
Entry point – distance from the source to the
Hodographs Xpos=S-R
Waves P- refracted Set the picking waves type - P- refracted.
Waves S-refracted Set the picking waves type - S- refracted.
Set the picking waves type – Reflected, the first
Waves Reflected-1
Set the picking waves type – Reflected, the second
Waves Reflected-2
Set the picking waves type – Reflected, the third
Waves Reflected-3
Exchange the picking waves type. The option is
Waves Exchange P&S
used, when false waves type was set.
Waves Remove active data Remove active data

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Save current picking results in the buffer. It is
possible to save to 5 variants of the same
hodographs. Saved variants can be loaded by
clicking on them again. After pressing the dialog
Buffer Picks1…
Working with buffer appears. It contains two
buttons: From buffer - load the saved hodograph
instead of the current one, To buffer - save the
current hodograph to the buffer.

General settings dialog of file reading and processing

To call dialog of file reading and processing general settings use the option Settings/File

settings or the toolbar button .

The SEG-Y tab contains options managing directors of field data files format (fig. 3).
Before new project creation from the SEG-Y files it is necessary to be sure that settings of
this tab correspond to used files.

Fig. 3 Program setup dialog, SEG-Y tab

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The option Automatic activates the mode of automatic format detection. If this option is
disconnected - following settings are available.
The option Forward byte order - establishes an order of reading bytes. The pop-up list is
intended for a choice data type.
The option Samples number – establishes number of counting in the seismic trace.
The option Samples interval – establishes an interval of seismic trace digitization (in
The option IEEE/IBM – establishes the PC/UNIX number format.
The options IEEE/IBM and Forward byte order are mainly used.
The option Sort by name/data – specifies to the program order of seismic trace sorting– by
file name or by date.
Option One file-One seismogram -allows determining each loaded file as a single
The Processing tab includes subsidiary settings.

Fig.4 File settings dialog, tab Processing

The first pop-up list is intended for a choice of Fourier transformation algorithm (the fast -
FFT or usual DFT). The second pop-up list allows choosing type of automatic updating of the first-

arrivals in the mode . To null value – bring to a point of an excess of the seismic trace, to
maximum – bring to the local extremum of the seismic trace, to minimum – bring to the seismic
trace minimum, to extremum – bring to the local extremum of the seismic trace.

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The third pop-up list Style allows specifying amplitude picking type: about t0 or after t0.It is
necessary to specify window size in the Window.

Survey type dialog

Dialog is available on the main menu picking module Settings/Survey settings (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Survey settings dialog box

Survey settings dialog box is divided into two areas. On the left side there is an area Survey,
in which the observations type is set: Land only – survey layout earth-earth. In this case, the tab
Table of multitab section in the column Rz will contain the topography data.
Cross-borehole/land-borehole – survey layout of cross-borehole tomography/vertical seismic
profiling. In this case, the tab Table of multitab section in the column Rz will contain depths data.
Underwater & Land - combined survey layout.
Underwater & water surface - surface and underwater survey layouts.
On the right side there is the area Topography (horizontal position), in which horizontal coordinate
type is determined: Distance (cable position) - uses the distance along the cable,
Horizontal projection - horizontal projection (useful when working on relief).

Survey layout input

If source-receiver geometry isn't entered at the record of SEG-Y files, to enter these data is
possible by program options. Conveniently originally to enter geometry indexes (1,2,3 …), and then

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to load file of coordinates by option in the Hodographs tab of multitab section (described in the
section Multitab section options in details).
Multitab section options also describes the features that let you quickly set the observations
geometry. Due to the fact that the data for source one position may has repeated measurements, it is
convenient first to enter the source coordinates, and then sort the seismic trace at source position.
This allows data to estimate and remove, if it is necessary, unnecessary records.
The dialog Set source positions called by the option Tools/Edit source pos allows to enter
indexes of source positions in accumulation files list (fig. 6).
In the top line of this dialog in the fields dx and dz the index increment on the X and Z is

specified. The button binds an index to the following file on the X equal Sx+dx and on Z –
Tz+dz. For fast columns filling Sx and Sz on accumulation at the same source position it is
necessary to put cursor on Sx of the last file, and with pressed SHIFT button click on Sx of first file
relating to current source position.

Fig. 6 Set source positions dialog box

Source and receiver indexes can be entered also in the Rx, Rz and Sx, Sz columns in the
Table tab of multitab section.

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In the Hodograph tab of multitab section it is possible to keep or load observation
geometry as *.crd file. It is recommended to save such file as it allows deleting the entered
geometry which is incorrect from the project before introduction of any geometry or demands
changes (described in the Multitab section options in details).

Seismogram visualization and scaling settings

For convenience of analyst work in the picking mode various possibilities of scaling and
visualization seismograms are provided.

The increase a separate area or its moving is carried out in the selection/increase mode
(the tool – “a tensile rectangle”). For area selection which is necessary for increasing, the mouse
cursor moves down and to the right, with the pressed left button (Fig. 7A).
The button Set working area and autoscaling trace allows specifying trace scales, which are
handy for selected area, automatically.

To move to the previous area of seismogram selection use the option . To return to
initial scale, the same actions are made, but the mouse moves up and to the left (the Fig. 7B).

Fig. 7 The mouse movement direction for scale changing

Seismogram scales setup dialog

To run seismogram scales settings dialog use the option Settings/Scale settings or the

button on the toolbar , then press the button .

Scaling options dialog contains two tabs.
Tab Scales contains the options determining scales of seismic traces graphs and all image
(fig. 8).
The Norm style area establishes normalization type of seismic traces graphs.

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Common maximum value - scales graphs on the general seismogram maximum.
Trace maximum value - scales each graphic on own maximum.

Fig. 8 Scaling options dialog box, tab Scales

The Clipping area establishes graphs maxima and minima limiting values. When it reaches
which graphs are cut off.
Maximum and Minimum values are set based on the distance between the adjust traces
equal to unit.
The option By start data – indicates to the program that graphs scaling will be made with
reference to initial (not filtered) data values.
The option Autoscaling – determines graph image scale. If the option is switched on, the
scale gets out automatically based on the window size. If the option is switched off – image scales
are set by the options Pixel for trace (pixels number for one trace) and Pixel for sample (pixels
number for one counting).
The option Start time sets a moment mark value (positive number in mSec or counting) for
all seismic traces. The times/counting axis is displaced so that to a moment will equal to an axis
zero. Emergence of negative values on an axis is thus possible.
Tab Muting contains options that determine the velocities boundary values (Fig. 9). In the
Velocities field it is necessary to set velocities limit values. Muting option displays the boundaries
of defined boundary velocities. If you select Draw muted data, the data is outside the specified
velocity limits will not be displayed. Delay, ms field sets moment value (positive number in ms or

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samples) for all seismic traces. Axis times/samples is moving in such way that the axis zero
corresponds to moment mark. This may occur that negative values on the axis appear.

Fig. 9 The dialog box Scaling options, tab Muting

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Traces graphic settings dialog

To run sesmic traces graphic settings dialog, use the option Settings/Graphics options or

the button on the toolbar , then press the button (fig. 10).
The Trace tab contains the options which are responsible for appearance of seismic traces
graphics. Two main Primary and Additional areas are responsible for settings of the main and
additional (displaying over the main in the Multi mode) seismograms.
The Negative and Positive areas include color settings of graphs minimum and maximum
(Fill color – color of filling, Transparent – without filling).

Fig. 10 Graphics settings dialog box

The option Line color sets line color of graphics. The option Active line color sets line
color of the active graphic. The option Display line - indicates whether it is necessary to draw
graphic lines.
The Hodograph tab contains hodograph color settings displaying on seismograms during a
picking. The options Current, Previous, Next, Reciprocity, Calculated set colors for the current,
previous, following, mutual and calculated hodograph. If the option is switched on – this hodograph
will be displayed (if it is).

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Button [Colors] runs graphics plot editor settings dialog (more details in Appendix 1:
Graphics plot editor).

Seismograms viewing modes

Depending on data type it is convenient to use vertical or horizontal seismogram

orientation. The option Settings/Change orientation allows turning seismogram on 90º (the Fig.

Fig.11 Horizontal and vertical seismogram orientation.

To display background, which represents seismogram in interpolated view, use the button

, than press the button or use the menu function Settings/Show background (Fig. 12).

Color palette can be adapted running Color palette dialog by the menu function
Settings/Background settings (Fig. 13).

Fig. 12 Display seismogram options in an interpolation look

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Fig. 13 Color palette dialog

Seismogram picking mode main options

It is possible to sort seismograms:

- by names of files - Options/Sort shots by filename;
- by source positions - Options/Sort shots by position;
- by distance from a source - Options/Sort trace by offset.

Gain factor changing of the separate seismic trace is made by a mouse wheel when aiming
cursor on it or by the Table tab of multitab section (details in the section Multitab section
Seismograms grading and summation are carried out at work with the Operations tab of
multitab section (details in the section Multitab section options).
To correct moment mark value use the option Start time in the Scaling options window or

in the Hodograph tab of multitab section using the field . Options set moment
mark value (positive number in msec or counting) for all seismic traces. The axis of times/counting
is displaced so that the moment mark corresponds an axis zero. Emergence of negative values on an
axis is thus possible.
Sources and receivers real coordinates can be loaded in form as a file in the Hodograph tab
of multitab section (details in the section Multitabsection options).
The program provided work with separate seismogram traces when the mode Active trace

is switched on.

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The first arrivals choice is carried out in the Picking mode by left mouse button. The
right-click disconnects the chosen value on a hodograph. The program interpolates values of first
arrivals between of first and second mouse clicking positions. The observed hodograph is displayed

by red color, calculated (if return to hodograph editing process after Trace editor inversion) –
The program allows displaying mutual first arrival times in seismogram picking time. To
activate this function it is possible by the following buttons:
Transition to mutual traces of seismogram is carried out by pressing of combination
[CTRL]+[ALT]+left-click on the necessary trace.
Cancel the action (picking, coordinates input) is carried out by a combination [CTRL]+[Z].

To create a matrix and transition to the inversion module use the button on the toolbar.

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Multitab section options

The multitab section for survey layout parameters setting and displaying contains the
following parts:

The Table tab contains the table with receivers coordinates, gains factor and other
settings of active seismogram traces (fig. 14).

Fig. 14 Table tab

The options Sx and Sz establish source horizontal and vertical coordinate for active
The same coordinates are set by Set source positions dialog (in the section Survey layout
input in details).
Right-click allows setting an coordinates increment for all the following seismograms.

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The entry field is intended for input of comments to current seismogram.
The option Apply to next shots is intended for inclusion of the general (through) trace
parameters editing mode for all seismograms. The general parameters are receivers coordinates,
gain factors, indicator of channel unavailability.
The V column – to switch on/off the seismic trace. Left-click on column heading to switch
on, right-click – to switch off.
The Rx column – sets horizontal source coordinate. Right-click on table cell to set a
coordinate increment for all following cells.
The Rz column – establishes receiver vertical coordinate (in case of borehole observation –
depth). Right-click on table cell to set a coordinate increment for all following cells.
The Gain column – establishes gain factor of seismic trace. When record polarity is wrong it
is necessary to enter gain with a minus sign. Left-click on column heading to increase, right-click -
to reduce (by the module) all seismogram gain factors. Right-click on table cell to set gain value for
all following cells. In the Apply to next shots mode gains are set for all the following seismograms.
The Dead column – the failure indicator. This seismic trace won't picking.
The t,ms column – sets the trace first arrival time value (in counting).

The Array tab contains the graph with the observation scheme (fig. 15).

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Fig.15 Array tab

The shot point of active seismogram is displayed in red color. For the correct scheme
displaying it is necessary to enter coordinates of receivers and sources. Exact coordinates can be
loaded from the file in the Hodographs tab.
[CTRL]+left-click the P-waves schematic position will carry out transition on corresponding
seismogram of selected explosion point in the left seismogram displaying window.

The Hodographs tab is intended for all seismogram hodographs displaying and
editing. During picking in this tab there are hodographs graphics. When pressing on graphic
corresponding it seismogram gets out (fig. 16).

Fig. 16 Hodographs tab

Measured values editing is made by moving graph point with pressed left mouse button. All
hodograph moves with the pressed SHIFT button.
To select single graph and remove the other one press the mouse button on a legend with
pressed SHIFT button. By repeated pressing inverse operation is made. To graphs scrolling use
mouse wheel. To do it, select some adjust graphs (on a legend) and roll the mouse wheel having
placed the cursor on a legend. Indexes of active graphs will change.
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The button - exposes as a moment mark value of time or the counting,
chosen by the toddler in the seismogram window. The entry field allows setting a moment mark by
keyboard. The times/counting axis is displaced so that the moment mark corresponds an axis zero.
Emergence of negative values on an axis is thus possible.

Buttons and also allow displaying the Table and Array tabs in separate
windows, that considerably facilitates work with data, allowing seeing full information about
processed seismogram. In the Array window the same functions, as in the tab with the same name

are carried out. The button switches on/off all hodograph. It is possible to choose also separate
hodograph in the legend field.

The Operations tab is intended for displaying two seismograms (fig. 17). It is useful
at comparison, summation seismograms, analysis of relative seismic traces. The second
seismogram is displayed by the line without filling and displayed according to scale of the first one.
When displaying two seismograms at the same time it is necessary to set coordinates of receivers
and sources.

Fig. 17 Operations tab

The option Type sets displaying type of two seismograms. To One value – to display one
seismogram. Source - as the second seismogram is used one corresponding to the current position
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of a source (repetitions, accumulation). All seismograms for an active source are displayed in the
list field below in which it is possible to choose them. All - as the second seismogram is used any
seismogram of the project. All project seismograms are displayed in the list field below in which it
is possible to choose them. Reciprocity – display mutual seismogram (input of sources and
receivers coordinates is obligatory).

Operations with seismograms

As a rule, the result of seismic survey is a files set with Seg-Y or Seg2 formats. These files
are "raw" data to be pre-prepared. After loading the data in the project it is necessary to input the
survey layout geometry for each seismogram (if the geometry is not in the files). It is simply done
directly in the picking window (to spit) table, and using the option Edit source pos (for items
excitation) (Tools tab of the main menu).
Usually, at one excitation point exist several seismograms (repetition, accumulation, left and
right punches). But only one is needed for interpretation. Which is obtained by summing the others,
or selected from the best obtained at this point. When working with S - waves by the method of the
left and right punches it is necessary to subtract from one another. To solve all these problems use
Operations tab. It allows you to visualize two seismograms and perform operations with them.
For operations with seismograms obtained at one excitation point, use Source option. In this
mode, on the top of active seismogram another one is constructed, which is selected from the Shot
list. Operation (summing/subtraction) is always held on the current and selected seismogram from
the list. That is, to summarize highlight the seismogram in the list, set the offset in the options if it is

necessary and click the button . Use the button to remove unnecessary seismograms. In
fact, after all necessary operations on the excitation point, you can remove all the seismograms, but
without active.

The button is used to calculate the correlation coefficients between the active
seismogram and the seismograms for the list. This greatly simplifies the selection of seismograms,
which will be summarize.
Option right sets the seismograms offset (in counts) from the list relatively to active one,
which will be used during the operation. If you change this parameter, the second shift will gather
Reciprocity mode allows you to display on top of the active seismogram, another one which is built

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on mutual traces. This makes it possible to assess the quality of the field data, to identify errors in
the recording start marks and control picking.

