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Evaluation of the Salinity Gradient Concept

in Surfactant Flooding
G.J. Hirasaki, SPE. Shell Development CO.
H.R. van Domselaar, Koninklijke/Shell E&P Laboratorium
R.C. Nelson, SPE. Shell Development Co.

Salinity design goals are to keep as much surfactant as timum; the peak surfactant concentration occurred in the
possible in the active region and to minimize surfactant active region and oil production ceased at the same
retention. Achieving these is complicated because (1) point.
compositions change as a result of dispersion,
chromatographic separation of components distributed Introduction
among two or more phases, and retention by adsorption The phase behavior of surfactant/oil/brine systems for
onto rock and/or absorption in a trapped phase; (2) in the different salinities is shown in Fig. I. I
presence of divalent ions, optimal salinity is not constant Low salinities, called "underoptimum" or "Type
but a function of surfactant concentration and lI( -)" phase behavior, are shown at the top of Fig. 1.
calcium/sodium ratio; and (3) the changing composition In this kind of system, surfactant is partitioned
of a system strongly influences transport of the predominantly into the aqueous phase.
components. High salinities, called "overoptimum" or "Type
A one-dimensional (ID) six-component finite- 1I( +)" phase behavior, are shown at the bottom of Fig.
difference simulator was used to compare a salinity gra- 1. In this kind of system, surfactant is partitioned
dient design with a constant salinity design. Numerical predominantly into the oleic phase. When the oleic phase
dispersion was used to evaluate the effects of dispersive has a low oil concentration, the oil is said to be
mixing. These simulations show that, with a salinity gra- "swollen" by the surfactant and brine.
dient, change of phase behavior with salinity can be used At moderate salinities, the system can have up to three
to advantage both to keep surfactant in the active region phases and is called' 'Type III. " This is illustrated in the
and to minimize retention. By contrast, under some con- middle of Fig. 1. The salinity at which the middle phase
ditions with a constant salinity design, it is possible to has a WOR of unity is called "optimal salinity" because
have early surfactant breakthrough and/or large surfac- the lowest interfacial tensions (1FT's) usually occur near
tant retention. this salinity. 2
Other experiments conducted showed that high salinity As salinity increases, there is a steady progression
does retard surfactant, and, if the drive has high salinity, from Type 1I( -) to Type III to Type lI( +) phase
a great amount of surfactant retention can result. The behavior. The middle-phase composition moves from
design that produced the best recovery had the the brine side of the diagram to the oil side. The two-
waterflood brine overoptimum and the drive underop- phase regions that correspond to the Type lI( -) and
0197-752018310006-8825$00.25 Type lI( +) systems can be seen above the three-phase
Copyright 1983 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME region in Fig. 1.


OIL )a/a+b TYPE II (-)




! a/a+b
e/e +1




MICRO-} c/c+d
BRINE} d/c+d


Fig. 1-Types of phase behavior at different salinities.

With sodium chloride brine, optimal salinity is by Pope and Nelson.5 Several important modifications
relatively constant, but complications are caused by field we made are described here.
brines that contain divalent ions, such as calcium and In Pope and Nelson's work, optimal salinity was con-
magnesium. Then optimal salinity is a function of sur- stant. However, we used a "salinity requirement
factant concentration and ratio of divalent to sodium diagram" 3 that describes optimal salinity as a function
ions 3,4 and decreases to low values at low surfactant of surfactant concentration. This change in optimal
concentrations. Exchange of divalent and sodium ions salinity is a consequence of divalent ions interacting with
with surfactant and clays further complicates the surfactant or of surfactant "pseudocomponents" parti-
dependence of optimal salinity on the composition of the tioning in different proportions. However, since these in-
system. teractions have not been described well enough yet by
any researcher, ion exchange effects were neglected in
Discussion of Simulation Methods our simulations.
The following sections describe the simulator used, in- The curves for optimal salinity, maximum salinity for
cluding the equations for numerical dispersion, residual Type III phase behavior, and minimum salinity for Type
saturations, and relative permeabilities. III phase behavior as functions of surfactant concentra-
tion were included in the simulator as empirical func-
The Finite-Difference Simulator tions. Phase behavior was determined as in Ref. 5.
The basis for the ID six-component finite-difference 1FT's between microemulsion and excess brine, aWM,
compositional simulator used in this work was described and between microemulsion and excess oil, a OM, were
JUNE 1983 487
~ !-N-O:-N--W-E--T--T-IN-:G:--:PH~A-::S~E-:,;--~
<t. SI
R' Sarw B" B'



cr "r R'

(log scale)

Fig. 2-Trapping functions. Fig. 3-Ternary saturation diagram showing regions of mobile
phases. The inset at the upper right shows the ternary
composition; the numbers indicate the number of
mobile phases.

