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Khóa LUYỆN THI THPT QG 2016 – GV: Phan Thị Điệu Facebook: Dieu.Phan.



VIDEO và LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT chỉ có tại website MOON.VN

[Truy cập tab: TIẾNG ANH – Khoá học: 10 MẸO HAY NHẤT LÀM BÀI THI ĐẠI HỌC]


Type 1: Narration (Văn tường thuật)

Chú ý:

1, Viết theo trình tự thời gian

2, Thông tin rõ ràng và chính xác về tên gọi, địa điểm và thời gian.

VD: “Ghana became a republic on July 1, 1960” không nói chung chung là in 1960 hoặc thông
tin sai là in 1961

3, Quan điểm khách quan, không đưa quan điểm cá nhân vào bài tường thuật

VD: nếu report về accident ở một nuclear power plant, không nói: “The accident proves that
all the nuclear power plant should be closed”.

Type 1: Narration (Văn tường thuật)

Câu mở đầu: trả lời 4 câu hỏi:

1,WHAT:Bạn đang tường thuât chuyện gì

2,WHO/WHAT (involved):Người/vật l.quan

3,WHERE: Sự việc xảy ra ở đâu

4,WHEN: Sự việc xảy ra khi nào

Phần thân bài: HOW?

1,Main point:Ý chính

2,Additional Points:Ý bổ sung

Phần kết bài: Hành động cuối cùng hoặc kết quả của sự việc là như thế nào VÀ tái khẳng định lý do
chọn sư kiện đó để tường thuật.

CHỮA BÀI VÀ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM: - Học để khẳng định mình 1 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

Khóa LUYỆN THI THPT QG 2016 – GV: Phan Thị Điệu Facebook: Dieu.Phan.50999

The memorable event in my life took place five years ago when I take part in a holiday camp in
HCM city. This is the first time I have been to here with out my parents. Therefore, I very scared
and confused. When I came HCM city; however, all members of a holiday camP is so friendly that I
thought as I was at home. Specially, the volunteers supported enthusiastically for us. At there, we are
learned English in morning. In afternoon, we are participated in activities organise communicated
with foreigners. Sometimes, we joined charitable foundation to help the poor. During stayed here
for three weeks, I had seen good friends and I seemed more and more confident. Overall, this is my
most memorable event in my life. (130 words)

Type 2: Description (Văn mô tả)

Describing People (Pen Portraits)

1. Describing appearance:
a. Size:
- She was a tall/small woman.
- He was of medium height.
b. Shape:

- She was slim/ fat.

- He had a slim figure.
c. Features and hair:

- She was brown-eyed/ blond-haired.

- She had brown eyes/ blond hair.
d. Clothes:

- She was smartly dressed/ untidily dressed.

- He wore smart clothes/ old clothes.
- They were dressed in T-shirts and jeans.
e. Expression:

- She looked/ appeared shy/ happy.

- He was a shy-looking man.
- He had an air of timidity.
2. Describing behaviour:

- -She always/often/sometimes/never + Ved

- -He would often/sometimes/always + V...
- -He used to + V...
- -When he was nervous, he would + V...
- -He had a habit of + V-ing...
- -She was always + V-ing....
3. Linking words for description:

a. Use with/ which/ who:

-She was a small, thin, dark woman with rosy cheeks and a cheerful expression.

-She had a round face with blue eyes and freckles.

-She had long blond hair which hung-down to her shoulders. - Học để khẳng định mình 2 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

Khóa LUYỆN THI THPT QG 2016 – GV: Phan Thị Điệu Facebook: Dieu.Phan.50999

-He had round eyes which gave him a surprised expression.

-He was a small, fierce man who was always shouting.

-She was a small, blonde woman who wore expensive clothes.

b. Adjectives at the beginning of the sentence:

-Tall, slim and well dressed, he had an air of brisk efficiency.


Describe a person that you admired when you were a little girl/ boy.

When I was young, I admired my grandmother for her strength and kindness. Regarding her
apearance, she was not very big. Even though she was tiny and thin, she was strong. She lived by
herself and still did a lot of the chores around her house. When I was a child, I saw her almost
everyday, and she and I would talk about everything. About her personality, she was a humorous
person who had a habit of telling jokes and make me laugh. My grandmother was also so patient
that she would listen to all of my problems. She just listened and tried her best to help me tackle
them. She gave me very good advice whenerver I needed it. I also enjoy spending time with her
because of interesting stories that she used to tell me before bed time every night. In short, my grand
mother was my best friend when I was a little girl.