First arrivals picking

First arrivals picking is carried out in interactive and semi-automatic modes in the
ZondST2d. It is impossible to automate fully first arrivals picking for the actual field data of
engineering seismic survey, the program has tool allowing to simplify and speed up the process.
Before to start selecting the first arrivals should go to picking mode by pressing the button

. Next step is the values choice directly on seismogram, which are displayed a hodograph. To
add/correct a value use the left mouse button. To specify points sequence use the left mouse button
(click specify the first and the last points, values, among which are determined by linear
interpolation). To remove a hodograph point use the right mouse button. Depending on the handler
preferences, the program provides a variety of ways to correct the times positions of first arrivals:
by the front, maximums, minimums, and by the correlation maximum. Automatic picking mode is
best used only for data with good quality. To turn on first arrivals correction mode use the button

. When right-clicking on the button pop-up menu of correction method selection appears. The
following options are available: to null - binding to zero, to extremum - binding to the inflection
point, to minimum - binding to the minimum point, to maximum - binding to the maximum point,
Correlate - adjusts the first arrivals positions so that on the adjacent tracks points will be correlated
with each other, Move to reciprocity point - values of mutual points are used.
In automatic correction the radius or the width of the strip search is important parameter.
Search section is displayed by a circle around the cursor (when picking a single point) or a stripe –
when picking a group values. Width/radius of the search area is edited by the mouse wheel while
pressing [CTRL]. Selection of first arrivals is carried out in the search area based on the extremum
type in semi-automatic picking. The correlation maximum mode, the program also determines the
points on the adjacent traces based on this criterion, and to the correlation loss. When group values
picking in the strip search the circles will show the points where the first arrivals value will be after
the closure.

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Additional function Hodographs/Autocorrect current of the main menu is designed to
automatically adjust the first arrival times based on the correlation of adjacent traces to the already-
picked hodograph.
When picking hodographs should pay attention to the reciprocal time value (the blue points
on the seismogram). They serve as a criterion of picking correctness. For dense survey layouts (with
a large number of explosion points at the receivers positions) control on mutual points can reach 50-
60 percent. This allows on the one hand the correct picking and automatically correct errors in the
beginning record marks (Correct Start times option) to another. If there is large discrepancy
between mutual points - should find the reason, with which it is associated. To go quickly to the
point of mutual seismogram use the right mouse button in conjunction with the buttons.
Thus, picking process is as follows:

1. Picking individual seismograms interactively or automatically (depending on the data

2. Adjust the value based on mutual times and the whole hodograph group analysis. Control
the picking error by the option Reciprocity error.
3. Adjust the level of recording starts automatically for all seismograms (Correct Start times)
or manually for each one.
4. Average mutual times.
5. Smooth hodographs if it is necessary.

Data filtering dialog

Dialog represents the tool for the analysis of field seismogram specters and filtration. In the
left window part there is a graph displaying the calculated range of the working window and a filter
form. To change the filter form use the right mouse button (to the closest point of a filter excess).
The main task of field data filtering is field signals selection in noise. The program
ZondST2d uses two filtering types, based on Fourier and Wavelet transforms. The button runs the
window allowing filtering of current seismogram. Seismogram spectrum is displayed on the top of

Fourier transform tab. To calculate spectrum, use the button . If you select the option All
traces, the average spectrum for all seismogram will be calculated, else – spectrum will be
calculated for the current trace.

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Fig. 18 Filter&Spectrum dialog, tab Fourier transform

It is necessary to choose filter type (pop-up menu on top left window part). It can be a
bandpass filter or low/high frequencies filter. To adjust filter use the mouse (by dragging filter
graph nodes (black line on top of graph line)) or in four entry fields below graphs.

Filtering can be performed after filter parameters selection (button ). Filtering results are
immediately displayed in the seismogram, also spectrum recalculating occurs. To return to the

original seismogram use the button . Filtering with specified parameters can be applied to all
seismograms. To do it, select the option All shots.
To activate wavelet filtering algorithm go to Wavelet denoising tab. Options to control the
wavelet filtering are the same as Fourier, with the exception of the following:
Wavelet type - specifies the wavelet type.
Wavelet order - specifies the wavelet order (its form complexity).
Decomposition level - determines the number of small details that will remain in the signal after
filtering. The higher the value, the larger signals will be filtered out.

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Module of field data inversion
Data file creation and opening for inversion
To start interpretation in the ZONDST2D program it is necessary to make data processing in

the module of the first arrivals picking (Create survey) and to go to inversion mode , or create
the data file with defined format, containing information about receiver coordinates, topography and
first arrivals value. ZONDST2D also supports the most popular data formats: XTOMO.
Usually one file contains data of one observation profile. The text data files organized in
ZONDST2D format have «*.ST» extension. (more details in Main data file format).

Zond data file Open data file or project file with Zond format.
Program configuration Open file with program parameters.

For the correct program work the data file shouldn't contain:
• the nonconventional symbols dividing records in line (use TAB or SPACE symbols)
• absurd values of measurement parameters (for example, negative first arrivals times
It is recommended, that the total number of measurements containing in one file didn't
exceed 10000, and the number of unique sources/receivers positions didn't exceed 500.

Main window toolbar

The toolbar serves to quick run of the most frequently used functions. It contains the
following functional buttons:
Open data file.
Run first-arrivals picking mode. If project with seismograms is loaded – it is
possible to edit first-arrivals values in compliance with theoretical hodographs

values (from inversion). After exiting from window (button in this case
isn’t necessary to press) new values move in Inversion module
Save data.

Grid model mode.

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Layered model mode.

Polygonal modelling mode.

Run inversion parameters setup dialog.
Run source/receiver editor.
Calculate forward problem.
Start (one click) or cancel (second click) inversion process.
Start 1D inversion.
Cancel previous step of medium model changing.

Main window menu

Below the following menu functions and their meaning are described:
Create Synthetic Run synthetic measurement system generation
survey dialog.
File Open file Open data file.
File Save file Save data.
File Edit data Open current data file in Notepad editor.
File Print preview Print preview (more)
File Recent Recent used files.
File Russian Russian program version.
File English English program version.
File Reg file Create registration file.
File Register Program registration.
File Exit Exit
Options Project information Show loaded project information.
Options Mesh constructor Run starting model setup dialog (more).
Options Program setup Run inversion parameters setup dialog (more)
Options/ Run first arrivals times picking module (more
Data picker
Modules described above).
Geological editor Geological editor (more)
Options/ 3D sections plot Display data in 3D (more)

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Set boundaries Set geological boundaries (more)
Optimization parameters settings. The following
options are available:
Display process - Displays graphs of changing
inversion parameters in each iteration and in the
overall selection process (data error, model error,
Dampier factor, weighted data error).
Line search - , Dampier factor automatic selection
at each iteration. This slows down the
computation time of each iteration, but
significantly increases the algorithm convergence
Options/ rate.
Inversion Full – Switch on/off the regularize full
optimization mode. This mode is needed if the
solution gets into a local minimum.
Factor 1.2 - Specify the Dampier factor reduction
coefficient at each following iteration (if the
automatic selection is switched off).
Length- step – Switch on/off the step length
automatic selection mode. This mode leads to
algorithm convergence acceleration, but in some
cases does not allow to bypass local minimum
Specify sensitivity parameter value. Increasing
Resolution sensitivity leads to increasing influence of the
lower model cells.
Sets level, which is determined the smoothness of
the calculated model. The available options are:
Smoothness Median - from the average data values;
"0" - from zero level;
Start model - from the starting model (useful with

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a priori information)
Average window 8x4 – from the average in the
Load flatness filter- load model from any Zond
program that will be used as a starting one.
Options/ Sets the top water layer parameters in case of
Underwater options
Inversion working in water area.
Switches on the inversion moment marks
Options/ Invert start time automatic selection mode. This option should be
Inversion MAX-10 switched on in case of problems with moments
marks definition.
During the inversion only shown hodographs will
Invert visible data be selected. To hide/show hodographs use graph
Invert anisotropy Inversion accounting anisotropy (more)
Long line inversion Inversion for long line profiles.
Options/ Slowness selection. The program can select
Invert slowness
Inversion velocity or slowness.
Invert velocity Velocity selection.
Display first arrivals value (more details in
Options/ Data First break times
Graphic plot)
Options/ Data Apparent velocity Display apparent velocity.
Options/ Data Travel time curves Display hodograph graph of first arrivals.
Options/ Data Iso S-R spacing Show graphs for the same spacing
The observation point position - the middle
Options/ Data Xpos=(S+R)/2
between the source and the receiver.
Show on the model seismic rays connecting
Options/ Data Ray paths sources and receivers calculated for the current
model. (more)
Options/ Data Data editor Run data editor (more)

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Options/ Data Survey pseudosection Display apparent velocity pseudosection (more)
Show graph of apparent velocities dependence
Options/ Data Velocity offset plot
from offset. (more)
Show hodograph graphs with shift, which was
Options/ Data Display with shifts
selected during the data inversion.
Options/ Data Display error gates Display error gates.
Options/ Model Block-section Display model as blocks. (more)
Options/ Model Smooth-section Show model with parameters smooth distribution.
Options/ Model Contour-section Display model as a contour section.
Options/ Model Velocity Display velocity model.
Display model sensitivity function as a contour
Options/ Model Sensitivity section. This option is active when the mode
Contour section is switched on.
Display a model of full velocity gradient. This
Options/ Model dVelocity option is active when the mode Contour section is
switched on.

Estimation of obtained data quality on a scale

Options/ Model Quality from 0 to 1. This option is active when the mode
Contour section is switched on.

Estimation of reliable researching depth. Ranges

from 0 to 1. The most reliable DOI data, which is
Options/ Model DOI index
close to 0. This option is active when the mode
Contour section is switched on.
Velocity – show velocity model;
Anisotropy – show anisotropy model. It is
available, when during inversion the option Invert
Options/ Model Display
Anisotropy was used (more);
Attenuation – show medium attenuation model
Options/ Model X=Z scale Align the scale on X and Y.
Options/ Model Model editor toolbar Model editor toolbar (more)
Options/ Model Extend bottom If relief is there, this option extends the lower

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model cells to the depth maximum.
Cut model part, which is not covered by
Options/ Model Cut by rays
calculated seismic rays.
Cut the model by cable length without taking into
Options/ Model Bound by cable
account carry-overs.
Specify factor of landforms distortion with depth
Options/ (0-5). 0 - relief of each following layer repeats
Topo coefficient 0
Topography the previous one. 1 - relief flattens with depth, the
last layer - flat
Options/ Import topography
Import topography
Options/ Remove topography (all data will be given to
Remove topography
Topography zero)
Options/ Restore loaded topography data.
Restore topography
Options/ Edit topography data.
Edit topography
Options/ Smooth relief.
Smooth topo
Options/ Smooth relief by averaging.
Splined intermediate
Switch on altitudes mode (if the mode is switched
Absolute coordinates off, depths from the highest model point are
Options/ Mirror this profile line (together with the
Reverse line
Topography topography and survey layout)
Shift line Shift profile line at specified distance in meters.
Options/ Create/Edit borehole
Create/Edit borehole data (more)
Boreholes data
Options/ Open and display file with logging data and
Load borehole data
Boreholes stratigraphic columns.
Options/ Remove borehole Remove borehole data.

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Boreholes data
Set column width Set lithologic column width.
Options/ Extra Model smooth/rough Model smooth/rough (more)
Options/ Extra Display t0 map Display t0 map (more)
Options/ Extra Show model parameters distribution.
Options/ Extra Add extra nodes Add additional cells.
Shows the relative residual value for each source
Options/ Extra Display receiver RMS
Select windows orientation mode: vertical or
Options/ Extra Orientation horizontal. Vertical mode is useful when working
with borehole seismic data.
Other modules Import data from other program modules (more)
Options/Import/ Import arbitrary data or model. (more about data
Import model/data
Export export and import)
Remove model/data Remove arbitrary model/data.
Save selection Save selected in model editor cells parameters.
Options/Import/ Open file with selected cells and paste at the
Load selection
Export current cursor position.
Options/Import/ Save vertical velocity profile for a given
Extract 1D log
Export horizontal coordinate.
Options/Import/ Paste into the model vertical velocity profile and
Load 1D log
Export its limits on the given horizontal coordinate.
Options/Import/ Load a text file containing a one-dimensional
Load 1D model
Export medium model (velocity and depth).
Options/Import/ Load model file *.MOD1D or *.MOD2D, created
Load MOD1D/2D
Export in the other Zond programs.
Options/Import/ Save the current model as *.MOD1D or
Save MOD1D/2D
Export *.MOD2D file, fort he further using in the other

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Zond programs.
Background image Load background image.
Remove background Remove background
Change size Change background size
Create shaded map Create shaded map
Options/Import/ Import SeisOpt Import first arrivals times from SeisOpt program
Export picking file.
Options/Import/ Import data from
Import data from MS Excel or other text file.
Export text/excel
Export to excel Export interpretation results to Excel.
Export model to CAD Export interpretation results to DXF.
Export ray paths Save ray paths as a text file.
Options/Import/ Export and display model in Golden Software
Draw model in Surfer
Export Surfer program.
Options/Graphi Run observed graphs displaying setup dialog
Observed graphics
cs (more)
Options/Graphi Run calculated graphs displaying setup dialog
Calculated graphics
cs (more)
Smooth contours Smooth contours.
Smoothness 5 Set smoothness coefficient (from 1 to 30)
Isolines high quality
Options/Graphi Bitmap output
Bitmap output settings (more)
cs settings

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Buffer Model 1, 2…. Copy the current model to Buffer (more)
Buffer Open Open saved models.
Waves P- refracted P- refracted waves.
Waves S-refracted S-refracted waves.
Summary graphs (show summary graphs: the
velocity distribution model, the anisotropy and
Waves Summary plot
the good quality, if the latest were calculated in
the relevant modules)
Help About About the program.
Help Context Run context.
Help Check for updates Check for updates
ERROR!!!Set default Restart the program.

“Hot” keys
Cursor pad /cursor in model editor Change active cell of the model.
Delete / cursor in model editor Clear active cell.
Insert / cursor in model editor Insert current value to active cell.
F / cursor in model editor Fix active cell value.
X / cursor in model editor Use “magic wand” tool to select domain
V / cursor in model editor Delete selection.
Up/down / cursor in model editor Change the current value.
Space Calculate forward problem.

Status bar
Status bar is divided into a few sections which contain different information:
Cursor and active cell coordinates.
Active cell parameters.
Model editor mode.
Process indicator.
Relative misfit.
Additional information. For example,

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number of measurements and model cells
or process status during inversion.

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Starting model setup dialog
As soon as data file «*.Z2D» is created, load it by pressing button or using relevant
menu item. After successful loading the starting model setup dialog appears. It allows specifying
grid parameters, starting medium velocity model. This dialog can also be run using Options/Mesh
Constructor in the main menu of the program (fig. 19).

Fig. 19 Mesh constructor dialog

The Z nodes field contains options which set vertical grid parameters of the model. Program
automatically selects these parameters using the following rules:
 Depth of bottom layer is equal to half of distance between receivers.
 Number of layers is equal to double of unique diversity this system but does not exceed 16.
 The thickness of the next layer is 1.05 times more than the previous one.

Minimum – sets thickness of first layer. This value must be approximately equal to the width
of the cell and necessary model resolution. If the option X is switched on, this option sets model
minimum vertical coordinate.
Maximum – sets depth of bottom layer. It should be remembered that the maximal depth
value must not be too large because influence of geoelectrical section parameters decreases with
Nodes number – sets number of model’s layers. Usually 15-18 layers are enough for surface
working. If the option X is switched on, this option sets model vertical nodes number.

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Intermediate nodes – sets ratio between thicknesses of adjacent layers. This parameter value
usually ranges from 1 to 2. If the option X is switched on, this option determines number of grid
intermediate nodes between receivers.
X – establishes vertical grid nodes of model in receivers positions. This option is convenient
for applying when logging data interpretation.
Regular mesh – starts horizontal mesh construction algorithm, and complementary nodes are
selected from condition of split uniformity. This option should be used if distance between adjacent
sources/receivers is very different (It is advantageous for the accuracy of forward and inverse
problem solutions).
X nodes field contains options which set horizontal grid parameters.
Minimum – shows (sets) minimal coordinate of the profile.
Maximum - shows (sets) maximum coordinate of the profile.
Nodes number – indicates number of horizontal model nodes. If you use the survey layout
with a single borehole (one x coordinate for all data set is used) – this option sets number of
intermediate nodes at the borehole left and right.
Intermediate nodes – sets number of intermediate nodes between unique positions of
source/receivers on the profile (0-4).
Regular mesh – starts horizontal mesh construction algorithm, and complementary nodes are
selected from condition of split uniformity. This option should be used if distance between adjacent
sources/receivers is very.
Top velocity - sets the starting model upper layer velocity.
Bottom velocity - sets the starting model bottom layer velocity. Intermediate layers velocity values
are found by linear interpolation between the first and the last one.
After setting grid parameters, press the button [Apply], and the program goes into working mode.
Adjust grid: add or remove intermediate nodes, align cells height or width, you can also by using
the options in the model editor.