computed from empirical correlations of Reed and Hea- The effect of dispersion on the process was evaluated by
ly.2 Separate functions, g(a) and f(a), were used to changing the number of grid blocks to approximate the
describe residual wetting and non wetting phases, respec- mixing zone length described by Eq. 3.
tively, as a function of the capillary number. 6.7 These A solution with no dispersion, calculated by the
are shown in Fig. 2. Appropriate 1FT's for these func- method of characteristics, 9 provided the limiting case of
tions are described in the section on residual saturations. the finite-difference solution as the dispersion ap-
Although the capillary number is a function of the total proaches zero. Composition routes and velocities were
mobility and velocity as well as the 1FT, the first two plotted on a ternary phase diagram to provide a priori
variables are not mentioned in this discussion because understanding of the effects of dispersion on a process.
they are of only secondary interest. All calculations were made without incorporating ad-
sorption and ion exchange. The emphasis of this work is
Numerical Dispersion Calculations on better understanding of mechanisms involved in
The truncation error of the finite-difference approxima- maintaining good displacement efficiency with a finite
tion (numerical dispersion) was used to approximate the slug in the presence of dispersive mixing.
effects of dispersion on a process. 8 For calculating a
single-phase miscible displacement with a forward- Residual Saturations
difference approximation in time and single-point in a Three-Phase Region
upstream mobility, the length of the mixing zone, D.L M Residual saturations and relative permeabilities should
(the distance over which the concentration changes from change continuously as the composition of a system
10 to 90% of the injected concentration), was expressed changes from three phases to two. For example, as the
as excess oil saturation vanishes, the remaining phases are
V t (AxIL-.1V I ) ] ,/, microemulsion and excess brine; and, as the excess brine
D.L MIL=3.625 [ 2 ........... (1) saturation vanishes, the remaInIng phases are
microemulsion and excess oil.
and If we assume that an excess brine phase wets rock
V axiL] If, preferentially to a microemulsion phase and that a
[ ................ (2)
microemulsion wets preferentially to an oleic phase, then
(1) in the absence of an excess brine phase, the
In Eq. 2 it is assumed that the time step size, .1 VI , in Eq.
microemulsion is the wetting phase; (2) in the absence of
1 is so small that it can be omitted.
an excess oil phase, the microemulsion is the non wetting
Let N denote the number of grid blocks. Then the mix-
phase; and (3) when all three phases are present, the
ing zone at I PV of throughput is
microemulsion is a spreading phase between the excess
D.LMIL= 3.625(2N) -'/,. . .................. (3) oil and the excess brine.






Fig. 4-Trapping of nonwetting phase(s): (a) shows trapping of Fig. 5-Trapping of wetting phase(s): (a) shows trapping of
microemulsion and oil by brine, and (b) trapping of oil by microemulsion and water by oil, and (b) shows trapping
microemulsion. of water by microemulsion.

Recent experimental observations by Reed 10 bring in-

to question the preceding assumptions about the order of
wetting. His data show that (I) at low salinities, the
microemulsion can approach being the wetting phase in
preference to the excess brine and (2) at high salinities,
the microemulsion can approach being the non wetting
phase in preference to the excess oil phase. However, the
approach to the change in state of wetting occurs as the


composition of the microemulsion approaches that of the

excess phase. Thus, it may be just a case of two phases
changing the state of wetting as the phase compositions
approach one another. Also, because IFT's approach
zero as phase compositions approach one another, the
capillary number becomes large. This causes the relative
permeabilities of the two phases to near those of miscible
fluids (i.e., zero residuals and straight-line relative
permeability curves), in which case the state of wetting PRESENT
is immaterial.
The regions of mobile phases are shown in the ternary
saturation diagram of Fig. 3. The equations describing
the straight lines that are the boundaries of these regions
L _______ ~ ::__ SALINITY. CSE
also are shown. The inset at the upper right shows the
ternary composition, a part of which includes a three- Fig. 6-Relationships between 1FT, residual oil saturation, and
phase region; the numbers indicate the number of mobile
phases. The inset at the bottom shows detail for small
values of microemulsion saturation. As the microemul-
sion saturation approaches zero, the residual nonwetting-
phase saturation approaches the value of the waterflood
residual oil saturation, SOTW'

Trapping of Nonwetting Phases by Excess Brine

Phase. Trapping of non wetting phases (i.e., microemul-
sion and oil) by excess brine is illustrated in Fig. 4a.
This trapping is described by the nonwetting-phase trap-
JUNE 1983 489
and is Line B"B'" in Fig. 3. Thi\ linc mtcr,cch Line
BB' ifawM < am..l.

Residual Saturation Functions. Thc\c arc dc,crihcd hy

three expressions:

(a WMJ

SIr =max ... (Xa)

(a OM) -S,

If(a OM)

If(a OM) -S,


:(a WM )-S~


Fig. 7-Residual microemulsion saturation as a function of


t 0

(aOM )-S I
.. (XC)

These functions are shown on the appropriate line., in

Fig. 3.

ping function, f(a), and the appropriate tension is the Dependence of Residual Saturation on Salinit~. All
water/microemulsion 1FT, aWM. Thus the trapping is previous discussion has been about three pha\e\ of in-
described by variant composition at a given sal inity. As sal inity
changes, microemulsion composition as well as the ten-
S3 +S2 =f(awM) .......................... (4) sion between it and the excess brine and excess oil
phases also change. These tension changes mean that
and is shown as Line AN on Fig. 3. residual saturations calculated according to the preceding
discussion also must change. The residual oil saturation
Trapping of Wetting Phases by Excess Oil Phase. as a function of salinity is illustrated in Fig. 6. where the
Trapping of wetting phases (i.e., water and microemul- microemulsion saturation, S,. is assumed constant.
sion) by excess oil is illustrated in Fig. 5a. This trapping At low salinities, the oil/microemulsion 1FT is eon-
is described by the wetting-phase trapping function, trolling, and the residual oil saturation is given by
g(a), and the appropriate tension is the oil/microemul- S2r =f(a OM), which is Line A" A'" in Fig. 3. At slightly
sion 1FT, a OM. Thus the trapping is described by above optimal salinity (where a OM = a WAf). the
water/microemulsion 1FT. aWM' becomes controlling.
S3+SI=g(aOM) .......................... (5) Above this salinity, the residual oil saturation is given by
S2r=f(awM)-S" which is Line AA' in Fig. 3. These
and is shown as Line BB' on Fig. 3. curves show that the residual oil saturation is reduced at
higher salinities by a higher microemulsion saturation.
Trapping of the Excess Oil Phase by the Microemul- If one were measuring the 1FT of an oil drop contain-
sion. Illustrated in Fig. 4b, this trapping is described by ing a thin film of microemulsion, the shape of the drop
the nonwetting-phase trapping function, f(a), and the ap- would be determined by the sum of the 1FT's,
propriate tension is the oil! microemulsion 1FT, a OM. aOM+aWM, denoted by the curve in the upper part of
This trapping then is Fig. 6. If this sum of tensions were controlling the
residual oil saturation. the residual oil saturation would
S2 =f(aoM) .............................. (6) appear as the curve labeled "sum residual oil." The
curve labeled "present model" (the model we used)
and is Line A" A'" in Fig. 3. This line intersects Line closely approximates this curve, and both curves have a
AA' if aOM < aWM' minimum residual oil saturation close to optimal salinity.
The residual microemulsion phase saturation. S,,.. is
Trapping of the Excess Brine Phase by the shown as a function of salinity in Fig. 7. Here the oil
Microemulsion. Shown in Fig. 5b, this trapping is saturation, S 2, is assumed constant. At high water
described by the wetting-phase trapping function, g(a), saturations, where the microemulsion is being trapped by
and the appropriate tension is the water/microemulsion water, the residual microemulsion saturation is either
1FT, aWM. Then zero or S3r=f(awM)-S2' At low salinities. where the
water/microemulsion tension, a WM. is low. the residual
S I = g (a WM) .......... .................... (7) microemulsion saturation is zero. As salinity and the ten-


