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Issue 474


Surprising uses for
your browser’s
private mode p50
/ Best software / New apps / down

1 - 14 May 2019

Watch online TV and films OFFLINE
whenever and wherever you want p40


BOOT WINDOWS 10 ADD WI-FI TO Share Files Between

Easiest ever way to install p56 Get top speed at any speed p58 Sync instantly across devices p54
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What’s New Online
Stop people adding you to WhatsApp
ed up of being added to
WhatsApp groups without being
asked first? With a new privacy
feature, the messaging service is now
letting you take back control, giving
you the option to receive invites that
can be accepted or turned down,
rather than allowing anybody to
automatically include you.
To activate this feature, open the
three-dot menu in the WhatsApp app
and tap Settings, Account, Privacy, (and for non-
then the new Groups option. Here contacts),
you can make your choice between you’ll be sent
Everyone, My Contacts and Nobody. an invitation
By default, every WhatsApp user is via an individual chat and will have
set to the first option, which means three days to respond. Naturally, this
anyone can add you to a group. means you could still be pestered by for a new dark mode in WhatsApp
Select My Contacts if you only want requests but at least you’ll no longer for Android, which should help
people in your address book to do have to actively leave groups you don’t soothe your eyes by turning the app
this, or choose Nobody to insist on want to be part of. dark grey.
giving your consent. In this case Meanwhile, keep your eyes peeled

Get insights into pet Create your own surround-

behaviour sound drama
We seem to have an insatiable curiosity for information about Realising that many of us have
our pets. Google is certainly bombarded with questions mobile phones, tablets and
about cats and dogs and, in its quest to give the purr-fect laptops knocking around, each
answers (sorry), the search giant has collaborated with pet of which is equipped with its
lover Nadieh Bremer on a own speakers, the BBC (along
visual exploration of the with the Universities of
most popular queries. Salford, Surrey and
Using Google Trends Southampton) is encouraging
data to collate the 4,400 you to build your own
most-asked questions surround-sound system.
about pets that start with It has created a 13-minute
the word “why”, it lets sci-fi audio drama called
you indicate whether The Vostok-K Incident and,
you’re a cat or dog lover while you start the
(you can select both) programme on a single
before presenting you with animal likes and dislikes, patterns device, you can subsequently load the website on other
of behaviour and the different sounds they make. Hovering devices to allow them to act as extra speakers.
over any bold text or circles highlights the many questions, This unlocks hidden audio content as well as immersive
while clicking sends you to a Google results page. spatial aspects of the drama and, by indicating where you’re
Each circle is sized according to the popularity of the placing the extra devices in the room, the sounds will adapt
question and there are nice tidbits of information along with to give you a 360-degree experience. It’s all very easy: you’ll
summaries of the data. It should give you a fascinating see a link that lets you click ‘Join as additional device’ and
insight into your pet’s behaviour. you pair devices by entering the code you see on screen.

6 1 - 14 May 2019
What’s New Online

We pick the 10 best things you must do on the web this fortnight

View live global flights NEW VOICE

There are many online flight trackers, but few of Keep up with football
them use an interactive globe and fewer still are Google Assistant’s new
as simple as this new Live Flights tool. It depicts Sports Facts skill keeps you up to
planes as red and blue shapes – the former date with the latest football info.
denoting aircraft flying into one of 10 airports Simply say, for example, “When are
around the world and blue showing those flying [a team] playing,” or “what are the
away. You can also zoom in and hover over the Premier League standings”.
planes to see more information about them.
Use Siri with AirPods
Double-tap one of your Apple

Explore the Play an online

AirPods (or say “Hey Siri” on
second-gen devices) to adjust the

world of Game puzzle game

volume, play, pause and skip your
music, and check the battery.

of Thrones Play Apple Music

Open the main menu in the Alexa app, select Skills & Games
With the eighth and final season of and search for the new Apple Music
HBO’s blockbuster TV hit now airing skill. Tap Enable, use your Apple ID
on Sky Atlantic, you may want to see to sign into your account and you
how the Game of Thrones story and can play your tunes via Alexa.
characters have fared so far. This map
lets you
select an
episode Rather than providing you with a set of Share your phone screen
to explore rules from the outset like most puzzle on Skype
where the games, Compass Rose challenges you
scenes to work them out for yourself. As such, If you’re signed up to the Skype
took the game can be difficult and Insider beta programme, try this
place. It frustrating, but with lateral thinking new feature for sharing what’s on
also lets and timely use of the built-in hint your iOS and Android screen. Just
you see system, you should find yourself tap the “...” icon, select Share
who was making progress. Playable for free in Screen and start your broadcast.
involved and whether anyone died or your browser, the game is based on
had sex (the likelihood of both being a set of riddles, the solutions for which
high). Selecting a character in a scene let you move from room to room. Change your PS4 online ID
tells you how long they appeared for, You can also download all of the
and you may be surprised by who has game’s assets for free and use them in Do you fancy changing your
had the most screen time. any way you like. PlayStation Network ID to
something snappier? Sign in with
your existing ID and select PSN

Use your Android phone

Profile in the menu, then click Edit
next to your Online ID and it’ll now

as a security key
prompt you for a new one. See the UK’s top takeaways

Android smartphones running version 7 (Nougat)
or higher now have a built-in security key. This can Whether you love Chinese, Indian or
be used to verify any attempts you make to log pizza, you can now compare your
into your Google account on a Bluetooth-enabled favourite takeaway tuck with others
Chrome OS, macOS or Windows 10 computer. across the UK. Just Eat shows each
All you have to do to get set up is click Add region’s four most popular dishes,
Security Key in your 2-Step Verification settings linking to its ordering system.
and select your phone.

Tell us your favourite new things at 1 - 14 May 2019 7

Need to Know
Internet Explorer security flaw
puts all Windows users at risk
What happened? How will it affect you?
A security researcher has released If a hacker successfully uses this flaw,
details of a serious flaw in Internet they could use it to snoop around your
Explorer that could let files be snatched system and potentially steal locally
from computers running Windows, even stored files. According to John Page,
if users never open Microsoft’s old the flaw impacts anyone running
browser. The longstanding vulnerability Windows 7, Windows 10 or
takes advantage of the file format IE Windows Server 2012 R2,
uses to store web pages you download: whether or not they use
whereas modern browsers save web IE as their browser.
pages in HTML format, IE uses MHT. However, for a
Independent security researcher John dodgy MHT file to
Page found a flaw in IE that can be automatically open
triggered if an MHT file is opened on your version of
( This is especially Windows, you would
problematic because MHT files open need to have IE installed.
by default in Windows: if one is If you never use IE, it’s worth
downloaded or a user clicks a link that changing the default association
directs to one, it will be opened for MHT files to another browser in
automatically by the operating system, your settings, or simply uninstalling it
triggering an attack. – and that’s true for any other software
Although Internet Explorer is now you don’t use that may be out of date or
used by fewer than one in 10 web users, unpatched. Leaving old programs on
and Microsoft itself now favours its your computer takes up space and
Edge browser, all Windows users could leaves you at risk of hackers finding a
still be vulnerable. If you use Chrome, flaw they can exploit. What do we think?
Firefox or any other browser to click However, it’s worth noting that this If you are still using Internet Explorer as
a malicious link and accidentally flaw was spotted by a security your main browser, it’s now time to find
download a dodgy MHT file, it will still researcher and there’s no evidence of it an alternative. There’s no reason to have
automatically open in IE, unless you’ve being used by hackers – yet. Also, this out-of-date browser on your
uninstalled Microsoft’s old browser from Microsoft apparently isn’t convinced of system, let alone as your main gateway
your system. the threat. It didn’t rush out a patch as to accessing the web. If you want to
Microsoft has been told of the flaw, the researcher hoped when he notified stick with Microsoft, use Edge. If you
but has opted not to issue an immediate the company, and hasn’t said if it will want to avoid Chrome, consider Firefox.
patch, which prompted the researcher patch the flaw in the future. It might, but There are plenty of options out there
to publicly release the details of the there are no plans in the pipeline as yet. that are up to date, modern and secure.
vulnerability, to spur the tech giant That suggests there’s little immediate It’s easy to criticise Microsoft for not
into action. concern about this bug, though hackers being more attentive and fixing this bug,
will have read the same reports about but the company’s response suggests
this flaw as you now have, and may feel the flaw isn’t serious enough to nab the
inspired to use it to target Windows top spot on its to-do list. Microsoft has
computers. a good record for issuing patches for
To stay safe, uninstall IE from any PCs major bugs – even for software that no
that still have it, ensure you’re running longer receives updates, as was the case
antivirus or other security software that when Windows XP was given a security
scans any files downloaded from the patch after the WannaCry attack.
internet, and be cautious of email That said, we hope this flaw gets fixed
attachments or links that you aren’t sooner rather than later, given how
completely certain are safe. many people are still likely to have IE
Such advice is worth following lurking on their computers, even if
Microsoft has encouraged Windows 10 regardless of whether Microsoft ever they’ve upgraded to a more modern
users to ditch Internet Explorer for Edge patches this flaw. browser.

8 1 - 14 May 2019
Need to Know

What we think of this fortnight’s top tech news stories and rumours,
and how they affect you

Amazon Prime Video comes to Chromecast

What happened? – which is included TV dongles,
For years, Amazon and with an Amazon but to faff about
Google have battled for Prime subscription switching between
supremacy in the – you’ll have so far platforms to play
streaming arena, refusing been unable to the content they’d
to work with each other’s watch movies and already paid for.
services. This is why the TV shows from the It’s ridiculous for
YouTube app isn’t available latter via Google’s companies that
on the Fire TV platform, dongle. That meant make billions in
and you can’t stream Prime either shelling out revenue to force
Video to Google’s for a Fire TV stick or this upon TV
Chromecast TV dongle. another smart-TV streaming fans,
However, this impasse is device supported by and both Amazon
about to end. Within the Amazon. YouTube Kids apps will also and Google are lucky to
next few months, Amazon’s Amazon and Google have land on the Fire TV platform. have avoided the wrath of
Fire TV devices will get the yet to reveal a specific date consumers and regulators
official YouTube app, while for the launch of the apps on What do we think? for as long as they have.
the Prime Video app for their respective platforms, It’s clear that both Amazon Perhaps this development
Android will finally add but once released, you’ll and Google were angling to could lead to Amazon
Chromecast support. finally be able to watch widen their respective shares lifting its ban on other
YouTube videos on your Fire of the TV-streaming market. competing Google
How will it affect you? TV device, or Prime Video on Frustratingly, they did so by products, such as the
If you have a Chromecast your Chromecast. Later in forcing customers to not only Home smart speakers.
and a Prime Video account the year, the YouTube TV and shell out for multiple smart

Google forced to offer Android

users a choice of browsers
What happened? only be shown on new unless you actively remove it.
Google revealed the Android phones, it will also
browser ballot screen it will be displayed on all other What do we think?
show European users as Android devices used in It’s ironic that Chrome is
part of an antitrust ruling Europe. The ballot screen will facing such a browser ballot,
where it was fined $5bn pop up after an update when the original idea came
(£3.85bn) by EU regulators installs the system and from a similar ruling against
for using Android to Google Play is opened, Microsoft and Internet
promote Chrome. The showing four randomly Explorer. It’s unclear how
proposed design of the chosen alternatives to successful that original
screen has been disputed Google’s own browser and ballot was; the desktop
by rival browser developers search bar. The screen allows browser market is no longer
who brought the case to you to immediately install a dominated by Microsoft, but
the EU, including lobby new browser and change that’s more to do with the installed. While this new
group FairSearch, so it your default search engine. popularity of Chrome than ballot isn’t likely to budge
could be subject to change. If you’re happy using any efforts from the EU. Chrome from Android
Indeed, Google said the Chrome as a browser and Google’s ballot is a bit dominance, it is a reminder
ballot was likely to be Google for search, you don’t different to Microsoft’s, to mobile users that there
updated over time, based need to make any changes though similar in that IE was are plenty of excellent
on user feedback. because these will remain the still the default browser for alternatives to Google’s
default options. If you opt for Windows computers, and browser out there,
How will it affect you? a different browser, you’ll still wasn’t automatically deleted including Firefox, Brave
The browser ballot will not have Chrome on your device when a new one was and Opera.

Discuss web news at 1 - 14 May 2019 9

Need to Know

Charity calls for social-media seizure warnings

What happened? would like to see
A growing number of social-media users platforms take to
are suffering epileptic seizures, the make the internet
Epilepsy Society has claimed ( a safer place.”
epilepsy474), when flashing images are While it’s
shared across Facebook, Twitter and unlikely to offer
Instagram. any comfort to
According to Clare Pelham, Chief those already
Executive of the society, while many targeted,
users share these images without Facebook says
understanding the risks, others are more it’s looking at new
malicious. She said, “When it comes to ways to offer a
deliberately targeting people with more inclusive
epilepsy with the intention of causing a online space
seizure, we need to call that behaviour because
what it is – a pre-meditated and “everyone
pre-planned intention to assault.” deserves to enjoy
These images often feature hashtags the benefits of the
related to the neurological disorder, internet safely”.
tricking epilepsy sufferers into clicking
on videos and images that trigger the How will it affect you? What do we think?
condition. Pelham’s charity is The Epilepsy Society reckons that the Social-media sites such as Facebook
demanding that “the government UK has around 20,000 people suffering already have policies in place to protect
must bring this behaviour within the from photosensitive epilepsy of the sort users from abuse (however ineffective
reach of the criminal law”. triggered by flashing lights and fast- they may be). The law, too, prevents this
The charity hopes that by writing to paced imagery, with kids and younger sort of online assault. So, while stronger
Digital Secretary Jeremy Wright now, people most affected. If you’re one of action may be necessary, we’d rather
the government will implement a them, or know someone who is, it not resort to the usual bans and arrests
warning scheme into its ongoing means being extra careful when visiting that are the hallmark of online
attempt to crackdown on nebulous and social-media sites – possibly avoiding regulation these days. A far better
ill-defined ‘online harms’. them altogether. However, outside of alternative would be to do what
“We are currently consulting on this,” website warnings, the charity’s thinking Facebook does with potentially
a government spokesperson said, “and relies on protection after the event – upsetting images: blur the image, add a
want to hear from the Epilepsy Society, and that’s no good for those already warning and let the user decide if they
and others, about what steps they triggered. want to click to view.