(157 words)


Describe a really important decision that you have made recently.

A really important decision that I have made recently is to study abroad which is a big chance that
no-one from my family has ever had before and my parents always hope that I would started taking
part in the textile business of my family. However, it is too early for me, who is a 18-year-old boy to
join the businese though. Besides, I have been always dreaming about stuying marketing, especially
e-marketing. I hope that after I graduate, I could contribute to my parets’ firm in the future. If I
study e-marketing in the UK, I can learn how to use the internet to sell our clothes all over the world.
I am now very confident about my decision due to valuable lessons and knowledge that I have gained
after lessons from my teachers abroad. In summary, it was my truly amazing decision in life.

(145 words)

Type 3: Personal Opinion (Quan điểm)

Causes & Effects/Advantages/ Disadvantages - Học để khẳng định mình 3 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

Khóa LUYỆN THI THPT QG 2016 – GV: Phan Thị Điệu Facebook: Dieu.Phan.50999

1. Topic Sentence = Topic + Controlling ideas (Causes & Effects/Advantages/ Disadvantages)


a. Poor preparatory practices and nonuse of protective chemicals have been primarily
responsible for a recent decline in North African agricultural production.

b. Scientific studies have shown that vitamin A may have benefitial effects in cleaning up skin
problems, treating eye disorders and fighting infection.

3. Supporting sentences

= Main ideas + Supporting/ Additional details (=Explanations + Illustrations/Examples)

a. Poor preparatory practices and nonuse of protective chemicals have been primarily
responsible for a recent decline in North African agricultural production. Substandard
preparatory techniques – including bad oil preparation, improper tillage practices,
inadequate amounts of fertilizers, and insufficient amount of irrigation water – have caused
decreases in the amount of available food in the region. For instance, when farmers in Chad
tried to grow wheat without deep plowing in order to save money, wheat production
immediately declined. Even when farmers in the area used appropriate practices to get their
crops out of the ground, they often have not used suitable chemicals to protect their growing
crops from diseases. For example, in 1981, unprotected onion fields in Libya were attacked by
bacterial root rot. Consequently, onion production in Libya was extremely low that year. In
summary, solutions for these two problems must be found so that the people of North Africa
will have sufficient food.

b. Scientific studies have shown that vitamin A may have benefitial effects in cleaning up skin
problems, treating eye disorders and fighting infection.Tablets with vitamin A have been used
effectively in treating skin problems like acne. For example, when applied directly on the
skin, vitamin A can also clear up boils and heal ulcers. Injections of vitamin A have been in
used to remove warts from people’s skin. Moreover, vitamin A is a successful way of treating
such eye disorders at night blindness and blurred vision. For instance, therapeutic dosages of
vitamin A are used to treat glaucoma and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eyelids). Most
important, vitamin A plays an integral role in fighting infections. Because it strengthens cell
walls, vitamin A protects the mucous membrane from invading bacteria. Furthermore,
dosages of vitamin A have shortened the duration of communicable diseases, such as colds
and measles. In conclusion, these many beneficial effects demonstrate the importance of
encouraging people to take regular dietary supplements of vitamin A.


1. C cause/ produce/ bring about E

2. C occur WHICH cause/produce/bring about E
3. C occur causing/producing/bringing about E
4. E is caused/produced/brought about by C
5. E resulted from B
6. E occur as a result of/ because of/due to C
7. Because/Since C produce E, S must be found.
8. C produce E; accordingly, S must be found.
9. C cause E ; therefore, S must be found.
10. C bring about E; consequently, ...... - Học để khẳng định mình 4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

Khóa LUYỆN THI THPT QG 2016 – GV: Phan Thị Điệu Facebook: Dieu.Phan.50999

11. C cause E; for this reason, .......

12. C produce E; thus, ........

3. Concluding sentence= Summarize the main point + state the solutions


a. In summary, solutions for these two problems must be found so that the people of North
Africa will have sufficient food.

b. In conclusion, these many beneficial effects demonstrate the importance of encouraging

people to take regular dietary supplements of vitamin A.

Giáo viên Phan Điệu

Nguồn - Học để khẳng định mình 5 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

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