~----~----~----~r-----------------~ 1. ~-----------------;--~~----~------~t.

I I kC
I I r2
c I I
kn I I
S3", S3
"" A
"" ,/

" S1 A'
- S2r------

Fig. 8-Brine relative permeability. Fig. 9-0il relative permeability.

sion increase, the residual microemulsion saturation The brine relative-permeability exponent, EW, is an
increases. This clearly shows the merit of having empirical function of the capillary number, is equal to
low salinity in the drive-to avoid trapping the the exponent value of the water relative permeability in
microemulsion. the absence of surfactant at low capillary numbers, and
approaches unity at large capillary numbers.
Relative Permeabilities in a Three-Phase Region The surface of the brine relative permeability is shown
Relative permeabilities for three-phase surfactant in Fig. 8 for when a WM > a OM, which means that Line
flooding differ from those of three-phase systems of B"B'" does not intersect Line BB' (the same situation as
water, oil, and gas in several respects. in Fig. 3). If the lines do intersect, then the isorelative
1. Endpoint saturations can change. 7 permeability contours are not straight lines but appear as
2. Saturations can become less than residual because in the case for the oil phase shown in Fig. 9.
of phase behavior and mass transfer.
3. Curvatures of the relative permeability curves can Excess-Oil-Phase Relative Permeability. The oil
change. 7 relative permeability, k r2, is expressed as a function of
4. Microemulsion relative permeability should the normalized oil saturation, S2:
become the wetting-phase relative permeability at low
salinities and the nonwetting-phase relative permeability kr2 =k rF(S2)EO , ....................... (lOa)
at high salinities.
- S2 -S2r
Excess-Brine-Phase Relative Permeability. The brine S2 = , ................. (lOb)
1-g(aOM )-S2r
relative permeability, k rl' is expressed as a function of
the normalized brine saturation, S 1 : and

krl =krf (Sr)EW , ........................ (9a)

- SI-Slr The oil relative-permeability exponent, EO, is an em-

SI = , ................... (9b) pirical function of a capillary number similar to EW. The
1 - f (a WM ) - SIr surface of the oil relative permeability is shown in Fig. 9
and for when a WM > a OM, which means that Line A" A'" in-
tersects Line AA'. If the lines do not intersect, then the
krf = l.O-(l.O-krt)f(awM )/S orw ' ........ (9c) isorelative permeability contours appear as straight lines.
JUNE 1983 491
~----------~~--~~~--------------~ 1.

TYPE I I (+)

N 60
Z 40 2~}1~e~_~~~1~J]~__ --

20 ~

51 A' 00 . 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05
Fig. 10-Microemulsion relative permeability. Fig. ll-Constant salinity design with field brine, slug, and
drive all at 30% "D" sand water.

Microemulsion Relative Permeability. The micro- The coefficient and exponent of the microemulsion nor-
emulsion relative permeability is also a function of a nor- malized saturation approach those of brine or oil as the
malized saturation, S3, but the endpoint relative weighting factor, w, approaches unity or zero. The
permeability should approach that of brine or oil in microemulsion relative-permeability surface is shown in
limiting cases of w = 1.0 or 0: Fig. 10.

[ C
kr3 = (w)k r1 +(l-W)kr2 C] (S3P
- , ........... (lIa) Comparison of Various Salinity Systems
and Simulation Results
when Discussion of System With
Underoptimum Salinity 5,7,9
y=(w)EW+(I-w)EO, ................. (lIb)
The process that exists throughout in an underoptimum
salinity environment is the simplest. The surfactant is in
- S3 -S3r the aqueous phase, so it is transported with the water.
S3= , ................. (lIc)
1 - Sir - S 2r - S 3r The drawback of this design is that 1FT's are usually not
low enough for good oil displacement.
w= , ....................... (lId)
SIT+S2T Discussion of System With Overoptimum Salinity
In overoptimum, Type II( +) systems, 1FT's usually are
not low enough to reduce the residual oil saturation, but
oil can still be displaced by oil "swelling" and
, .................... (lIe) "solubilization" mechanisms. 1 In fact, if the injected
surfactant concentration is great enough, piston-like
displacement can result. 9 These mechanisms have ap-
and peal because they do not require ultralow 1FT's.
Another paper by Hirasaki 9 showed that without
dispersion an overoptimum system with either a con-
tinuous or a finite slug can produce good oil recovery.
. . ................... (lIf) However, his calculations showed that with dispersion a
continuous slug gives good oil recovery, but a finite slug
becomes ineffective. Dispersion causes the peak surfac-

0.8 0
>- i=
(.) u
z <t 0.06

0.6 SLUG
Q = 0.5 PY
> .29 z
0 0 10%
10% PV SLUGS f- 0.02
0.2 .51 z
.81 f-

O. 0 L -_ _----''--~~"____~~"____~~"____~_~~ ~ 0.00
O. 0 O. 2 O. 4 O. 6 O. 8 1. 0 1. 2 :::J 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 12-Recovery performance of constant salinity system. Fig. 13-Concentration profiles of constant salinity system.