Main data file format

Program presents universal data format which consists of information about current and
potential sources/receivers, relative relief elevation and first arrivals values.
ZONDST2D data file format has *.ST extension.

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For our purpose data file can be divided into 3 parts: 1) observed data, 2) topography data
(if present), 3) model data (saved in file after inversion or modeling).

I part of data file: Observed data

First line contains control keys which define what kind of data is contained in every column.

Following designations (keys) for electrode coordinates are accepted in ZONDST2D:

Sources Tz Ty Tz (from Transmitter)

Receivers Rx Ry Rz (from Receiver)

Y and Z coordinates can be specified if necessary. For example, in case of using plane-table
survey layout, combined measurenents system (borehole-surface) or marine measurements.
Sample file – sample_with_z_source, sample_with_chdata.

When specifying sources/receivers Z coordinates it should be remembered that positive

values mean that source/receiver is below surface (for example, when observing boreholes) (fig.

Fig. 20 Survey layout borehole-borehole, borehole-surface, surface-surface.

Negative coordinates are only used in case of marine measurements (in this situation
measurement surface is bottom).

For measured values:

First arrivals times

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Calculating error or measurement weight is specified in Weight column, it defines
measurements quality. Measurement weight values should range from 0 to 1. If there is no error
data (Weight column is absent), weight value is automatically specified as 1 for each measurement.

Second and the following lines contain data corresponding to each measurement, written in
the same sequence as control keys in the first line.
Then (if necessary) horizontal mesh complementary nodes column is filled. Each new node
coordinate is entered after *** symbol. Complementary nodes are usually added for model
extension over last braid receivers and if there is sharp relief beyond cable. Sample-file –

II part of data file: Topography data

If topography data is present, the next line contains word topo and is followed by list of
coordinate and relief excess values. Different methods of specifying relief correspond to the
following additional keys.
topo - this key is used if coordinates of receivers and topographic mapping are given in
horizontal projections. Sample-file – topo1.
topo~ adjustment to horizontal surface (fig. 21). Relief curve is approximated using least-
squares method to line, and then is rotated together with all relief points so that it converges to
horizontal axis. This method can be used if measurements are performed along slope with known
absolute relief heights. Sample-file – topo2a/topo2b.

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Fig. 21 Relief adjustment to horizontal surface

topo# specifies profile coordinates by lengths (“curve”) (fig. 22). In this case distance along
the cable but not X projection is equal to horizontal coordinate of receivers. X coordinates of
receivers are recalculated from lengths to horizontal projections. The line that follows the one with
the key must contain tie of one of the cable electrodes P to relief point. The second note is receiver
coordinate (in lengths), the first one – corresponding to it X coordinate from the list of relief
excesses. Sample-file – topo3.

Fig. 22 Receivers positions with shown distance between them adjusted for relief changes (along
the cable)

topo^ - this key is necessary if topography data and receivers coordinates are specified in
distances along the cable. Sample-file – topo4.
Keys can be combined, for example, topo~#.

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topow – this key is used if marine survey data interpretation is performed (on water surface
or on the bottom). In this case bottom or bottom going to land (combined measurements) profile is
used as relief coordinates (fig. 23). After space in the same line water surface level (relative to fixed
below coordinates of profile bottom (in the same coordinate system as the relief)), velocity in the
water and number of complementary water layer splits (2-4) must be also specified. Main window
function can be used to change the former two parameters. Sample-file – water1. Combined
systems when measurements are performed on the bottom and on water surface can be specified.
Sample-file – water3. In order to do that vertical receiver coordinates relative to bottom profile
level should be entered.

Fig. 23 Velocity section as a result of combined land and marine measurements

topo* – this key simplifies entering topography data if cable is located on water surface.
Sample-file – water2.
By default in a model window relief excess are displayed relative to zero when the option
Real topo coordinates is active. Excesses which are specified in the file are displayed. When saving
Grid file with real excesses in the exported file the option Real topo coordinates should be switched

III part of data file: Model data

The medium model description begins with model keyword. In the first line the following
parameters are consistently written: medium velocity, the minimal color scale velocity, the maximal
color scale velocity, distortion factor of model with relief (topo coefficient).
The second and third lines contain lists of grid nodes horizontal and vertical coordinates (n
and m length).
The following n-1 lines with m-1 long contain a matrix of model velocities.

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Data visualization
Graphics plan

Graphics plan is used for first arrivals hodographs values Options/Data/First break times
and apparent velocities Options/Data/Apparent velocity visualization as graphs along profile.
Graphing or hodograph method Travel time curves (fig. 24A) or graph for a given spacing
Iso S-R spacings (Fig. 24B) can be chosen in the main menu of the program Options/Data.

Fig. 24 Graphics plan A- Travel time curves, B- Iso S-R spacings

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Mouse clicks are used to work with graphics plan.
Zooming in or dragging some part is performed with pressed button (“rubber rectangular”
tool). To zoom in a segment move mouse cursor down and to the right with left button pressed
(Fig. 25 A). To return to primary zoom do the same but with mouse cursor moving up and to the
left (Fig. 25 B).

Fig. 25 The mouse movement direction the when zooming.

The following actions are performed by pressing left mouse button on graphic point: all
other graphics are hidden and sources/receivers positions for active point are shown (while the
button is pressed). To edit measured values move plot point with right button pressed.
Click on legend with SHIFT button pressed to select one graph and delete all others. Second
click performs inverse operation. Use mouse wheel to scroll graphs. In order to do that select a few
adjacent graphs (on the legend) and scroll mouse wheel with mouse cursor in the center of the
legend. Indices of active graphs will change. Right click on plot point to select value in the table.
To run graphics plan setup dialog use Options/Graphics/Observed(Calculated) graphics
in the main menu.
Graphics mode allows rejecting some values that will be assigned 0 weights. To reject
certain value left click on plot point with ALT button pressed. Right click with ALT button pressed
on graphic to set 0 weights to all points of the graph.
When right-clicking with pressed [SHIFT] button on an axe or graph, the pop-up menu
appears. It allows to run the object parameters setup dialog.

Additional features of measurements visualization

In the inversion mode main menu Options/Data the following options are available: Survey
pseodosection and Velocity offset plot, which are intended for further analysis of input data. If you
choose Survey pseodosection the additional window Survey scheme appears (Fig. 26), containing
apparent velocities pseudosection.

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Fig. 26 Apparent velocities pseudosection. Survey scheme window

If you choose Velocity offset plot the additional window Velocity-Spacing plot appears (Fig.
27), graph of apparent velocities depending from distance. This dependence allows you to specify

the starting model for the inversion by pressing the button . Coefficient sets the ratio between
the depth and distance.

Fig. 27 Velocity-Spacing window

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Measurements editor
To run the sources/receivers editor use the menu Options/Data editor. The editor serves for
survey layout and measured values visualization. (Fig. 28). The table contains 10 columns:
Sx Source location according to X*.
Sy Source location according to Y*.
Sz Source location according to Z*.
Rx Receiver location according to X*.
Ry Receiver location according to Y*.
Rz Receiver location according to Z*.
ft First arrival time value
Vk Apparent velocity of P-waves transmission
pr Index of profile measurement
Weight Measurement weight

* - by switching the option Coordinates/Positions over the table receivers and sources
position can be displayed in this window in initial coordinates, which contain in the data file
(Coordinates mode) or in the calculated horizontal projections (Positions mode).

Fig. 28 Data editor dialog

Two penultimate columns if it is necessary can be edited by keyboard. It should not enter
absurd values for first arrivals times. Weight of measurements are set in a range from 0 to 1.

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When moving cursor in the table the active measurement sources and receivers positions are
displayed on the graphic plan and model.
When the option Options/Data/Ray paths/Calculated is switched on at each source -
receiver position, rays trajectories scheme calculated based on model parameters is displayed in the
model window (fig. 29).

Fig. 29 Viewing rays trajectories in the program window using Data editor dialog

When you choose the option Options/Extra/Display t0 map Data Editor dialog will run
automatically. After calculation isolines scheme t0 will be displayed at the model for the selected in
the table source. The numbers on the model shows the individual RMS value for each point
(Options/Extra/Display receivers RMS).

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Fig. 30 Viewing isolines schemes t0 selected in the table source

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Data inversion
After loading the data file, setting the starting model it is necessary to select the inversion

type and set inversion parameters. To run inversion parameters setup dialog click the button
or use menu item Option/Program setup.

Inversion parameters setup dialog

This dialog serves for specifying parameters connected with forward and inverse problem
Default – set parameters default values.
Tab Inversion serves for setting inversion parameters.

Fig. 31 Program setup dialog window, Inversion tab

Inversion option defines algorithm that is used for inverse problem solution.
Let us consider inversion algorithms by example of subsurface model that consists of
several blocks (fig. 32). Parameters distribution in a test model is different from actually occurring

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velocity distribution of elastic waves in medium, but allows you to demonstrate the inversion
algorithms differences.

Fig. 32 Test subsurface model

For algorithm testing theoretical response should be calculated and 5 percent Gaussian noise
Smoothness constrained is inversion by least-square method with use of smoothing
operator. As a result of this algorithm smooth (without sharp boundaries) and stable parameter
distribution is received (fig. 33).

Fig. 33 Regenerated model as a result of Smoothness constrained inversion

Matrix equation for this kind of inversion is the following:

A W WA  C Cm  A W
f (6)
Judging by the equation it can be said that model contrast is not minimized during inversion.
Current algorithm allows receiving minimum misfit values. In the majority of cases it is
recommended to use it for initial stages of interpretation.
Occam is inversion by least-square method with use of smoothing operator and additional
contrast minimization [Constable, 1987]. As a result of this algorithm the smoothest parameter
distribution is received (fig. 34).

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Fig. 34 Regenerated model as a result of Occam inversion

Matrix equation for this kind of inversion is the following:

A W WA  C Cm  A W
f  C T Cm (7)
Smoothness degree of received model is in direct proportion to Smoothness factor value. It
should be noted that high values of this parameter can lead to misfit increase.
Marquardt – classic inversion algorithm by least-square method with regularization by
damping parameter (Ridge regression) [Marquardt, 1963]. In case of little quantity of section
parameters this algorithm allows receiving contrast subsurface model (fig. 35).

Fig. 35 Regenerated model as a result of Marquardt inversion

Matrix equation for this kind of inversion is the following:

A W WA  I m  A W
f (8)
Unwise usage of this inversion method modification can lead to receiving unstable results
and increasing of RMS deviation, that is algorithm discrepancy.
The best option is to use Marquardt method as specializing (for misfit decrease) after
Smoothness constrained or Occam inversion is performed.
Focused is inversion by least-square method with use of smoothing operator and additional
contrast focusing [Portniaguine, 2000]. As a result of this algorithm piecewise smooth parameters
distribution (that is model which consists of blocks with constant resistivity) can be received (fig.

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Fig. 36 Regenerated model as a result of Focused inversion

Matrix equation for this kind of inversion is the following:

A W WA  C

RC m  AT W T f  C T RCm (9)
In case of using this type of inversion threshold contrast parameter Threshhold should be
carefully selected. This parameter defines threshold contrast value for adjacent cells, if it is reached
adjacent cells parameters are not averaged (it is considered that there is a boundary between these
cells). Dependence of averaging degree (or weight) of two adjacent cells Ri on contrast threshold e
and contrast between these cells ri is the following:
Ri  . (10)
e 2  ri

Blocks – fits parameters for certain domains which differ in velocity. Domains with equal
velocity consider as single blocks (fig. 37).
Matrix equation for this kind of inversion is the same as for Marquardt algorithm:
A W WA  I m  A W
f (11)

Fig. 37 Regenerated model as a result of Blocks inversion

It is recommended to use this algorithm for more precise definition of already received
results of preceding methods (Focused is the best option) after merging cells in necessary blocks
using Model smooth/rough function. Model editor should be used to select certain blocks manually:
certain domains should be assigned with different parameters. Certain blocks will be highlighted by
boundary while working with this dialog window.

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Stop criteria field contains inversion stopping criterion.
Iterations – if this function is ON inversion process stops as soon as specified iteration
number is reached.
RMS error – if this function is ON inversion process stops as soon as specified RMS level
is reached.
Reduction – if this function is ON inversion process stops as soon as RMS error increases
repeatedly for two sequential iterations (on selected value, in percents).
Robust weighting scheme – this option should be turned on if there are individual high
deviations caused by systematic measurement errors. If number of waste data comparable with
quality measurements the algorithm may give no positive results.
Field Model
Min velocity, Max velocity – set model parameters limits of variation for inversion.
Tab Model (fig. 38) contains additional inversion settings

Fig. 38 Program setup dialog box. Tab Model

Smoothing factor sets dependence of measurement misfit minimization on model misfit. In

case of noisy environment or in order to receive smoother and more stable parameters distribution
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quite high smoothing parameter value is chosen: 0.5 – 2.0; 0.005 – 0.1 values are used for high
quality data. High smoothing parameter values mostly lead to high data misfits (fig. 39). Smoothing
factor is used in Occam and Focused inversion algorithms.

Fig. 39 Models as a result of Occam inversion with smoothing factor: 0.01 (A) and 1.0
(B). Resultant misfit for case A – 4.5 %, case B – 6 %.

Depth smoothing – smoothing with depth.

Focusing parameters field
Threshold – defines threshold contrast value for adjacent cells, and if it is reached adjacent
cells parameters are not averaged (it is considered that there is a boundary between these cells).
This parameter value is chosen empirically (0.001-1) (Fig. 40). Small parameter value can cause
algorithm discrepancy (in this case it needs increasing). Large value leads to receiving smooth

Fig. 40 Models as a result of Focused inversion with Threshold parameter: 0.01 (A) and
0.1 (B)

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Smoothness ratio – specifies smoothness ratio in horizontal and vertical direction. Set this
parameter larger than 1 for vertically-layered subsurface and smaller than 1 for horizontally-layered
one. Usually this parameter value ranges from 0.2 to 1 (fig. 41).

Fig. 41 Velocity models as a result of “smooth” inversion with Smoothness ratio parameter: 1 (A)
and 0.3 (B).

Cell grouping – use this option in the majority of models. It activates table that allows
merging adjacent cells and receiving less determinate parameters for inversion. If this option is used
number of cells for forward solution remains the same but number of cells for inversion decreases.
Ideally, number of determinate parameters should be close to amount of data.
The table contains three columns. Number of initial model layer is specified in the first
column (Layer). Layer number of inversion mesh is set in the third column (ID). Number of cells
(in horizontal direction) that contain in every cell of inversion mesh for current layer is set in the
second column (Width). Inversion mesh is displayed in model editor during setup. Double left click
on cell in Width column to merge cells in horizontal direction for current layer, right click – run
dialog, in which it is necessary to specify number of merging layers. It will be applied for the
current and all underlayers.

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Double left click on cell in ID column to merge cells in vertical direction for current layer,
right click – for current and all underlayers.
There are three examples of inversion meshes below: in the first picture inversion mesh
corresponds to model one (fig. 42 A); in fig. 42 B cells starting from the second layer merge by
two; in the third picture cells starting from the second layer merge by four (fig. 42 C).

Fig. 42 Examples of inversion meshes

The third tab Calculation serves for setting additional inversion parameters (fig. 44).