Amazon Kindle (2019) them. The updated Kindle isn’t as device feels lighter feature-rich as the
and, with its Paperwhite, which is
For the purest ebook experience, smoothed-out edges equipped with five
Amazon’s Kindle has always been the and bezels, even more (rather than four)
best e-reader. The only real complaint comfortable to hold. LED front lights,
about the entry-level version of the But despite fancy new a cellular connection,
device was that it was too simple internal tools, the core and IPX8
compared to the more sophisticated Kindle experience waterproofing.
– and more expensive – Paperwhite. remains unchanged. For audiophiles, the
Amazon, it seems, has heard those The 6in screen with its 256ppi E ink real difference comes down to
cries and updated its classic e-reader display will be familiar to existing Kindle storage, with the Paperwhite loaded
accordingly. owners – and while it’s admittedly easier with 8GB, compared to the latest
The all-new Kindle (as Amazon is on the eyes than the bright lights of a Kindle’s 4GB. Likewise, if you’re not
calling it) finally adds a built-in front standard tablet, it lacks the general fussed about the all-new Kindle’s
light for reading day and night. And crisp imagery of its older, pricier upgrades, the old eighth-generation
that’s not all, with the device receiving counterpart. Old-school fans may be Kindle is still £20 cheaper.
a Bluetooth upgrade and support for disappointed to see this is yet another Amazon is selling the device for £70
audiobooks from the Amazon-owned touchscreen e-reader, with no satisfying – although that model comes with
Audible. A word of warning, though: ‘click’ of physical buttons when you on-screen ‘special offers’ (better
with no audio jack, you’ll need to hook ‘turn the page’. known as adverts); you can avoid
up Bluetooth headphones to listen to Another drawback is that the all-new these by spending an extra tenner.

10 1 - 14 May 2019
CZZY id @cdl


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Stay Safe Online
News about the latest threats and advice from security experts

SECURITY ALERT! | What’s been bothering us this fortnight hack is worse that affected users reset their passwords. emails sent to
than Microsoft claimed “Microsoft regrets any inconvenience customers, which
A hack that Microsoft caused by this issue,” said the company. often contain an
said affected “some” “Please be assured that Microsoft takes unsecured direct
of its users’ email data protection very seriously and has link to their online
accounts has been engaged its internal security and privacy booking. The
revealed to be much teams in the investigation and resolution report suggests
worse than initially of the issue, as well as additional that anyone on the same network
thought, with hackers able to access hardening of systems and processes to could intercept the email and modify
messages from a large number of prevent such recurrence.” or cancel their reservation., MSN and Hotmail The researchers tested the websites
addresses. of 1,500 hotels from 54 countries and
According to Microsoft, the hackers Hotel websites are failing to found that two in three of them – 67%,
could have viewed account email secure customer data – had the problem. These security
addresses, folder names and the Two-thirds of hotel websites lapses are in breach of the EU’s GDPR
subject lines of emails – but not the inadvertently leak personal data to laws, which state that firms must
content of the messages or any third-party companies and leave their protect the personal data of customers.
attachments. It’s not clear how many customers vulnerable to hackers, “The fact that this issue exists,
webmail users have been affected by according to research by Symantec. despite the GDPR coming into effect in
the breach, which took place during The cybersecurity firm found that the Europe almost one year ago, suggests
the first three months of this year, or majority of booking systems used by that the GDPR’s implementation has
who the hackers are, but they weren’t hotels could allow scammers to access not completely addressed how
able to steal login details or other personal information such as mobile- organisations respond to data
personal information. As a cautionary phone and passport numbers. leakage,” said Symantec.
measure, Microsoft is recommending The leaks come from the confirmation

Security Helpdesk | Your questions answered by security specialists

THIS ISSUE’S EXPERT: listening in, but what’s disposal. We know that our
David Emm, Principal especially alarming is the data is valuable, and we’ve
Security Researcher at suggestion that Amazon now reached a point where
Kaspersky Lab allowed customers an the minutiae of our
( opt-out for Alexa sharing everyday lives is being
their voice commands, yet captured in one form or
the company still went ahead another. We, as consumers,
and analysed their have a right to know when
recordings. An opt-out this is happening – and be
How worried
should cover all data; and given the ability to opt out.
should we be even if people opt in, that Anyone worried about
about Amazon data should be anonymised. this development should
staff listening to Alexa If there’s a connection who capture data obtain check the default settings
recordings ( established between the informed consent – and if of their Alexa device, opt
alexa474)? Alexa recordings and Amazon is doing this without out of human verification
Jason Goulding, Facebook Amazon account details, people realising, it is where applicable and
this news is even more potentially breaching GDPR. disable any other

It’s uncomfortable concerning because it gives Computers contain huge functionality that concerns
enough to know Amazon the ability to pin amounts of private data and them. If you’re in doubt
that Alexa has all specific recordings to the companies providing us about something, seek
this information and that identifiable individuals. with services have massive advice from the relevant
humans have been It’s important that companies amounts of power at their company’s support team.

12 1 - 14 May 2019 Email us your security questions at

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Best New Websites

We review this fortnight’s best new and relaunched websites and

rate them for content, design and features

Hear about
Doctor Who’s
rich history and
either play
instantly or
download them

Big Finish’s well-
written 24-page
PDF magazine
Vortex is a must-
read for sci-fi fans



Escape NHSX Caledonian Sleeper
Want to go on holiday but not sure The NHS is (finally) being digitally Not only does the Caledonian Sleeper
where to go? Just enter a departure transformed, giving patients access to have a swish new fleet of overnight trains
airport and select some dates and this data and more online services. This is all operating between London and Scotland,
website will show you the cheapest under the banner of NHSX – ‘X’ standing it’s also on the right tracks with its
flights across the world. The service for user experience – and this site revamped booking website. Starting with
highlights the least expensive tickets per explains the thinking. So far, it’s rather a prominent search engine on the
continent and lets you view flight options “governmental” and, in places, a bit homepage, it’s five-step journey clearly
and prices via Skyscanner before cringey. The video by Secretary of State displays the departure, arrival and
booking. It also lets you widen your for Health Matt Hancock is delivered over duration times, along with various fare
search by zooming in and hovering over a driving beat, yet the site itself blandly options, optional extras and a plan of the
airports for instant prices. Since you can draws attention to the plan, culture and carriage. You can also peek at the Sleeper
quickly change the criteria – to see values while sending you elsewhere for experience, check out destination guides
popular destinations, the hottest weather blogs and updates. That said, there’s a and sign up for the latest offers. The only
or the need for a visa – Escape will have good overview of the apps and tools, derailment is the baffling decision to hide
you in the air on a cheap flight in no time. and a regularly updated Twitter account. the fab range of retro-style posters.

Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH

Tell us about your website via 1 - 14 May 2019 15

Best New Websites



Purrfect Landlords Visit North East Wocobook England
Many landlords refuse to allow pets but Chefs often tell you that people eat with
Cats Protection reckons people with England’s North East has heritage dating their eyes, in which case Wocobook is
feline friends are more likely to treat a back to the Bronze Age, but the main going to leave you seriously hungry.
property as their home and stick around. focus of this site is on the here and now. Despite having thousands of recipes,
As such, the charity is laying out its It encourages you to visit Newcastle, there’s a distinct lack of photos so you’re
arguments for landlords while dishing Durham, Gateshead, Sunderland and never quite sure how something should
out advice to potential cat-owning beyond, giving a solid flavour of each turn out, although the site encourages
tenants through a mix of downloadable area. Sadly, when we looked, the same anyone who rustles up a meal to take a
guides, an animated video, useful bullet events were being promoted regardless snap and upload it. But while the
points and case studies. The site is a bit of a specific location and, worse, many presentation could be improved, there’s
untidy, requiring some effort on the part had already happened. But there’s still a feast of categories, from appetisers to
of the visitor, and finding useful info can plenty to see, with lots of vivid images, sandwiches. The search facility is also
be tricky. But there are lots of helpful great videos and articles and an fast and lets you look for recipes by
links, an example tenancy agreement and abundance of links to sights and cities. name or ingredients. Make sure you have
even a suggested Pet CV, as well as some We’d like to see less reliance on the a converter handy, though, because the
nice cat pics, too. pull-down menu for navigation, though. recipes use American standards.

Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH


Explore Churches
Many English churches have a
fascinating story to tell: Gloucester
Cathedral, for example, provided the
NEW backdrop for scenes in three Harry
MUSIC Potter films while Hull Minster is
Sounds linked with slave-trade abolitionist
William Wilberforce. The new Experiences section of Explore
Published weekly in the UK from 1970 to 1991, Sounds was a rival to NME and Melody Churches provides content to better
Maker, breaking new acts and movements from Nirvana to punk, its pages rocking explore this heritage, with guided
with respected voices, from John Peel to Jon Ronson. This site heralds its rebirth as a tours, panoramic views and visits to
limited print-run magazine and lets you read offbeat features and interviews, catch iconic eateries. However, clicking
up with the latest news and reviews, and discover new music (some articles feature Book Now simply led us back to the
playable tracks and social-media links). We love that it’s regularly updated and that homepage and we had problems
clicking the menu shows you the latest posts. You can also keep popping back to read signing up for an account, which you
comments or share articles, and the site looks particularly good on mobile devices. need for favourites and wishlists.

Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH

Tell us about your website via 1 - 14 May 2019 17

Build a Better Site
Specialist tips, top tools and practical help

Top Tips of the Fortnight Web-building Helpdesk

Try building a Voog website I spend a lot of time worrying
There are plenty of online Q about my Google rank. Am I
web-building tools that let you wasting my time or is it
create a web page without having important?
to code, but one we haven’t Charles Branson, via email
covered before is Voog (www

A This tool can be used Most people arrive at websites from
to create attractive sites that search engines, so a good ranking
adapt well to visitors on mobile Analytics and click Audience. The on Google is still really important.
devices, and has a Standard plan Overview section breaks down You can see how many of your visitors come
that compares well with the likes which languages they speak, but from Google if you use a tool like Analytics
of Wix ( and other it’s worth exploring the submenus ( If it’s not a large
similar rivals. For €6 (around £5) below for loads more interesting proportion, then you either need to worry
per month, you get a custom information. The Demographics that you’re missing them or decide that you
domain, 2GB of storage and 30 option breaks down their age and don’t need them.
pages. There’s no free option but gender, while Interests tells you Google is still the king
you can sign up for a 30-day trial what other things they’re into. of search but it might not
before committing. You can also find out which last forever. Rival search
browsers and devices they’re engines such as
Find out more about your using to access your site. DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo
visitors .com) are continuing to gain popularity.
Have you ever wondered who the Deal of the Fortnight Getting in early on the next big thing could
visitors to your site are? You can UK2 ( is offering ‘’ prove advantageous in the future.
find out all about them using domains for 1p for the first year. Subsequent Andy Shaw, Technical & Reviews Editor,
Google Analytics (analytics Web User
years will cost £11.39 per year. Go to your site in

MINI WORKSHOP | Monitor all your WordPress websites from one place
WP Remote: | 10 mins | Any self-hosted WordPress website
If you have more than one WordPress website, it can be annoying to have to visit each one to manage backups
and pending plugin and theme updates. WP Remote’s website-and-plugin combo solves the problem for you


1 Go to and click the

‘Add your first site’ button. You have
to register for an account, then the WP
2 From your WordPress dashboard,
click the Install Now button, then
click Activate when it appears. On the
3 WP Remote shows whether any of
your sites need attention. Green
sites are fine, 1 while yellow sites have
Remote dashboard opens. Click Add Plugins page, paste the API key into the updates pending. 2 Control updates
Site. 1 Fill in the form 2 (leave the box 1 and click Save API Key. 2 Click the from the Updates tab, or select the
company section blank if you aren’t WP Remote Refresh button to get the Plugins and Themes tabs 3 to view
one), copy the API key and click the WP Remote dashboard. Add new sites them independently. You can also use
Install Plugin button. by clicking the cog button. it as a backup tool, if you haven’t
already got one.

18 1 - 14 May 2019 Email us your website building questions at

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Product Test
We test and compare the latest products

Smart X9
The Vodafone Smart X9 isn’t a
perfect smartphone, but for less
than £100, what’s not to like?

hen you think of was great at the time but
Vodafone, you has since been superseded
probably think of by the newer Moto G7
a mobile network rather than (reviewed in Issue 472,
a smartphone manufacturer, webuser472). However, the
but Vodafone also produces G6 is still available to buy for
unique phones under its own around £200, while the Moto
brand. This cuts out the E5 costs £120.
hardware middleman and The X9’s 5.7in 18:9 display is
allows Vodafone to supply surrounded by thin bezels to
surprisingly good phones the left and right and slightly
(locked to its own network, thicker bezels at the top and
of course) at remarkably low bottom, although thankfully
prices. The latest model is there’s no unsightly notch. premium-looking glass The front of the phone is
the Smart X9. It’s not Flip it over and its design is coating. We have no problem dominated by its 1080p
blisteringly fast, but it’s pleasingly minimalist. The with plastic because it touchscreen. It’s an IPS
better than anyone would dual-camera array is neatly reduces the overall weight, display, which is inferior
expect for a phone that costs contained in the top-left but there’s not much you can technology to the AMOLED
just £99 (not including a corner, and the circular do about the smudges. screens you find on more
compulsory £10 top-up to fingerprint reader sits near expensive models, but it’s
get you started). the top in the middle. A Memory and screen good for the price. Viewing
At first glance, you’d be Vodafone logo is barely The Smart X9 provides a angles are decent, and its
forgiven for mistaking the X9 visible near the bottom. microSD card slot to help maximum brightness of
for a more expensive model, The back of the device is beef up the rather limited 455cd/m2 (candles per square
thanks to its slim, curved the most obvious indication 32GB of internal storage, metre) should make it easy to
design, fingerprint reader that this isn’t an expensive and there’s a 3.5mm see in bright sunshine, while
and dual cameras. model, however. Not only is it headphone jack on the top its contrast level of 1,436:1
It comes with a magnet for fingerprints, but edge, which is always makes everything look clear
a Qualcomm it’s quite clearly made of welcome but by no means and sharp. Its colour accuracy
Snapdragon plastic rather than a more guaranteed these days. isn’t the best we’ve seen, but
450 processor, we can forgive it a few foibles
backed with for the price.
3GB of RAM and In our benchmark tests, the
32GB of internal You’d be forgiven for mistaking the Smart X9’s performance
storage. This X9 for a more expensive model, thanks matched that of the Moto G6,
specification is which is what we’d expect
identical to that of last
to its slim, curved design given that their internal
year’s Moto G6, which specifications are identical.