tant concentration to decrease, which retards the surfac- in the oil bank, then the residual saturation of the
tant because the partition coefficient increases and the microemulsion phase is assumed to be zero. Also, since
surfactant loses its ability to cause swelling of the oil. the polymer is assumed to partition entirely into the most
Nelson and Pope I reported a laboratory experiment in water-rich phase,5 the microemulsion phase no longer
which a continuous slug of an overoptimum system ef- contains polymer for viscosity control. Thus, the
fectively displaced oil. Later in this paper, we describe microemulsion phase with zero residual saturation and
our laboratory experiment with a finite slug and an low viscosity quickly travels through the oil bank. In this
overoptimum salinity environment where only half the case, the microemulsion phase without polymer has a
oil and very little surfactant were produced. viscosity of 3 cpo
For the finite slug, the profile in Fig. 13 shows that
Constant Salinity System most of the surfactant is at a concentration of about 0.01.
Discussion As discussed and shown in Fig. 11, this is the approx-
Because ultralow 1FT's occur at such a narrow range of imate concentration at which the system becomes Type
salinities, it would seem desirable to formulate a surfac- II( +). Thus, most of this surfactant was trapped by be-
tant system that is optimal at the field brine salinity and ing absorbed into the trapped oleic phase, the same thing
to flood with the slug and drive at the same salinity. that occurs in an overoptimum design. This result is con-
Then changes in salinity would be of no concern. sistent with the observations of Glover et al. 4
Such a system, called a "constant salinity" design, is The performance we simulated with a continuous slug
illustrated in Fig. 11. The field brine, slug, and drive are helps explain why the surfactant ran ahead of the
all at 30 % SDSW. The system is close to optimal salinity polymer in Hill's series of experiments in which the slug
until the surfactant concentration drops below about 0.01 depended on polymer for viscosity. * Fig. 14 shows the
(volume fraction), when it becomes overoptimum, or phase volumes and some viscosities when the slug was
Type II( +). diluted with preflood water and equilibrated with crude
oil. The preflood had 50% more field brine than the slug
Simulation Results and contained some added sodium chloride. The slug
had a viscosity of about 50 cpo At the onset of three
Recovery as a function of cumulative injection is shown phases, the microemulsion had a viscosity of 3 cp, but
in Fig. 12 for a continuous slug and finite slugs with dif- the excess brine phase had more than 2,000 cpo
ferent levels of dispersion. As with the overoptimum The effluent history for a similar system is shown in
system, recovery is good with continuous injection but is Fig. 15.* The experiment was designed with a salinity
a strong function of dispersion with a finite slug. It is in- contrast in which the preflood, slug, and drive salinity
teresting that surfactant breakthrough occurred at about were approximately 7.5, 5, and 1 % formation water,
0.3 to 0.4 PV throughput for the continuous slug, but respectively. The surfactant front (50% of injected con-
surfactant was not produced with the finite slugs. centration) arrived at about 0.25 PV throughput ahead of
The concentration profiles in Fig. 13 illustrate the dif- the polymer front. The surfactant breakthrough was
ference between the continuous and finite slugs at 0.5 earlier than that which would be expected with stable
PV injection. displacement. The drive caused the effluent concentra-
For the continuous slug, the profile shows a low sur- tion to overshoot the injected concentration. Apparently,
factant concentration all the way to the outflow end, a minor, polymer-rich phase becomes a major phase
even though only 0.5 PV has been injected. This is when contacted by the drive and then is readily displaced
because the microemulsion phase in the three-phase by the drive.
region is assumed to be a spreading phase between the
brine and oil. If the oil saturation is sufficiently large, as ·HiII, H.J.: personal communication, Shell Development Co., Houston (1975).

JUNE 1983 493

1.0 .--------------.-------,--------------~
OIL u = 6 cp
? TYPE I I (t)
\.I = 50 cp [f)
o 0.6 0 TYPE I I I
() \ a.e 60
a: \
\.I = 3 cp
w f-
I: 1'1 .....
<5 Z 40 5RLl N~-----·'-.-----
0.4 .,. \\,\~\..._----- ... .
O~:.--- ..... :®
....... · .... · .. · .... · .. · .. ·~·LUG)
14 cp [f)
TYPE I I (-)

\.I 2000
o - __ I
> cp
o .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
Fig. 14-Dilution diagram of polymer-thickened slug with Fig. 16-Salinity gradient design.
preflood brine. (Courtesy H.J. Hill, Shell Development

1.6 . - - -_ _, - -_ _---,____---,____---,____- ,_____ Toconfinn that early surfactant breakthrough resulted

1. 4

.-----. CI -,
.. j

--- .
from low microemulsion viscosity caused by lack of
polymer, we conducted a simulation in which the
microemulsion phase had enough viscosity without
......---. M++ ,,
polymer (i.e., an inherently viscous system). In this
• - - . POLYMER ~OLYMER-=-r

. -.-. DRIVE case, the surfactant front was stable and surfactant did
not break through early.

Therefore, to be effective a constant salinity design re-

, " .......
1. a ~/'\ quires that the microemulsion have sufficient viscosity
1 \ without polymer and that the optimal salinity re-
, "
main above the design salinity at low surfactant
~ 0.8 /: \ concentrations.
Salinity Gradient System
.} 0.6 L-f' i 4.
2. a
\ 1. a
The salinity gradient design has a surfactant fonnulation
0.4 a
\ O.
with an optimal salinity range that is less than the salinity
\ of the field brine and a drive salinity that, at most, is
0.2 equal to the optimal salinity extrapolated to zero surfac-
tant concentration (see Fig. 16).
The idea is to have overoptimum salinity ahead of the
0.5 1. a 1.5 2. a 2.5 3. a
surfactant bank and a drive salinity that is less than or
CUMULATIVE INJECTION. PV FROM STAAT OF SLUG equal to the lowest value of the optimal salinity; then,
with dispersive mixing, salinity will become optimal
Fig. 15-Effluent history of system with polymer-thickened slug. somewhere in the surfactant bank. Overoptimum salinity
(Courtesy H.J. Hill, Shell Development Co.)
ahead of the surfactant bank produces a Type 1I( + )
system, which retards transport of surfactant, as already
discussed in the section on an overoptimum design. Low
salinity in the drive produces Type 1I( -) behavior,
which causes surfactant to be transported in the aqueous
Thus, the salinity gradient design has the merits of all
three designs previously discussed-(l) the salinity pro-
file passes through the optimal salinity; (2) the design
slows the movement of surfactant into the high-salinity
region ahead of the surfactant bank; and (3) the design
does not allow surfactant to be trapped behind the surfac-
tant bank, because the surfactant is in the aqueous
phase-and none of the disadvantages.
1.00 .29 1.0 III~_ . III +1_11+)