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Fig. 43 Program setup dialog window. Tab Calculation

Calculation scheme (type of model) choose the forward problem solution scheme. Sets
velocity distribution in model. In the first case (Velocity const for cell), medium is broken by cells
set with specified constant velocity. This means that the ray goes inside the cell with a constant
velocity. This algorithm produces the least smooth ray coverage.
In a second embodiment (Velocity const for node), medium is broken by nodes set with a
given velocity, between which its value changes linearly. This method has a smoother ray coverage
than the previous one. Some problem is the reverse transition from the velocity values in the nodes
to the cell model (after inversion). This procedure is slightly smooths velocities and increases the
The third method (Spreading ray) implements most physical problem statement. It uses the
concept of ray expanding with depth. This means that when going through medium "channel"
radius expands and captures increasing amount of depth. The cells are located closer to the
"channel" center ray stronger influence on the "channel" average velocity on the way part. This
method has the smooth ray coverage. Two additional options control the algorithm data (Spreading
ray (channel) settings): the "channel" initial radius (at the surface) and the radius relative increase
on the maximum depth Factor per depth (the ray expansion velocity with depth). These parameters
are selected empirically. Solution with expanding ray is the most stable, has better coverage, but
needs to set "channel". In additional it has the same shortcoming as the previous method - velocities
smoothing when going to the cell model.

Accurancy (subnodes per cell's side) - sets the number of additional nodes.
Spreading ray (channel) settings field.
Start radius "channel" initial radius (on the surface) and radius relative increase at the maximum
Factor per depth ray expansion velocity with depth.

Cell summarization dialog

Cell summarization (Option/Extra/Model smooth/rough) option serves to smooth or

roughen (divide it into blocks) current model. Block model can be used for inversion of Blocks
type. Selection of parameters for each block is performed then. It is better to use focusing inversion
before roughing into blocks.
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Fig. 44 Example of smoothing (A) and dividing into blocks (B) velocity model (C) when Cell
summarization dialog is used

In Blocks mode cells with similar parameters in constant value domain merge depending on
Contrast factor. Start layers option sets layer number starting from which this operation is
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In Smooth mode cell parameters are averaged depending on Smooth factor. End layers
option sets layer number in which this operation stops.

Button copies received model to model editor.

Model visualization modes and their parameters

Model can be displayed as cells Options/Model/Block-section (fig. 46 A), in smooth
interpolated palette Options/Model/Smooth-section (fig. 45 B) and as contour section
Options/Model/Contour-section (fig. 45 B).

Fig. 45 Model display options:

Block-section (A), Smooth-section (B), Contour-section (C).

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Double click in different domains of model editor to run context menu with the following
Top domain Display model mesh Display model mesh

Display objects border Display objects border

Display color bar Display color bar
Setup Run model parameters setup dialog
Zoom&Scroll Turn on zoom and scroll mode
Print preview Print model
Color bar Setup Run color bar parameters setup dialog
Set minimum Set minimum value of color bar
Set maximum Set maximum value of color bar
Set incremental factor Set minimum and maximum value of color
bar relative to value of host medium
Automatic Automatically select minimum and maximum
value of color bar
Log scale Set logarithmic scale on color bar
Set halfspace value Set halfspace value of host medium
Set cursor value Set current value of the parameter
Colors as histogram Set colors by histogram.

Model parameters setup dialog Setup is described in Ошибка! Источник ссылки не

найден.(for Block-section and Smooth-section modes) and in Ошибка! Источник ссылки не
найден. (for Contour-section mode).
When moving the mouse cursor on the windows created during the working with the
program coordinates corresponding to its own window axis displays in the left status bar section of
the main window.
Optional features depend on selected model display mode. It is recommended to perform
mathematical modeling in Block-section mode. Integral sensitivity distribution is displayed in
Contour-section mode (use Option/Model/Sensitivity option) (fig. 47 B). In this mode using the
option Option/Model/dVelocity it is possible to calculate and display velocity full gradient model.
Model section reliability is determined by the density of ray paths. Use the option Data/Ray
path to display scheme of ray paths, calculated for this model. The option Options/Model/Cut bay

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ray allows you to hide model zones, along which as a result of inversion ray paths do not pass
(Fig.46 A).

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Fig. 46 A. Velocity model with calculated ray paths and cutted unreliability area. B. Model of
complete velocity gradient. C. Distribution of integral sensitivity for this model.

Model validity estimation functions

To estimate model validity there are several options that are available in model visualization
as a contour section mode (Contour section) in ZondST2D. Fig. 47 shows the results of model
parameters calculation to estimate data quality.
The model area validity is determined by the density of ray paths. Use the option Data/Ray
path, to display scheme of ray paths, designed for this model. Option Options/Model/Cut bay ray
allows you to hide model zones, along which as a result of inversion ray paths do not go (Fig. 47
The parameters described below are calculated. They should be considered when
interpreting geological model and understanding model validity. However, do not treat them too
formal and rollover data for which quality estimation parameters are worse than the recommended
To display the integral sensitivity, use the option Option/Model/Sensitivity (Fig. 47 B). The
calculated parameter values vary between 0 and 1. The closer to the model area the sensitivity
value is to 1, the more validity model for this area.
To calculate the model data parameter quality, use the option Option/Model/Quality. The
values range from 0 to 1. The highest quality data in the field, where the parameter is close to 1.
Parameter Option/Model/DOI Index (Depth of investigation) allows estimating studying depth
validity. The parameter values vary from 0 to 1. The most validity data that this value close to 0. In
the literature, it is recommended to use 0.3 value for the depth limits.

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Fig. 47 Calculated model (A) and model quality estimation parameters: ray path (B),
integral sensitivity (C), the model quality parameter (D) and studying depth parameter DOI Index

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Saving interpretation results
Profile interpretation result is hold in ZondST2d file format (extension *.ST) (see Main
data file format for details). Field data, relative measurement weights, and current subsurface
model is saved in this file. Data from the file is used for further load and subsurface model creation.
Use button in the tool bar or corresponding menu option to save interpretation result.
This dialog also allows choosing file format to save observed (Observed) and calculated for current
model (Calculated) first arrivals times values and images (Model, WorkSheet) in *.BMP format
in necessary scale. Image scale can be set using the dialog Options/Graphics/Bitmap output
settings (described in
Data import and export).
Zond project data Save observed data and current subsurface model
Zond calculated data Save calculated data
Zond observed data Save observed data
Zond model and Save observed data and current model
Worksheet Save three graphic section of the window in BMP format
Model Save bottom graphic section of the window in BMP format. Use
Output settings dialog to adjust image scale.
Program configuration Save program parameters
Zond model with Save calculated data and current subsurface model
Grid file Save model *.dat file
Section file Save current model in SectionCorrector format

Data import and export

ZondST2D has many options to import and export data. It allows quickly and effectively
comparing data of different methods, accounting geological information, comparing data of
adjacent profiles, comparing different data inversion. The options are available in the main program
menu Options/Import/Export. In the last program version dialog of working with borehole data is
separate mode.

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Data import

Option Other modules serves to import other program modules models into the current
model. From layered as model – model import from the layered model module (Layered mode).
From MASW as boreholes and From MASW as model - model import from MASW module as
borehole columns or as model.

Fig. 48 Example of data export from MASW module as borehole column

The option Import model/data allows you to load a model with *.ST format and other
interpretive ZOND programs in a separate window (Fig.49). This option can be useful when
comparing the adjacent profiles results or complex data interpretation of different methods. If
import file is two-column XY file with *.dat extension, then in the window with calculated data a
graph bounded to the right axis is displayed. Sample-file - sample_with_exported_graphic.

Fig. 49 Program working window with importing velocity model

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Use the option Save selection, to save and load saved model area. To save the fragment,
switching on the displaying model as blocks mode, using Load selection option, select a fragment
and click Save selection. Sample-file - sample_with_impmodel
To save or load a vertical velocity profile for a specified horizontal coordinate use the
options Extract 1D log and Load 1D log, When you save a vertical profile X coordinate should be
set in the dialog box. When loading a vertical profile it is necessary to specify a range on the X axis.
This option can be used, for example, for convergence interpretation results in case of intersecting
If there is a priori information it is possible to use it (as a background) using the option
Import/Export/Background image. This may be, for example, geological or geoelectrical
sections. To do this, the Transparency value is set as 50% in the model setup dialog (Model setup,
runs by right-clicking in the model). Then load a graphic image with *.sec format in the required
scale. Sample-file - sample_with_sectfile. *.sec file has the following structure:
1st row - image file name;
2nd row - four coordinates of the upper left and lower right corner of the image X1 Y1 X2
Y2 are specified consistently through the SPACE.
0 0 152.4 53.3

The Blocks section mode displays those cells whose values are different from the host
medium. Thus, it is possible to model anomalous objects on top of the background (Fig. 50).

Fig. 50 Model in the mode Block-section with background

In the Smooth section mode it is possible to see the features of the two sections at the same
time, because colors of background and current model will be mixed (Fig. 51).

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Fig. 51 Model in the mode Smooth-section with background
To compare the results of different methods are also convenient to use the option Load
MOD1D/2D. This option allows you to load models, saved in other Zond programs as files with
MOD1D or MOD2D extension, in the current model, and as the current model.

Create shaded map is a convenient tool, allowing to display the current model as a shadow
relief map (Fig. 52).

Fig. 52 Displaying model as a shadow relief map

The option Import SeisOpt picking is to data import from SeisOpt program.
Import data from text/excel serves for data importing from any text file or MS Excel file.
The option Import Topography is available in the menu Options/Topography. The option
allows topography data loading from other ZondST projects or third-party files. In this case, the
following dialog box appears:

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Fig. 53 Coordinates dialog box

The first three columns are not edited and contain numbers of seismic receivers, horizontal
coordinate and the serial number respectively. The following parameters can be set in the following
columns: Alt - height, m, x - horizontal coordinate, Ind. – seismic receiver number. To apply the
specified settings, click the arrow in the upper left corner of the dialog box. To exit without
changing settings - simply close the dialog.
Besides features described in Interpretation results saving, the program ZondST2D has
the following data export options. Option Export to Excel/Model allow model parameters exporting
in MS Excel format. The exporting file contains model data in the following lines: X - the
horizontal distance, m, Elev - the observation point height (relief), m, Z1, Z2 ... Zn - the velocity
values in cells from the first to the last cell.
Option Export model to CAD - model export in DXF format.
Export ray paths - save ray scheme.
Export to Surfer - model export as a map of Golden Software Surfer program.

Exporting image setup dialog

Dialog Output settings, when option Automatic is switched off, allows adjusting the
vertical scale Vertical scale, horizontal scale Horizontal scale, the resolution of the exporting
image Print resolution (in DPI) and font size Font size.

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Fig. 54 Picture settings dialog window

Module of section polygonal modelling

Polygonal modeling tool serves for quickly creating a section (of bodies) as polygons.
Polygonal version of medium model describing contributes to a structural its presentation and
simple its elements control.

To go to the polygon modeling mode, press the button on the toolbar. Before
modelling, background should be chosen, over which the model will be built. This is useful when
creating a model based on the inversion results. In this case it is better to reconstruct a section in the
Contour-section version. If the modelling will be carried out "from scratch", then after switching to
modelling mode it is better to use the option Remove background in the menu Modeling of the
main menu.
Each time, when you change model parameters synthetic hodographs values can be

recalculated. To cancel the last action, use the button . It should be noted that the polygonal
model correspondence degree depends on splitting grid frequency of model background. The denser
grid splitting, the more accurate the results.
In modelling mode, there is an additional menu part Modeling and the floating toolbar.
Modeling menu contains the following functions:
Load background - load background image.
Show background - show background under the section elements.
Remove background – hide background.

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Get values from background - this option can be used when creating a model based on the
inversion results. At first polygonal bodies contours are created (polygons can be created directly on
the background isolines). Next, the procedure object parameters of determining is performed. The
procedure bases on background elements average values, lying under the body.
Get values from background - this option is useful when using modelling data in inversion.
After drawing contours and set their parameters, and this option is selected, the settings will be
transferred to the model.
Load polygons - load previously saved borders and polygons settings.
Save polygons - save polygons borders and parameters.
Remove all polygons - remove all created bodies.
Display ColorScale - show color bar, linking polygon color with the value of its parameter.
Display ColorScale - display the color bar.
Colors from ColorScale - associate polygon color with the color scale. If this option is
switched on, you can specify polygon colors.

To create and edit polygons use the control panel that appears when you click the button

Fig. 55 Example of model in polygon modeling mode

The mode Add polygon is called by clicking the button at the control panel. This mode
is intended to create a local polygon. To add a new point to a polygon click the left mouse button.
To close the polygon (connecting the last polygon point to the first) click the right mouse button. If
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it is impossible to create a local polygon (that is any faces intersect, or other object exists in a
polygon) program does not allow to close the polygon. When creating a polygon try to not place
points too close to each other.

The mode Delete polygon is called by clicking the button at the control panel. This
mode is intended to remove a polygon. To delete polygon click the right mouse button on it. Color
of a polygon contour changes to red when the cursor is inside.

The mode Create a joined polygon is called by clicking the button at the control
panel. This mode is intended to create a polygon (an additional part of a polygon), joined to the
existing polygons, model borders or relief, that is to any coupled model area. Coupled area means
polygons set and model borders with common faces. To add a new polygon point, click the left
mouse button. To close the polygon (connecting the last polygon point to the first, across a joined
area border) click the right mouse button. It is necessary that the first and last (closing) polygon
points are placed on the outside border (which changes color to red when the cursor is approaching)
of a coupled area. If it is impossible to create a local polygon (that is any faces intersect, or other
object exists in a polygon) program does not allow user to close the polygon and remove all created
points. Note that polygons joined to the left, right and bottom edges of the model have infinite strike
in those directions (that is they extend beyond the model).

The mode Disconnect polygon is called by clicking the button at the control panel.
This mode is intended to disconnect a polygon from a set of joined polygons or model edges.
Polygon disconnected from the model edges loses its infinite strike (it will be limited by the model).
To disconnect a polygon click the right mouse button on it. Color of the polygon contour changes to
red when the cursor is inside. Further, using the button Move polygon, it is possible to move
disconnected polygon part from the main polygon.
The mode Split polygon is intended to create two parts inside a polygon. It is called by

clicking the button on the control panel. The mode is intended to split the polygon into two
new connected polygons. The interface is defined by two points at borders or nodes of the polygon,
which is split. To select the first border point click the left mouse button. To select the second point
and to split polygon click the right mouse button. If the operation is impossible (that is any faces
intersect, or border is outside the polygon) program does not allow user to split the polygon and
remove the created border. Color of the borders and points of a polygon changes to red when the
cursor is approaching.

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The mode Move polygon is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to move unconnected polygon points. If a polygon has no common, unconnected
with other polygons or model borders points, then it is moved completely. To select a polygon
being moved click the left mouse button; after that an unconnected polygon part is moved with the
cursor. To fix new position of the polygon click the right mouse button. If the operation is
impossible (that is any borders intersect, or a polygon exists in other polygon) program does not
allow user to move the polygon and return it to the original position. Color of the polygon contour
changes to red when the cursor is inside.

The mode Move connected polygons is called by clicking the button on the control
panel. This mode is intended to move a polygon and all connected with it. To select a polygon being
moved, click the left mouse button; after that the connected area moves with the cursor. To fix new
position of polygons click the right mouse button. If the operation is impossible (that is any borders
intersect, or a polygon exists in other polygon) program does not allow user to move the polygons
and return them to original positions. Color of the polygon contour changes to red when the cursor
is inside.

The mode Add point is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This mode is
intended to add a new point on a border of an existing polygon. To add a polygon point, click the
right mouse button on its border. Color of the polygon borders change to red when the cursor is

The mode Remove point is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to remove new point of existing polygon. To remove a polygon point click the
right mouse button on it. The operation is impossible in the next cases: borders intersect, a polygon
is in other one or number of polygon points is less than three. Color of polygon points changes to
red when the cursor is approaching.

