503 FIVE Application: Personal Details

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503 FIVE For office use only

App Ref:

Once complete please save and submit this via Theatre503 Script
Submission portal (www.theatre503.com/writers/submissions), along
with your pitch, sample of work and cv.

All applications must be received by 12 midnight on Sunday 24th March


Personal Details

Title:       Forename(s):       Surname:      

Email:       Mobile:      

Why is this opportunity of interest to you?

Where are you at in your artistic practice and how might being a
part of the 503Five support that?

503 are looking to bring a group of writers
together into the heart of the building, both as a
peer group to help develop each others practice
and to inform the art and ecology of the theatre
itself. What could you contribute to this group
and the theatre as a whole (in terms of areas of
interest, expertise or passions)?


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