22 1 - 14 May 2019
Vodafone Smart X9 Product Test

Comparison of battery life in budget smartphones PRODUCT INFO

Vodafone Smart X9
Price: £99
Buy from:
Smart X9
Motorola ■ Qualcomm Snapdragon SDM450
Moto G6
octa-core processor
Motorola Moto ■ 3GB RAM
G7 Power ■ 32GB storage space

■ 5.7in 18:9 Full HD+ IPS screen

Honor 7A ■ 16 megapixels + 5 megapixels

autofocus dual rear camera with

Moto E5 LED flash; 8 megapixels fixed focus
front camera
Vodafone ■ microSD card slot (supports up to
Smart V8
0 10 20 30 ■ Android 8.1

■ 153g
Time (hours)
■ 148 x 71 x 7.95mm

This puts it behind the Moto phone: Start, Tips and My we’d expect from a £100
✓ Looks good
G7 Power (also reviewed in Vodafone. Navigation feels smartphone, presenting
✓ Decent performance
Issue 472) but again, you’d snappy enough, but we plenty of detail even in
✓ Great camera for the price
expect that from a pricier noticed that it felt slower than relatively low light. We don’t
phone. Compared with other more expensive handsets. want to overstate the quality AGAINST
phones in its price bracket of its shots – it’s no match for
✗ Locked to Vodafone
– last year’s Vodafone Smart Battery and camera the Huawei Mate 20 Pro or
V8, the Moto E5 and the Battery life isn’t bad, either. even the OnePlus 6T, for
Honor 7A – the X9 is faster. The X9 has a 3,100mAh example – but the photos are BETTER BATTERY
The result was the same in battery, which lasted for 13 remarkably good for a budget
Motorola Moto G7 Power,
our intense graphical tests, hours in our looped video phone and are certainly £179
although there are no real test. That puts it ahead of the enough to satisfy most
winners here because all the V8, G6 and 7A, but some way people’s needs if money
budget phones struggled to behind the Moto G7 Power is tight.
reach frame rates of above and the Moto E5, both of You can’t have everything,
20fps, which doesn’t make for which have incredible stamina of course, and the X9’s
a wonderful experience when (see table above). 8-megapixel front-facing
playing the latest games. That A £100 smartphone with a camera is nothing to write
said, these benchmarks are dual-camera array is home about. Shots taken with
deliberately tough, so you’ll something of a rarity, so it lacked depth and were
find that simple games should Vodafone deserves particular thoroughly over-processed.
run without too much credit for achieving such a Captured video could also
difficulty. feat with the X9. Its be better. The Vodafone
We were pleased to see 16-megapixel primary camera Smart X9 records at a
that the X9 is practically free is supported by a 5-megapixel maximum resolution of just
from junk software, with just secondary camera for adding 1080p at 30fps and offers
three bundled Vodafone apps depth to shots. The photos little in the way of image
when you first switch on the we took were a lot better than stabilisation. Honor 7A, £129.99


The Vodafone Smart X9 £80 more, you can buy the FEATURES H H H H H
punches well above its Moto G7 Power, which looks PERFORMANCE H H H H H
weight for such an smarter and packs in a little EASE OF USE H H H H H
inexpensive phone, giving more grunt. It also lasts
you a lot more than you’d considerably longer on a
expect for a measly £100. single charge, thanks to its
That’s not to say you can’t huge 4,000mAh battery. use Vodafone as your
do better if you have a little If £100 really is your limit, mobile network provider,
more cash to spend. For though, and you’re happy to the X9 is superb value.

Do you agree? Let us know at 1 - 14 May 2019 23

Product Test HP Tango X

HP Tango X
HP’s new multifunction printer is a refreshing change from
the usual ink-guzzling desktop behemoths

he HP Tango X is not go. Meanwhile, because
your typical home the printer only operates
printer. There are no wirelessly, we found it tricky
cables (other than the power to position: it still needs
lead) for connecting it to a power supply, so you can’t
other devices, and you set it just put it anywhere, and
up using your smartphone perhaps because it uses
rather than your PC. It’s quiet 802.11n Wi-Fi
and compact, with a textured rather than
wraparound cover that 802.11ac,
converts into an output tray, we found the
so you can camouflage it Tango fussy about
when it’s not in use. If that where it was located.
sounds like a gimmick, it’s You need a solid Wi-Fi
surprisingly effective in connection because there’s
practice: during testing, no USB port to connect to
we kept the HP Tango X in our if it stops working.
The ink subscription service promises
living room and, when it was Nor should you expect fast
folded up and put away, it print speeds. HP claims the free photo prints for the printer’s lifetime
looked more like a thick Tango X produces 20ppm
hardback book than a printer. (pages per minute) mono
The main drawback comes printing and 11ppm in colour, HP will automatically send sharpened and straightened
when someone wants to print but those figures are for draft you replacement cartridges before being sent to the
something, because the cover mode. In reality, you’ll have when your printer needs printer. You can “scan to
has to be unfolded and paper to wait around 30 seconds them. There are a few rules email” in a similar way.
inserted before it’s ready to for the first page to print and and regulations, though, so While the app integrates
can expect, at most, three check the details at with both Dropbox and
or four pages per minute. hpink474 before you commit. Google Drive, you can only
PRODUCT INFO But that’s not a problem for The Tango also supports print PDFs and JPEG photos
HP Tango X a printer that you only use copying and scanning, which from within it. This is a
Price: £179.99 occasionally. is done via your smartphone. frustrating restriction, which
Buy from HP: When you open the HP Smart means you have to start your Print quality and ink app and press the Copy PC to print other types of
The good news is that the button, you’re prompted to document from there or,
SPECIFICATIONS print quality is excellent. take a photo of your target slightly bizarrely, email a file
■ 4,800 x 1,200dpi print resolution Text is solid with no document, which is to the printer instead.
■ 802.11n Wi-Fi feathering, while the three-
■ Bluetooth LE colour ink cartridge produces
■ A4 maximum paper size strong graphics and excellent OUR VERDICT HHHH
■ 377 x 206 x 91mm photos. Print on HP photo
■ 3kg paper and the company The HP Tango X offers you FEATURES H H H H H

■ 1 year warranty
promises the results will last two buying choices: the PERFORMANCE H H H H H
you a lifetime, and to the straight-up Tango for £129, EASE OF USE H H H H H
naked eye they look as good which is the same printer
as professional prints. The but doesn’t include the
✓ Quiet and compact only slight flaw is a 1mm-thick wraparound cover; or the
✓ High-quality prints white border on one edge. full discreetly camouflaged hulk of conventional
✓ Subscription photo prints That brings us to one of the Tango X, which costs an all-in-one machines. HP’s
Tango’s big innovations: an extra £51. That may seem a latest innovation doesn’t
AGAINST ink subscription service that lot for a piece of fabric, but come cheap, but it delivers
✗ No USB connection promises free photo prints for it really does look a lot on its promise of rethinking
✗ Slow performance the printer’s lifetime. From better than the standard home printing.
£1.99 for 50 pages per month,

24 1 - 14 May 2019
Web User’s Best Buys
Web User and its sister titles test over 2,500 products every year

Moto G7 Power Netgear Nighthawk X6S
£179.99 from £145.99 from
Tested: Issue 472 Tested: Issue 471

Battery life is at the heart of what we love The Nighthawk X6S’s unbeatable
and hate about our phones, and the Moto G7 combination of high speed and top-end
Power lasted an incredible 26 hours and 22 features makes it the best Wi-Fi
minutes in our tests. Its specs and price are also great. extender available. It’s big and boxy, but its performance
gives mesh-router systems a run for their money.
Octa-core 1.8GHz processor n 64GB storage n 4GB RAM n KEY SPECS
6.2in, 720 x 1,570-pixel screen n 12-megapixel rear camera, Works with 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks n 4 x Gigabit
8-megapixel front camera n 5,000mAh battery n 159.4 x 76 Ethernet ports n Access control n Wi-Fi schedule n WPS
x 9.3mm n 193g n One-year return-to-base warranty button n 277 x 170 x 93mm n Two-year warranty


Blink XT Samsung 970 Evo
£149.99 from £75.51 from
Tested: Issue 470 Tested: Issue 469

The Blink XT can be positioned anywhere in your home, The Samsung 970 Evo is a smart, affordable choice for
indoors or out, and includes a lifetime subscription to its anyone looking to get better performance from their laptop.
cloud-storage service. You get a couple of years’ use out of It’s very fast, with excellent file-transfer speeds, and there
the camera before you need to replace the batteries. are higher capacity versions with up to 2TB of storage.


HD Video n Motion and temperature sensors n Built-in 256GB capacity n 3,600MB/s maximum speed n M.2 PCIe
microphone n Camera mount included n Weatherproof n Gen 3 x 4 interface n Samsung Phoenix 5-core processor n
Infrared night vision n Wi-Fi connectivity n Instant alerts to Samsung V-NAND 3-bit MLC flash memory n 22 x 80 x
your phone n Two years of battery life 2.38mm n Five-year warranty


Lenovo IdeaCentre 620s Google Home Hub
£479 from £139 from
Tested: Issue 467 homehub463
Tested: Issue 463
All prices correct at time of review

This compact PC crams in more power for

entertainment, work and gaming than you Its low price, seamless integration with Google services and
might think, and includes decent graphics ability to double as a digital photo frame make the Google
performance at an affordable price. Home Hub the best smart screen we’ve seen.


Quad-core 2.4GHz Intel Core i5-7400T processor n 1TB hard 7in LCD touch screen n 1,024 x 600-pixels resolution n
drive n 8GB memory n 4 x USB 2 ports n 802.11ac Wi-Fi n Dual-band 802.11b/g/n/ac n Bluetooth 5.0 n 178 x 118 x
4GB Nvidia GeForce graphics adapter n Windows 10 Home n 67mm n 480g n Choice of Aqua, Chalk, Charcoal or Sand
224 x 212 x 102mm n One-year return-to-base warranty n One-year return-to-base warranty

26 1 - 14 May 2019
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Best Free Software

Opera 60 – Reborn 3
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10,
macOS or Linux
File size: 2.12MB

Opera doesn’t get the same level of

attention as rival browsers Chrome and
Firefox, but it’s actually very good and
brings a lot of innovation to the table.
Each year, the browser gets a major
makeover, with new features and a new
look. Reborn 3, the codename for Opera
60, comes with Web 3 support, a crypto
wallet, an updated and unlimited VPN
(virtual private network) and a much
more attractive interface.
The biggest addition in this version of
Opera is support for Web 3 (aka the
Decentralised Web), which lets you
make online transactions and interact
with the blockchain-based “internet of
the future”. Opera is the first browser a transaction on the blockchain, you’ll from websites. It gets a welcome
to embrace Web 3, but we suspect it get a notification on your smartphone performance boost in this update,
won’t be the last. and can confirm it there. The crypto following complaints from users that it
Support for Web 3 comes with a new wallet will also be available in the iOS was slowing down browsing.
integrated crypto wallet for storing version of its mobile browser Opera Finally, Opera gains a new borderless
cryptocurrency. It syncs with the crypto Touch very soon. design that removes the dividing lines
wallet in Opera for Android, which Opera’s free and unlimited VPN between the sections of its interface.
means that the wallet keys never leave provides an encrypted tunnel that There are two themes available – Light
your phone. If you need to identify protects your data from third parties and Dark – and it’s now easier to see the
yourself to a Web 3 site or sign and hides your geographic location currently selected tab.

MINI WORKSHOP | Explore the new tools in Opera 60


1 4

2 1
3 2

1 When you launch Opera 60, you’re

greeted with the Speed Dial page,
which provides quick access to your
2 The browser has an Easy Setup
option that you can access by
clicking the button in the top-right
3 You can apply new wallpapers, 1
change the browser’s appearance,
2 and enable the ad-blocker, crypto
favourite sites. It comes preloaded corner. 1 A bar slides into view and wallet and My Flow 3 (web content
with a selection of shortcuts 1 but you from here, you can switch between the you save for later viewing). To use the
can customise this and add your own. Light and Dark modes, 2 and enable built-in VPN, click the Opera button, 4
2 The sidebar 3 includes Facebook special ‘futuristic’ themes 3 from a open Settings, scroll down, click
Messenger, WhatsApp and Instant video that Opera has created 4 to tie in Advanced and slide the Enable VPN
Search. News headlines are displayed with the browser launch. toggle to On.
below. 4

28 1 - 14 May 2019
Best Free Software

This fortnight’s top new software downloads to help you make

the most of your PC, and they’re all FREE

New Windows 10 App

Scratch Desktop
Min requirements: Windows 10
File size: 153.3MB
Scratch is included with the
Raspberry Pi OS, so you may
already be familiar with the visual
programming application (created
by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group
at the MIT Media Lab) that lets you
build interactive stories, games
and animations using a simple
drag-and-drop interface. It’s aimed
at children, but adults can use it,
SYSTEM TOOL too. This app is a Windows 10 port
Folder Painter of the official release.
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10 File size: 2.3MB

Finding one specific folder in a group isn’t easy because they all look the same.
This free tool lets you assign different colours to individual folders, so they stand
out. To use Folder Painter, run the software and choose an icon pack. Next, install
the tool to add it to your context menu, right-click a folder to change, then select
the Change Folder Icon entry and pick a colour. There are additional icon packs
available to install, so you can customise your folders whenever you feel the need.


JSoft PDF Reducer 2 Eusing Free Internet Window Washer 4
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10 File size: 24.2MB Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10 File size: 1.4MB

JSoft PDF Reducer can compress, merge and split PDF files, Don’t be put off by the dated interface of Eusing’s free system
as well as rearrange or delete pages, add or remove text, and cleaner – it does a great job of removing all traces of your
include passwords, watermarks and signatures in your PDFs. computer activity and internet usage, ‘washing’ your system
To use it, just drag and drop a PDF or folder to the program by deleting cookies, temp folders, run and search histories,
window, then click your way through the wizard, choosing recent documents, your browser’s cache, visited URLs and
the options you require. The software’s website is in French more. You can choose what to remove, schedule cleans and
(click the Télécharger button to start the download), but PDF overwrite deleted files numerous times for extra security.
Reducer is in English. This release adds support for the latest version of Firefox.

Recommend free downloads at 1 - 14 May 2019 29

Best Free Software
Strong Passwords Need
Entropy 16
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10
File size: 367KB

Strong Passwords Need Entropy (SPNE for

short) checks the strength and “survivability”
of a password, so you can see how long it
would take for a hacker to crack it. It also
shows you where in the list of the world’s
worst passwords a login ranks. The program
can generate secure passwords in a number
of ways, including Random, Morse Code,
Emoticons, CryptoCode, Leetspeak and Piece
of Poetry. The latest version adds a new status
bar, updates the worst passwords list and
automatically removes duplicate passwords
and those with low entropy (predictability).
It also improves SPNE’s code and interface.