The mode Merge points is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to merge two points into one by joining points to the border of another polygon, or
to the model edges. Selection of the first merging point

Polygon parameters setup dialog

This dialog is used to adjust different polygon parameters. Double click on a polygon to call

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Fig. 56 Polygon parameters setup dialog

Color – calls polygon filling color setup dialog. If this function is on, specified color is used
in all polygons of the model.
Pen – calls polygon border parameters setup dialog. If this function is on, specified
parameters are used in all polygons of the model.
Brush – calls polygon filling setup dialog. If this function is on, specified parameters are
used in all polygons of the model.
Gradient – calls polygon gradient filling setup dialog. If this function is on, specified
parameters are used in all polygons of the model.
V- sets polygon velocity value.
σ – sets polygon density value.
χ – sets polygon magnetic susceptibility value.
The following option specifies type of label displayed on a polygon. If this function is on,
specified type is used in all polygons of the model.
Value None – there is no label on a polygon.
Value Velocity – polygon density value is displayed on a polygon.
Value All – polygon magnetic susceptibility value, velocity, density are displayed on
Value User text – value of the following field is displayed on polygon. The following option
specifies type of label displayed on a polygon. If this function is on, specified type is used in all
polygons of the model.

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Layered inversion module

Layered Inversion module serves for solving the inverse and inverse problems of seismic
tomography in the refracted waves in randomly layered medium. Randomly layered medium it
means layered section with arbitrary boundaries geometry and arbitrary velocity changes of seismic
waves inside each layer.
This is analogous to the main program module, in which the medium is divided into cells,
but in a layered representation. This version of a medium description is more structure and clear for
geologists. In contrast to the T0method this module has the exact problem solution. That is, the
wave must not go through the border (there are no curvature restrictions), but goes on the way with
the lowest run. Accounting for velocity changes within the layer is particularly important in
geotechnical investigations, where velocity changes with lateral is also essential, as well as with
depth. The module allows to solve the forward problem, it means, to make mathematical modeling
and inverse problem - to restore boundaries geometry and layers velocity.
You input to module picked hodographs of the first arrivals, sources and receivers
coordinates, topography of measurement surface; and you get a randomly layered velocity section.
The main window is divided into two sections. The observed and calculated graphs of the first
arrivals are located at the top; velocity section - at the bottom (Fig. 57).

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Fig. 57 The main program window in Layered Inversion mode

In modelling mode nodes are displayed by circles that you can drag with the mouse.

Velocity nodes or velocity changes profile - determines the velocity distribution within the layer.
The velocity profile is defined by fixed nodes values set, between which the velocity varies linearly.
The program has a different nodes number for the first layer and all following. Typically, the top
layer has more variable velocity and a more detailed profile (3-10 nodes) should be set for it. In the
lower layers velocity changes more smoothly and we can have 1-3 nodes.
The number of intermediate nodes is another important parameter controlling velocity and
precision problem. It determines the number of borders sub-divisions (between major nodes) and
plays a significant role in the calculations. In general, the velocity calculation depends on the
following parameters - basic nodes number * intermediate nodes number * borders number *
sources number. For larger models with a large nodes and sources number calculation time
increases critical. Therefore, in the initial stages of model testing it is better to use a rough splitting
(a small number of intermediate nodes). And in the final stage is better to use a more accurate

Options of starting model creation are available in the program main menu Layered
model/Model constructor (Fig. 58).

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Fig. 58 Starting model adjusting in the Layered model mode

Start thickness - the first layer thickness, m

Layers number - the number of layers
Thickness factor - magnification factor of the underlying layer thickness
Geometry nodes specifies the number of points, which are contained boundary. During the
inversion program will change the boundary form due to the vertical shift of these points.
Accordingly, the more points, the more "smooth" boundary will be available as a result of
Par value defines the velocity value of the first layer.
Par nodes 1 layer defines the boundary nodes (points) number, in which selecting
parameter (velocity) can be changed. If set to one, the velocity will be the same for all layer. If the
value is two, the velocity will vary linearly from the left layer boundary to the right. The same
parameter for other layers is set in the field Par nodes 2-n layers.

Press the button after setting the initial parameters. Starting model is displayed as a
table. The table allows editing velocities and layered thickness manually, and also specifying

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changes limits (important for inversion). Limits must be set based on the actual velocities of seismic
waves in the medium.
After starting model creating, it should be tested - seismic rays borders? To do this, calculate
the forward problem and see the ray coverage.
Option Approximation - RWCM approximate calculation, increases solution velocity.
Layered mode module can be used for a joint interpretation of seismic data, gravity data,
sensing data IP, DC or AMT. To load other methods data, use the Options tab of the main menu
and select needed data type.

To load gravity or magnetic data, select the option Option/ GraviMagnetic/Load data or Add
data. The data may be in any text format. After selecting file Export text data dialog will appear. It
is necessary to specify the column that contains the distance on the profile (ProfPos), the gravity
field data (Grav) and magnetic field data (Mag) in the Type line. And also set the measurement
units in the Units row for each value. Start and End buttons allow you to set the beginning and
ending data row. Select the appropriate line and press the corresponding button. Starting line is
highlighted by green color in the table, ending data line – by red.

Fig. 59 Dialog of gravity and/or magnetic data export Export text data

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After you click OK, the data will be loaded and measurement settings window will appear.
Also, this window is available in the main menu Options/ GraviMagnetic/Field settings.
Measurement parameters selection window is divided into two areas: Magnetic survey and
Gravity survey, corresponding to magnetic and gravity fields settings.

Fig. 60 Dialog of observation parameters setup Observation settings

Magnetic survey part:

Total field, nT – magnitude of the normal magnetic field vector (T0), in nT.
Inclination, deg – a value of the normal magnetic field inclination, in degrees (I0). It is
counted down from horizontal.
Declination, deg – a value of the normal magnetic field declination, in degrees (D0). It is
counted clockwise from north.
Profile azimuth, deg – profile azimuth, in degrees. It is counted clockwise from north
Magnetometer elev, m –a height of a magneto active sensor, in meters, relative to relief.
Data type –a type of measured data. T is the magnetic field, GrZ - magnetic field gradient
Gradient base, m –a height of a sensor above the earth's surface
Gravity survey part:
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Gravimeter elev, m –a gravimetric observations height, in meters, relative to the relief.
Data type - a type of measured data. Gz - vertical component of gravity force, Grz gradient
of Gz.
Gradient base, m –a sensor height above the earth's surface
After setting survey parameters, the window Gravity&Magnetic data appears, containing
graphs of the gravity and magnetic fields. This window is also available in the main menu Options/
GraviMagnetic/Display GM window.
Main menu options Options/GraviMagnetic/Substract median grav and Substract median
mag allow subtract the average (background) value of the gravity or magnetic field, respectively.
Option Inversion selects density and magnetic susceptibility for each layer. After the inversion the
calculated gravity and magnetic fields graphs will be displayed in the window Gravity&Magnetic.
To view the selected parameter values for each layer, select the corresponding parameter in the
Settings dialog box (Layered model/Model constructor).

Fig. 61 An example of gravity data and seismic tomography data joint interpretation in the layered
model mode

For joint inversion with the electromagnetic sensing data (WFP, AMT, RMT) or VES, select
the corresponding item in the menu Options of the program main menu. TDEM data - WFP data,
VES data - VES data, MT data - AMT/MT/RMT sounding data. After that, use the option Load data
to load corresponding data. The program works with Zond files of corresponding methods. To
display sensing curves, use the option Show data. Invert data option is designed for joint inversion
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with seismic data. Option Set weight - set other methods data weight, which will be considered in
the inversion. Fig. 63 shows an example of the joint inversion of seismic data and the WFP data.
WFP data are displayed as graphs in a separate window. To view the selected resistivity values for
each layer, click the corresponding parameter (in this case, Resistivity) in the Settings dialog box
(Layered model/Model constructor).

Fig. 62 An example of seismic tomography and WFP data joint inversion

A priori information data input

Existence of a priori information (borehole data) allows getting more reliable inversion
results. Program ZondST2d has a built in module, which allows displaying a priori data in
graphical form on sections.

Lithology file creation and addition

To create a stratigraphy file select Options/Boreholes/Create/Edit borehole data in the

main program menu. The dialog box Add borehole data appears (Fig. 63).

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Fig. 63 Lithology file creation dialog Add borehole data.

Dialog box toolbar contains the following buttons:

Open lithology file

Save lithology file

Create a new borehole

Remove borehole

Add a layer in borehole

Remove a layer in borehole

The lithology column mode

The logging data mode

Go to the previous borehole

Go to the next borehole

Update data window

Sort boreholes by coordinate

Select fill color of window displaying boreholes (red in the example).

Additional options

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Windows of horizontal coordinate setting (distance from the profile start) are placed on the
main panel - horizontal position, and elevation - Position from surface. The horizontal and
vertical coordinates are set in meters. Empty square windows are used to create a fill set.
The module contains two main windows. On the left is Data window, containing a table
with the following columns: N - layer number, H - layer thickness in meters, Z – layer bottom depth
in meters, C – filling type. Borehole data are displaying on the right window in graphical form.

To begin creating a lithology file click the button on the toolbar. Then a new table

appears in the Data Window. To set number of layers click the button . Then it is necessary to
edit the table: set thickness or bottom depth for every layer, and also choose the filling type
according to the lithology. To call filling dialog Pattern Color Editor click double the left mouse
button in column C of the data window (Fig. 64). The program offers a rich variety of lithology
fills. The option Color allows choosing the fill color.

Fig. 64 Fill editor window

After completing entering borehole data, press a button and the borehole appears in the
graphics window. After that it is necessary to set the horizontal and vertical borehole coordinates on
the toolbar in kilometers, after that the borehole will be displayed in accordance with its
coordinates. In the graphics window active borehole is displayed in red.
For comfortable working with a large number of boreholes it is possible to create a palette in
the program. To create a palette, select a fill on the fills column of the Data window and then click
the right mouse button within fills area in the main program panel. In this way, fills set can be

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created and saved. To do this, click the button and choose Save default palette. Saved fills set

can be used when creating a new data file of lithology and logging ( - Load default palette).

The option Set percent is called by clicking the button and can be used for changing
scale of borehole data in graphical form.
After saving the data file, multiple auxiliary files will be created: *.crt - module project that
can be loaded into the program ZondST2d and *.txt - file for each borehole, the names correspond
to the horizontal and vertical coordinate. More about the format of lithology file.
To add borehole data, use Options/Borehole/Load borehole data. Borehole data will be
displayed on both model section and in the model editor area (Fig. 65).

Fig. 65 Displaying lithology data in the editor section

To load the available logging data of boreholes prepare a file format described in the part

«Logging and lithology dat file format» and load it using the button .

Set boundaries dialog

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Dialog Set boundaries is available in the menu Options/Inversion and allows taking into
account a priori geological information in the inversion. After selecting this tab, a menu appears
with the following buttons:

Enable/Disable editing Enable/Disable editing boundaries mode

boundaries mode
Add new boundary Add new boundary

Delete boundary Delete all boundaries

Save boundaries to file Save boundaries to file

Load boundaries from file Load boundaries from file

Inclusion of the prior geological boundaries in the inverse problem is one of the most
important methods to improve quality of interpretation. On the one hand it increases the problem
stability, on the other - reduces the ambiguity and allows getting more plausible structure. In those
model areas where the parameters have very low sensitivity - it is practically the only way to get
acceptable result.
When boundaries exist, it is best to use the Occam algorithm. Normally 1-2 boundaries are
used and one should not forget that geological boundaries do not always coincide with the
petrophysical boundaries.
The boundaries on the resulting velocity section should be plotted taking into account the
borehole data, or based on a priori information about the structure of the studied area. To set
boundaries click the left mouse button when the edit boundaries mode is switched on. To close
boundaries click the right mouse button. When plotting boundaries do not use a lot of nodes. It is
desirable that the boundaries are as smooth as possible and go near the nodes of the inversion grid.
After boundaries are created, the inversion needs to be restarted, which will be calculated
with the actual boundaries (Fig. 66 B).

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Fig. 66 A section example of the inversion results without (A) and with (B) geological boundaries

Anisotropy module

The program has the simplest version of the seismic velocities anisotropy accounting.
Different velocity values of section element in vertical and horizontal direction are used in
calculating. Anisotropy accounting has a particularly strong influence for inter-borehole
measurements results.
The program restores the average velocity value and the ratio Vx/Vz at a constant velocity
in the cell. To calculate the anisotropy select Invert Anisotropy in the Options/Inversion tab of the
main menu. When you select this option during the inversion (after the third iteration) the
additional window appears, which shows the distribution of section anisotropy parameter (Vx/Vz)
and the calculated model.

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Fig. 67 The result of anisotropy calculation. Window Anisotropy distribution

You should be careful when simultaneously selecting the average velocity and the
anisotropy parameter, because it provides an additional solution freedom degree (increases
equivalence). That is, it is better to use this mode if you are sure that there are rocks, characterized
by anisotropy in the section.

Attenuation tomography module

Attenuation tomography module is designed to restore the Q medium attenuation parameter

(medium Q). To access this module select the Attenuation option in the Options/Model/Display of
the program main menu. After that, an additional tab Attenuations appear in the Options menu.
The calculation algorithm assumes that the inverse problem was pre-solved for seismic
velocities and ray coverage is known.

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Fig. 68 The Q parameter section (medium Q)

You input the following parameters - seismic rays paths, velocities section and the first arrivals
amplitude. The amplitudes are automatically determined when the first arrivals hodographs picking.
It should be noted that for this algorithm, it is more correct to pick on the maximum (in absolute
value) values. If picking is performed on the wave rising edge – the special options for amplitude
values adjusting should be used (reduction to the maxima) - collect amplitudes shot/all and settings
Amplitude picking.
For proper option working is important to choose the search window width, in which

maximum searching will be performed. Search window settings are in the dialog of picking

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Fig. 69 Automatic picking setup window

Basic velocity model (ray coverage) is a very important parameter for inversion. Therefore,
before starting calculation procedure, make sure that rays cover close section over the area. It is
possible to do it by smoothing the current velocity model (Cell summarization dialog) or using as

a velocity "background" the result of a one-dimensional inversion . Do not forget to recalculate

the forward problem after the section changing.
Having high-quality ray coverage go to Attenuation module. Amplitudes graphics are in the
upper section of the Module window. They are built in the same way as the first arrivals
hodographs, but relative amplitude in a logarithmic scale is on the left axis. If the amplitudes graphs
have many picks or they are very "noisy", the data can be smoothed using the Smooth option in the
Attenuation menu. In general, the amplitude should decrease with distance from the source.
Amplitudes graphs can be viewed separately or in groups, using graph legend and mouse
wheel. You can also zooming the individual sections of the graph using the mouse. To adjust
individual amplitudes values use the left mouse button. To enable or disable individual values (or
groups) use the right mouse button (while pressing [ALT]).
Amplitude inversion algorithm uses the same basic settings as the tomography on the
refracted waves. Additional parameters that must be set before the calculation is the average
frequency of the desired signal (Attenuation/Frequency). It can be estimated visually or by average

seismogram spectrum. To start the calculation procedure use the button . During the inversion

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iterative process the Q model parameter will be displayed in the lower window part, observed and
calculated amplitudes graphs - at the top.
The algorithm working result is the Q attenuation parameter distribution, which with
velocity section is a great interest for engineering geology.

Modelling is an important process that precedes the field work. It allows choosing optimal
system parameters to solve a geological problem. Using a priori information the interpreter can
model different geological scenarios, planning geophysical work.

Solution of seismic tomography forward problem

The program has three options for forward problem solution, seismic rays trajectories
calculating in an arbitrary two-dimensional medium. Algorithm type is controlled by the option

Calculation scheme (Model style) in the program settings window (Program setup ) (Fig. 70).
In the first case (Velocity const for cell), medium is broken by cells set specified constant velocity.
This means that the ray goes through the cell with a constant velocity. This algorithm produces the
least smooth rays coverage.
In the second case (Velocity const for node), medium is split by node set with specified
velocity, between which its value changes linearly. This method has a smoother ray coverage over
the previous one. Some problem is the reverse transition from the velocity values in nodes in the
mesh model (after inversion). This procedure is slightly smooths velocities and increases misfit.
The third method (Spreading ray) implements most physical problem statement. It uses the
concept of expanding ray with depth. This means that when going through medium, "channels"
radius expands and captures more value with depth. The cells, which are located closer to the
center "channel" line, has stronger influence on the average "channel" velocity on the section area.
This method has more smoothing ray coverage. Two additional options control the algorithm data
(Spreading ray (channel) settings): the initial "channel" radius (at the surface) and the relative
radius increase in the maximum depth Factor per depth (it means, the ray expansion velocity with
depth). These parameters are selected empirically. Solution with the expanding ray is the most
stable, has better coverage, but need to set the "channel". Furthermore it has the same drawback as
the previous method, associated with velocities smoothing when transition to the mesh model.