10% PV SLUG .51 0.8

0.8 >-
0>- >- 0.6r
w ......
u 0.6
« 0.41-

w O. 4 O.O! L L I ..J L . I 1 ---.J
> 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
rr >-
0.2 L

O. 2 z
U i
0.0 L -_ _ _ _L -_ _ _ _L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0.0 0·2 O. 4

O. 6

O. 8

1. 0

oJ0.0 02 04 06 08 1.0

Fig. 17-Recovery performance of salinity gradient system.



Simulation Results «
The recovery perfonnance of a lO%-PV slug with a >-
salinity gradient design is shown in Fig. 17. Dispersive
mixing has only a slight effect on recovery compared 00 ~-'-=_ ~_._~ __ ~_~_ I I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
with other designs. As expected, breakthrough of surfac-
tant and polymer occurs earlier when dispersion is DISTANCE
increased. Fig. 18-0il, surfactant, and salinity concentration profiles for
Concentration profiles for salinity, surfactant, and oil salinity gradient system.
are shown in Fig. 18. The salinity wave has traveled
about half the length after 0.5 PV injection. The peak
surfactant concentration is in the region of changing
salinity at a salinity that is close to optimum. The rapid T Y P E II (+1 0 E S I G N
reduction in oil concentration shows that displacement
occurred near the region of optimal salinity and peak sur-
factant concentration. SLUG
The bottom of Fig. 19 shows surfactant concentration Q=i.QPV

profiles for a salinity gradient design at 0.5 PV injection It.LIL
with different levels of dispersive mixing. The top of the . 81 =~--,''-----=~

figure shows profiles for an overoptimum, Type II( +) DISTRNCE

design at 1.0 PV injection. 9 The peak surfactant concen-
tration is affected by the dispersion level in both cases;
but, in the salinity gradient design, the location of the
peak is not affected. AL/L
a = 0.5 PV .29
The relationship between the salinity profiles and sur-
factant concentration is shown by a crossplot of salinity
vs. surfactant concentration superimposed on a salinity
requirement diagram. In Fig. 20, three different times 00 O. I 0.2 O. 3 O. 4 0.8 0.9 1.0

during the flood have been crossplotted. As expected, DISTRNCE

the peak surfactant concentration decreases as the flood

progresses. The significant observation is that peak sur- Fig. 19-5urfactant concentration profiles for Type II( +) and
factant concentration occurs near optimal salinity. salinity gradient systems.
Factors affecting the front mixing zone of the surfac-
tant bank were investigated further. Simulation of a con-
tinuous slug injection showed that the surfactant front
was not nearly as advanced as in the case of constant
salinity. This shows that high salinity and the resulting
Type II( + ) phase behavior ahead of the surfactant bank
retard the surfactant front. Another simulation was con-
ducted in which a finite slug and the microemulsion had
sufficient viscosity without polymer (15 cp). In this case,
the surfactant front was much sharper than in the cases
JUNE 1983 495
TYPE I I (t)
80 100
...... ......
...... ......
(JJ ......
0 80
~ ~
TYPE 11 1+1
.; 0>
I- 60 ...... ...... CHEMICRL
Z ...... SL~
~ 40 --
20 ~
TYPE 11(-) 20

I I oL-__ ____ __ ____ ____L -_ _ __
00 .01 .02 .04 .05
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0


Fig. 20-Crossplot of salinity and surfactant concentrations Fig. 21-Salinity requirement diagram for the system in Run 1
superimposed on a salinity requirement diagram. (unmatched Bolt ratios).