OSFMount 3
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10
File size: 7.6MB

OSFMount lets you ‘mount’ local disk-image

files, making them accessible, so you can read
and write data. Each mounted image is
assigned a drive letter so you can use it just
as you would any regular drive. The program
can handle all the major image file formats
– including IMG, ISO and BIN – and this new
version can mount a virtual drive using
Physical Disk emulation, so the disk can be
recognised by Windows Disk Management.
OSFMount can also mount a virtual drive
as read/write while preserving the data of
the original image file. There’s a new step-by-
step wizard for easier mounting of virtual
drives, too.

ChrisPC Free VPN Connection
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10
File size: 1.7MB

If you want to avoid people spying on your

internet activity, or access sites which have
been geographically blocked, then running
a VPN is the obvious solution. This new
tool from ChrisPC gives you access to
more than 90 free VPN servers in the UK,
US, Germany, Canada, France, Russia,
Singapore and the Netherlands. Just select
a country and pick a VPN server from the
drop-down menu. The server-information
box tells you which company the VPN
server is powered by, and lists the benefits
and any restrictions to be aware of – such
as the automatic blocking of potentially
illegal activity.

30 1 - 14 May 2019
Best Free Software

Don’t install... ...Install this instead

Anti-Twin Duplicate Cleaner Free
Min requirements: Min requirements: Windows Vista/7/8.1/10
Windows XP/ File size: 5.6MB
File size: 0.9MB Duplicate Cleaner Free is a fantastic, incredibly
fast tool for detecting unnecessary copies of
Anti-Twin is a nifty little files on your PC. In our tests, it took just 18
duplicate cleaner, and we seconds to scan our entire C drive and find 6,999
especially like its built-in duplicate files, while individual folders were
pop-up preview pane – scanned in less than a second. You can search by
although it can get in the filename or extension, and select a file-type filter,
way when you’re trying to so the tool only displays audio or image files in
GAME mark the files you want to the results. Double-clicking any listed item
By The Lake remove. The main displays a preview, too, so you can be sure you’re drawback is that the removing the correct files. A Pro version, with
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10, software hasn’t been even more features, is available for £23.95.
macOS or Linux updated since 2010, and it
File size: 519MB failed to catch many of our
known duplicates.
This creepy and atmospheric game
takes place in a snowbound Russian
village, near a lake which has somehow
caused the local children to vanish. The
aim is to find your way through the
village, avoiding the dark forces. By The
Lake was developed over an eight-week
period and is a fun game to play, if a
little rough in places.

OTHER OPERATING SYSTEMS What’s new for Linux and Mac OS


BBEdit 12 Fedora 30 Beta
Min requirements: macOS 10.14.1 or later, 64-bit processor Min requirements: 64-bit processor
File size: 14.3MB File size: 1.8GB

After nearly five years, BBEdit, the professional text, code and markup Arguably the best Linux distribution available for
editor for macOS, returns to the Mac App Store as a 64-bit application advanced users, Fedora 30 has just hit beta at
with more than 300 new features and refinements, Dark Mode support, the time of writing and the final release should
Git integration and more. The app offers a 30-day evaluation period be available around the time you read this.
with all the features – once the trial ends, the software reverts to free DeepinDE and Pantheon Desktop join KDE
mode and loses certain functionality such as web-authoring tools. If Plasma and Xfce as DE (desktop environment)
you want the advanced features, you can buy a subscription for $3.99 options, and GNOME, the most popular DE, gets
(£3.05) per month or $39.99 (£30.50) per year via an in-app purchase. updated to 3.32, with a more modern visual style.

GET FREE SOFTWARE FIRST subscribe to Web User at

Recommend free downloads at 1 - 14 May 2019 31

Best New Browser Tools

Block unsafe scripts using NoScript for Chrome

The best and most popular extension
for protecting your browser against
malicious JavaScript exploits hidden
in web pages has finally arrived on
Chrome (
NoScript has been available for
Firefox for 14 years (,
blocking so-called ‘active content’ that
can be used by hackers to steal your
data, or worse. The tool operates a
blanket ban on Java, Flash, JavaScript
and other executables unless you
whitelist the specific domain – a permissions for active content on the let NoScript know whether that site’s
pre-emptive measure that offers page you’re on. The add-on’s default for content can be trusted. Alternatively,
“maximum security for your browser”. most scripts, such as Google Analytics, set up your own custom permissions
Once you’ve installed NoScript, click is to block them – but you can click each to keep you safe without causing
its toolbar button to see all the current icon to grant temporary permission and some websites to not function.

Preview results on any the switch to Enabled, then open an

search engine incognito window and visit
Last issue, we looked at the excellent incogtest474 to check it’s working.
Google Results Previewer ( The feature should be available in
goog474), which lets you preview the forthcoming Chrome 75 update.
search results by hovering over them
(and saving you a wasted click). Browse Twitter in peace
URL Render ( does Twitter is probably the loudest
the same across a wider range of search website on the planet – a million
engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Prevent websites seeing conflicting opinions whizzing past
DuckDuckGo and Qwant, although in you in incognito mode and arguments brewing in every
our tests, it struggled with the latter Chrome’s incognito mode is an excellent second tweet. The Mindful Twitter
two. Run a search, then hover your way to keep your browsing history browser extension (
mouse over any of the results – this secret (see our feature on page 50 for won’t block out all that noise, but
creates a scrollable pop-up so you can other uses), but you can still be it will hide all those annoying
continue browsing without navigating ‘watched’ by websites that track you. notifications that bombard you while
away from your search provider. However, a fix is on its way to prevent you’re browsing the social network.
The extension is still in beta, so expect sites from detecting when you’re using That’s especially useful if you get a
a few hiccups. But even in its current incognito mode. lot of direct messages or you’re set
state, URL Render is a joy to use and the Last month, Google introduced the up to receive notifications whenever
developer promises that it won’t ‘Filesystem API in Incognito’ flag in its your favourite celebrities tweet.
compromise your privacy. developer-focused Chrome Canary Click the toolbar icon, tick the
browser ( boxes for both general and message
canary474) – a setting notifications and you can now
designed to ensure browse the Twittersphere in peace.
that files won’t remain
after you’ve exited
the Incognito tab.
However, it didn’t work
– until now.
In Canary’s address
bar, type chrome://
incognito and flick

32 1 - 14 May 2019
Best New Browser Tools

This fortnight’s most useful tips and add-ons to help you get the
most from Chrome, Firefox, Opera and more


Keep your tabs
Block offensive words on private

websites automatically
Hide Tabs (Panic Button)
( is one of our
favourite new add-ons for Opera
In the darkest recesses of the internet, – and not just because it does
the air threatens to turn so blue, it’d make exactly what you think it does.
a hardened docker blush. The Advanced It also gets the thumbs-up from
Profanity Filter ( us for its sheer speed. Whether
makes the web more pleasant for you you’ve got one open tab or
and your family. After installation, click many on-screen, hit the Hide
the add-on’s toolbar button to take Tabs icon and in a blink of an
control of what you see online – start by eye, they’ll vanish from view,
toggling the tool to On, then click replaced with your usual
Options to censor, substitute or remove homepage. Another tap of the
swear words, and blacklist and whitelist icon magically brings them back
specific domains. The extension even as if nothing happened. This is
works on video subtitles – albeit useful when you’re browsing for
experimentally. secrets such as gifts, or you
Under Words, you can add words to the ban list – use the drop-down menu don’t want everyone around you
to automatically add them, but make sure you tick Filter if you want to avoid the to know what you’re looking at.
really nasty stuff (strong stomach advised). Once you’ve selected a word, you can
decide which word will replace it, as well as how the tool matches curse words.

Apply a dark mode to

Facebook Messenger
Messenger is the best place to go
for Facebook messages – it’s a lot
easier to focus on your chats Install the add-on
without the background chatter that adds up
of the social network’s news feed, Windows has offered
sponsored adverts and marketplace a calculator since time
notifications. But you know what else Download videos from immemorial, but getting to it
makes it even easier to concentrate? almost any site involves going through the Start
Dark mode. Enabling it in the Unlike many extensions for menu. Simple Calculator (
smartphone app is now simple, but not downloading videos from the web, calc474),
so easy when using, Video Downloader Professional on the
which dazzles your retinas with ( isn’t restricted to other
its bleached-out appearance. YouTube. You can also use it on hand,
Messenger Dark Theme ( Facebook, Instagram, Daily Motion, is only
dark474) solves the problem by Vimeo and, so the developer says, ever a
applying the universally popular dark “many more”. single click
mode to your browser experience and Rather than adding a new button on away. It’s
making messaging far easier on the a website, downloads are handled another
eyes, especially at night. To switch back within the add-on itself: find a video ‘does what
to classic mode, go to Firefox’s Add-ons you want to download, then give the it says on
section and click Disable next to the icon a click. You’ll likely see a list of the tin’ extension for Opera –
extension. available resolutions of varying video super-lightweight and cleanly
quality, while other options include designed, it works instantly.
copying the video link or opening it in Another highlight is that clicking
separate window. If you’re on a page the icon again, which makes the
with multiple videos, the add-on add-on disappear, won’t
helpfully displays them in a list, immediately clear your current
making it ideal for sites like Facebook. workings out; your sums stay
See our cover feature on page 40 saved in the calculator until you
for more advice about downloading press C for clear.
web videos.

Tell us your favourite add-ons at 1 - 14 May 2019 33

Best Free Apps
App of the Fortnight
Jumbo Connect and clean your social media accounts with Jumbo

Social networks provide an

excellent platform for self-
expression, but have you ever
1 Download the Jumbo app,
then launch it and tap your
way through the various
considered that some of your welcome screens. Once you’re
old tweets, posts and status done, you’ll see a screen with
updates might give away more separate ‘cards’ representing
private information than you’re each social-media account the
comfortable with? service supports. To clean your 1
Professing to ‘clean your tweets, for example, press the
digital life’, Jumbo is a new switch on the Twitter card. On
app (currently iOS-only) that the next screen, you’ll need to
serves as an all-in-one choose a time range – you can
social-media privacy assistant, choose to clean all tweets older
clearing up your personal than a day, week, month or
data across multiple social three months. 1
networks and online services
from within a single handy
app. If, for example, you’ve ever worried that one of your
old tweets might one day come back to haunt you, you can
use Jumbo to quickly tidy up your previous Twitter activity
2 Select one of these options,
then tap the arrow button
that appears in the bottom-
and archive any older tweets to your mobile device. right corner. On the next
As well as Twitter, the app lets you clean up your Google screen, you’ll be asked where
Search history and Alexa voice recordings, all in just a few you want to save your old
quick taps. The developer says that support for cleaning tweets. Currently, you can only
many more services, including Instagram and Tinder, choose to save to your iPhone,
is on its way. but options to save to Dropbox
Not only that, but if you’ve and iCloud are coming soon.
ever tried to make sense of Make your selection, press ‘Log
Facebook’s labyrinthine privacy in with Twitter’, 1 then tap
settings, then you’ll be pleased Open. 2 When the Twitter app
to hear that Jumbo also offers opens, choose Connect.
a very handy Smart Facebook 1
Privacy Settings feature.
Jumbo can’t clean your
Facebook history for you (yet),
but it can help you take control
of your privacy settings on the
3 Tap ‘Set up a new app’,
which will return you to the
main Jumbo screen. You can
social network. now add another account –
Crucially, Jumbo allows you Google Search 1 or Alexa, for
to clean up your social data example – by pressing the 3
without ever compromising relevant card and repeating
your privacy. In fact, Jumbo steps 1 and 2. When you’re
itself never even gets access done adding accounts, tap the
to your personal information. Start Cleaning button. 2 If you 1
The entire app has been want Jumbo’s help with your
designed to work Facebook privacy settings, tap
without storing the Facebook card, 3 then
or processing choose ‘Log in with Facebook’
any of your data on its own servers – all your and follow the steps.
data remains on your iPhone or iPad.

Our rating HHHHH

34 1 - 14 May 2019
Best Free Apps

This fortnight’s top free and paid-for apps

for Android and iOS phones and tablets


Laughable Firefox Snapchat
laughdroid474 snapdroid474 (varies) 11.4
5 11.4 4.4 10
Mozilla has updated
There are dozens its Firefox app for Snapchat users
of podcast apps iPhone and iPad on Android have
around but users with a number always had a bit
Laughable’s of significant of a rough deal.
different in that improvements. For Until recently,
(as the name example, controlling the Android
suggests) it’s your browsing version of the
skewed towards comedy. You can history is now much easier. You can popular messaging app performed
subscribe to your favourite comedians clear recent history in a couple of taps, sluggishly when compared to its iOS
and get curated recommendations for and are now given the option to delete cousin. For a long time, the developers
other artists, making it easy to discover your history for the last hour, the last attempted to improve its performance
more of what you like. Useful profile day or the day before. Handy new via patches and updates but eventually
pages provide links to other podcasts, shortcuts let you get to your gave up the ghost (no pun on
tour dates and social-media accounts. bookmarks, history, reading list and Snapchat’s logo intended) and went
Updated for iOS with performance downloads direct from the Firefox back to the drawing board, rebuilding
and navigational improvements, Home screen, and the browser’s built-in the Android app from the ground up.
and completely new to password manager has You won’t notice any
Android, Laughable is an been improved with the changes to the way the
essential download for option to enable Face ID to app works, but it should
comedy fans and podcast keep your logins even feel a lot snappier (no pun
lovers in general. more secure. intended, again).

Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH


Omnia Music Player Sensor Charts
5 4.4
If you’ve stuck with For many people,
the same music there’s something
player app for years, quite beautiful
despite the wide about seeing data
range of alternatives represented visually,
available, Omnia whether it’s a
could be the one to weather map or
change your mind. a steadily rising
It’s only in beta at the sales chart. The
moment, but the signs developers of Sensor
are very positive. Charts obviously feel
Despite a tiny footprint this way, too, since
(5MB), Omnia offers their app ingeniously takes the data gathered by all the
tons of advanced features, including playback for practically various sensors built into your mobile device – the pressure
any audio format, a built-in 10-band graphic equaliser and sensor, proximity sensor, compass, step counter, battery
support for Chromecast and Android Auto. Sound quality meter, memory usage and more – and turns it into stunning,
is excellent, due to the fact that Omnia uses its colourful graphs and charts. Data is recorded in
own high-res audio engine, decoder and library, the background and you can opt to view live
rather than Android’s built-in decoders. And, readings or historic data over a specific time
thanks to its smart Material Design interface, range. Less beautiful are the large and sadly
Omnia looks great, too. omnipresent ads.