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Fig. 70 Specifying velocities variants

Option Accurancy (subnods per cell's side) controls the accuracy of the calculations for all
three methods. It sets the number of model intermediate calculating nodes, determines the accuracy
of the length dimensions. Usually it is enough 10-20 nodes for the exact solution. It should be noted
that the velocity calculation is directly related to the parameter. That is, the higher velocity, the
lower accuracy.

Synthetic survey layout creation

The window is divided into three parts: the graph of sources/receiver positions displaying
(left), sources/receivers coordinates table (top right) and the current hodograph table (bottom right),
which displays a list of source-receiver indices pairs (fig.71).
The graph serves to display the unique position of sources/receivers and their indexes. You
can choose (by the mouse) the sources and receivers. Active source is displayed in red, the current
group receivers - in blue.

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The coordinates table contain horizontal and vertical coordinates of the sources/receivers,
which can be edited. When right-clicking on the table cell, you can coordinate increment for all
following points.
The current hodograph table contains indexes of source and receivers group for active
hodograph, which can be edited. If you enter the wrong indexes, they are highlighted in red.

Fig.71 The program window Create synthetic survey

The toolbar is used for quick access to commonly used functions. It contains the following
functional buttons (left - right):
Open file with sources/receivers coordinates.
Save file with sources/receivers coordinates.
Add new position of sources/receivers. New position is displayed in the window
graph, coordinates – in the right top table.
Delete the current (in the table) sources/receivers position.
Switch on the current source selection mode. To select source position for the
current hodograph use the mouse in the left column. After selecting the source, the
program switches to the receivers selection mode.
Switch on the current receiver selection mode. To select receiver for the current

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hodograph use the mouse in the left column. If you select with pressed [SHIFT]
button, new pair (source/receiver) is added to the button table. Else the current
receiver will have new position.
Add new hodograph. After adding, the program switches to receiver selection
mode. To select the current hodograph use the appearing list on the right.
Delete the current hodograph.
Appearing list for the current hodograph selection.
Add a pair source/receiver to hodograph (in the butom table).
Delete the current hodograph pair source/receiver.
Select receivers group positions, which will be added to the current hodograph. To
select use rubber rectangle in the right graph.
Select receivers group positions, which will replace to the current hodograph. To
select use rubber rectangle in the right graph.
Call the pop-up functions menu of hodograph system automatically generation.
Select all positions - Select all positions, except for the source position to the
Deselect all positions - Remove all receivers from the hodograph.
Create full array - Create layout survey, in which the source is located at each
position and each source corresponds to the group of all the other receivers.
Copy receivers indexes of the current hodograph to the buffer.
Load receivers indexes of the current hodograph to the buffer.
Go to modelling mode.

After creating synthetic survey layout, press the button and grid parameters setup
dialog appears. When you complete to work with it, the function buttons to work with data activate,
and summary information about data and model displays in the right-hand section of the status bar.
When you move the mouse cursor on the generated during the working windows
coordinates corresponding to its own axis of the window displays the status in the status bar left

Model editor

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Velocity medium creation is made in model editor - the lower graphic section of the
program window in the block-section mode. Model Editor is used to change the parameters of
individual model cells using the mouse. Color scale is on the right of the model editing area, It links
the color value with velocity value. To select the current value right-click on the scale, its value is
displayed below the color bar.

The color scale size and position can be changed by pulling cursor, with pressed the left or
right mouse button.
Working with model cells is similar to editing a bitmap in graphic editors. When you move
the cursor in the model, active cell coordinates and parameters are displayed at the main window
status bar bottom panel, in which the cursor is located. The currently active cell is surrounded by a
rectangle - the cursor. The selected or fixed cell is marked by speck of white or black dots. Double
click on the vertical and horizontal axes and pressed right mouse button in the model editor field
options to edit the grid created when working with dialog Mesh constructor appear.

Set maximum Set bottom layer depth value.

Vertical axe Redivide Set equal thickness for all model layers (in current scale)
Thick mesh Delete every second node of vertical grid.
Thin mesh Add intermediate nodes in vertical grid
Horizontal axe Redivide Set equal width of cells situated between electrodes
unique positions .
Thick mesh Delete every second node of horizontal grid (if there is no
sounding site in this node)
Thin mesh Add intermediate nodes in horizontal grid

When right button clicking in the model editing area the context menu appears with the options:

Display cell setup Call cell parameters setup dialog

Cell to cursor value Use active cell parameter as current value
Edit mode Turn on editing mode
Selection\Free form selection Highlight set of cells within editing area using mouse. Area
bounds is specified by a user.
Selection\Rectangular selection Highlight set of cells within editing area using mouse. Field
has rectangular form.

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Selection\Elliptical selection Highlight set of cells within edit area using mouse. Field has
elliptic form.
Selection\Magicwand Highlight set of cells within edit area using mouse. Active cell
and adjacent cells whose parameters are close to its parameter
are highlighted. Proximity is specified in model parameters
setup dialog.
Selection\Remove selection Delete selection.
Mesh options\add column /row Addnewverticalorhorizontalboundary. Click at a point where
to creat new boundary.
Mesh options\remove column Delete selected vertical or horizantal boundary
Mesh options\resize column Change row or column thickness using mouse
Clear model Clear current model
Clear parameters Clear current parameters

Working with model

Work is performed using mouse:

To change cell parameter to the current one, left-click on the cell.
To increase or move any part use Zoom&Scroll mode with pressed the button. To select
area, you want to zoom in, move the mouse cursor down and to the right, with pressed left button.
To return to the original scale, made the same actions, but the mouse moves up and to the left.
The program has several modes of selecting cells to create a model quickly: by a rectangle,
by an ellipse, by free form and by for a specific parameter value. To the options use the context
menu by pressing the right mouse button in the editing model area.
To increase the cell parameter left-click the while holding SHIFT on the cell. Right-click on
the cell while holding SHIFT to decrease the cell parameter. Percentage of parameter value
changing sets in the dialog of model parameters setup. If the active cell is selected, then all the
above described operations are applied to the all selection.
Clicking the mouse while pressing CTRL allows moving selected cells set within the editing
area using the mouse. When moving the selection with pressing the left mouse button the contents
of the selected cells are copied to the new location. When moving the selection with pressing the

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right mouse button the contents of the selected cells is cut and copied to the new location.
It is also possible to set the parameter value to the selected cells using the cell parameters setup
dialog Cell setup (Fig. 72).

You can also use the Options/Model/Model editor toolbar option. After selecting this option,
editing model toolbar appears:

Switch on editing model mode

Switch on scaling model mode

Select cells set in editing area using mouse. The area has a rectagle form.

Add new vertical or horisontal border. New border appears, when clicking in the
selected place.
Select cells set in editing area using mouse. The area has a ellipse form.

Change thickness of row or column using the mouse.

Select cells set in editing area using mouse. The area has user specified borders.

Delete selected vertical or horizontal border.

Select cells set in editing area useing the mouse. The active cell and adjacent cells,
which parameters are close to its parameter, are selected. The close degree is set in
the model parameters setup dialog.

Cell parameters setup dialog

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Fig. 72 Cell setup dialog box

This dialog serves for selecting cell parameters or highlights it.

Value – sets cell parameter value.
Fixed – fixes or frees cell parameter.
Min value, Max value– sets cell parameter size of changing.
Apply to selected – uses current settings for all selected cells if this function is ON.

The main aim of mathematical modeling is the signal level and the selected survey layout
resolution estimation.To calculate the response of apparent parameters from a given velocity model

(to solve the forward problem), press the button on the toolbar.
To restore the original model, that is, to solve the inverse problem for the calculated from
the given model data, save the theoretical signals with filter Zond calculated data, and then open
as observed. To compare the restored and original models use the option Import model/data (
Data import and export part), before it save the original model by selecting the filter Zond
model with calculated.
Double click in different model editor area runs context menu with the following functions:

Display model mesh Display model mesh.

Display objects border Display objects border.
Top area
Display color bar Display color bar.
Setup Run model parameters setup dialog.

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Zoom&Scroll Switch on zooming and scrolling mode.
Print preview Print model.
Setup Scale parameters setup dialog.
Set minimum Set color scale minimum.
Set maximum Set color scale maximum..
Determine the minimum and maximum values of
Set incremental factor
the color scale relative to the halfspace.
Color scale Automatically determine the minimum and
maximum values of the color scale.
Log scale Set logariphmic scale to color scale.
Set halfspace value Determine halfspace parameter value.
Set cursor value Set the current parameters value.
Color as histogram Color as histogram.
Set maximum Set bottom layer depth.
Set equal layer thickness for all model layers (in
Vertical axe this scale).
Thick mesh Delete every second node of vertical mesh.
Thin mesh Add intermediate nodes in vertical mesh.
Set equal width of cells situated between unique
positions of sources/receivers.
Horizontal axe Delete every second node of horizontal mesh (if
Thick mesh
there is no source/receiver in this node).
Thin mesh Add intermediate nodes in horizontal mesh.

Right-click in the model editor area runs context menu with the following functions:
Display cell setup Run cell parameters setup dialog.
Cell to cursor value Use active cell parameter as a current value.
Edit mode Switch on editing mode.
Selection\Free form Select cells set in the editing area using the mouse. The area has
selection user specified borders.
Selection\Rectangular Select cells set in the editing area using the mouse. The area has
selection rectagular form.

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Selection\Elleptical Select cells set in the editing area using the mouse. The area has
selection elleptical form.
Select cells set in editing area useing the mouse. The active cell and
adjacent cells, which parameters are close to its parameter, are
Selection\Magic wand
selected. The close degree is set in the model parameters setup
Mesh options\add Add new vertical or horisontal border. New border appears, when
column /row clicking in the selected place.
Mesh options\remove
Delete selected vertical or horizontal border.
column /row
Mesh options\resize
Change thickness of row or column using the mouse.
column /row
Clear model Clear the current model.
Clear parameters Clear the current parameters.

MASW module
MASW - surface waves multicomponent analysis - a method widely used in engineering
Due to surface waves contain a significant portion of the seismic energy, and their velocities
is significantly lower other waves types, it becomes possible to mark their out.
There are several MASW method modifications, but the main ones are - active and passive
methods. Field work active MASW method is no different from the classic systems (MRW-).
However, it should be noted that method resolution and depth are determined by the geometrical
array parameters, accumulation period and a signal discretization frequency.
MASW method studies dependence of phase velocity on frequency - dispersion curves. It is
an analogue of the frequency sensing in the electrical survey. The lower the frequency at which the
phase velocity is selected, the greater the depth of seismic energy penetration.

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Possibility of applying MASW method also depends on seismic section. The most favorable
sections - are mediums with S-wave smooth velocity increase with depth.
Dispersion curves selection from seismogram is the most difficult problem, requiring skills
and experience. Generally, manipulation is performed in the frequency domain, to do it, pre-
calculate f-k or f-v spectra. There are several basic algorithms for automatic and semi-automatic
dispersion curves selection. ZondST2d use algorithm proposed by Pak in 1999.
In general, three parameters have influence on the dispersion curves: P- and S-waves
velocity, density. But a biggest influence is only by S-waves velocity (Vs). Therefore, as a result of
the MASW data interpretation set of vertical profiles Vs is obtained.

Thus, the process of getting results is reduced to three main stages:

1. Getting the field data. It is possible to use the classic survey layouts. Layout design is
made in view of the desired depth and resolution.
2. Dispersion curves selection. This is the most important and controversial step. Depending
on velocity section, the quality of materials and other factors various constructing a two-
dimensional spectrum algorithm parameters should be selected for best resolution.
3. Getting the vertical sections of the S-waves. Horizontally-layered medium is used as the
base model of the S-waves velocity profile. Inversion algorithm is adapted to produce a smooth and
piecewise smooth parameters distribution.
Field data processing begins with source and receiver geometry data inputting. This
procedure is performed in seismograms picking module. If the same data set is used for MPW and
MASW data interpretation, then most likely, the geometry has been previously inputted, and no
further action it is necessary to produce. Just run MASW module from the picking window with
opened project. After loading data to the module, dispersion curves analysis window appears. It is
broken into several sections.

Dispersion curves selection

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Fig. 73 MASW module. Dispersion curves picking

The toolbar at the dispersion curve picking mode contains the following features:

- recalculate two-dimensional spectrum with new parameters

- picking mode with the pointer

- semi-automatic picking mode, search field is circle. The circle size is changed by the
mouse wheel

- semi-automatic picking mode, search field is square. The square size is changed by
the mouse wheel

- go to the previous MASW point. In some cases MASW point can be "empty". For
example, in the Forward configuration this - is the points of the last source positions

- go to the next MASW point

- mode field selection. Fundamental -the fundamental mode, moda1

and moda2 - the first and second modes

- display two-dimensional spectrum square

- display two-dimensional spectrum module

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- display ReMi spectrum. In this case, the spectrum does not pick by the maximum,
but by the lower part of the maximum gradient

- build VF spectrum. The dependence of the phase velocity with frequency

- build KF spectrum. The dependence of the spatial variable with frequency

- smooth picking results

- go to the dispersion curves inversion mode. Going into the inversion mode and back
is possible at any time by adjusting the dispersion curve and model.
The main window menu.

The main module menu duplicate Toolbar options, and contains additional ones:
Delete dispersion curve for the active point current
Options Delete active curve
mode (a part of curve).
Options Copy curves Copy the current dispersion curve.
Options Paste curves Paste dispersion curve.
Reset settings, limiting spectrum calculation field (the
Options Clear muting tool is implemented as a polygon, which is displayed
in the lower right window in the Data tab)
Recalculate – recalculate
KF spectrum – display KF spectrum
VF spectrum – display VF spectrum
A style – display 2D spectrum module
Options Spectrum
A^2 style – display square of 2D spectrum
ReMi style - display ReMi spectrum
Clip extremal values ReMi – cut spikes on the ReMi
Options Picking Go to the picking mode.
Options Zoom&Scroll Switch on the zooming mode for 2D spectrum.
Options Smooth Smooth the picked curves.
Options Change mode Change picking mode
Options Extra settings Precise point mode – precise picking mode. When

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picking using tools (circle or square), curves point will
be built strictly according to the spectrum maximum.
Apply to current mode – when choosing this option,
the action (such as smoothing or deleting points on the
curve) will be made only for the current mode,
selected on the toolbar.
Options Fundamental mode Fundamental mode of dispersion curve.
Options Mode 1 Dispersion curve next mode.
Options Mode 2 Dispersion curve next mode.
Geometric center S-R – measuring point is the middle
between source and receiver
Geometric center R – measuring point is receiver
Options Station position Autorecalculate – when this parameter changing,
Edit position – edit point position. After selecting,
dialog box appears Station position with editing table.
Duplicates options of first arrivals picking units setting
to display seismograms.
Display data:
Options Units Index – in counts
mSec – in milliseconds
Channel – by channels
Meters – in meters
Options Export Curves to text – export curves as text
Go to inversion
Options Go to dispersion curve interpretation mode.