shown in the bottom of Fig. 19. help restore the system to optimal salinity.
Even more benefits of a salinity gradient design Gupta and Trushenski 7 showed that, at low salinities
become apparent when we examine phase behavior and relative to optimal salinity, surfactant retention was
phase-trapping relationships as a function of salinity. In small but oil recovery was poor when 1FT's were too
the concentration profiles of Fig. 18, much of the oil high. At high salinities, recovery was poor because of
displacement occurred at a salinity higher than optimal. high surfactant retention. The best recovery occurred at a
We saw from Fig. 6 that the residual oil saturation in the salinity where 1FT was low enough but surfactant reten-
presence of a microemulsion phase reached a minimum tion was not too high. With a salinity contrast they
value at a salinity somewhat greater than optimal salini- showed that the best recovery took place when the
ty. We saw from Fig. 7 that the microemulsion residual waterflood had high salinity and the drive had low salini-
saturation was less at low salinities. In addition, at low ty. Nelson 3 has discussed their results with respect to a
salinities the microemulsion has more water and less sur- salinity requirement diagram.
factant and oil; the microemulsion can even become Pope et al. 14 conducted a number of simulations to
miscible with the brine. Thus it is desirable for determine the sensitivity to a number of parameters.
microemulsion trapping to occur at a low salinity. They showed that the most important factor is the salini-
ty gradient. Overoptimum initial salinity and under-
Further Discussion of optimum drive salinity produced the best recovery.
Salinity Gradient Benefits
A salinity gradient design also has an advantage over a Limitations of Simulations
constant salinity design when optimal salinity is a func- The purpose of this investigation was to compare alter-
tion of surfactant concentration, because some surfactant nate salinity design strategies in the presence of disper-
components do not partition together. For example, in sive mixing rather than to give an absolute prediction for
the slugs containing various alcohols described by a given design. We have only a qualitative understanding
Hedges and Glinsmann, 11 some of the alcohols parti- of some of the most significant parameters. Very little is
tioned preferentially into the excess brine or the excess known about the appropriate level of dispersive mixing
oil phases rather than remaining in the microemulsion for a field-scale design. A correlation from the literature
with the surfactant. 12 was used for the dependence of 1FT on phase behavior,
As a result of chromatographic separation and dilution but we do not know how well this correlation predicts
from dispersive mixing, alcohol concentration in a tensions for our systems. The model for viscosity of
microemulsion will become less during displacement. If microemulsions is unverified. The effects of adsorption
loss of alcohol causes the system to become under- and cation exchange were neglected. Data for the salinity
optimum-Type II( -) phase behavior-then surfactant requirement diagrams were prepared with a constant
will travel with the velocity of the aqueous phase. A ratio of divalent to sodium ions in the brine, but the ratio
higher salinity ahead of the surfactant bank will help does not remain constant in typical experiments. Thus
restore the system to optimal salinity by dispersive mix- the data had to be adjusted to obtain results similar to
ing. If loss of alcohol causes the system to become over- typical experiments.
optimum-Type II( +) phase behavior-then the surfac- Subsequent work has investigated ion exchange in the
tant will travel with the velocity of the oleic phase, presence of surfactant 15 and the effect of divalent ions
which is the slower phase in the case of an aqueous slug. and chromatographic separation on optimal salinity. 16
If the drive has a lower salinity, then as the drive water The gradients of surfactant components and/or cosur-
overtakes the surfactant-containing oleic phase, it will factant are a significant effect and should be considered.
40 , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

0.80 a:
o o
u 0:
a: "- (f) FIRST SECOND
o U
..J ..J 20
u z 0.60 DRIVE DRIVE
o o
z ~ ..J
0: U
:::> ::J
~ 0 o
z 0 0.40
w a: (f)
..J 0. w
0: a:
> Z
;::; 0

OL-_L-~L-~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ _ _L_~

o [,0 2.0 3.0 4.0

O.OB ,--------------------------------,
[. 00 r---\,'I~--~'k--------------------,
U 0.06
o o z
u o
a: "-
o U
:r: 0.60 U
u z ::J
o o 0.04
o o
z ~ a:
0: U n.
~ 0 ~
w a:
0 0.40 z
..J 0.
~ 0.02
O. 20 ::J

OL-~~~_~ __~===±___ L_ _L_~

o o [,0 2.0 3.0 4.0
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


Fig. 22-Effect on ion exchange of matching the Bolt ratio of the Fig. 23-Comparison of unmatched Bolt ratio experiments,
polymer drive to that of the formation brine. The top showing an extreme example of salinity-dependent
shows Run 1 (unmatched Bolt ratios): the bottom surfactant retention and its effect on oil production by
shows Run 2 (matched Bolt ratios). chemical flooding.

Experiments and Results isobutyl alcohol. It was made up in 50 vol % SDSW. A

Surfactant Retardation chemical slug of 10% PV was used in both floods.
Coreflood experiments described in the following sec- Run 1 (Unmatched Bolt Ratios). The drive contained
tions show how surfactant transport rate through a core 1,800 ppm of Kelzan MF® biopolymer in a 13 vol %
depends on phase type. We found evidence that, during a SDSW brine. As can be seen from a salinity requirement
first drive, a surfactant-rich oleic phase that was diagram 3 for the system (Fig. 21), this salinity gradient
generated by Type 1I( +) conditions was trapped in the put much of the surfactant in the Type III region for most
core until a second, less saline drive changed the phase of the flood. Furthermore, since the 2.3 Bolt ratio 13 of
type. the drive was considerably below the 6.2 ratio of the for-
Two chemical floods were conducted at 168°F in mation brine, ion exchange in this flood was
Berea cores that were 22 in. long and 2 in. square. The favorable-that is, the reservoir clays removed
oil in both was 27 vol % iso-octane and 73 vol % stock- multivalent cations (M ++) from the flowing liquids as
tank oil from Shell's South Pass Block 27, N 4 RB reser- the overall salinity decreased because of the salinity
voir. The formation brine in both was synthetic "D" gradient.
sand water (SDSW) containing 120,000 ppm total dis- The magnitude of this effect can be seen in Fig. 22.
solved salts, of which 3,000 ppm were multivalent cat- The concentration of M ++ in the effluent liquids
ions. The chemical slug in both contained 5.43 wt% dropped to what it would have been in 6 % SDSW, even
Petro nate TRS IOB® (petroleum sulfonate), 1.10 wt% though the only liquids put into the core contained
NEODOL® 25-3S (alkyl-ethoxysulfate), and 1.00 wt% 100%, 50%, and 13% SDSW. This favorable ion ex-
JUNE 1983 497
04 tant partitioned into the oleic phase). Essentially no oil
(TWO PHASES) and little surfactant were produced during injection of
. v,
the last 1.0 PV of drive. In fact, almost half the oil and
more than 93 % of the surfactant still remained in the
~ Z
0.. 0.3 ~
0.3 Q core.
z' ~ ~ ~
:;: Then we switched to the second drive, which was
'" it'"
Q it 0..
::;: 0
made up in 8 % SDSW. Because of its low salinity and