Our rating HHHHH Our rating HHHHH

Recommend free phone apps at 1 - 14 May 2019 35

Best Free Apps


FOOD Battery Ring shows your device’s remaining battery charge
Lunchbox Recipes via a ring symbol at the top of the screen. It’s customisable and works particularly well on devices with a hole-punch camera lens, such as the Samsung Galaxy S10.
Price: £3.99
5 8 GAME
Bored of the same homemade Construction Simulator 3
sandwiches but don’t want to pay for
supermarket meal deals? This app, with
90 (and growing) easy lunch recipes, Price: £4.59 (Android),
could be just what you need. £3.99 (iOS)
5 9
PUZZLE Jump into the cockpit view
Photographs of excavators, cranes and over 50 other construction vehicles, to build towering structures, bridges
Price: £3.99 and more in this sequel to the
4.1 8 popular simulation game.
Short but sweet, this unassuming
pixel-art game mixes puzzles with REFERENCE
narrative, over a series of relatable, Indoor Plant Guide Pocket Edition
sometimes heart-breaking stories.
Music and visuals are beautiful, and the Price: £2.49
puzzles are varied. 4
This portable A-Z of indoor
TOOLS houseplants, each with its own
Battery Ring image and data, has been updated with new plant profiles and the
Price: 59p ability for users to submit
4.0.3 suggestions for inclusion.

Construction Simulator 3 Indoor Plant Guide

Lunchbox Recipes Photographs Battery Ring Pocket Edition

Don’t install... ...Install this instead

Cheetah Keyboard SwiftKey Keyboard
5 9.3
Not all ‘Don’t Installs’ start out as bad apps,
and Cheetah Keyboard is a prime example. SwiftKey has been one of the best
This alternative Android keyboard launched alternative keyboards ever since its launch,
for free back in 2017 and gained a reasonable nine years ago, and – happily – it remains
following. But recent updates unspoiled by the ravages of time. Even
appear to have ruined this being bought out by Microsoft in 2016
once-great app, with many doesn’t seem to have adversely affected
users complaining of this powerful tool, which offers all the
increased, intrusive emoji, GIFs and stickers that users now
advertising, as well as broken expect, as well as the option to type by
functionality (such as glitchy swiping instead of tapping. It may lack
auto-complete), rip-off Cheetah’s vast range of glitzy themes,
in-app personalisation but it’s still heavily customisable and works like a
options and high dream. Cleverly, Swiftkey learns to adapt to your
subscription costs (£22.49 personal typing style and, best of all, it’s still
per year) to banish ads. completely free.

36 1 - 14 May 2019
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Enjoy online TV shows, films and videos offline, as Wayne
COVE E Williams reveals the best ways to download streaming
R content to watch whenever and wherever you want

treaming services such as want – even when you don’t have an
YouTube, BBC iPlayer, Netflix, internet connection – which is why
Now TV and Amazon Prime downloading remains so popular.
Video have revolutionised the way Indeed, many streaming services now
we experience our entertainment, offer their own download options for
providing us with instant access to offline playback, although usually
films, TV shows, music videos, live there are some restrictions.
events, viral clips and much more, In this feature, we explain how to
directly in our browsers and on our download any video you stream,
mobile devices. so you can enjoy the best of both
But for many of us, the ephemeral worlds. We also reveal some tricks
nature of streaming is no substitute to circumvent annoying download
for having a locally stored copy of limitations, opening up your viewing
video content to watch whenever you options even further.

40 1 - 14 May 2019
Download streaming video FEATU


M ost streaming services now let you

download their content but don’t
clearly explain the limits on what you
Annoyingly, there is a
huge catch with the
download feature, which
can and can’t do. Here’s what you need is that it’s currently only
to know for all the big names available on iOS, so you’ll
need to own an iPhone or
BBC iPlayer iPad, and be connected
The ever-improving BBC iPlayer to Wi-Fi. You can
( lets you watch download up to three
the Beeb’s channels live, catch up with shows simultaneously,
past programming and even enjoy and store as many as you
original content that has yet to be have space for. Not all
broadcast. You can access it through shows are available to
the web or download it for your PC or download (due to
Mac (, Download BBC shows to watch for as long as you want licensing issues, or
and there are also mobile apps available using Get iPlayer because they are set to
for all the major platforms. Usefully, the expire in under a week)
iPlayer lets you save programmes Get iPlayer ( This free and you only have seven days to watch
directly to your device, choosing software for Windows, macOS and them. If you haven’t got around to
between standard (800kbps) and high Linux lets you download individual viewing the programmes in that time,
(1,500kbps) quality. It even offers a programmes or entire series, and the you can re-download them (which will
series link, for downloading new videos will never expire and can be reset the clock) – provided they are still
episodes as they become available. watched on any device. Get iPlayer does available.
have some restrictions of its own: it can
only search for shows that were All 4
broadcast in the past 30 days, and Channel 4’s catch-up service
doesn’t allow downloading for certain ( lets you watch
content, such as news and sports live channels and shows on demand,
videos. Also, Get iPlayer’s command-line including box sets and exclusive
interface can seem very intimidating. content. Create an account and you
For a friendlier view, launch the Web can stream and download available
PRV Manager from the Start menu, then shows through
either search for a programme to the All 4 app
download or paste its web address from on iOS
the iPlayer website. Click Record and or Android,
You can download most streaming TV the show will be saved in DRM-free either over
shows from BBC iPlayer for 30 days MP4 format that you can watch in any Wi-Fi, 3G or
media player. 4G (just be
However, there are some restrictions aware of doing
to be aware of. Downloaded ITV Hub+ so if you have
programmes are only available to watch ITV Hub ( a restrictive
for the length of time they are on is ITV’s free, ad-supported streaming mobile data
iPlayer, so if something is available for service, which gives you access to six cap).
30 days, you’ll only have until the end live channels, full series box sets and Most
of that same 30-day period to watch unlimited on-demand viewing. ITV Hub+ available
what you download. You can’t transfer is the paid-for version of the service: by programmes
saved programmes between devices, paying £3.99 a month, you get (mostly) can be
nor download content from outside the ad-free viewing, the ability to watch downloaded
UK; and on mobile devices, shows can shows abroad and the option to for 30 days
only be downloaded via Wi-Fi, not 3G download content for offline viewing. after All 4 offers more
flexible downloading
or 4G. Also, not all broadcast.
than ITV but you’ll need
programmes are If a download to sit through ads
available to download. expires but
Live streams, new shows, the show is still available, you might be
sports broadcasts and able to get it again. You can download
films (where the BBC as many titles as you have space for on
has limited rights) your device (one download at a time),
may not be available. and All 4 lets you save shows to an SD
In such instances, the card, if your phone or tablet has one, so
Download option will you don’t have to worry about filling up
be greyed out. your device’s internal storage. The
Some of the iPlayer’s trade-off for this flexibility is that All 4
restrictions can be You can download your favourite ITV shows but only on iOS videos contain unskippable ads, and this
circumvented by using – and it’ll cost you also applies to downloaded content.

1 - 14 May 2019 41
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Download streaming video FEATU

TalkTalk TV
TalkTalk’s TV service gives you
access to more than 80 free channels
(including 15 in HD) and lets you add
extra channels and on-demand content
– including Sky Cinema and Sky Sports
– for a monthly fee. You can download
shows to watch at your convenience
by installing the TalkTalk TV app on
Android or iOS (
Unfortunately, as the numerous
one-star app reviews (on both
platforms) point out, many of the
channels aren’t available to watch
(including boosts), let alone record, so You can download streaming video from
be prepared for disappointment! TalkTalk TV, but it’s pretty limited

Virgin Media gives customers two ways to

which lets you watch live TV and Most services that let you download TV shows and movies limit you to doing
on-demand content – it’s available for so on a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet. That’s not great if you want
iOS, Android and Windows 10. The to watch something on a bigger screen. You may be able to get around this
channels and box sets available to you and download content to your PC by using the free Android emulator
will depend on your subscription, and BlueStacks (
you can use the service on two devices, While this might sound like the perfect solution, you’ll only be able to
or up to four if you’re a Full House TV download and watch the saved content within the emulated app – you won’t
customer. The app also lets you be able to move it and view it using a different media player on the desktop
download selected on-demand content (such as VLC, for example). You can change the video resolution and DPI in
for watching offline. Just choose a Settings, though. Follow our Mini Workshop to find out how this trick works.
show, then tap Download. If this option
is greyed out, you might need to
upgrade your subscription. 1 Download and run
BlueStacks, and sign into
your Google account. You can

BT TV App Extra create a new account just for

The BT TV App lets you stream the purpose of downloading
BT television channels on your apps from Google Play if
computer, tablet or smartphone. required. You’ll receive an email
It’s available for all the major platforms saying you’ve signed in on a
including iOS and Android. For new phone. Google Play will
downloads, you’ll need the BT TV App load. Search for an app, such as
Extra (, Amazon Prime Video, 1 and
which also lets you enjoy catchup and install it. 2
on-demand content, and watch
programmes and movies via Apple TV,
Amazon Fire TV and Samsung Smart
TV. It costs £5 extra a month, and the
2 Once installed, we just need
to sign in with our Amazon
account details and can browse
usual restrictions for downloads apply. the list of shows and movies on
offer. We’ll choose The Grand 1
Tour motoring show. Click its
thumbnail to open the show’s
page. From here, we can
download an entire series, 1 2
or scroll down and save
individual episodes. 2

3 The app now lets us choose

a quality setting – Best,
Better, Good or Data Saver. 1
You can make any of those
options your default setting if
you want. The show will start to
download. When it completes,
you’ll be able to watch the TV
show or film offline. 1 You can
Pay BT TV an extra fiver a month to delete it from here, too. 2
download video content to watch offline

1 - 14 May 2019 43

N ot all video services provide

download options, but there are
still ways to get the content you want,
your desktop browser
by going to,
finding a talk page of
for your own personal use. Here are the interest and clicking the
best free tools for downloading videos Share button. In the box
that opens, you can
Download and convert choose to download the
YouTube videos talk as an MP4 video
There are plenty of websites and or an MP3 audio track
programs you can use to download and (if available) and even
convert YouTube videos for watching Download videos from your friends’ Facebook feeds to add subtitles to a video.
offline on any device, but many are keep and watch forever Another way to
stuffed with ads, bundled with junk or download a talk is by
just plain useless. Our favourite free tool Grab Facebook videos visiting and clicking the
is undoubtedly 4K Video Downloader in your browser Download option. You can choose from
( To use it, you If you see a video on Facebook that you Low, Medium or High quality.
just need to copy the video URL from want to download, give the Facebook The TED app for Android and iOS also
YouTube and paste it into the program. Video Downloader ( a try. lets you download video and audio talks
You can select the quality and format Right-click the video and copy the URL, to enlighten you offline.
(MP4 or MKV) and whether or not to then open the downloader, paste in the
include subtitles, or just extract the address and click the Download button.
audio in MP3, M4A or OGG format. You’ll have the option of saving the clip
4K Video Downloader includes a Smart in normal or HD quality. There’s also
Mode that lets you download videos a Chrome extension available (
from YouTube with a single click, using fbdown474) and a Firefox version in the
the settings you’ve specified previously. works. You can download videos on
Android using Chrome, but iOS users
will need a file manager. Additionally,
the service can download Live
Facebook videos, but only once they’ve
finished streaming.
You can download every TED talk ever
published without paying a penny
Watch TED talks offline
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Save videos directly from Twitter
Design) is a non-profit organisation Video plays a major role in most social
devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading”. networks these days, including Twitter.
Its fascinating lessons are delivered Although you can’t download clips
by experts in a wide range of fields, directly from the service, there is
4K Video Downloader offers the best and in many different languages. a simple way to get around this
means of downloading YouTube videos You can download most talks through restriction. Open a tweet containing
a video and click the down arrow on
the top right-hand side. In the menu that
DO I NEED A TV LICENCE TO WATCH OFFLINE? opens, click ‘Copy link to Tweet’.
Open a new browser tab and go to
It used to be the case that a TV never watched live programmes, Download Twitter Videos (www
licence was only required for then you didn’t need a licence. and paste
watching live broadcasts. Catch-up, However, that changed in 2016 and in the URL you copied. You can choose
on-demand and recorded TV in you now need a licence to watch
iPlayer were all exempt, so if you or record live TV programmes on
any channel, and also to
download or watch BBC
programmes on iPlayer.
This rule covers all devices
– TVs, tablets and mobile
phones. You don’t need
a licence if you only watch
non-live streaming content
from broadcasters other
than the BBC, or movies and
TV shows you’ve paid for.
See the TV Licensing
website (
for more information. Twitter doesn’t let you download videos
but there is a simple workaround

44 1 - 14 May 2019
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Ingenious uses for
Your browser’s private-browsing mode can do much
more than conceal details of the sites you visit. Robert
Irvine reveals eight of the most useful incognito tricks

To switch to private mode in your browser, either open the main menu in the
top-right corner and choose ‘New incognito window’ (Chrome), ‘New Private
Window’ (Firefox) or ‘New InPrivate window’ (Edge); or press Ctrl+Shift+N
(Chrome) or Ctrl+Shift+P (non-Chromium browsers). You can also right-click
a link to open that page in private mode.