Array geometry and MASW current point is displayed at the top section. MASW point is the
source and a set of receivers, the geometric center of which is a sensing point. The receivers can be
on left, right or on both source sides. The sources group width is controlled by the minimum
maximum spacing (distance between source and receiver). Receivers group selection plays an
important role in the a two-dimensional spectrum building. For an ideal (synthetic) seismogram, an
increase the sources number leads to an spectrum quality improvement. For actual data group to be

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limited, because with distance data noise component increases. It is also necessary to remove the
"dead" and the traces for very small distances (wave front is distorted). Typically, the group choice
is carried out empirically.
Two-dimensional spectrum is at the bottom left section. By it the dispersion curves picking
is carried out. It is the interpolation image, on which amplitude signal is displayed in color,
depending on the phase velocity (spatial frequency) and frequency. Picking is carried out by the
mouse on the maximum values of the signal amplitude. For reliable dispersion curves selection on
the spectrum is required experience. Dispersion curves complicated dependence on medium
parameters, have different forms and may contain some modes (a few curve parts shifted relative to
each other along the frequency axis). There are fundamental mode (usually relative to deep section
part), and additional - less deep. In most cases, only signal fundamental mode is possible select. But
in some situations it is possible to select one or two additional modes. Using multiple modes in the
interpretation has a positive effect on the results quality.
The program has the semi-automatic dispersion curve picking mode. In this case, the choice
of values is made in f-k spectrum mode, while pressing [ALT]. Pressing [ALT] rectangular area
(search area) appears. In this mode, when pressing the mouse on the spectrum, picking will be
carried out automatically in the selected area (on the frequency grid corresponding to a signal
sampling step). Increasing/decreasing of the search area is changed by the mouse wheel (while
pressing [ALT]). Correction of the curve points provisions is performed by left mouse button.
Removing - by right-clicking on a point. The dispersion curves active mode selection is made from

the main menu or in the corresponding pop-up list . Modes are displayed in
different colors. As a rule, each next mode is to the right of the previous one.
The window lower-right section consists of several tabs. The first area contains the active
seismograms field (Data tab). This tab selects traces that will participate in the construction of a
two-dimensional spectrum. Traces selection is carried out in the legend or by double-clicking on the
trace graph (if it is required to except or restore). The individual traces scale is adjusted by the
mouse wheel (when the cursor is over the trace). A special tool allows you to limit the area, on
which the spectrum calculation is made, which is useful for the suppression of other waves types. It
is implemented as two rubber polygons located above and below the seismogram. Polygon form can
be changed by pulling the specific circles in the nodes. That seismogram part, which is in the rubber
polygon - will not participate in the calculation.

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Spectrum tab shows the averaged one-dimensional spectrum of the current MASW point.
Two vertical sliders allow you to select the minimum and maximum frequencies, which will be
used to construct a two-dimensional spectrum.
Processing tab contains basic options, which control algorithm of two-dimensional
spectrum constructing.

Fig. 74 MASW module. Picking parameters settings

Options KMin (VMin), KMax (VMax), FrqMin and FrqMax set boundaries of the calculating
two-dimensional spectrum. They are necessary to narrow down the search area for the best
spectrum presentation. The minimum and maximum phase velocity values are assigned based on
the S-waves velocities in mediums.
Options OffsetMin and OffsetMax determine the linear dimension of MASW point receiver
group (it is desirable that there were no less than five).
Options Both dir - used when working with ReMi data, because in this case, unlike the
MASW data, the position of the source is not known.
Smooth image - smooth two-dimensional spectrum
Zero padding - option to get a smoother spectrum with a large number of intermediate
frequencies (better detail along the frequency axis).

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Segment - used for large-volume ReMi data. It sets the length of the processed segment in
Array - the MASW point type. Forward - is a source located before receivers group.
Reverse - the source located after receivers group. Forward&reverse - the receivers are located on
both sides of the source. If you change this option, settings for the receiver groups are reset.

After changing the tab settings, press the [Apply] button.

Data interpretation mode

You can go to interpretation mode at any time. It is not necessary that all the curves have
been pre-picked.
Interpretation is parameters selection of horizontally layered model for each MASW point.
The set of one-dimensional models along a single profile is a S-wave velocities section. The
interpretation aim - to achieve a good match-picked and calculated curve for adequate, from a
geological view, model. The layers parameters are - the P- and S- velocity, density, and thickness.
Selection is typically carried out only for S-wave velocity and layers thickness.

Fig. 75 MASW Module. Dispersion curves inversion window

Toolbar in the dispersion curve interpretation mode contains the following ffunctions.
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- run the interpretation parameter setup dialog.

- calculate the forward problem.

- show spectra as background.

- go to the previous MASW point. In there is no curve at this point, the interpretation
process is not possible.

- go to the next MASW point.

- start the procedure of model parameters automatic selection.

- copy the current model to the Buffer.

- paste model into the current one from Buffer.

- go to the dispersion curves picking mode.

Options F, m1 and m2 are responsible for the fundamental or other modes selection for
inversion, respectively. It is recommended to carried out at first the fundamental mode inversion,
and then the other.
Main menu functions
The main module menu duplicate Toolbar options, and also contains additional one.

Options Settings Run interpretation parameters setup dialog.

Options Run Forward problem Calculate the forward problem.

Options Run Inversion Run Inversion.

Autorecalculation of the forward problem, when
Options Autorecalculation
changing model parameters (in graph or table).
Options Copy model Copy model.
Options Paste model Paste model.
Options Poisson ratio Set as the second model parameter - Poisson ratio.

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Set as the second model parameter – P-wave
Options Vp value
Interpolate – display model with smoothing
Options Section parametrization
Standard – display model as layers.
Load – load background
Options Background Show – display background
Remove – delete background
Options Draw labels Draw Vs values on model layers.
Options Load borehole data Load borehole data.
Options Remove boreholes Remove borehole data.
Export interpretation results as dxf files of the CAD
Options Export/Model to CAD
Save model as a text file with columns: X – distance
Options Export/Model as XYZ
along profile, Y – depth, Z – surface waves velocity.
Options Export/Report to Excel Export interpretation results in Excel.
Export models as borehole columns. It is a handy
mode to display data of seismic tomography and
Options MASW. Pseudoboreholes should be opened in the
MPW data interpretation mode (the main program
Save model in the *.MOD1D format for the further
Export/MOD 1D file
using in other Zond programs.

Options Go to processing mode Go to dispersion curve picking mode.

Inversion process (that is, automatic selection of section parameters) can be carried out, if at
this point there is the dispersion curve, which is displayed in the lower left window section of the
graph. You can also see a graph of the current model and calculated curve corresponding to this
model. Parameters selection is carried out manually (editing model curve elements - by the mouse
or in the table of window right bottom section) or automatically. In automatic selection only S-wave
velocity values and layers thickness are adjusted. Therefore, other parameters should to be set in

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advance. There are two ways to specify the P-wave velocity Vp - by editing Vp values or changing
Poisson's ratio PR. The second method is preferable because Poisson's ratio is stable and varies
within a narrow range. To switch from one mode to another, use the appropriate menu item or
double-click on the table third column title.
When using automatic selection it is useful to fix some parameters (Vs and layer thickness).
To do this, double-click the parameter cell that you want to fix. The cell at the same time will
change color to gray.
Section of the S-velocities along the profile displays at the top window part. It is obtained
by linear MASW points set models interpolation. The color scale to the right of the section links Vs
value with a certain color.

Interpretation parameters setup dialog

Tab Start model - contains options for creating medium starting model.

Fig. 76 MASW module. Inversion parameters settings. Tab Start model

Options Vs, Vp,  - set the initial medium parameters – S- and P-waves velocity, density.
Options Start thickness and Thickness factor - set the first layer thickness and increasing
parameter of each following layer (1-5). The first layer thickness is selected based on the survey
layout geometric parameters.
Option Layers number – set layers number of the starting model. It is usually used 3-7

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[Reconstruct] button must be used after changing starting model parameters. Previous
model is removed.
Inversion tab contains options to control the automatic selection procedure. They are
identical to those, which is used in the seismic tomography data inversion on first arrivals, with
only difference that are applied to one-dimensional inversion.

Fig. 77 MASW module. Inversion parameters settings. Tab Inversion

Options Vs minimum and Vs maximum - limit S-wave velocity parameter in the automatic
Graphics tab is intended to set the model color scale parameters.

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Fig. 78 MASW module. Inversion parameters settings. Tab Graphics

Options Color scale min and Color scale max - set the Vs model minimum and maximum value of
the color scale.
Option Draw borders - draw a border between layers.
Optional Colors - runs the color palette setup dialog.

Program additional features

Option «Buffer» of the main menu

Buffer option of the program main menu allows comparing models, obtained with different
inversion parameters and program settings (when using additional geological data, fixing borders,
etc.). When using this option, all obtained models are displayed in using the same color palette, and
After getting one of models, click on the Buffer tab of the main menu and select Model 1.
The program offers to set name of a current model, in which different parameters can be stored.
Then, the current model will be saved, and a new inversion can be done with different program
settings and save as a Model 2. It is possible to save up to five different models. To open the
window of saved models, select Buffer/Open in the program main menu.

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Fig. 79 Sections from Buffer dialog box

Geological editor of sections

Geological editor (Options/Modules) module allows promptly building a geological

section based on the results of profile interpretation obtained in the program.
The results of the geophysical interpretation serve as an underlying image, over which
geological model is built. During a model creation local objects and layers are selected. Geological
texture selected by an interpreter is drawn on these local objects and layers. The module allows also
displaying borehole data, which simplifies the process of model construction.
Thus, the main goal of the module is a rapid construction of geological sections using
geophysical results and its export in CAD systems.
Before starting, it is necessary to select carefully a section type and its graphic settings. The
best variant is to display a section as isolines.

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Next, Geological editor is run and actual work with a section begins. Bodies and the layers
are set as closed and unclosed polygons, color and texture are set to them.

Fig. 80 Geological Editor window

Buttons for editing polygons and lines are located on the Geological editor toolbar.

The mode Add polygon is called by clicking the button at the control panel. This mode
is intended to create a local polygon. To add a new point to a polygon click the left mouse button.
To close the polygon (connecting the last polygon point to the first) click the right mouse button. If
it is impossible to create a local polygon (that is any faces intersect, or other object exists in a
polygon) program does not allow to close the polygon. When creating a polygon try to not place
points too close to each other.

The mode Delete polygon is called by clicking the button at the control panel. This
mode is intended to remove a polygon. To delete polygon click the right mouse button on it. Color
of a polygon contour changes to red when the cursor is inside.

The mode Create a joined polygon is called by clicking the button at the control
panel. This mode is intended to create a polygon (an additional part of a polygon), joined to the
existing polygons, model borders or relief, that is to any coupled model area. Coupled area means
polygons set and model borders with common faces. To add a new polygon point, click the left
mouse button. To close the polygon (connecting the last polygon point to the first, across a joined
area border) click the right mouse button. It is necessary that the first and last (closing) polygon
points are placed on the outside border (which changes color to red when the cursor is approaching)
of a coupled area. If it is impossible to create a local polygon (that is any faces intersect, or other
object exists in a polygon) program does not allow user to close the polygon and remove all created

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points. Note that polygons joined to the left, right and bottom edges of the model have infinite strike
in those directions (that is they extend beyond the model).

The mode Disconnect polygon is called by clicking the button at the control panel.
This mode is intended to disconnect a polygon from a set of joint polygons or model edges.
Polygon disconnected from the model edges loses its infinite strike (it will be limited by the model).
To disconnect a polygon click the right mouse button on it. Color of the polygon contour changes to
red when the cursor is inside. Further, using the button Move polygon, it is possible to move
disconnected polygon part from the main polygon.
The mode Split polygon is intended to create two parts inside a polygon. It is called by

clicking the button on the control panel. The mode is intended to split the polygon into two
new connected polygons. The interface is defined by two points at borders or nodes of the polygon,
which is split. To select the first border point click the left mouse button. To select the second point
and to split polygon click the right mouse button. If the operation is impossible (that is any faces
intersect, or border is outside the polygon) program does not allow user to split the polygon and
remove the created border. Color of the borders and points of a polygon changes to red when the
cursor is approaching.

The mode Move polygon is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to move unconnected polygon points. If a polygon has no common, unconnected
with other polygons or model borders points, then it is moved completely. To select a polygon
being moved click the left mouse button; after that an unconnected polygon part is moved with the
cursor. To fix new position of the polygon click the right mouse button. If the operation is
impossible (that is any borders intersect, or a polygon exists in other polygon) program does not
allow user to move the polygon and return it to the original position. Color of the polygon contour
changes to red when the cursor is inside.

The mode Move connected polygons is called by clicking the button on the control
panel. This mode is intended to move a polygon and all connected with it. To select a polygon being
moved, click the left mouse button; after that the connected area moves with the cursor. To fix new
position of polygons click the right mouse button. If the operation is impossible (that is any borders
intersect, or a polygon exists in other polygon) program does not allow user to move the polygons
and return them to original positions. Color of the polygon contour changes to red when the cursor
is inside.

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The mode Add point is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This mode is
intended to add a new point on a border of an existing polygon. To add a polygon point, click the
right mouse button on its border. Color of the polygon borders change to red when the cursor is

The mode Remove point is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to remove new point of existing polygon. To remove a polygon point click the
right mouse button on it. The operation is impossible in the next cases: borders intersect, a polygon
is in other one or number of polygon points is less than three. Color of polygon points changes to
red when the cursor is approaching.

The mode Merge points is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to merge two points into one by joining points to the border of another polygon, or
to the model edges. Selection of the first merging point

The mode Disconnect points is called by clicking the button on the control panel.
This mode is intended to disconnect previously merged points. To disconnect points of connected
polygon click the right mouse button on it. As a result of this operation, instead of one connected
point a set of disconnected points appears. Each point belongs to its own polygon. Color of polygon
points changes to red when the cursor is approaching.

The mode Move point is called by clicking the button on the control panel. This
mode is intended to move polygon point. To select moving point, click the left mouse button; after
that polygon point moves with the cursor. To fix position of the new point click the right mouse
button. If the operation is not possible (that is faces intersect) program does not allow you to move a
point and returns it to its original position. Points located on model boundaries are moved only
along appropriate edges. Color of polygon points changes to red when the cursor is approaching.

Polygon parameters setup dialog

This dialog is used to adjust different polygon parameters. Double click on necessary
polygon to run it.

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Fig. 81 Polygon parameters setup dialog

Color – calls polygon filling color setup dialog. If this function is on, specified color is used
in all polygons of the model.
Pen – calls polygon border parameters setup dialog. If this function is on, specified
parameters are used in all polygons of the model.
Brush – calls polygon filling setup dialog. If this function is on, specified parameters are
used in all polygons of the model.
Gradient – calls polygon gradient filling setup dialog.
Signature of the field located below will be displayed on the polygon.

The buttons for creating and editing lines:

Add line

Move node

Remove node

Add node
Remove line

Create polygon of two lines

Create polygon of two lines

Move line
Save line

Menu Options of Geological editor window contains the following functions:

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Automatic scaling – switch on auto zoom setup
Model setup - call dialog of displaying model area setup
Load borehole data - load lithology data
Remove borehole data - remove lithology data
Save polygons – save polygons borders and their parameters
Load polygons – load polygons file
Remove polygons – remove polygons
Get from modeling – use polygons from the polygonal modelling mode
Output settings - call dialog of exported image parameters setup.

Working with areal data and 3D visualization

Option 3D sections plot (Options/Modules/3D sections plot)

This option is used for 3D visualization of the profiles interpretation results. After selecting
this option, a window 3D sections viewer appears. Window toolbar contains the following buttons:
Open saved 3D project

Save 3D project

Load Google Earth map

Draw isolines map

Add profile in 3D model

Delete profile from 3D model

Print preview

Call dialog of 3D model parameters

Setup axes parameters

Turn 3D model

Display horizontal plane. Plan depth from the surface is set in kilometers in the right

window .

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Set the same scales for all axes. The appeared window allows setting ratio of the
scales for each axis.
Set data type for displaying.

The window 3D section viewer contains three tabs:

Tab Lines (Fig. 82) can be used to edit profiles coordinates of the beginning and the end and
also to set profiles, which will be displayed in the 3D model. A table containing names, coordinates
of the end points of profiles is on the left in the window. To display a profile on a 3D model set a
tick in the last column of the table (V - visible). Profiles plan is displayed on the right. The active
profile is displayed in red. There is an able to edit axes properties. To do it, click the right mouse

button while pressing the Shift key or button on the toolbar. More information about axes
settings is in the part Axes editor.