'"=> ~ I ~ V favorable ion exchange characteristics, the second drive

::;: promoted Type lI( -) phase behavior. After 0.6 PV of
V) 0.2 028


z this new drive had been injected (1.6 PV of total drive

~ since any significant amount of oil had been produced), a
4. V
=> new oil bank emerged. As shown in Fig. 23, residual oil
0 C9
w 0.[ ~
o[ ~ saturation in the core dropped during the next PV of sec-
'" :;< ond drive to about 0.08, the same residual oil saturation
after chemical flood achieved in Run 1.
Fig. 23 shows that a new surfactant bank also formed
0 0 in response to the less saline second drive. Surfactant
0 0.4 0.8 12 1.6 concentration in the effluent peaked at about 7 % of in-
jected concentration just after 1.0 PV of the second
Fig. 24-0il and surfactant production during experiment with drive. In other words, except for the later oil
finite, overoptimum chemical slug and varying salinity. breakthrough, which resulted from the oil saturation's
being lower at the beginning of second drive injection
than at the beginning of first drive injection, the second
drive behaved as though it were pushing a fresh chemical
change accentuated the salinity gradient. slug because surfactants were trapped in the core while
Fig. 23 shows that oil recovery by this unmatched- the 2 PV first drive passed them by.
ratio flood was good. About 76% of waterflood residual These data indicate, but do not prove, that surfactants
oil was produced, leaving a residual oil saturation, S orlt" remobilized by the second drive had been trapped in the
of about 0.08. Fig. 23 also shows that surfactant produc- 0.17 PV of oil remaining in the core after the first drive.
tion was normal. Surfactant concentration in the effluent Another possibility is that the high salinity of the first
liquids peaked at about 6% of injected concentration, drive caused high adsorption of surfactant on the rock,
just after 1 PV of chemical slug and drive had been in- most of which then desorbed into the less saline second
jected. Very little additional oil was produced after the drive. Ref. 3 provides direct evidence that oil, not rock,
surfactant concentration peaked. plays the major role in trapping surfactant under high-
salinity, Type lI( +) conditions.
Run 2 (Matched Bolt Ratios). This was the same as Experiments by Glover et al. 4 for a similar system
Run 1 except that two drives were used and enough show that much of the surfactant retention can be caused
sodium nitrate (40 giL) was added to the first drive to by phase trapping. They also show that much of this re-
raise its Bolt ratio to 6.2. Fig. 22 shows that this match- tained surfactant can be remobilized with a low-salinity
ing of the Bolt ratios for the first drive and the formation drive.
brine eliminated the difference between CI- and M ++
production in the effluent liquids. That is, equalizing the Detailed Observation of Salinity Gradient
Bolt ratios suppressed ion exchange. 13 In a laboratory flow experiment described in Ref. 3,
However, increasing the Bolt ratio of the first drive by detailed observations were made to determine whether
adding sodium ion increased the total salinity of the surfactant is retarded by high salinity in and ahead of the
drive; the sodium ion concentration was equal to that in a slug and then mobilized by a low-salinity drive, thus ac-
46% SDSW brine. This increase in salinity plus the sup- cumulating in a Type III environment. We also wished to
pression of favorable ion exchange meant that the first determine whether oil displacement takes place in a Type
drive promoted Type lI( +) phase behavior and, as a III environment.
result, oil production was not very good. Fig. 23 shows Results are depicted in Fig. 24. Near the bottom of the
that the system produced about 50 % waterflood residual figure we indicate that we injected a O.l-PV chemical
oil, leaving a residual oil saturation of about O. 17. slug before switching to polymer drive. Across the top
Very little surfactant appeared in the effluent liquids. we show that brine alone was produced during the first
The peak in surfactant concentration, which occurred 0.27 PV of slug and drive injected. Then a clean oil bank
just after 1 PV of chemical slug and drive had been in- was produced at 42 % oil cut until surfactant
jected, was less than I % of injected concentration. breakthrough at 0.82 PV of slug/drive injected. Surfac-
Essentially no additional oil and little more than trace tant breakthrough came later in this experiment, as has
amounts of surfactant were produced after that small sur- been our experience with less saline chemical slugs and
factant peak. reservoir brines. This is consistent with the concept of
At this point in Run 2, 0.1 PV of chemical slug and 2 surfactant retardation caused by Type lI( + ) conditions in
PV of the first drive had been pumped through the core. the front mixing zone and in the chemical slug.
That drive, with high salinity and suppressed ion ex- Phase relationships in the front mixing zone, as
change, had created a Type lI( +) phase environment observed in the effluent liquids, were as follows.
when it contacted the surfactant and oil (i.e., the surfac- 1. Initially, two phases were produced. As predicted
from phase diagrams, the system was Type lI( +), an oil- the surfactant bank passes through regions of low 1FT's.
rich phase containing surfactant and some brine in Unlike in a constant salinity design, surfactant is retard-
equilibrium with essentially pure brine. (The upper ed ahead of the surfactant bank because of the over-
phase was dull black, characteristic of oil-rich optimum salinity there. Behind the surfactant bank,
microemulsions. The bottom phase was transparent and salinity is low, so the surfactant travels either in the
pale yellow, characteristic of brine containing a small aqueous phase or as a microemulsion with high water
amount of the more water-soluble surfactant species.) content. Thus, the surfactant is not trapped by the drive.
The oil-rich-phase cut decreased from 30% to 25% to
18% in the three sample collection tubes showing Type Nomenclature
II( +) phase behavior. CIC o = concentration divided by injected
2. Next, in agreement with the phase diagrams, three concentration, meq/g
phases (Type III) were observed in two collection tubes.
EO = oil relative-permeability exponent
The upper phase was glossy black, identical to the oil of
the clean oil bank. The middle phase was a dull gray- EW = brine relative-permeability exponent
black microemulsion. The bottom phase matched the fa = oil cut
bottom phase of the preceding Type lI( +) system. The f(a) = nonwetting-phase trapping function
top, middle, and bottom phases occupied 5, 11, and g(a) = wetting-phase trapping function
84 %, respectively, of the collection tube in which the k rj = relative permeability to phase j
middle phase was most prevalent.
3. Then the collected samples again became two-
k l = endpoint relative permeability

phase. However, the top phase was glossy black and the k rjw = endpoint relative permeability for
bottom phase was translucent and orange-red. That is, waterflood
the effluent liquids were in a Type lI( - ) environment of L = system length, m (ft)
essentially pure oil on top of a brine-rich microemulsion. ALM = mixing zone length, m (ft)
The oil cut was 2 % in the first collection tube of this N = number of grid blocks
Type II( -) region and became less in subsequent tubes.
Sj = saturation of phase j, %
These oil-cut figures and the residual oil saturation
plotted in Fig. 24 show again that oil production by sur- Sjr = residual saturation of phase j, %