Log into two accounts it’s also sensible precaution when you
with the same site hop on a computer away from home,
It’s not unusual to have more than one such as to check your emails at a
account with a particular online service: friend’s house or print your travel
for example, you may have different arrangements in a hotel lobby. By using
Gmail addresses for work and personal private-browsing mode, you can ensure
use, run a that your browsing history, login details
Facebook group and any information you’ve entered
in addition to into forms won’t be stored on that
your individual machine and made easily accessible to
profile or have anyone who hops on after you!
Search in incognito mode to get unfiltered
separate eBay
results - albeit it with adverts
accounts for View content as it
buying and than log out of Google or switch to a appears to others
selling. Rather different search engine when you want Private-browsing mode provides a
than signing out to view unbiased and unfiltered results, quick and easy way for web developers
of one account try searching in private-browsing mode. to see how their sites look from the
Sign into a second and into the other This trick also works on other sites that ‘other side’, so they can identify any
email account while every time you shape your search results, such as problems that prospective visitors
staying logged into want to switch YouTube and Twitter. The downside is might encounter. However, it’s equally
the first
between them, that your ad blocker (if you use one) is useful for previewing how your social-
you can use your browser’s incognito disabled when you go incognito, so media content appears to other people,
mode to log into both simultaneously. you’ll either need to ignore the adverts without needing to log out of your
Because private-browsing mode and ‘sponsored’ results, or allow it to account. Just open your Facebook
doesn’t store sign-in cookies or access run in private mode – see box, right. profile, Twitter feed, Instagram page,
those saved in standard browsing WordPress blog or other social site to
mode, the accounts won’t interfere Browse anonymously check which of your posts, photos and
with one another and you won’t be away from home personal details are public and
automatically signed in when you go Incognito mode isn’t only useful for therefore visible to anyone.
incognito. covering your tracks on your own PC,

Get unbiased search

results from Google
As we explained in last issue’s
DuckDuckGo feature, Google tailors
your search results based on your
previous searches, the links you clicked,
other Google tools you use and what it
perceives your interests to be. This can
be time-saving and useful, but it means
you may not always get the best results Incognito mode protects your data when See what you’re sharing publicly on social
– at least not in the right order. Rather using someone else’s computer media using incognito mode

50 1 - 14 May 2019
Incognito mode
The YouTube
app has a
option – but
the website

Revisit flight-booking sites in incognito

mode and you may get lower fares

We should point out that travel-

industry representatives deny this trick
works and say that prices fluctuate
distracting to embarrassing. The regardless of cookies, but plenty of
YouTube mobile app now offers an travellers have found otherwise, so it’s
invaluable incognito mode that lets you certainly worth a try.
watch videos privately – just tap your
profile photo and choose ‘Turn on Read more articles
Incognito’, and nothing you view will be on paywalled sites
stored until you turn the option off Many newspaper websites now lock
again. On the YouTube website, the their content behind subscription
process is fiddlier and involves clearing paywalls as an alternative source of
then pausing your Watch and Search revenue to advertising. However, some
histories. A much easier solution is to titles – for example, the Washington
switch to private-browsing mode for Post ( – let
a video session, where your viewing you read a limited number of articles
activity won’t be stored by YouTube or for free each month before the paywall
used as the basis for recommendations. kicks in. Once you reach that limit, it’s
often possible to reset the meter and
Save money on flight read more articles by viewing the site in
and hotel prices incognito mode. Not the New York
When you’re planning a holiday, it’s Times, though, which is now wise to
frustrating to see that the cost of a this trick and detects when you try to
specific flight or a hotel’s room rate has bypass its paywall in private mode.
risen when you revisit a travel-booking
Browse Amazon freely without it storing
and revealing your viewing history website. This sneaky price hike may be
caused be cookies that the site has
Keep surprises secret implanted in your browser, so it knows
from loved ones who and where you are, and that you’re
If you’ve been shopping for a gift for very keen to finalise your travel
someone on Amazon, the surprise is arrangements. By searching for flights
likely to be spoiled the second they and accommodation in private-
visit the online store and see your browsing mode, you’ll be working from
‘recently viewed items’ and a clean slate and may find you’re Private mode can trick some paywalled
‘recommended for you’ suggestions on offered lower rates. sites but not the New York Times!
the homepage. Thanks a lot, Amazon!
Fortunately, you can prevent your
secret purchase from being revealed by BLOCK ADS IN PRIVATE-BROWSING MODE
using private-browsing mode – not just
on Amazon but other sites, too. When you switch to private-browsing also leaves you exposed to annoying
Because the mode stops your browser mode, all your extensions – including and intrusive adverts. A Firefox
saving details of the items you’ve your ad blocker – are automatically add-on called Incognito Adblocker
searched for and viewed, the recipient disabled. This prevents data from ( solves this
of your gift will be none the wiser. True, being saved to your computer, but it problem by overriding your
you’ll need to sign into your account browser’s settings to continue
when you proceed to the checkout, but working when you open a new
you’ll be signed out automatically as private window, blocking all ads on
you soon as you exit incognito. pages, as well as unwanted trackers.
In Chrome, you can set your
Stop YouTube preferred ad blocker to run in
recommending videos incognito mode by going to
YouTube knows your viewing tastes chrome://extensions, clicking Details
better than you do yourself, but its next to the add-on and choosing
endless recommendations for what ‘Allow in incognito’.
you should watch next can veer from

Discuss private-browsing tips at 1 - 14 May 2019 51

16 pages of workshops, tips, projects
and problem solving

Explore Vivaldi’s best new tools

Vivaldi, the web browser created by the former
CEO of Opera, has been updated with lots of
new features. Here’s what you need to know

Vivaldi: | 15 mins | 7, 8, 10 macOS 10.10+

t’s not easy to compete with the big time of writing) is Vivaldi 2.4, which
four browsers – Google Chrome, adds customisation options, multi-user
Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and support, extra bookmarking tools and a
Opera – but Vivaldi is doing a good job calculator in the Quick Command tool.
of getting noticed. Created by Opera Vivaldi is available for Windows,
co-founder Jon von Tetzchner, Vivaldi macOS and Linux, and is based on
launched in 2016. Since then it has Chromium, which means it can run
added innovation after innovation with add-ons developed for Chrome and
each update. The latest version (at the Opera. Here’s what’s new in the browser.


The new version of Vivaldi
adds right-click context
menu support for folders in
2 1 the bookmarks bar

1 Vivaldi lets you customise your

browser so that it looks and behaves
exactly how you want it to. You can now
2 To move a button from one place
to another, hold down the Shift key,
then click and drag the item to its new
rearrange the position of the navigation home. For example, if you want to move
buttons 1 and status buttons, 2 and the capture button from the bottom right
move them between locations. 1 to the top left, hold Shift, then click
and drag it to its new position. The
button turns blue 2 as you drag it.

1 1

3 If you change your mind about the

changes you’ve made, you can reset
the browser to its default layout. Right-
4 You can now bookmark several
websites at once and store them
in a date-stamped folder. Select the tabs
5 Vivaldi supports multiple users, which
is ideal if you share your browser with
other family members because each
click a toolbar and select Customize, 1 you want by holding down Ctrl or Shift person can have their own speed dials,
‘Reset Toolbar to Default’. 2 You’ll need and clicking each in turn. Then right-click bookmarks, extensions, browsing history
to do this with each toolbar to make and choose ‘Bookmark x Tabs’. 1 You and so on. Click the person button in the
sure every button is returned to its can access your new folder in the top-right corner, 1 then click the option
original place. bookmark manager. to Manage Profiles. 2

52 1 - 14 May 2019
Ldg`h]de &

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Workshop 2

Wirelessly share files

between all your devices
Feem: | 20 mins | Windows Android macOS Linux iOS

hy is it that the file you want to use is never on the
right device? Whether it’s a photo on your
Android phone that you want to edit on your PC,
Andy Shaw says
The free version of Feem is surprisingly
or a document on your PC that you want to read on your
powerful but there are a few advantages
iPad, you need to jump through hoops to email it to yourself
to upgrading to a paid-for plan, such as
or sync it through the cloud. Either of these options means
sharing files between a lot of devices at
uploading, downloading and switching between devices
once, changing the slightly daft device
and apps, leaving a trail of files behind you.
names or changing the default download
Feem cuts all this nonsense to its simplest level, letting
folder. You can do this through the
you share files between any combination of your
Device Settings option once you’ve
devices, whether they run Windows, Android, iOS,
upgraded. Moving to Pro costs $4.99
macOS or Linux, as long as they’re all connected to
(around £3.81) for 1-4 devices, and $9.99
the same wireless network. You don’t even need to
(around £7.63) for 5-19 devices.
be connected to the internet.

1 1

1 2
The most likely reason why Feem might not work is Choose a device and install Feem v4 on it (we’ve installed
because your devices aren’t all on the same network. If you it on an iPad). Links to the mobile apps can be found at
have more than one network (such as 2.4GHz and 5GHz), You don’t have to give Feem permission to send
make sure everything’s on the same one. In Windows, click the you notifications 1 but you do have to allow access to photos,
‘Internet access’ symbol in the notification area. 1 Compare files and folders. The Windows version triggers the ‘Windows
networks with your mobile devices. 2 protected your PC’ screen – click ‘More info’ to bypass it.

3 2


3 4
You’re shown what network you’re on 1 and the device is As you install Feem on each device, you should see them
given a name. 2 The initials in the icon reflect the name of appear on each others’ screens. If one device doesn’t
the device, 3 with another icon that shows what kind of appear on the others, check it’s on the correct network, 1
device it’s installed on. 4 This helps you distinguish your then close the app and restart it. Here, on the Windows app,
devices when you add more. Install the software or app on any you can see it’s connected to an Android 2 and an Apple 3
other devices you want to share files between. device.

54 1 - 14 May 2019
Workshop 2

1 1

5 6
Click or tap the device you want to send a file to. If the Click or tap Send File 1 and your device’s usual file
device is in the hands of another person, you can chat to selection tool appears. On Windows, it’s a File Explorer
them by typing a message into the Chat box. 1 Press window. Select the file and click OK. The file appears in
Enter or the arrow key to send the message. Responses appear the transfer section 2 and reports on its progress across the
on your screen. 2 network.


7 8
Click or tap the file to see the options available, which may To find files later on iOS, click the menu button 1 and
vary slightly depending on the device. On Windows, you choose File Browser, 2 then tap Others. Your files are
can open the file 1 or show the folder it’s in. 2 Android listed. Tap a file and you can open it in the software or
and iOS have the same options, but iOS offers to let you open choose to open it in another app using iOS’s standard export
the file in another app straight away – however, it doesn’t show tool.
you where the file is.


9 10
If you need to send a file to a device that doesn’t have If you have two devices and no Wi-Fi network, you
Feem installed, use the WebShare option. Choose it from may be able to use one of the devices to create a
the menu, then click the ‘Turn on Feem WebShare’ switch. hotspot, connect the other device and share files. On
On the remote PC, type the URL into a browser, click Login and a compatible device, such as this Android tablet, tap the Wi-Fi
enter the password listed on the host device. Click a file 1 to Direct switch. 1 The network name and password 2 is shown.
download it. 2 Connect another device to it and share files as normal.

Get more practical advice at 1 - 14 May 2019 55

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Weekend Project MTWTFSS

Get to grips with some serious tech tinkering to

boost your computer and other devices

How to
... Add Wi-Fi connectivity
to your vehicle
Wayne Williams shows you how to keep your passengers happy on
long journeys by kitting out your car with a reliable Wi-Fi connection

etting online when you were yourself in the total back of beyond, add Wi-Fi to your car. Doing so has
away from home used to be a there’s a good chance you’ll be able lots of benefits, especially for your
challenge because free Wi-Fi to access the internet wherever you passengers, because they’ll be able
in hotels, airports and coffee shops are, including while you’re on the to connect wireless-only devices
was often slow and unreliable. move. such as tablets to your network,
Thankfully, these days that’s (mostly) In this issue’s Weekend Project, and stream videos and music, as well
no longer the case. Unless you find we look at a number of ways you can as play online-only games.

Share your smartphone’s indeed, the other methods discussed For that reason, if you intend to
connection here) is that if you’re on a limited mobile regularly share your connection in your
Thanks to the widespread availability data plan, other devices using your car, you might want to upgrade to a
of 4G, the easiest way to get a decent connection may eat through your larger or unlimited plan. You could also
connection in your car is by turning your allowance, especially if they are streaming consider buying a spare phone to leave
smartphone into a hotspot that other media. It might seem like a good idea to in your car, and use this as the device
devices can connect to. The process is let your children or grandchildren watch for the hotspot. Remember to keep it
very straightforward and we show you YouTube videos on a long car journey, charged or plugged in all the time.
how to do this on both iOS and Android but you may regret the decision later if It’s also worth pointing out that the
in our Mini Workshop on page 61. you don’t have enough of your allowance quality of the connection you share will
The downside to this method (and, left over to check your emails. be reliant on where you are. If you find

58 1 - 14 May 2019
Weekend Project

The 4GEE WiFi Mini lets you connect up to 20 devices The Pocket Hotspot Pro Netgear M1 delivers download
speeds of up to 1Gbps

yourself in a part of the country with only (especially when connecting multiple contract) for 10GB of data. O2 offers the
3G coverage (or worse), you can expect devices), as well as better battery life. Huawei Pocket Hotspot 4G 2017 for
to hear complaints from your passengers It also has the benefit of freeing up your £20.38 a month (on a 24-month
when videos freeze or pages fail to load. phone for whatever tasks you might need contract) for 15GB per month of data.
it for, such as taking and making calls. If you want an even better router, O2 also
Use a dedicated mobile hotspot All the major mobile network providers offers the Pocket Hotspot Pro Netgear M1
If you don’t want to use your smartphone offer devices that you can either buy for £24.84 a month (on a 36-month
to create a hotspot in the car, consider outright, along with a data-only SIM card, contract). You get 15GB of data with
buying and using a dedicated mobile or pick up for free (or for a small upfront download speeds of up to one Gigabit-
hotspot (sometimes referred to as MiFi cost) as part of a contract. You don’t per-second.
or Mobile Wi-Fi). This is essentially a need to stick with the same provider you Plans from the different mobile
small portable router that turns a 3G/4G use for your phone, so feel free to shop providers all tend to be customisable,
mobile data connection into a wireless around. so if you want a shorter contract or more
signal. You can connect multiple devices For an idea of the sort of price you can data, it’s easily arranged. The price will
to the network (the number varies, but expect to pay, EE’s 4GEE WiFi Mini change accordingly, of course.
20 is typical) and because it’s portable, ( is available for no There are also dongles available
you can use it at home, in the car, on a upfront cost, but you pay £13 a month specifically for use in a vehicle, which
train and at your destination – just take it (on a 24-month contract) to get 5GB of plug into the 12V power socket. This
wherever you want to go. data per month, or £22 a month for 15GB means you don’t need to worry about
A mobile hotspot provides a more of data. Another option is the Huawei charging before your journey and can use
reliable connection than what you get E5573 4G Mobile Wi-Fi Router, which it to power your mobile phone at the
from simply tethering a smartphone costs £25 a month (on an 18-month same time. Although these are rarely

EE no longer sells the Buzzard 2 directly, Connect your devices to the GX450
but it’s still available to buy online as soon as the ignition is turned on

Subscribe to Web User at 1 - 14 May 2019 59

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Broadband Genie’s helpline
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BROADBAND Only pay for the speed you SET UP A TV-STREAMING
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Subscribe at Weds
8 May
Weekend Project

Turn your smartphone into
a wireless hotspot

1 In iOS, open Settings,

tap Personal Hotspot
and flick Personal
Hotspot to On. 1 The
Wi-Fi password needed
to connect is shown
below. 2 Tap it and
you’ll be able to copy
the password or change
it to something
different. It needs to
be at least 8 characters
The Ford Focus’s optional FordPass Connect modem lets you
create a Wi-Fi Hotspot. You’ll need a Vodafone subscription

offered by mobile network external 4G antennas. For the

providers, you can still find gold standard, there’s the
various models to buy on IBR900 4G Wi-Fi Vehicle
Amazon, including the
Buzzard 2 from EE, which was
an excellent device when it
Router, which offers dual SIM
and dual-band (2.4/5 GHz
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wave 2)
2 The process for
sharing your
Android’s cellular
launched back in 2014. functionality and allows up to connection may vary
128 devices to connect to the slightly depending on
Install a router network. Expect to pay an your device. Open
If you want permanent and eye-watering £930. Settings and in the
ultra-reliable Wi-Fi in your car Wireless & Networks
and you don’t care how much Buy a new car section, tap More. Open
it costs, then installing a Okay, so this is an extreme ‘Tethering & portable 1
wireless modem and router option, but if you’re thinking hotspot’ and enable
is an option you may want to of buying a new car, you ‘Portable Wi-Fi hotspot’.
consider. The cellular radio might want to consider 1 Tap ‘Set up Wi-Fi
and Wi-Fi signals are much a model that comes with hotspot’ 2 to configure
stronger, and some devices a built-in cellular data the details.
come with USB and Ethernet connection that you can use
ports, which is handy if you to create a local Wi-Fi
want to wirelessly connect network. Tesla, Audi, BMW
a laptop or storage drive and and Lexus all offer cars with
do some work or give your
passengers some big-screen
Wi-Fi (it’s an optional extra
in some cases), but if your
budget won’t stretch to one
3 You can change
the network name 1
and also enable or
In-Car PC ( of those, you’ll find the disable the security. 2 sells three in-vehicle feature is also available in the Enter a password for
routers. The GX450 4G new Ford Focus. The way the the connection. 3 As in
Router has an internal LTE Wi-Fi works depends on the iOS, it needs to be at
4G module and supports two make of car: some require you least 8 characters. Tick 2
external 4G antennas. You can to add a SIM card with data, ‘Show password’ 4
connect up to eight Wi-Fi while others use your phone to see what it is. Choose 3
devices to it, and it powers (and therefore your phone’s which band to use. 5
on and off with the vehicle data plan). The number of The hotspot will turn off 4
ignition. However, it will set devices you can connect after five minutes if a 5
you back around £630. wirelessly depends on the car, connection isn’t made.
The LX40 4G is cheaper, but it’s usually between 5 and
at £408, and allows up to 10 10. Because the Wi-Fi feature
devices to connect to it. Like is built-in, you should enjoy
the GX450, it has an LTE 4G better connectivity than you’d
module and support for two get from separate devices.