Fig. 82 Window 3D section viewer, tab Lines

Tab 3D view (Fig. 83) can be used to view 3D models.

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Fig. 83 Window 3D section viewer, tab 3D view

Tab Options (Fig. 84) is used to adapt image settings.

Area Color scale allows setting fill parameters. Palette button calls a dialog box of fill
settings (more). Area Color scale limits allows setting manually the minimum and maximum for the
color scale or choose automatic mode for limits setting by using corresponding check box.

Fig. 84 Window 3D section viewer, tab Options

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Area Axis scales is intended to set axes scale. The scales are set only while the button
is pressed on the toolbar.

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Adjusting program interface
Palette settings

Dialog can be used for setting object palette of the program and is called by clicking the
button Palette (Fig. 85). Dialog allows selecting one of the default palettes (forward and inverse
rainbow, grayscale, etc.) or create a custom scale. To add a slider on the scale, click the right mouse
button with pressing Ctrl. To remove a slider, press the key Delete. It is also possible to save a
custom palette. To do this, click the button . To load existing ones, click the button .

Fig. 85 Palette settings dialog.

Graphics set editor

Fig. 86 Graphics set editor

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Graphics set editor serves for color adjustment of graphics set.
Option Style defines algorithm of graphic’s color palette specification.
Interpolated palette is used if Interpolate is selected. It is created using colors specified in
fields min color, 1/3 color, 2/3 color and max color. Value const sets the same color (option
color) for all graphics. Value random assigns random colors for all graphics.
Option Line sets color for graphic’s connecting lines. If this function is OFF palette color is
used otherwise specified in Line field color is used.
Option Pointer sets color for graphic point’s color fill. If this function is OFF palette color
is used otherwise specified in Pointer field color is used.
Option Border sets graphic point’s outline color. If this function is OFF palette color is used
otherwise specified in Border field color is used.
Button Options runs graphics setup dialog (see «Graphics editor» for details).
Button Default returns graphics default settings.

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Graphics editor

Fig. 87 Graphics editor

Graphics editor serves for graphic interface adjustment. Right click with SHIFT button
pressed on necessary graphic to run it.

Tab Format contains connecting line settings.

Button Border runs connecting line parameters setup dialog.
Button Color runs color setup dialog.
Button Pattern runs pattern parameters setup dialog.
Button Outline runs graphic’s connecting line setup dialog.
Button Shadow runs shadows setup dialog.

Tab Point contains plot point settings.

Option Visible is used to show/hide plot points.
Option Style sets point shape.
Option Width sets point width in display units.
Option Height sets point height in display units.
Option Inflate margins defines if image size is zoomed in according to point size or not.
Button Pattern runs point’s color fill setup dialog.

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Button Border runs point’s outline parameters setup dialog.
Button Gradient runs point’s gradient color fill setup dialog.

Tab Marks contains settings of graphic’s point marking.

Tab Style.
Option Visible is used to show/hide plot point marking.
Option Draw every allows plotting every second, third and so on marking depending on
selected value.
Option Angle sets point marking rotation angle.
Option Clipped defines whether point marking is plotted or not if it is located beyond
graphic borders.
Tab Arrows allows adjusting arrow from marking to point.
Button Border runs arrow line parameters setup dialog.
Button Pointer runs arrowhead shape setup dialog (options in tab Point).
Option Length sets arrow length.
Option Distance sets distance between arrowhead and plot point.
Option Arrow head sets type of arrowhead. None – arrowhead specified by Pointer button
is used. Line – classic thin arrowhead is used. Solid - classic thick arrowhead is used.
Option Size sets arrowhead size if classic arrow is used.
Tab Format contains graphic settings of marking frame.
Button Color runs frame background color selection dialog.
Button Frame runs frame line setup dialog.
Button Pattern runs background parameters setup dialog.
Option Bevel sets frame type: usual, elevated or submerged.
Option Size sets elevation or submergence level.
Option Size rounds frame corners.
Options Transparent and Transparency sets frame seamlessness degree.

Tab Text:
Button Font runs marking font setup dialog.
Button Outline runs marking letter outline setup dialog.
Option Inter-char spacing sets letter spacing for marking text.
Button Gradient runs gradient fill for marking text setup dialog.
Option Outline gradient specifies if gradient fill is used in outline or interior of letters.
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Button Shadow runs marking text shadow setup dialog.
Tab Gradient contains gradient fill settings for frame around markings
Tab Shadow contains shadow settings of frame around marking.

Graphic’s legend editor

Fig. 88 Graphic’s legend editor

Editor allows adjusting graphic and legend interface. Right click with SHIFT button pressed
on legend to the right of the graph to run it.
Pop-up window with set of tabs will appear.

Tab Style contains settings of legend display, allows choosing data label format and
showing boundaries between legend labels and so on.
Tab Position serves for choosing legend position relative to graphics plan.
Tab Symbols sets legend symbols display parameters.
Tab Title specifies legend name and allows adjusting its format.

Tab Text serves for adjusting legend label format.

Tabs Format, Gradient and Shadow contain settings of legend window, its gradient fill,
and shadow.

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Axes editor

Fig. 89 Axes editor

Many program objects contain coordinate axes. Editor is used to adjust graphic and scale
axes parameters. Right click on necessary axis with SHIFT button pressed to run it. Pop-up menu
with two fields (Options and Default) appears. The first one runs dialog, the second sets values on

First tab of Scales dialog contains options for axes scale parameters setup.
Option Auto defines how minimum and maximum axis values are chosen. If this option is
ON axis limits are set automatically otherwise values from Minimum and Maximum filed specified
by user are selected.
Option Visible shows/hides selected axis.
Option Inverted defines axis orientation.
Button Increment change runs dialog for axis label step definition.
Option Logarithmic selects logarithmic or linear axis scale. In case of sign-changing scale
additionally use options from LinLog options field.
Option Base sets logarithm base for logarithmic axis.

Field LinLog options contains options for linear-logarithmic axis adjustment. Linear-
logarithmic scale allows representing sign-changing or zero containing data in logarithmic scale.

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Option Dec Shift sets indent (in logarithmic decades) relative to maximum axis limit
modulo to zero. Minimum decade (prezero) has linear scale, others have logarithmic.
Option Min dec sets and fixes minimum (prezero) decade value if option is ON.

Option Rounded limits defines whether it is necessary to round minimum and maximum
axis values or not.
Fields Minimum and Maximum contain options for axis limits adjustment.
Option Auto defines whether axis limit is selected automatically or using Change button.
Option Offset sets percentage axis limit shift relative to its actual value.
Tab Title contains options for axis header adjustment.

Tab Style:
Option Title sets axis header text.
Option Angle sets header text rotation angle.
Option Size sets header text indent. If 0 value is specified it is selected automatically.
Option Visible shows/hides axis header.

Tab Text:
Button Font runs header font setup dialog.
Button Outline runs dialog for header letters’ outline adjustment.
Option Inter-char spacing sets letter spacing in axis header.
Button Gradient runs gradient fill setup dialog for header text.
Option Outline gradient specifies if gradient fill is used in outline or interior of letters.
Button Shadow runs axis header shadow setup dialog.

Tab Labels contains options for axis label adjustment.

Tab Style:
Option Visible shows/hides axes labels.
Option Multiline is used for setting multiline axes labels.
Option Round first rounds first axis label.
Option Label on axis hides labels that go beyond axis.
Option Alternate arranges labels in two lines.
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Option Size sets axis label indent. If 0 value is specified it is selected automatically.
Option Angle sets label rotation angle.
Option Min separation % sets minimum percentage label spacing.

Tab Text:
Button Font runs label font setup dialog.
Button Outline runs dialog for label letters’ outline adjustment.
Option Inter-char spacing sets letter spacing in label text.
Button Gradient runs label gradient fill setup dialog.
Option Outline gradient specifies whether gradient fill is used in outline or interior of
Button Shadow runs label shadow setup dialog.

Tab Ticks contains options for axis main ticks adjustment.

Button Axis runs axis line setup dialog.
Button Grid runs line setup dialog for main ticks’ grid.
Button Ticks runs external main axis tick setup dialog. Option Len sets its length.
Button Inner runs internal main axis tick setup dialog. Option Len sets its length.
Option Centered centers grid of axis ticks.
Option At labels only displays main axis ticks only if axis labels are present.

Tab Minor contains options for axis intermediate ticks adjustment.

Button Grid runs line setup dialog for intermediate ticks grid.
Button Ticks runs external intermediate axis tick line setup dialog. Option Length sets its
Button Minor runs internal intermediate axis tick line setup dialog. Option Len sets its
Option Count sets number of intermediate ticks between main ones.
Tab Position defines axis size and position.
Option Position % sets axis indent relative to its standard position on graph (in percent to
graph size or in screen units depending on selected option Units).
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Option Start % sets axis start indent relative to its standard position on graph (in percent to
graph size).
Option End % sets axis end indent relative to its standard position on graph (in percent to
graph size).

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Model parameters setup dialog

Fig. 90

Tab Options
Field Box margins
Left – sets image indent (in pixels) from window left edge.
Right – sets image indent (in pixels) from window right edge.
Top – sets image indent (in pixels) from window top edge.
Bottom – sets image indent (in pixels) from window bottom edge.
Object difference - sets the maximum value of the ratio adjacent cells parameters, above
which the boundary is drawn between them.
Selection admissibility - sets the acceptable level of parameter differences of adjacent cells,
in which, the cell is a single entity and stand together (in the selection mode Magic Wand).
Parameter alteration - determines augment value to the selected cells parameters (in
percentages relative to parameter value) when working in Edit mode, while pressing Shift button.
Button Font runs the font settings dialog.

Tab Colors
Field Color bar.
Options Min color, 1/3 color, 2/3 color and Max color set color interpolation sequence that
sets dependence between model parameter value and a certain color.
Field Other

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Body border - allows specifying the boundaries color between adjacent cells, if the
difference degree between them is greater than the set one in the option Parameter alteration.
Grid - sets the grid color.
Selection - sets the label color of the selected cell.
Fixed - sets the label color of the fixed cell.

Transparency halfspace - run cell transparent mode, if the parameter value corresponds to
the halfspace value.

Fig. 91

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Contour section parameters setup dialog

Fig. 92

Dialog serves for adjusting contour section parameters-

Field Box margins
Left margin – sets image indent (in pixels) from window left edge.
Right margin – sets image indent (in pixels) from window right edge.
Top margin – sets image indent (in pixels) from window top edge.
Bottom margin – sets image indent (in pixels) from window bottom edge.

Field Fill&Line colors.

Options Min contour, 1/3 contour, 2/3 contour and Max contour set color interpolation
sequence from Min contour to Max contour through 1/3 contour and 2/3 contour. Thus created
palette is used to fill the space between adjacent contours.

Field Num levels defines number of isoline sections. Isoline section is set in uniform linear or
logarithmic step depending on data type.

Options Min isoline and Max isoline set color interpolation sequence from Min isoline to Max
isoline. Thus created palette is used when drawing isolines.

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Option Isolines specifies whether isolines are created or not.

Field User data limits

Option User limits specifies whether minimum or maximum data values or values from
Minimum and Maximum filed are used for setting isoline sections.
Field Minimum sets minimum value to specify isoline sections.
Field Maximum sets maximum value to specify isoline sections.

Print preview dialog

Print preview dialog is called in the main program menu File/Print preview. It is also
available by double-clicking on any object in the program. There are two options available in the
main menu:
When you select this option from the main menu, the current window is printed (Fig. 93). When you
select this option by right-clicking any object in the program, only the object will be printed.

Fig. 93 Print preview window

To move a printing object on a sheet click the left mouse button.

In the main menu of the Print Preview window the following buttons are:

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- Select Printer. In the pop-up menu it is possible to
select one of the configured printers.

- The button print settings. In the opening window, it is possible to choose

the size and orientation of the sheet, the print properties, the number of pages per sheet and other
- After changing the required parameters it is possible to send a figure for printing using

the button .

- Save in bitmap files.

- Closes the Print preview window.

The squares at the top of the sheet are used for making seals, stamps or company logos.
Click the right mouse button on the square and in the appeared window select a raster image to
paste. Sizes of the square can be changed with the mouse.
At the bottom of the sheet editable table is located. To add text, click the right mouse button
in the table and in the created window select required text. It is also possible to save all the

comments in the table files with clicking on the button , or to load already saved labels by

clicking on the button .

Logging and stratigraphy data file format

Logging data and lithologic columns are hold in certain file formats. First type of files has
txt extension; these files contain logging or lithology data. The following structure is used to create
logging data file:
First column contains measure point depth (from surface), second column contains well log
measurements. Third and forth columns are filled with zeroes.
Logging data sample-file is given below:
0.5 118.3035394 0 0
1 126.9002384 0 0
1.5 123.4170888 0 0
2 116.1519574 0 0
2.5 117.240884 0 0
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3 111.9424174 0 0
3.5 142.0405875 0 0
4 125.3686538 0 0
4.5 521.0730567 0 0
5 735.5232592 0 0
5.5 707.7315998 0 0
6 706.3561614 0 0
6.5 725.9945623 0 0
7 722.433627 0 0
7.5 717.0991126 0 0
8 716.9836552 0 0
8.5 725.5024012 0 0
9 722.3551713 0 0
9.5 731.5717173 0 0
10 723.5097884 0 0
10.5 726.8844987 0 0
11 725.962034 0 0
11.5 743.2485878 0 0
12 726.4061156 0 0
12.5 734.399887 0 0
13 727.9166309 0 0
13.5 116.1921851 0 0
14 517.9613065 0 0
14.5 125.3706264 0 0
15 111.2952478 0 0
15.5 131.911879 0 0
16 107.9217309 0 0
16.5 114.9327361 0 0
17 134.0939196 0 0
17.5 138.4457143 0 0
18 129.1165104 0 0

Fig. 94 Velocity model with plotted logging diagrams

The following structure is used to create lithology data file:

First column contains lithologic layer depth (from surface). Second column is filled with
zeroes. Third column defines layer color for visualization, forth – type of pattern. An example
model with plotted lithologic columns is shown on fig. 95.
First 23 patterns for lithologic column creation are given below (fig. 95).

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Fig. 95 Types of lithologic pattern
Lithologic data sample-file is given below:

0 1 0 13 Top of layer 1
4 1 0 13 Bottom of layer 1
4 1 0 19 Top of layer 2
11 1 0 19 Bottom of layer 2
11 1 0 27 Top of layer 3
16 1 0 27 Bottom of layer 3

Second type of files has *.crt extension; these are control files which specify type of data
and way of visualization. Structure of CRT file for lithology and logging data visualization for any
quantity of boreholes is described below.
2280.txt First line – logging or lithology data file
brhl2280 Second line – Borehole name (is displayed on well)
18 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 Third line contains control parameters
Data record 18 – borehole coordinate on profile.
2 – image width (in percents to profile length, usually 1 - 20).
2 – type of data visualization 0 - 3.
0 - logging data (as graph); Sample-file - carot1.crt
1 - logging data (interpolated color column), section color scale is used for visualization;
Sample-file - carot2.crt
2 - lithologic column; Sample-file - strati.crt
3 - logging data (color column), colors for data visualization correspond to model color
scale, column colors are selected in compliance with model color scale;
1 – Logging data normalization parameter 0 - 2.
0,1 – the same minimum and maximum is used for all data;
1,2 - subtract average value from every borehole log;

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0 - Logging method index (if different logging methods are displayed indices of all methods
should be specified) 0 – n-1, where n – number of methods.
1 – Plot color.
0 – Data scale is logarithmic 0 or linear 1.
0 – Vertical borehole shift relative to the earth’s surface.

3246.txt Description of the following borehole on profile

102 2 2 1 0 1 0 0
To create lithology data files you can use not only built in each program module, but also
BHEeditor program. You can download this program on the site http://zond-geo.ru.

Fig. 96 BHE editor working window

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