factant after a three-phase region was practically nil, Sj = normalized saturation of phase j, %
even though most of the surfactant was traveling there. SjT = trapped saturation of phase j
However, although surfactant lag still appeared to exist, Sorw = waterflood water saturation, %
the overoptimum (as injected) slug did deliver its peak S Irw = residual water saturation, %
surfactant concentrations, CIC o, in a salinity range
u = superficial velocity, m/s (ft/sec); in ula'A"
necessary for Type III production.
capillary number
Conclusions V t = cumulative injection, PV
1. The salinity design that always keeps surfactant in AVt = time-step size, fraction of grid-block PV
an underoptimum or Type lI( - ) environment is AX = grid block size, m (ft)
straightforward because surfactant is transported in the 'A r = relative total mobility, l/poise (Pa' S - I )
aqueous phase. However, 1FT's are generally not low
1.1. = viscosity, cp (Pa' s)
enough for good oil displacement.
2. An overoptimum or Type lI( +) salinity design ob- a = interfacial tension, dyne/cm (mN/cm)
tains oil displacement by an oil-swelling mechanism a OM = interfacial tension between excess oil and
without ultralow 1FT. However, in the presence of microemulsion, dyne/cm (mN/cm)
dispersion, a finite slug of this design quickly becomes a WM = interfacial tension between excess brine and
ineffective after the surfactant concentration decreases microemulsion, dyne/cm (mN/cm)
from its peak. w = weighting function
3. A constant salinity design has the same salinity in
the formation brine, slug, and drive. This design is ap- Subscript
pealing because salinity is independent of all mixing
processes. However, with a continuous slug, the j = 1, excess brine; 2, excess oil; 3,
microemulsion phase can travel rapidly through the oil microemulsion
bank if polymer is required for mobility control of that
phase. With a finite slug, much surfactant can become References
trapped in the residual oleic phase if, at low surfactant I. Nelson, R.C. and Pope, G.A.: "Phase Relationships in Chemical
concentration, optimal salinity decreases to below the Flooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. 1. (Oct. 1978) 325-38.
2. Reed, R.L. and Healy, R.N.: "Some Physico-chemical Aspects
constant-salinity value. of Microemulsion Flooding: A Review," Improved Oil Recovery
For a constant salinity design to be effective, the by SUlfactant and Polymer Flooding, D.O. Shah and R.S.
microemulsion must have sufficient viscosity without Schechter (eds.), Academic Press Inc., New York City (1977)
polymer and the optimal salinity must remain above the 383-437.
design salinity at low surfactant concentrations. 3. Nelson, R.C.: "The Salinity Requirement Diagram-A Useful
Tool in Chemical Flooding Research and Development," Soc.
4. A salinity gradient design has the salinity decreas- Pet. Eng. 1. (April 1982) 259-70.
ing from the field brine to the drive. Optimal salinity oc- 4. Glover, C.J. et al.: "Surfactant Phase Behavior and Retention in
curs near the peak surfactant concentration. Therefore, Porous Media," Soc. Pet. Eng. 1. (June 1979) 183-93.

JUNE 1983 499

5. Pope, G.A. and Nelson, R.C.: "A Chemical Flooding Composi- 13. Hill, HJ. and Lake, L.W.: "Cation Exchange in Chemical
tional Simulator," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Oct. 1978) 339~54. Flooding: Part 3~Experimental," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1978)
6. Stegemeier, G.L.: "Mechanisms of Entrapment and Mobilization 445~56.
of Oil in Porous Media," Improved Oil Recovery by Surfactant 14. Pope, G.A., Wang, B .. and Tsaur, K.: "A Sensitivity Study of
and Polymer Flooding, D.O. Shah and R.S. Schechter (eds.), Micellar/Polymer Flooding." Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1979)
Academic Press Inc., New York City (1977) 55~91. 357~68.
7. Gupta, S.P. and Trushenski, S.P.: "Micellar Flooding~Com­ 15. Hirasaki, G.J.: "Ion Exchange With Clays in the Presence of Sur-
positional Effects on Oil Displacement," Soc. Pet. Eng. 1. (April factant," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (April 1982) 181~92.
1979) 116~28. 16. Hirasaki, GJ.: "Interpretation of the Change in Optimal Salinity
8. Lantz, R.B.: "Qualitative Evaluation of Numerical Diffusion With Overall Surfactant Concentration," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec.
(Truncation Error)," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Sept. 1971) 315~20. 1982) 971~82.
9. Hirasaki, GJ.: "Application of the Theory of Multicomponent,
Multiphase Displacement to Three-Component, Two-Phase Sur-
factant Flooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (April 1981) 191~204. SI Metric Conversion Factors
10. Reed, R.L. and Healy, R.N.: "Contact Angles for Equilibrated
Microemulsion Systems," paper SPE 8262 presented at the 1979 ep X 1.0* E~03 Pa 's
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, OF (OF-32)11.8 °C
Sept. 23~26. in. X 2.54* em
II. Hedges, J.H. and Glinsmann, G.K.: "Compositional Effects on
Surfactant Flood Optimization," paper SPE 8324 presented at the
1979 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las "'Conversion factor is exact. SPEJ
Vegas, Sept. 23~26.
12. Salter, S.J.: "The Influence of the Type and Amount of Alcohol
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office Feb. 18, 1980.
on Surfactant-Oil-Brine Phase Behavior and Properties," paper
Paper accepted for publication Oct. 22, 1981. Revised manuscript received March
SPE 6843 presented at the 1977 SPE Annual Technical Con- 30. 1983. Paper (SPE 8825) first presented at the 1980 SPEIDOE Enhanced Oil
ference and Exhibition, Denver, Oct. 9~12. Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa. April 20-23.


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