On sal
NEXT ISSUE How To... Make your own Dropbox storage service Wedn
15 May

Subscribe to Web User at 1 - 14 May 2019 61

Web User Masterclass
Take better phone photos with
hidden tools and manual apps

Improve your mobile snaps using manual settings

phone camera’s default mode
is point-and-shoot, which is
quick and easy for taking
photographs. But you can go beyond
these basic settings to access manual
camera features if you want more
control over your images.
The process varies depending on
your phone and camera app, but if
you want to adjust the ISO (light
sensitivity), shutter speed, light
balance and any other attributes in
your quest for the perfect shot, look
for a cog icon, a menu button or try
swiping left or right. If the camera
app doesn’t have these features or
you find them tricky to use, install
Camera FV-5 ( or
Manual Camera ( on Android; or MuseCam ( Find your camera’s manual
muse474) or VSCO ( on iOS. There are free versions of these settings or use an app,
such as Camera FV-5
apps and they make accessing manual settings much easier.

Use High Dynamic Range discard the normal photo in addition to Use exposure compensation
The scene you want to shoot might the HDR photo. A camera’s automatic exposure can
include both light and dark areas, and be thrown by certain situations such
regular camera settings may set the Force a sharper focus as snow, beaches, when the sun is
exposure for one area leaving other The iPhone and some other phones behind the subject and scenes with a
parts dark or washed out. HDR (High have a focus and exposure lock, which lot of sky, resulting in poor-quality
Dynamic Range) combines the best bits can prove very useful. Point the camera shots. Open the camera app on your
from multiple exposures to create at the subject, then tap and hold your Android phone, tap the menu button
photos that have better exposure and finger on it until an AE/AF Lock or swipe to access the manual
colour saturation. Turn it on either with message appears on the screen. Now, features and tap the exposure icon:
an HDR option on the screen or in the when you compose the scene, the focus a split black/white icon with plus and
camera settings. It almost always and exposure remain locked on the minus symbols. On some phones,
improves how a photo looks. subject, even if it is off-centre. Tap and such as the iPhone, you can tap to
On an iPhone, go to Settings, Camera hold again to cancel it. focus and slide a finger up or down
and turn off Smart HDR if it is available.
You can then manually turn it on or off
in the Camera app when taking a photo.
There is also an option to keep or

If you see words that look like

they’ve been typed in a Tweak the
typewriter, follow the instructions exposure to
and type them exactly as they lighten or
appear, paying close attention to
a photo that
spaces and punctuation. has awkward

64 1 - 14 May 2019
Web User Masterclass

the screen to change the exposure.

Increase or decrease the exposure until TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL
the image on the screen looks right. For More advanced tips for when you’re feeling brave
example, you can increase exposure to
whiten snow in winter, but decrease it
on a sunny beach in summer. Focus manually
Decreasing the exposure when shooting You can simply point and tap to take
sunsets will bring out the sky’s colours a photo, which automatically tries to
and produce silhouettes. get everything in the frame in focus,
but setting the focus manually can
Blur the background produce some interesting effects.
Phone cameras maximise the depth of With close-up portraits, distant
field so that everything in the frame is in landscapes and anything between,
focus. However, a busy background can try manual mode if you have time to
distract from the subject of your image. set up a shot.
In photos that centre on a head-and- Select the focus mode in the
shoulders portrait, your pet, a flower or manual features. It may look like an
any other foreground objects, it’s best [AF] icon and tapping it lets you
Choose manual focus for special effects
to have the subject sharply focused and select from several focus modes or
such as blurring backgrounds
the background blurred. use a slider that ranges from close up
There are several ways to achieve this to infinity. Select the mode or drag and reduced photo quality, so don’t
and some phones have a simple option the slider while watching the screen use it unless you have to. However,
you can select in the camera’s menu or to see the effect. In manual mode, tap some photographers deliberately use
settings called Portrait, Selective Focus the part of the image to focus on. ISO for artistic effects, so it’s worth
or an icon of a silhouette of a person. experimenting with.
Select the option, point the phone at Lower ISO for better photos
the subject, tap the subject to focus and ISO refers to the sensitivity of Capture fast action
then capture the shot. traditional film to light. A low ISO such If you’re trying to capture a rapidly
If your phone doesn’t have a portrait as 50 means low sensitivity to light moving subject – such as a sports
mode, get close and tap the subject on and is useful on a bright sunny day, race or people on a fairground ride
your screen to set the focus. If the phone because it produces photos with more – you need a fast shutter speed to
has an option to increase the aperture, saturated colours and less film grain. freeze the action, otherwise the image
use that to blur the background by You can select the ISO rating on may blur. Look in the manual tools for
reducing the depth of field. many phone cameras to produce this shutter speed: there may be an option
same effect, even though there is no to set it from 10 seconds to
Adjust the white balance actual film. Go to the camera app 1/10,000th of a second. Choose short
Different light sources – the sun, clouds, settings or manual features menu and times for action shots.
lamps, strip lights, LED lights, street select ISO. Set a low number for the If there is no shutter speed control,
lights – all produce a slightly different best quality image with the least force it by selecting a large aperture
colour cast. While our eyes digital noise (like old film grain). Low (a small number) to let in more light,
automatically compensate for this, ISO requires more light, so only use it or increase the ISO number to make
cameras don’t, and this can affect how when there is plenty of bright light. the camera more sensitive to light.
colours appear in your image. Photos Larger apertures and higher
taken indoors at night, for example, ISO settings require shorter
often look like they are tinted orange. shutter times, which is what
You can compensate for this using you want for freezing and
white balance controls. Press the WB capturing fast actions.
(White Balance) or AWB (Automatic
White Balance) button in the camera’s Get a pan and blur
settings or a camera app. Use the effect
control, a slider or preset icons to To achieve the effect where
reduce the blue (cloudy day) or orange a moving object – such as a
(indoor) colour casts in photos. The Select a low ISO setting in bright car, horse or bike – stays in
iPhone doesn’t have adjustable white sunshine to minimise noise focus while the background is blurred,
balance, but MuseCam adds it. use the manual settings. If possible,
Shoot in low light choose a slow shutter speed. If not,
The ISO setting represents the set a low ISO speed to force a
camera’s sensitivity to light, and a reduction in shutter speed. Then,
high number increases sensitivity, as the subject speeds past you,
which enables photos to be taken in track it with your camera by swivelling
low light without the flash, even at from your hips.
night. Open the camera’s manual It can help to set manual focus and
settings and drag the ISO slider to the then focus on the ground over which
maximum or tap the highest value. the moving object will pass, so you
A side effect of a high ISO is that it don’t need to focus on it during the
Fix a light source’s colour cast by produces image noise (random pixels) brief time it flashes by.
selecting the appropriate symbol

Send your tips to 1 - 14 May 2019 65

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Ask the Expert

Format menu, then check that all the and would speed up your slow PC.
date and time options below are set It’s true that SSDs have a limited
correctly. Each one has several options. lifespan and can only be written a
Click the ‘Additional settings’ button certain number of times. However,
and go through the options on the plenty of hard drives fail and lose data,
Numbers, Currency, Time and Date tabs, even those that aren’t SSDs.
selecting those you want, then close the The estimated lifespan of an SSD
window. Back in Region, select the varies depending on its construction,
Administrative tab. Click ‘Change model and manufacturer. Samsung, for
system locale’ and choose ‘English example, says its SSD 850 Pro SATA is
(United Kingdom)’. Close the windows designed to cope with having 150TB of
and restart your PC. Now everything data written to it. This is the equivalent
should be in the correct format. of 41GB every day for 10 years, which far
more than most home users would ever
EMAIL manage.
Register IncrediMail licences SsdReady estimates how long your SSD
will last, but let it run for a few days first
SSDs use various techniques to

Q I’ve been using IncrediMail (www for a long time,
but when I renewed some licences
(SED), but I’ve read that such devices
have limited lifespans, so before I buy
spread the wear and tear across the
entire drive. If you were to update a file
on a mechanical hard drive, for example,
recently, I couldn’t install them and the one I’d be interested to know what my it would rewrite it to the same spot,
program said there was an error. total read/write access numbers are like whereas an SSD writes it to a new
IncrediMail’s helpline was no help and with typical usage over a period of one memory location to spread the burden.
I still can’t load the licences. Is another month, say. Is there a tool I can use to This helps the SSD lasts longer.
service blocking IncrediMail or is there log this information? When an SED fails There’s nothing to worry about when
a simple solution I’m missing? from overuse, how does this usually using a solid-state drive. Bear in mind
Jeremy Adams, via email manifest itself? that the lifetimes quoted for SSDs and
Phil James, via email mechanical hard drives are averages:

A It’s possible for security software

such as a firewall to block
communications between IncrediMail A A self-encrypting drive (SED) is
basically a hard drive with
some will fail sooner, while others will
go on forever. That’s why it’s important
to keep backups of all your data,
and the licensing server, which may encryption built into the drive controller, no matter which type of drive you use,
produce “Error 5” or “Error 1232”. which makes it extremely secure. We’re just in case it fails.
Disable any security software before assuming you want a solid-state drive A free tool called SsdReady (
you add the new licence. For example, (SSD) rather than a mechanical hard ssdr474) can monitor how much data
go to the Control Panel and click drive, because an SSD is much faster your PC reads and writes every day.
Windows Defender Firewall, then ‘Turn
Windows Defender Firewall on or off’.
Switch everything back on once you’ve GENERAL PC
set up the IncrediMail licence.
Also check that IncrediMail isn’t in
Uninstall stubborn
offline mode by going to the File menu software
and making sure Work Offline isn’t
enabled. Cookie cleaner utilities and
cookie blockers can interfere with the
licence registration process, so switch
Q There’s a program on my PC
that I can’t uninstall. It was a
free trial but I don’t want to pay
off any of those, too. for the full software, so I want to
Go to Help, Licenses and see which remove it. If I choose to uninstall it
licences it lists. Select and remove any in ‘Programs and Features’ in the
Wise Program Uninstaller’s Forced Uninstall
that have expired, then use Enter Code Control Panel, nothing happens. is useful for software that won’t budge
to add your current licence code. Take How do I get rid of it?
care to enter it exactly as it appears, Steve Thomas, via email the program on the Start menu and
with capitals, spaces, punctuation and select Uninstall. These options might
any other characters.
If nothing works, email purchase@, including the code
A There’s more than one way to
uninstall a program, so it’s worth
trying them all because one may
not work if the uninstaller is broken,
so open Explorer and find the
program folder in C:\Program files or
you’re struggling with and the name and succeed where others fail. In Windows C:\Program files (x86). If there is a file
email address you used when buying it. 10, you can uninstall programs from called Uninstall or Uninstaller,
the Settings app. Press Windows+i to double-click to run it.
HARDWARE open it, then click Apps. Find the app Tools such as IObit Uninstaller
Predict the lifespan of an SSD in the list, click it, then click Uninstall. ( and Wise Program

Q I have an ageing laptop that seems

to slow down considerably when
accessing the hard drive. I’m thinking of
If the program appears on the Start
menu, you may see a menu entry to
run the uninstaller. If not, right-click
Uninstaller ( may be
able to remove it. As a last resort, just
delete the folder in C:\Program files.
replacing it with a self-encrypting drive

This fortnight Roland has been using his smartphone to map the strength of the Wi-Fi signal around his home

Find more solutions at 1 - 14 May 2019 67

Your Top Tips
Our pick of the best advice from our
readers. Please send questions and answers

TOP TIP Issues
Force the Start menu to stay open
and translate it into a number of other
Here’s a time-saving tip: when you languages. The Translator panel is live:
click Windows 10’s Start menu to open click the Selection tab and select some
a program, it normally closes as soon text in your letter or document to see the
as you make your selection. If you want translated text on the right. It works the
to launch multiple programs, you have other way round, too, so if you get a
to click Start every time you want to document or email in a foreign language
open another one. Instead, open the you can select text to instantly see it in
Start menu, then press and hold the English. Double-click a word in a
Windows key. As you open each document to see the foreign language
program, never letting go of the version and a dictionary definition.
Windows key, the Start menu remains Brian Bishop, via email
open as the programs launch behind it. Keep the Start menu open after you
Gavin Cooper, via email launch an app, so you can open another

Replace Disk Cleanup The website that does
For years, I used everything
the Disk Cleanup Pine Tools ( is an
tool to clear out incredible website with just about every Use the Word app to translate text to and
junk and recover web tool you’ve ever needed, including a from English
disk space in timer, image editor, file splitter, list sorter
Windows, but and more calculators than you can shake SOFTWARE
Microsoft no a stick at. Have a look around. Whenever Record calls with Audacity
longer supports I need to do something on my computer, If your messaging app doesn’t let you
it. Instead you I always check it out – it’s saved me using record calls, use audio editor Audacity
have to go to Google more than once. ( Right-click the
the Settings app Dan Halliday, via email speaker icon in the notification area,
(Windows+i) select Sounds and go to the Recording
and click tab. Enable Stereo Mix – if you don’t see
System, followed it, you may need to install additional
by Storage. In drivers or right-click the box to Show
the list of items Disabled Devices. Open Audacity and,
Go to Storage in the in drive C:, click in the drop-down menu under the
Settings app to clear
‘Temporary files’ microphone’s recording-level slider,
junk files
to see all sorts change the default MME to Windows
of temporary files that can be cleared, Discover the ultimate web toolbox WASAPI. You’re all set! Press the Record
with options similar to those in the old button, then make a call using your
Disk Cleanup tool. Items can be selected OFFICE chosen app and, once it’s over, select File,
with tick boxes and clicking ‘Remove Translate documents with
files’ declutters the drive. Word Online
Peter Davis, via email Many of us expect people to understand
English but it’s bound to impress
Web User says: If you preferred the someone if you try to speak their
Windows tool, there’s a free program language. Use the free Word Online web
called Cleanmgr+ ( that app ( select the Review
recreates what it did. We had a workshop tab and click Translate on the right to Audacity is able to record calls on any
on this tool last issue ( open a panel where you can select text messenger app

68 1 - 14 May 2019
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HZcY ndjg i^eh id lZWjhZglZWjhZg#Xd#j` ³ l^c V LZW JhZg 7VX` >hhjZh Y^hX & " &) BVn '%&. +.
Readers’ Helpdesk
Can you help your fellow readers with their
computer problems? Send your questions and
answers to

SOFTWARE Identify strange Create your own
Create automatic backups in
Microsoft Office
Registry files website
Q How do I change the way that Excel
and Word save files, so that a backup
is created in a predefined location, such
A I read Ask the Expert in Issue 472
( with great
interest, especially the bit about
A In response to Keith Hodgson’s
email about website editors in
Issue 472, I personally use the free
as an external hard drive, whenever I save strange files in the Registry. I had the editor for Wix ( I love Wix for
my work? I would prefer this method to same problem and tracked it down to the simplicity of creating a site. There
using a backup app, because it would the software Clover, which adds tabs are premium plans for custom domain
ensure that new files are backed up, even to File Explorer and originates in China. names and options to set up an online
if they are in folders that I have not In this case, at least, it was innocuous. shop, too.
configured for automatic backup, and the Peter Anderson, via email Flynn Farrow, via email
backups would still be made even if I
move the master files around or keep CAN YOU HELP?
them on a USB memory stick. I’m using
Windows 7 on my vintage 2012 PC, with You can seek help or suggest solutions to other readers’ problems
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010. by emailing or via
Steve Cox, via email webusermagazine or

A There are a couple of methods for
automatically creating backups in
older versions of Microsoft Office – Q The other day, I was trying to
highlight text using my iPad. My Q Quick question for you all: I really
hate navigating websites now you
however, you can’t change their location word – what a nightmare! It was have to constantly accept cookies. In
because they are saved in the same place completely inaccurate and I could particular, I find web pages cluttered,
as the original file. One way to create an barely select what I needed. Surely with annoying, immoveable things that
automatic backup is to open your there must be an app for this, as I block out half the page or just won’t
document, click File and select Options. imagine it’s a common complaint. Can go away. What’s a good fix for this?
In the pop-up, click Save and you’ll see anyone point me in the right direction? Keep up the excellent work!
there’s an option to ‘Always create Adam Moretz, via email Kirk Marney, via email
backup copy’. Tick this box, then click
OK. Alternatively, when you choose to
save a document for the first time, File ONLINE OFFICE that matter). At the end of the link,
Explorer shows an option called Tools Share Google Docs as PDFs there’s a line that reads
next to the Save button. Clicking this
reveals a drop-down menu, so choose
General Options and tick the ‘Always
Q I share a lot of Google Docs with
other people and I’d like to be able to
share them as PDFs – in part, so they
view?usp=sharing or
edit?usp=sharing, depending on the
permissions granted. Delete this and in
create backup’ box. can’t be unnecessarily changed. The only its place, type export?format=pdf.
Steve Clark, Features Writer, Web User way I’ve found of doing this is to open Share that link and your recipients will be
the file, then re-save it as a PDF before able to see the file as a PDF.
sharing, or else my recipient has to Steve Clark, Features Writer, Web User
download and convert it to PDF after
I send it. Does anyone know if there’s
a quicker way of achieving all this?
Norm Paul, via email

A There is a slightly easier way – or, at

least, a different way to share Google
Docs as PDFs. Choose to share the
document, then click ‘Get shareable link’.
Word lets you set automatic backups in its Once you’ve got the link, paste it into Override Google Docs’ default sharing
Save Options Notepad (or any other text editor, for settings

Can you help? Email 1 - 14 May 2019 71

You can let us know your views via:,

Star Email Issues
Why should we pay for ISP outages?

fter reading your news story tickets are ridiculously expensive and
about ISPs offering their arriving an hour late at your
customers automatic destination is enormously
compensation for poor service inconvenient, but because if you don’t
(‘Broadband users to get automatic claim, then the railway operators will
payouts’, Need to Know, Issue 473), think they can keep on getting away
I have to say that it’s about time! with poor service. The same applies to
We seem to suffer at least one internet providers but until now, few
outage with Virgin Media every month, have offered a simple way to claim
which leaves us without internet and your money back.
often without TV channels, too, for Automatic compensation is
several hours. In some cases the ‘fault’ therefore both logical and welcome,
has lasted for a day or two, with no although I note that it was only after
explanation for its cause or apology the companies responsible should pressure from Ofcom that ISPs
for the inconvenience incurred. compensate us. Broadband isn’t cheap, decided it was a good idea. Obviously,
Now that so many devices in our after all, so why should we have to pay there are some internet faults that
homes rely on the internet – not just for a whole day when we were unable can’t be helped and take time to fix,
computers, but tablets, Amazon Echos to use it? but why should customers have to
and so on – being unable to get online If my train is delayed, I always claim effectively foot the bill?
is a massive pain, so it’s only right that compensation, not only because train Anna Houghton, via email

Using an ad blocker is not accusing people who use ad blockers of he must have had the bargain of the
stealing! “stealing” is ridiculous. century, unless he lives in a one-room
The letter from Keith Amersham in Issue Martin Dimmock, via email hovel, since I believe the average cost is
472, ‘Using an ad blocker is like stealing’, almost twice this figure for gas and
had me shaking my head in disbelief. Barry Collins doth protest electricity combined.
Mr Amersham seems to think that too much about payments Barry is a freelance journalist, so he
because web designers have published I have just read Barry’s diatribe against presumably works from home, which
their sites to the both his utility company and his bank in means having the heating on all day in
web and placed Issue 463, ‘You can bank on unfair loyalty winter; and as he is a techie, he must have
some adverts on penalties’, and could barely believe it. lots of gadgets consuming loads of juice,
them, then they Firstly, if his original direct debit for so the figure doesn’t seem to ring true.
are due some his utility bill was only £65 per month, Barry freely admits he failed to
This is tosh.
Publishing a
Quiz Answers: Issue 473
website to an open area of the internet is
like a loss-leader in the vast majority of
Well done
business cases. Websites are simply a 1 Surfin’ Bird
to Eric
channel to sell something, whether that Walden who
something is physical items, software or 2 Kung Fu Fighting wins a Web
information. Nobody has to read adverts User Back
if they don’t want to. If your website Issues Disc
content is valuable enough to visitors, 3 Disco Duck
then you could look into alternative ways
to fund it, such as a membership area or 4 The Birdie Song
a paywall.
Personally, I’ve developed a skill where
I barely notice adverts anymore. If I visit
a site and my consciousness filters out
5 Turtle Power
the advert, am I stealing the content?
6 Barbie Girl
Of course not. Although adverts can be
annoying – some more than others –

72 1 - 14 May 2019

properly read an
important email from his It came far too late to the game.
supplier warning him of
a higher direct debit, but What you Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were
already well established. Google+
then goes on to suggest
that his bank should say... offered nothing new and therefore
had no appeal.
have warned him as well. John Scott
That’s unbelievable, and not in any way
their responsibility – and would he have
read their email anyway, I ask myself!
Lastly, Barry complains that he gets
little for the monthly fee he pays to his
bank. Then why pay it? There are plenty PUT YOU OFF SMART
of banks that don’t charge any fees and I don’t trust them at all. Half the time, SPEAKERS?
even some that pay you interest. the reviews are for completely
I have no connection to any utility different models of a purchase. Until Doesn’t surprise me. All the things you
company or bank, but I do hope I know they properly align the reviews with say to smart speakers have to be sent
how to look after my own finances. the correct product, reading them is somewhere for the data to be
John Perkins, via email an exercise in futility. processed, so it’s only natural for nosy
Rich Grove Amazon staff to listen in.
Stop telling us about Paul Guest
Windows 10 updates I include them in my product research,
I’m becoming increasingly annoyed that but always take them with a pinch of I have an Echo Spot for the kitchen
Web User continues to publish articles salt. ‘Verified purchase’ doesn’t seem and two Echoes in the bedroom and
about the wonderful new features in last to mean much any more. living room. I sometimes have to
October’s Windows 10 update and now Caroline Chapman @cornfedmind shout at them to turn a light on or off!
the Spring 2019 Update (Workshop 2, Dean Stockton
Issue 472). I don’t shop with Amazon. I don’t trust
As someone with a new HP laptop that their delivery drivers – throwing your I don’t need Alexa. I search the web
has still not been offered update 1809, I’m parcels everywhere or leaving them in manually using Google via its website.
finding that the advice in the magazine is stupid places – let alone the reviews. Brian Brown
becoming somewhat redundant. How I had a parcel left under my doormat
about an article which would be of some (hardly a safe place) by a driver. Considering how boring the things
use setting out why users have not Kevin Gadget Man Benton people ask Alexa are, like “tell me the
received the 1809 update from weather forecast” or “play a song by
Microsoft? It is not very helpful to tell Reviews are not important. If you Ed Sheeran”, I doubt the recordings
us about updates that most of your don’t like it, just return it. are particularly interesting.
readers will not get. Stan @Stan72699007 Jane Groves
Jim Darroch, via email

Cloud-security cameras need

fast broadband
Your product test in Issue 470 of the
Blink XT and the BT Smart Home Cam TO THE SERVICE?
left out one very important point with Good riddance to bad rubbish. It was
regard to using ‘cloud’ storage with too difficult to use. You had to join What about the free storage Flickr
security cameras, circles – what on Earth? stole from its users, will it detect that?
which is that they Lance Parkington No chance of me going back if there
all recommend a are better free alternatives.
minimum upload I set up an account but never used it Russell Cox @RussWWFC
speed of 2Mbps. – it wasn’t as user-friendly as
Many people Facebook. So no, I won’t miss it! No, I don’t trust Flickr any more, after
don’t have access Lynn Sharpe the way it’s treated its community.
to ‘superfast’ fibre 500px ( is much better.
broadband and have to make do with a I hated it when Google tried to Sarah Markham
standard ‘copper line’. My upload speed integrate Google+ with YouTube. After
struggles to reach 1.5Mbps at the best of that, the saying of ‘don’t put all your Most people steal photos from Google
times, so the use of cloud storage with eggs in one basket’ came true. Images not Flickr, so I doubt it’ll help.
these devices is not possible. Goldmaster @imthegoldmaster Andrew Batts
Steve Jeffery, via email

Air your views, write to us at 1 - 14 May 2019 73

Page 404
Expensive games are every bit as addictive
as gambling machines, says Barry Collins

We need to stop
feeding greedy games
he most I’ve ever lost at a new set of cards with new powers. tempted into paying for them. Who
cards is £20. I’m a coward, Then it does its best to sell them to you. wouldn’t want to buy success? Most of
an invertebrate. I know how to Almost every time I open the app, I’m our ruling class have done so.
play Texas Hold ’em, and have offered the new “Mega Bundle” – 80 It’s not only Hearthstone that tempts
spent countless hours doing so, but I shy packs of virtual cards, all mine for the young players into paying for expensive
away from cash games because I haven’t bargain price of £69.99, or a 50-pack add-ons. Fortnite has become the
got the bottle, and in poker you set for a mere £45. biggest money-spinning game on the
definitely need the bottle. I’ve probably You don’t have to buy the cards – you planet, even though it’s free to play. It
saved myself a small fortune. can always keep makes its gazillions
Instead, I’ve become horribly addicted playing with the old by selling kids
to another card game: Hearthstone. This sets, but that puts Who wouldn’t want cosmetic add-ons
was big about five years ago, but I’m you at a serious to buy success? Most of that – unlike
unfashionably late. It’s part poker, part disadvantage. While Hearthstone – don’t
Dungeons & Dragons. Your cards all the other players our ruling class have even give you a
represent characters with different are loading up with done so better chance of
abilities, and you have to create the powerful new cards, winning. Yet kids are
right hand and play your cards in the you’re lumbered spending a fortune
right order to succeed. It’s brilliant, it’s with an old set that slowly dwindles in on new outfits. And when the Fortnite
addictive and it’s free to play – but it power as the game maker removes old Store marks its £79.99 bundle of virtual
could also be ruinously expensive. cards from your deck. coins as “Best Value”, well, you’d be an
As is the trend in modern gaming, it If I weren’t so cautious, I’d have idiot to choose a cheaper pack,
all boils down to in-app purchases. slapped down my £70 by now. I can see wouldn’t you?
Every few months, Hearthstone releases how others – especially children – are And let’s not forget FIFA, one
of the world’s longest running and
richest game franchises. Not only
does publisher Electronic Arts get
away with charging upwards of £50
for the game itself, but its Ultimate
Team add-on also tempts you to
splash out on the best footballers
with real money. You want Messi or
Ronaldo in your team? You’ll probably
end up paying hundreds of pounds
before either of them turns up in one of
the randomly selected packs of player
cards. Don’t want to pay any extra?
You get Andy Carroll.
Illustration: Andrew Torrens

New laws recently stopped

gamblers being able to shove £100
a go into fixed-odds betting terminals.
Yet we’re still allowing children
(including us bigger kids) to slap down
sixty, seventy or eighty quid a go on
virtual trinkets with a guaranteed return
of zero. Something’s gone wrong here.
Very wrong.

74 1 - 14 May 2019 Do you agree? Let us know at






T hank you for reading this issue of Web User – we hope you found the tips and advice
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